Qadistu Agrat Boss Fight - Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024
  • Ігри


  • @jaffinator2166
    @jaffinator2166 6 місяців тому +257

    “I am the witch Ranni. I stole death long ago”

    • @smoothie1572
      @smoothie1572 6 місяців тому +5

      Now that you mention it... 🤔 I *cannot* unsee it anymore.

    • @Pikachu-qr4yb
      @Pikachu-qr4yb 6 місяців тому +3

      Exactly. I literally thought the thumbnail was an anime fanart of Ranni

    • @That_demon_thing
      @That_demon_thing 6 місяців тому +4

      She’s like a more emo Ranni

    • @Pikachu-qr4yb
      @Pikachu-qr4yb 6 місяців тому +5

      @@That_demon_thing in case Ranni isn’t enough enough 💀

  • @dumerleidi
    @dumerleidi 6 місяців тому +190

    I've been waiting for this! In my opinion, Agrat has the most gorgeous design out of the three. GRAHHHHH

    • @FazPersona
      @FazPersona  6 місяців тому +38

      I totally agree!

    • @dc7981
      @dc7981 6 місяців тому +63

      Bro let the intrusive thoughts win at the end there

      @IWILLJUGGLEYOURBALLS 6 місяців тому

      My personal favorite is Eisheth.
      The possibility of getting a blow job and hand job at the same time is undefeatable.

    • @TheAdududu
      @TheAdududu 6 місяців тому

      Beasts all over the shop, you’ll be one of them sooner or later

    • @lemnioaz3854
      @lemnioaz3854 6 місяців тому +5

      I love her nose

  • @thesamuraix881
    @thesamuraix881 6 місяців тому +135

    She forgot to take away the map 💀

    • @LFCBinzy
      @LFCBinzy 5 місяців тому +13

      it would probably be 100 times more painful without the map loc

    • @xacmashe3852
      @xacmashe3852 Місяць тому +1

      ​@@LFCBinzyso it'd be painful at all? It wasn't particularly challenging to navigate.

  • @PeteQuaint
    @PeteQuaint 6 місяців тому +114

    stitches from fear and hunger 2, ranni the witch, five from drakengard 3, david bowie with a big ass snake. what a team

    • @That_demon_thing
      @That_demon_thing 6 місяців тому +19

      The move “Qadistu entropy” really reminded me of the intoners from drakengard 3

  • @scrapkingkeita3825
    @scrapkingkeita3825 5 місяців тому +26

    I didn't notice she had doll joints in any of the previews and upon seeing them she jumped to my favorite of the Qadistu

  • @Grimnoire
    @Grimnoire 6 місяців тому +108

    Haven't clicked on one of these videos yet but, per the thumbnail, Jesus Christ why does this game have so many baddies in it?

  • @xerontokyo
    @xerontokyo 6 місяців тому +172

    Btw she shared the same voice as Makoto Niijima.

    • @bladeexe
      @bladeexe 6 місяців тому +65

      Finally Shadow Makoto.

    • @xerontokyo
      @xerontokyo 6 місяців тому +11

      @@bladeexe Lmao

    • @Minarreal
      @Minarreal 6 місяців тому +37

      She's also V from Cyberpunk. The actress' range is crazy

    • @xerontokyo
      @xerontokyo 6 місяців тому +10

      @@Minarreal Yeah Cherami Leigh has range.

    • @davidtimmer596
      @davidtimmer596 6 місяців тому +5

      She's also Arianrhod in the Trails games, as well as Rhea in Fire Emblem.

  • @tonyroa1669
    @tonyroa1669 6 місяців тому +73

    Such a cool design. A demonic witch with a soothing voice and the body of a doll. Well done Smt.

  • @ze_glitchy_gamer7629
    @ze_glitchy_gamer7629 6 місяців тому +38

    I love that umbrella

  • @renamamiya2279
    @renamamiya2279 Місяць тому +2

    Ran... Agrat: "You'll get lost on the dark fog."
    MC: **Uses his mini-map to find her** :P

  • @TitaRussellTrails
    @TitaRussellTrails 6 місяців тому +55

    Sad that’s she’s almost certainly exclusive to post game I really want to use her on my team cause I love her design

    • @FazPersona
      @FazPersona  6 місяців тому +73

      She’s not! You can fuse her immediately once you’re lvl 60 ish

    • @farizr.batarai8271
      @farizr.batarai8271 5 днів тому

      But she's not post game you can fuse her once you're like level 68

  • @knock090
    @knock090 5 місяців тому +8

    If she used buffs/debuffs she could be really, really tough, she already is turn 1 if you don't set up masukukaja because with the amount of hits she gets unless misses she can get a crit and use queens decree until she runs out of turns as an almighty skill very strong

  • @TheRedfieldWay
    @TheRedfieldWay 6 місяців тому +26

    I like Agrat. To bad she didn't have as much screen time as I'd hoped

    • @FazPersona
      @FazPersona  6 місяців тому +8


    • @xacmashe3852
      @xacmashe3852 Місяць тому +2

      I feel like Naamah and Eiseth had more screen prescence than Agrat and Lilith. Agrat has barely any screentime and Lilith goes on the attack exactly once until her boss fight, and other than that only shows up to give forgettable esoteric speeches like 3 times.

  • @michaeltsang1748
    @michaeltsang1748 5 місяців тому +4

    I think there might be a bug with Agrat's code. Her innate skill allows her to crit with her unique skill. If she crits, and gets that extra press turn, i think the game sees three press turns and has her use her special again. It happened to me. On her first turn, she used her unique skill, got a crit and used it again. I survived fortunately. If it isn't a bug, then props to Agrat for knowing how to Almighty spam.

  • @cj_iwakura
    @cj_iwakura 4 місяці тому +2

    "Any last words? Hm hm hm hm hm hmm...
    Now die."

  • @Kirbyfan45
    @Kirbyfan45 6 місяців тому +15

    Marisa from touhou battles god

  • @RagingDemon99
    @RagingDemon99 6 місяців тому +56


  • @Did_No_Wrong
    @Did_No_Wrong 6 місяців тому +26

    I see Omagatoki: Critical is still used to cheese a bunch of the boss fights.

    • @santabakure6264
      @santabakure6264 6 місяців тому +8

      This Omagatoki: Critical still cheeses bosses the old fashioned way

    • @7evan
      @7evan 6 місяців тому +17

      It's objectively the best one because of how flexible it is

    • @FujinKeima
      @FujinKeima 5 місяців тому

      I kinda hoped theyd nerf it at least a little..At least the new skills are generally worth using

    • @masterduelzero1795
      @masterduelzero1795 5 місяців тому +7

      ​@7evan it honestly isnt, it's just the easiest to use, and everyone has it, making it really popular. There are definitely way more bonkers Omagotoki skills, they just require planning instead of "oh, big damage"

    • @omegaweapon116
      @omegaweapon116 4 місяці тому

      You don't like to use it?

  • @aurumferro
    @aurumferro 5 місяців тому +8

    Shes such a cutie ngl

  • @dutchvanderlinde9304
    @dutchvanderlinde9304 4 дні тому

    Ah yes, Qadistu Agrat, also being known as Agra the Useless.

  • @Minarreal
    @Minarreal 6 місяців тому +37

    Is Agrat best girl? I need to know

  • @muhammedaljerari391
    @muhammedaljerari391 6 місяців тому +26

    I dont got no type..

    • @RandomPerson28337
      @RandomPerson28337 6 місяців тому +19

      Bad bitches are the only thing that I like

  • @SushiGhost97
    @SushiGhost97 6 місяців тому +18


  • @raikaria3090
    @raikaria3090 5 місяців тому

    Literally killed her in just over 3 turns. Tanked through turn 1; used Dampeners on turn 2/3. She died first hit of Turn 4 because I had a lot of electric demons and a magic build so ofc my Nahobino had Ruinous Thunder.

    • @zuacamole
      @zuacamole 5 місяців тому

      congrats man

  • @hisdudeness1835
    @hisdudeness1835 5 місяців тому +3

    This fight was really easy. Due to her copies in the area before the fight I knew her thunder weakness. Konohana Sakuya with a buffed unique skill, artemis with the def down attack and then the critical turn magatsuhi skill the next turn. She was dead and got like one attack in on hard mode.

  • @simplejack1601
    @simplejack1601 6 місяців тому +7

    demigod waifu 😛

  • @ssj4rit
    @ssj4rit 6 місяців тому +7

    Onyankopon lmao

  • @SageBladeG
    @SageBladeG 5 місяців тому +2

    Yoko set me up

  • @steindzenk-oh2223
    @steindzenk-oh2223 3 місяці тому

    agrat jumpscare scary agrat

  • @kcold3277
    @kcold3277 4 місяці тому +2

    Agrat is really crazy because in phase 2, she starts spamming Diarama and diamrita if you don’t DPS and masakunda her or sukukaja yourself.
    I got hit with continuous ice and almighty spam and that was because unlesd you resist or null it, she'll spam and crit.

  • @WarmLillie
    @WarmLillie 6 місяців тому +17

    Can I have her as persona

    • @yujiandou4658
      @yujiandou4658 6 місяців тому +27

      Maybe in Phantom X or P6.

    • @xerontokyo
      @xerontokyo 6 місяців тому +20

      @@yujiandou4658 Will see if P-Studio will try and get Doi demon designs in future Persona mainline games and/or spinoff games.

    • @heyyodude8637
      @heyyodude8637 6 місяців тому +19

      @@xerontokyoI’m hoping Persona 6 would add many demons from SMT V though. There are ones that aren’t even in the series yet, or haven’t been in one for a very long time

    • @dantemustdie00
      @dantemustdie00 6 місяців тому +2

      ​@xerontokyo Yeah for some reason P-Studio has been avoiding using Doi demons for some reason, they could've at least put Odin, Hydra and Zeus in Reload, but nope

    • @yujiandou4658
      @yujiandou4658 6 місяців тому +3

      @@xerontokyo yeah, and Liberation Dx2 which has alot of the other demons that have models in 3d not used for Persona yet. I would like to see the new Odin or Mephisto in the games too.

  • @storyspice974
    @storyspice974 6 місяців тому +8

    Since I’m not gonna play this for a while. Imma have to unsubscribe since I might get spolied

    • @kerryvanskonsol792
      @kerryvanskonsol792 6 місяців тому +1

      You fault, don't blame them

    • @ryanp7546
      @ryanp7546 5 місяців тому +7

      @@kerryvanskonsol792 they're not blaming them. They didn't even say they are blaming them.