Yeah you're good if you wear glasses. I do too. In the Army you can choose to have that lasic eye surgery. They call it something else, but its the same damn thing. If you're in a Combat MOS you get priority due to the fact that it would hinder your job if you wore glasses all the time. Or you can do what I do and just order Oakley sunglasses with my prescription.
Different uniforms and the pull up bars are new, but everything else looks the same as when I went through in 04. Never thought I'd miss that place.
Graduated from 5-15 Echo troop at Fort benning. As much as it fucking sucked, I would do it all over again. It’s an experience I will never forget.
where are the 5-15 comments? I remember the 5-15 out of Knox. I graduated from there...
Just graduated June 16th 2022
i cant wait until next year when im old enough to join. i just have one question for anyone who might know. can i get a combat mos if i wear glasses?
whats your name? so was i
ha.. SDS burns @ 1:00 ....great teacher and role model
whats with that freakin safety net? We didn't have no freakin safety net, wtf?
Yeah you're good if you wear glasses. I do too. In the Army you can choose to have that lasic eye surgery. They call it something else, but its the same damn thing. If you're in a Combat MOS you get priority due to the fact that it would hinder your job if you wore glasses all the time. Or you can do what I do and just order Oakley sunglasses with my prescription.
God I both loved and hated Evil troop. My god the smoked the dog shit out of us daily.
enjoy.. its not what you think =)
If you aint cav you aint shit! Cant wait till basic in june!
David caleb Lowe How was it bro?