WARNING: I do NOT have Telegram. If any accounts respond to your comment telling you that you've won a prize and you should contact them via Telegram, DO NOT. It's not me, just fake spam bots that will try to get you to send them money for the "shipping cost" of the prize that you haven't actually won. I try to keep on top of it, but it's like whack-a-mole... they spring up faster than I can delete/ban. Any comment from the channel owner will always appear with a grey pill-shaped box around the name (as you can see from this comment).
1. Be consistent 2. Keep stress levels down trust me no one talks about mental health it’s very important 3. Build a foundation 4. Progressive overload 5. Keep with basics improve squat deadlift pull-ups bench press manly flat barbell 6. Have fun 7. Keep balance life/lifting 8. Have a goal short term and long term also 9. Be realistic 10. Don’t compare yourself to Instagram users or fitness professionals
I think that number 10 "Don’t compare yourself to Instagram users or fitness professionals" should be a little bit higher on the list. Whether it's for men or women, the physiques that we see on instagram are extremely rare (even the one not photoshopped, and the people not juiced). When you go to a pool / beach, you almost never see people build like that.
The biggest thing to have discipline on is diet hands down. You don't have your diet down you're screwed. And the reason people can't control their eating habits is because they're weak and they're being a puss about it. Plain and simple. If you can't control your eating, you don't deserve to look good. Self control is life control. Own it and get it done.
Never seen this guy before but as somebody who does most stuff, mostly right, most of the time, I found this video to be absolutely brilliant. And good that somebody in the fitness industry isn’t making something that’s simple seem complicated just to sell a product or service. Subscribed.
@@ingaleerus2391 I think you are missing the point, I will try to explain what I understand from that statement. Basically a lot of people get into analysis by paralysis going into the little details about exact calories, techniques the very little stuff that isn't important unless you've already gotten very far into training. And because there is so much to optimise people just give up before taking a couple of steps or kicking into action at all. Basically you will get results (if you are doing nothing or not much now) no matter what you do as the fundamentals will get you 80% if not more of the way there. The quote itself doesn't teach anything informationally but it helps you readjust your mindset and think in a healthier way. Like instead of thinking "I could be doing this and this and this better and I better hurry up or I'm just wasting my time," you think "I know I have a ways to go but I'm already going to the gym x days a week, im doing cardio twice a week and I'm eating fast food once a month." And just being proud of that whilst still improving slowly and changing your routine whilst learning instead of trying to make a whole new one which you won't end up sticking to in a few weeks/months anyway. I hope you see where I'm coming from, not all advice has to come with explicit information. Sometimes helping shift into a new mindset can be just as helpful if not completely life changing.
@@ingaleerus2391 bro if you're going to the gym and you're doing good you would understand. If you're actually locked in with your trying. And not worrying too much about outside factors. It's not that deep.
@@ingaleerus2391 Sure it doesn't sound like anything, but it's good food for thought. There are so many people who think you have to be 100% spot on in everything you do for body-building and it could lead to doubt, frustration, and even just quitting when you don't notice anything. The idea of getting most stuff, mostly right, most of the time, could be thought of as readjusting your mindset and the way you approach your goals. It takes patience, consistency, and compassion. I love to drink alcohol, eat the foods I wish on occasions, and just do nothing at home sometimes.. but the next day my drive for my goals is as hard as it was the first day I started, because I know I'm doing most stuff, mostly right, most of the time.
Joe you are quickly becoming my favorite fitness creator. Your content is incredibly helpful. You have a sharp wit and great advice. Please keep it coming.
this was probably the most motivating video I have seen for a long time...I (27y.) started working out in May 2022, gained 14kg of mass (fat & muscle) and then got sick for over 6 weeks. I started lifting again two weeks ago and met a mate (end of his 30´s) from the early days of my gym journey. He round about started lifting the same time like I did but he looks so much better than I do. He literally gained double the mass naturally than I did. Was so frustrated the last day but you have reminded me to just focus on my own progress and not to compare myself to others. I know my consistency will pay off one day. thanks joe and greets from germany
Every single word that comes out of your mouth is bang on and genuine. As an exercise scientist and over-analyser myself I appreciate the rare specimen that you are in this toxic new world of misguided advice. Would love to meet you one day brother, from down under.
This is one of the channels that gave me the courage to start my UA-cam channel 6 months ago about self development. Now I have 482 subs and > 100 hours of watch time. I know it’s not comparable with others but I’m still proud I started because I’ve been learning so many lessons that I could haven’t learned without getting started in the 1st place.
I am amazed that no one has commented on the quality of some of the B-roll footage. That brief scene with the kitchen tap and the water is some excellent work.
so proud of you man! I remember watching you way back years ago when your channel was around 40K and you've always been one of my favorites! Keep it up!
Improving ROI of your workout (as you put it) has been a game changer the last couple years. I spent 10 years hammering myself for multiple hours a day, unnecessarily. I now typically spend an hour max, including stretching, etc.
Agree. I don’t know how people spend more than that. Even while working with high intensity and volume, my workouts are about an hour at the most. I don’t rest much other than on heavy sets
@@AZ-gs6hj what made me spend a lot of time there was two fold: I was broke so it kept me busy and that was the place I socialized the most. Now, much more intentional approach
@@AZ-gs6hj I am working out for around a year now, I always stay up to 2 hours, is it not optimal? I dont understand how to reduce that, I rest 2-3min between every set, I do around 7-8 exercises per workout with 4 sets, also I do 20min cardio at the end, its always around 2 hours.
@@hreppy9623 You don't need 2-3 minutes for each exercise. Only those where you are lifting under 6 reps. It also depends on your split. I do PPL, but if you did fullbody it may take longer. For example, on push I will do 3 for chest, 2 for shoulders, 3 for triceps and then finish off with abs. A lot shorter rest time for triceps and shoulders though at around 45 seconds to a minute rest and lots of supersets mixed in.
@@hreppy9623 Don't worry what is optimal. Honestly that word is so prevalent on UA-cam fitness, instagram, etc.. but you don't need to always be training 'optimal' or stressing about it. Like the video mentions, most of all consistency matters, so if you are able to consistently hit the gym for 2 hour sessions, then great. Personally I am in the gym 6-7days a week for around an hour, sometimes more if I'm really enjoying the workout. But when I did a full body split, I found 3-4 gym sessions a week, each lasting 90 mins to 2 hours was working just fine. Really comes down to what works for you, what you can do consistently, what you can recover from, and what keeps you in the mind set of continuing to train going forwards. Everyone's optimal is different, everyone lives different lives. Don't let anyone tell you what you're doing isn't optimal as they will always base it on a load of assumptions, and usually making projections of mistakes they feel they made until they found their own 'optimal'. What you are doing sounds just fine, and you will experiment over your lifetime training, cutting down on rest periods, or narrowing your exercise selection, splitting your cardio into a morning/evening/seperate day, trying out all sorts of different programs, for strength, hypertrophy.. taking the bits you like out of those programs and creating your own programs.. whatever it may be - just enjoy it!
To your point at 0:40 about finite information... I think what keeps people coming back to specific fitness channels isn't so much the information as it is the atmosphere and the vibe. I'm pushing 40 so I've got this stuff pretty down pat [even though I can always be better] but the reason I come back to this channel is because it's like just casually kickin' it with Joe, talking about the fundamentals for 9 minutes. And as you say, consistency is super important, so even if it's something you already know, reminders never hurt.
You're simple comments of "do workouts feel good?" and "do I feel ready to train" is what made me trust you. Being natural and not even using creatine as I want to discipline myself first, this video just felt right all around. Everyone wants the best of everything, but life does get in the way and your health and being injury free is always number one. I've had to resist going to the gym because of soreness and slight tightness in my muscles, and then when I do workout a day later, I'm able to feel great the whole time and lift an increment higher on my lifts every time. Thank you! These are the words I needed to hear to feel like I've been listening to my body correctly. New subscriber :)
The secret is not only consistency but also sustainability. Create an active lifestyle that is sustainable throughout your life. The problem is most people stop working out due to their busy work schedule. So plan your workout in such a way that you are incorporate into your lifestyle and be consistent. I have been doing this for 30yrs and I have learned so much that I'm now in the best shape of my life at 53yrs. It's never too late to get in shape, regardless of your age.
Always a great approach, honesty and mindset in your content. I am not shredded. Never will be. But this has confirmed that I do actually need to go to the gym tonight.
I'm almost 2 years into working out and just turned 41, I made the mistake of cutting too much the first year, but the 2nd year has been huge for gains while eating in a 2-300 calorie surplus. If i squint really hard my body is starting to mimic your silhouette... hopefully someday 😁
Wholeheartedly agree. Studies on muscle gain are very difficult (if not impossible) to conduct in a very scientific way, as they have to be carried over long periods of time and need to keep a lot of variables into account. I am afraid that many of the results simply come out from to individual differences plus some added unwanted bias, especially when trying to focus on the minutia. "Doing most stuff right, most of the time" is one of the best pieces of advice out there. Experimenting to see if a new shiny technique/exercise works for you every once in a while might be worth it (to avoid boredom, if anything else) but consistency is key.
Working as a pt for many years and i must say. What a great guy and great video! No crazy click bait or shock value music, images or content. Just real info and no bs. Props to u!
You’re still one of my favorite fitness influencers out there. You never fail to impress me with what you say and how you say it. Really quality work! Keep it up bro!
I really admire the way you keep honesty and simplicity at the heart of your videos. I watch 4 or 5 fitness UA-camrs but I can't say any of them execute their delivery quite like you. You don't focus on 100% optimisation all the time and that makes your content feel more relatable and also actually achievable for us mere mortals! Plus your humour and wit is on point!
New here 👋🏻 for young lad you’re wise .... taking a week away made the biggest impact on my training. And being willing to change things up by listening to a professional trainer
this is so transferable to other things in life. It’s feels like a fundamental rule of life that the basics are more important that than cherries on top. Love all your vids
Hey mate. Just another bro who appreciates your insights and honesty. Your physique has been an inspiration to me and I've enjoyed the quality and wisdom you put out there. Video edits are also sick mate. I hope the finite nature of your videos doesn't stop you from keeping us plebs focused and consistent.
In a simple youtube scroll believe just found a fitness channel that subscribes to a certain personal long made life goal : To be reasonably well most of the time. Thanks Joe.
Thanks for the video Joe. Being new to the gym and fitness in general (less than a year), all the extra can be really attractive, but I do find that most of my satisfaction comes from sticking to my workout routine, adhering to the diet I've established for my goals, and trying to continuously push myself the slightest bit harder
Really appreciate your genuine and honest side of things. People want to prolong their career by adding stuff that doesn't make sense but you can continue to make content I assure you. There's always something to show or just upload your training regime
I always did sport during my life, so I just keep training to feel better and improve my muscles, feel better with my mind and spirit, always been natural and happy with it, for the long term value. Good job for this video!
Man that was good stuff! So many of us are obsessed with doing everything textbook perfect, and always looking for hacks and shortcuts. We tend to forget about using wisdom. A little bit like life, right?
I have a gym about a mile from here, a basic gym at my apartment complex, and in my apartment I have free weights, a dip station, a pullup station, and a workout bench. Every Sunday I go to the real gym and do all my upper body stuff thoroughly. A couple times a week I'll do leg presses, extensions, and dead lifts at the apartment gym. Whenever I have some extra energy during the week I'll use my in-home gym setup. But every day I'll do at least 2 miles on the treadmill at the apartment gym. I find it very convenient no matter what my schedule is like, and doing alternating upper/lower body workouts in addition to a couple miles of cardio as standard practice makes consistency a lot easier.
Joe why don’t you do video series’ of you working with people of different levels and different body types over a 3 or 6 month period. I don’t think you should eventually stop making videos, i think you have a genuine, honest way that is hard to find elsewhere
Excellent advice. Everything beyond fundamentals is a game of min/maxing, and it's a game that most people either don't need to play, or attempt to play and get burnout/defeated as a result.
As someone in their mid-60s, I would also suggest to younger people that they should give more attention to their weaker side. I'm much stronger on my right than left. It might has a lot to do with being a right to arm fast bowler in my younger days. You can take corrective action in the gym but the longer you leave it the more pronounced it will become. Developing the ability to be ambidextrous is something I would do if I had my time over again.
Joe I am 58 years old been weigh training for 38 years clean, I have got gains but very slowly, I also believe genetics and all the things you have mentioned are very true, you can only try and be a better version of your self. We don't always get the gains we want, but that said if we had never trained we would look worse than we do by training. So many people at my gym are on gear , even people who don't look that good, most of the younger people too. What gets me is when that are not honest about it ,and say the usual I'm just eating more. I was once told when I was young you can only put on a maximum of 6lbs of quality muscle a year. So being realistic I have learnt that that could be only half of that. We can only go so far and our bodies say that's it , otherwise we would never stop growing. As I have got older I'm what I consider good shap for my age, but I can say one thing as we get older we get smaller and less muscle and that's a fact it's the ageing process. Anyway what I meant to say is great video with great honest content. Regards Andy
recently I've switched from 5-6 days PPL for 3-4 full body split, so good to have more rest and more time for myself instead of stacking set after set in the gym almost everyday for little changes in my physique
I am now doing a four day ppl by rotating the fourth workout with whatever order i started the week. My not be optimal but it keeps me from burning out
@@erwinr9328 I would go with full body, 4 days with PPL imo is not enough, better to hit the compound movements 3-4 times per week with some bi-sets for acessory muscles
Bro can you discuss what home gym equipment you’d get in a rental apartment (1 bed or studio etc) !! So many considerations: smaller space, minimising pissing your landlord and neighbours off, weighing up the ballache of dissembling every time you move (eg easier to transport an adjustable bench and db over a barbell and a dual cable pulley system) ,
Now 62 years old, Ive been training for around 40 years and way back in the 20thC I trained as a fitness instructor. Agree with everything here. The ‘basics’ are generally all you need with dedication. I love how the fitness industry tries to reinvent the wheel constantly. Most of it is BS.
Wish more people advocated for proper rest. The one thing i completely overdid. For a long time there was a motion that you cant over train. Biggest lie ever told. Ive been stuck now for close to a year where I'm only doing rehab. To fix all the shit I broke over 10yrs of over training
U named it. The most important in training (and also in life in general btw) is just ONE thing: consistency! In my years of training i got pretty good results. But man, where could i be.. if i would have done the training more consistent!
So true what you said at the 0:45 as despite all the information out there nothing is really new or ground breaking from the tried and tested basics for decades. I found myself back when i first started taking lifting seriously around the late 90s I would get flex and strength and fitness magazine. I found after around 12 months everything spaced out over those 12 issues was just reiterated and redressed articles stating the same information from diet to training
I think, one of the biggest things people tend to not do, and they should, is take that full week off every 6-8 weeks. It does wonders for your body and growth. You can’t just barrel through week after week with no break. Got to get that week off here and there.
Thank you for making this video and stating the basic truth that everyone should know. The fundamentals of exercise and the fundamentals of nutrition are all any of us need. These elements are the foundation of a fit and healthy body. If people want to go further in their pursuit of greater strength, bulk, stamina, athleticism, shredded etc then surely there's more to do, but those additional measures are supplemental and don't replace good fundamentals.
I think this is a genuinely one of the best advice you can find here on youtube and would like to add one thing about bulking, recovery, and training volume when maximizing muscle gain in mind. Training 3-4 times per week full body with a slow bulk is appropriate for most people. 80% bulk to 20% cut rule is good. However, if you want to hit the absolute maximum amount of hypertrophy your body can possibly sustain, you train 6 days a week and bulk 500-1000kcal surplus on a clean diet. That only works if you sleep super consistenly and it also forces you to have longer cuts because the fat gain is higher and that amount of diet & exercise fatigue simply isn't sustainble for 80% of the year. Just how it is in my experience.
WARNING: I do NOT have Telegram. If any accounts respond to your comment telling you that you've won a prize and you should contact them via Telegram, DO NOT. It's not me, just fake spam bots that will try to get you to send them money for the "shipping cost" of the prize that you haven't actually won. I try to keep on top of it, but it's like whack-a-mole... they spring up faster than I can delete/ban.
Any comment from the channel owner will always appear with a grey pill-shaped box around the name (as you can see from this comment).
i gave this a like purely due to the humour. LMAO!
P.E.D = p. eliminating. drug. 😂(in a few short years, depending on your metabolism and genetics)
Spot on advice, sensible, wise and honest video. Thanks for posting.
1. Be consistent
2. Keep stress levels down trust me no one talks about mental health it’s very important
3. Build a foundation
4. Progressive overload
5. Keep with basics improve squat deadlift pull-ups bench press manly flat barbell
6. Have fun
7. Keep balance life/lifting
8. Have a goal short term and long term also
9. Be realistic
10. Don’t compare yourself to Instagram users or fitness professionals
I think that number 10 "Don’t compare yourself to Instagram users or fitness professionals" should be a little bit higher on the list. Whether it's for men or women, the physiques that we see on instagram are extremely rare (even the one not photoshopped, and the people not juiced). When you go to a pool / beach, you almost never see people build like that.
Good lord. You really need 10 freakin bullet points?
The biggest thing to have discipline on is diet hands down. You don't have your diet down you're screwed. And the reason people can't control their eating habits is because they're weak and they're being a puss about it. Plain and simple. If you can't control your eating, you don't deserve to look good. Self control is life control. Own it and get it done.
@@smokingcrab2290 For the fastest marathon runners in the world, 75% of their diet is carbohydrate and around 20% is processed sugar.
Also sleep!!!
Never seen this guy before but as somebody who does most stuff, mostly right, most of the time, I found this video to be absolutely brilliant. And good that somebody in the fitness industry isn’t making something that’s simple seem complicated just to sell a product or service. Subscribed.
Same here, first time watching Joe, now subbed!
'you just have to do most stuff, mostly right, most of the time' is exactly what I needed to hear, thank you. Just a great mindset all around
What a word salad. That teaches you nothing. Some of you are way too easily impressed.
@@ingaleerus2391 I think you are missing the point, I will try to explain what I understand from that statement. Basically a lot of people get into analysis by paralysis going into the little details about exact calories, techniques the very little stuff that isn't important unless you've already gotten very far into training. And because there is so much to optimise people just give up before taking a couple of steps or kicking into action at all. Basically you will get results (if you are doing nothing or not much now) no matter what you do as the fundamentals will get you 80% if not more of the way there.
The quote itself doesn't teach anything informationally but it helps you readjust your mindset and think in a healthier way. Like instead of thinking "I could be doing this and this and this better and I better hurry up or I'm just wasting my time," you think "I know I have a ways to go but I'm already going to the gym x days a week, im doing cardio twice a week and I'm eating fast food once a month." And just being proud of that whilst still improving slowly and changing your routine whilst learning instead of trying to make a whole new one which you won't end up sticking to in a few weeks/months anyway.
I hope you see where I'm coming from, not all advice has to come with explicit information. Sometimes helping shift into a new mindset can be just as helpful if not completely life changing.
@@ingaleerus2391 bro if you're going to the gym and you're doing good you would understand. If you're actually locked in with your trying. And not worrying too much about outside factors. It's not that deep.
@@ingaleerus2391 Sure it doesn't sound like anything, but it's good food for thought. There are so many people who think you have to be 100% spot on in everything you do for body-building and it could lead to doubt, frustration, and even just quitting when you don't notice anything. The idea of getting most stuff, mostly right, most of the time, could be thought of as readjusting your mindset and the way you approach your goals. It takes patience, consistency, and compassion. I love to drink alcohol, eat the foods I wish on occasions, and just do nothing at home sometimes.. but the next day my drive for my goals is as hard as it was the first day I started, because I know I'm doing most stuff, mostly right, most of the time.
Joe you are quickly becoming my favorite fitness creator. Your content is incredibly helpful. You have a sharp wit and great advice. Please keep it coming.
And the guys got mad pancake skills. I wish I could try them....
This was a really good, generous video. Just honest. And great advice (I've done it).
I discovered this channel today. Subscribed for two reasons:
1) explanations clear and much HUMBLE;
2) the "after leg workout" scene 😂
this was probably the most motivating video I have seen for a long time...I (27y.) started working out in May 2022, gained 14kg of mass (fat & muscle) and then got sick for over 6 weeks. I started lifting again two weeks ago and met a mate (end of his 30´s) from the early days of my gym journey. He round about started lifting the same time like I did but he looks so much better than I do. He literally gained double the mass naturally than I did. Was so frustrated the last day but you have reminded me to just focus on my own progress and not to compare myself to others. I know my consistency will pay off one day. thanks joe and greets from germany
Joe Delaney is my ( favorite) therapist/driving instructor/hero.
Very wise young man Joe. Keep doing what you do and thanks from a 50 something in New Zealand
Every single word that comes out of your mouth is bang on and genuine. As an exercise scientist and over-analyser myself I appreciate the rare specimen that you are in this toxic new world of misguided advice. Would love to meet you one day brother, from down under.
he transpires clarity and raw pure honesty.
Love your approach. Simple, straight forward, to the point.
And with just the right amount of humour along the way!
This is possibly one of the best fitness videos out. No bullshit, honesty & solid advice. 🙏
This is one of the channels that gave me the courage to start my UA-cam channel 6 months ago about self development. Now I have 482 subs and > 100 hours of watch time. I know it’s not comparable with others but I’m still proud I started because I’ve been learning so many lessons that I could haven’t learned without getting started in the 1st place.
I am amazed that no one has commented on the quality of some of the B-roll footage. That brief scene with the kitchen tap and the water is some excellent work.
so proud of you man! I remember watching you way back years ago when your channel was around 40K and you've always been one of my favorites! Keep it up!
Truer fitness words have never been spoken on UA-cam
This is why I like you Joe, says what needs to be said, in a concise 9 minute video.
Fitness UA-cam would be a better place if more people did this.
Authentic, no fluff, drama or clickbait, just enough humor, and overall great and useful info. Great content, Joe!
Improving ROI of your workout (as you put it) has been a game changer the last couple years. I spent 10 years hammering myself for multiple hours a day, unnecessarily.
I now typically spend an hour max, including stretching, etc.
Agree. I don’t know how people spend more than that. Even while working with high intensity and volume, my workouts are about an hour at the most. I don’t rest much other than on heavy sets
@@AZ-gs6hj what made me spend a lot of time there was two fold: I was broke so it kept me busy and that was the place I socialized the most. Now, much more intentional approach
@@AZ-gs6hj I am working out for around a year now, I always stay up to 2 hours, is it not optimal? I dont understand how to reduce that, I rest 2-3min between every set, I do around 7-8 exercises per workout with 4 sets, also I do 20min cardio at the end, its always around 2 hours.
@@hreppy9623 You don't need 2-3 minutes for each exercise. Only those where you are lifting under 6 reps. It also depends on your split. I do PPL, but if you did fullbody it may take longer. For example, on push I will do 3 for chest, 2 for shoulders, 3 for triceps and then finish off with abs. A lot shorter rest time for triceps and shoulders though at around 45 seconds to a minute rest and lots of supersets mixed in.
@@hreppy9623 Don't worry what is optimal. Honestly that word is so prevalent on UA-cam fitness, instagram, etc.. but you don't need to always be training 'optimal' or stressing about it. Like the video mentions, most of all consistency matters, so if you are able to consistently hit the gym for 2 hour sessions, then great. Personally I am in the gym 6-7days a week for around an hour, sometimes more if I'm really enjoying the workout. But when I did a full body split, I found 3-4 gym sessions a week, each lasting 90 mins to 2 hours was working just fine. Really comes down to what works for you, what you can do consistently, what you can recover from, and what keeps you in the mind set of continuing to train going forwards. Everyone's optimal is different, everyone lives different lives. Don't let anyone tell you what you're doing isn't optimal as they will always base it on a load of assumptions, and usually making projections of mistakes they feel they made until they found their own 'optimal'. What you are doing sounds just fine, and you will experiment over your lifetime training, cutting down on rest periods, or narrowing your exercise selection, splitting your cardio into a morning/evening/seperate day, trying out all sorts of different programs, for strength, hypertrophy.. taking the bits you like out of those programs and creating your own programs.. whatever it may be - just enjoy it!
To your point at 0:40 about finite information... I think what keeps people coming back to specific fitness channels isn't so much the information as it is the atmosphere and the vibe. I'm pushing 40 so I've got this stuff pretty down pat [even though I can always be better] but the reason I come back to this channel is because it's like just casually kickin' it with Joe, talking about the fundamentals for 9 minutes.
And as you say, consistency is super important, so even if it's something you already know, reminders never hurt.
He sounds very humble, genuine, caring and honest. Just subscribed. Will be watching more of his videos 👍
Very pleasant comment, I appreciate it.
You're simple comments of "do workouts feel good?" and "do I feel ready to train" is what made me trust you. Being natural and not even using creatine as I want to discipline myself first, this video just felt right all around. Everyone wants the best of everything, but life does get in the way and your health and being injury free is always number one. I've had to resist going to the gym because of soreness and slight tightness in my muscles, and then when I do workout a day later, I'm able to feel great the whole time and lift an increment higher on my lifts every time. Thank you! These are the words I needed to hear to feel like I've been listening to my body correctly. New subscriber :)
Love how you put the effort into recording 1-2 second clips for our entertainment
The secret is not only consistency but also sustainability. Create an active lifestyle that is sustainable throughout your life. The problem is most people stop working out due to their busy work schedule. So plan your workout in such a way that you are incorporate into your lifestyle and be consistent. I have been doing this for 30yrs and I have learned so much that I'm now in the best shape of my life at 53yrs. It's never too late to get in shape, regardless of your age.
Always a great approach, honesty and mindset in your content. I am not shredded. Never will be. But this has confirmed that I do actually need to go to the gym tonight.
never say never pal
@@duderoger7999 tbf, might just be that he prefers strength over shredd
@@youareaspook5897 true, some of us are growers not showers, nothing wrong with that 💪
the best day to plant a tree was 10 years ago... The second best day to plant a tree... is today... I hope you are hitting the gym hard brother.
The whole comments section expects to hear whether you actually went to the gym. Godspeed.
I'm almost 2 years into working out and just turned 41, I made the mistake of cutting too much the first year, but the 2nd year has been huge for gains while eating in a 2-300 calorie surplus. If i squint really hard my body is starting to mimic your silhouette... hopefully someday 😁
Well done bro 👍🏼
nice!! i've had trouble bulking. cutting is much easier for me. but i'm inspired to make another try!
Same bro. Gains are slow at this age
With 42 we need testosterone injections bro..
@@Mazzlepazzle lol
Wholeheartedly agree.
Studies on muscle gain are very difficult (if not impossible) to conduct in a very scientific way, as they have to be carried over long periods of time and need to keep a lot of variables into account.
I am afraid that many of the results simply come out from to individual differences plus some added unwanted bias, especially when trying to focus on the minutia.
"Doing most stuff right, most of the time" is one of the best pieces of advice out there. Experimenting to see if a new shiny technique/exercise works for you every once in a while might be worth it (to avoid boredom, if anything else) but consistency is key.
Working as a pt for many years and i must say. What a great guy and great video! No crazy click bait or shock value music, images or content. Just real info and no bs. Props to u!
You’re still one of my favorite fitness influencers out there. You never fail to impress me with what you say and how you say it. Really quality work! Keep it up bro!
Bro, I'm 40, been training 24 years, and I still appreciated this video very much. Cheers,
Your presentation and delivery has massively improved over the years. Your speaking voice is now very clear.
I do have to fight the accent here and there haha.
I really admire the way you keep honesty and simplicity at the heart of your videos. I watch 4 or 5 fitness UA-camrs but I can't say any of them execute their delivery quite like you. You don't focus on 100% optimisation all the time and that makes your content feel more relatable and also actually achievable for us mere mortals! Plus your humour and wit is on point!
New here 👋🏻 for young lad you’re wise .... taking a week away made the biggest impact on my training. And being willing to change things up by listening to a professional trainer
I ain't that young... but thanks!
This is the most genuine video I’ve seen on fitness.
Consistency consistently. Love the content Joe. Keep it coming. Even if it repeats older stuff.
Just found this guy and had to subscribe just because he’s an actual natty lifter content creator. A rare breed these days.
Always the most helpful videos!!!!
On of the best fitness videos I’ve seen. Humble, true and to the point.
Single best fitness advice video I’ve seen in a few years of learning all this stuff! Thank You!
love the no B.S chill vibe man half way through my first year of lifting, loving getting in and training, so much fun
Bro, you make great content. It's smart and relatable and concise. Love it, super helpful for my skinnyfat ass, please keep up the great work.
this is so transferable to other things in life. It’s feels like a fundamental rule of life that the basics are more important that than cherries on top. Love all your vids
Hey mate. Just another bro who appreciates your insights and honesty. Your physique has been an inspiration to me and I've enjoyed the quality and wisdom you put out there. Video edits are also sick mate. I hope the finite nature of your videos doesn't stop you from keeping us plebs focused and consistent.
Some of the best advice I've heard to date. Thanks Joe.
Joe Delaney is my hero!
In a simple youtube scroll believe just found a fitness channel that subscribes to a certain personal long made life goal : To be reasonably well most of the time. Thanks Joe.
Love the humor brother!
Thanks for the video Joe. Being new to the gym and fitness in general (less than a year), all the extra can be really attractive, but I do find that most of my satisfaction comes from sticking to my workout routine, adhering to the diet I've established for my goals, and trying to continuously push myself the slightest bit harder
Never seen one of your videos before mate, but this is worth a subscribe! Looking forward to seeing what else you have
Wow beautiful video! That was the first one on my feed and it was worth the watch and subscription 🙂
Down to earth and solid, honest information. Thanks brother
Really appreciate your genuine and honest side of things. People want to prolong their career by adding stuff that doesn't make sense but you can continue to make content I assure you. There's always something to show or just upload your training regime
Love you Joe! You're absolutely right, it never needs to be that complicated. Do most things correctly and stay consistent.
It is a very simple, straightforward, clear video. Thanks. Loved how you were walking on your hands after a leg day ahah.
632K followers! well done Joe. OG here from the 2016 era.
Stopped my workout for this
Rule #5, don't do that
Rule 1 dont stop your workout for anything.
Same 😂
Why lol
one of the best videos youve made all time
Straight to the point useful information while adding humour to lighten the load…brilliant video 👏🏼
I always did sport during my life, so I just keep training to feel better and improve my muscles, feel better with my mind and spirit, always been natural and happy with it, for the long term value. Good job for this video!
Finally someone who is extremely honest
Best video I’ve watched in ages. This is really motivated me to get my shit together
First video of yours I've seen. Great video. Love the authenticity.
Man that was good stuff! So many of us are obsessed with doing everything textbook perfect, and always looking for hacks and shortcuts. We tend to forget about using wisdom. A little bit like life, right?
I have a gym about a mile from here, a basic gym at my apartment complex, and in my apartment I have free weights, a dip station, a pullup station, and a workout bench.
Every Sunday I go to the real gym and do all my upper body stuff thoroughly.
A couple times a week I'll do leg presses, extensions, and dead lifts at the apartment gym.
Whenever I have some extra energy during the week I'll use my in-home gym setup.
But every day I'll do at least 2 miles on the treadmill at the apartment gym.
I find it very convenient no matter what my schedule is like, and doing alternating upper/lower body workouts in addition to a couple miles of cardio as standard practice makes consistency a lot easier.
Joe Delaney is my hero :)
I don't like to comment on looks, even on fit ess channels but, gosh, those eyebrows sir are 🔥 🔥🔥
Joe why don’t you do video series’ of you working with people of different levels and different body types over a 3 or 6 month period. I don’t think you should eventually stop making videos, i think you have a genuine, honest way that is hard to find elsewhere
This guy cracks me up. Sensible advice as well.
Joe, I enjoy your channel so much, with little well placed funny bits here and there, it made me chuckle. 😆
Excellent advice. Everything beyond fundamentals is a game of min/maxing, and it's a game that most people either don't need to play, or attempt to play and get burnout/defeated as a result.
Your approach of not making videos because the number of topics worth to be covered is limited - it is gold!
As someone in their mid-60s, I would also suggest to younger people that they should give more attention to their weaker side. I'm much stronger on my right than left. It might has a lot to do with being a right to arm fast bowler in my younger days. You can take corrective action in the gym but the longer you leave it the more pronounced it will become. Developing the ability to be ambidextrous is something I would do if I had my time over again.
Joe I am 58 years old been weigh training for 38 years clean, I have got gains but very slowly, I also believe genetics and all the things you have mentioned are very true, you can only try and be a better version of your self. We don't always get the gains we want, but that said if we had never trained we would look worse than we do by training. So many people at my gym are on gear , even people who don't look that good, most of the younger people too. What gets me is when that are not honest about it ,and say the usual I'm just eating more. I was once told when I was young you can only put on a maximum of 6lbs of quality muscle a year. So being realistic I have learnt that that could be only half of that. We can only go so far and our bodies say that's it , otherwise we would never stop growing. As I have got older I'm what I consider good shap for my age, but I can say one thing as we get older we get smaller and less muscle and that's a fact it's the ageing process. Anyway what I meant to say is great video with great honest content.
Regards Andy
First youtube video i never skipped, thanks for this
This guy is absolutely my hero.
Joe Delaney is my hero
recently I've switched from 5-6 days PPL for 3-4 full body split, so good to have more rest and more time for myself instead of stacking set after set in the gym almost everyday for little changes in my physique
I am now doing a four day ppl by rotating the fourth workout with whatever order i started the week. My not be optimal but it keeps me from burning out
@@erwinr9328 I would go with full body, 4 days with PPL imo is not enough, better to hit the compound movements 3-4 times per week with some bi-sets for acessory muscles
Why don't you bros do upper/lower split?
@@UncleJefff because If I workout only twice per week if I have a busy week I am still doing the compounds twice a week
Joe has one of the best fitness channels on UA-cam.
Bro can you discuss what home gym equipment you’d get in a rental apartment (1 bed or studio etc) !!
So many considerations: smaller space, minimising pissing your landlord and neighbours off, weighing up the ballache of dissembling every time you move (eg easier to transport an adjustable bench and db over a barbell and a dual cable pulley system) ,
Keyword for me "Restraint is a life skill" 👏🏽💪🏽
Yo Joe. Can u make a self-help video on dealing with anger? I resonate with you more than most people on youtube and feel u can help
Now 62 years old, Ive been training for around 40 years and way back in the 20thC I trained as a fitness instructor. Agree with everything here. The ‘basics’ are generally all you need with dedication. I love how the fitness industry tries to reinvent the wheel constantly. Most of it is BS.
Your advice is really encouraging. It motivates me to keep at what I am doing. It may not be perfect, but it is happening with consistency.
Wish more people advocated for proper rest. The one thing i completely overdid. For a long time there was a motion that you cant over train. Biggest lie ever told. Ive been stuck now for close to a year where I'm only doing rehab. To fix all the shit I broke over 10yrs of over training
When you enjoy training, it's really difficult to say no sometimes! I definitely struggled with that in my earlier years.
U named it.
The most important in training (and also in life in general btw) is just ONE thing:
In my years of training i got pretty good results.
But man, where could i be.. if i would have done the training more consistent!
Thanks for providing such high quality content
Hands down the best fitness channel on yt
Forever educating the masses, with no bull shit fundamentals and quality advice… great video and editing as always 👍🏼
So true what you said at the 0:45 as despite all the information out there nothing is really new or ground breaking from the tried and tested basics for decades. I found myself back when i first started taking lifting seriously around the late 90s I would get flex and strength and fitness magazine. I found after around 12 months everything spaced out over those 12 issues was just reiterated and redressed articles stating the same information from diet to training
Nice "bird and regurgitation" analogy at 1:05 (ish). Nice double-entendre.
And funny video! Nice content
I think, one of the biggest things people tend to not do, and they should, is take that full week off every 6-8 weeks. It does wonders for your body and growth. You can’t just barrel through week after week with no break. Got to get that week off here and there.
You're dope, my man. Great to see sincerity matched with know-how. Keep up the great work.
Excellent video. All too often genetics are overlooked and never mentioned.
It’s not complicated. Thanks for the encouragement.
I’ve totally plateaued. Sometimes I get to the gym and don’t even know what I’m working out that day. Thanks for the reality check. 🤘
Great info, subbed
Thank you for making this video and stating the basic truth that everyone should know. The fundamentals of exercise and the fundamentals of nutrition are all any of us need. These elements are the foundation of a fit and healthy body.
If people want to go further in their pursuit of greater strength, bulk, stamina, athleticism, shredded etc then surely there's more to do, but those additional measures are supplemental and don't replace good fundamentals.
I think this is a genuinely one of the best advice you can find here on youtube and would like to add one thing about bulking, recovery, and training volume when maximizing muscle gain in mind.
Training 3-4 times per week full body with a slow bulk is appropriate for most people. 80% bulk to 20% cut rule is good.
However, if you want to hit the absolute maximum amount of hypertrophy your body can possibly sustain, you train 6 days a week and bulk 500-1000kcal surplus on a clean diet.
That only works if you sleep super consistenly and it also forces you to have longer cuts because the fat gain is higher and that amount of diet & exercise fatigue simply isn't sustainble for 80% of the year. Just how it is in my experience.
Well done Joe. More power to the people of kirkberby.