Satan / Lucifer: How God's Greatest Angel Became Ruler of Hell

  • Опубліковано 28 вер 2024


  • @jaycurry70
    @jaycurry70 2 роки тому +78

    Why would satan punish people for disobeying the god he also disobeyed?

    • @NiskRanThawll
      @NiskRanThawll 2 роки тому

      Because Satan/the adversary is appointed by God to temp man and provide the temptation to test us all, just as he did with Jesus in the desert.
      As pointed out in the video Eve was also tempted.
      Lucifer is not in the Hebrew/Aramaic bible rather it is "son of the morning star" which is where modern fiction gets Lucifer morningstar.
      The lead angel who led the rebellion to mount Hermon was not Satan at all nor the King James added Lucifer.... but rather Samjasa.
      Clearly the adversary is STILL tempting man and since he tempted Jesus as was God's plan he could not have been the same angel leading the rebellion.
      The adversary I would suggest is still loyal to God, carrying out the duty of pushing humanity into temptation and strife in order. That our free will can lead us to be GOOD humans and fulfil our duty in creation.
      Think of Satan as God's counterpart, where God is all knowing of good, Satan while dutiful is knowing of all sin and vice.
      Reflections of eachother.

    • @timefororbit
      @timefororbit 2 роки тому +18

      Free will that leads to sin is a rejection of God, the punishment is not being close to God. The Adversary appears to be testing the goodness within man.

    • @paulawallace8784
      @paulawallace8784 2 роки тому +2

      No, only Man is who Contends and Rebels against the Creator, not any of His Messengers, you have been taught a perverted, twisted False Tall of Heathen Man.

    • @vendattavee1745
      @vendattavee1745 2 роки тому +16

      @@exposingdarkness5674 Lucifer is in L.A, in netflix.

    • @vendattavee1745
      @vendattavee1745 2 роки тому +13

      @@timefororbit God is a powerful butler, everyone likes him when he gives them what they want and hate him when he doesn't do what they want. As long as he give people will pretend to worship him.

  • @savagedarksider5934
    @savagedarksider5934 2 роки тому +8

    First comment. I'm in love with Athena,Hera, Persephone,Aphrodite,Artemis,and Nxy. They're amaing.❤

    • @vivianp5962
      @vivianp5962 2 роки тому +2

      I have a weird mix of Medusa & Kwan Yin. Kwan Yin I found in my deceased uncle's house (married in to family) then I bought Medusa cause of the strong connection "at the time".
      They both remind me that "life is not fair". I'll leave it at that. You get my drift or not.

    • @iamavoidtrippergutterslush666
      @iamavoidtrippergutterslush666 2 роки тому

      Naberius, Belphogore, Amdusias, FurFur, and Bestat 😼 are my favorite this far

    • @johnvick6318
      @johnvick6318 2 роки тому


    • @johnvick6318
      @johnvick6318 2 роки тому

      ​@@vivianp5962 n

    • @johnvick6318
      @johnvick6318 2 роки тому

      n but my myn

  • @SoldierOfGodwyn
    @SoldierOfGodwyn 2 роки тому +5

    Nice video on Abrahamic mythology, can you make more videos on Hinduism or Babylonian mythology?

  • @simonroper4713
    @simonroper4713 2 роки тому +7

    I adore William Blake thank you You could make a video about William Blake.

  • @Dreyden-
    @Dreyden- Рік тому +1

    So why doesn't god just obliterate him and keep us out of it? He can still judge us without Satan. Or are we just chess pieces?

  • @TheManOfTomorrow
    @TheManOfTomorrow 2 роки тому +40

    "Maybe that was God's plan all along. Why He created him (Devil/Satan), allowed him to fall from grace, to become a symbol to be feared.... warning to us all, *to tread the path of the righteous* ."
    - Father Paul Lantom, Marvel's Daredevil

    • @draxthemsklonst
      @draxthemsklonst 2 роки тому +1

      What is humanity's greatest enemy? I'm not asking for a name or title, I'm saying by what means does our enemy primarily operate? What thing in this world causes the most suffering?

    • @deathbydeviceable
      @deathbydeviceable 2 роки тому +5

      @@draxthemsklonst Man

    • @draxthemsklonst
      @draxthemsklonst 2 роки тому


    • @deathbydeviceable
      @deathbydeviceable 2 роки тому

      @@draxthemsklonst what's to explain? We are capable of both evil and good. Look around you and realize man is his own worst enemy. Elites will kill for control, and the poor will rob and kill to be rich. It's not biblical science here.
      You are your own worst enemy

    • @draxthemsklonst
      @draxthemsklonst 2 роки тому

      I didn't ask you to explain because I didn't realize what you're saying, but I was literally asking you to use more explanation of what you're trying to profess.

  • @silvershelbygt500
    @silvershelbygt500 Рік тому +1

    There's not one single verse in scripture that says he became or will become the ruler of hell. It says he will be tormented there forever and ever. That doesn't sound like a ruler to me.

  • @nightmarecorpse5120
    @nightmarecorpse5120 Рік тому +1

    A day to God Is 1000 years to us

  • @iamtheiceman
    @iamtheiceman Рік тому

    I have difficulty accepting the "permanent finality" of punishment for satan or sinners as laid out in the book of revelation.
    I just don't see how there can be a place (like the lake of fire) - where the punishment is (eternal).
    Nothing (eternal) exists for us - and it is not even a concept that we can relate to.
    We always strive to (rehabilitate) those who have done wrong.
    Even giving someone an extremely harsh punishment is not something that we envision would go on "forever" - as that would be a harsh and grueling torture.
    If God created satan, and everything else, including us - would he not have some place in his heart for forgiveness, for some sort of reconciliation to repair the broken relationship
    Wouldn't satan, knowing his fate would be (eternal suffering and imprisonment), seek to change his ways, to be good again, and obtain God's forgiveness ?
    It just does not make logical sense to me.
    Any good person would seek to fix and forgive, rather than punish and torture for eternity.
    ALSO, for those who have done research on NDEs - where people have died, gone into the light, met angels, etc...where certain mysteries and truths are revealed, where our purpose on earth is shown, and the reality that we (all) go back to our Father when our bodies die....all that.....does not really sync-up with what is written in the bible.
    NDE people speak of complete love and peace on the other side, and that our earthly lives are temporary, and that we chose to be born and live out a life here to learn, love, and grow - taking that experience back with us to heaven when we die.
    NDE people also relate that there is no judgement passed against us on the other side - that we are not (punished) like so many think - and as the bible says in certain places.
    i don't know - but to me, a loving God would be loving, forgiving, seek to create - not destroy, and on an on.... all good things - and (not) be a God who creates places of permanent, eternal suffering and torment. That simply does not sound right.
    So, does that mean the Bible is wrong ? I really am starting to question - logically - just how (literally) we are supposed to interpret the bible, and quite frankly, if all the books within it, truly represent the way things were, are, and will be.
    I guess we will all find out someday, no matter what.

  • @jturner2577
    @jturner2577 2 роки тому +1

    3:22 Which is a motif originating in Akkadian/Sumerian Mythology.

  • @JeffreyPullen-lp4oe
    @JeffreyPullen-lp4oe Рік тому +1

    God made Satan to live for ever and God doesn't go back on his word so how can Satan be destroyed???

  • @arthurwatt5162
    @arthurwatt5162 2 роки тому +1

    God is very powerful and pure love. We were blessed with free will and we need to use that to choose him.

    • @Little-She-Devil
      @Little-She-Devil 2 роки тому

      I don’t know if god is pure love.
      I mean he hasn’t showed me much love in my life.
      God has only showed me sadness pain and betrayal.
      Ive yet to feel his “pure love”
      Lucifer on the other hand Has showed me his power.
      By teaching me the lesson of life.
      “Trust only your self for one shall not betray him/herself”

    • @vendattavee1745
      @vendattavee1745 2 роки тому +3

      God is powerful and pure as long as he give us what we want.

    • @jeffwinkler1137
      @jeffwinkler1137 2 роки тому +1

      And this pure love is gonna torture you for ETERNITY if you dont get the message in say 20 years of life... He knew all so he knew we'd have doubts, he made us that way. So you burn for all time after being here a few short years as he made you?! If thats love i dont want any thanks.

    • @jeffwinkler1137
      @jeffwinkler1137 2 роки тому

      He is a contradiction in every way and organized religion is a scourge upon the Earth.

    • @SoldierOfGodwyn
      @SoldierOfGodwyn 2 роки тому

      Your belief

  • @victuss1413
    @victuss1413 Рік тому +1

    he doesn't rule hell, he's punished in hell.

  • @kreigerbailey3550
    @kreigerbailey3550 2 роки тому +1

    Portland, JAMAICA in the Building !!!

  • @buukkreider544
    @buukkreider544 Рік тому

    In verse 6, you made a slight error..."And when the woman said..." actually is: "And when the woman saw..." 🙂

  • @avwholesomegamer
    @avwholesomegamer 2 роки тому +1

    “Yea” is supposed to be like “hey,” not like “yeah,” I think.

    • @loolykinns3172
      @loolykinns3172 2 роки тому

      Correct. Just a result of seeing it written out for the first time, I guess. I did that with the name Seamus. You can imagine how I butchered that...

  • @joeseczulaica3053
    @joeseczulaica3053 Рік тому +1

    If I can recall didn't he want to be like God Well he got what he deserves what he wanted He got a job got gave him an opportunity to be the God of the world to deceive as many as he can in not to believe it in the real God Jesus And then God will cast him into the lake of fire with everyone that he deceived Revelation chapter 20 verse 15

  • @andreasuttill511
    @andreasuttill511 Рік тому

    I just don’t understand why is concerned a punishment becoming a ruler of such a significant place as hell. That’s big responsibility and honour to be a ruler of something

  • @ericdillon7467
    @ericdillon7467 2 роки тому

    Is it because I said here animal dart guy, it's your movie? I don't make sence now but I'm watching t.v.!!! Lucifer

  • @robbabcock_
    @robbabcock_ 2 роки тому

    Great video!

  • @Kofever_productions
    @Kofever_productions Рік тому +16

    He never became the ruler. He became a very hilarious crossing guard. Purely with intent of course. He does wacky cooky things and we laugh walking right by. He entertains us. The word entertain actually has an interesting definition. It means to hold one's attention or mind. He is holding our mind through entertainment. The superficial kind, like TV, videogames and music. He tempts us with candy, toys, riches and so on. He will absolutely claim he did nothing but put the crabby patty out. We were the ones that snatched it up when we had the choice not to. This is the importance of choice. Wake up and witness his work at hand, so openly and so boldly now. He has gone a long way making sure that nearly all people of all Nations are so distracted or demoralized that he can waltz in with parades like in Brazil or in cartoons like the one Disney made.
    Sorry, tangent. And maybe if someone reads this it will sorta make them say "huh.... He has a point...." Lol

    • @haydenmammen6079
      @haydenmammen6079 Рік тому +2

      Yo I needed to hear this, thanks my brother in Christ

    • @Kofever_productions
      @Kofever_productions Рік тому

      @@haydenmammen6079 not a problem at all. I have a very... Weird way of explaining or comparing things and always have. So more than likely it's God allowing me to see or explain things like this. Lol so praise be to Yah for all the beautiful blessings he has provided for us. 🙏And absolutely have a blessed day. 😎

    • @miserabletlc2055
      @miserabletlc2055 Рік тому +2

      ​@@Kofever_productionsyou were entertained enough to be on your phone. On this specific video that I know you watched in full. Entertained enough to want to comment. Its all bull

    • @Kofever_productions
      @Kofever_productions Рік тому +1

      @@miserabletlc2055 lol no I didn't. I honestly paused it after hearing what it was going for. But regardless, you are correct. It caught my attention.

    • @miserabletlc2055
      @miserabletlc2055 Рік тому

      @@Kofever_productions fair lol. I should have considered you said "us" and "our" etc...

  • @WilliamNewberry
    @WilliamNewberry Рік тому

    Godfrey de Bouillon

  • @georgescarlett2320
    @georgescarlett2320 10 місяців тому

    Satan has NEVER been in Hell, nor will he EVER be there. The sea gave up the dead that was in it, then Death and HELL gave up the dead that were in them, and Death and Hell were cast into the Lake of fire and brimstone. Rev 20:10 says that Satan was cast into the same lake, but before that he was free to roam about as a roaring lion, seeking who he "MAY" (emphasis added) devour. So where does the Bible say that Satan was, or will ever be in hell??? Gb

  • @regianegarcia59
    @regianegarcia59 Рік тому

    Satan does not punish...the punished are those who attempt of having the same power as him. Satan was betrayed as God. Satan has the contracts it would be "karma". Thats why he is called evil, because he brings the lake of fire....divine JUSTICE.

  • @505bazza
    @505bazza Рік тому

    Is Lucifer a name that the Bible uses for Satan?
    The name Lucifer occurs once in the Scriptures and only in some versions of the Bible. For example, the King James Version renders Isaiah 14:12: “How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning!”
    The Hebrew word translated “Lucifer” means “shining one.” The Septuagint uses the Greek word that means “bringer of dawn.” Hence, some translations render the original Hebrew “morning star” or “Daystar.” But Jerome’s Latin Vulgate uses “Lucifer” (light bearer), and this accounts for the appearance of that term in various versions of the Bible.
    Who is this Lucifer? The expression “shining one,” or “Lucifer,” is found in what Isaiah prophetically commanded the Israelites to pronounce as a “proverbial saying against the king of Babylon.” Thus, it is part of a saying primarily directed at the Babylonian dynasty. That the description “shining one” is given to a man and not to a spirit creature is further seen by the statement: “Down to Sheol you will be brought.” Sheol is the common grave of mankind​-not a place occupied by Satan the Devil. Moreover, those seeing Lucifer brought into this condition ask: “Is this the man that was agitating the earth?” Clearly, “Lucifer” refers to a human, not to a spirit creature.​-Isaiah 14:4, 15, 16.
    Why is such an eminent description given to the Babylonian dynasty? We must realize that the king of Babylon was to be called the shining one only after his fall and in a taunting way. (Isaiah 14:3) Selfish pride prompted Babylon’s kings to elevate themselves above those around them. So great was the arrogance of the dynasty that it is portrayed as bragging: “To the heavens I shall go up. Above the stars of God I shall lift up my throne, and I shall sit down upon the mountain of meeting, in the remotest parts of the north. . . . I shall make myself resemble the Most High.”​-Isaiah 14:13, 14.
    “The stars of God” are the kings of the royal line of David. (Numbers 24:17) From David onward, these “stars” ruled from Mount Zion. After Solomon built the temple in Jerusalem, the name Zion came to apply to the whole city. Under the Law covenant, all male Israelites were obliged to travel to Zion three times a year. Thus, it became “the mountain of meeting.” By determining to subjugate the Judean kings and then remove them from that mountain, Nebuchadnezzar is declaring his intention to put himself above those “stars.” Instead of giving Jehovah credit for the victory over them, he arrogantly puts himself in Jehovah’s place. So it is after being cut down to the earth that the Babylonian dynasty is mockingly referred to as the “shining one.”
    The pride of the Babylonian rulers indeed reflected the attitude of “the god of this system of things”​-Satan the Devil. (2 Corinthians 4:4) He too lusts for power and longs to place himself above Jehovah God. But Lucifer is not a name Scripturally given to Satan.

  • @13g95
    @13g95 Рік тому

    Facts about GOD

  • @vdhazer
    @vdhazer Рік тому +2

    Ruler of hell?? Hell NO. God the Father is the true ruler of all things.

  • @rensgeurtz8513
    @rensgeurtz8513 2 роки тому

    odd question if satan is the prince of darkness. who is the king of darkness? if there is non why doesnt he take the titel king of darkness insteaad of prince of darkness

  • @jturner2577
    @jturner2577 2 роки тому +2

    4:45 And it was right, that's why they were banished so they wouldn't eat from the tree of life and become immortal.

  • @ericdillon7467
    @ericdillon7467 2 роки тому

    I told you they only bring back convicts or something like that

  • @wes5619
    @wes5619 Рік тому

    Because every good hero needs a good villain. Storytelling 101.

  • @dudejit12345
    @dudejit12345 Рік тому

    Two different jacks and different parts of hell

  • @beardedpanda5086
    @beardedpanda5086 2 роки тому +5

    There is a big contradiction in the Bible and peoples belief in revelations.
    Both the righteous and unrighteous are resurrected and judged, then supposedly sent to heaven or hell.
    If they are dead most of Christendom believes they would already be in either place.
    I wish this video did a better job of distinguishing between Sheol and Gehenna. Because Satan is down in Sheol for 1000 years and then allowed to come back to tempt man once more before being thrown in “the lake of fire” permanently which is the second death, that you cannot come back from. It’s also funny that death and “hell” are also thrown into the lake of fire.

    • @rianmacdonald9454
      @rianmacdonald9454 2 роки тому +2

      There are many contradictions in the bible, but that is a good one.

  • @joshboggs8202
    @joshboggs8202 Рік тому

    Satan doesn't rule Hell, says he just another being there

  • @x5STaRz
    @x5STaRz Рік тому

    Look at life like this, if satan, who was the most beautiful and also God’s favorite, wasn’t satisfied being in literal heaven, what makes you think you’ll ever have enough money or enough attention or whatever else? You’ll never have enough of anything in this world. Only Jesus will fill that need of wanting more. He’s all you need. Satan was too proud and thought he was above God, but he F’d around and found out real quick.

  • @ericdillon7467
    @ericdillon7467 2 роки тому

    I just said here, instead of doing that to me, if you can figure out what's really happening your smarter than me, I'm too fucked up from what ever they do to me!

  • @RedPilledJetiKnight
    @RedPilledJetiKnight Рік тому

    Great champion of all A- holes!

  • @James-bz8fv
    @James-bz8fv Рік тому

    You can't say of eve witch is 2nd fidle to Lilith withwas the first with adam

  • @guitargangster66
    @guitargangster66 Рік тому

    Better to reign in hell than serve in heaven.

  • @timothy4131
    @timothy4131 2 роки тому

    Adam gave dominating over the earth when he sinned and Jesus took it away from Satan when he died and rose again amen!!

    • @paulawallace8784
      @paulawallace8784 2 роки тому

      In the Bible Adam made a mistake and paid for it by being Exiled from Eden and having to toil the Earth for food. In the Bible, Satan is but an Angel of the Creator who does only as he is instructed to do, like all the other Angels. There are No Fallen Angels in the Bible, only Man is who Contends and Rebels against the Creator. Like fabricating Phallic Idols and deities of their own making.
      The Moshiach of the Bible is a mortal man of flesh and blood, a direct son/seed/shoot of King David from his very body as the Creator promised him, son after son, from the Tribe of Judah, of the House of David who Isaiah tells comes at the End of the Days and teachings bring the Word to a Utopian state where all of Mankind worships only the Creator, where Peace reigns and War is No more.

    • @timothy4131
      @timothy4131 2 роки тому

      @@paulawallace8784 Hey Paula so you're gonna tell me that God told the devil to go get Adam to sin If you remember correctly God gave Adam dominion over the Earth he said be Be fruitful multiply and subdue the Earth But Adam gave it up after he sinned With all due respect it sounds like to me you're trying to change the narrative of what God said in The Bible There are a form angels right now that are held in chains in the abyss Because they disobey God and didn't stay where they were supposed to be If once again With all due respect if you read your Bible you'll see that

    • @timothy4131
      @timothy4131 2 роки тому

      @@paulawallace8784 That burst part didn't come out right Adam was given dominion over the Earth sorry

    • @paulawallace8784
      @paulawallace8784 2 роки тому +1

      @@timothy4131 Correct Adam/Mankind: "they shall rule over the fish of the sea and over the fowl of the heaven and over the animals and over all the earth and over all the creeping things that creep upon the earth."

    • @ellenfleming9685
      @ellenfleming9685 2 роки тому

      well said

  • @chrisrodgers855
    @chrisrodgers855 Рік тому

    Lucifer and Satan are two different angels. Lucifer was a Seraphim the morning star of the highest rank of angels. Satan was a lower level angel a general of the warrior class, an angel of judgment. Lucifer was bound in hell by Michael he did not and does not roam the Earth freely until judgment day. Satan on the other hand does, and speaks to God about our unworthiness. The book of Job illustrates that and literally calls him by name. Lucifer desires are downfall. Satan doesn’t want it he expects it that is why he would punish us he told God we are unworthy and he test us to prove to God he is right.

  • @patrickkem689
    @patrickkem689 Рік тому

    The first point of contention is referring to the Bible as Mythology.

  • @bigfootlochness
    @bigfootlochness Рік тому

    Satan is not the ruler of hell Satan isn’t even in hell. The lake of fire was created for Satan and his angles in the end of days. It’s his final resting place of torment. In the Book of Job Satan seemed to still have access to God and heaven. Hell is not what modern mythology depicts it as. It’s not a place where Satan and his demons rule and torture sinners. Hells torment is a sore return from good which is an unbelievable torment. The lake of fire will not be used until Judgement and the second death. There is debate if Lucifer is even the same person as Satan. Satan is called evil from the beginning so how could he once have been good. Lucifer seems more of a Nimrod like character that rebels against God and was struck down. This event could have happened before the flood or if you go by the gap theory is could have happened before the creation of Adam. Satan and his titles are listed in Revelation and it never mentions Lucifer as one of them. I also don’t believe that the fallen Chereb is Satan either based on the Lucifer theory. I believe these are three separate beings, but only Satan is the deceiver and current threat talked about in the Bible.

  • @bakarangerpinku
    @bakarangerpinku 2 роки тому

    4:16 LOL he did NOT say “Yeah” he said YEA. Pronunciation matters LOLOLOL. Yay.

  • @iamavoidtrippergutterslush666
    @iamavoidtrippergutterslush666 2 роки тому +1

    Death didn't do anything against God. Stuff makes me mad, God really isn't that fair when you think about it.

    • @draxthemsklonst
      @draxthemsklonst 2 роки тому +1

      How do you know that the specifically Judeao-Christian portrayal of God accurate?

    • @ilyesbendadi2501
      @ilyesbendadi2501 2 роки тому +1

      And life

  • @larrygooch6233
    @larrygooch6233 Рік тому

    Satan isn't meant to rule in hell it's a prison only ment for Satan ,thanks to our inherited curse of sin through Adam and eve we have a chance to go there.i don't recommend chosing it .

  • @scottingledue7999
    @scottingledue7999 2 роки тому

    Now he's in dumpkin 👹

  • @mhd7832
    @mhd7832 Рік тому

    Objects For Facts #

  • @tammycraig6535
    @tammycraig6535 Рік тому

    Lucifer is not Satan.
    Adam and Eve ate the FRUIT OF THE HOLY SPIRIT to gain WISDOM. The Serpent wasn't evil.
    Moses wrote the first 5 books of the Bible, and he who holds the power writes the history. It was all from HIS perspective, HIS beliefs. He was a man of Law, Christ brought Grace. Moses was denied entry into the kingdom of God.
    Everything we were taught is wrong. Go back and follow the lines that Moses said were evil. They all prospered while the ones Moses held up as good were a thieving, bloody, conquering people. "Jacob" means "supplanter","deceiver". Satan is also called the Deceiver.
    Everything is upside down.

  • @bobstafford2068
    @bobstafford2068 Рік тому

    Satan does rule Hell. Hell was created by God as punishment for Satan (Lucifer) and the 1/3 of the angels (demons) he deceived into following him and rebelling against God. This is all found in the pages of the Holy Bible. Satan does want to go to Hell no more than anyone else. Hell is his punishment. But he's trying to take as many of God's beloved creation with him. But God made an escape for us through Jesus Christ; his one and only son. For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only son. That whosoever believes in him, shall not perish, but have eternal life. / God did not send his son into the world to condemn the world, but through him, the world may be saved. [ John 3: 16-17 ]

  • @arjr721
    @arjr721 Рік тому

    He's not the ruler of hell. Hell is actually empty. He won't be in hell till after the great judgement. The false church and the antichrist will be there before him.

  • @evilcartmensolo7198
    @evilcartmensolo7198 2 роки тому +6

    I've always thought it weird that lucifer basically didn't want to be told what to do so he leaves heaven, never really saying that he is bad, but then it almost turns into the original employer gets mad and just bad mouths the guy who left. It never made sense that he hated humanity, and it would make more sense that he would try to make his own heaven ( he thought he could do better). Then original guy who claims that he himself is a jealous God makes up all these lies about the guy who just wanted a better life. So Satan is turned into the bad guy and ofcourse we are told that in the end he will fall.

    • @timefororbit
      @timefororbit 2 роки тому +1

      In the OT, Satan was simply an angel tasked with tempting man, then later tempting Jesus with power and wealth in the NT. Temptation and sin itself is a rejection of God, which is probably why Satan is identified with rebellion; similar to children to rebel against their father. Jesus himself never said there was a hell with suffering, he said those that reject God are like these dry sticks that he threw into the camp fire. The sticks were destroyed, just as the Earth will be destroyed, and replaced with a Kingdom of Heaven and nothing else IMO.

    • @vendattavee1745
      @vendattavee1745 2 роки тому +1

      Every kid don't want to be told no but, grew up telling their own kids no.

    • @psychedelicpayroll5412
      @psychedelicpayroll5412 Рік тому +3

      I’ve seen Satan many times before. What God said is 100 percent true about him. He isn’t good but completely corrupted. I’ve felt his presence while sleeping a few times and he just stares at you with complete hatred and it’s almost as if another angel has to stay on guard to keep him from attacking whoever he visits at night since he hates the humans who worship God and reject what he offers them. He’s not the only one. I’ve had dreams of getting physically attacked by other fallen angels. They have been coming around me more often recently as time runs out for them until their first jail sentence.

    • @paulmahsahn1766
      @paulmahsahn1766 Рік тому

      ​@@timefororbit have you read Luke 16:16.

    • @syarilezzuddeen
      @syarilezzuddeen Рік тому +2

      The clue that it was about humanity is the fact that Micheal was sent to deal with him, his name means most like the Lord - he is defender of the people of Israel. Archangels are not the highest angelic order in absolute sense but angels heir-achy is different for Hells in that it is like professionals… examples even courts and kings will choose to follow the instructions of a renowned doctor of US when there is an illness in USA… If God dispatches the angels to Earth then the Archangels are the closest to the humans in nature (the arch in the name means the ones that “come ahead of” - con-du-it to create a channel or way - to lead) these are all very important. Since he is the defender or the Tribe of Israel specifically - he is very important because whomever attacks the People of Israel will get attacked by Micheal exclusively. And so, the Christians and call on Micheal anytime. Muslims played the same ploy… When the Christians were too up in The Prophets business… He would challenge them to call on Micheal to curse each other and he brought his children. Which causes the Christian to immediately back off. But Allah did reproach Muhammad about doing that - which is curious. That and the fact that. Anyway not important, the thing is that Micheal was dispatched to deal with Lucifer… also, nothing that Lucifer’s statement of intent comes before leaving the Earth - which actually places Lucifer and the angels on Earth. Since barely does he turn to face the Heavens that he finds Micheal in his way. This would actually place the fall of Lucifer first. Because notice that God said “Let there be light!” And the angels cheered… so between the first line of Genesis and the second line of Genesis… something happened because Gods face was upon the waters. This would make sense because if there was more than one flood - one them would have to have been the one that raised the mountains and brought out the oceans from Pangea licky split so that 6+ billion years ago is 6000+ and since we need a planetary impact in the normal model… why not an angel slamming into an earlier creation of ancient alien angels? Maybe that is the bull of heaven? Who knows. The point is God didn’t only allow Lucifer’s presence in the Garden… He‘s the former Christ of the World… the Annointed Cherub. His interference into at the Garden is so that he can remain ruler… of Earth. But don’t worry… The sketchiness of Adam/Eve and the first humans Cain and Able (yes they are the first humans because they are born - you have to have a belly button to be a human) lol.

  • @brandonwalling88
    @brandonwalling88 Рік тому

    Correction to the video there is no ruler of hell he is trying to get as many souls as he can to be damned to hell with him but Susan will not be a leader or ruler I've hell he's going to suffer the same as everybody else who didn't believe in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior

  • @justing1474
    @justing1474 2 роки тому

    Why in yr story do you not mention Lilith who is so important to this story?

  • @ladhurothalwedel9465
    @ladhurothalwedel9465 Рік тому

    Satan is not a ruler or a king of hell, hell is a place we're evil people demon and satan will be punished forever

  • @505bazza
    @505bazza Рік тому

    Satan the Devil
    Definition: The spirit creature who is the chief adversary of Jehovah God and of all who worship the true God. The name Satan was given to him because of his becoming a resister of Jehovah. Satan is also known as the Devil, because he is the foremost slanderer of God. Satan is described as the original serpent, evidently because of his using a serpent in Eden to deceive Eve, and for this reason “serpent” came to signify “deceiver.” In the book of Revelation, the symbolism of a devouring dragon is also applied to Satan.

  • @fernandoenriquez432
    @fernandoenriquez432 Рік тому

    He is not ruler of hell he locked in hell with the other rebellion angels read the Bible correctly

  • @schneidersainval7220
    @schneidersainval7220 2 роки тому +3

    I Like watching the mythology on youtube

    @GENERALWACKASS 2 роки тому +2

    Chained to the core of mother earth till the end of life in which The Devil no longer has souls to feed off. Just as I understood it

    • @beardedpanda5086
      @beardedpanda5086 2 роки тому

      He’s only actually chained for 1000 years, then he comes back to tempt the world again.

    • @paulawallace8784
      @paulawallace8784 2 роки тому

      You find the Pagan devil and his lake of fire only where you find his sidekick Jesus, the Greek Tall Tales of Heathen Man and Joe Smith Jr's Book of Mormon, not the Bible. There are no fallen angels in the Bible.

    • @psychedelicpayroll5412
      @psychedelicpayroll5412 Рік тому

      He isn’t chained up yet. I know because I’ve seen and the others all the time in my dreams and felt their presence all the time. He is desperate though since very little time is left until his first jail sentence.

  • @tha2793
    @tha2793 Рік тому +17

    Satan doesn't rule hell. It's his end times prison, and even he is terrified of it.

    • @KidSixXx
      @KidSixXx Рік тому +7

      The wages of sin is death and that includes Satan. Hell is not his kingdom; it is his punishment.

    • @selahsolomon9216
      @selahsolomon9216 8 місяців тому

      Both of yall are wrong

    • @tha2793
      @tha2793 8 місяців тому

      @@selahsolomon9216 ?

    • @samuelsantanajr.784
      @samuelsantanajr.784 5 місяців тому

      That's a misconception. The Truth is the Home Planet of the Gods is Considered Heaven. This, its Moon, is Hell to Us. Yall pray so much that I as Lucifer burn in Hell as such here I am waiting to burn with all those Who pray for it. The only reason im denoted as Satan is because the church tefuses to use My name Santana after taking thier rights to an army and owning slaves.
      -Abéràk SamUéL Lï Santana DrácûL
      Aramax King
      not Abraham Lincoln

  • @jaysunzmaximus1915
    @jaysunzmaximus1915 Рік тому +9

    Love your channel ME, and great content. I deeply think Satan/Devil is merely a title such as Christ/Messiah . Also according to "The Descent of Jesus Christ" (I can't remember which book), Lucifer and Beazabul (My bad for misspelled), are two different beings. Nice topic though, keep up the good work

  • @jturner2577
    @jturner2577 2 роки тому +18

    2:44 Those features are absolutely an amalgamation of the appearance of the gods Pan Posideion and Hades.

    • @hillbillytarzan
      @hillbillytarzan 2 роки тому +1

      The watchers or fallen angels

    • @pheresy1367
      @pheresy1367 Рік тому

      Thank you for pointing that out. Yeah, when you understand that the "monotheistic" Jewish faith was NOT MONOTHEISTIC in its roots as revealed by the very language of it showing plurality when referring to "the one God". Many of the "demons" described in these stories are actually re-packaged competing gods of competing tribes. If you have ever ventured to the youtube channel "Mythvision" or even "gnostic informant" you'll encounter a whole crop of serious scholars that reveal the roots of the Bible beyond what apologetic scholars have been willing to deliver.
      I'm unaffiliated by the way...

  • @jaytay4027
    @jaytay4027 2 роки тому +33

    Lucifer was before the fall. Lucifer was the being God created perfect In beauty and in his ways. He had musical instruments in his body he was just stunning. But like the world we see today his beauty and power got to his head and lifted his heart making him prideful and boastful and saw himself so perfect he wanted more power and to be above God thus creating the first sin. Of course someone having all this would be the first to fall. When he fell he went AWAY from God thus making him FALL therefore fallen angel. With that his name and nature changed because he no longer wanted God thus giving him a new name SATAN God changes people's names in the Bible all the time when there nature is changed. Lucifer fell and is now called Satan. He never lost what God gave him. He just uses it for evil. He still has beauty and musical talent that's why we see the world the way it is today the music is corrupt because lucifer fell from God and anything away from God is not good there fore being bad. He isn't all knowing or on God's level he just was the seal of perfection when God created him. And that seal got corrupted turning evil. And now Satan aka no longer being lucifer is using his knowledge and what God gave him for evil

    • @paulawallace8784
      @paulawallace8784 2 роки тому +6

      Lucifer is from Pagan Greco Roman myth, he is the son Aurora, goddess of the dawn. There is no Lucifer in the Bible, you find him only in the Myths of Man and the Imitation Christian OT, there are no fallen angels in the Bible, only Man and his Ego are who have chosen to do and be Evil, only Man and his Ego have chosen to Contend and Rebel against their Maker, not any of His Messengers. How very different your beliefs are from the actual Bible.

    • @funkster007
      @funkster007 2 роки тому

      @@paulawallace8784 Wrong! If humans were the source of all evil, we would've been wiped out eons ago.
      Better read your bible sis.

    • @paulawallace8784
      @paulawallace8784 2 роки тому +2

      @Sincerely Respectfully No, the Bible is the 24 Sacred Books of the Jewish Torah/Tanakh, written in Hebrew, compiled and sealed in the days of the Prophets Ezra and Zechariah by the Great Assembly of which they were part of.
      What you speak of is the Imitation Bible the Christian OT and the Greek Tall Tales of Heathen Man, that is not but regurgitated Greco Roman myth, in their OT they turn an already Pregnant Woman into a Virgin, they turn Venus the Morning Star into Lucifer, the Greco Roman Idol of myth who is the Light Bearer whose mother is Aurora, goddess of the Dawn and as for the Greek Tall Tales, the main character Jesus is but a composite of PERSEUS THE VIRTUOUS VIRGIN BORN DEMIGOD, DIONYSUS THE WATER INTO WINE MIRACLE MAKING IDOL and MITHRAS THE DYING RESURRECTING IDOL who Dies for the People, whose Devotees Eat of the Flesh and Drink of the Blood, like his sidekick the Devil and his lake of fire/styx, they are but characters of Heathen Man that have not a thing to do with Gd or Scripture, like your Fallen Angels.
      Satan like all Gd's Angels do only as they are instructed, Man alone is who has chosen to do and be Evil, only Man alone has chosen to Contend and Rebel against the Creator, NOT any of His Messengers.

    • @paulawallace8784
      @paulawallace8784 2 роки тому

      @Sincerely Respectfully The book of Revelation is like the rest of the Greek Tall Tales, they are Man Made Garbage that stand in OPPOSITION TO GD, SCRIPTURE, HIS SON AND HIS COMING INSTRUMENT OF HIS WILL, David's shoot, the moshiach.

    • @jamescummings6703
      @jamescummings6703 Рік тому +4

      You literally just made up a story that isn't anywhere in the bible. Lucifer NEVER appears in the bible. Satan never does anything evil in the Jewish bible, nor does he rebel against God. That is all Christian folklore that gets passed along from generation to generation like you just did.

  • @themollymachine
    @themollymachine Рік тому +6

    The devil's like "I do what I want!"
    So sassy 😂

  • @arthurwatt5162
    @arthurwatt5162 2 роки тому +8

    There was a sin that was committed that didn’t involve a piece of fruit. A very bad sin was committed to warrant eternal death which we had to be rescued from by Jesus.

    • @joshmartin716
      @joshmartin716 Рік тому +1

      What was that very bad son? What did we do so bad? Humans mess up it's part of life.

  • @timburton5950
    @timburton5950 Рік тому +7

    the battle taking place between these supernatural beings is beyond our comprehension; I sometimes wish we could view them, or they make themselves visible so as to take away all doubt. I would enjoy watching our current media as they report an Angel descending from the heavens and telling all the peoples of earth to get your %^%%^ together!

    • @richlisola1
      @richlisola1 Рік тому

      We are the battlefield. The fight for souls. Satan measures his success against God, not in miles captured, room seized-But in human beings led astray, brought into a state of rebellion, like Satan’s own.
      We’re both blind to the fight between God and the Lucifer the light-bearer, while being acutely aware of the struggle. Because it is also our struggle.

    • @sammyyounglopez296
      @sammyyounglopez296 Рік тому +1

      There's no battle any where

    • @vernon-rb7uc
      @vernon-rb7uc Рік тому

      I am this angel in thy flesh to humanity get your shit asses together

  • @JackassJunior627
    @JackassJunior627 Рік тому +7

    It could be that Lucifer was the Devil’s true name before his fall. After which, he got the name of Satan.
    Think of it like the religious equivalent of Anakin Skywalker to Darth Vader.

    • @joshmartin716
      @joshmartin716 Рік тому +3

      Perfect comparison buddy!! You win this comment thread. 😂😂😂

    • @garethcleere3460
      @garethcleere3460 Рік тому +1

      More complex do satan is self serving Vader has a evil master and satan can’t do anything without gods permission

    • @JackassJunior627
      @JackassJunior627 Рік тому +1

      @@garethcleere3460 the point is, they both had names before their fall and then new names after.

    • @beastmotoz
      @beastmotoz Рік тому

      ​@@JackassJunior627I don't think so Lucifer and Satan could be both complete different entities. There have been demons way before Lucifer was struck down.

    • @JackassJunior627
      @JackassJunior627 Рік тому

      @@beastmotoz true, and there is that possibility. But then there were also claims that there were demons before Satan as well.
      They just became the lord of demons, rulers of Hell so to speak.
      Plus the fall of Lucifer and Satan are very similar.

  • @owenkiff8902
    @owenkiff8902 2 роки тому +6

    And the Goddess of the morning star

  • @nicoleshelly1225
    @nicoleshelly1225 Рік тому +2

    The sad part is what is actually truth you are calling a myth.

  • @johnnycage112
    @johnnycage112 2 роки тому +6

    Please do the 7 Heavenly Virtues

  • @patrickwagaia7785
    @patrickwagaia7785 Рік тому +3

    He's not the ruler of hell, he's more like the prisoner

    • @beastmotoz
      @beastmotoz Рік тому

      Yea Hades in the true God of the Underworld and he's the Satan not Lucifer

  • @eroslascivious1327
    @eroslascivious1327 Рік тому +1

    Satan my understanding is OUR ADVERSERY! SATAN, I believe works with God. In getting people to worship HIM, that this strokes HIS ego that HE BELIEVES that HE could be as God.. seeing that people follow HIM. SATAN knows the truth, when HE comes to tempt us HE MIXES truth and lies. It's OUR job to know and understand the TRUTH...THAT GOD IS THE ONLY GOD...SATAN KNOWS THIS ALSO! We have to pick GOD of our own FREE WILL and believe why we chose GOD over SATAN! PEPE TUCSON AZ

  • @matthewwozniak9138
    @matthewwozniak9138 7 місяців тому +1

    If you escaped from Hell, why would you want to go back there? Why would God not want you know right from wrong? Why would God lie about man's mortality? Why would God let the Devil torture his best servant? Why would God have to prove anything to his servants? Why would an omnipotent being need a book to keep track of his followers?

  • @benkeller6027
    @benkeller6027 Рік тому +1

    He, Lucifer/Satan, took over heaven. If you research the tales about the war in heaven, Lucifer unseated God during the war in heaven.
    The tale of God sending his incarnated son to earth was to reopen the gates of heaven, allowing the souls of the good and followers of the specific religion to re-enter heaven and unseat Lucifer.
    That's why the saying, "Hell is actually Earth" is quite befitting for the period of time we live in.
    God has not yet fully reclaimed his throne.

  • @spectreshot8536
    @spectreshot8536 Рік тому +1

    The problem is Satan isn't the ruler of hell. It's funny how Japanese RPGs understand this better than ignorant Christians. Satan isn't a fallen angel. He's a judge, under God to tempt and test humanity. He ISN'T a fallen angel. Satan isn't the devil, nor is Lucifer. You will not find references to either as such in the Bible.

  • @safetcucaj385
    @safetcucaj385 Рік тому +3

    *Beautiful Art work, just a beautiful video full of knowledge. I thoroughly enjoyed how you put this ❤️ together sir. Thank you.*

  • @jamessylvestri5392
    @jamessylvestri5392 Рік тому +1

    Sounds like enteapment as god knew they would do such a thing and as a female eats first the needy male akways follows i care for neither nonlive in my heart

  • @HeatherNickless-vt8zr
    @HeatherNickless-vt8zr Рік тому +2

    They are different definitive devils, not the same one. Some devils and demons are ash black/blue coal in color but others are red or red with orangey or pinkish hues.

  • @jturner2577
    @jturner2577 2 роки тому +5

    8:26 that was the passages original meaning with the King being either Sargon the 2 or Nebuchadnezzar.

    • @timefororbit
      @timefororbit 2 роки тому +2

      Yeah, that passage seems to get taken out of context a lot

    • @michaelpacinus242
      @michaelpacinus242 2 роки тому

      Sargon me til kingdom come, king Bustinsideofher

  • @Christo-pv7eb
    @Christo-pv7eb 2 роки тому +2

    Ruler of hell is a Christian invention. Not biblical.

    • @vendattavee1745
      @vendattavee1745 2 роки тому

      You want learn how to run a successful pyramid scheme, study the bible.

  • @13g95
    @13g95 Рік тому +1

    King of kings Lord of lords GOD of Ages idiots Bow or burn forever

  • @Don_Michael422
    @Don_Michael422 Рік тому +1

    Satan/Licifer doesn’t rule hell he rules over earth.

  • @malachialm6007
    @malachialm6007 Рік тому +1

    That's the issue with darkness. It's corrupted knowledge. No one but Jehovah is the ruler of the universe. Satan is a "prisoner" of hell NOT a ruler! Read Revelation chapter 20, Isaiah 14:12-15, Romans 16:20.

    • @jamescummings6703
      @jamescummings6703 Рік тому

      Satan isn't a prisoner, a ruler, a fallen angel. Satan is a servant of God. He does only what God allows him to do.

  • @larrygooch6233
    @larrygooch6233 Рік тому +1

    Every one knows who they are,

  • @ravitrp1978
    @ravitrp1978 Рік тому +1

    Ruler of hell is itself god

  • @dennisj.isreal8263
    @dennisj.isreal8263 2 роки тому +1

    😇 *Isaiah 14:12-15 How Art Thou Fallen From Heaven, O Lucifer, Son Of The Morning! How Art Thou Cut Down To The Ground, In Which Didst Weaken All The Nations! For Thou Hast Said In Thine Heart, I Will Ascend Into Heaven Above, I Will Exalt My Throne Above The Stars Of God: I Will Sit Also Upon The Mount Of The Congregation, In The Sides Of The North: I Will Ascend Above The Heights Of The Clouds; And I Will Be Like The Most High. And Still God Said, Thou Shalt Be Cast Down To Hell, And To The Pathway and Walls Of It's Pit.*
    *Revelation 12:7-9 And There Was War In Heaven: Michael and His Angels Fought Against The Dragon; and The Dragon Fought and Their Angels, And Prevailed Not; Neither Was Their Place Found Any More, In Heaven. And The Great Dragon Was Cast Out, That Old Serpent, Called The Devil, and Satan, Which Deceiveth The Whole World: They Was Cast Out Into The Earth, and Their Angels Were Cast Out With Them.* 🤔

    • @jamescummings6703
      @jamescummings6703 Рік тому

      News flash Isaiah 14 doesn't say Lucifer unless you're using a horrible translation. The previous verses in Isaiah says exactly who it's referring to starting at verse 4.

  • @skittles3310
    @skittles3310 Рік тому

    You kinda miss what most people always miss in this topic. What people don"t ever seem to understand unless they follow God, is that making no choice, is a choice for evil, just as much as it would be to choose evil outright. If you are not with God, you are against Him. It doesn't matter what kind of life you've lived, or good you've done, and that includes not even believing in the spiritual realm. Satan doesn't have to get people to follow him to destroy them. No matter what you choose, if it's not choosing God, you are choosing Satan by default. What is not of God, is of Satan.

  • @the1tigglet
    @the1tigglet 2 роки тому +34

    Believing that Satan looks like a devil with horns is very Tolkienian, because in the LOTR books the Silmarillion and the others, Tolkien designed his world so that the outside of a creature would reflect the evil within. Those beings without evil their hearts would look normal or if they had powers to shapechange they would be in disguise such as Anatar/Sauron was to the elves. So believing that Lucifer was ever ugly or red skinned or had bat wings was never how he looked. Satan described in the bibles books all say the same thing, that he was beautiful, that you could not tell by looking at him that he was ever evil nor could you determine his intent. He was for all intents and purposes a beautiful looking innocent looking man with enviable features from head to toe.
    He looked like this for a reason, it helped him manipulate people including 2/3rds of the Angels and many on this Earth. I find it telling when someone actually thinks he was ever ugly or that he ever looked like a horned redskinned monster with hooves. This was the invention of Christians during the Black Plague, The Burning Times, and the Colonization of North America.

    • @Ricca_Day
      @Ricca_Day 2 роки тому +5

      Chapter and verse, please? I don’t recall that scripture.

    • @Ricca_Day
      @Ricca_Day 2 роки тому +7

      Just a correction. Only 1/3 of the angels fell with Lucifer.

    • @darthcarnage6734
      @darthcarnage6734 2 роки тому

      Mordor is a real place.. beware. You must tread carefully on your journey

    • @graveyardghost2603
      @graveyardghost2603 2 роки тому

      @@mehrriem3308 it does not say that! Chapter and verse, please.

    • @paulawallace8784
      @paulawallace8784 2 роки тому

      @@Ricca_Day There is no Lucifer or Fallen Angels in the Bible, you find that Tall Tale only in the Greek New Testament, which has not a thing to do with the Creator, the One Gd of Israel, the Bible the Jewish Torah/Tanakh.

  • @brianedwards7142
    @brianedwards7142 2 роки тому +1

    15:41 Hey, Satan, did you now you have snakes in your ears?
    I said, did you now you have snakes in your ears?

  • @paulawallace8784
    @paulawallace8784 2 роки тому +1

    Satan is an Angel/Messenger of the Creator, who like all the Angels do only as he is instructed to do. There are No Fallen Angels, only Man and his Ego are who have chosen to do and be Evil, only Man and his Ego have chosen to Contend and Rebel against the Creator, not any of His Messengers.
    As Jeremiah prophesied, the Nations/Gentiles will come to see that they have inherited only Lies, Emptiness in which there is nothing of any avail.

  • @torringtonstonekeeper
    @torringtonstonekeeper 2 роки тому +1

    Fear God. The judge the jury the creator the destroyer. Satin the rebeller the equalizer the freedom fighter. Its david vs goliath

  • @a44489
    @a44489 2 роки тому +10

    In my minds eye I was taken through time portal's to a place floating I see other angels and a dragon also a face like God, it asked me a question and my sister popped in to mind then these angels flyed through a portal they looked very real. I was very awake when I was experiencing this visual.

    • @serahkonner
      @serahkonner Рік тому +2

      Female? Did they have little yellow balls of light that created or destroyed? Were they giant or slightly bigger then human size? Did you see a white building with golden leaves on the corners?

    • @a44489
      @a44489 Рік тому

      @@serahkonner it showed a guy/male in black cape recreating landscape. Hard to explain
      Like every house etc, I see alot of war IE medieval Romans fighting, or horse's and knights fighting so many it's 24/7 but starts of in a rocky world. With a guy flying and females spirits alot of spirits

    • @caseyisgreat
      @caseyisgreat Рік тому

      That's a mental illness seek help

  • @JackRabbit002
    @JackRabbit002 2 роки тому +1

    Oh on the Watch list for later I've actually enjoyed these Angels and Demons vids man!
    Sunday Dinner first though hey!

  • @236kbomb
    @236kbomb 2 роки тому +3

    Satan and Lucifer are two completely different entities

    • @jaytay4027
      @jaytay4027 2 роки тому +1

      Read the Bible

    • @paulawallace8784
      @paulawallace8784 2 роки тому

      @@jaytay4027 Satan is found in the Bible, the Jewish Torah/Tanakh. There are No Fallen Angels in the Bible,. Lucifer is a character of Greco Roman myth, he is the Light Bearer, son of Aurora goddess of the dawn. Christianity incorporated him into their beliefs along with the Greco Roman lake of fire, also not found in the Bible, only the texts of Heathen Man.

    • @barrypost.saru850
      @barrypost.saru850 2 роки тому

      Satan Lucifer Beelzebub Devil Beast Mephistopheles etc they are one in the same.

    • @paulawallace8784
      @paulawallace8784 2 роки тому

      @@barrypost.saru850 Satan is an Angel of Gd found in the Bible, the Jewish Torah/Tanakh. The others you mentioned come from the Myths of Man.

      @BEEMANRUSS Рік тому


  • @drdarrylschroeder5691
    @drdarrylschroeder5691 8 місяців тому

    Hello - Samanah (not Satan or Lucifer who are others) was the once great Son of GOD, one of Twelve. There is no Hell. He operates from BEYOND the Twelve Universes from where He projects His now fourteenth Black Ray of Colodhon to all the planets. He was corrupted by observing the first disobedience in the Fifth Universe, and committed the first sin in the Tenth. He has been weakened but not overcome by Archangel Michael (Lord Mikaal, one of the Twelve Sons) for the past 138 million years. He will not land up in any Lake of Fire - no such thing - but this tragic Son will finally be returned to GOD who breathed Him into being in the first place. Blessings

  • @alexandermendivil8303
    @alexandermendivil8303 Рік тому +1

    As soon as I heard your voice I noticed you’re the same guys from Harry Potter Theory love your channels

  • @Thcotwo
    @Thcotwo Рік тому

    It's crazy that he thinks making $113 in a month and a half is "making good money"... What I don't understand is when he says he was sponsored... I've never seen him give out an affiliate link or discount code. A company would have to be SO dumb to use this monster as a way to endorse or sell their products. He has delusions of grandeur. Now he's trying to say he didn't go there to fight Marty after admitting he went there to fight Marty multiple times. I don't understand how he thinks he's been successful at literally ANYTHING. Check his stats... He's not been successful at anything but somehow he thinks he has been.... I can't fucking understand it at all

  • @jah22041
    @jah22041 Рік тому

    man's body contains several of the elements that are found in the earth. Religion goes a step farther and proclaims that man is an epitome of Being; that he is like his Maker in spirit, soul, and body, the image and likeness of God. If man's body is of a character similar to the earth's, it must in some of its phases be like its prototype. The earth is about three-fourths water and one-fourth land. The body is about eighty per cent water. As the waters of the earth evaporate and surround it with clouds of mist, so the waters of life surround man's body. As the electrical forces move upon the earthly mists, so the mental forces cause the invisible ethers of the body to condense and flood it.
    The poet's, "A flood of thoughts came o'er me," is not a metaphor but a plain statement of fact. When mind and body reach a certain tense, strained condition the law of oneness forces a conjunction and a flood follows.

  • @samabeka3023
    @samabeka3023 Рік тому

    Lucifer is the god of the Romans since the fall from the Tower of Babel. It is Lucifer who taught the Romans the Latin Language. A leader of Rome known as Latinus, built temples at Rome in honour of their idol Lucifer. Rome was without a leader for over 464 years,until the arrival of Julius Caesar. The first world power to dominate the ancient world was not Babylon,but Israel, Jerusalem. Babylon however conquered Jerusalem and to dominated the world,until the coming of Darius the Mede and Cyrus,both of whom were fearful of the God of ancient Israel. In the Bible of 2Kings ,Chapter 17,Lucifer who is Nogah is mentioned as one of the gods of the nations,which is Rome !

  • @kannakamui9584
    @kannakamui9584 10 місяців тому

    I wonder since humans made a lot of these stories and could have influences if in reality it’s an Angel that’s treating humanity still but is getting blamed for humanity’s dark ways. Also there’s just things that make no sense why should we be published and satan not just immediately wiped from history also in “biblical times” mfs were living for HUNDREDS of years to try and correct their ways why do we get so little time to try also it’s hard with many religions etc. I hope for reincarnation to exist but if actual gods or the Christian god really excuses it would make me very sad that I couldn’t find my way mentally and and not showing appreciation or gratitude for whoever created us is, was if they exist