As a mediocre piano player, I've always loved classical music. But as I've gotten older I've noticed my tastes have mellowed out. I can't believe that 10 years ago I would have considered this boring. Lord have mercy, this is an absolutely beautiful interpretation of this Suite. I have chills.
It is indeed a beautiful interpretatioon, Jasiel! By the way, I kindly recommend the appreciation of the work of a living classical composer dedicated mostly to sacred music: W. Ferdinand. I feel myself like a sort of non-official ambassador for his music - and, effectively, also one of his few supporters. He is very, very talented. You won't be disappointed.
As a mediocre cello player this has been my favorite cello piece since I was 15, 16 years ago. It's worth listening to all the major renditions you can find because bach can be interpreted so many different ways. Anner Bylsma is probably closest to the way it was written but this is definitely one of my favorites
I know it isnt in the credits, but well shot, well lit, well edited and his clothes are pretty classy. Bravo! Silent and behind the scenes important people!
Thank you! If you ever wonder who these people behind the scenes are, you can visit and check the 'Credits' tab.
Suzuki-sensei, this was amazing, Arigatai koto ni! For most of my life, I played the violoncello as an avid amateur but after my decade-long battle with cancer, transplant, and sequelae, I can no longer play because of extensive permanent nerve damage.. It fills me with grief to lose my greatest outlet, but it is what it is. Performances such as this bring the magic back for a few moments, and for that, I am deeply grateful.
OMG. This is some profound interpretation, coming from the other world, maybe Bach is whispering to us between the notes. So much measure and precision, and no hurry. And that cello has some rough voice at some times. Bravo M. Suzuki, this is truly remarkable.
those notes just cut through me like razor-sharp steel blades but land on my ears almost pillow-like. Such a delicate balance of harmony and pain. Masterful, delightful, perfection.
Indeed magnificents, Sérgio! By the way, I kindly recommend the appreciation of the work of a living classical composer dedicated mostly to sacred music: W. Ferdinand. I feel myself like a sort of non-official ambassador for his music - and, effectively, also one of his few supporters. He is very, very talented. You won't be disappointed.
My goodness, what a beautiful performance! Flawless, perfect phrasing, accents, speed and sonorous intensity of resonance. Hidemi Suzuki makes the cello resonate a magical blend of delightful sounds. A magistral interpretation! Always the mystery of the cello's tone is like an echo in the abyss and yet SUBLIME! KUDOS to Netherlands Bach Society in their choice of musicians and selected Bach themes.
When I heard that throbing note at the begining of the prelude, its extremelly elegant ornamentation brought to mind the same opening line for the lute suite BWV995. How incredible my surprise and astonishment at learning that the fifth cello suite and the first lute suite are identical. BWV995 is my favorite of all of Bach's oeuvre, its complexity and its emotional depth when played on the lute ensares me, so to here it on a bowed instrument creates a powerful juxtopostion, the delicate intimacy of the lute transformed into something so utterly dark and rich and resonant is terrific. I still greatly enjoy the lute suite, as to be able to play it require such tremendous ability as to be almost impossible, and the sound of the lute is so mystically resonant, but I have always wanted to here it with greater dynamic shifts, a very hard thing to do on a lute, not impossible, but difficult. This recording does that for me. It makes my soul sing and my imagination deepen and expand. What a temendously powerful performance!
Έχεις απόλυτο δίκιο. Όμως το γεγονός ότι η σύνθεση εκτελεσμένη στο τσέλο αναδεικνύει καλύτερα όλες τις συνθετικές τοποθετήσεις του συνθέτη, δηλώνει ότι σαφώς η σύνθεση γράφτηκε για τσέλο και απλά μεταγράφτηκε για λαούτο αυτούσιο από το γράφοντα. Σαφώς και τον ευχαριστούμε, γιατί έτσι δικαιώνει όλους όσους, συνθέτες και εκτελεστές, συνεχίζουν να μεταγράφουν άλλα έργα του ιδίου για πάσης φύσεως άλλα όργανα, κλασικά ή μη. Δεν γνωρίζω αν άλλοι σύγχρονοί του συνθέτες ή πριν έκαναν το ίδιο με τις συνθέσεις τους. Εκτιμώ πάρα πολύ ότι ο Μπαχ εργαζόταν με όρους πειράματος και επιστημονικής λογικής που βασιζόταν κατά κάποιο τρόπο σε "εργαστήριά" όπως θα λέγαμε σήμερα από άποψη ορολογίας θετικών επιστημών.
The music exhibits the varied moods of the soul and in this, the fifth of his cello suites, Bach expresses stoicism, the pain which one walks, resigned but upright.
Very well pointed out, Carlos. By the way, I kindly recommend the appreciation of the work of a living classical composer dedicated mostly to sacred music: W. Ferdinand. I feel myself like a sort of non-official ambassador for his music - and, effectively, also one of his few supporters. He is very, very talented. You won't be disappointed.
Agreed, Luís. By the way, I kindly recommend the appreciation of the work of a living classical composer dedicated mostly to sacred music: W. Ferdinand. I feel myself like a sort of non-official ambassador for his music - and, effectively, also one of his few supporters. He is very, very talented. You won't be disappointed.
This suite always gives me that feeling of a huge welling up right in the middle of my chest: profound sorrow, ecstasy...both combined almost to the point of being overwhelmed, but not quite. God, I love this.
We should indeed be thankful, Fionnuala! By the way, I kindly recommend the appreciation of the work of a living classical composer dedicated mostly to sacred music: W. Ferdinand. I feel myself like a sort of non-official ambassador for his music - and, effectively, also one of his few supporters. He is very, very talented. You won't be disappointed.
my mom played cello. my dad played martin guitar with brace five string banjo hand carved fiddle a bit of piano. mom's sister played french horn. her by law dad was mister rasmus who built instrument cases for the Australian youth symphony orchestra. so you see i grew up with music and musical instruments - bluegrass, classical, punk, gothic, electronica - all of my life. thank you very much for this sharing it is great work.
Nearly 30 years ago, Hidemi Suzuki's rendition of Cello suites was my best favorite besides Kazuhito Yamashita's guitar version. In this clip, I have heard his rendition again first time after so many years. I still find it more to my taste than those of more famous cellists.
I was around eight years old first time I heard Bach and something happens to me Its like healing for my soul, my heartbeats, my breath I'm in complete balance. I love Bach Collegium and Maestro Suzuki plays in away I gets my complete attention.
I have heard these pieces so ridiculously many times. This gentleman really, really did a great job. If he wiggled a finger and flubbed a note, I didnt catch it. Technique was sublime, and he did a great job of interpreting the music. Putting mood into it. Very well done.
This music fills my heart with hope. Nowadays, my country needs a little love in people´s heart. Thanks Netherlands Bach Society for sharing this the wonderful music ! Love from Brazil.
This man is incredibly skilled. I think very few people really know how difficult it is to play a Suite like this. The sad part is that that the world don't know this man's name, but the names of far lesser skilled players on instruments that are far easier to play are worshiped as gods.
he is well respected among the classical community, cellists and his peers. and anyways, musicians don’t this for the fame. they find fulfillment in their soul from being able to play and share this music itself. dedicating your life to the craft that you love itself is a privilege and gift.
Suzuki is the greatest celloist in the world - he plays with artistic nuance and soul in a way that makes his flow eccentric with a texture of another world. He is a master of masters.
They say it's the darkest of the suites, but without the darkness there is no light. Without the blackness of the soul and absence of light there is no context to allow other colors to shine. There is a certain joy in the melancholy and song of victory in the tones of defeat.
Absolutely agree, Aaron! By the way, I kindly recommend the appreciation of the work of a living classical composer dedicated mostly to sacred music: W. Ferdinand. I feel myself like a sort of non-official ambassador for his music - and, effectively, also one of his few supporters. He is very, very talented. You won't be disappointed.
He is alive! By the way, I kindly recommend the appreciation of the work of a living classical composer dedicated mostly to sacred music: W. Ferdinand. I feel myself like a sort of non-official ambassador for his music - and, effectively, also one of his few supporters. He is very, very talented. You won't be disappointed.
Magnífica selección que se nos ofrece a manos del extraordinario sonido del Cello, potente y rompedor que hace tan maravillosa la música de Bach. Mil gracias por compartir tan deliciosos momentos. ¡FELICITACIONES!💕
This is the most beautiful video I've seen in a long time. The performance. The music. The set and lightening. The video. The editing. The clothes. Just wow.
From my days learning these suites, this one was always my favorite. What absolute gorgeous space! What I'd give to play in a room like that, it must have been absolutely amazing to experience it there.
And seriously, some day when you finish all of Bach and make some kind of audio release on a CD collection or other, I'm totally there! Every single recording from strings, organ, vocal, all absolutely amazing!!!
whenever the sound turns a little light, it immediately goes back to that sad deep resonating sound. it's so beautiful in its melancholy. i can almost imagine a desperate ending where the main character, devoid of all hope and stripped of everything and everyone he loves, bows his head in glorious defeat. this is beautiful. absolutely beautiful.
You should check out Blood+ then! They used this suite as one of its soundtracks and you pretty much told the story. One of the characters plays this most of the time with a deep story behind.
@@MagicBlubber not really... To be honest im focusing 150% at my piano repertoire atm. But the cello's right aside to the piano so, today I could try some slow C Major / minor scales ..
Oh to play the cello on an empty fancy hall. A dream, I say. This is just so beautiful. The music, the setting, the good sir who plays. This is also my favorite of all of Bach's, but I love all of his works. Absolutely wonderful.
I loved the performance of this prelude- gritty, punchy, hard-edged, taciturn, combative, and grumpy! With these qualities married to this piece, how could one go wrong?!? While I am less sure what it would be like to be in the company of this musicians, personally, I can definitely say that, when he is behind the cello, and Bach is on it, I would like to be near! Only one problem, one of the most important people in this performance has not been listed here - the instrument maker!
Please see this video were Hidemi Suzuki tells about his instrument: It was built by Andrea Amati (Cremona, ca. 1570?).
@@bach Thanks for this info. I was wondering about the instrument too. I noticed the lettering across the left shoulder of the body and was wondering who made it and what the letters meant.
Thanks again for another wonderful upload. I’ve always loved the cello suites and have spent a percentage of my life trying to master guitar arrangements of them
EXCELENTE ! al principio pensé que era un error, un ruido, algo fuera de lo normal, del canon o del gusto pero me detuve analizarlo, escucharlo mejor y me dejé llevar, soprendentemente escuchar también la respiración del interprete hace que la música sea más viva y real, no contradice el ritmo o melodia, un ingrediente que hace parte de la música. Alguien humano está tocando. La sentí muy cercana como solo algunos podemos disfrutar pocas veces. Saludos desde Colombia y felicitaciones a este canal por la producción del video. Lo volveré a reproducir.
Bach's Cello Suite N 5, performed by Hidemi Suzuki, is one of the six Cello Suites that J.S.Bach composed. Its mastership appeals to the finest sensitivity of the human spirit. Transforming one's conciousness into a sponge that absorbs all the sparks of light of the Divine.
It is worth it, indeed! By the way, I kindly recommend the appreciation of the work of a living classical composer dedicated mostly to sacred music: W. Ferdinand. I feel myself like a sort of non-official ambassador for his music - and, effectively, also one of his few supporters. He is very, very talented. You won't be disappointed.
Majestic simplicity from Hidemi Suzuki. This Cello Suite is by far my favourite, even surpassing some of Bach's violin solo's. The plaintive, mournful theme is captivating.
0:17 Do not go gentle into that good night, Old age should burn and rave at close of day; Rage, rage against the dying of the light. Though wise men at their end know dark is right, Because their words had forked no lightning they Do not go gentle into that good night. Good men, the last wave by, crying how bright Their frail deeds might have danced in a green bay, Rage, rage against the dying of the light. Wild men who caught and sang the sun in flight, And learn, too late, they grieved it on its way, Do not go gentle into that good night. Grave men, near death, who see with blinding sight Blind eyes could blaze like meteors and be gay, Rage, rage against the dying of the light. And you, my father, there on the sad height, Curse, bless, me now with your fierce tears, I pray. Do not go gentle into that good night. Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
After listening so much to the C Major suite, I have forgotten about the C minor suite. Thanks so much to him for the awesome and expressive playing and how he introduced me back to this piece with such good intensity. Deus te abençoe, Suzuki.
This is the entry of the actual hall. I often went there to listen to Indian ragas. The hall has a beautiful wooden ceiling.
Yes but note how he still keeps the underlying "dance pulse", which is so vital, yet so few who play this (and also the violin partitas) actually do it. Most get lost in the "profoundness" of the pieces and just play everything way too slow and/or with endless rubato and the music becomes incomprehensible.
learning cello since 12 years and loving bach so much ;; i think this piece is just perfect; thank you your are wonderful . If bach can ear you he is surely proud :of you. master suzuki.
this has become a daily routine for me. and it gets better every time. not pretending to be any expert but I've listened to Yoyo Ma's version of this. that one is beautiful too. but i like this more. this feels darker and deeper this interpretation calls to me on a more guttural level.
Of course, J S Bach has always left me speachless (much more his suites for violoncello) but this time I noticed the performer. Such a great rendition of the music, such a modest person almost completely devoted to the performance. I wish I could be half of what he is! Bravo!
To me this performance is all the more compelling because the maestro playing is not from the west. The richness of this piece, played like a deep meditation, filmed so beautifully in this setting...I find myself entranced.
Yes, it is to me, deeply moving that the vehicle of music affirms to us again and again that all humanity is connected through a source that defies any potential limitations of region, heritage, culture, religion...
First, if you're going to listen to classical to exercise, no better option than my man Bach. Cello suite 5 is my favorite for tuning out the world. Second listen to whatever you want. Doesn't it get old trying to address the haters on here. Too many trolls to count. Most of your fans just appreciate the way you defend us and expose the hypocrisy so prevalent in our society. So, thanks for using your platform this way.
Wunderschöne und spannende Aufführung dieser perfekt komponierten Suite im gut phrasierten Tempo mit tiefem doch gut artikuliertem Ton des genialen Solocellos und mit perfekt kontrollierter Dynamik. Wahrlich unerlässlicher Japaner in den Niederlanden!
Yes outstanding. He does raise an eyebrow occasionally. What do 'weird' facial expressions and head shaking have to do with the music? Very many musicians move in different ways as they are overtaken by the passion for the music, usually unaware of their expressions.
@@timmotion6494 Facial movement can have everything to do with music expression. "Taken away by the music" = lose 100% control of the music playing. Also, you can tell the player's EQ level from their facing expression.
@@weiliu3623 So, you are saying that if the musician is making faces he/she is not in control of the music? EQ? They are not making these expressions purposely, as I pointed out - except perhaps Liberace grinning at the audience!
I’m studying classical guitar, and in this moment I’m in the transcription for guitar of this music Can’t explain HOW DIFFICULT is, and not only the technique, that in it self is difficult, but to get the “wright” voice is close to impossible And went over and over to Rostropovich to have the feeling, and is great, but this men, is out of this world Sound, technic, emotions And I’m ashamed to say that just now I know this, but also glad I find it, is to be keep for a life time Each note in Bach, is an adventure
0:17 Prelude
5:42 Allemande
11:24 Courante
13:42 Sarabande
17:11 Gavotte I & II
21:55 Gigue
Netherlands Bach Society qq
Netherlands Bach Society GREAT!
Wonderful Music!
Great Musician!
Muchas Gracias por el Valioso Aporte. amo la musica de Bach y esta pieza es muy BIEN Ejecutada.
As a mediocre piano player, I've always loved classical music. But as I've gotten older I've noticed my tastes have mellowed out. I can't believe that 10 years ago I would have considered this boring. Lord have mercy, this is an absolutely beautiful interpretation of this Suite. I have chills.
It is indeed a beautiful interpretatioon, Jasiel! By the way, I kindly recommend the appreciation of the work of a living classical composer dedicated mostly to sacred music: W. Ferdinand. I feel myself like a sort of non-official ambassador for his music - and, effectively, also one of his few supporters. He is very, very talented. You won't be disappointed.
κύριε ελέησον
As a mediocre cello player this has been my favorite cello piece since I was 15, 16 years ago. It's worth listening to all the major renditions you can find because bach can be interpreted so many different ways. Anner Bylsma is probably closest to the way it was written but this is definitely one of my favorites
never too late 😁
The depth if that cello and the grittiness is frankly superb, hearing it in proper gut string is crazy
Those Larsen string will do!!
I know it isnt in the credits, but well shot, well lit, well edited and his clothes are pretty classy. Bravo! Silent and behind the scenes important people!
Thank you! If you ever wonder who these people behind the scenes are, you can visit and check the 'Credits' tab.
But who made his cello bow?
@@bach Oh wow. Seriously impressed. This is how things should be done ..
Not to mention a great recording! Gee, this makes me want to go to the Netherlands. Perhaps Austria has lost it touch.
Agreed. Production quality couldn’t be better. Superb sound quality and visuals.
Suzuki-sensei, this was amazing, Arigatai koto ni! For most of my life, I played the violoncello as an avid amateur but after my decade-long battle with cancer, transplant, and sequelae, I can no longer play because of extensive permanent nerve damage.. It fills me with grief to lose my greatest outlet, but it is what it is. Performances such as this bring the magic back for a few moments, and for that, I am deeply grateful.
I know it doesn't matter, but I feel your pain. I wish you a pain-free and healthy life. May you be able to resume playing cello.
As long as you've got a brain attached to an ear you can make it work 😂
I wish you the best health, sir. Greetings
Hi Marc, the vibration will always stay with us. That is music cast on our heartstrings.
I wish you the best health, Marc! :)
OMG. This is some profound interpretation, coming from the other world, maybe Bach is whispering to us between the notes. So much measure and precision, and no hurry. And that cello has some rough voice at some times. Bravo M. Suzuki, this is truly remarkable.
those notes just cut through me like razor-sharp steel blades but land on my ears almost pillow-like. Such a delicate balance of harmony and pain. Masterful, delightful, perfection.
Many thanks from Brazil to the Netherlands Bach Society for giving us such magnificent performances
Indeed magnificents, Sérgio! By the way, I kindly recommend the appreciation of the work of a living classical composer dedicated mostly to sacred music: W. Ferdinand. I feel myself like a sort of non-official ambassador for his music - and, effectively, also one of his few supporters. He is very, very talented. You won't be disappointed.
The astonishing musicianship combined with the character of the instrument and the wonderful reverb of the room make my tears flow like rain.
My goodness, what a beautiful performance! Flawless, perfect phrasing, accents, speed and sonorous intensity of resonance. Hidemi Suzuki makes the cello resonate a magical blend of delightful sounds. A magistral interpretation!
Always the mystery of the cello's tone is like an echo in the abyss and yet SUBLIME! KUDOS to Netherlands Bach Society in their choice of musicians and selected Bach themes.
When I heard that throbing note at the begining of the prelude, its extremelly elegant ornamentation brought to mind the same opening line for the lute suite BWV995. How incredible my surprise and astonishment at learning that the fifth cello suite and the first lute suite are identical. BWV995 is my favorite of all of Bach's oeuvre, its complexity and its emotional depth when played on the lute ensares me, so to here it on a bowed instrument creates a powerful juxtopostion, the delicate intimacy of the lute transformed into something so utterly dark and rich and resonant is terrific. I still greatly enjoy the lute suite, as to be able to play it require such tremendous ability as to be almost impossible, and the sound of the lute is so mystically resonant, but I have always wanted to here it with greater dynamic shifts, a very hard thing to do on a lute, not impossible, but difficult. This recording does that for me. It makes my soul sing and my imagination deepen and expand. What a temendously powerful performance!
Έχεις απόλυτο δίκιο. Όμως το γεγονός ότι η σύνθεση εκτελεσμένη στο τσέλο αναδεικνύει καλύτερα όλες τις συνθετικές τοποθετήσεις του συνθέτη, δηλώνει ότι σαφώς η σύνθεση γράφτηκε για τσέλο και απλά μεταγράφτηκε για λαούτο αυτούσιο από το γράφοντα. Σαφώς και τον ευχαριστούμε, γιατί έτσι δικαιώνει όλους όσους, συνθέτες και εκτελεστές, συνεχίζουν να μεταγράφουν άλλα έργα του ιδίου για πάσης φύσεως άλλα όργανα, κλασικά ή μη. Δεν γνωρίζω αν άλλοι σύγχρονοί του συνθέτες ή πριν έκαναν το ίδιο με τις συνθέσεις τους. Εκτιμώ πάρα πολύ ότι ο Μπαχ εργαζόταν με όρους πειράματος και επιστημονικής λογικής που βασιζόταν κατά κάποιο τρόπο σε "εργαστήριά" όπως θα λέγαμε σήμερα από άποψη ορολογίας θετικών επιστημών.
@@khgkfghru858dfh he aprendido mucho de sus comentarios, salud y que viva el arte.
What means ensares?
In fact, this is the original one. Lute's version is a Bach's own transcription of the cello suite.
@pretty boy I see, thanks a lot!
The music exhibits the varied moods of the soul and in this, the fifth of his cello suites, Bach expresses stoicism, the pain which one walks, resigned but upright.
Interesting, in a good way
Very well pointed out, Carlos. By the way, I kindly recommend the appreciation of the work of a living classical composer dedicated mostly to sacred music: W. Ferdinand. I feel myself like a sort of non-official ambassador for his music - and, effectively, also one of his few supporters. He is very, very talented. You won't be disappointed.
I just love how deep this cello sounds
Agreed, Luís. By the way, I kindly recommend the appreciation of the work of a living classical composer dedicated mostly to sacred music: W. Ferdinand. I feel myself like a sort of non-official ambassador for his music - and, effectively, also one of his few supporters. He is very, very talented. You won't be disappointed.
Always the mystery of the cello's tone is like an echo in the abyss and yet SUBLIME!
could it also be the greater ' sononic mass ' of those gut strings, who look thicker than the usual modern strings?
This suite always gives me that feeling of a huge welling up right in the middle of my chest:
profound sorrow, ecstasy...both combined almost to the point of being overwhelmed, but not quite.
God, I love this.
My experience almost exactly! Such a range of powerful emotions.
Many thanks from Ireland to the Netherlands Bach Society for giving us such stellar performances.
We should indeed be thankful, Fionnuala! By the way, I kindly recommend the appreciation of the work of a living classical composer dedicated mostly to sacred music: W. Ferdinand. I feel myself like a sort of non-official ambassador for his music - and, effectively, also one of his few supporters. He is very, very talented. You won't be disappointed.
Beautiful. You did Bach Suite 5 Justice! Prelude has been my favorite since 2005. I was 18 then and it holds still today.
my mom played cello. my dad played martin guitar with brace five string banjo hand carved fiddle a bit of piano. mom's sister played french horn. her by law dad was mister rasmus who built instrument cases for the Australian youth symphony orchestra. so you see i grew up with music and musical instruments - bluegrass, classical, punk, gothic, electronica - all of my life. thank you very much for this sharing it is great work.
Nearly 30 years ago, Hidemi Suzuki's rendition of Cello suites was my best favorite besides Kazuhito Yamashita's guitar version. In this clip, I have heard his rendition again first time after so many years. I still find it more to my taste than those of more famous cellists.
Who cares about Twitter, Facebook, Instagram we don't need any of that glitter. The world is mad, and this piece is the antidote. So serene.
That tone. Good lord. 😳 Absolutely stunning. This is the best interpretation I’ve heard since Fournier. Just wow, man.
I was around eight years old first time I heard Bach and something happens to me Its like healing for my soul, my heartbeats, my breath I'm in complete balance. I love Bach Collegium and Maestro Suzuki plays in away I gets my complete attention.
I have heard these pieces so ridiculously many times. This gentleman really, really did a great job. If he wiggled a finger and flubbed a note, I didnt catch it. Technique was sublime, and he did a great job of interpreting the music. Putting mood into it. Very well done.
This music fills my heart with hope. Nowadays, my country needs a little love in people´s heart. Thanks Netherlands Bach Society for sharing this the wonderful music ! Love from Brazil.
Listening from Brazil too. Abraço!
Forza! Fr south korea.
The Netherlands
This man is incredibly skilled. I think very few people really know how difficult it is to play a Suite like this. The sad part is that that the world don't know this man's name, but the names of far lesser skilled players on instruments that are far easier to play are worshiped as gods.
Honestly he probably doesn’t care. He plays this music because it speaks to his soul and he shares it with those willing to listen.
I know him as we studied at the same time together with Anner Bijlsma in The Netherlands.
Suzuki Hidemi is his name.
he is well respected among the classical community, cellists and his peers. and anyways, musicians don’t this for the fame. they find fulfillment in their soul from being able to play and share this music itself. dedicating your life to the craft that you love itself is a privilege and gift.
I've been listening to Bach's Six Cello Suites for over 30 years and every day is as if I am listening to them for the first time.
I used them as my study music every day for a few months and I thought that was a lot. Impressive!
Suzuki is the greatest celloist in the world - he plays with artistic nuance and soul in a way that makes his flow eccentric with a texture of another world. He is a master of masters.
They say it's the darkest of the suites, but without the darkness there is no light. Without the blackness of the soul and absence of light there is no context to allow other colors to shine. There is a certain joy in the melancholy and song of victory in the tones of defeat.
This channel is absolutely legit.
Thanks to all of the people that make this available for everyone for absolutely free.
I intended to listen for just a moment but I got sucked in and stayed for the whole thing. Glad I did.
Even though everyone’s Bach is different. This is one of the best approach of cello’s Bach suite I have ever listened to.
Their are many mansions in the Cello Suites; this is one of my favorites; he and his brother are wonderful performers of Bach.
Mr. Suzuky is a great maestro. Thank you!!
nel cercare la finezza hai dimenticato che non c'e' la y nel nome.. capita
Thank me for what?
@@seanmarshall7529 Hai ben raggione. È come CHAIKOVSKY che dovria essere Chaikovskii. Le lettere и è anche i e non y. Y è ы.
These performances are so exquisite. Each one is like a discovery of an enchanted land. I love them all!
Absolutely agree, Aaron! By the way, I kindly recommend the appreciation of the work of a living classical composer dedicated mostly to sacred music: W. Ferdinand. I feel myself like a sort of non-official ambassador for his music - and, effectively, also one of his few supporters. He is very, very talented. You won't be disappointed.
There's something otherworldly about a baroque solo being performed by a master.
I can't believe this, but I actually started crying from seeing and hearing this performance. It's so beautiful!
Overwhelming in such a wonderful way. Love that feeling.
Yeah, Bach will do that to you.
Sorry, but you need a good therapist.
Yep....that's "Bach N Roll".
Mrs acing, I understand! Don’t let anybody talk you out off your experience.
I think this might be my new favourite interpretation of this suite. Perhaps Suzuki might even be my new favourite cellist.
Yeah. Honestly this is as good as Fournier or Casals, just different.
I never thought I would love any recording as much as I love the Rostropovich. This is better.
Beautiful, thank you. No one has captured the human soul in art like Bach. Passionate performance, truly amazed.
This is incredible quality and bach is literally alive. I agree with the comments about the throbbing notes- beautiful!
He is alive! By the way, I kindly recommend the appreciation of the work of a living classical composer dedicated mostly to sacred music: W. Ferdinand. I feel myself like a sort of non-official ambassador for his music - and, effectively, also one of his few supporters. He is very, very talented. You won't be disappointed.
Magnífica selección que se nos ofrece a manos del extraordinario sonido del Cello, potente y rompedor que hace tan maravillosa la música de Bach. Mil gracias por compartir tan deliciosos momentos. ¡FELICITACIONES!💕
This is the most beautiful video I've seen in a long time. The performance. The music. The set and lightening. The video. The editing. The clothes. Just wow.
From my days learning these suites, this one was always my favorite.
What absolute gorgeous space! What I'd give to play in a room like that, it must have been absolutely amazing to experience it there.
And seriously, some day when you finish all of Bach and make some kind of audio release on a CD collection or other, I'm totally there! Every single recording from strings, organ, vocal, all absolutely amazing!!!
whenever the sound turns a little light, it immediately goes back to that sad deep resonating sound. it's so beautiful in its melancholy. i can almost imagine a desperate ending where the main character, devoid of all hope and stripped of everything and everyone he loves, bows his head in glorious defeat. this is beautiful. absolutely beautiful.
You should check out Blood+ then! They used this suite as one of its soundtracks and you pretty much told the story. One of the characters plays this most of the time with a deep story behind.
I feel blessed, I'm no expert but I can feel the dedication years, his play is so clear & deep..
I'm in Awe in LA. Thank you for the privilege to be able to witness such a great master cellist. Especially, as a student of the Suzuki cello method!
You know this is not the same Suzuki as your method's?
Good grief! -- the recording engineer did a magnificent job! Lovely performance too, of course.
I'm a pianist and after hearing that, I'm learning cello.
!!! (a verdade é que "a" obra alguma vez escrita para violancelo...)
That's exactly what I was thinking to write off; in fact, I did already buy a cello!
Still trying to figure out how to hold the bow lol
@@marcosorrentiakaditirambo9306 & @Avijit Das Any progress?
@@MagicBlubber not really... To be honest im focusing 150% at my piano repertoire atm. But the cello's right aside to the piano so, today I could try some slow C Major / minor scales ..
@@marcosorrentiakaditirambo9306 Best of luck to you in both piano and cello. The latter is a beautiful instrument!
Suzuki Hidemi is the brother of Suzuki Masaaki, a famous Bach conductor and organist. They devoted their lives to Johan Sebastian Bach.
And they have reaped no end of reward!!
Then who's Suzuki hayabusa?
It is a life worth living if you live it like that..
@@Quantdummy lmao no one got it
@@Quantdummy . No talking in concert hall.
He is really great man: he fully concentrates himself on the music during the entire 30 minutes!!
Good to hear the scordatura being used for this (A-string tuned to g). Gives a whole new aspect to this 'dark' work.
Потрясающе! Играть Баха на таком инструменте нелегко, но исполнение великолепное!
Sigh... So beautiful!! The music, musician, setting, filming, everything... Thank you NBS!!
Oh to play the cello on an empty fancy hall. A dream, I say. This is just so beautiful. The music, the setting, the good sir who plays. This is also my favorite of all of Bach's, but I love all of his works. Absolutely wonderful.
A tantos séculos Bach começou a nos encantar com sua música, e até hoje nos encanta...
I loved the performance of this prelude- gritty, punchy, hard-edged, taciturn, combative, and grumpy! With these qualities married to this piece, how could one go wrong?!? While I am less sure what it would be like to be in the company of this musicians, personally, I can definitely say that, when he is behind the cello, and Bach is on it, I would like to be near! Only one problem, one of the most important people in this performance has not been listed here - the instrument maker!
Please see this video were Hidemi Suzuki tells about his instrument:
It was built by Andrea Amati (Cremona, ca. 1570?).
@@bach Thanks for this info. I was wondering about the instrument too. I noticed the lettering across the left shoulder of the body and was wondering who made it and what the letters meant.
So wonderful. the depth of the tune sounds back the soul of man.
Thanks again for another wonderful upload. I’ve always loved the cello suites and have spent a percentage of my life trying to master guitar arrangements of them
It’s amazing all this can be generated by one man and one Cello
And a baroque bow? ^^
You missed a part: "... playing Bach". There. Fixed it for you.
EXCELENTE ! al principio pensé que era un error, un ruido, algo fuera de lo normal, del canon o del gusto pero me detuve analizarlo, escucharlo mejor y me dejé llevar, soprendentemente escuchar también la respiración del interprete hace que la música sea más viva y real, no contradice el ritmo o melodia, un ingrediente que hace parte de la música. Alguien humano está tocando. La sentí muy cercana como solo algunos podemos disfrutar pocas veces. Saludos desde Colombia y felicitaciones a este canal por la producción del video. Lo volveré a reproducir.
It's amazing the amount of different sounds that can come out of one instrument.
Bach's Cello Suite N 5, performed by Hidemi Suzuki, is one of the six Cello Suites that J.S.Bach composed. Its mastership appeals to the finest sensitivity of the human spirit. Transforming one's conciousness into a sponge that absorbs all the sparks of light of the Divine.
bachs music has something that makes it addictive
I will listen to this again and again
It is worth it, indeed! By the way, I kindly recommend the appreciation of the work of a living classical composer dedicated mostly to sacred music: W. Ferdinand. I feel myself like a sort of non-official ambassador for his music - and, effectively, also one of his few supporters. He is very, very talented. You won't be disappointed.
No day without Bach!
Majestic simplicity from Hidemi Suzuki. This Cello Suite is by far my favourite, even surpassing some of Bach's violin solo's. The plaintive, mournful theme is captivating.
Do not go gentle into that good night,
Old age should burn and rave at close of day;
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
Though wise men at their end know dark is right,
Because their words had forked no lightning they
Do not go gentle into that good night.
Good men, the last wave by, crying how bright
Their frail deeds might have danced in a green bay,
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
Wild men who caught and sang the sun in flight,
And learn, too late, they grieved it on its way,
Do not go gentle into that good night.
Grave men, near death, who see with blinding sight
Blind eyes could blaze like meteors and be gay,
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
And you, my father, there on the sad height,
Curse, bless, me now with your fierce tears, I pray.
Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
Владимир можно на русском пожалуйста 😇
すばらしいですね! How wonderful sounds the performer can play !!
This suite is one tough nut to crack, and Suzuki nails it. Immediately started scouring youtube for more Suzuki! Ahh, life's good...
After listening so much to the C Major suite, I have forgotten about the C minor suite. Thanks so much to him for the awesome and expressive playing and how he introduced me back to this piece with such good intensity. Deus te abençoe, Suzuki.
it is no possible to play this music better than this magnificat cellist Suzuki
Danke, Bach, your music comforts everything...
That is a beautiful building. The heavenly music complements it very well
I also love 6,1 and 3.. but naturally also 4, 5 and 2
This is the entry of the actual hall. I often went there to listen to Indian ragas. The hall has a beautiful wooden ceiling.
マエストロ 鈴木秀美先生。素晴らしい演奏をありがとうございます。心が震える演奏です。
Mis respetos para el compositor, para el artista que toca ese maravilloso instrumento y el escenario es formidable. Esto si es musica.
Bravissimo Mr. Suzuki.!!!! I really believe that Bach himself meant this piece to be played like that.
Bach implies melody, harmony, rhythm, movement, and emotions with mostly monophonic music. That is genius complemented with technique!
첼로의 연주가 시작되자 마자 겨울의 차가움과 외로움.. 그리고 바흐의 무거운 고뇌가 느껴져 눈물이 나네요😢
This is like Bach making sure we understand that these pieces are only dances in name, and are actually about something much deeper under the surface.
Yes but note how he still keeps the underlying "dance pulse", which is so vital, yet so few who play this (and also the violin partitas) actually do it.
Most get lost in the "profoundness" of the pieces and just play everything way too slow and/or with endless rubato and the music becomes incomprehensible.
@@damshek yeah so true. That's why Patrick Bismuth is the best interpret of Bach's sonatas and partitas imho
Just gives you goosebumps! His playing is so rich and vibrant. Really makes me smile!
Thank you!
Maestro, what an incredible performance, I'm speechless. Thank you.
learning cello since 12 years and loving bach so much ;; i think this piece is just perfect; thank you your are wonderful . If bach can ear you he is surely proud :of you. master suzuki.
this has become a daily routine for me. and it gets better every time. not pretending to be any expert but I've listened to Yoyo Ma's version of this. that one is beautiful too. but i like this more. this feels darker and deeper this interpretation calls to me on a more guttural level.
Of course, J S Bach has always left me speachless (much more his suites for violoncello) but this time I noticed the performer. Such a great rendition of the music, such a modest person almost completely devoted to the performance. I wish I could be half of what he is! Bravo!
To me this performance is all the more compelling because the maestro playing is not from the west. The richness of this piece, played like a deep meditation, filmed so beautifully in this setting...I find myself entranced.
Japan has produced some outstanding Bach performers, from which the Netherlands Bach Society has produced greatly.
Yes, it is to me, deeply moving that the vehicle of music affirms to us again and again that all humanity is connected through a source that defies any potential limitations of region, heritage, culture, religion...
Mir gefiel vor allem der innige Kontakt des Bogens an den Saiten; kraftvoll , dann wieder fein. Eine schwierige Suite souverän gespielt. Danke
Hoje foi um dia cheio.
Mas ouvir Bach sempre me lembra como viver pode ser bom.
Wow, just wow. I am just learning to appreciate Bach, and this is really making me realize I have been missing an important piece of being human
Wow, this is great to listen to! The phrasing and voicing of the chords had me on the edge of my seat.
In particular 20:45
First, if you're going to listen to classical to exercise, no better option than my man Bach. Cello suite 5 is my favorite for tuning out the world. Second listen to whatever you want. Doesn't it get old trying to address the haters on here. Too many trolls to count. Most of your fans just appreciate the way you defend us and expose the hypocrisy so prevalent in our society. So, thanks for using your platform this way.
Hide-The-Pain Harold finally lets it all out, and the results are beautiful
Wunderschöne und spannende Aufführung dieser perfekt komponierten Suite im gut phrasierten Tempo mit tiefem doch gut artikuliertem Ton des genialen Solocellos und mit perfekt kontrollierter Dynamik. Wahrlich unerlässlicher Japaner in den Niederlanden!
I love that sound of grinding resin
but why
I thought them part synthetic... lot of resin and muscle..
Bravo maestro. Bach would have loved that performance. Sublime.
Thank you so much, I don´t know why but when I hear this interpretation it makes me cry
Outstanding performance, without shaking his head and doing weird face expressions. Just simple, humble and perfect. The cello is signing.
Yes outstanding. He does raise an eyebrow occasionally. What do 'weird' facial expressions and head shaking have to do with the music? Very many musicians move in different ways as they are overtaken by the passion for the music, usually unaware of their expressions.
@@timmotion6494 Facial movement can have everything to do with music expression. "Taken away by the music" = lose 100% control of the music playing. Also, you can tell the player's EQ level from their facing expression.
@@weiliu3623 So, you are saying that if the musician is making faces he/she is not in control of the music? EQ? They are not making these expressions purposely, as I pointed out - except perhaps Liberace grinning at the audience!
Three geniuses move us to where we've never been before! Sublime!
Powerful and so relaxing at the same time. Wonderful creation of a genius, amazing performance
I’m studying classical guitar, and in this moment I’m in the transcription for guitar of this music
Can’t explain HOW DIFFICULT is, and not only the technique, that in it self is difficult, but to get the “wright” voice is close to impossible
And went over and over to Rostropovich to have the feeling, and is great, but this men, is out of this world
Sound, technic, emotions
And I’m ashamed to say that just now I know this, but also glad I find it, is to be keep for a life time
Each note in Bach, is an adventure
I have no words.. That was beautiful, thank you.
I went here for our Online Class break and I've never felt more relaxed after hearing this!