I had exactly the same problem. This problem is mostly caused by cheap Obd2. Unplug the two battery cables completely from your battery. Short circuit them for 20 seconds and wait 10 minutes and now plug them back correctly. Make sure you respect the polarity. Now start your car,all fault should disappear. And everything should work fine. Good luck.
I had a 2005, it gave me those same problems, the solution was to sell it for $ 600 dollars. Do not feel bad about what I'm going to tell you, if possible, get out of that vehicle as soon as possible before you finish all your savings as I happened to me.
Appreciate this. My 2005 is doing the same damned thing. Can’t get it out of park without the release underneath. Leaning toward the TCM on mine, but ABS is possible too
how expensive was was this repair? I have been having the same issue for about 1mth...and my repair guy keeps clearing code but it reappears. I just want to clear up this for good...can you go in depth more what was repaired or where the wiring loom is so I can have my shop do the same for me.
Currently working a similar situation on my 05.
I had exactly the same problem.
This problem is mostly caused by cheap Obd2.
Unplug the two battery cables completely from your battery.
Short circuit them for 20 seconds and wait 10 minutes and now plug them back correctly.
Make sure you respect the polarity.
Now start your car,all fault should disappear.
And everything should work fine.
Good luck.
What’s obd2 and also what do you mean short circuit?
Do short circuit the battery fix the fault
my jaguar 2.7 s type right rear side lights won't go out help
Hi thx for the vid. did you manage to fix it? a lot of us here need to know!
I had a 2005, it gave me those same problems, the solution was to sell it for $ 600 dollars. Do not feel bad about what I'm going to tell you, if possible, get out of that vehicle as soon as possible before you finish all your savings as I happened to me.
Eduardo cruz dude I literally been pouring money in this car since I bought it 2005 you said ?
Hello. I have the same symptoms now. What does that have to do with the instrument cluster?
Is low battery level or doesn't hold the charge anymore . I have something similar and just changed battery now
Ours was an instrument cluster fault
Mine did all this, turned out to he a Faulty ABS module
Appreciate this. My 2005 is doing the same damned thing. Can’t get it out of park without the release underneath. Leaning toward the TCM on mine, but ABS is possible too
Hay mate got exactly the same issue! Please tell me you found the issue!! Please reply and shine a little light on the issue
It was the cluster, we sent it away for repair
My s type r sc have a problem like you.
And if i push the accell then not move .
only going 5km/h
is it the ecu problem ?? Help
if you busted any of the sensor plugs to the motor solder them
Hey, I've got exact problem in my Jag. Did you found the cause, is it already fixed?
IIISpecnazIII I have gearbox fault also
Mine is at the workshop right now, will let you know what was wrong.
IIISpecnazIII thank you
T.I.T.B - solution in my case - replacement of gearbox wiring loom.
how expensive was was this repair? I have been having the same issue for about 1mth...and my repair guy keeps clearing code but it reappears. I just want to clear up this for good...can you go in depth more what was repaired or where the wiring loom is so I can have my shop do the same for me.
my car is doing the same thing
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