This organ has a sound, either loud,soft or in between, that sets it apart from all other organs in the world. This organ,which is two thirds the size of the organs housed in Riverside and St.Barts, shows that "size" doesn't determine the quality or sound of an organ.
One of the great organs of the world!
The most important stop in any organ is the room in which it lives and SJD is no exception!
This organ has a sound, either loud,soft or in between, that sets it apart from all other organs in the world.
This organ,which is two thirds the size of the organs housed in Riverside and St.Barts, shows that "size" doesn't determine the quality or sound of an organ.
Thanks for posting. You've got to quit trying to burn the place down.
Seriously, what is it with SJD and fires? Two similar events in twenty years. They may want to invest in weatherproof shutters for the chambers.
Wasn't this another George Harrison design?
G. Donald Harrison actually. (I can't help but think the Beatles! 🙂) But yes, in fact this is considered to be one of Harrison's best works ever.