Pea puffers REQUIRE a minimum shoal of 6! They also require a minimum tank size of 20 long for 6. They do best in a group that has an odd number. ALWAYS more femal than males. 1 male to 3 females is ideal! Thank you!
Ya the face in all of them is so animated we have beautiful cichlid tank but I’ve been wanting to do jelly’s but am afraid of salt water never had, do these puffers actually puff up???
I've got 4 pea puffers with a couple kuhli loaches in a 20 long, LOTS of guppy grass and a decent amount of snails. So fun to watch them stalk their prey
Pufferes are great little companions, they are funny and will play with you. I had one that would let me pick him up and pull him out of the tant by hand.
I badly want another pea puffer but none of my local stores have gotten any in for a while, I'm on a wait list. They were saying they're getting only captive bred ones now because they weren't being sustainably harvested I guess.
They are in a 5gal not recommended but it’s heavily planted and they are kept with cherry shrimps who are currently breeding like crazy! Two of the puffers usually hang out together and one occasionally chases the others from his turf but they haven’t actually attacked one another or the shrimps they are doing great together. I do have another tank that I can move one into if I see aggression but a couple months in and everyone is happy.
Nick Owen - I beat you there matey! I have over 200 "peas" and enjoy watching them bounce around the saucepan when being boiled....LMAO You obviously made a spelling mistake... If you mean 6, then you have 3 PAIRS and not 3 peas...
Unfortunately the countries these come from generally don’t care about the environment as much as we do. That’s why you cannot (in most cases) sell native fish here in a fish store. The only way to solve it would be to set up breeding tanks so we wouldn’t need to import them. But then, for that effort you should be breeding a native fish that is in trouble instead.
I think you should get a regular puffer fish and see how the MBU puffer fish reacts or put a shark baby shark like a baby and see how he reacts maybe he'll puff up that'll be cool on one of your videos please give me a shout out show this to Mr beast
@@davidjacobson6538 U r little bit wrong here. For the past year I've not seen s single pea puffer in any fish store and pea puffer are native to our water bodies only Ceylon puffer are available now here which is also native to our water bodies
@@nickbutler123 Pea puffers are not native to U.S. they are native to India where I have not seen them alot in fish stores anymore for the past 2-3 years. And also most pea puffers u see nowadays outside India and its neighbours are most probably captive bred as pea puffers are one of the only fresh water puffers that can be bred in captivity
I own a brackish waterr green spotted pufferfish and he loves to be hand fed. He lives in a tank with my three sailfin mollies and gets along great with them!! Great video my fav in the list would have to be that hairy luffer never heard of it before and it made me smile 😊❤
@@whatgamerlol5831 yes i just did and brought 5 more green puffer and they are 6 intotal now... Tank setup was a 45 gal with aquaticscape setup....(note: i know 45 gal was too small for 6 greep puffer but this is only for growout tank and for experiment if they can be with each other) i will put them in bigger tank after there grow also i got emergency tubs if ever i see some agression on one another.. I dont recomend this too just taking my own risk to this one 😅
My Amazon Puffer doesn't seem to understand the concept of snails. His tank is full of them and he goes for Bug Bites and Vibrabites instead. He's just weird. I also have 6 Pea Puffers in a 29 gallon. They are FUN FUN FUN fishies. I highly recommend Pea Puffers for anyone who is getting a puffer for the first time.
I've got 4 pea puffers, 2 males and 2 female in a fluval flex 60l there great. The alfa is phill ii he is the biggest pea puffer I've ever seen he is just over an inch long and a healthy width too I love themmm
I love my Pao leiurus (target or twin spot puffer). She's an ambush predator so hangs out most of the time. But she watches every move I make all day as I'm walking around my living room. She is so observant.
I've had my pea puffers for just over a year now. They seem to be happy because I started with 3 of them, but they wanted more friends, so they made some ha ha ha. If I had more room I'd love to try and get them to spawn again.
Great list! Obviously by my profile picture, Fahakas are my favorite, but pea puffers are a very, very close second as they were my first puffer. I also have a hairy puffer and mine also has grown on me fast, another ambush puffer I like is a Dragon puffer as I think they look absolutely beautiful, too bad they also like to hide. I would love get a Mbu someday and am on the lookout for Amazon puffers. Stay Fintastic man!
Hi Bob... Hope you're doing great and healthy!! I just got 6 spotted green puffers. I was told they are great together. However, that's not so much what I read. They are so cool and I love them. I hope they will be okay together in their 40 gallon breeder. I will be taking their tank from brackish to full marine as they grow and mature. Loved this video btw. Stay happy my friend!!
Love this vid, because I really love me some puffers! Mbu puffers are one of those dream fish that will never come true for me, because I would want to house it for life properly and it's pretty unlikely that I'd ever have the space for a tank that large. Maybe a Fahaka one day, but more likely a Schoutedeni in the future.
Is a figure 8 pufferfish a freshwater or brackish water. Because I have one in A 10 gallon tank for over 5 years in fresh water and crush coral, for Substrate and about 15 adult molly's. He /she eats snail's, frozen blood worms and keeps my molly's population down by eating the fry.
I love puffers, so cool and way more intelligent than most fish…. I’ve kept the Fahaka, figure eight, and green spotted…. The secret to the last two is hard water/high PH and they thrive for years…
Loving the hat big guy! Surprised cory doesnt have a video like this. Glad you made one tho, good job been trying to figure out what to put in my 30 and empty 55. Heatwave+power outage=very sad me.
I had peas before and now i have 3 Kongo puffers (tetradon schoutedeni) in my 550l Community Tank! I absolutely Love these little Water-hummingbirs. I can absolutely recommend both Puffer species. Great Video. I Hope to add some day a MBU to my collection .
I love my peas they love snails 🐌❤ and love to watch them eat blood worms 🪱 looks like they have a straw in there mouth I have a fahaka puffer and a porcupine puffer and 2 dog face puffers love them all but peas are my favorite there always happy to see me come in to the fish room and always watching what I'm doing there cool little fish
Planning a tank for a pea puffer in mind. Probably a 10 gallon tank. They are just so dang cool. Already setting up a smaller tank to harvest snails from 😄
I LOOOVE puffers! We have kept pea puffers in the past, though see don't have any at the moment. They are ADORABLE! They are intensely curious and aware of everything going on both in and outside their tank. I also highly recommend these little cuties....Sigh, now I want to get more pea puffers 😂
I have a heated tropical community pond around 175 gallons in size. I considered pea puffers but I'm always told they are to aggressive for the tetras, dwarf gouramis, guppies, corydoras, garras, plecos and mollies I have in there already. Is there any small, inexpensive, community pufferfish I could possibly buy that you recommend that WON'T attack the other fish I have?
I have 4 pea puffers, 4 amazon puffers and 3 figure 8 puffers. I'd have to say my favorite are the Amazon's. But they all have personalities. Oh and they're not in the same tank lol. I tried ny figure 8 with the Amazon and the Amazon were being picked on by the figure 8.
I would like a spotted Congo puffer. Didn’t know they existed until just now but I have kind of a Congo river theme with a couple exceptions I have some Congo tetras a harlequin shark. I was going to do a dedicated Congo tank because I wanted to go African but then my wife wanted a jahonnie so my Congo tank went to a cichlid tank.
Hi and Thanks for the video. If i got platty and molly in my (100 liters ) 22 us galons , can i add any pea puffers??? Just because they are AMANZING creatures i just realise lately on youtube. Thanks again
I just love puffers 🥰 I have an empty 9 gallon long rimless tank I want to clean up, plant and put a pea puffer in. Anyone have jumping issues with these little guys?
I just purchased 3 4 my decorated with plants an dragon stone a tree trunk in the center with nana petite glued all over it so plenty of breaks in the line of sight but question I have is y did they tell me I needed pest snails an shell food as the get older because of gill plait will grow can u please help me out I don't want to loss these guys or galls
Would amazon puffers be fine in 29 gallon community tank? Also in the last few months it has been hard to find pea puffers. Are you selling them on your website? My favorite is a pea puffer
Covid has made pea puffers hard to import. Hopefully start seeing them again soon. I recently got a small group but not sure if they will hit the website. One amazon puffer would be ok. But ideally you want a group of them and it might get a little crowded in a 29.
As the proud owner of a trio of the Tetraodon Schoutedeni puffers I can tell you all the price is WELL worth what you get. Smart, friendly active and adorable. They are very interactive animals. If you do saddly need to house them alone they will become somewhat like a parrot. They will latch onto whoever they interact with most to a bit of an unhealthy degree. While even in groups they will always latch onto whoever interacts with them most. If kept alone it becomes a bit unhealthy. I made the mistake of buying just one at first and kept it in my 75 and he was always in the corner nearest my couch and would constantly chew the glass and seams trying to get over. As cute as that sounds it's really not great for them as when they chew they tend to just swallow what's in their mouth. Food or not. So please learn from my mistakes, save up the money buy atleast 3 and put them in a 75 plant it up super nice have some easy to grow plants as they will chew your plants occasionally. My best success is with giant Val, smaller Val's, swords, and then fast growing plants such as amboolia. Mine are currently kept in a riverine style 75 long with giant Val at the back and then rows of smaller val up to about the middle of the tank. Sand on the bottom and large river rocks and stones to make my substrate with the Val growing from between the rocks, I also have a lot of drift wood in the tank for current breaking and hiding spots because as communal as the Schoutedeni are they are as smart as a dog pretty much. They have disputes now and then. It also allows fish like my Congo tetras and the other fun inhabitants (mostly all Africans like my elephant nose the delhizi Bichir and a few others. My only outliers are my 5 large doctor fish and my SAE group to keep alge down) to hide if need be and they have places to sit if they need to get away from the current. I have a wave maker in the tank (can't remember model saddly but I know it's a fluval) and I run a pair of FX5 cannisters. Their intake is at one end and output is on the opposite side with my wake maker. Now you may say "but wait puffers are poor swimmers!" But the Congo minus puffer (regular Congo puffer also part of the "ambush puffers", the Amazon puffer, and the Schoutedeni puffer ALL live in areas of fast flow with the Schoutedeni also inhabiting a lake like water body, but I personally find they do best in a well oxigenated moderate flow tank where they can easily free swim yet the flow is not so high as the Amazon or minus puffer would require. Also over filtering the tank with a pair of FX5 will do you WONDERS for cleaning because little known fact. PUFFERS MAKE BIG MESSES AND SPIKE ALL YOUR BAD CHEMS! They eat like pigs lose half of what they eat in the same manner as an Oscar, and they make poop that seems way to big for how much you feed them and they poop a lot! Also if anyone has any suggestions for a fish to replace the SAE and doctor fish groups that are good African alge eaters preferably out of the Congo River I would love to know what to search for!
They’re really more saltwater than anything. They’re just marketed poorly because they spawn in freshwater but quickly transition to marine. I’d sooner go for pea puffers, or if you want something bigger, Amazon’s. You could also do figure eights but they are brackish.
Pea puffers will still eat snails though. They suck them out of their shells. Mine eat both ramshorns and mt snails. I havent kept bigger snails with them so i do not know if they bother them.
Loved it till the pea puffers I had a SUPER aggressive red eyed puffer that I loved he got big. Also had a beautiful avacado puffer who was mid aggressive
Thinking about setting up a puffer tank to help me with my exploding crawfish population going on in other aquariums. What type of puffer would be recommended that I can keep in a 20L that I can feed the smaller crays to?
Good video, interesting, thanks. I assume the Pea Puffer isn't a 'Species Only' fish as you didn't state that but I also assume as they are so small you gave to be careful what you put in with them. Correct? 🇬🇧
I'm pretty new to fish keeping and was wondering if anyone has kept a hairy puffer with cichlids and if they would get along(specifically ruby green cichlids)
Wait pea puffers don’t need their teeth ground? That’s wild.... I’ve kept mine supplied with snails but haven’t every noticed overgrown teeth ... I also haven’t noticed them being aggressive with eachother always seem to kinda shoal together
Steenfott Aquatics I find it pretty expensive so I go for northfin since it is the same price with better ingredients in my opinion and my fish eat it.
I keep seeing people now saying you should only keep pea puffers in groups since they shoal in the wild for protection...thoughts? I have one in a 5 gallon who seems fine and is super personable, but I’d get more if I should
Thinking about getting a pea puffer so I’m happy to see it on a 1st place! Which tank size would you say is minimum for keeping one pea puffer happy and healthy?
Puffers are the best fish in the hobby my kids have pea puffers I have a 10in fahaka on the hunt for red eye red tail puffers at the moment been looking for a year now
They’re fun, but only if you’re up to the challenge. They’re my personal favorite, but have a lot of requirements compared to other puffers. One interesting thing is, they’re nothing like puffers, in the sense that they school with each other and aren’t territorial at all!
Pea Puffer question: I understand the population per gallon recommendations / requirements. If there were hiding spots and scaping vertically, would these puffers get along in column tank? Or are the gallons per fish based on standard height tanks and therefore based on area more so than gallons? I have a pretty cool retro 40 gallon Hex tank I would like to play with. All comers welcome, your comments are appreciated. ]
What about avacado or mirius congo or arrowhead or cross river puffer. Cross river is endangered ,but avocado and miruis are very cool managed to breed avocado. No progress on cross river can't even find her a mate lol. If I breed mirius puffers I will feeel proud becuse those are the most aggressive pufferfish
Buy top quality puffer fish here:
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Pea puffers REQUIRE a minimum shoal of 6! They also require a minimum tank size of 20 long for 6. They do best in a group that has an odd number. ALWAYS more femal than males. 1 male to 3 females is ideal!
Thank you!
i love puffers because that face LOOKS like the Mii theme music.
Why is this so true
Ya the face in all of them is so animated we have beautiful cichlid tank but I’ve been wanting to do jelly’s but am afraid of salt water never had, do these puffers actually puff up???
What do you call a grouping of Pea Puffers? A pod.
Thank you, I'm here all week...
I don't have any puffers, but I enjoy watching the videos of the YTers who do. I like the community ones the most💕👍
I've got 4 pea puffers with a couple kuhli loaches in a 20 long, LOTS of guppy grass and a decent amount of snails. So fun to watch them stalk their prey
Pufferes are great little companions, they are funny and will play with you. I had one that would let me pick him up and pull him out of the tant by hand.
My favorite is Murphy of course. I will never have the money or space, so some day it will be pea puffers for me.
Same though, maybe a fahaka tho
Pea puffers are the cutest, I love my three peas in a pod. A definitely must buy!
@@TheMun0zFam what did you name them?
James Black Stuart, beevis and butthead lmao
Yeah pea puffers Are the best. Have one in my 5.5 gallon tank. Most personality I have ever seen in a 1 inch long fish
I badly want another pea puffer but none of my local stores have gotten any in for a while, I'm on a wait list. They were saying they're getting only captive bred ones now because they weren't being sustainably harvested I guess.
Flip aquatics has them rn
I have 3 peas who are a blast to watch! I can’t get over the smile of a mbu puffer!!! 😍
Hey are they all in the same tank or with other tank mates? I want to get one but heard they are territorial
They are in a 5gal not recommended but it’s heavily planted and they are kept with cherry shrimps who are currently breeding like crazy! Two of the puffers usually hang out together and one occasionally chases the others from his turf but they haven’t actually attacked one another or the shrimps they are doing great together. I do have another tank that I can move one into if I see aggression but a couple months in and everyone is happy.
Nick Owen - I beat you there matey! I have over 200 "peas" and enjoy watching them bounce around the saucepan when being boiled....LMAO
You obviously made a spelling mistake...
If you mean 6, then you have 3 PAIRS and not 3 peas...
Rosemary Dudley no I just have 3 peas not 3 pairs in a 5 gallon! Would love to see what 200 peas looks like together 😍
I’m getting a single pea in a 5 gallon!
Thanks for the video Bob. My #1 puffer is the Pea Puffer. Getting a 20 Gallon tank ready to add a small group this winter.
It's worth noting that Pea Puffers are threatened in the wild partially due to overfishing for the aquarium trade
Unfortunately the countries these come from generally don’t care about the environment as much as we do. That’s why you cannot (in most cases) sell native fish here in a fish store. The only way to solve it would be to set up breeding tanks so we wouldn’t need to import them. But then, for that effort you should be breeding a native fish that is in trouble instead.
I think you should get a regular puffer fish and see how the MBU puffer fish reacts or put a shark baby shark like a baby and see how he reacts maybe he'll puff up that'll be cool on one of your videos please give me a shout out show this to Mr beast
@@davidjacobson6538 U r little bit wrong here. For the past year I've not seen s single pea puffer in any fish store and pea puffer are native to our water bodies only Ceylon puffer are available now here which is also native to our water bodies
@@nickbutler123 Pea puffers are not native to U.S. they are native to India where I have not seen them alot in fish stores anymore for the past 2-3 years. And also most pea puffers u see nowadays outside India and its neighbours are most probably captive bred as pea puffers are one of the only fresh water puffers that can be bred in captivity
They are tank bred these days
I love pea puffers. They're just so much personality in a lil body.
I own a brackish waterr green spotted pufferfish and he loves to be hand fed. He lives in a tank with my three sailfin mollies and gets along great with them!! Great video my fav in the list would have to be that hairy luffer never heard of it before and it made me smile 😊❤
Yeah my green spotted puffer is so chill. Lives with pea puffers (if anything they bully him)
Mollies. Barbs and tetras xx
I have one green spotted puffer too but im thinking to get couple to make them school is it posible to do it? I wanna know first before get some
@@kiraneko5582 so any update? I’m planning to get some too
@@whatgamerlol5831 yes i just did and brought 5 more green puffer and they are 6 intotal now... Tank setup was a 45 gal with aquaticscape setup....(note: i know 45 gal was too small for 6 greep puffer but this is only for growout tank and for experiment if they can be with each other) i will put them in bigger tank after there grow also i got emergency tubs if ever i see some agression on one another.. I dont recomend this too just taking my own risk to this one 😅
GSP breed in full marine so please people keep them in full saltwater.
My Amazon Puffer doesn't seem to understand the concept of snails. His tank is full of them and he goes for Bug Bites and Vibrabites instead. He's just weird. I also have 6 Pea Puffers in a 29 gallon. They are FUN FUN FUN fishies. I highly recommend Pea Puffers for anyone who is getting a puffer for the first time.
Ginger Graves is it on its own?
They should never be on their own.
Straight Talking Fish he is in a tank full of guppies & some corydoras.
I'll get two for my 10 gallon
How many pea puffer do you think I can put in a 20 gallon?
I've got 4 pea puffers, 2 males and 2 female in a fluval flex 60l there great. The alfa is phill ii he is the biggest pea puffer I've ever seen he is just over an inch long and a healthy width too I love themmm
I love puffers! Great video Bob!
i was shocked to know that the Spotted Congo Puffer is from Congo! I was not expecting that!
I got my figure 8 puffer few days ago iv ordered 5months ago and finally I have it. Its looks amazing.
I love my Pao leiurus (target or twin spot puffer). She's an ambush predator so hangs out most of the time. But she watches every move I make all day as I'm walking around my living room. She is so observant.
I have 4 pea puffers in a heavily planted 38 with a Cory. I love watching them. Very easy to keep also.
1 Cory? They need to be in groups of 6 with their own species
I love the pea puffers. I plan on getting some one day. Just need to make some space lol
Awesomeeeeeee! I really appreciate your information! It definitely helps us folks who are dying for as much knowledge as we can get!✌️♥️🤘
I've had my pea puffers for just over a year now. They seem to be happy because I started with 3 of them, but they wanted more friends, so they made some ha ha ha. If I had more room I'd love to try and get them to spawn again.
Great list!
Obviously by my profile picture, Fahakas are my favorite, but pea puffers are a very, very close second as they were my first puffer. I also have a hairy puffer and mine also has grown on me fast, another ambush puffer I like is a Dragon puffer as I think they look absolutely beautiful, too bad they also like to hide. I would love get a Mbu someday and am on the lookout for Amazon puffers.
Stay Fintastic man!
Hi Bob... Hope you're doing great and healthy!! I just got 6 spotted green puffers. I was told they are great together. However, that's not so much what I read. They are so cool and I love them. I hope they will be okay together in their 40 gallon breeder. I will be taking their tank from brackish to full marine as they grow and mature. Loved this video btw. Stay happy my friend!!
I've caught 3 of these in the wild 😁🐟🎣👍
Love this vid, because I really love me some puffers! Mbu puffers are one of those dream fish that will never come true for me, because I would want to house it for life properly and it's pretty unlikely that I'd ever have the space for a tank that large. Maybe a Fahaka one day, but more likely a Schoutedeni in the future.
Is a figure 8 pufferfish a freshwater or brackish water. Because I have one in
A 10 gallon tank for over 5 years in fresh water and crush coral, for Substrate and about 15 adult molly's.
He /she eats snail's, frozen blood worms and keeps my molly's population down by eating the fry.
I love puffers, so cool and way more intelligent than most fish…. I’ve kept the Fahaka, figure eight, and green spotted…. The secret to the last two is hard water/high PH and they thrive for years…
My fave is Murphy!! Great video 👍
Love my little pea puffer
Me and u agree to # 1 and 2 but # 3 is MBU buffer and the rest I didn’t know about 😅😅😅 thanks man you video is very helpful 🙏🏽💙🙏🏽 love from DUBAI 🙏🏽
3:35 amazing! Finally a video that somewhat features my favorite tetra species XD black phantom tetra
Loving the hat big guy! Surprised cory doesnt have a video like this. Glad you made one tho, good job been trying to figure out what to put in my 30 and empty 55. Heatwave+power outage=very sad me.
I had peas before and now i have 3 Kongo puffers (tetradon schoutedeni) in my 550l Community Tank! I absolutely Love these little Water-hummingbirs.
I can absolutely recommend both Puffer species.
Great Video.
I Hope to add some day a MBU to my collection .
i dont know if i should get a schoutedeni, in some pics they look nice but in others just grey and pale...
@@l.n963 they Just Look Pale If there Stressed, when they feel Safe they Look really nice, with dark spots and yellow fins
Love this video! Just bought a Congo Spotted Puffer so this was extremely timely!!
My two favorites are also peas and amazons. I’ve kept both and love their little personalities! Great list!!
MBU 1 !!! Trust me , it’s like a puppy 🐶 wish that everyone had a big tank for 1 MBU , they have so nice character ❤
Adorable I have had 6 before they did well....great to watch them
I've never kept a puffer or puffers but the Amazon puffers are really tempting for a larger scape.
How often do u get rid of the shells left by snails after the puffer fed on them?
The best puffer is the one that makes you smile
So I heard a lot of "freshwater" puffers need brackish water to thrive are these truly freshwater or do they require brackish as well
This is excellent info. I really appreciated this. I love puffers. Thanks.
I love my peas they love snails 🐌❤ and love to watch them eat blood worms 🪱 looks like they have a straw in there mouth I have a fahaka puffer and a porcupine puffer and 2 dog face puffers love them all but peas are my favorite there always happy to see me come in to the fish room and always watching what I'm doing there cool little fish
Amazon puffers are my favourite as I have found them easy to keep as a group.
You missed the Opportunity to say "peas in a pod"
Planning a tank for a pea puffer in mind. Probably a 10 gallon tank. They are just so dang cool. Already setting up a smaller tank to harvest snails from 😄
Let me know what your favorite puffer fish are below.
Also, if you want access to more shenanigans consider hitting that Join button.
What size tank for the Amazon puffers maybe 4 or 5 of them?
Green spotted puffer fish.. mine were in fresh water and now in full salt water they are also in my community reef tank.
My puffers eat hair algae and seaweed to.
I LOOOVE puffers! We have kept pea puffers in the past, though see don't have any at the moment. They are ADORABLE! They are intensely curious and aware of everything going on both in and outside their tank. I also highly recommend these little cuties....Sigh, now I want to get more pea puffers 😂
Iv got 2 goldfishes.ur vid was v informative to watch
Good informational video. I like the #4 fish, BTW. Thanks Bob. 😊
I have a heated tropical community pond around 175 gallons in size. I considered pea puffers but I'm always told they are to aggressive for the tetras, dwarf gouramis, guppies, corydoras, garras, plecos and mollies I have in there already. Is there any small, inexpensive, community pufferfish I could possibly buy that you recommend that WON'T attack the other fish I have?
Puffers are a down the road decision for me but I’m digging the pea puffers. I also liked all the tanks with that cool blue background!!
Fahakas are the best. Had one for 8 years growing up and he’s been gone 12 but I miss him all the time
Can you do a video on pea puffers. Pros, cons, care, extra
Their cool pea puffers great little monsters haha loved snail day hahahahaha
Awesome top 5, Bob! The Pea puffers are my favorite.
Hey Danny, long time no see, good to see you buddy. You're channel is doing really well =)
I would call that MBU Puffer Elvis because of the way it curls its lip on one side. Thank you very much. ;)
I love my pea puffers so much. They are extremely curious too, but territorial. Building a 75g for only Amazon puffers and cant wait.
The Amazon Puffer is my favorite, but they are all great!
Omg at the mbu smooshing his lips against the glass waiting for more food! 😍
I have 4 pea puffers, 4 amazon puffers and 3 figure 8 puffers. I'd have to say my favorite are the Amazon's. But they all have personalities. Oh and they're not in the same tank lol. I tried ny figure 8 with the Amazon and the Amazon were being picked on by the figure 8.
I would like a spotted Congo puffer. Didn’t know they existed until just now but I have kind of a Congo river theme with a couple exceptions I have some Congo tetras a harlequin shark. I was going to do a dedicated Congo tank because I wanted to go African but then my wife wanted a jahonnie so my Congo tank went to a cichlid tank.
Finally someone Did a video on this thank you keep up the good work
Hi and Thanks for the video. If i got platty and molly in my (100 liters ) 22 us galons , can i add any pea puffers??? Just because they are AMANZING creatures i just realise lately on youtube. Thanks again
I just love puffers 🥰 I have an empty 9 gallon long rimless tank I want to clean up, plant and put a pea puffer in. Anyone have jumping issues with these little guys?
I just purchased 3 4 my decorated with plants an dragon stone a tree trunk in the center with nana petite glued all over it so plenty of breaks in the line of sight but question I have is y did they tell me I needed pest snails an shell food as the get older because of gill plait will grow can u please help me out I don't want to loss these guys or galls
As usual, good useful info. I love your videos!
Would amazon puffers be fine in 29 gallon community tank? Also in the last few months it has been hard to find pea puffers. Are you selling them on your website? My favorite is a pea puffer
Covid has made pea puffers hard to import. Hopefully start seeing them again soon. I recently got a small group but not sure if they will hit the website. One amazon puffer would be ok. But ideally you want a group of them and it might get a little crowded in a 29.
@@SteenfottAquatics ok thank you then I won't get an amazon puffer
Nope. Amazons should only be housed in groups of at least six. Minimum tank size is 55 gallon long.
@@straighttalkingexotics9367 I won't be putting one in a 29 gallon thank you
Great video very informative I think I am going to get some of these.
Omg!!! His voice sounds like he can be a Pilot!!!! Do you fly planes?? Nice video. Thank you
First time ive heard this, and yes, i have flown Cessnas lol
As the proud owner of a trio of the Tetraodon Schoutedeni puffers I can tell you all the price is WELL worth what you get. Smart, friendly active and adorable. They are very interactive animals. If you do saddly need to house them alone they will become somewhat like a parrot. They will latch onto whoever they interact with most to a bit of an unhealthy degree. While even in groups they will always latch onto whoever interacts with them most. If kept alone it becomes a bit unhealthy. I made the mistake of buying just one at first and kept it in my 75 and he was always in the corner nearest my couch and would constantly chew the glass and seams trying to get over. As cute as that sounds it's really not great for them as when they chew they tend to just swallow what's in their mouth. Food or not. So please learn from my mistakes, save up the money buy atleast 3 and put them in a 75 plant it up super nice have some easy to grow plants as they will chew your plants occasionally. My best success is with giant Val, smaller Val's, swords, and then fast growing plants such as amboolia. Mine are currently kept in a riverine style 75 long with giant Val at the back and then rows of smaller val up to about the middle of the tank. Sand on the bottom and large river rocks and stones to make my substrate with the Val growing from between the rocks, I also have a lot of drift wood in the tank for current breaking and hiding spots because as communal as the Schoutedeni are they are as smart as a dog pretty much. They have disputes now and then. It also allows fish like my Congo tetras and the other fun inhabitants (mostly all Africans like my elephant nose the delhizi Bichir and a few others. My only outliers are my 5 large doctor fish and my SAE group to keep alge down) to hide if need be and they have places to sit if they need to get away from the current. I have a wave maker in the tank (can't remember model saddly but I know it's a fluval) and I run a pair of FX5 cannisters. Their intake is at one end and output is on the opposite side with my wake maker. Now you may say "but wait puffers are poor swimmers!" But the Congo minus puffer (regular Congo puffer also part of the "ambush puffers", the Amazon puffer, and the Schoutedeni puffer ALL live in areas of fast flow with the Schoutedeni also inhabiting a lake like water body, but I personally find they do best in a well oxigenated moderate flow tank where they can easily free swim yet the flow is not so high as the Amazon or minus puffer would require. Also over filtering the tank with a pair of FX5 will do you WONDERS for cleaning because little known fact. PUFFERS MAKE BIG MESSES AND SPIKE ALL YOUR BAD CHEMS! They eat like pigs lose half of what they eat in the same manner as an Oscar, and they make poop that seems way to big for how much you feed them and they poop a lot! Also if anyone has any suggestions for a fish to replace the SAE and doctor fish groups that are good African alge eaters preferably out of the Congo River I would love to know what to search for!
I currently have no puffers but when I do get a puffer or puffers I will see but so far I like the green spotted puffer. I know not on the list.
They’re really more saltwater than anything. They’re just marketed poorly because they spawn in freshwater but quickly transition to marine. I’d sooner go for pea puffers, or if you want something bigger, Amazon’s. You could also do figure eights but they are brackish.
Pea puffers will still eat snails though. They suck them out of their shells. Mine eat both ramshorns and mt snails. I havent kept bigger snails with them so i do not know if they bother them.
Loved it till the pea puffers I had a SUPER aggressive red eyed puffer that I loved he got big. Also had a beautiful avacado puffer who was mid aggressive
Thinking about setting up a puffer tank to help me with my exploding crawfish population going on in other aquariums. What type of puffer would be recommended that I can keep in a 20L that I can feed the smaller crays to?
Just bought 5 wild caught Amazon Puffers! They are going through quarantine!
Can the pea puffer be in community tank with ciclids and clown loaches also you did not mention what size the pea puffer will reach ?
I got a schoutedeni from Dan’sfish yesterday!! So excited
Miss my puffers. I had pea, figure 8s, and leopards. ♡
cute video.Very interesting and music also super.
Good video, interesting, thanks.
I assume the Pea Puffer isn't a 'Species Only' fish as you didn't state that but I also assume as they are so small you gave to be careful what you put in with them. Correct?
I'm pretty new to fish keeping and was wondering if anyone has kept a hairy puffer with cichlids and if they would get along(specifically ruby green cichlids)
Hairy puffer will kill anything in its tank. They are highly aggressive.
@Steenfott Aquatics 10-4, I still really want one so i will do a species only tank
pea puffers are too cute! my wife is bugging me to buy some, but the cheapest I can find in Aus is $185 each
IT cost 4£ in the UK.
Wait pea puffers don’t need their teeth ground? That’s wild.... I’ve kept mine supplied with snails but haven’t every noticed overgrown teeth ... I also haven’t noticed them being aggressive with eachother always seem to kinda shoal together
Maybe you are lucky and have more females. :)
So in norway a fahaka costs 250$ and I just bought one yesterday and it isnt eating any tips
My pea puffers had babies!!!!
Do you feed mostly xtreme flakes to your fish now??
xtreme anything lol
Steenfott Aquatics I find it pretty expensive so I go for northfin since it is the same price with better ingredients in my opinion and my fish eat it.
I keep seeing people now saying you should only keep pea puffers in groups since they shoal in the wild for protection...thoughts? I have one in a 5 gallon who seems fine and is super personable, but I’d get more if I should
Thinking about getting a pea puffer so I’m happy to see it on a 1st place! Which tank size would you say is minimum for keeping one pea puffer happy and healthy?
Min 5 gallons! Give it plenty of fresh live plants so it can hide
Puffers are the best fish in the hobby my kids have pea puffers I have a 10in fahaka on the hunt for red eye red tail puffers at the moment been looking for a year now
Can I have puffer with oscars and jaguar cichlid? And which puffer do you recommend?
I have never had a puffer, I really have been thinking of getting a couple in my 90. Looking at the Amazon but they a hand full
They’re fun, but only if you’re up to the challenge. They’re my personal favorite, but have a lot of requirements compared to other puffers. One interesting thing is, they’re nothing like puffers, in the sense that they school with each other and aren’t territorial at all!
Can i put green spotted puffer in a tank? Ofcourse in a planted setup
I have Indian red eye puffers. Very cool small sized puffers.
Great video guy
Pea Puffer question: I understand the population per gallon recommendations / requirements. If there were hiding spots and scaping vertically, would these puffers get along in column tank? Or are the gallons per fish based on standard height tanks and therefore based on area more so than gallons? I have a pretty cool retro 40 gallon Hex tank I would like to play with. All comers welcome, your comments are appreciated.
What about avacado or mirius congo or arrowhead or cross river puffer. Cross river is endangered ,but avocado and miruis are very cool managed to breed avocado. No progress on cross river can't even find her a mate lol. If I breed mirius puffers I will feeel proud becuse those are the most aggressive pufferfish
I'm looking for info.on the avacodo puffer I just adopted 1 last weekend..would love more detailed Info.
I keep a Congo spotted in my 75 gallon planted tank, worth the money no questions asked
I have 4 GSPs. Best fish I've ever had. And they are compatible with others.