Vineyard Watchtower - Video Bible Dictionary

  • Опубліковано 15 чер 2023
  • Disclaimer: This is our first run at the Video Bible Dictionary, we'd love your feedback, so please, please leave a comment.
    In this Video Bible Dictionary entry we take a look at what a vineyard watchtower looked like and what it was used for. Watchtowers could be different sizes, this is just one type.
    This was filmed on location in Israel (not far from Jerusalem).
    Actor - Richie Savo
    Camera - Hamish Jordan
    Edited - Jonnie Conibeer
    Produced, Directed - Mark Murfitt
    Watchtower is mentioned in the following scriptures:
    Luke 14:25-35, Matthew 21:33-46, Genesis 35:21-29, Mark 12:1-12
    People built two types of watchtowers in Biblical times.
    Soldiers built watchtowers for protection from enemies and farmers built watchtowers on their farms and vineyards.
    A farmer built a watchtower on a hillside on their vineyard.
    A farmer did this so he could see clearly over all of his vineyard.
    Farmers built watchtowers that were usually 4.5 to 6 meters high. The watchtower had one large round room on the ground floor.
    Farmers built the room with no windows, and only one door.
    Farmers built the walls with big heavy stones to protect against the weather.
    The heavy stones also helped to protect the watchtower from any attackers, this made it a safe place to stay.
    The heavy stones kept the inside cool which meant people could store the harvest inside the watchtower.
    Farmers built steps outside up to a second level where there was a look out area.
    The lookout area was open and had no walls so the farmer could see over all his vineyard.
    The farmer built a roof over the lookout area to shade him from the hot sun. He put a post on each corner and made a roof out of branches.
    The farmer and his family lived in the watchtower near harvest time so that they could keep watch for any wild animals or thieves.
    A farmer watches over his vineyard from his watchtower like God watches over His people from heaven."
    What is the Video Bible Dictionary?
    How do you explain what a desert wilderness is to someone who’s only ever lived in a jungle? Or how can a person understand what a winnowing fork is when they’ve never seen one?
    The Video Bible Dictionary is an ambitious project to film items, objects and places mentioned in the Bible which will be collated into a single resource (a dictionary of sorts) to help people understand and read the Bible; basically what the things and places in the Bible really look like.
    Who’s it for?
    The primary audience is for Oral Preference Learners, however everyone and anyone will benefit from a more literal understanding of actual places and items from the Bible.
    What’s an Oral Preference Learner?
    A person who prefers to listen, learn and pass on information orally rather than through reading (most of us, right?). This ‘person’ finds context critical in understanding the world around them, hence every video in the Video Bible Dictionary will show the item, object and place in context of a person.
    By way of an example; do you remember those old school textbooks which showed a silhouette of a dinosaur with a silhouette of a person standing next to them? It gave you an understanding of how big the dinosaur was compared to a person, right? This is the same thing.
    Why do this?
    The Video Bible Dictionary is part of a larger project to provide a resource to support the local church around the world as they teach and share Jesus with those who have yet to hear about Him.
    Who do you work for?
    This project is being produced by SRV in partnership with Wycliffe Bible Translators and ETEN (short for ‘Every Tribe Every Nation’).
    Who am I?
    My name is Mark Murfitt, I live in the UK and it’s my privilege to produce and direct these videos as well as to oversee the script writing and media production for this project.
    Is something like this really necessary?
    For many people, in both developed and developing countries, much of what we’re videoing isn’t known, understood or believed to actually be real.
    Is this work copyright protected?
    The source video and voiceover are shareable, this version with the music isn’t unfortunately.
    This version contains material that has some form of copyright and cannot be freely distributed. For a shareable version of this video under a CC BY-SA 4.0 license, please contact us!
    * There may be other scriptures where this item, object or place is featured, this isn't and shouldn't be used as an exclusive list


  • @Janky_Bill
    @Janky_Bill 2 місяці тому +3

    Awesome example! I really like this!