Do the Bach 2002 one in slow voice along with Einstein, Mozart, Shakespeare, Van Gogh, Santa, both Dolittles, Newton, and Beethoven. I asked that because I had a friend who I used to be friends with. We are close in age (13 months apart) and she used to watch this on DVD when she was a baby and a young child. Sometimes I would come to her family house and would watch it along with the other videos on DVD. Her parents were thankful they had a DVD player. It would bring nostalgic memories from when I was one and she was just a baby and we were hanging out and watch these videos along with Elmo’s world.
Do the Bach 2002 one in slow voice along with Einstein, Mozart, Shakespeare, Van Gogh, Santa, both Dolittles, Newton, and Beethoven. I asked that because I had a friend who I used to be friends with. We are close in age (13 months apart) and she used to watch this on DVD when she was a baby and a young child. Sometimes I would come to her family house and would watch it along with the other videos on DVD. Her parents were thankful they had a DVD player. It would bring nostalgic memories from when I was one and she was just a baby and we were hanging out and watch these videos along with Elmo’s world.
Yes! Can you do please Baby Bach 2002 in Low Voice.
Opinion on Rugrats?
Can you do more? Please
More effects??? Of course
Can you add cruel city to these shows sucks please please please please please please please please please please please please