Even after all the extras you mentioned you have to buy for the XTR 130, it is still less money than the $5,000 Auto Pilot 136 without including the extra you would need to pay for taxes. The extra storage, space, and stability you get from the XTR 130 is all icing on the cake in my opinion.
3600 for boat, 2500 for electric motor and battery, 1800 for bow trolling motor and battery, at least 700 for electronics, start up equipment (road holders and such) and something to haul it to the water, roughly 2000 for trailer (though you can make do with less) comes to about 9600. there is no way at roughly 220 lbs equipped that monster is getting to the back of a truck. it is really a one person micro skiff, which is fine. just like a microskiff, good luck paddling it.
@@poipu425 You just lift one end up to the bed, then lift the other end and push it in the truck bed. You use a dolly to wheel it to the water. If you can't handle that you need to rethink your life choices and exercise more. Your math is also way off. The boat for example costs $2,800 not $3,600 like you claim.
@@jrowinski82 awww...so subtract 800...my bad...i was a bit low on the accessories part if you are starting from scratch anyways. very snarky comment about the exercise bit...yeah, i can hall 220 lbs plus with a dolly and put it on a truck. if i'm out on the water for 5 hours in 90 plus heat and having to go 100 meters...not going to enjoy very much. not every site has the ability to park right at where you are putting in. the question is, does this boat truly give you anything new for that price range? hell, you can get a used hobie pa17 for 4000 nowdays, a boat you can actually peddle. bonafide is a great company, i'm sure this will be a great boat...good luck with the microskiff, sure aint a kayak.
I have had the auto pilot 136 for the past 4 or 5 years, I lug it around in my truck bed you just need tailgate extension that attaches to tow hitch and wheels for the kayak. It’s not that bad once you get the process down.
This things an absolute monster lol. HUGE deck....I love it. Appreciate the membership last night! I hit yah back! The least all of us creators can do. It's such a hard game UA-cam but worth it. I love the hobby!
I agree with you about the auto pilot 136. That’s what I have. There are only three up dates that need to be made. 1- cupholders that drain 2- a little more top end speed 3- slightly bigger hatch on the bow
I agree with your update list but would add one more. Updated seating/swivel seat. Having to buy a seat from another manufacturer to put on an AP makes no sense.
I can agree with that for sure. But when you break it down it definitely isn’t a deal breaker for me to get out of the AP. I tell you what when you throw an NK300 on the back of the AP it’s incredible. Thanks for watching!🤘🏼
I dont feel like this video really laid out many cons for this boat, rather it was just a list of realities. And i don't think the comparison to the Autopilot 136 was necessarily fair given the $2200 difference in price tag BEFORE a lithium battery, which the A136 does not ship with. It's true that the A136 out of the box is much closer to being fishing ready (only a battery needed), but the XTR being sold as something TO be customized, not fished stock. I think a better way to frame the comparison would be the A136 is a more straightforward experience, but what you see is what you get. Conversely, the XTR is more of a platform designed to be built upon: you are not as locked into the Bonafide ecosystem and can use more third party accessories to get the build you want. I would reckon that you could customize this boat a number of ways and still end up with a similar price tag compared to the A136
@@YA-wr5wd I didn’t explain them as cons I suppose because I wasn’t going to bash the boat but more or less inconveniences that they don’t talk about, nor does any company talk about while promoting such large plastic vessels. The $2200 difference is definitely the motor and the AP has a very well designed integrated top of the line motor that you get. Better than anything you could slap on this Bonafied and that’s a fact. Thanks for watching!
I agree with you about the kayak you have! Ready to go with everything you need!! If I was going to spend 4K on that other kayak I would just buy a boat! Thank you for sharing my friend!
With all due respect I'm curious why you think a kayak and a boat are the same at some point because of the size or what its equippedwith? It's not about what's in the kayak and how much it weighs that makes it different from a boat. It's about it can go in much shallower Waters than a boat. If this thing can float in one foot of water I would still call it a kayak. People all the time when they see my kayak they tell me why don't I just buy a boat and I tell them I have a Nitro sitting in my driveway. So now that I have a boat and a kayak I can tell you the difference is tremendous. We have a pond here that is huge but the deepest is only 4 ft no one would ever allow a boat on there. Waters that don't allow boats or are too shallow to launch is where a kayak comes in.
@@MarkJLarsonOutdoors this kayak is a bargain! I’m coming from a Ranger 520 which cost the price of a well equipped kayak to maintain and run every year, not to mention the significant up front costs.
@@mikedeguzman1 really it depends on the angler. I’d prefer a go fast motor on the stern as opposed to a spot lock style on the bow….the stern motors just go much faster
Totally agreed… the only reason i see myself getting one of these is because i take my son fishing with me, and he is getting too bug to fit in the front of my hobie outback… 2 swivel seats isnt a bad idea
Imo for what you spend on an AP136 ($5000) you could rig this thing out with a XI3 and battery and have a boat with a lot more features (width, storage space, swivel seat, etx.) You will have to handle the wiring yourself but you'll get more in return. Also, my local trail and many other trails in Texas allow double motors. I think by 2025 most tournament trails will allow double motors because it is a dumb rule. I will agree with you, I wish it had a skeg or rudder. Overall, it's not a boat for everyone, and that's why theres dozens of models to choose from.
Kayaks are definitely subjective to the user. Would be cool to see double motors allowed eventually. Maybe I should move down to Texas??🤘🏼🤘🏼 thanks for watching
@TheOutdoorConquest Come on down! Unfortunately, half the state is flooding, and the other half lakes are drying up. I've never understood why 2 motors aren't allowed.
@@chandlercole5156 we’ve had a ton of rain in Michigan lately also and when it’s not been raining it’s been 90+ with 90% humidity! Crazy weather this Summer!
I just looked at the old town on 136 and it's $5,000 before tax and it's basically barebones besides of the motor. After adding graphs, trailer, and batteries you're also looking up near 10k. Am I wrong?
Totally not wrong. But you at least get a really nice drive with the AP. Lifetime warranty on the hull as well. To each their own just like everything else. Thanks for watching!
@TheOutdoorConquest if the xtr130 is 3,000 that leaves $2,000 extra to buy a motor and be within same price as the old town 136. I personally wouldn't be interested in the XTR I would take the old town 136 over it any day, I'm just stating facts. Both of these kayaks are around the same price with motor and batteries.
I love this new platform from Bonafide, they obviously spent a lot of time and made it a well thought out deal. That being said, if I'm a recreational bass fisherman and non tourney angler, I would go with something like a Gheenoe LT10 for the money . IMHO
I normally hit the Detroit river Walleye run with my Old Town Predator PDL with a Bixby on the rear but I recently boat a Native Titan 13.5 and I have a Bixby going on that. Anyone have any experience with the Titan ?
You're taking the two motors too seriously. Think they was just showing off their new product. 60% of serious kayak fishers already have a trailer. All the top brand kayaks only come basic, you play extra for your old town pilot and rudder. More than half cheaper the price without motor.
Appreciate what you’re saying but the XTR130 was designed for the serious angler who already has a rear or bow mount, live scope and 1-3 9-12” monitors and will sell their current rig to offset the MSRP.
yeah, whats the point if you have all the equipment to go to this boat? its not like this thing is going to handle better than other monster kayaks. can't paddle or peddle it. if you wanted the 360 seat, nucanoe ultimate comes standard with it and is literally half the price of this boat. you can paddle it(or peddle it if you want to buy the upgrade) and transport it on your car/truck...good luck doing that with this one. bonafide is a great company doing some cool stuff. this thing is over 7000 dollars with equipment starting from scratch. it is competing with microskiffs that can go much faster.
Chad Hoover just said in a walk through of the boat in a video with Aliex Folgueira that KBF will not be changing their two motor policy in tournaments. If you use the XTR in a tournament it can only have one motor on it.
I agree that this is definitely a big boy rig in terms of price… whats going to happen is tournament guys will sell their current rig and lessen the cost. Plug and play with the electronics. And then they are good to go
Moyak is the largest tournament organization in Missouri and it allows 2 motors. Has a 3 hp limit. Don’t see what the gripe is about with a $3000 kayak and having to put a motor on it when I paid over $5000 for my ap 136 and still had to by the battery. Money added up its pretty much the same if your looking at price between the 2. Then the expense of a trailer. I’ve seen several guys load up an ap 136 in the bed of a truck. Do I do it, no I trailer mine. I will get the new bonafide just because it has the deck on the front, I’ve been waiting for that feature ever since I got into kayak fishing.
Ya I bed load my ap136 when I know I'm going somewhere with no trailer parking or launch. Definitely needs a bed extender. And it's a bitch to move around even with a cart😂
This and the big wilderness systems recon pro boat likley wont eligible for kayak tournaments. Much like how you cant use the the bluesky boatworks "kayak" in kayak tournaments. Once multiple people can get onto them and are more designed to be used with a motor they become ineligible for kayak tournaments. There is no way people can paddle the xtr. Be easier to paddle a jon boat thus designed to be used with a motor.
Hey-the Old Town 136 is a $5000.00 kayak. So price wise they are very comparable. The Old Town is just about as heavy. I like the Old Town set up the best because it is integrated, but many people would rather set their kayak up the way they like it. I understand you are speaking about tournament fishing but most people are not buying for tournament fishing. So one or two motors is not an issue. If you are using two motors you don't need a ruder.
Also saginaw bay kayak fisherman love the old town I own a trip 10 and a loon 113. But built my fishing platform on a perception out law 11.5 100 amp hr and a haswing remote control 55lb trolling motor . And a vivid sv 7 .I definitely didn't spend 2g lol
Please consider leaving Lucas a comment and if you would be so gracious also consider hitting the like button on all the other comments left on his video, this man works incredibly hard to create his content and bring it too you so be kind to the channel and HIT THE FLIPPING LIKE BUTTON Y'ALL.
I dont think Chad or KBF will determine if 2 motors will be legal in tournaments. The KBF Trail is basically done. The eyes will be in B.A.S.S. kayak series and Hobie trails.
Chad just said in a video they will not be changing the motor rule, even if you are using the XTR in the tourny. He stated once again it's an insurance issue.
Love your review and thoughts on this new platform. Like you said,Hoover is sponsored by Bonafide so it'll be interesting to see if the rules regarding two motors will change.I love my autopilot 120 and dream about adding a nk 180 or 300 to add a little more speed when it comes to navigating the tournament boundaries.2025 the year of the dual motors.
@@stilesfishing I’d honestly be shocked if something doesn’t change but then again I wouldn’t be shocked. I wasn’t going to let “rules” stop me from having fun fishing so I bowed out to tourneys for now. The rule is archaic and can be subjective from angler to angler. I would suggest the NK300 though. I promise you’ll love it!
Doesn’t native tournaments allow the 2 motors but you can only use 1 at a time? Bonafide and native are both owned by the same company so that’d make sense.
@@fugisgonefishin no. I actually asked this prior to the Lake St Clair tournament that essentially got cancelled anyways. The rule is “not allowed to have 2 motors physically attached to the kayak”.
i’m a bank fisherman, i’m going to take a trip here soon to fish for muskie and large pike (no boat), do you have any suggestions for bodies of water that a bank fisherman can catch muskie/pike?
There's a lot of cool looking kayaks out there now but I always circle back to saying it's not better than my AP120. Which I transport in my truck bed and is already a bear to move around. Couldn't imagine it would be fun with a 150lb kayak
@@TheOutdoorConquest by the way. I can't recommend enough seat risers for the AP. I got the 3 inch in the back 2 inch in the front and what a game changer. Got mine from yakhobby because they were the only one that offered 3 inch. Makes it so dam comfortable. It did not have an effect on the stability for me. Keep them coming man love the content
This thing is a huge beast. But im a big guy and i just want a kayak that will be stable and let me sit on a a lake or river and not tip. As much as i think the old towns are cool they dont seem to have as much room
As an old town owner it’s not close for me. I’m selling my old town. The bonafides layout is wide open and the old towns use of space is prehistoric. Love my old town but they have fallen behind.
With the Xi3 you're still under the price of a new autopilot 136. Not including batteries for either. I'm gonna withhold judgment until there's some on the open market with unaffiliated reviewers. I think the concept is cool, but waiting to see how the execution plays out.
I wouldn’t mind getting this boat… throwing my gf on the front the 3-4 times a year she wants to go out with me would be nice. But $3000 is a lil steep for no peddles
A year to late bud hahahahaha I grabbed a 12.5 native titan x last year still waiting on my OTWI custom trailer another 7G'z in you right motors batteries wire power circuitry trailer at this point I should've grabbed a gator trax gt 18ft bass boat fully equipped for 17g'z out the door
I just saw on my UA-cam uploads on the 17th of this month Chad Hoover has a upcoming video on this new kayak do it’s already going to be a big deal I’ll be listening in to see what he has to say!
@@TheOutdoorConquest Yes sir I really appreciate your feedback about this kayak cause I was ready to jump in with both feet but you made done key points and some things that have to be addressed. Thank you have a blessed day!
its time someone had the nads to allow 2 motors for bass tourneys. "one to get you there, and one to fish with" just like the add says. If you want to grow the sport, let us old dudes that don't want to peddle or paddle all day still tourney fish cause we have been working for the past 30 years and can afford to pay 10 to 12k for a yak and we don't want to spend 125K for a good bass boat! Chad? Chris? anyone? Let the market have its freedom to continue innovating.
Cause we've been working the past 30 years and can't afford 10k😂 How do the guys who just started working afford it then? Just kidding been roofing 30 years and I still can't afford a good trolling motor setup for my bonafied
I agree. Bonafide is betting on for people to just drop cash for this without even thinking it through. At this point I’m leaning hard towards the Nucanoe Unlimited.
one thing about a nice yak is: no gas $ needed, slips, breakdowns, motors that smoke and smell, replacing your prop after hitting bottom, running out of gas, insurance..... "Hey, for the same price, you could of bought a boat". not even close.
@@MCYakFishingI have a boat, gas is cheap, how often do you think people break their prop? 😂 They showed this with 2 motors=2 props 😂 Based off your username, you’ve clearly drank the juice. Jon Boat + Electric trolling motor is way more capable than this.
Man screw that JuSt BuY a BoAt nonsense. As a boat and autopilot owner, hands down the AP is a better value. Sure you can get a POS old ass bass boat or a Jon boat for the same or less but you know what else you're gonna get? Maintenance costs, possibly storage costs, stuff aging out or breaking and needing to replace which is most assuredly gonna be in the thousands, trailer maintenance, tires, bearings, hubs, etc etc etc. It's not even a close comparison. We need to stop that nonsense talking point.
Why are you kayak guys turning kayaks into Jon boats ? Just buy a boat . This is so dumb. I own a bass boat and a kayak and these kayaks aren’t kayaks they are lil itty bitty baby boats . Just get a titan x 10.5 for a kayak and if you need a boat go buy a boat .
Are YOU buying this boat???
I might, you gonna let me take a loan out?
@@gummo3873 did you see what I had in the background of this video 👁️👁️
Indeed i am
@@cr8244 congrats!! 🎊
As soon as it gets to Australia 🇦🇺 🇺🇸
Even after all the extras you mentioned you have to buy for the XTR 130, it is still less money than the $5,000 Auto Pilot 136 without including the extra you would need to pay for taxes. The extra storage, space, and stability you get from the XTR 130 is all icing on the cake in my opinion.
There is definitely pros and cons to them both. I personally think the extra dollars for the OTAP is worth it. Thanks for watching!
3600 for boat, 2500 for electric motor and battery, 1800 for bow trolling motor and battery, at least 700 for electronics, start up equipment (road holders and such) and something to haul it to the water, roughly 2000 for trailer (though you can make do with less) comes to about 9600. there is no way at roughly 220 lbs equipped that monster is getting to the back of a truck. it is really a one person micro skiff, which is fine. just like a microskiff, good luck paddling it.
@@poipu425 thanks for watching
@@poipu425 You just lift one end up to the bed, then lift the other end and push it in the truck bed. You use a dolly to wheel it to the water. If you can't handle that you need to rethink your life choices and exercise more. Your math is also way off. The boat for example costs $2,800 not $3,600 like you claim.
@@jrowinski82 awww...so subtract 800...my bad...i was a bit low on the accessories part if you are starting from scratch anyways. very snarky comment about the exercise bit...yeah, i can hall 220 lbs plus with a dolly and put it on a truck. if i'm out on the water for 5 hours in 90 plus heat and having to go 100 meters...not going to enjoy very much. not every site has the ability to park right at where you are putting in. the question is, does this boat truly give you anything new for that price range? hell, you can get a used hobie pa17 for 4000 nowdays, a boat you can actually peddle. bonafide is a great company, i'm sure this will be a great boat...good luck with the microskiff, sure aint a kayak.
I have had the auto pilot 136 for the past 4 or 5 years, I lug it around in my truck bed you just need tailgate extension that attaches to tow hitch and wheels for the kayak. It’s not that bad once you get the process down.
I can agree but for a couple hundred and a little fab work you can trailer that bad boy. Thanks for watching!🤘🏼
This things an absolute monster lol. HUGE deck....I love it. Appreciate the membership last night! I hit yah back! The least all of us creators can do. It's such a hard game UA-cam but worth it. I love the hobby!
It’s a huge plastic Jon boat! Expensive too IMO. Not a problem brother! I’m more than happy to support!
@@TheOutdoorConquest I am in love with Jon boats. I’d love to get one an trick it out. Def camo it up lol.
I agree with you about the auto pilot 136. That’s what I have. There are only three up dates that need to be made.
1- cupholders that drain
2- a little more top end speed
3- slightly bigger hatch on the bow
I agree with your update list but would add one more. Updated seating/swivel seat. Having to buy a seat from another manufacturer to put on an AP makes no sense.
I can agree with that for sure. But when you break it down it definitely isn’t a deal breaker for me to get out of the AP. I tell you what when you throw an NK300 on the back of the AP it’s incredible. Thanks for watching!🤘🏼
@@TheOutdoorConquest yes, your NK300 solution cinched the AP for me. I’m no longer concerned about the top speed on the AP.
@@51ddb the NK300 makes the AP the fastest on the water now. Has the best hull design to go fast for a big kayak
I dont feel like this video really laid out many cons for this boat, rather it was just a list of realities. And i don't think the comparison to the Autopilot 136 was necessarily fair given the $2200 difference in price tag BEFORE a lithium battery, which the A136 does not ship with.
It's true that the A136 out of the box is much closer to being fishing ready (only a battery needed), but the XTR being sold as something TO be customized, not fished stock.
I think a better way to frame the comparison would be the A136 is a more straightforward experience, but what you see is what you get. Conversely, the XTR is more of a platform designed to be built upon: you are not as locked into the Bonafide ecosystem and can use more third party accessories to get the build you want. I would reckon that you could customize this boat a number of ways and still end up with a similar price tag compared to the A136
@@YA-wr5wd I didn’t explain them as cons I suppose because I wasn’t going to bash the boat but more or less inconveniences that they don’t talk about, nor does any company talk about while promoting such large plastic vessels. The $2200 difference is definitely the motor and the AP has a very well designed integrated top of the line motor that you get. Better than anything you could slap on this Bonafied and that’s a fact. Thanks for watching!
Great review and bringing awareness to this. I wonder if they are more someone already on their platform as an upgrade from their older boat.
I use two motors during practice but tournament days I only use one. AJ and Steve said that’s fine
That’s 100% within the rules
@@TheOutdoorConquest each motor has its pro in different situations. If windy I’m using motor guide if hitting all spot I use 300
@@fisherfolk777 🤘🏼
I agree with you about the kayak you have! Ready to go with everything you need!! If I was going to spend 4K on that other kayak I would just buy a boat! Thank you for sharing my friend!
Thanks a lot for watching!
With all due respect I'm curious why you think a kayak and a boat are the same at some point because of the size or what its equippedwith? It's not about what's in the kayak and how much it weighs that makes it different from a boat. It's about it can go in much shallower Waters than a boat. If this thing can float in one foot of water I would still call it a kayak. People all the time when they see my kayak they tell me why don't I just buy a boat and I tell them I have a Nitro sitting in my driveway. So now that I have a boat and a kayak I can tell you the difference is tremendous. We have a pond here that is huge but the deepest is only 4 ft no one would ever allow a boat on there. Waters that don't allow boats or are too shallow to launch is where a kayak comes in.
@@MarkJLarsonOutdoors this kayak is a bargain! I’m coming from a Ranger 520 which cost the price of a well equipped kayak to maintain and run every year, not to mention the significant up front costs.
@@WillSelbyKayakFishing I’m with you. I own a boat also and people always tell me to buy one and I’ve owned many. I’ll never understand it completely
It’s gonna be interesting to see this play out.
Should really increase the motor sales for sure.
Is it better to have the motor and the stern, mid or bow?
@@mikedeguzman1 really it depends on the angler. I’d prefer a go fast motor on the stern as opposed to a spot lock style on the bow….the stern motors just go much faster
Totally agreed… the only reason i see myself getting one of these is because i take my son fishing with me, and he is getting too bug to fit in the front of my hobie outback… 2 swivel seats isnt a bad idea
If that’s what you’re looking for it might be a great option. Might also be better off with a small boat to get around better. Thanks for watching!
Imo for what you spend on an AP136 ($5000) you could rig this thing out with a XI3 and battery and have a boat with a lot more features (width, storage space, swivel seat, etx.) You will have to handle the wiring yourself but you'll get more in return. Also, my local trail and many other trails in Texas allow double motors. I think by 2025 most tournament trails will allow double motors because it is a dumb rule. I will agree with you, I wish it had a skeg or rudder. Overall, it's not a boat for everyone, and that's why theres dozens of models to choose from.
Kayaks are definitely subjective to the user. Would be cool to see double motors allowed eventually. Maybe I should move down to Texas??🤘🏼🤘🏼 thanks for watching
@TheOutdoorConquest Come on down! Unfortunately, half the state is flooding, and the other half lakes are drying up. I've never understood why 2 motors aren't allowed.
@@chandlercole5156 we’ve had a ton of rain in Michigan lately also and when it’s not been raining it’s been 90+ with 90% humidity! Crazy weather this Summer!
I just looked at the old town on 136 and it's $5,000 before tax and it's basically barebones besides of the motor. After adding graphs, trailer, and batteries you're also looking up near 10k. Am I wrong?
Totally not wrong. But you at least get a really nice drive with the AP. Lifetime warranty on the hull as well. To each their own just like everything else. Thanks for watching!
@TheOutdoorConquest if the xtr130 is 3,000 that leaves $2,000 extra to buy a motor and be within same price as the old town 136. I personally wouldn't be interested in the XTR I would take the old town 136 over it any day, I'm just stating facts. Both of these kayaks are around the same price with motor and batteries.
@@WillSelbyKayakFishing agreed
absolutely not a kayak. Agreed. They need to call it a micro skiff
There ya go! Thanks for watching!
They should allow two motors in hobie Bos n Bassmaster Kayak series
They will eventually
@@TheOutdoorConquest hopefully 2025 seasons I think slay allows two motors nxt year
@@fisherfolk777 some should start soon and lead the way
@@TheOutdoorConquest like you said they build them now with two motors and each motor is a different purpose
@@fisherfolk777 exactly. And they’re safe enough to handle both….everyone is putting 2 motors on so idk why they don’t just allow it
I love this new platform from Bonafide, they obviously spent a lot of time and made it a well thought out deal. That being said, if I'm a recreational bass fisherman and non tourney angler, I would go with something like a Gheenoe LT10 for the money . IMHO
@@BottomLineBassin2 thanks a lot for watching and the comment! I appreciate ya!!
Can you share what trailer you have for your AP 136 ? Thank you
I made it custom from a used jet ski trailer I found on Facebook marketplace. Total build including cost of trailer was about $400. It’s awesome!
I normally hit the Detroit river Walleye run with my Old Town Predator PDL with a Bixby on the rear but I recently boat a Native Titan 13.5 and I have a Bixby going on that. Anyone have any experience with the Titan ?
@@musicfan2028 I personally do not….thanks for watching though!🤘🏼🤘🏼 #onepride
Do you have to register the autopilot when it comes motorized?
In Michigan you have to register anything motorized. Thanks for watching!
You're taking the two motors too seriously. Think they was just showing off their new product. 60% of serious kayak fishers already have a trailer. All the top brand kayaks only come basic, you play extra for your old town pilot and rudder. More than half cheaper the price without motor.
I didn’t think I was taking it anymore serious than Bonafied themselves. Thanks for watching!
Appreciate what you’re saying but the XTR130 was designed for the serious angler who already has a rear or bow mount, live scope and 1-3 9-12” monitors and will sell their current rig to offset the MSRP.
@@willtraveltofish which is what I all have personally but wouldn’t move one boat to another to have the equal but different options….just my opinion.
yeah, whats the point if you have all the equipment to go to this boat? its not like this thing is going to handle better than other monster kayaks. can't paddle or peddle it. if you wanted the 360 seat, nucanoe ultimate comes standard with it and is literally half the price of this boat. you can paddle it(or peddle it if you want to buy the upgrade) and transport it on your car/truck...good luck doing that with this one. bonafide is a great company doing some cool stuff. this thing is over 7000 dollars with equipment starting from scratch. it is competing with microskiffs that can go much faster.
@@poipu425 🤘🏼🤘🏼
Chad Hoover just said in a walk through of the boat in a video with Aliex Folgueira that KBF will not be changing their two motor policy in tournaments. If you use the XTR in a tournament it can only have one motor on it.
I heard in Texas they allow 2 now. I guess everything truly is bigger in Texas.
This kayak or the titan x?? I have titan x for years now
I like that you can pedal the Titan X but then again I’m not a huge fan of pedal drives anymore. They take up a lot of deck space
@@TheOutdoorConquest true tht and I barely use it. Tht new xtr looks money
@@fisherfolk777 it does look nice the more I look at it the
I agree that this is definitely a big boy rig in terms of price… whats going to happen is tournament guys will sell their current rig and lessen the cost. Plug and play with the electronics. And then they are good to go
Seems like a lot of extra work to me…but my current rig more than gets the job done just unfortunately it’s not tournament legal 🤷
Wouldn’t call the greatest kayak ever myself, but I am digging it as a duckhunting/fishing kayak Combo. be great for my dog and I in the marsh.
@@roberttorres5949 thanks for watching!
Moyak is the largest tournament organization in Missouri and it allows 2 motors. Has a 3 hp limit. Don’t see what the gripe is about with a $3000 kayak and having to put a motor on it when I paid over $5000 for my ap 136 and still had to by the battery. Money added up its pretty much the same if your looking at price between the 2. Then the expense of a trailer. I’ve seen several guys load up an ap 136 in the bed of a truck. Do I do it, no I trailer mine. I will get the new bonafide just because it has the deck on the front, I’ve been waiting for that feature ever since I got into kayak fishing.
@@NotSoProFishin I’m sure you’ll be happy with it! It’s a pretty sweet looking rig! Just not my jam. Thanks for watching!
I've bed loaded my PA14 90% rigged it's not fun hence got me a trailer now
@@SKUNKMASTER916 only way to be
Ya I bed load my ap136 when I know I'm going somewhere with no trailer parking or launch. Definitely needs a bed extender. And it's a bitch to move around even with a cart😂
This and the big wilderness systems recon pro boat likley wont eligible for kayak tournaments. Much like how you cant use the the bluesky boatworks "kayak" in kayak tournaments. Once multiple people can get onto them and are more designed to be used with a motor they become ineligible for kayak tournaments. There is no way people can paddle the xtr. Be easier to paddle a jon boat thus designed to be used with a motor.
Hey-the Old Town 136 is a $5000.00 kayak. So price wise they are very comparable. The Old Town is just about as heavy. I like the Old Town set up the best because it is integrated, but many people would rather set their kayak up the way they like it. I understand you are speaking about tournament fishing but most people are not buying for tournament fishing. So one or two motors is not an issue. If you are using two motors you don't need a ruder.
I would assume anyone buying this boat it setting it up for serious fishing like tournament style fishing. Thanks a lot for watching! 🤘🏼
Dove posso acquistare questo kayak?
@@candidopeterle3904 thanks for watching. My translation isn’t working
Also saginaw bay kayak fisherman love the old town I own a trip 10 and a loon 113. But built my fishing platform on a perception out law 11.5 100 amp hr and a haswing remote control 55lb trolling motor . And a vivid sv 7 .I definitely didn't spend 2g lol
I have to admit I was looking at the sun dolphin American 12 plastic John boat same size front and rear motor mount $700.00
@@vikingpropertyservice4665 sounds like a sweet rig! Thanks a lot for watching!🤘🏼
Please consider leaving Lucas a comment and if you would be so gracious also consider hitting the like button on all the other comments left on his video, this man works incredibly hard to create his content and bring it too you so be kind to the channel and HIT THE FLIPPING LIKE BUTTON Y'ALL.
@@gummo3873 appreciate you bro!🤘🏼🤘🏼
I dont think Chad or KBF will determine if 2 motors will be legal in tournaments.
The KBF Trail is basically done.
The eyes will be in B.A.S.S. kayak series and Hobie trails.
And Hobie just finally started allowing 1 motor so I doubt they’d ever allow 2. Thanks a lot for watching!
Chad just said in a video they will not be changing the motor rule, even if you are using the XTR in the tourny. He stated once again it's an insurance issue.
Love your review and thoughts on this new platform. Like you said,Hoover is sponsored by Bonafide so it'll be interesting to see if the rules regarding two motors will change.I love my autopilot 120 and dream about adding a nk 180 or 300 to add a little more speed when it comes to navigating the tournament boundaries.2025 the year of the dual motors.
@@stilesfishing I’d honestly be shocked if something doesn’t change but then again I wouldn’t be shocked. I wasn’t going to let “rules” stop me from having fun fishing so I bowed out to tourneys for now. The rule is archaic and can be subjective from angler to angler. I would suggest the NK300 though. I promise you’ll love it!
Only thing I don't like about my auto pilot is the atrocious hull access. Old Town needs to rectify that, badly.
Doesn’t native tournaments allow the 2 motors but you can only use 1 at a time? Bonafide and native are both owned by the same company so that’d make sense.
@@fugisgonefishin no. I actually asked this prior to the Lake St Clair tournament that essentially got cancelled anyways. The rule is “not allowed to have 2 motors physically attached to the kayak”.
i’m a bank fisherman, i’m going to take a trip here soon to fish for muskie and large pike (no boat), do you have any suggestions for bodies of water that a bank fisherman can catch muskie/pike?
Lake St Clair
There's a lot of cool looking kayaks out there now but I always circle back to saying it's not better than my AP120. Which I transport in my truck bed and is already a bear to move around. Couldn't imagine it would be fun with a 150lb kayak
Nothing beats the AP man! Thanks for watching!
@@TheOutdoorConquest by the way. I can't recommend enough seat risers for the AP. I got the 3 inch in the back 2 inch in the front and what a game changer. Got mine from yakhobby because they were the only one that offered 3 inch. Makes it so dam comfortable. It did not have an effect on the stability for me. Keep them coming man love the content
@@Gatto1227 I’ll have to look into those man! Thanks for the info!
That's a bad ass hat!
It is!
It's missing the 16" guns-lol
This thing is a huge beast. But im a big guy and i just want a kayak that will be stable and let me sit on a a lake or river and not tip. As much as i think the old towns are cool they dont seem to have as much room
To each their own honestly but you are definitely correct. This boat is an absolute BEAST
As an old town owner it’s not close for me. I’m selling my old town. The bonafides layout is wide open and the old towns use of space is prehistoric. Love my old town but they have fallen behind.
@@casencazel5930 maybe next year they will have something up their sleeve
@@TheOutdoorConquest I hope so!
Looks like a cool boat but definitely not ready to take to the water without an extra $1500 for a motor.
With the Xi3 you're still under the price of a new autopilot 136. Not including batteries for either. I'm gonna withhold judgment until there's some on the open market with unaffiliated reviewers. I think the concept is cool, but waiting to see how the execution plays out.
I wouldn’t mind getting this boat… throwing my gf on the front the 3-4 times a year she wants to go out with me would be nice. But $3000 is a lil steep for no peddles
You could literally buy a jon boat and build it out how you want for that price…the options are relatively unlimited in both scenarios though
Hopefully with all the new kayaks capable of multiple motors the rules will be changed.
Unlikely BUT I’m with you! I’d like to get back into the tourney game
@@TheOutdoorConquest I'm out too until it changes. I'm having way more fun with both motors!
A year to late bud hahahahaha I grabbed a 12.5 native titan x last year still waiting on my OTWI custom trailer another 7G'z in you right motors batteries wire power circuitry trailer at this point I should've grabbed a gator trax gt 18ft bass boat fully equipped for 17g'z out the door
Thanks for watching!
@@TheOutdoorConquest NP brodie we all gotta stick together imma sub out n bell out to you maybe we may cross paths collabo I'm in NC 🤙🏽🤙🏽🙏🏽❤️🔥
@@shmellyhandsprod appreciate you bro!!!🤘🏼🤘🏼🤘🏼🤘🏼💯💯
I just saw on my UA-cam uploads on the 17th of this month Chad Hoover has a upcoming video on this new kayak do it’s already going to be a big deal I’ll be listening in to see what he has to say!
@@granvillej3316 well I hope my professional and unsponsored thoughts and opinions on it helps you out! Thanks for watching!🤘🏼🤘🏼
@@TheOutdoorConquest Yes sir I really appreciate your feedback about this kayak cause I was ready to jump in with both feet but you made done key points and some things that have to be addressed. Thank you have a blessed day!
@@granvillej3316 likewise!
its time someone had the nads to allow 2 motors for bass tourneys. "one to get you there, and one to fish with" just like the add says. If you want to grow the sport, let us old dudes that don't want to peddle or paddle all day still tourney fish cause we have been working for the past 30 years and can afford to pay 10 to 12k for a yak and we don't want to spend 125K for a good bass boat! Chad? Chris? anyone? Let the market have its freedom to continue innovating.
Couldn’t agree more. Unfortunately the purists are like PETA and will always be after you!
Cause we've been working the past 30 years and can't afford 10k😂 How do the guys who just started working afford it then? Just kidding been roofing 30 years and I still can't afford a good trolling motor setup for my bonafied
A lot of kayaks are better then OT it's just depends what you looking for
It’s definitely subjective to each angler. Thanks for watching
The kayak should be $2,250
Seems more reasonable for sure. Thanks for watching!
I agree. Bonafide is betting on for people to just drop cash for this without even thinking it through. At this point I’m leaning hard towards the Nucanoe Unlimited.
@@mikedeguzman1 my frontier 12 is amazing
I'm sorry but that's NOT a kayak.
Great video, though. Looking slim bro 💪
Thanks dude! Been grinding!🤘🏼
So get a Titan X basically
If a pedal drive is your thing it would be a good one I think. Pedal drives used to be cool for me but then they got uncomfortable
At this point. Just buy a boat….you need a trailer for this and definitely aren’t lifting it 😂
Over priced Jon boat 🛥️
one thing about a nice yak is: no gas $ needed, slips, breakdowns, motors that smoke and smell, replacing your prop after hitting bottom, running out of gas, insurance..... "Hey, for the same price, you could of bought a boat". not even close.
@@MCYakFishingI have a boat, gas is cheap, how often do you think people break their prop? 😂 They showed this with 2 motors=2 props 😂 Based off your username, you’ve clearly drank the juice. Jon Boat + Electric trolling motor is way more capable than this.
@@jessekirk7473 you may be right.
It's not a kayak. If I wanted a boat, I could find better options. Don't call it a kayak.
Agreed. Thanks for watching!🤘🏼
Man screw that JuSt BuY a BoAt nonsense. As a boat and autopilot owner, hands down the AP is a better value. Sure you can get a POS old ass bass boat or a Jon boat for the same or less but you know what else you're gonna get? Maintenance costs, possibly storage costs, stuff aging out or breaking and needing to replace which is most assuredly gonna be in the thousands, trailer maintenance, tires, bearings, hubs, etc etc etc. It's not even a close comparison. We need to stop that nonsense talking point.
I couldn’t agree more but there’s always going to be that group of people that say it man! Hey thanks a lot for watching and the comment!
@@TheOutdoorConquestya I know. It irks me every time😂
Thanks for replying
No , too big , too heavy for a "kayak "
@@dlynch1963 I can agree to that
Why are you kayak guys turning kayaks into Jon boats ? Just buy a boat . This is so dumb. I own a bass boat and a kayak and these kayaks aren’t kayaks they are lil itty bitty baby boats . Just get a titan x 10.5 for a kayak and if you need a boat go buy a boat .
I’m with ya! Thanks for watching! 🤘🏼