Holy Shit Cedar: The Biggest Cedar In The Mount Hood National Forest?

  • Опубліковано 20 вер 2024
  • My passion is navigating and walking in the wilderness. Last December we didn't have snow on the ground yet so I decided to go explore Lady Creek Basin off the Paradise Park Trail in the Mount Hood Wilderness. Now Lady Creek Basin had a forest fire in it about 150 years ago proof being all the burnt out massive cedar tree trunks you see. My goal was to find one that hadn't been burnt. I covered some territory that day and grew to love that basin but I wasn't finding any unburnt massive cedars. I came to a creek and followed it upward walking past many old growth hemlocks, Doug firs and cedar trees but the mother of them all I had not found. Then in the distance I saw something. It was a sight I will never forget. A sight that dwarfed everything around it. As I walked towards it my wilderness adrenaline rush spiked and soon I stood before this massive cedar without a blinking eye and simply said out loud for all the creatures to hear, "HOLY SHIT". Yes I struck gold that day and I chalk it up as one of my top 5 wilderness experiences. Since then I have been to it 4 times. I and am quite confident my video will take you to it so you to can have a Holy Shit moment like I did on that strange snowless December winter day.