Are Demons More Powerful Than Angels?

  • Опубліковано 1 лип 2024
  • Hey everyone, welcome to Mythology Explained. In today’s video we’re going to try and figure out whether demons are more powerful than angels.
    Let me start off by saying that this question has no definitive answer and that there’s a lot of different ways one could try to answer it, different ways yielding different results. There’s different angelic hierarchies, and there’s different demonic hierarchies, many of which, in both cases, have been influential for centuries. Although, I will say that angelic hierarchies do have a degree of legitimacy that the demonic hierarchies do not. Most demonic hierarchies were produced during the late medieval period, the renaissance, and the early modern period, and words like occult and folklore go a lot farther in describing them accurately than the phrase ‘Christian doctrine’. The bible has little to say about angels and even less about demons.
    We’ll begin by answering two questions: where do demons come from, and how is the angelic hierarchy structured?
    Answering where demons come from, we’ll explore the theory of demons being fallen angels. While this isn’t the only theory that explains the origin of demons (in the Book of Enoch, for example, demons are said to be the spirits of the Nephilim) It is the most widely accepted theory in Christianity, as evidenced by many of the early church fathers endorsing it.
    Answering how the angelic hierarchy is structured, we’ll look at Dionysius the Areopagite's angelic hierarchy, one of the most influential and widely recognized systems of angelic stratification in Christian theology. However, it is important to note that there is no single "official" version of the angelic hierarchy accepted by all Christian denominations, different traditions having various interpretations and classifications of angels.
    Watch the video for the rest!


  • @MythologyExplained
    @MythologyExplained  Рік тому +46

    Thanks for watching! :)

    • @angramainyu8423
      @angramainyu8423 Рік тому +1

      Michael is the strongest Arch Angel,,, He did not attack Satan directly. ( Bible, book of Jude. )... In Revelations, "An Angel took hold of the Dragon, Satan and bound him into the Abyss for 1,000 years. """ If the strongest Arch Angel could not do this,,,,, how did this 'Angel' do this ?

    • @isaacmalsawmsanga8699
      @isaacmalsawmsanga8699 Рік тому

      ​@@angramainyu8423 Infact in the book of Jude Michael refrain from bringing a reviling condemnation against him due to his respect for God and said 'the lord rebuke you ' but what's ur point?

    • @lonecar144
      @lonecar144 Рік тому

      Hebrew Strong's Number: 5303
      or nephil, nef-eel'; from (naphal); properly, a feller, i.e. a BULLY or TYRANT:- giant.-Strong's Talking Greek & Hebrew Dictionary
      3 For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears;
      4 And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables
      2 Tim 4:3-4 (KJV).
      All glory to God. Amen

    • @lonecar144
      @lonecar144 Рік тому

      Why didn’t/doesn’t/wouldn’t Satan read scripture the way the world does and NOT do what is prophesied of him and make God and his word unreliable?
      It is impossible to believe that an angel of high order and his untold number of followers (“1/3rd of the heavenly angels” as taught) are too stupid to realize the simplicity of this ploy that would make God and his word unreliable.
      It is also impossible to believe that God would risk his sovereignty on the whiles of an emotionally and/or mentally unstable being.
      It is impossible for Satan to be a fallen heavenly angel, because if he is all this angel must do is absolutely nothing to cause even just one of God’s prophesies to come about, and then the bible (KJV) becomes unreliable and false, do this and many more people would turn their backs on God than ever would because of any evil that satan could do.
      Also, what prevents another angel from rebelling in the eternal future, and another, and another, etc.?
      Satan is not a fallen angel; he is not a self-aware being. The bible (KJV) tells us he is a power and a principality. This fact proves that the world is not “rightly dividing the word of truth”.
      This fabled Satan that has considerable intelligence should know that all he must do is sit back and do nothing to bring about even just one of God’s prophecies, then at best God and his word become unreliable and then God is as fallible as man and no God. Or at worst God becomes the same as your fabled Satan “a liar” and is just a power hungry being. And this would leave 2 billion+ professing Christians without a leg to stand on, not mention those that are asleep in the lord.
      To “rightly divide (separate) the word of truth” you must separate fact from fable, truth from tale, and principle from parable. When you sincerely study the bible (KJV) the Holy Spirit will show you that Satan is a power and a principality in high places. In more than one instance in the bible (KJV) high places is referred to as governing seats and rulers, it is not some other dimension with literal ghouls and spirits floating around waiting for a vulnerable human to consume.
      As for “prince of the power of the air”, when you enter a house with undisciplined and disobedient children you can feel the contention and strife in the air, when you go to a neighborhood ran by gangs you can feel the tension and fear in the air, and every day more and more you can feel the division and hate in this nation (U.S.A.) the great “liar”, “in God we trust” and “one nation under God”.
      When someone is tempted to do something that they know is wrong they have a little debate in their head and lie to themselves and make excuses to justify the action they want to take. Just like the story of Eve and the talking serpent. A talking serpent is a fable; 2 Tim 4:4 (KJV).
      A talking serpent symbolic of the lust of the flesh; is truth. The power of those that give into this serpent is what God calls Satan, or to be more specific, the power of those that use and abuse the laws of God “to steal, and to kill, and to destroy” the poor, fatherless, and widows, is what God calls Satan. A principality (a government). And any who support him, through lies or evil plans (mind), or with works (hands) are his angels. Hence the mark of the beast.
      All glory to God. Amen

    • @GarrisonCook-fs3sy
      @GarrisonCook-fs3sy Рік тому

      One angel has more power than a army of demons .. Think about it bro.. Or just look around you, anyone doing a good deed or minding their business will face opposition from many.. And be by themselves most times

  • @BruceVial
    @BruceVial Рік тому +85

    Demons seem to have more time on their hands. Randomly possessing children in back water villages, chilling in woods, haunting inanimate objects etc

    • @pippiesroom4822
      @pippiesroom4822 Рік тому +24

      😂😂 you wrote this cracked me up.

    • @mmarcjp5057
      @mmarcjp5057 Рік тому +15

      When you have nothing to lose you’ll always have time to waste.

    • @jasonhounsell3297
      @jasonhounsell3297 11 місяців тому

      Yea, I mean one careless guy driving a truck causes more damage than demons do in years and years. Almost seems like humans are the ones we should be worried about, or any other animal. Probably cause they are real lol

  • @ncjsgrki
    @ncjsgrki Рік тому +52

    The short answer is Angels.
    When the Archangel Michael argued with Satan over the body of Moses, he said to Satan and his demons "The Lord rebuke you!” and they all felt to the ground.
    So it is safe to say, that every angel has God on their side and therefore will always be more powerful than any deamon.

    • @rexlapis1075
      @rexlapis1075 Рік тому

      Reality no .
      It’s strictly between individuals in this video
      Let take Lucifer for example used to be a seraphim or cherub ( long debated topic) I won’t get into it either is fine
      When he was still in grace he was basically mightier than all angels holding a ranking higher than any
      But a low ranking angel beat Lucifer , without the interference with god I doubt Michael could beat him , also when a messenger tried to deliver a message to David
      A demon stopped it, it took Michael and him fighting the demon for weeks

    • @rev.jonathanwint6038
      @rev.jonathanwint6038 11 місяців тому

      Chemosh Defeated jehovah so that really doesn't

    • @FrostedSeagull
      @FrostedSeagull 11 місяців тому

      It was Michael who asked our Father God to NOT permanently allow a fully realised Soul into human beings.
      As we we ( human Beings) are prone to Sin.

    • @michaeldeglory777
      @michaeldeglory777 6 місяців тому

      ​@@FrostedSeagull Who are you really

    • @laurentroland6847
      @laurentroland6847 2 місяці тому

      @@rev.jonathanwint6038 According to who exactly? Also, we don't worship "jehovah", we worship YHWH, the proper Hebrew transliteration

  • @truthhurts3811
    @truthhurts3811 Рік тому +38

    The strength of the presence of angels and demons in your own personal atmosphere is dependent on many things but is linked to the path of your soul

    • @Nancy20012
      @Nancy20012 Рік тому

      This sentence is completely meaningless hope you realise

    • @seanevertts2735
      @seanevertts2735 Рік тому

      @@Nancy20012 Considering you can't even spell realize correctly shows how meaningless your statement is.

    • @ghostlightningboi5618
      @ghostlightningboi5618 10 місяців тому

      ​@@Nancy20012 I agreed with & found meaning in this sentence hope you realize.

  • @veronicamalsi266
    @veronicamalsi266 Рік тому +36

    Fallen Angels: Hold my scythe!
    Biblical Angels: hold my insanity!

  • @marvellousruni8475
    @marvellousruni8475 Рік тому +306

    Angels will always be more powerful because they have God on their side

    • @univeriseman8008
      @univeriseman8008 Рік тому

      And god has his writers to pull asspulls

    • @cheesepuffmcgruff30
      @cheesepuffmcgruff30 Рік тому +22

      Yes, but if an angel loses faith, they will find no reason to serve.

    • @paulmichaelmichaelisduron354
      @paulmichaelmichaelisduron354 Рік тому +7

      All of God's Angels deserve to somewhat question GOD. God keeps growing though us also. I'm the straightest Man here. I have a Gay brother and a Gay sister. God wants me to protect my family and neighbors no matter what. I pray to God every day and talk to him every day. I am honest with him and tell him some days he is not. God knows This because I have been saying this for years and want to upgrade the 2000 year old bible

    • @jaykisuke3397
      @jaykisuke3397 Рік тому +9

      @@paulmichaelmichaelisduron354 you don't know that angels deserves to question GOD or not and you mentioned that you have gay siblings? The bible says that the woman was made for the man so how can you protect something that's against the bible you hypocrite?

    • @chunky9791
      @chunky9791 Рік тому +4

      ​@@paulmichaelmichaelisduron354 If you are concerned with your brother, think you of it this way. The Bible says God judges every man & knows his heart. He is fair & just above any of our understanding. Now it's true what the Bible says about men women & intersex relationships. God will judge him fairly, & according to his life & heart. As he will me with all my mistakes. Sin is sin to him a gay relationship & stealing is sin to him. I would challenge God with a true heart, ask him for a answer & pray for your brother. See what answer he gives you. God is much more complex then we could imagine so trying to say that this person or that is condemned seems foolish to me. Moses was a murderer, David a adulterer & murderer yet was a man after gods heart. Force God to give you the answer! That's the only true way you will know my friend.

  • @veronicasiegfried2712
    @veronicasiegfried2712 Рік тому +34

    These are very interesting concepts. Thank you for your work.

  • @jaylanddrakeford
    @jaylanddrakeford Рік тому +10

    Angels will always be more powerful than demons because Angels, while for the most part share the same origins as some demons, have God’s favor over demonic forces.

  • @chunky9791
    @chunky9791 Рік тому +55

    Even the Bible states that a messenger angel (throne probably at most) when traveling to give Daniel his message was stopped by the prince of Persia (power) & even with the help of archangel Michael it took weeks for the battle to conclude & for the message to be delivered. Angel also stated he'd have to fight his way back out after Daniel got this message. I think they can't be killed (spirit beings) unless God himself does it. Otherwise, they just continually battle until one is defeated. But a higher ranked demon may subdue a lower ranked angel plus you have to add in God's will & plan. Wouldn't be much of a war for souls if every angel won every single time regardless. When christ returns, their defeat is eminent & they themselves know this.

  • @rtruth7002
    @rtruth7002 Рік тому +4

    Most people underestimate what actual spirit realm battles look like. They're likely to be terrifying, like a real-life anime battle, only more intense.

  • @brandonveltri2825
    @brandonveltri2825 Рік тому +1

    Great video! I kind of wish you put the names of these paintings in your videos, though. I can’t find some of them, but I’ve been really drawn to this kind of stuff because of it

  • @soldier09r
    @soldier09r Рік тому +5

    This was explained in simple terms and super easy to follow! Loved it!

    • @Sionnach1601
      @Sionnach1601 11 місяців тому +1

      I think that is this man's 'Calling Card': he has identified and perfected the skill of uncomplicating things, and delivering his material in a fantastic and easy way. He's a genius at it. I'm perplexed because it's not the kind that one spots easily. I only spotted it after having come from other channels where they deliver too fast, too complicated and little-to-no context. This man absolutely distills all of that down to simple perfection. And it's, I believe, extremely important material, so it's equally important that it's delivered so very well.

    • @soldier09r
      @soldier09r 11 місяців тому +1

      @@Sionnach1601 eloquent delivery about this. You’re absolutely right.

  • @deniseherud
    @deniseherud Рік тому +1

    love this in-depth explanation of the hierarchy of good and evil. Can i ask what was your source book for the classification of the first tier of demons?

  • @vilotochishi7649
    @vilotochishi7649 Рік тому

    Tbh, your narration are the best for an insomniac like me.keep up the good work👍

  • @ryanenright3948
    @ryanenright3948 11 місяців тому

    Very insightful :)

  • @ipmbznews9906
    @ipmbznews9906 Рік тому +7

    The funny part about evil is it's very nature is to self destruct

  • @fs9842
    @fs9842 Рік тому +17

    Demons are only strong to a WEAK minded person...seems to be alot of them. Some in the comments and it shows

    • @MrDNMock
      @MrDNMock Рік тому +1

      That's a pretty weird take, cus someone like, say, Adolf Hitler, was a lot of things, but weak minded isn't one of them.

    • @fs9842
      @fs9842 Рік тому

      @@MrDNMock that mf was on meth... and had money and power...totally different

  • @LamarTheeDean
    @LamarTheeDean Рік тому +12

    I had a horrible spiritual experience and if that were true I’d be dead rn. I’m blessed.

  • @xipus08
    @xipus08 Рік тому

    Interesting video

  • @lucindaabrahams785
    @lucindaabrahams785 Рік тому

    This is a very good

  • @Joshua-uw7wm
    @Joshua-uw7wm Рік тому +7

    I believe it would depend on the angel vs the demon to determine the victor but there are entities and divinities far more powerful than either so it to me I can't see them as extreme but as above mankind in the power ranking scale therefore it would have to be between the combatants like in martial arts it's the fighter not the style or studio.

  • @goodson77784
    @goodson77784 Рік тому +4

    Do one on the Key of David.

  • @thalmoragent9344
    @thalmoragent9344 Рік тому +34

    Makes you wonder, can the Angels and Demons (Dark Angels) even die? Like... do they just get defeated and then weakened greatly in power, allowing capture/subduement? Or can they just sorta die/cease to exist?

    • @kelseyreganit8383
      @kelseyreganit8383 Рік тому +4

      They can die but the only way that they die or killed angels or demon is to be killed by God or angels or demons,but one thing for sure they can live forever they are immortal so the only way they die or killed is kill by God or angrels

    • @matthewshroba1511
      @matthewshroba1511 Рік тому +3

      Demons are not dark angels. They are the disembodied spirits of the Nephalim. Angels and demons are created beings, and therefor can be destroyed. The assertion that “the Bible has little to say about angels or demons” is not accurate, along with a lot of other information in this video.

    • @Ganymede559
      @Ganymede559 Рік тому +3

      @@matthewshroba1511 If Demons are disembodied Nephilim, then they aren't created beings. God didn't create the Nephilim. We don't know if spirits can be destroyed.

    • @matthewshroba1511
      @matthewshroba1511 Рік тому +3

      @@Ganymede559 yes we do know. The Bible tells us spirits can and will be destroyed. If it exists… it’s created. God is the only thing… according to the Bible, according to himself, that is not “created”… he did not create everything though from him everything was created. He has no beginning and no end, and He IS the beginning and the end (of everything else). You’re wrong both symantically and factually.

    • @Ganymede559
      @Ganymede559 Рік тому

      @@matthewshroba1511 Then God created the Nephilim knowing they would destroy the earth, as he knows the beginning from the end. _Why_?

  • @shaunramkissoon2
    @shaunramkissoon2 Рік тому

    What happened to the auto created playlist for this channel?!

  • @Sionnach1601
    @Sionnach1601 11 місяців тому

    Thank you! Again, another excellently researched and excellently *paced* and presented video.
    One point which you may have forgotten to address my friend, is that the Archangels (and those of 'lesser' power 'beneath' them) were those who defeated ALL of these demons.
    That being so, it means that 'only' '3rd' level angels were able to defeat the full host of demons INCLUDING those who heretofore had been of the Seraphim and Cherubim.
    So it appears that not only is not possible to just categorically say that "Angels are more/less powerful than demons" (as you have already mentioned), but that the distribution and imbuement of power is NOT AT ALL LINEAR. After all, Michael and the other Archangels, being of the 3rd level were the ones who seemingly lead the charge against Satan and other 'more powerful' (former) Angels, and cast them down into the fiery realm.
    That said, something else must have occurred, some 'rule' of 'membership' by God, that any Angel who forsook God, would automatically lose a substantial quantity of their power. Thus, their power being greatly diminished, Michael and his band of light would have been able to meet them dareful beard-for-beard, or even met them with greater power than the now-lesser fallen angels.
    Again, much is most definitely beyond our level of mortal comprehension.
    Still, I cannot say for sure why, but just dwelling on the subject of Heavenly beings, (even where they are engaged in combat with the greatest of evil), fills me with great calm. I actually find myself healing and regaining hope just lingering and spending time on the subject.
    In any event, it's thanks to you Mythology Explained, that many of us here have had the benefit of this, just because you make videos on such subjects: probably the most important of ALL subjects.
    Thus it is great and high work that you do. Thank you.
    God bless. :)

  • @johnnycage112
    @johnnycage112 Рік тому +33

    Angels FTW!

  • @knightofyourlife
    @knightofyourlife Рік тому +5

    I believe that they are both the same type of creature, Each rank of equal level would be of equal power. The only real difference is that one type is evil and their counterpart is even worse.

  • @danielhoward9729
    @danielhoward9729 Рік тому +5

    Good is all powerful, whereas Evil has room to grow and improve. This is necessarily true since it's Good's prerogative is to subdue and change Evil. Evil doesn't play by the same rules because it's goal is to win at all costs. Good beats back Evil, and Evil is allowed to return over and over until eventually it can match Good. But Evil can never match Good in raw power so there's a constant struggle due to their innate natures.

    • @rexlapis1075
      @rexlapis1075 Рік тому

      Good and evil are 2 sides of the same coin
      There will always be good and evil , can’t say one is stronger than the other

    • @kingclampz6081
      @kingclampz6081 Рік тому

      @@rexlapis1075 not true as good always wins in the end meaning they are not equal

    • @rexlapis1075
      @rexlapis1075 Рік тому

      Says who ?

  • @writerblocks9553
    @writerblocks9553 Рік тому +5

    Why would God send the fallen angels to Earth to allow them to mess with humanity? Seems like a bad idea. Is God unable to control the demons?

    • @ethanforrester1998
      @ethanforrester1998 Рік тому

      It's not that God is unable to it's that he chooses not to cause that would take away free will otherwise why not prevent Lucifer/Satan from rebelling in the first place and falling to hell or prevent humans from sinning and causing harm to each other

    • @HeavenlyMe1111
      @HeavenlyMe1111 Рік тому +1

      Maybe earth was hell all along, and we’re all currently in hell and being tortured on daily basis.. and yet this hell is like the first revolving door towards the final one in eternity.. and we have a chance to repent and escape it by actually experiencing many aspects of it 🤷🏻‍♀️and calling on God to save us from it.. which God will, and here’s how our free will really plays a role, do you enjoy this hellish shit show on earth or would you like to be in the eternal loving presence of God where you don’t even wonder if God exists because you actually know Him

    • @aayewhyy
      @aayewhyy Рік тому

      If you researched you’d find out that God has them here to test us to see if we’d still chose HIM over ourselves and demons

    • @HeavenlyMe1111
      @HeavenlyMe1111 Рік тому +1

      @@aayewhyy What about the animal suffering and how they are eaten alive so another species would survive .. how they go long periods without food sometimes and suffer deeply until they die or are eaten alive.. The questions are not always only about humans and tests.. It’s not just us

    • @aayewhyy
      @aayewhyy Рік тому

      @@HeavenlyMe1111 animals are beasts who cares it’s just like grass you just cut it but it’s suffering so…. The question was about us why you talkin bout some dumbass animals 🤣

  • @davep3786
    @davep3786 Рік тому +1

    the difference between devils and angels , is the choices they have made
    old descriptions of satan /lucifer was that of a beautiful, perfect looking being as any other angel...
    we humans put bat wings and claws, on demons so we can easily determine who is being described in the tales ..
    basically ..your dealing with same creatures
    but it makes us feel better to make 2 sides of the struggle, so drastically different .
    at least that's what i was taught .

  • @ZombifiedPreacher1
    @ZombifiedPreacher1 Рік тому

    Depends, which one do you feed the most?

  • @jmb112875
    @jmb112875 Рік тому +7

    Demons are disembodied offspring of Angels.

  • @Hahahahahahaha1029
    @Hahahahahahaha1029 Рік тому +1

    What side you fall on once you pass ? Angel or demon?

  • @Ciprian-IonutPanait
    @Ciprian-IonutPanait 11 місяців тому

    5:50 the war in revelation is the war that happened at the beginning of creation. Satan fell from the sky like litning and dragged with him a third of the angels.

  • @ronsirman6867
    @ronsirman6867 Рік тому +4

    An angel would wield gods power a demon would be limited to mental games and illnesses

  • @tracemcclain32391
    @tracemcclain32391 4 місяці тому

    Depends on what is meant by power

  • @HermaeusM
    @HermaeusM 10 місяців тому

    In Dante’s inferno, a bunch of fallen angels (not monsters, not damned souls, but legit fallen angels) tried to bar him and Virgil’s path into the City of Dis. Virgil told them that God deemed it that Dante would pass. They ignore him because they hate God. A real angel came, opened the gate with a touch, and basically said, ANYONE who gets in their way will be punished severely. They all cower away in fear of God’s light. *Nobody* messes with an angel of God on a mission from their master.

  • @mistervacation23
    @mistervacation23 Рік тому +2

    They don’t think nothing of pulling a shot-tower up by the roots, and belting a Sunday-school superintendent over the head with it - or any other man

  • @lpjohnson8391
    @lpjohnson8391 Рік тому +19

    Angels and Demons are of the same strength and power depending on the nature of human behaviors. Now, whichever entity comes out on top is up to the person that summons or leans towards their chosen side...IMO

    • @matthewshroba1511
      @matthewshroba1511 Рік тому +6

      From a biblical perspective, demons are less powerful than angels.

    • @lpjohnson8391
      @lpjohnson8391 Рік тому +1

      @Matthew Shroba I hear you and yet, demonic forces continue to prevail.

    • @matthewshroba1511
      @matthewshroba1511 Рік тому +1

      @@lpjohnson8391 read your Bible. The battle is already won, was won over 2000 years ago on the cross. Christ prevails over Satan and death. This world is Gods footstool, and he has GIVEN it to Satan, given him authority here. He has no power God does not give him, and when he fights and resists, he only furthers his own suffering and furthers Gods promise. Everything I say is in the Bible. This is not a battle…. It’s a test.

    • @lpjohnson8391
      @lpjohnson8391 Рік тому +1

      @Matthew Shroba I'm the son of a preacher, fam. Grew up in the Word and it doesn't hold that kind of power anymore. It is time for a new age and a new God. "Go into the House of Man with the Pitcher"

    • @matthewshroba1511
      @matthewshroba1511 Рік тому +1

      @@lpjohnson8391 do you know what that scripture is about? Who is the man with the pitcher preparing the upper room for? Who is the feast being prepared for? There is only one God, for now and forever, and he will not share you.

  • @rhysedwards4810
    @rhysedwards4810 11 місяців тому +1

    Not all 'demons' are of what people call the fallen angel concept. Some are born from pure darkness manifested in to some pretty evil stuff. Origins vary.

  • @malice9830
    @malice9830 11 місяців тому

    Can u do papiyas

  • @Sashimiburger
    @Sashimiburger Рік тому +1

    Damn, I thought this was a Diablo lore video.

  • @bluelava4282
    @bluelava4282 Рік тому

    Temptations vs Willpower’s Strengths determines the Outcome

  • @blablblaaaaaaaaa
    @blablblaaaaaaaaa Рік тому +5

    angels and demons may be the same entities ,in buddhist tradition there are the dakini that if worshipped and threat well take many different angelic forms on the contrary if threat poorly they take many different demonic forms,anyway probably they two complete different entities,in this quantum fractal world everything is possible but i tend to think like i already said the dakini are an entity of the buddhist tradition and territory,while the angels and demons are entities of the christian-judaic religions and territories .

  • @Mistaletstalkaboutit
    @Mistaletstalkaboutit Рік тому +1

    Basically Angels are the alien gods that want to help mankind like enki, demons are the alien gods that wanted to harm man kind. Enlil (enkis brother)

  • @dieguinsken
    @dieguinsken Рік тому +4

    Demons are not more powerful than angels, maybe before their fall yes but all that changed when they fell. In the beginning when angels were allowed to sin, NONE were granted the Beatific vision, so after the war in heaven all the angels faithful to God were granted this Vision and therefore become more enlightened and thus more powerful than their fallen brethren as with this Vision they enhanced all their qualities. And even then, God used a low ranked angel Micheael to defeat the mighty hordes of rebel angels led by Lucifer (supposed to be an ex Seraphin) the mightiest of angels in the beginning. So by His Grace, He can easily bestow power in any being He uses for His Purposes. No matter how powerful demos are, its of no avail, it won't matter in the end.

  • @meech6848
    @meech6848 Рік тому

    But if Michael is that low, how could he have driven Lucifer out? Obvious answer is with the power of God. Why would an angel so low be fighting a seraphim, right? Someone help me out here

  • @jamescharles1588
    @jamescharles1588 11 місяців тому +1

    How is Micheal (Archangel) able to cast Lucifer (Seraphim) into the Lake of Fire then ? Why isn’t the order of Angels that are God’s warriors responsible for that? Doesn’t make sense to me.

  • @Morn1n5tar
    @Morn1n5tar Рік тому +1

    Subjectivity clowns us and reveals a lack of faith … for what Demin is not a chastising Angel ? What Angel is not a Demon on your side ? 🔥❤️💦

  • @Goch46
    @Goch46 Рік тому

    Where did Depiction of demons as black and angels white come from.
    If demons are fallen angels, wouldn’t they be same color?

  • @gentleheart7107
    @gentleheart7107 Рік тому +1

    My theory is that the angels are stronger, but they are inactive. They watch, sometimes they set things in motion, but they don't fight demons, it's hard to connect with them. Demons, on the other hand, are very active and do what angels cannot do - they lie, cheat, manipulate and are very accessible.

    • @Nuck-Fo0bZz
      @Nuck-Fo0bZz Рік тому +1

      Exactly. God and his angels are very hands off. Demons are very hands on when it comes to humanity. That's the way it is in the stories anyway.

  • @Peoplearefood
    @Peoplearefood Рік тому

    if fallen angels are a problem. Why let them near earth. If the apple was a test why not just end adam and eve right there?

  • @salravioli
    @salravioli Рік тому +7

    I didn't realize people had created such an extensive backstory on such a fringe subject.

    • @sentientcardboarddumpster7900
      @sentientcardboarddumpster7900 Рік тому

      They like to fantasize and assign attributes

    • @permabearxbt
      @permabearxbt 10 місяців тому

      @@sentientcardboarddumpster7900 as someone who has been through a minor exorcisms I can tell you these are real. look up interviews of father vincent lampart he is the one that helped me

  • @danzel6300savage
    @danzel6300savage Рік тому +3

    Angles are more powerful as Demons have more free will

  • @lancestone4409
    @lancestone4409 Рік тому

    How can you prove this???

  • @acutiff7125
    @acutiff7125 Рік тому +1

    I’m going to go against the grain here and agree demons can be more powerful than angels. The reason I say this is because demons ARE angels yet are autonomous and have no issues around gaining power. Angels on the other hand, must conform to Gods will which is not individual will and do not try to gain power. Therefore, on an INDIVIDUAL basis (not collective) I think a single demon is more powerful than a single angel. However, it can be argued that collectively, maybe angels would be more powerful as they get their power from God but they would have to act in unison to be stronger.

  • @alexandergreen7230
    @alexandergreen7230 Рік тому

    I’m unsure but It seems like this is the same as fairies vs pixies

  • @ghostgate82
    @ghostgate82 Рік тому +12

    The definitive answer is no, demons are not more powerful than angels. You can’t even ask such a question until you define what these words mean. “Angel” is a job description, not a species. It only means “messenger,” and this applies to ALL types of messages. Humans can be angels, and so can aliens. “Demons” are spirits that run contrary to YHWH/Yeshua. “Spirits” are just disembodied influence, which can be electricity, numbers, letters, symbols, words, ideologies, light, etc.
    This would mean “Angels” are a delivery method of spirits, and fallen angels specifically are the delivery method of demons.

    • @jeffreybeckham1130
      @jeffreybeckham1130 Рік тому +2

      In the strictest sense, as I understand it, angels are mere extensions of God's will, and have no capacity as individuals to make their own choices. Even within these limitations, however, angels are more powerful than any mortal man can hope to be, because when God sets them to a task they cannot fail at it. Descriptions of angels in the Bible inform us that if you were to meet an angel, you'd never be the same after the experience.. And yet, all of this is further proof of the unique gift that God gave to humanity, that even these most perfect and powerful of his servants lacked, that mere mortals still had one thing that they didn't: the ability to freely choose what to do with their lives.
      Contrary to that, of course, is Lucifer and those that followed him. But they were severely punished for going against what their intended purpose as angels was, being confined to Hell for it, so yeah.. Normally, angels stay within that role as God's unfailing and unfailingly loyal servants.

    • @ghostgate82
      @ghostgate82 Рік тому +2

      @@jeffreybeckham1130 You just contradicted yourself. You said “angels can’t make choices” and then you freely admit that fallen angels disobey God. Which is it?
      Angels are ANY messenger of a hierarchy. Some hierarchies are evil.

    • @nickolas.vicente
      @nickolas.vicente Рік тому

      Angels aren't just jobs lol, that's a misconception of the translated term. Angels are literally the offspring of God's thought. They exist as celestial beings, we don't.

    • @ghostgate82
      @ghostgate82 Рік тому

      @@nickolas.vicente But we will when Jesus inducts us into His council with the white stone ceremony and gives us the morning star. Time is cyclical.

    • @yokaivegaurd8707
      @yokaivegaurd8707 Рік тому

      @@ghostgate82 angels had freedom of choice before Lucifer betrayed they gave up that but the fallen were watchers. They were on earth for a good purpose but overtime became tempted lusting after women and teaching us many things.

  • @mikielsahagun6054
    @mikielsahagun6054 Рік тому +1

    Is there such thing as the angel of death? You know: The Grim Reaper?

  • @josegustavomedinarios8414
    @josegustavomedinarios8414 Рік тому

    It's got to be something! God or luck But something Made us all 8 billion humans that come from something, or what is existence....? What is lo life?

  • @iampatricewalker
    @iampatricewalker Рік тому +1

    My ancestors said demons were NEVER angels.

  • @andrewkappler5503
    @andrewkappler5503 Рік тому +18

    I mean Angel's got the Almighty on there side 😅

    • @NyxBorn7080
      @NyxBorn7080 Рік тому


    • @alfredspic481
      @alfredspic481 Рік тому +2


    • @alfredspic481
      @alfredspic481 Рік тому

      Ok Grammer police lmao GTFOH

    • @Soulute367
      @Soulute367 Рік тому +1

      This isn't true. The one who you call god is no god at all whatsoever. It is a deceiver. That is no almighty force.

    • @Soulute367
      @Soulute367 Рік тому

      Also to add to this. Because the Fallen Angelic are a thing completely destroys your position.

  • @CraigStephens777
    @CraigStephens777 Рік тому +5

    No they are not. 🙌😇

  • @dudejit12345
    @dudejit12345 Рік тому

    I seen the circle thing but it was in wars of different beings Egyptian’s aliens were one of them

  • @BlackWingedSeraphX
    @BlackWingedSeraphX Рік тому +14

    They are not.
    At best, Demons are equal. But in a fight, Angel's always win.

    • @thalmoragent9344
      @thalmoragent9344 Рік тому +1

      I suppose it's interesting to also think... can they even truly "die"?

    • @BlackWingedSeraphX
      @BlackWingedSeraphX Рік тому +1

      @@thalmoragent9344 I would think not without God's Permission.

    • @acillisspirit
      @acillisspirit Рік тому

      Not the angel whon went against the prince of Persia, he needed Michaels backup

    • @BlackWingedSeraphX
      @BlackWingedSeraphX Рік тому +1

      @@acillisspirit But that was Satan himself. Who's probably the strongest of all demons.

    • @acillisspirit
      @acillisspirit Рік тому

      @BlackWingedSeraph meh I say abafon could kick his ass considering its abadon that single handily hurls him into the abyss

  • @marcomclaurin6713
    @marcomclaurin6713 11 місяців тому

    I liked the angels with wings on the neck
    My icon is a seraph
    You can see angels for yourself
    I'll demonstrate in my video 'Judging angels'
    Set to Led Zeppelin for your listening pleasure
    Thanks for your work and time

  • @WhiteLongSword7
    @WhiteLongSword7 Рік тому

    St. Michael and the others are more likely Seraphim; of the highest choir.

  • @mikielsahagun6054
    @mikielsahagun6054 Рік тому +1

    If demons can possess humans: could angels possess humans also?

  • @JimmySloop-ci9yh
    @JimmySloop-ci9yh Рік тому +3

    Bible says Jesus wins. The Bible says it I believe it.

  • @superheard1980
    @superheard1980 11 місяців тому

    This channel is great. The book of revelation states, that a nameless Angel will take Satan in one hand, and with the other open up the bottomless pit, and cast Him in. So, any Angel is more powerful than all demons when they are carrying out a task ordained by God.

  • @jayveeruzforce2322
    @jayveeruzforce2322 Рік тому


  • @echosmoon5605
    @echosmoon5605 Рік тому

    So if an Demon Died would they just go back to hell?

  • @vnvivid
    @vnvivid Рік тому

    Where does evil come from? since heaven is a place, does that mean they also have houses and history ? Why did god create guarding angels ? If there was no evil ? Just because the Bible doesn’t tell us about something, does it means it didn’t happen ?

  • @truthseeker92011
    @truthseeker92011 Рік тому

    We already have the answer and it’s been recorded. First of all, demons were previously Angels. So, they are in fact very powerful beings. However, in the Bible, Lucifer and 1/3 of the Angels of heaven were banished from heaven, by God and the remaining 2/3 of the Angels.
    The Bible also says, in Revelations, that at the end of times, there will be, amongst other things, a great battle between Satan and his demons and God and his Angels. The Angels are prophesied to win that battle and rid the Universe of Satan and his demons. Proving that Angels are MORE powerful than demons.

  • @stanleyteriaca2184
    @stanleyteriaca2184 Рік тому +2

    Lucifer is definitely less powerful than God (or according to the DC comic book universe, The Presence). But of course The Endless are more powerful than both Angles and Demons (but not more powerful than The Pressence).
    Note: the Pressence is not JUST God, but also Allah and every other monotheistic religion with only one creator being.

  • @graphixkillzzz
    @graphixkillzzz Рік тому +2

    all things being equal, power, skill, experience, knowledge, etc...I think a demon would defeat an angel because demons should have no problem killing just for fun, whereas the angel will try to be merciful, which will ultimately be taken advantage of by the demon 🤔🤷
    edit: also, demons are chaotic and less predictable, whereas angels are more disciplined and thus more predictable.

    • @MrDNMock
      @MrDNMock Рік тому

      Bro, which bible have you been reading that gives you the impression that Angels are opposed to killing? They slaughter the shit out of people all over the bible.

    • @jasminethecreator19
      @jasminethecreator19 Рік тому

      uhh, no angels can't be killed only god can

  • @MG-mc6rw
    @MG-mc6rw Рік тому +2

    Angels Crush demons

  • @That80sGuy1972
    @That80sGuy1972 Рік тому

    Well, Biblically speaking, 1/3 of them rebelled against the other 2/3 and God Himself... I'm sure that they didn't think that their inferior number was enough of an issue to have them lose such a rebellion. Those fewer former angels probably were stronger than most of their lot. Lucifer/Satan was probably excellent at not only seducing the other angels, but also picking which ones would be the best on his side. Defying God Himself (the guy [being] who speaks things into being, thinks events into happening, allowing free will as a privilege), however, that's the very definition of arrogance.

  • @tylerlawlerDEVGRU
    @tylerlawlerDEVGRU Рік тому

    Mythology from 3rd to 12th, with Theology as well.

  • @myownstationofficespa9736
    @myownstationofficespa9736 Рік тому

    Why the dark one got to be the demon Lucifer is the one fell from heaven did he
    hit the earth and split
    in two

  • @90syungin51
    @90syungin51 Рік тому +3

    God has never been defeated. That’s all I’ll say

  • @whateveryoulikeilike6475
    @whateveryoulikeilike6475 Рік тому +1

    Michael typing...

  • @jamesmartello1
    @jamesmartello1 Рік тому +2

    No. Demons still only have the power God permits them to have and nothing more. They have already lost their war and they know it.

  • @tylerleliechristian4109
    @tylerleliechristian4109 Рік тому

    Wait a minute why don't we provide if demons are powerful than angels or if angels are powerful than demons by Dragonball z power Balance or power scaling math than will definitely provide best

  • @razdva3myjsmebratri123
    @razdva3myjsmebratri123 Рік тому


  • @darthjarwood7943
    @darthjarwood7943 Рік тому

    They are the same beings that can do whatever spoken to them by their god...if god told a demon to cage an Angel the demon would have no choice but to do it and the angel would have no choice from being caged and vice versa...their god speaks things into reality with vibration

  • @baiyuantongbei
    @baiyuantongbei Рік тому +1

    Can Spiderman beat Batman?

    • @bigdragon3929
      @bigdragon3929 Рік тому

      Depends on what Suit and weapons Batman uses

  • @gorewhore
    @gorewhore Рік тому

    I'm not even Christian but I'm very invested😂

  • @kingzseventh7017
    @kingzseventh7017 Рік тому

    Pretty sure Angels have been depicted as massively more powerful than demons one of which casually defeated an army of 150,000 soldiers by himself with out any issue at all. Demons however having to battle to damn or dominate a single mortal soul

  • @mariowillems4941
    @mariowillems4941 Рік тому

    Black and white what is the problem

  • @martinmowbray4304
    @martinmowbray4304 Рік тому +1

    Angels always win eventually. They have the power of god on their side.

  • @mattanderson8737
    @mattanderson8737 Рік тому

    Angels are the Superego. Demons are the Id. You are the Ego. It is all a metaphor for your moral compass. Maybe we find out when we checkout which one is stronger by where you end up. I learned that from Saturday morning cartoons. ☮️

  • @rev.jonathanwint6038
    @rev.jonathanwint6038 Рік тому +1

    Actually the way people oh thank this work isn't the way it works.
    The idea that god is from the side of angels cannot actually be proven. We know Metron claims that. We can also claim the possibility the demons as Angels are being tested.
    You cannot simply say god is on the side of angels. It's much more complicated.
    Story Originally is the serving god's will and not in rebellion. How can they be as they Can only rebel because what created to rebel. Create by an all knowing god

  • @mohammadnikseresht952
    @mohammadnikseresht952 Рік тому

    we are the last creation of god and most powerfull .. if we can love and be loved.. and best love is love in god

  • @sigmaballs93
    @sigmaballs93 Рік тому

    Short answer... No!
    Long answer... Hell No!

  • @panchoramon4856
    @panchoramon4856 Рік тому

    It's simple angel Michael whooped the devil and cast him out of the heavens so the angels are they all just have there own rank
    God bless us all 🙏

  • @MC-gj8fg
    @MC-gj8fg Рік тому

    The Solar is the highest tier of angels obviously. Someone clearly lost their copy of the Monster's Manual.

    • @rexlapis1075
      @rexlapis1075 Рік тому

      The seraphims and cherubim are the highest tiers of angels

  • @Cookytheaspin
    @Cookytheaspin Рік тому +1

    The angels will always be powerful than the demons, because they are good but, the angels are more nicer than demons.

  • @arthurwatt5162
    @arthurwatt5162 Рік тому

    Yeah. We don’t know. But we guess anyway.

  • @simppuful
    @simppuful Рік тому

    Demons are like the name say dynamic. While angels are cool and calm. Demons like fire and hot. Hell. Angels like cool and harmony. Heaven.

    • @simppuful
      @simppuful 11 місяців тому

      Angels are dynamic in their light and goodness. Like extra ordinary. Like devils are dynamic in their evil and thrapping in their dark side of human mind.