Scholars vs. Jihad Against Israel, by Jalal Abualrub

  • Опубліковано 20 тра 2024
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  • @galibmuhammadshahriarhimel2230
    @galibmuhammadshahriarhimel2230 Місяць тому +13

    Sheikh you yourself are a Palestinian. You know true suffering. Many people don't realize that. They claim to be enduring suffering while they think that the scholars are enjoying life. The commoners act and speak out of emotion. They are destroying the motivation to be a scholar from the heart of the little children thus destroying Islam. May Allah protect the scholars, protect Islam, Increase the number of scholars, increase the quality of the scholars, and destroy the immature mindset of the commoners and guide them.

    • @411Adil
      @411Adil Місяць тому +3

      In Norway, Muslims have been psychological colonized. I suspect this might be a huge factor:
      - There is only one God, and Muhammad is his Prophet.
      - I bear witness, There is Only one ALLAH, WORTHY of worshipping. And His Messenger Muhammad, is the ONLY WORTHY of following.
      (The correct understanding of The SHAHADAA also include in the origin of the words choosen: The 7 heavens & The 7 earths, and all the dimensions in them, are creations of ALLAH)+
      - So who would likely be: Decieved, lack faith ect?
      - Muhammad James Sutton - Correct understanding of the SHAHADA (20 years in Yemen, a real student of knowledge, a Mujahideen during the Bush administration ran the office)
      ALLHAMDULILLAH I dare to post on Social media:
      - Islam is Superior, insecure infidels are inferior. I dont want friendship with thoose who are ungrateful towards ALLAH.
      IF I didnt post this, i could imagine the truth seeker, couldnt clearly see the diffrence betwen ISLAM and the false religions. (But that is in ALLAHS control as u know)
      I mainly post this to honor our Rasool SallAllahualeyhiAsalam
      But I can clearly see that the brothers dont even dare to let the Imam in our local masajid know, that the bidah, the blindly following of the hanafi madhab, withouth acknowledge that rafay adayn (raising hand) is considered a Sunnah ++
      I understand if u have trouble understanding this, but in the west. This is making us disfunctional.

    • @nuhashahmed7692
      @nuhashahmed7692 Місяць тому +1

      The commoners being angry is natural. If they're not angry upon the harm being done to muslims then they've lost their zeal. They've become indifferent; you don't want that to happen. Being a scholar is to suffer! Both in the hands of the ruler and the court of public opinion. This is the way of the Salaf; to say that this is destroying motivation to be a scholar is ignorance. When studying to becoming an ulama one should know that he will be tested for his knowledge on whether he stands on haqq or not.

    • @411Adil
      @411Adil Місяць тому +1

      @@nuhashahmed7692 respect

  • @abooismail
    @abooismail Місяць тому +6

    We live in a time that emotion rules the minds of many. Barakallahu Feek shaykh for this message

  • @AliSyed711
    @AliSyed711 Місяць тому +4

    May Allah give you good health, Maybe you could make a video where you talk about your life story or your experience in Afghanistan.

  • @galibmuhammadshahriarhimel2230
    @galibmuhammadshahriarhimel2230 Місяць тому +4

    Barakallhu feek shaykh. So true. If this goes on then there will be a time when no one will become scholars out of fear of being criticized by the general people. This is dangerous. By this 'ilm will be taken out gradually. I knew a little boy who was studying in an Islamic Institute but left studying. His father is a scholar. I studied Aqeedah and Arabic under his father directly. I asked the boy about his reason for not wanting to be a scholar. His reply shocked me. He told me that, If he becomes a scholar then he will have to enjoin good and forbid evil which is hard. If he doesn't do it, then people will criticize him and ridicule him. I immediately understood that he developed that mindset because he met a lot of people who were doing nothing but criticizing the scholars all the time. He finished his hifz but unfortunately left Islamic Studies. If this goes on there will be a time when commoners will not be able to find a scholar to ask the necessary fiqh questions. If the commoners ridicule the scholars, they can digest it because they are mature enough. However, the little kids will lose the motivation to become a scholar. This is a grand plan of the shayateen to criticize the scholars all the time thus demotivating people from being scholars. By this 'ilm will be vanished from the face of the earth. Rasoolullah (sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) said
    " إنَّ اللهَ لا يقبضُ العلمَ انتزاعًا ينتزعُهُ منَ النَّاسِ ، ولَكن يقبضُ العلمَ بقبضِ العُلماءِ ، حتَّى إذا لم يترُك عالمًا اتَّخذَ النَّاسُ رؤوسًا جُهَّالًا ، فسُئلوا فأفتوا بغيرِ عِلمٍ فضلُّوا وأضلُّوا
    " may Allah give the commoners common sense. May Allah protect the scholars thus protect the deen.

  • @Salehalhamdani781
    @Salehalhamdani781 Місяць тому +8

    The ones who are been labeled as Shiekh and mufti and memorize Quran are in the hundreds of thousands they memorize the Quran but don’t go by it because defensive jihad is on every Muslim man what about who memorize the quran

  • @theislamicschool9081
    @theislamicschool9081 Місяць тому +2

    As salaamu alaikum wa rahmatullah,
    Firstly, I would like to thank you for your advice which was beneficial and there is no doubt that people of knowledge concerning the religion hold great virtue and responsibility in shaping and directing the Muslim nation collectively, the people of authority along them and the ordinary. Also, what you mentioned concerning those who went to extremes in takfir and followed the way of the khawarij in fighting Muslims instead of the outright oppressive disbelievers, is also correct.
    I would like to mention one thing which is that after the 9-11 terrorist attacks carried out by the enemies of humanity in general and the Muslims in specific, these oppressors initiated what they called "a war against terror", whereas in reality it was the start of another crusade against Islam and the Muslims. One of the tactic employed these enemies of Islam was to degrade and defame the great act of worship Jihaad and those very few Mujahideen who were in accordance with their ability carrying out this obligation in light of the knowledge of the Quran and the Sunnah.
    The enemies of Islam established, funded and supported proxies within the Muslims to aid them in this mission of portraying Jihaad to be fasaad and the Mujahideen to be a bunch of barbaric individuals. So, those who went to extremes in takfir and followed the way of the khawarij were used to cause havoc and civil unrest within the Muslim countries, without paying any attention to the outright disbelieving enemy, rather as mentioned before they were being supported by them.
    Here, I would like to mention that the people of knowledge and callers to Islam played their vital role in raising awareness about the false methodology of the khawarij and clarifying the matter of takfir, this was no doubt something that needed to be done as this fitnah was spreading like wildfire, and one of the reasons for it was the weak position of the Muslim nation, especially the rulers, which necessitated them making policies which were not correct, however did not constitute them being disbelievers and revolting against them and causing havoc within the country, playing right into the hands of the disbelieving enemy.
    So, even though this matter was made very clear from all angles by the people of knowledge, on the other hand, the matter of Jihaad, which was being maligned by the enemies of Islam, and mass propaganda was being made against it, and their established proxies were being promoted as the boogeymen, we didn't defend the great act of worship Jihaad, we didn't diffrentiate fasaad from Jihaad, rather the chapters of Jihaad were forsaken and anyone who dared to speak was also maligned as being a terrorist, jihadist, extremist etc, not by the disbelievers only but by our own Muslim community.
    Some of our practicing Muslims even started calling those who were defending Jihaad and differentiating it from fasaad and were countering the enemies of Islam, the outright disbelieving enemy and those who were following the way of the khawarij, in tryinh to malign such a great act of worship, with labels like ikhwaani, suroori, kharji etc. It was clearly evident that these callers to Islam did not have the knowledge concerning the matter of Jihaad as ordained in the Quran and the Sunnah, but due to the fitnah orchestrated by the enemies of Islam, they were caught up in it and started to consider anyone who talks about Jihaad, or about Jihaad where the enemy on the other side is an outright oppressive disbeliever, like Palestine and Kashmir, you were placed in the same rows as those established proxies of the enemies of Islam.
    I believe just as the people of knowledge played their role in tackling the fitnah of takfir and the khawarij, a similar role was needed in explaining the Jihaad and differianting it from the fasaad that was being carried out in the name of Jihaad by establsished proxies. And a result of not doing this was that the young, passionate and zealous Muslims who wanted to help and support their oppressed Muslims were hijacked by these groups who were given a full and free platform by their supporters among the disbelieving enemy, and used them in creating fasaad in the name of Jihaad.
    At this time, Jihaad was abandoned nearly in every shape and form, the offensive Jihaad had finished a very very long time ago and now unfortunately the concept of such an act is nowhere to be found, except the very very few. Then the defensive Jihaad started to deteriorate and after 9-11 it was near enough abolished, and then the knowledge of Jihaad from the Quran and the Sunnah was abandoned, which leads to nothing but humiliation and disaster, which we have witnessing for quiet a while now.
    Alhamdulillah, by His grace, we see today some change to all that which has been mentioned above, and the tables have turned against the enemies of Islam, to the extent that the Jihaad and the Mujahideen in Gaza who are carrying out their obligation against the outright oppressive disbelieving enemy have won the hearts of not Muslims but many many non-muslims in their own lands are in their favour and even going to long lengths in showing their solidarity towards them, as many things have been made clear.

  • @arfatacer7476
    @arfatacer7476 Місяць тому +1

    They don't understand the complexities and the hard conditions our Ulema are in. Many of those scholars who tried on only intellectual level were sent to prison for incarceration
    Secondly, these people who mock scholars neither know the regions' conditions nor their brothers' conditions. Those same people who are mocking scholars were sleeping when our brothers in Iraq, Syria, Kashmir, Chechnya, East Turkistan (Uyghurs), and Kashmir were being slaughtered by enemies of Allah. Today they will be cheerleading for Bashar, Putin, and Xi Jinping because they hid there crimes against our brothers.

  • @Salehalhamdani781
    @Salehalhamdani781 Місяць тому +6

    Didn’t Shiekh Islam ibn tamiyah fight against the mongols who claimed to be Muslim and says if u find me in his lines kill me first

    • @MuMu124
      @MuMu124 Місяць тому

      He threatened to topple the leader and replace him with one that would fight against them too...we act like the muslims from the past weren't emotional about the same oppressions they faced. The modern day salafi dawah has this weird disease of blaming the muslims for our problems. Why didnt they blame the muslims for the mongol invasions? The historian of their time called it a calamity, he didnt say its because the muslims arent upon the correct aqeedah or tawheed.
      We need to stop pointing fingers at ourselves and actually try to fix our problems. We need to be the salafis of the past like ibn Taymiyyah and the 4 imams.

    • @-------....___
      @-------....___ Місяць тому

      @@MuMu124 WE can't fix it because the taghut and their paid for scholars are in control of the armies, the intelligence, the weapons etc. We actually need to be like Umar RA, Ali RA, Abu Bakr RA etc. We know what they would have done with these 'rulers' and 'scholars'

  • @user-uv7kf8lm2p
    @user-uv7kf8lm2p Місяць тому +1

    Clever with the alghorithm

  • @majidsiddiqui2906
    @majidsiddiqui2906 Місяць тому

    What you have stated is correct and authentic👍Considering the kinds of leaders we have it is very difficult to show self restraint regarding them, everything they seem to do seems to be wrong, but as you have said self restraint is what is required. Muslim nations have everything - numbers, resources, weapons but the one thing required to bring it altogether is missing and that is unity. Being an arab is not the same as being a muslim although some might think it is. Muslims worldwide look to the arabs unfortunately to be that beacon of light because our prophet (PBUH) was an arab. But arabs seem more bothered about being culturally Arab than being Muslim it has been their destruction and the best among the arabs are the Palestinians and they are suffering.Not scholars but our leaders, with advice from scholars, should be making the case to stop further atrocities but our leaders are despots and tyrants reflections of our societies not to mention that they are constrained to operate within the Zionist owned economic and financial system. Sheikh you are more likely to be locked up for airing your opinions in Jordan than you are in the USA.

  • @jefferywashington2095
    @jefferywashington2095 Місяць тому

    What Muslim rulers are you referring to?????

  • @411Adil
    @411Adil Місяць тому

    Is it true that in the last battle, 1/3 of the Mujahideen Jamaah will abandon their Muslimin?
    Will there be a plane black flag ? If the SHAHADAA was written on the flag, and blood where to be spilled on it, that would be something in similar style to black magic right?
    Please answer INSAH'ALLAH
    Because I might have to publicly apologize for my ignorance.

  • @mianyewtube2078
    @mianyewtube2078 Місяць тому +1

    Sheikh may Allah bless u but your first point was unnecessary. No one is saying the scholars raise an army we know this is not within their control. What I’m sure the brother was referring to was the scholars giving a fatwa that now jihad is obligatory or now it isn’t
    And u can shed light on what the sharia says would happen if Muslims are being attacked and the ruler refuses to do anything. Is it haram for the scholars in this case to declare that jihad is obligatory?
    Or in a case where jihad is obligatory but the ruler refuses to do anything, does anything in Quran or sunnah or understanding of salaf say that we essentially do nothing?
    Please shed light on this may Allah bless u and grant u and your family jannah tul firdaus Ameen ❤️

    • @-------....___
      @-------....___ Місяць тому

      It is easy actually. Allah SWT has given you akl, as well as an example through the Prophet PBUH and his companions. Think about it this way - if Umar RA or Ali RA were alive today, what would they do? You think they would just sit around and do nothing? IF they were under a Caliph who did nothing, what would they do? We know very well what they would do.

    • @mianyewtube2078
      @mianyewtube2078 Місяць тому +2

      @@-------....___ no I don’t because there are strict Hadith on obeying the ruler and to not do khurooj as you’d become a khariji. I genuinely want to know what the salaf would do in such a case. KHUROOJ IS NOT THE WAY OF THE COMPANIONS!

    • @AdamAli516
      @AdamAli516 Місяць тому

      Ali reported: The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “There is no obedience to anyone if it is disobedience to Allah. Verily, obedience is only in good conduct.”
      Source: Ṣaḥīḥ al-Bukhārī 7257, Ṣaḥīḥ Muslim 1840
      Grade: Muttafaqun Alayhi (authenticity agreed upon) according to Al-Bukhari and Muslim
      عَنْ عَلِيٍّ رَضِيَ اللَّهُ عَنْهُ عَنْ النَّبِيِّ صَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ قَالَ لَا طَاعَةَ فِي مَعْصِيَةٍ إِنَّمَا الطَّاعَةُ فِي الْمَعْرُوفِ
      7257 صحيح البخاري كتاب أخبار الآحاد باب ما جاء في إجازة خبر الواحد
      1840 صحيح مسلم كتاب الإمارة باب وجوب طاعة الأمراء في غير معصية وتحريمها في المعصية
      Even if it's the ruler.

    • @Player_Zeesh
      @Player_Zeesh Місяць тому

      @@mianyewtube2078 what’s the traits of a khawarij

  • @BeardedGuy_Tawhid
    @BeardedGuy_Tawhid Місяць тому +2

    Knowledge of the scholars is important or ignorance will be widespread. We follow Quran and Sunnah as understood by the rightly guided generations.. to do that we need the knowledge and understanding passed from to the ulema generation to generation.

    • @-------....___
      @-------....___ Місяць тому

      And these current scholars, that work for the government, are what are leading the ummah astray. The rightful scholars are being called kharji and are being locked up.

  • @nuhashahmed7692
    @nuhashahmed7692 Місяць тому +1

    Shaykh much of your rhetoric in the last part was inaccurate generalizations:-
    1. Indoneasia, Pakistan etc etc are supposed to fight Israel how? They'd have to go through the Arabs for that; No non Arab state can do anything if the Arabs don't allow passage to Filistine.
    2. Iran funds Hezbollah and Houthis and actively startegizes for Hamas. Please let us not allow our hatred for their deviance cloud our judgement regarding initiatives they've taken to fight Is***l. Credit where credit is due, its better than nothing.
    3. I agree with you about the k-h-war1j but they did fight the Jfiris of Syria.
    I agree with your general statement about raising armies not being the responsibility of the ulama, shaykh. But inconsistent reasoning like this will not strengthen your point. May Allah keep us steadfast on the truth.