I met him in person a few years ago. He flew into our little airport on a King Air airplane, to go hunting. He was very polite and a real nice guy. I was very impressed with how he carried himself. He only stayed a few minutes, before hopping into a pickup and driving off, but he wished us all a safe and productive hunting season and left. Really nice guy.
Guns show loophole. WTH is wrong can you not see what respect is taught by guns. Especially when a kid cleans their First deer. It teaches them the respect. This is the cause of you’re gun shot. How blind can people be. And if so. Who protects you. The men that think they are women? Nothing against them but all against the coverage.
Same here I just can't support this network while they want to disarm good an make us sitting ducks for the bad people. It's not the gun that's the problem is this gangsters thug life rapper mentality that's the problem.
Big Man Willie Moore that’s true. The democrats and those in power use the mental nutcases to further their anti gun agenda. They actively influence them to commit the mass killings. Very few of them plan them out and act alone.
@RogerCruz 123 Are you dumb? Do you even pay attention to the world? Every single time government has taken their people's guns, by whom do you think it was done? Here's a quote from Alex Jones to Piers Morgan (Ik lul, but it still rings true, sincerely) “Hitler took the guns, Stalin took the guns, Mao took the guns, Fidel Castro took the guns, Hugo Chavez took the guns, and I’m here to tell you, 1776 will commence again if you try to take our firearms.” 2nd Amendment forever and ever.
Ted is 100% correct , extremely kind, and is educating her and having her experience the usefulness , joy, and practicality of guns and shooting. How can you blame a tool?
My ex met Ted at a theme park many years ago. He didn't realize it was Ted because Ted had his hair tucked under a baseball hat and he was wearing sunglasses. They were in line for one of the rides, and the line was long, and he just struck up a conversation with him about stuff in general. Weather, long lines, whatever. Just chatting in a friendly way, like people do. He didn't realize until the next day, when he saw Ted's picture in the paper, that it was him. Ex told me that from his interaction with Ted, he's a *very* friendly, cheerful person. Sure seems it in this video.
P1tri0t not true in most states. If I want to sell you a gun or vice versa I can legally do so...no background check needed. I would get a copy of the buyer’s driver’s license though.
Exactly you still have to go to a gun store for a background check before you get to take home the firearm. Liberals and ppl that have never bought a gun before have no clue how this works.
John Smith you don’t know what you’re talking about sir and obviously you don’t live in Texas. Private sales are totally legal as of now. I pray it stays that way. I know some of the democratic controlled states make private sales difficult. Have a wonderful year and pray for our country.
Today, after a year of intense vetting by the NYPD, I obtained my on-premises firearm license in New York City (for my retail store in NYC). Repeat. It took a year. At every stage, the process was designed to get me to give up. The laws in New York are patently unconstitutional.
2:34 He was allowed to shoot as many people as he did!....by who? 2:38 And he was able to just keep firing Because there was nobody opposing him in his fanatics
You go Ted. If guns kill people then spoons made Rosie O Donnell fat. !! “ A gun is only as good or as bad as the person using it “ The above quote from the movie SHANE starring Alan Ladd in the epic western from 1953... Mr. Ted Nugent , a great American in our time. God bless the United States...
The all American Ted Nugent. What happened Mr. Nugent when your country called you to serve. Your skill with firearms could have been beneficial to the service to your country.
yep...and it starts with nugent and people like you. I am not an emrican, I am from europe and here at least we dont have to worry too much about getting killed by guns when we go to the movies, mall, or even in the fishmarket or worst yet have my chilidren killed in school because some JACKASS just turned 18, he happen to be a victim of bullying during all his highschool years and bought a weapon of war. Look, I am not saying that weapons should be taking away, I am only saying that certain individuals should not have guns PERIOD, and that problem should be easily fixed by having more intense back ground checks so that your kids can go to school safely....for example.
@@miguelkoscak656 yes but how about getting stabbed raped or a victim of any kind of violence in the uk home invasiin is a huge problem and no j just went to the movies and school yesterday didnt die lol. And if you actually ever went through a background check youd know how extensive it is and how long the waiting period is. Sadly, a normal law abiding citizen in new york can barely get a 22 revolver practically one of the weakest guns around
@@miguelkoscak656 careful with generalizations like; 'people like you',, you almost lost me there. But I agree. We need to vette out the nutbags and keep weapons of ANY KIND out of their hands. And preferably,,, a close watch on THEM so that they get gathered up by the authorities before they say they are ready to 'go shoot a place up' Practically every one of these genetic misfires had MULTIPLE scrapes with school administrators or Police WAY before they went active with their nutty plans. As a lifelong military brat and then as a Mechanical Technician I am really into well machined and engineered equipment. Whether it's a Ruger Red Label or a Deusenberg or a DeLahaye or a Korth. Finely crafted works come in all shapes and sizes. If I could afford a decommissioned M1A1 Abrams I would have it sitting in my building next to my Super Stock from 1964, AND my safe, full of finely crafted rifles. And STILL,,, the elementary school in my town would be safe from that Abrams, as it has been from my guns and my Super Stocker. Big Blocks, 4 speeds, guns, in-ground pools, Fire Trucks, Bass Boats, hot dogs, apple pie and baseball are all things the rest of the world marvels at, at least most of it. The troubles we have are in some ways, uniquely our own, but the rest of them are as old as Cain and Abel. There has NEVER BEEN the kind of wholesale disregard for life on these shores, that there has been around the rest of the world. (During recorded history),,, and it won't be starting on our watch. We have fleas to scratch, and we're getting around to the task,,, yet again. If our country has the same Providence it has in the past, there will be blood. But the tree of liberty is nourished by the blood of tyrants and patriots. Stormin Norman was heard to say that our enemies believe they have a date with God and that it was Our sworn duty to see to it, they keep the appointment. That's paraphrased, but the message is implicit. Roll WITH us, or get ready for the ass whuppin of your life. We have been the beacon of Liberty and Freedom for all the world since 1776. So long as we keep to the relentless duty of eternal vigilance against tyranny, we will continue to be that beacon.
Yes but there are sooo many guns in america, and if they made them all illegal right now bad people would have guns for a long time coming. Also people like me would keep our guns to protect ourselves and families. It would create a new black market. In those countries you listed they either never really had many guns or they have been illegal for so long that it really doesn't matter anymore. Thing is Me & millions of others believe it is our right to protect ourselves, and legally we r right.
I can’t believe Ted, he let himself be interviewed by the communist news network, but I respect him for it. If you are telling me I have to give my guns to people that eat soap, and are confused by bathrooms, I might as well forget everything I knew about this country.
I love it when a closed minded reporter tries to turn things around to the fit their own narrative and you have someone who has all the facts that turns them on their ear makes them look stupid. Thank you Ted Nugent for sharing your common sense. And also for just speaking the truth.
Even with stricter gun laws he would still be able to shoot whatever gun he wanted. No reason for all the anger and hate. Do American families really get attacked so much? By whom? Other Americans?
I think we need to see THIS Nugent more, the well adjusted, reasonable Ted Nugent... not the loud overbearing Nugent that is easy to make fun of. At times he comes off as a loon, but it's hard not to like THIS Nugent in this video.
I love "The Nuge"! My father was a hunting buddy of his in Michigan. This cat has more energy than a hummingbird on crack! And Holy smokes can he wreck a Gibson Byrdland (Kalamazoo, baby!). LISTEN to what he is saying before you pass judgement. When guns are gone and the cartels come to collect, are you going to spork them to death? Notice how I didn't say Mexican cartels? That would be too racist. Think I'm joking? You can get a full round-trip for a month in a Mexican beachfront top-tier hotel for probably $20.00. Nobody wants to go there because every single day, hundreds are murdered who won't or can't "pay-up" or some other assinine reason. If we lose our guns, that's it, I'm outta' here. Yeah, Australia did it, but who do they share a border with? People need to hold their own governments resposible instead of fleeing to the open borders of the USA. Will Barbra Streisand and Sean Penn be there for you when one of your family members go down because we could no longer protect our families??? I got that Cat Scratch Fever baby! Do it Ted. Even Barbra uploads "The Nuge", but only for her headphones, lest someone should hear her listening to common sense and a very great slinger of one of those six-string weapons of mass-destruction. She's coming for your Gibson's after she takes your guns away because she was teased in school for having a bump on her nose and being ugly.
But last time I checked the U.S government is not trying to make every weapon in circulation illegal, just assault weapons. Back before 1865 the right to own slaves was considered a legal right the U.S constitution, it has since been removed. When a society goes through significant socio-economic changes throughout centuries of existence then some of the old laws will need to to either be removed or reformed to meet the externalities of a modern society.
Bad and evil people use an assortment of weapons. Before guns, hundreds of thousands of people were killed by swords, bows & arrows, axes and spears. What would you use to replace a gun for defense if two guys assaulted you with knives?
I do not agree with background checks for gun or ammunition purchases. If a person has done something to make it so they are not trustworthy enough to purchase a gun or ammunition, that is a person who should not have been released from prison. Once a person is released, they should have their rights restored. The right to keep and bear arms is a RIGHT, so therefore it should not be subject to background checks, or any other restrictions.
@Fruit Fred I actually have been in jail, twice, but both times were on false charges, and the charges got dropped, so I was not in jail for very long. Regardless of this, we the people of these united States of America, are SUPPOSED to have an unalienable RIGHT to keep and bear arms. If a person serves there time, once they are released, they should get all of their rights restored. This includes their freedom of speech, AND their RIGHT to keep and bear arms. Also, background checks infringe on everyone's rights, because it says that we have to beg for permission from the state in order to purchase guns and ammunition. This says that the state has to check out out first, and then if the state says we are OK, only THEN can we engage in what is SUPPOSED to be an unalienable right. Unalienable means that a lien, or infringement, can't be put on one's rights. A RIGHT means that you don't need permission from a government official to do something. If everyone has to submit to a background check in order to exercise their right to keep and bear arms, it puts an imposition on everyone, and it also gives government officials the ability to revoke one's right to keep and bear arms, including on a flimsy pretext if they so desire. Sure, there's a concern about dangerous criminals getting guns and ammunition, but these dangerous criminals will find a way to do it anyway if they are determined, so all background checks do is just infringe upon everyone else's rights for no legitimate reason.
Police psychological screening A) hasn't prevented bad cops and B) a civilian with a ccw doesn't have "authority" over others thereby possibly abusing that authority. That's the main purpose of the police psyc screening.
(continued) Secondly the arguement that gun control isn't somebodys buisness is extremely one sided, i know the electorate in several other countries would probobly disagree with you on that one. Strictly speaking by legal standards, if someone elects a government to do somthing it gives them the legal power to change public policy in the country. Take salvery as an example. The right to own slaves was in the original Constituion, but it was abolished in 1865.
Reading the statistics is still open to partisan opinion, I could find you a series of statistics that retort your opinion. I think there is a hole in the argument that gun laws do not stop gun crime, because every country outside of the United States that has implemented stronger gun controls currently has an incredibly low level of gun violence, while the United States in comparison has a gigantically high level of gun crimes every year; I'd wager it's more than coincidence.
Good, move to another "safe" country where guns aren't allowed. Cuba, Venezuela, China, Vietnam and North Korea are some COMPLETELY gun-free SAFE options. I'll be more than happy to make you pack-up, NO CHARGE!
Watch Penn and Teller's Bullshit: PETA episode. He sums up his entire argument with the classic, "If we're not supposed to eat them, then why are they made of food?", while skinning a deer, and if I remember correctly he even takes a bite out of it raw.
(continued) Secondly, what hell does Afghanistan have to do with gun control? their two completely different subjects; a governments foreign policy in another country has nothing to do with the way they treat you as a citizen. Last time I checked the government wasn't killing babies and women in the United States. Anyway if you want to talk about the merits of the Afghan war that's one thing, gun control is something completely different.
Any wild animal will defend itself, its home, its property, and its family with deadly force when threatened. Its my natural right to defend myself and my family and my home and my property with whatever tools I see fit and necessary to accomplish those needs from any predator.
@@carlspackler4447 what is wrong with you. He literally has a wife and kids. How can you see he is a homosexual? I mean that’s like saying a piece of toast is scrambled eggs just because it’s presence. So stupid
Nugent is often crazy and I don't agree with most of the things he says, because he sparks more controversy, but here, he is dead on the mark. It kills me that people want to take away my enjoyment of shooting sports because of one bad apple. One bad apple can't truly spoil the bunch, can it? People don't see it our way because they haven't experienced our way. We are just good people who want to have fun. You can't take people's gun because politicians can't figure out how to stop the violence.
I met him in person a few years ago. He flew into our little airport on a King Air airplane, to go hunting. He was very polite and a real nice guy. I was very impressed with how he carried himself. He only stayed a few minutes, before hopping into a pickup and driving off, but he wished us all a safe and productive hunting season and left. Really nice guy.
I ALMOST gave this video a like for Ted, but then I remembered it's CNN
Guns show loophole. WTH is wrong can you not see what respect is taught by guns. Especially when a kid cleans their
First deer. It teaches them the respect. This is the cause of you’re gun shot. How blind can people be. And if so. Who protects you. The men that think they are women? Nothing against them but all against the coverage.
Yeah fake news!
Your right
Same here I just can't support this network while they want to disarm good an make us sitting ducks for the bad people. It's not the gun that's the problem is this gangsters thug life rapper mentality that's the problem.
john wayne - my soloution on gun control is simple. If there is a gun, i want to be in control of it
dat boi that’s also the democrats. Globalists, new world order types, communist, etc view of guns.
That was Clint Eastwood.
What about John Wayne gacy?
Clinton Eastwood said that
dat boi Where are those people when mass shootings happen???
Ted Is an awesome human being.
we have a mental health problem not a gun problem also I love Guns
Said, Ted Nugent, the draft dodging pu$$y who sh9it his pants to get out of serving his country. Coward Ted!
We really have a commie problem that needs to be taken care of with bullets!
Big Man Willie Moore that’s true. The democrats and those in power use the mental nutcases to further their anti gun agenda. They actively influence them to commit the mass killings. Very few of them plan them out and act alone.
You're right you do, your nations obsession and fetishisation of guns is a mental health problem
We also have a gun problem
A wise man once said "I do not want to see repeat offenders. I want to see deceased offenders"...
"A" concealed Glock? That implies a single one. I suspect that Ted is carrying at least two or three at all times.
BB2009LZ you act like he only carries ccw glocks.
His glock conceals the second glock
He's in Waco TX, I'll bet he carries a revolver with shot shells for snakes.....then again he is quite the marksman
First off lady there are background checks at gun shows news people are clueless.
"I wrote Wango Tango, and I have guns."
I think what you meant is: "Ted is a draft dodging, washed up (since 1978) HACK guitarist who believes in guns."
@@DUSTYBASS So is Bill Clinton.
@@richardcarden4161 Of course Clinton is, but he's not running around pretending to be a bad ass. Nugent is a cunt.
@@DUSTYBASS Yup. Isn't he great?
@RogerCruz 123 Are you dumb? Do you even pay attention to the world? Every single time government has taken their people's guns, by whom do you think it was done? Here's a quote from Alex Jones to Piers Morgan (Ik lul, but it still rings true, sincerely) “Hitler took the guns, Stalin took the guns, Mao took the guns, Fidel Castro took the guns, Hugo Chavez took the guns, and I’m here to tell you, 1776 will commence again if you try to take our firearms.” 2nd Amendment forever and ever.
Wow none of those guns hurt anyone! Ted must have raised them right
Ted is 100% correct , extremely kind, and is educating her and having her experience the usefulness , joy, and practicality of guns and shooting. How can you blame a tool?
My ex met Ted at a theme park many years ago. He didn't realize it was Ted because Ted had his hair tucked under a baseball hat and he was wearing sunglasses. They were in line for one of the rides, and the line was long, and he just struck up a conversation with him about stuff in general. Weather, long lines, whatever. Just chatting in a friendly way, like people do. He didn't realize until the next day, when he saw Ted's picture in the paper, that it was him. Ex told me that from his interaction with Ted, he's a *very* friendly, cheerful person. Sure seems it in this video.
except all *legal* transactions (unless private, such as through a will), even at gun shows, require a background check.
P1tri0t not true in most states. If I want to sell you a gun or vice versa I can legally do so...no background check needed. I would get a copy of the buyer’s driver’s license though.
Exactly you still have to go to a gun store for a background check before you get to take home the firearm. Liberals and ppl that have never bought a gun before have no clue how this works.
@@smokysantana no true at all. Stop throwing shit on the wall and hoping it sticks.
John Smith you don’t know what you’re talking about sir and obviously you don’t live in Texas. Private sales are totally legal as of now. I pray it stays that way. I know some of the democratic controlled states make private sales difficult. Have a wonderful year and pray for our country.
@@smokysantana Oh trust me I do know. You clearly dont.
she's a bad reporter
Eh I’ve seen worse. She actually seems to come around a bit at the end and I thought accurately portrayed the pro gun argument side of things.
Hey ...some women are as pro 2nd amendment and can shoot as good or better than most men ...so lay off that ," shes a woman" SH*T!!!
Bad reporters come from CNN
Today, after a year of intense vetting by the NYPD, I obtained my on-premises firearm license in New York City (for my retail store in NYC). Repeat. It took a year. At every stage, the process was designed to get me to give up. The laws in New York are patently unconstitutional.
God Bless Ted Nugent
He was allowed to shoot as many people as he did!....by who?
And he was able to just keep firing
Because there was nobody opposing him in his fanatics
Gun free zones are the most vunerable.
The American people love you Ted
Ted is 100% correct.
God Bless The Nuge - A bona fide, living breathing American Hero.
Ted is the MAN.
Said, Ted Nugent, the draft dodging pu$$y who sh9it his pants to get out of serving his country. Coward Ted!
Guns are neither good nor bad, the person using it holds that distinction.
You go Ted. If guns kill people then spoons made Rosie O Donnell fat. !!
“ A gun is only as good or as bad as the person using it “
The above quote from the movie SHANE starring Alan Ladd in the epic western from 1953...
Mr. Ted Nugent , a great American in our time. God bless the United States...
The all American Ted Nugent. What happened Mr. Nugent when your country called you to serve. Your skill with firearms could have been beneficial to the service to your country.
Gun shows require background checks. All legal purchases require background checks.
Following that logic cars should be 100% outlawed too. No exceptions right?
We don’t have a gun problem, we have a people problem.
yep...and it starts with nugent and people like you. I am not an emrican, I am from europe and here at least we dont have to worry too much about getting killed by guns when we go to the movies, mall, or even in the fishmarket or worst yet have my chilidren killed in school because some JACKASS just turned 18, he happen to be a victim of bullying during all his highschool years and bought a weapon of war. Look, I am not saying that weapons should be taking away, I am only saying that certain individuals should not have guns PERIOD, and that problem should be easily fixed by having more intense back ground checks so that your kids can go to school safely....for example.
@@miguelkoscak656 yes but how about getting stabbed raped or a victim of any kind of violence in the uk home invasiin is a huge problem and no j just went to the movies and school yesterday didnt die lol. And if you actually ever went through a background check youd know how extensive it is and how long the waiting period is. Sadly, a normal law abiding citizen in new york can barely get a 22 revolver practically one of the weakest guns around
@@miguelkoscak656 careful with generalizations like; 'people like you',, you almost lost me there.
But I agree. We need to vette out the nutbags and keep weapons of ANY KIND out of their hands.
And preferably,,, a close watch on THEM so that they get gathered up by the authorities before they say they are ready to 'go shoot a place up' Practically every one of these genetic misfires had MULTIPLE scrapes with school administrators or Police WAY before they went active with their nutty plans.
As a lifelong military brat and then as a Mechanical Technician I am really into well machined and engineered equipment. Whether it's a Ruger Red Label or a Deusenberg or a DeLahaye or a Korth. Finely crafted works come in all shapes and sizes.
If I could afford a decommissioned M1A1 Abrams I would have it sitting in my building next to my Super Stock from 1964, AND my safe, full of finely crafted rifles. And STILL,,, the elementary school in my town would be safe from that Abrams, as it has been from my guns and my Super Stocker.
Big Blocks, 4 speeds, guns, in-ground pools, Fire Trucks, Bass Boats, hot dogs, apple pie and baseball are all things the rest of the world marvels at, at least most of it.
The troubles we have are in some ways, uniquely our own, but the rest of them are as old as Cain and Abel.
There has NEVER BEEN the kind of wholesale disregard for life on these shores, that there has been around the rest of the world. (During recorded history),,, and it won't be starting on our watch.
We have fleas to scratch, and we're getting around to the task,,, yet again. If our country has the same Providence it has in the past, there will be blood. But the tree of liberty is nourished by the blood of tyrants and patriots.
Stormin Norman was heard to say that our enemies believe they have a date with God and that it was Our sworn duty to see to it, they keep the appointment. That's paraphrased, but the message is implicit. Roll WITH us, or get ready for the ass whuppin of your life.
We have been the beacon of Liberty and Freedom for all the world since 1776. So long as we keep to the relentless duty of eternal vigilance against tyranny, we will continue to be that beacon.
Yes but there are sooo many guns in america, and if they made them all illegal right now bad people would have guns for a long time coming. Also people like me would keep our guns to protect ourselves and families. It would create a new black market. In those countries you listed they either never really had many guns or they have been illegal for so long that it really doesn't matter anymore. Thing is Me & millions of others believe it is our right to protect ourselves, and legally we r right.
Oppressed nation.
He is living the dream
Ted Nugent is a wacky guy but I don't think he's as wacky as the media says he is.
It's not the gun it's the mind
I can’t believe Ted, he let himself be interviewed by the communist news network, but I respect him for it. If you are telling me I have to give my guns to people that eat soap, and are confused by bathrooms, I might as well forget everything I knew about this country.
God bless this righteous man!!
I wish I had his kinda money , I would have guns too. We have the right to protect ourselves. I agree with Ted...
Nothing more AMERICAN than Apple pie
& Ted Nugent!!!
God Bless this man for making more sense
than anything watched on television.
be interesting to know what percentage of gun murders in the US are related to black and Latino gangs.
So lets ignore the facts and disarm good honest people. That should work!
I love it when a closed minded reporter tries to turn things around to the fit their own narrative and you have someone who has all the facts that turns them on their ear makes them look stupid. Thank you Ted Nugent for sharing your common sense. And also for just speaking the truth.
Couldn't they find a better person to talk to about this topic....
How can u not love Uncle Ted ❤️
uncle ted is my hero I agree with him on everything he s fucking awesome
His love of guns went absent when asked to fight for his country.
Police action is not war.
Serving a Tyrannical government 🖕🖕
Yeah because Vietnam was a real righteous war
@@MLHMODZ Still a draft dodger
Uncle ted is the best love your music love the man
The fact it’s in Waco is funny
I love Ted. He's so CHEERFUL about it!
Even with stricter gun laws he would still be able to shoot whatever gun he wanted. No reason for all the anger and hate. Do American families really get attacked so much? By whom? Other Americans?
He could have served after he was done with school.
Ted is 100% right. It is not the gun.
The ultimate trench gun is a shotgun
A grease gun backs up the shotgun when he's reloading
I agree but I think that before getting a gun, a person should be mentally tested.
AUSTRALIA= the perfect example why private, law abiding, citizens should have as many guns as possible.
I think we need to see THIS Nugent more, the well adjusted, reasonable Ted Nugent... not the loud overbearing Nugent that is easy to make fun of. At times he comes off as a loon, but it's hard not to like THIS Nugent in this video.
He's not crazy at all. We need more people like him - willing to make a difference
Said, Ted Nugent, the draft dodging pu$$y who sh9it his pants to get out of serving his country. Coward Ted!
Why not. The AR-15 is really no different than other semi-automatic rifles out there. It just looks better.
Oh he's a tough guy.....literally shat himself when he got called up.....
Said, Ted Nugent, the draft dodging pu$$y who sh9it his pants to get out of serving his country. Coward Ted!
Not much to do in some Texas towns but give People ideas heaven forbid you get so bored and pick up a rifle and defend Yourself!!!!
Ted, my wife wants your pink AR-15. lol I didn't know Ted was a deputy sheriff.
BUT....you had to know he was a draft dodging pussy.....RIGHT?????
I love "The Nuge"! My father was a hunting buddy of his in Michigan. This cat has more energy than a hummingbird on crack! And Holy smokes can he wreck a Gibson Byrdland (Kalamazoo, baby!). LISTEN to what he is saying before you pass judgement. When guns are gone and the cartels come to collect, are you going to spork them to death? Notice how I didn't say Mexican cartels? That would be too racist. Think I'm joking? You can get a full round-trip for a month in a Mexican beachfront top-tier hotel for probably $20.00. Nobody wants to go there because every single day, hundreds are murdered who won't or can't "pay-up" or some other assinine reason. If we lose our guns, that's it, I'm outta' here. Yeah, Australia did it, but who do they share a border with? People need to hold their own governments resposible instead of fleeing to the open borders of the USA. Will Barbra Streisand and Sean Penn be there for you when one of your family members go down because we could no longer protect our families??? I got that Cat Scratch Fever baby! Do it Ted. Even Barbra uploads "The Nuge", but only for her headphones, lest someone should hear her listening to common sense and a very great slinger of one of those six-string weapons of mass-destruction. She's coming for your Gibson's after she takes your guns away because she was teased in school for having a bump on her nose and being ugly.
He’s not wrong.
But last time I checked the U.S government is not trying to make every weapon in circulation illegal, just assault weapons. Back before 1865 the right to own slaves was considered a legal right the U.S constitution, it has since been removed. When a society goes through significant socio-economic changes throughout centuries of existence then some of the old laws will need to to either be removed or reformed to meet the externalities of a modern society.
Godzilla52 by that logic murder should be legal due to it being a really old law.
Stick to the issue, libtard
Alternative title cnn reporter gets destroyed by uncle Ted nugent
Ill give it to CNN on this one though they gave him a fair interview.
Really, don't we all. I know I carry a five-inch Glock to compensate for my two-inch Derringer.
Bad and evil people use an assortment of weapons. Before guns, hundreds of thousands of people were killed by swords, bows & arrows, axes and spears. What would you use to replace a gun for defense if two guys assaulted you with knives?
I do not agree with background checks for gun or ammunition purchases. If a person has done something to make it so they are not trustworthy enough to purchase a gun or ammunition, that is a person who should not have been released from prison. Once a person is released, they should have their rights restored. The right to keep and bear arms is a RIGHT, so therefore it should not be subject to background checks, or any other restrictions.
@Fruit Fred I actually have been in jail, twice, but both times were on false charges, and the charges got dropped, so I was not in jail for very long. Regardless of this, we the people of these united States of America, are SUPPOSED to have an unalienable RIGHT to keep and bear arms. If a person serves there time, once they are released, they should get all of their rights restored. This includes their freedom of speech, AND their RIGHT to keep and bear arms. Also, background checks infringe on everyone's rights, because it says that we have to beg for permission from the state in order to purchase guns and ammunition. This says that the state has to check out out first, and then if the state says we are OK, only THEN can we engage in what is SUPPOSED to be an unalienable right. Unalienable means that a lien, or infringement, can't be put on one's rights. A RIGHT means that you don't need permission from a government official to do something. If everyone has to submit to a background check in order to exercise their right to keep and bear arms, it puts an imposition on everyone, and it also gives government officials the ability to revoke one's right to keep and bear arms, including on a flimsy pretext if they so desire. Sure, there's a concern about dangerous criminals getting guns and ammunition, but these dangerous criminals will find a way to do it anyway if they are determined, so all background checks do is just infringe upon everyone else's rights for no legitimate reason.
Police psychological screening A) hasn't prevented bad cops and B) a civilian with a ccw doesn't have "authority" over others thereby possibly abusing that authority. That's the main purpose of the police psyc screening.
Why didn't he let her shoot a lighter recoil rifle?
(continued) Secondly the arguement that gun control isn't somebodys buisness is extremely one sided, i know the electorate in several other countries would probobly disagree with you on that one. Strictly speaking by legal standards, if someone elects a government to do somthing it gives them the legal power to change public policy in the country. Take salvery as an example. The right to own slaves was in the original Constituion, but it was abolished in 1865.
thats like saying i will never drive a car cause so many people have died in cars.
all I know is that if THIS man was president, man things would be alright
Reading the statistics is still open to partisan opinion, I could find you a series of statistics that retort your opinion. I think there is a hole in the argument that gun laws do not stop gun crime, because every country outside of the United States that has implemented stronger gun controls currently has an incredibly low level of gun violence, while the United States in comparison has a gigantically high level of gun crimes every year; I'd wager it's more than coincidence.
Can’t stand his politics for the most part but I agree with him on firearms.
Guns make everyone equal.
Nope. A sleeping man with a gun is not equal with a caffeined up man with a gun. Unless he sleeps with one eye open.......gripping his AK tight, etc.
@@tardwhisperer1015 lesten the coffee drinking fool is sposed to be on sentry...Carl...git back to your post,and outta mine...lol
This is the first time I liked a cnn video!
Nice pretty blue scope
Good, move to another "safe" country where guns aren't allowed. Cuba, Venezuela, China, Vietnam and North Korea are some COMPLETELY gun-free SAFE options. I'll be more than happy to make you pack-up, NO CHARGE!
I was backstage in Detroit
In the 70s
Watch Penn and Teller's Bullshit: PETA episode. He sums up his entire argument with the classic, "If we're not supposed to eat them, then why are they made of food?", while skinning a deer, and if I remember correctly he even takes a bite out of it raw.
I would like to see his collection
They make zip guns in prison and they can make them in society as well. You'll never stop the manufacturing of them. It's pointless to try.
Can't believe cnn posted this, I'm betting whoever was in charge at cnn is long gone.
You should stay up there 24/7 365 days a year
(continued) Secondly, what hell does Afghanistan have to do with gun control? their two completely different subjects; a governments foreign policy in another country has nothing to do with the way they treat you as a citizen. Last time I checked the government wasn't killing babies and women in the United States. Anyway if you want to talk about the merits of the Afghan war that's one thing, gun control is something completely different.
Oh I don't use that as a reason, my reason is because why not? I don't commit crimes with them, and criminals have them, so why can't I?
This guy is not regulating himself he will never need these weapons so why does he keep them?
Don’t Tread On Me
Gun show loophole debunked by Steven crowder, look it up 😂😂
and ammo for the mosin nagant is REALLY cheap...
Ted Nugent tells it like it is and should be.
Any wild animal will defend itself, its home, its property, and its family with deadly force when threatened. Its my natural right to defend myself and my family and my home and my property with whatever tools I see fit and necessary to accomplish those needs from any predator.
Anyone else cringe when she said “I’m trying to understand the nature of the hunt”?
This man is a legend
IBANEZ RGs Platon why, just because he believes humans should have the right to defend themselves, he is a homosexual
@@carlspackler4447 what is wrong with you. He literally has a wife and kids. How can you see he is a homosexual? I mean that’s like saying a piece of toast is scrambled eggs just because it’s presence. So stupid
I mean you are he one that is wearing a bucket hat and stalking a ground hog with a blow torch. I mean🤷
Luv him thank you Ted 😊
You know what's funny? She sure seems to feel safe around those AR's while she's around a law abiding citizen like Ted. Hmmmmm...
"I wrote Wango Tango and I carry a gun." pfffffftttt hahahahaha!!!
Yeah... Great line!!!
THEN: Yes, we need weaponry to defend ourselves!
Nugent is often crazy and I don't agree with most of the things he says, because he sparks more controversy, but here, he is dead on the mark. It kills me that people want to take away my enjoyment of shooting sports because of one bad apple. One bad apple can't truly spoil the bunch, can it? People don't see it our way because they haven't experienced our way. We are just good people who want to have fun. You can't take people's gun because politicians can't figure out how to stop the violence.
Ted Nugent is an absolute UNIT. CNN on the other hand...
The FBI uniform crime report has those statistics.
Love ya Ted. Not Communist news network.
he is a bit self absorbed...but that was 45 years ago, there would be alot less gun supporters including myself if it wasnt for TED
Ted, your eyebrows are weird, but you make so much sense! LIVE FREE
Without the 2nd..............you have nothing!
At Gun shows there are background checks.. WHATS THIS WOMEN TALKING ABOUT