I wish I was a big enough person to not harbor some shred of resentment and envy. However at the same time I’m aware people like this suffer from unfathomable isolation, amongst other mental heath issues. He’s clearly autistic and likely doesn’t have anyone to relate to.
Wow, simply astounding!! And kudos to his parents for helping his early development. I'm not taking anything away from him, HE has earned his achievements. But I'm sure have a supportive parent/ parents encouraged him to reach for the stars. Way to go young man! The world is yours!
I would totally spend time with this guy. I would say that because he’s so young it would be easier to “connect” with him… I don’t care if he’s young, if I can learn from him that’s a plus
When the difference is that much, they won't mind and even find it endearing. However, if he was 1 or 2 years younger, and tutoring those high school kids, you can bet he would be in a lot of trouble.
Phenomenal. Let’s hope he continues to have stability and doesn’t get too bored and frustrated with others ! Hopefully he will continue to excel and have a great life❤
Perhaps his parents actually paid attention to him far more often than other parents... Nobody seems to think about that. I mean, I've seen 2-year-olds who get little to no attention that can't form a simple sentence or even speak a word... The opposite must be something like this 🙂👍
Bruh you can spend as much time as you want with a kid, nothing even close to that kid just happens to environment. His brain litterally developed faster than 99.9999999 percent of kids. You can't teach or foster that.
@@greysongriffiths1439 I've seen it happen a number of times, especially when the parents are super attentive... Of course, an eidetic memory can't hurt, but good memory shouldn't be confused with actual intelligence either 🙂
Good on him seriously i hope this Kid will change the world in a positive way brilliant minds will reshape the world making it a better place i hope he goes to high places :D i would be super proud
"Highschool experience" is over-rated. If someone is ready to move on, let them move on! My son was stifled in elementary school and told he needed meds bc he was reading literature during math class bc he already knew what to do. But that was the beginning of Common Core in Massachusetts and he was deemed a "problem." We moved the next year and homeschooled. He's a flourishing robotics apprentice at Mercedes-Benz and making more than I did as a corporate marketing specialist at 40. He's 20. And college debt-free. WINNING! Screw that teacher that said he should be drugged!
I thought this was a Ben quote when I first started reading your comment. I know Ben has talked about how his parents had to push the school for him to jump grade levels. I wish I had been able to do so, I needed to be challenged and I wasn’t so I got bored. I hope our education system changes for the better in the future.
You can call it what you want, parenting, method of delivery, how well the mother took care of herself during the pregnancy but really all this is is that typical , small handful of miracle children that just develop a rapidly developing, larger brain. All it is.
The problem is that this kid will be an oddball his entire life. People in their 20s don't want to hang out with a 15-year old. It's a blessing and a curse at the same time.
When I was in elementary school sixth grade we had a second grader put in with us and she was the smartest kid in our class. She went all the way through high school with us and graduated at about each 14. She didn't have many friends and seemed like a total oddball to the rest of us though she was extremely smart obviously. I think she had a horrible high school experience and probably very few memories or friends
@@arthurfonzarelli9828 Exactly. They're ahead intellectually, but emotionally they are still adolescents and immature. My girlfriend's daughter graduated from Harvard at age-17 and ranked fourth in her class. Sounds great, but she's now 27, never had a boyfriend or been kissed, his highly volatile, anti-social, and was just diagnosed as having autism. The mother is desperately trying to get her daughter help, so this girl can carry on conversation or take a shower regularly. This daughter who now has a master's degree makes zero money and is unemployable. But if you'd like to sit with her for 12-hours and discuss advanced mathematics till your little heart's content-- she's your girl. It's all she can do is math. Very sad.
Let me add that this is back in the 1980s. I'd never forgot this. I also thought she was extremely immature and I think it's because she was always so much younger than everybody they talked down to her like a little and she in turn acted like one as well despite her extremely high intelligence. That said I have no idea what happened to her
Guess what? Highly intelligent people don’t want to hang out with mediocre minded people, no matter their age. But everyone wants to be respected and included.
His intelligence is very impressive🤩👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻!!! What matters most though is character. High Intelligence is asset but good character is a necessity. You can’t always be in control of your intelligence, but you are always in control of your character. Having said that he seems like a great kid!😊
I mean, this can't be very advocative for that university. Either Minnesota wanted a gimmick, or their curriculum is not that challenging. There can't physically be enough time in a day for one to shove about 20 years of education into a 15-year old.
@WhoBeSilly The public school system is close to useless. You would be surprised how many people with the right upbringing along with the right personality combined with their intelligence could do this. It isn't just about intelligence.
Hopefully he remains stimulated and finds joy in life. I know these cases are usually a problem because they advance through life too quickly and skip school which is important for reasons excluding academics.
Yeah I agree. But I wonder if he actually progressed emotionally faster aswell as intelect. I got no idea but maybe that means that he has a chance to progress correctly and he jusy moves through life faster....
@@greysongriffiths1439 I had watched a couple of other videos about him. He is one of the best cases out there. Emotionally, he is still a kid his age, and can easily talk to his peers and relate to them. He loves D & D, and playing with his neighbours.
A lot of what rounds off a successful person is emotional development, ability to fail, ability to be criticized, ability to accept the illogical ways of the masses. Never saw this level of savant beneficial in the long run.
Yes. That is my husband. I have watched it for almost 40 years. Unfairness can be harder on them, too, and life here on third rock from the sun can be deeply unfair.
COULD not agree MORE he needs to look at programs like mensa and check out programs like full bright college match to take advantage of some of the top opportunities he can get himself. Being in a different area is huge too. He is only 15 so he still has a long way to go
As the too smart for his own good autistic kid who was never given a chance and came to hate school because of the treatment he received from his peers and doubt he got from his teachers, this story really speaks to me. When I was first diagnosed with Asperger's syndrome, my mother always told me that i have an ABILITY not a DISABILITY. I acknowledge that some children are born gifted, but I also believe that any child can reach great heights with the proper support of their parents, the likes of which I had wholeheartedly, and the support of thier educators, the likes of which I unfortunately did not.
@@weirdflex8158 not likely, especially if have any "diagnosis" - annoyed with use of that word as if its a disease. And definitely encourages the mentality of there being something wrong when just very different
No not everyone can reach great heights, most people can, but you will never beat someone smarter with the same amount of work. And autism is a disability no matter how you want to frame it. The amount of cope in this comment is hilarious 😂
Yep people don’t understand that this too is a special need; just the complete opposite of a kid who has challenge learning. These kids need the adequate stimulation but also to be paced before burn out. School is all about training everyone to be average and special needs is when you are too below the mark but also too above.
@@Anacaona92Well put! Without a support group there is a tremendous emotional strain on bright kids. I was one of those kids. Kicked out of private school after second grade for being ‘unteachable’ and a ‘class disturber’. (This from a first year teacher). Sixth grade, taking a physics course at Cal Berkeley as part of the Mentally Gifted Minors program. Our schools teach conformity to mediocrity, and our society suffers for it. Being an intellectual outlier made me an outcast in my grade. And unfortunately, I did not have a group of peers I could socialize with. Our prisons have lots of highly intelligent people in them who were not recognized and celebrated for their intelligence, but were rather “ bent out of shape by society’s pliers”, to quote Bob Dylan. I still love to learn, but I have a very jaundiced view of academia.
Ben kind enough to give the kid props, GENUINELY. Also humble enough to not brag that he was essentially equivalent to this kid in IQ at around the same age. That’s true genius, true alpha, and true integrity. 👏👏
Genetics is a HUGE deal. I look around for that brain. 😊🖖👏 Congratulations, kid!!! I hope you join the club of trying to make this world a better place. All the best. 💯
Even Sheldon Cooper's not that smart. This kid was college by the age of 10. Sheldon didn't start college until he was 11. Although Sheldon did graduate at 14, not 15.
I went to high school with a 10-year-old. He was also taking classes at UCLA. He played in the orchestra. But he was 10 through and through. Told corny jokes. He was a kid. We took care of him. I wonder where he is now. By the way, he wasn't the smartest kid in school. Just the most ambitious.
Many colleges don't take kids that young. They usually just specialize in an area or two and aren't well rounded everywhere. College math capabilities doesn't mean college lit or history or other requirements. Usually they have a special program not available to others.
@@joelwillems4081 Thank you for your insight. I don't know if he was enrolled at UCLA in the normal sense. He was taking some classes For all I know he could have been an experiment. All I can tell you is that he played violin in the orchestra ( I was concertmaster) and he was quite good musically. He was in my AP history class and at every question he raised his hand and squirmed like he had to pee. When he was called, his answers were thoughtful and he backed them up with reference to our study material. As for math, he came into my trig class and tried to test out of it. That didn't work. The teacher basically said that trig needed study. It's not the kind of thing where you can just wing it. He was a well-rounded kid. Nothing close to an idiot savant.
Okay so this 12 year old can skip years of schooling to get his masters but i can’t skip useless classes to provide to society? I have to fork over overpriced time wasting tuition?
I don't know how exactly how it works but yeah you probably could have. AP classes in highschool and choosing a good college that doest have to many unnecessary and he skipped because he was good enough
A lot of super smart kids like this have extremely narcissistic, psychopathic parents and do very poorly in their adult years. I hope and pray that he breaks the pattern.
you cant make this shit up lol, you called the president dumb and in the very same sentence said "smarter than ARE president" ... america ladies and gentlemen (edit: hehe he edited out his miss speling)
I have a friend like this. He had his Masters 15. He say being fast tracked was the worst thing to happen to him. He could not do most of the things his friends did in college. And that was just the tip of the ice berg.
If you're studying to be a musician, some of the best education you can get on the performance end is ensemble playing in a hot, noisy room full of drunks. I couldn't have got that if I'd been too young to be in the room in the first place. I wouldn't have paid tuition just for that, but it definitely benefitted me.
I can see that. Most people here forget that life is much more than academic studies. He can be number one in one area of life, and all alone in another.
Eh. It's just envy or the grass is always greener effect. I'm the end your friend with a master's was better off. And I would have been better off not learning every college experience at the appropriate age...I might have actually obtained the degree I was there to get. Envy is everywhere is all I'm saying. But the school system in the US is a joke. I think most kids possess this ability to absorb massive amounts of information. But our slow, impatient, and ignorant selves won't stop to consider that a toddler can learn complex math. That maybe if we approached teaching our own children with the same enthusiasm as we do with say keeping up with the Joneses.... then just maybe we can leave a generation of people that can fix our screwed up planet
I love learning about this stuff, this kid has a whole new level of deep processing, which is actually the reason why there is variation in academic achievement and genetics is a great contribution to the levels we have individually.
Good job. That's no easy feat. My cousin just graduated high school and with his associates a few weeks ago. I think it's amazing. You should be very proud!!
You are special. I didn’t get associate’s degree until I was 22 and a single parent. Keep going. Get as much education as you want. I just obtained a master’s degree at nearly 50. Get it while your brain is young.
Awesome! I remember teaching myself how to read when I was like 5 years old and then reading to the other kids in kindergarten :D My mum told me, one evening she was reading me a bedtime story and got tired, so I asked her if I should take over and she was just confused "but you can't read?" and I proceeded to take the book and fluently read a text I didn't know, without any punctuation (and after she explained that to me, I was like "Oh, I was wondering what those dots and lines were for" xD But then again, I usually talked that way, haha xD)
As my friend in law school said, "You don't get thoroughbreds by crossing a jackass with a mule. I was quite lucky to have two thoroughbreds as parents.
I pray this kid will also know love, and fun, and that he will be able to see the softer facts of life, like the beauty of a sunset. Some brilliantly smart people never allow their minds to see things BEYOND the numbers... ❤❤❤❤
Is he now? Would you rather he sit idly in a classroom with peers his own age, watching them fumble around trying to decipher basic fractions while he twiddles his thumbs? Boredom is a recipe for disaster when there are no academic challenges. His whole life isn’t school. Just the same as your kids. If you have any..
if it makes anyone feel better, yeah this kid is smart but just know he was robbed of a childhood. I’m glad i was out there being a kid instead of punching numbers…
Imagine how far we would be if people actually supported the unrelated and unconnected people. Where I went to school advancement was discouraged by all means available to them, unless you were a school board member’s/teacher’s child.
Him saying "I want to unlock the secrets of the universe" while sitting next to a bunch of angry birds stickers on his wall is absolutely insane 😂
My guys got taste 😂 I personally think the movies are hilarious 😂
If you only study the secrets of the universe and do not watch silly things, you don’t have time to decompress.
Kid has the bedroom I dreamed of. He has my ultimate respect
Bro is a young Sheldon irl
Is “bro”?
Young Sheldon is an ass. This kid is BETTER.
@@zerox1893 yes
That's what I came to say
Except he seems more polite and sociable and Sheldon.
Nothing makes me feel better, than to watch a five year old be better at me in life.
I wish I was a big enough person to not harbor some shred of resentment and envy. However at the same time I’m aware people like this suffer from unfathomable isolation, amongst other mental heath issues. He’s clearly autistic and likely doesn’t have anyone to relate to.
English specifically
I feel this😢
Don't worry, these kids often burn out by the time they hit their twenties.
Wow, simply astounding!! And kudos to his parents for helping his early development. I'm not taking anything away from him, HE has earned his achievements. But I'm sure have a supportive parent/ parents encouraged him to reach for the stars. Way to go young man! The world is yours!
I think he was just born that way
Love that there are students who have no issue getting help from someone so young.
The teachers do though😂
I would totally spend time with this guy. I would say that because he’s so young it would be easier to “connect” with him… I don’t care if he’s young, if I can learn from him that’s a plus
They're the same age. He's 15 tutoring high schoolers.
But just imagine being a senior being taught by a freshman. And then imagine being an adult teacher who was less competent than a freshman age teacher
When the difference is that much, they won't mind and even find it endearing. However, if he was 1 or 2 years younger, and tutoring those high school kids, you can bet he would be in a lot of trouble.
It’s not genetics, his parents were just smart enough to take extra time teaching him
I was told by two I knew the alphabet and counted to 100. But who knows?
Yeah, combination of many factors probably, dude got lucky and still worked hard.
At 15 I was still looking at my hands to remember my left and right 😅
I'm 21 and I still imagine which hand I put over my eyes for shema to remember....
I am 24 and I already forgot my left and right 😢
Ha ha ha😂😂@@LeaS-e2w
What are you people, Ninevites?😅
The world needs this guy. Hes going to make an important difference even if noone knows it.
It doesnt mean he'll be a saint
@@domingopartida5812 Noones a saint. You don't have to be perfect to make a difference and improve the world
As long as he continues to be sheltered and nurtured and channeled into using his talents. And not treated like Harrison Bergeron.
Phenomenal. Let’s hope he continues to have stability and doesn’t get too bored and frustrated with others ! Hopefully he will continue to excel and have a great life❤
I imagine he had lots of enrichment, encouragement and support from both of his parents.
Wow it’s crazy to think people argue that intelligence is just a result of what opportunities they had
Perhaps his parents actually paid attention to him far more often than other parents... Nobody seems to think about that. I mean, I've seen 2-year-olds who get little to no attention that can't form a simple sentence or even speak a word... The opposite must be something like this 🙂👍
Development and environment do play a large role.
commies will commie
Bruh you can spend as much time as you want with a kid, nothing even close to that kid just happens to environment. His brain litterally developed faster than 99.9999999 percent of kids. You can't teach or foster that.
@@greysongriffiths1439 I've seen it happen a number of times, especially when the parents are super attentive... Of course, an eidetic memory can't hurt, but good memory shouldn't be confused with actual intelligence either 🙂
Good on him seriously i hope this Kid will change the world in a positive way brilliant minds will reshape the world making it a better place i hope he goes to high places :D i would be super proud
"Highschool experience" is over-rated. If someone is ready to move on, let them move on! My son was stifled in elementary school and told he needed meds bc he was reading literature during math class bc he already knew what to do. But that was the beginning of Common Core in Massachusetts and he was deemed a "problem." We moved the next year and homeschooled. He's a flourishing robotics apprentice at Mercedes-Benz and making more than I did as a corporate marketing specialist at 40. He's 20. And college debt-free. WINNING! Screw that teacher that said he should be drugged!
Teachers like that are the problem, not the pupil 💯👍
I hate medication fir students just so they will sit still.
but how are your kids social skills
@@arthurchushoe clearly adequete enough if hes only 20 and an apprentice at such a large company like that.
I thought this was a Ben quote when I first started reading your comment. I know Ben has talked about how his parents had to push the school for him to jump grade levels. I wish I had been able to do so, I needed to be challenged and I wasn’t so I got bored. I hope our education system changes for the better in the future.
You can call it what you want, parenting, method of delivery, how well the mother took care of herself during the pregnancy but really all this is is that typical , small handful of miracle children that just develop a rapidly developing, larger brain. All it is.
Some people have an average IQ, and some people need a haircut. We all have strengths and weaknesses.
Imagine trying to get him to hold still long enough for a hair cut.
The problem is that this kid will be an oddball his entire life. People in their 20s don't want to hang out with a 15-year old. It's a blessing and a curse at the same time.
When I was in elementary school sixth grade we had a second grader put in with us and she was the smartest kid in our class. She went all the way through high school with us and graduated at about each 14. She didn't have many friends and seemed like a total oddball to the rest of us though she was extremely smart obviously. I think she had a horrible high school experience and probably very few memories or friends
@@arthurfonzarelli9828 Exactly. They're ahead intellectually, but emotionally they are still adolescents and immature. My girlfriend's daughter graduated from Harvard at age-17 and ranked fourth in her class. Sounds great, but she's now 27, never had a boyfriend or been kissed, his highly volatile, anti-social, and was just diagnosed as having autism. The mother is desperately trying to get her daughter help, so this girl can carry on conversation or take a shower regularly. This daughter who now has a master's degree makes zero money and is unemployable. But if you'd like to sit with her for 12-hours and discuss advanced mathematics till your little heart's content-- she's your girl. It's all she can do is math. Very sad.
Let me add that this is back in the 1980s. I'd never forgot this. I also thought she was extremely immature and I think it's because she was always so much younger than everybody they talked down to her like a little and she in turn acted like one as well despite her extremely high intelligence. That said I have no idea what happened to her
That's not really a problem, try being an untalented oddball lol. At least he has something to be proud of.
Guess what? Highly intelligent people don’t want to hang out with mediocre minded people, no matter their age. But everyone wants to be respected and included.
His intelligence is very impressive🤩👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻!!! What matters most though is character. High Intelligence is asset
but good character is a necessity. You can’t always be in control of your intelligence, but you are always in control of your character. Having said that he seems like a great kid!😊
Thats in poor supply anymore.
Some people are born as psychopaths. Do you think they can control their character?
@@GarrettmoronDavid Wood is a perfect example that being a psychopath isn't a good excuse to lack self control.
@@Garrettmoronyeah, they do it all the time I'd wager
That is incredible. It makes me happy that his parents have the presence of mind and the capability to help him reach his potential.
Hopefully he doesn’t go down the well documented path of child prodigies
🎉 This is Awesome! What a Gift!
I wish him all the best 😉💜🙏!
Real life Sheldon, but looks like he does have social skills, so I guess the whole package!!!
I was thinking the exact same thing about young Sheldon
More like Spencer Reid but yes
He seems to....but being that smart will always come with pressure. People will just expect him to know everything all the time
@@dyt2000Well, he knows math and maybe reading. To short a vid to see if he has perfect memory or something else special.
More like Tony stark
"This 15-year-old has a Master's degree. . ."
Oh, wow.
". . . From the University of Minnesota."
Oh. Okay then.
I mean, this can't be very advocative for that university. Either Minnesota wanted a gimmick, or their curriculum is not that challenging. There can't physically be enough time in a day for one to shove about 20 years of education into a 15-year old.
@@WhoBeSilly Have you heard of Terrence Tao?
Says the 50 year old man who still lives in his Mom's basement. LOL
@WhoBeSilly The public school system is close to useless. You would be surprised how many people with the right upbringing along with the right personality combined with their intelligence could do this.
It isn't just about intelligence.
Hopefully he remains stimulated and finds joy in life. I know these cases are usually a problem because they advance through life too quickly and skip school which is important for reasons excluding academics.
Yeah I agree. But I wonder if he actually progressed emotionally faster aswell as intelect. I got no idea but maybe that means that he has a chance to progress correctly and he jusy moves through life faster....
@@greysongriffiths1439 I had watched a couple of other videos about him. He is one of the best cases out there. Emotionally, he is still a kid his age, and can easily talk to his peers and relate to them. He loves D & D, and playing with his neighbours.
He appears to be a good young man with a great personality and a desire to serve. May God bless him and all he does!
Nah he'll do good, just needs a sense a' humor and agr context and common sense
His tutoring of high school kids seemed helpful
And here I was thinking I was smart at 10 when I realized Santa didn't exist.
What a gift from God! Bless him
Smart kid!! Hope he does well helping people in life!
A lot of what rounds off a successful person is emotional development, ability to fail, ability to be criticized, ability to accept the illogical ways of the masses. Never saw this level of savant beneficial in the long run.
Elliot already knows the secrets of the Universe. He just doesn't realize it yet.
He’s smarter than Joe Biden, but then again, who isn’t😂
Bada boom 😎🥢
The kid is smarter than Trump too.
@@Kaizer5E And Trump is far smarter than Biden.
@@treyhelms5282 Not saying much.
@@Kaizer5E True. Our dog is smarter than Biden.
God bless!!! That boy is a gem wow congrats Elliott
This is fantastic for this kid!
Bro's gonna live a full life before he's even retired. Good on him, hope he's thriving
We finally produced someone that might be able to stay ahead of inflation. Maybe.
Yep, you got that right, Ben. Some people are just special. Genetics... What a concept!
At 15 i was watching people stuck in washing machines 💀💀🤕
The only comment that made me laugh. Good job
With a gift like that comes great responsibility! What a smart kid !
It’s kids like this who I think are bonded directly to the universe and just want to find a way back home to it
Profound truth.
Yes. That is my husband. I have watched it for almost 40 years. Unfairness can be harder on them, too, and life here on third rock from the sun can be deeply unfair.
A prodigy. A person like him only comes once in a lifetime. I can't wait to see what he'll do in the future. Peace ✌🏻
Hopefully, he moves to an area that'll take full advantage of his talents; Minnesota's far too blue these days to appreciate merit.
Yes. He should move to a red state, unless he wants to read books.
If he's actually smart he will immediately get out of America before karma comes back around and we collapse entirely.
COULD not agree MORE he needs to look at programs like mensa and check out programs like full bright college match to take advantage of some of the top opportunities he can get himself. Being in a different area is huge too. He is only 15 so he still has a long way to go
@@coachtaewherbalife8817 Yeah, heaven forfend not wanting grade schoolers to read books written by troons that show oral sex. The shock, the horror.
As the too smart for his own good autistic kid who was never given a chance and came to hate school because of the treatment he received from his peers and doubt he got from his teachers, this story really speaks to me. When I was first diagnosed with Asperger's syndrome, my mother always told me that i have an ABILITY not a DISABILITY. I acknowledge that some children are born gifted, but I also believe that any child can reach great heights with the proper support of their parents, the likes of which I had wholeheartedly, and the support of thier educators, the likes of which I unfortunately did not.
yes most of the child prodigies are probably on the spectrum...
I mean maybe you could go to a different school and it might be better
@@weirdflex8158 not likely, especially if have any "diagnosis" - annoyed with use of that word as if its a disease. And definitely encourages the mentality of there being something wrong when just very different
No not everyone can reach great heights, most people can, but you will never beat someone smarter with the same amount of work. And autism is a disability no matter how you want to frame it. The amount of cope in this comment is hilarious 😂
I love that despite his high intelligence, he's still a kid. He has fun dancing and bopping and all the rest of it.
My husband was one of these kid geniuses. It can really mess a person up, so there are real challenges to this.
Yep people don’t understand that this too is a special need; just the complete opposite of a kid who has challenge learning. These kids need the adequate stimulation but also to be paced before burn out. School is all about training everyone to be average and special needs is when you are too below the mark but also too above.
@@Anacaona92Well put! Without a support group there is a tremendous emotional strain on bright kids. I was one of those kids. Kicked out of private school after second grade for being ‘unteachable’ and a ‘class disturber’. (This from a first year teacher). Sixth grade, taking a physics course at Cal Berkeley as part of the Mentally Gifted Minors program. Our schools teach conformity to mediocrity, and our society suffers for it. Being an intellectual outlier made me an outcast in my grade. And unfortunately, I did not have a group of peers I could socialize with. Our prisons have lots of highly intelligent people in them who were not recognized and celebrated for their intelligence, but were rather “ bent out of shape by society’s pliers”, to quote Bob Dylan. I still love to learn, but I have a very jaundiced view of academia.
thank you ben shapiro for contributing so much value to this video
When I was ten I could barely do the times tables 😂
This kid is amazing! 🎉❤
Genetics and nurturing makes for a genius. How many children were genius, but with no backing? Billions.
Ben kind enough to give the kid props, GENUINELY.
Also humble enough to not brag that he was essentially equivalent to this kid in IQ at around the same age.
That’s true genius, true alpha, and true integrity. 👏👏
Genetics is a HUGE deal. I look around for that brain. 😊🖖👏 Congratulations, kid!!! I hope you join the club of trying to make this world a better place. All the best. 💯
Real life Sheldon Cooper!!
I knew somebody was going to say that 😂😂😂❤
Even Sheldon Cooper's not that smart. This kid was college by the age of 10.
Sheldon didn't start college until he was 11. Although Sheldon did graduate at 14, not 15.
He's probably going to take a trip to Germany at a university and find out he's not actually the smartest
Cringe..... No one cares about that show. The actor is gay anyway.
@@Aelda69 if sheldon had amazing parents then he prob wouldve been smarter.
He probably already knows the secrets of the universe. He just doesn't remember them yet
I went to high school with a 10-year-old. He was also taking classes at UCLA. He played in the orchestra. But he was 10 through and through. Told corny jokes. He was a kid. We took care of him. I wonder where he is now. By the way, he wasn't the smartest kid in school. Just the most ambitious.
Many colleges don't take kids that young. They usually just specialize in an area or two and aren't well rounded everywhere. College math capabilities doesn't mean college lit or history or other requirements. Usually they have a special program not available to others.
@@joelwillems4081 Thank you for your insight. I don't know if he was enrolled at UCLA in the normal sense. He was taking some classes For all I know he could have been an experiment. All I can tell you is that he played violin in the orchestra ( I was concertmaster) and he was quite good musically. He was in my AP history class and at every question he raised his hand and squirmed like he had to pee. When he was called, his answers were thoughtful and he backed them up with reference to our study material. As for math, he came into my trig class and tried to test out of it. That didn't work. The teacher basically said that trig needed study. It's not the kind of thing where you can just wing it. He was a well-rounded kid. Nothing close to an idiot savant.
Kid's gotta build himself an Ironman suit of armor soon.
God blessed that kid.
Ben watching this kid like old Sheldon when the Asian kid shows up in BBT! 😂😂…it’s all love Ben!!
Okay so this 12 year old can skip years of schooling to get his masters but i can’t skip useless classes to provide to society? I have to fork over overpriced time wasting tuition?
I don't know how exactly how it works but yeah you probably could have. AP classes in highschool and choosing a good college that doest have to many unnecessary and he skipped because he was good enough
At the subjectd
Looks like Ben with a different hairstyle… Thank you for your leader ship and your humility
I can't wait to see what he does in the future.
Probably create a new weapon that will devastate the entire planet
Nothing extraordinary. I’ve seen these cases before.
A lot of super smart kids like this have extremely narcissistic, psychopathic parents and do very poorly in their adult years. I hope and pray that he breaks the pattern.
Wow thats incredible. Good on the parents for facilitating such growth
Already smarter than our president, AT BIRTH.
you cant make this shit up lol, you called the president dumb and in the very same sentence said "smarter than ARE president" ... america ladies and gentlemen (edit: hehe he edited out his miss speling)
@@ITSBurgerPT there you go TURD muffin
@@ITSBurgerPT ”misspelled word” is grammatically correct as well as spelled correctly, Einstein. 👍
@@mlane2182 "smarter than are president" he must be speaking american and not english if that is considered correct, good to know
More people like this in our society please!
I have a friend like this. He had his Masters 15. He say being fast tracked was the worst thing to happen to him. He could not do most of the things his friends did in college. And that was just the tip of the ice berg.
If you're studying to be a musician, some of the best education you can get on the performance end is ensemble playing in a hot, noisy room full of drunks. I couldn't have got that if I'd been too young to be in the room in the first place. I wouldn't have paid tuition just for that, but it definitely benefitted me.
@@cisium1184 Did you have friends, or bar colleagues?
Hard agree, no one in college is going to want to hang out with a 15 year old. He can't even drive in many places, let alone party or drink.
I can see that. Most people here forget that life is much more than academic studies. He can be number one in one area of life, and all alone in another.
Eh. It's just envy or the grass is always greener effect. I'm the end your friend with a master's was better off. And I would have been better off not learning every college experience at the appropriate age...I might have actually obtained the degree I was there to get.
Envy is everywhere is all I'm saying. But the school system in the US is a joke. I think most kids possess this ability to absorb massive amounts of information. But our slow, impatient, and ignorant selves won't stop to consider that a toddler can learn complex math. That maybe if we approached teaching our own children with the same enthusiasm as we do with say keeping up with the Joneses.... then just maybe we can leave a generation of people that can fix our screwed up planet
He seems like a nice kid. Eccentric, but helpful.
I was just waitng for them to say he's trans, which obviously would be the most important thing about him. I could've sworn it was coming.
I love learning about this stuff, this kid has a whole new level of deep processing, which is actually the reason why there is variation in academic achievement and genetics is a great contribution to the levels we have individually.
I remember this kid... With the crazy mother 🤨
How was she crazy?
When I was 15 I was listening to heavy metal and enjoyed it!
I just got my associates at 18, I’m over here feeling all special… the I see this lol.
Good job. That's no easy feat. My cousin just graduated high school and with his associates a few weeks ago. I think it's amazing. You should be very proud!!
You are special. I didn’t get associate’s degree until I was 22 and a single parent. Keep going. Get as much education as you want. I just obtained a master’s degree at nearly 50. Get it while your brain is young.
Time for a long awaited sequel, the Young Elliot
I pray that this young person does great things and has children. We need more intelligence in the world.
Dang, you get it all done before you're 15, that's pretty good.
At 15? Damn. Bro is definitely a reincarnated protagonist with cheats. 😅
Love Elliot. He is an amazing human with a brilliant mind.
We found the main character with this one 🗣️🗣️🗣️
All that education and he doesn't know what a boy's haircut is.
Love how he was teaching students but is still being a kid 😂
When you need help in class and young Sheldon pulls up!
I was waiting in suspense. Glad the story didn't end with affirming surgery
He won the genetic lottery by receiving such a high intelligence. Hopefully he uses it wisely.
He also quotes Mean Girls! 😂 What an awesome kid
People select speech, or strength, or agility.
But when God asked this young man where he wants his ability points, he put them on Batman.
Glad he's on our side.
As opposed to what side? What could he provide that would endanger us if he weren't on "our side"?
he has been blessed by the almighty. God bless this child in ALL his endeavors.
I love this I wish more and more people will grow up like this 🥹
Sheldon is that you?
That’s incredible. Hats off to this young man
Awesome! I remember teaching myself how to read when I was like 5 years old and then reading to the other kids in kindergarten :D
My mum told me, one evening she was reading me a bedtime story and got tired, so I asked her if I should take over and she was just confused "but you can't read?" and I proceeded to take the book and fluently read a text I didn't know, without any punctuation (and after she explained that to me, I was like "Oh, I was wondering what those dots and lines were for" xD But then again, I usually talked that way, haha xD)
I rolled over at 4 weeks old. I guess that's when I peaked 😄
As my friend in law school said, "You don't get thoroughbreds by crossing a jackass with a mule. I was quite lucky to have two thoroughbreds as parents.
Inferior people are afraid of intelligent people.
I pray this kid will also know love, and fun, and that he will be able to see the softer facts of life, like the beauty of a sunset. Some brilliantly smart people never allow their minds to see things BEYOND the numbers... ❤❤❤❤
That poor kid is having his whole childhood stolen from him.... Very sad. Shame on the parents!
Is he now?
Would you rather he sit idly in a classroom with peers his own age, watching them fumble around trying to decipher basic fractions while he twiddles his thumbs?
Boredom is a recipe for disaster when there are no academic challenges.
His whole life isn’t school. Just the same as your kids. If you have any..
I hope this kid doesn't hit rock bottom like so many prodigies did. He has so much potential.
if it makes anyone feel better, yeah this kid is smart but just know he was robbed of a childhood. I’m glad i was out there being a kid instead of punching numbers…
bro wasn't born with brain, he was born with supercomputer instead
"Religion began when the first scoundrel met the first fool." ----- Voltaire
Imagine how far we would be if people actually supported the unrelated and unconnected people.
Where I went to school advancement was discouraged by all means available to them, unless you were a school board member’s/teacher’s child.
she's every asian parents dream child 😂
I thought he was going to say "Just 5 years after his story first aired Elliot was dead."
Let’s just hope he doesn’t turn out to be an evil genius, but a good genius 😂
His parents taught him, he just learns really fast. I wish i could love math like that.