I feel like Scorched Earth is less about denying space and more about finishing off people that the initial burst didn't kill. Scorch's thermite deals a shit-ton of damage, and if you're stuck in the middle of the Flame Core's thermite (which I assume will cover a VERY wide area) they're gonna have a hard time getting out of there without dying.
True, but for something like that to happen you need to be in a close-quarters situation to begin with so the enemy can't just move out of the way and in that case the improved flame shield or firewall would benefit you more because they're available more frequently.
Zane Peavy unfortunately, it turns out it doesn't cover a large area, doesn't do much additional damage, and doesn't last long. Worst kit for scorch by far until they improve it.
it's a game that is dying to the AAA titles, the party system is complete ass (to the point where I dont even bother to play anymore), most gametypes are ghosttowns, and it's already releasing DLC... gg titanfall 2 (2016-2016). RIP my $60
Atleast the devs for this TF2 care. Meanwhile Valve's TF2 has little to no idea when the update is coming, and if it's gonna end up ruining the game again.
I think these are all ok, but I can't believe Northstar's is (IMO) the worst. . . . Her kit choices are by far the worst already. Here's my suggestion that is way superior: A kit that makes it so your tether trap bursts into electric smoke when activated, blinding and damaging the enemy Titan.
I think Northstar just needs a core rebalance. Its no coincidence that the two weakest titans, northstar and ronin, are the two which have cores that are by far the weakest
scorch is going to be cancer in Angel city as, if the previous map is anything to go by it will be very enclosed so maybe scorched earth will get some love after all.
It gives tone a peekaboo capability on par with Northstar. She's already very good in a mid-range fight but add that and suddenly she's a burst assassin. Frothy complains her kit was a bit too complete before, this just adds more things she can be good at.
Agreed. Tone is overplayed due to low skill level, high potential for damage. Take into account the ease of hitting Titan or Pilot and just ridic that she now gets a potential three shot burst + missile burst. Thank god for that balance patch which Respawn wont talk about eh?
That rifle mod for Ion turns it into an auto shotgun, thats 500% - the DMG penalty compared to 300% - the DMG penalty you also cover a larger area hitting Critical spots and catching pilots, i'd use it on close quarters maps. Scorch's core covers a massive area it lets him shutdown entire lanes and keep snipers and brawlers off of him. Northstars new scope might highlight cloaked targets (probably not) Tone greatly increases damage potential turning her DMR into a BR or carbine even without her missiles with Legion think about it like a GL two grenades sounds pretty good, but if the sneaky ronin gets in close you could knock him away with two blasts of the power shot Ronins doom-phase could easily be used to double his phased duration, and it helps him escape. he is a ninja after all having a failsafe for when you get surrounded is indispensable. Ninja vanish! it also lets him ignore things like tones missiles, Ions laser core, Smart-core and so on...
Adolf Hitler why deal 1/4 of a health bar over 6 seconds when in close range you could deal 3/4's in 7? just try it, the alt fire murders in tight situations
I think that the 5 way split is for players who have trouble with larger targets like legion or scorch, when it's hard to dodge the shots, and then build damage and unleash laser core. Scorch's kit is designed to use a core, build damage on people who dodged it, and get even more charge after spending it. Also, to use it to screw over lasering ions. Northstar's kit seems to be used to poke titans with exposed backs around corners, playing a mosquito and a support. Tone kit is a love letter to ranged players, and supports, also those who want essentially a more durable ronin. Legion kit seems to be for power shot snipers(they exist). Ronin kit seems to be for those "holy shit nope nope nope I'm out" players. There's my analysis.
Ronin's new kit sounds interesting... I didn't see anyone mention the drawback though... theres many times you get doomed while killing someone else... it will be exactly like cloak/auto eject... you wont always do it at an oppurtune time and it can cost you some kills in the process also
Seems like Tone is getting more and more buffs every week :L Not gonna lie its my kind of Titan, I always used the 40mm on TF1, but its almost too easy now
scorched earth is ridiculous when there are other options that deal 10% more damage then scorched earth, and no the ground dose not stay on fire like we all thought
As a Scorch player in Attrition, scorched earth is gonna be epic. I get my ult so often (several times within 10 seconds of getting in my titan) and scorched earth will probably turn it from doing a lot of damage to titans in a large area to effectively destroying every single titan in that area. That said, taking it will mean sacrificing inferno shield, which is what allowed me to get those 10 second flame cores, so I'll have to be a bit more careful with my flame shield and wait to build up ult charge before charging in.
hidden compartment seems cool if youre closeup bursting with the spread shot , but otherwise i dont think its on par or better with the smart core time increase which is basically not worrying about aiming/reloading for another additional 20% duration
I don't think Scorched Earth is about control. I think it will be about killing enemy titans outright with your ultimate. Normal flame wall already does a lot of damage. If they can't move forward or back up to get out of the wake, then they're dead.
Sure, if they're out of position one flame core will outright kill them no matter how much health they have. But... if you're in a situation to take advantage of that, you're most likely already winning the game anyways and didn't need the kit to begin with... to use Hearthstone terminology, this kit is "too slow."
"Too slow" does sound about right. For the sake of theorycrafting, I wonder if a slightly different playstyle might take advantage of Scorched Earth. When I run the flame shield kit, for example, I pick the extra dash general kit and make it my goal either to flank with that shield or box somebody in with the shield and a detonated canister. So, I want to work my way in and get close to the enemy. With Scorched Earth, maybe I spec into the Overcore kit and then adopt like a "sleeping farmer" playstyle. I take pot shots at enemies from a distance and farm creeps to farm that ultimate percentage. When I have ultimate, I find an enemy (or a few enemies bunched up), demolish them, and then go back to farming. Overcore means I only have to farm 80% instead of 100%. So, I'm out of the fight for a bit, then when I enter the fight, everyone dies.
Beter ultimate for this flame titan ( i have forgot a name ) cudl be usefull when enemy titan have more than 50 % of armor ( higher chance for ultimate kill ). Sory for translation errors if i did some.
I play ion different , the 5 split is a big part of my play style. it comes in handy when you flank or come behind a titan. It also deals good damage when you have to hit head on
Legion's pwoershot (closerange) is excellent for taking out pilots, and longe range its great for peaking and putting out some damage while your shield is on cooldown. I might take the Hidden compartment perk on Legion on maps like Eden where i find myself firing long range powershots down a lane frequently, but will probably keep my buffed shield on for other maps.
Ion gets a full auto Wookie Bowcaster, Scorch gets the complete opposite of a Mei Ultimate, Tone gets a homing cannon, NorthStar gets the Widow's sight "lite"version, Legion gets 2 "Lucky Shots", and Ronin becomes an interdimensional sponge when doomed.
ignitor Yeah, just a reskin. No buffs to damage or anything. I believe the prime Titans have a different, new, termination animation. Purely cosmetic from what respawn has said.
I think Scorched Earth is better than you think. If an opponent is at full health and they're hit with Flame Core, thats a lot of damage regardless, but now there is still a field of death under them, meaning they're quite likely to take more damage.
I didn't ask for titan kits. I want more titans, or titan customization like in the first game. I want specifically the Vanguard titan class (XO-16 Chaingun, Vortex Shield and Multi-Target Missile System).
i LOVE using the short range power shot to splatter enemy pilots, so I'll definitely be giving hidden compartment a try. also, it'll be useful for shoving away pesky Ronins
datpolakmike lol. It would be the anti me kit. What I do as ronin is I run up to a legion and start attacking them, when they try to power shot me I always phase dash behind them.
hey frothy, cool video the new dlc looks cool, but I was wondering on your opinon(or theory if you have one), do you think we may get new titans for each chassis in future dlc? Do you think that fully customizable titans will be added eventually as a late game option/specific game modes? thanks
My only gripe with this game is that I constantly get pined in by "friendly" reapers just in time for an enemy Ronin and Legon to walk around the corner.
I know i'm going to use the new scorch ability. scorch was my least used titan and i decided to start using it about a week ago, and now i'm getting 2 cores per titan. New scorch will allow me to roflstomp those 2 or 3 titan groups that rush me in hallways. core, then as soon as it's gone, double napalm and firewall, and the whole time i'm just holding them back with flame shield. EDIT: Northstar threat scope should allow for picking off those pesky pilots when they peek out to hit you with an archer. FUCKIN A! i'm pumped about the tone, but i don't know when i'll ever swap it for improved particle wall.
Two things I want 1) some sort of multi team pilots verses pilots 2) this might he a stretch but dynamic maps, I want my titan to fall and make a crator, when a titan gets executed,leave the shell there it would look amazing
Max Schneider that sounds cool. But I'm not for sure but I think the husks would probably cause game lag with all the bodies. But if it doesn't affect game play than I'm for it
I'm sure a few Titan bodies here and there wouldn't be *too* bad. Would be nice if they found a way to make it more like the Frostbite Engine with the destructible terrain and buildings
I main legion. That's a solid boost. The power shot is great at short range to push back Ronin. If I can do that twice...even better. Damage prob evens out with losing the 20-40 bullets.
Plus you expose yourself a shorter amount of time and overall i'd say you do more damage with 2 power shots on long range mode at least. That thing does northstar railgun shot levels of face wrecking.
Hi there. Excellent video. Liked it a lot. I also play similar games and like them. Yours seems a little bit different though. Anyways, keep it up. Thanks a lot!
sorchs core does huge damage as is,but u wont one shot a legion wit it generally.the earth allows for a a good get in fire get out,and more damage for core also tone is great as peaking if played right,every 3 shots i get a lock,peak and blast once than lock on rinse and repeat.
I remember you saying that all damage is tank by titans from flame core, what I mean is that no damage is done to the doom state. Maybe scorched earth will be useful for dooming titans then killing them.
As somebody who will always use legion as their go to main titan I have to say that the new kit will be interesting. I always use bulwark so that I have insane lane push but the power shot is so strong right now. Especially if you get a flank on the enemy team. I'll have to see how it plays out but I might consider using it in a few games over bulwark
one thing, 3way split is does huge damage if you use it right so consider 5way should be close quarter+pilot killer i guess, and people keep saying tone is op op op, because its easy to use, but if you master all ion's ability its equally op if you know what i mean, like you mastered scorch you see what it can do in the right situation, but i think ion is jack of all traits but master all in the hands of the ones who know how to fully utilize it, good defense ability that counter high damage attacks, mines slow others down and get rid of bunch of minions too, laser that does ridiculous dps even rivals northstar form afar, and split fire hits like shotgun in close quarter. not to mention the all powerful laser core... so i say its the people whos using it that matters not the machine itself, same with all other titans. oh and the reason why i focus oh using ion is to out-maneuver other titans with their weakness
Tone take no skill at all but like you said I mastered Ion so when I be fighting tone I can easy take them down all they use is that shield and when it gone I mess them up badly
FrothyOmen I feel like people would be really interested to see a video on a Cane build for the Scorch titan (ie fire hazard paint with here kitty kitty nose art and stock weapon paint). I mean I dont see how this would be useful, but it still would be cool to see other boss paints added to some of the other titans that dont have them
I totally agree with Scorch, shield is still a better pick. Definitely want to know more about how the splitter works, but now that I've played so much ION I never find myself using it unless, like you said, a titan is doomed and I don't have a laser shot. Legion's new kit is definitely dependent on play style. I personally don't mind getting in the short to medium distance fights, as long as it's not an ION, a dual shotgun blast can really do some damage there. Great Vid!
Do you think tha arc grenades should hack specters (and/or stalkers)? Nobody really hacks them and doesn't quite realize how helpful it could be to take out enemy A I and not worry about it
I thought a good way to balance ion would be to lower the damage laser shot does to titans but keeping it a one shot kill against pilots. Instead of a straight up nerf to ions damage you could make it so ads splitter rifle did more or equal damage to what ions laser shot currently does now. Essentially removing ion's peeking capabilities without nerfing her damage. Atleast thats what I thought until they came out with ion's new titan kit. RIP
Well the thing is, you can "support" titans if you are on foot, either killing enemies who are grabbing their batteries and giving them back, or taking batteries from enemy Titans and giving them to those of your team. I don't think there's really any way to make a real healer titan any sort of balanced.
Make it like Medic from Team Fortress, it's attack literally does the opposite (it heals). Have it so it can keep Titan shields from depleting as quickly, or taking as much damage. An ability that slows bullet time in an area for a small period of time. But he'd have to have a low HP to balance it, maybe a way to have to deal some damage here and there but have it limited of course
The only thing I want for Ronin is the ability of fucking executing people while on sword core. It's so frustrating when you doom them and then they have time to eject because your sword doesn't one shot them. But this phase reflex looks pretty nice, I will definitely play around with it.
I need them to show Flight Core some love, and actually give me a kit worth using (aside from the extra blast radius for cluster missiles). Hell, give me two charges for clusters, or a faster charge rate for my railgun, maybe a slower charge decay whenever I come out of ADS. Anything other than highlighting enemies. Like, I'm fighting 50ft tall robots. I can see 'em just fine.
Scorched earth should in theory be amazing against groups of titans purely because you can use it, recharge your core with the residual damage, rinse and repeat. I truly think this kit will make scorch a more effective titan in last titan standing
There is in fact precedent. In the tech test, Tone's core could refill itself because it depleted upon all missiles being fired, so if you fired them all into the air, then steered them to an enemy titan, the damage done would refill the core. Obviously, that was patched out. However, the real use I see it having is when you use flame core in a tighter space that doesn't allow the titan to escape the flame core area easily. Very often, I'll use flame core and do a lot of damage, but the enemy titan is still alive and kicking, if only by a little bit. Since Scorch's rate of fire and agility are both very low, it can be tricky to get that finishing shot off against a quicker opponent. But if the entire area was covered in thermite (and I'm thinking doing incendiary trap-levels of damage), it could finish off a lot of the ones that would otherwise get away. Obviously, I'm a pub match player and am far from the expert, competitive scene, but it doesn't bother me that certain kits are better for that style of play.
For legion, power shot is good and I use CQCB Power Shot all of the time but I don't think my legion would survive in the Close Quarter Combat I always play him in if I didn't use Bulwark (Double Gun Shield health). On top of this, in a Legion vs Legion battle, if one has bulwark and the other doesn't, the one with bulwark always wins as it will tank the other damage twice as much as the enemy's non-bulwark gun shield
I have a feeling people are going to complain about the Tone kit. Not because it's going to be OP (I agree with you that it doesn't really go with Tone's natural playstyle), but just because people already complain about her and being able to store up extra burst damage seems good on paper. I think the Scorch kit might even be harmful... A lot of times after I use my Flame Core with Scorch, if there's another Titan to be dealt with I like to dash forward and use my Shield/etc.
sounds like this update isn't going to do much for the titans besides tone being able to peak shots and shoot rockets from cover like Northstar as said in the video.
I don't have a main (just saying, please no mean comments), it all depends on the map, situation, game mode, how you and your team is playing, your opponent's playstyle, how many titans are on the field, and what titans are being used. sounds overwhelming (sorry bout it) but knowing these key points could give you an upper edge.
About Scorch i wonder how wide it's gonna be. Cause if you can cover an entire lane with thermite and assuming it's gonna have the same dmg and duration like the incendiary trap, it could potentially do more dmg than the original flame core. Still its gonna be more situational but boy is it gonna be fun to do! :P
i feel like you almost nailed the tone one, but personally i would use tone more because i seem to get my titan too early or too far from the enemy team that i could actually store up the 3 shots and do massive amounts of damage in the first few seconds than play duck duck goose like you were saying. also with the Legion one, the powershot isnt just for the long range encounter, it is the spread on the close combat version of the chain gun which i find to be useful in a pinch. it does a crap ton of damage to titans when you use the spread. not to mention its just one bullet. so having two is helpful in situations when you get overwhelmed by AIs or just in over your head in a titan vs titan fight. i feel like there was more to this than just thinking about the Meta game. and i know you know that each player has a different way of playing. i personally am more offensive, i challenge 3 legions in a ronin.do i get my ass handed to me? yeah but its what i like doing. when i play scorch i prefer to do damage, so im never going to pick the shield or the firewall buff over anything else. yes i know those still do damage but its very situational and i dont like that. heck, i kill titans as a pilot without rodeoing and using my own titan. is it more dangerous? yeah, but i find it awesome to do something as glass cannon and succeed that play how other people thing i should play. to me the Meta game doesnt matter. what matter is what i like to do and i dont like when people say this is what everyone uses or should use. thats just an unjust comment and im not bashing you for it by no means, but its just something i hate. i like playing the game as i see fit and i dont like being generalized when i dont even fit the generization im being put in
Could you do a video talking about the generic titan kits like Turbo Engine and Nuke Eject? I like Tones new kit, it seems like the thing you want for solo carrying pub games because it's more safe burst, like Ion. I am eager to try Ion's, I hope it fires in a star shape/pentagon.
I think the scorch one is a big hit or miss. when everyone in the game has their titans and there is a big titan brawl you can run around the map and if you can get behind 2 to 4 titans, which I have done a few times I attrition at least, you can just blow all your abilities and as long as the fire wall damage, the canister damage and the new core fire damage all stack on top of each other I feel like it could be worth it. Given you and your team mates can keep them locked down
I think you're under-selling the Tone kit. I feel like it could be used to attempt to compete with Ion in the initial poke game, by giving you a fast damage option at longer ranges where rockets can be dodge/blocked. I'm not saying it's on the same level as Plasma Railgun or the Shoulder Laser, but it could be enough to make those players think twice before poking their heads out. It also reinforces Tones natural ability to hold a position by giving her an upfront burst against anyone moving into her field of fire. 3 shells and a salvo of rockets is a hell of a lot, and you'll still have sonar to secure a second salvo soon after. Overall, I feel like that kit has a solid place and function, giving Tone significant potential burst at the cost of the more sustained damage from her other options.
I feel for tone burst loser is not the way but if it gives 3 locks instead of 1 then it should be pretty good but if it gives 1 lock from the 3 shots it will be almost useless
A lot of people say tone is OP. I've easily countered tone with ion. Wait for his wall to come down and chase him catching his rockets with vortex shield. The best part is catching his salvo core and throwing back at him for an easy doom. And then terminate Also easy to counter with northstar.
Lasershot is broken in its current state. An offensive ability shouldn't be used as a primary. Example: It'd be like Ronin would use Arcwave instead of the tripleshot constantly, bc the Arcwave would recharge faster as the tripleshot would reload. That way Arcwave'd be broken too.
Maybe I'm the minority speaking, but I for one would enjoy having a video of you rambling about whatever you want about the game. Even if it's an hour long.
I feel like Scorched Earth is less about denying space and more about finishing off people that the initial burst didn't kill. Scorch's thermite deals a shit-ton of damage, and if you're stuck in the middle of the Flame Core's thermite (which I assume will cover a VERY wide area) they're gonna have a hard time getting out of there without dying.
True, but for something like that to happen you need to be in a close-quarters situation to begin with so the enemy can't just move out of the way and in that case the improved flame shield or firewall would benefit you more because they're available more frequently.
Zane Peavy unfortunately, it turns out it doesn't cover a large area, doesn't do much additional damage, and doesn't last long. Worst kit for scorch by far until they improve it.
Not to mention Scorched Earth also shuts down the lane for yourself
Yes, very good point. You can't push in after using Scorched Earth. FeelsBadMan
Sad Larry I was thinking that, it should let you walk through the flames
Scorched Earth would be interesting if they put the 20% less damage in it too, and replaced that upgrade with something else.
Alex does it urt when you burn yourself the same thing happens with scorch
***** Problem is what you give up to get that, plus having to build your core to use it.
He said using the highlander kit with the doom phase kit is a good idea. Frothy, you need to get some rest, you can't use two kits at one time.
0:38 - ION
3:30 - SCORCH
8:56 - TONE
10:35 - LEGION
You're welcome.
Crab Jockey You forgot Ronin :P
Paladin Leeroy omfg I did. Oh man lol
I feel like the Tf2 community needs to be more positive.
zip2kx how so?
it's a game that is dying to the AAA titles, the party system is complete ass (to the point where I dont even bother to play anymore), most gametypes are ghosttowns, and it's already releasing DLC...
gg titanfall 2 (2016-2016). RIP my $60
FREE dlc
John Hinton there ya go
Atleast the devs for this TF2 care. Meanwhile Valve's TF2 has little to no idea when the update is coming, and if it's gonna end up ruining the game again.
I wish the Northstar kit was more like vtol hover height is adjustable with the thumb stick or mouse wheel
I think these are all ok, but I can't believe Northstar's is (IMO) the worst. . . . Her kit choices are by far the worst already. Here's my suggestion that is way superior:
A kit that makes it so your tether trap bursts into electric smoke when activated, blinding and damaging the enemy Titan.
I think Northstar just needs a core rebalance. Its no coincidence that the two weakest titans, northstar and ronin, are the two which have cores that are by far the weakest
aboundedwall54 Yeah, that is very annoying.
I like north stars core, I just use viper thrusters with it. Makes it better
+MrStone125 but I think viper thruster could affect when you hover as well
Gamesforlife No Very good idea.
scorch is going to be cancer in Angel city as, if the previous map is anything to go by it will be very enclosed so maybe scorched earth will get some love after all.
To be honest, if each hit adds a lock for Tone, that might have really big balancing issues
It gives tone a peekaboo capability on par with Northstar. She's already very good in a mid-range fight but add that and suddenly she's a burst assassin. Frothy complains her kit was a bit too complete before, this just adds more things she can be good at.
Agreed. Tone is overplayed due to low skill level, high potential for damage. Take into account the ease of hitting Titan or Pilot and just ridic that she now gets a potential three shot burst + missile burst. Thank god for that balance patch which Respawn wont talk about eh?
wimpynz Tone is beastly because she's versatile and does exactly what she's supposed to, destroy at mid and close range.
Just hope they nerf her the right way.
Mid and long range. Her DPS is too low for close range.
shoot da woop firing mah laser :^)
yah just make tone even more OP GREAT IDEA
Personally, sounds like Tone, Legion, and Ion got the best kits again. The Northstar one might be good if it highlights all pilots as well.
That rifle mod for Ion turns it into an auto shotgun, thats 500% - the DMG penalty compared to 300% - the DMG penalty you also cover a larger area hitting Critical spots and catching pilots, i'd use it on close quarters maps.
Scorch's core covers a massive area it lets him shutdown entire lanes and keep snipers and brawlers off of him.
Northstars new scope might highlight cloaked targets (probably not)
Tone greatly increases damage potential turning her DMR into a BR or carbine even without her missiles
with Legion think about it like a GL two grenades sounds pretty good, but if the sneaky ronin gets in close you could knock him away with two blasts of the power shot
Ronins doom-phase could easily be used to double his phased duration, and it helps him escape. he is a ninja after all having a failsafe for when you get surrounded is indispensable. Ninja vanish! it also lets him ignore things like tones missiles, Ions laser core, Smart-core and so on...
I agree with you about ion
Flint Saraphali No ion is "all about that laser shot" only guerilla tactics
Um no she can do alot more than that
Adolf Hitler why deal 1/4 of a health bar over 6 seconds when in close range you could deal 3/4's in 7? just try it, the alt fire murders in tight situations
I think that the 5 way split is for players who have trouble with larger targets like legion or scorch, when it's hard to dodge the shots, and then build damage and unleash laser core. Scorch's kit is designed to use a core, build damage on people who dodged it, and get even more charge after spending it. Also, to use it to screw over lasering ions. Northstar's kit seems to be used to poke titans with exposed backs around corners, playing a mosquito and a support. Tone kit is a love letter to ranged players, and supports, also those who want essentially a more durable ronin. Legion kit seems to be for power shot snipers(they exist). Ronin kit seems to be for those "holy shit nope nope nope I'm out" players. There's my analysis.
Ronin's new kit sounds interesting... I didn't see anyone mention the drawback though... theres many times you get doomed while killing someone else... it will be exactly like cloak/auto eject... you wont always do it at an oppurtune time and it can cost you some kills in the process also
Seems like Tone is getting more and more buffs every week :L Not gonna lie its my kind of Titan, I always used the 40mm on TF1, but its almost too easy now
tone op pls nerf hard
Scorch should have gotten a flame dash . Short dash that leaves a line of fire
Then you can't walk backwards, cos, y'know, fire
...Or forward depending on which way you dash.
that legion kit sounds pretty op to me. since the chare shots when aimed/timed right can get animate titans health bars along with their shields
As soon as you say "series of brand new titan kits" Siri decided to open. Even Siri likes Titanfall.
scorched earth is ridiculous when there are other options that deal 10% more damage then scorched earth, and no the ground dose not stay on fire like we all thought
As a Scorch player in Attrition, scorched earth is gonna be epic. I get my ult so often (several times within 10 seconds of getting in my titan) and scorched earth will probably turn it from doing a lot of damage to titans in a large area to effectively destroying every single titan in that area. That said, taking it will mean sacrificing inferno shield, which is what allowed me to get those 10 second flame cores, so I'll have to be a bit more careful with my flame shield and wait to build up ult charge before charging in.
Legion's extra charge shot is perfect for more burst damage. It's not easy to finish Titans off as Legion, particularly at range.
Forget about the kits, I've just learned A LOT, about how I should be playing my Titans. I've been messing up real bad. Thanks for the info man!
hidden compartment seems cool if youre closeup bursting with the spread shot , but otherwise i dont think its on par or better with the smart core time increase which is basically not worrying about aiming/reloading for another additional 20% duration
The scorched earth perk will be able to deal insane amounts of damage to many titans at a time, and makes sure that enemy Titans can't really escape.
I don't think Scorched Earth is about control. I think it will be about killing enemy titans outright with your ultimate. Normal flame wall already does a lot of damage. If they can't move forward or back up to get out of the wake, then they're dead.
Sure, if they're out of position one flame core will outright kill them no matter how much health they have. But... if you're in a situation to take advantage of that, you're most likely already winning the game anyways and didn't need the kit to begin with... to use Hearthstone terminology, this kit is "too slow."
"Too slow" does sound about right. For the sake of theorycrafting, I wonder if a slightly different playstyle might take advantage of Scorched Earth.
When I run the flame shield kit, for example, I pick the extra dash general kit and make it my goal either to flank with that shield or box somebody in with the shield and a detonated canister. So, I want to work my way in and get close to the enemy.
With Scorched Earth, maybe I spec into the Overcore kit and then adopt like a "sleeping farmer" playstyle. I take pot shots at enemies from a distance and farm creeps to farm that ultimate percentage. When I have ultimate, I find an enemy (or a few enemies bunched up), demolish them, and then go back to farming. Overcore means I only have to farm 80% instead of 100%. So, I'm out of the fight for a bit, then when I enter the fight, everyone dies.
Beter ultimate for this flame titan ( i have forgot a name ) cudl be usefull when enemy titan have more than 50 % of armor ( higher chance for ultimate kill ).
Sory for translation errors if i did some.
what's so awesome about this game is that every titan is awesome and has its own characteristics that can be in full effect if used properly.
A UA-camr that actually knows how to use Ion amazing. The way you were playing Ion is why she is OP well at least on console
I play ion different , the 5 split is a big part of my play style. it comes in handy when you flank or come behind a titan. It also deals good damage when you have to hit head on
Legion's pwoershot (closerange) is excellent for taking out pilots, and longe range its great for peaking and putting out some damage while your shield is on cooldown. I might take the Hidden compartment perk on Legion on maps like Eden where i find myself firing long range powershots down a lane frequently, but will probably keep my buffed shield on for other maps.
I feel like the 3 burst on Tone's ability to instantly gain a rocket salvo is gonna give him a huge edge if he gets the first drop on em
Managed to catch part of your stream today. Didn't say thanks for the content... so, thanks for the content! This game deserves it.
Great info and review. I learned a lot about how to play these guys more effectively. Thanks,
Ion gets a full auto Wookie Bowcaster, Scorch gets the complete opposite of a Mei Ultimate, Tone gets a homing cannon, NorthStar gets the Widow's sight "lite"version, Legion gets 2 "Lucky Shots", and Ronin becomes an interdimensional sponge when doomed.
is the prime Titans the same but with diffrent skin?
ignitor yeah, it basically a really cool skin for the titan, they don't really change the titan's kit
Different skin, different execution animation, and slightly different chassis design, but exact same abilities and stats
ignitor Yeah, just a reskin. No buffs to damage or anything. I believe the prime Titans have a different, new, termination animation. Purely cosmetic from what respawn has said.
Bring on Ronin Prime!!!
Porter Burkett thats lame
I think Scorched Earth is better than you think. If an opponent is at full health and they're hit with Flame Core, thats a lot of damage regardless, but now there is still a field of death under them, meaning they're quite likely to take more damage.
I didn't ask for titan kits. I want more titans, or titan customization like in the first game. I want specifically the Vanguard titan class (XO-16 Chaingun, Vortex Shield and Multi-Target Missile System).
RexusprimeIX it's free dlc stop your bitching
jamondshadow I'd rather have paid dlc with actual good content.
+jamondshadow cant agree more.
RexusprimeIX absolutely I'll pay for good shit
I doubt that. If there was a paid dlc people would still bitch. Cant satisfy people man lmao.
The Tone buff will basically let her get an insta lock, if she lands the shots. Again, 3 hit to a lock
The second Flame Core in the Complex Clip - hngggggggggg
i LOVE using the short range power shot to splatter enemy pilots, so I'll definitely be giving hidden compartment a try.
also, it'll be useful for shoving away pesky Ronins
datpolakmike lol. It would be the anti me kit. What I do as ronin is I run up to a legion and start attacking them, when they try to power shot me I always phase dash behind them.
hey frothy, cool video
the new dlc looks cool, but I was wondering on your opinon(or theory if you have one), do you think we may get new titans for each chassis in future dlc? Do you think that fully customizable titans will be added eventually as a late game option/specific game modes? thanks
My only gripe with this game is that I constantly get pined in by "friendly" reapers just in time for an enemy Ronin and Legon to walk around the corner.
I know i'm going to use the new scorch ability.
scorch was my least used titan and i decided to start using it about a week ago, and now i'm getting 2 cores per titan. New scorch will allow me to roflstomp those 2 or 3 titan groups that rush me in hallways. core, then as soon as it's gone, double napalm and firewall, and the whole time i'm just holding them back with flame shield.
EDIT: Northstar threat scope should allow for picking off those pesky pilots when they peek out to hit you with an archer.
FUCKIN A! i'm pumped about the tone, but i don't know when i'll ever swap it for improved particle wall.
Two things I want
1) some sort of multi team pilots verses pilots
2) this might he a stretch but dynamic maps, I want my titan to fall and make a crator, when a titan gets executed,leave the shell there it would look amazing
Max Schneider that sounds cool. But I'm not for sure but I think the husks would probably cause game lag with all the bodies. But if it doesn't affect game play than I'm for it
I'm sure a few Titan bodies here and there wouldn't be *too* bad. Would be nice if they found a way to make it more like the Frostbite Engine with the destructible terrain and buildings
Scream Like You Mean It true
Scorched earth is only gonna be good for when your the last titan standing in last titan standing. It would allow you to retreat without pressure
I don't know, I feel like Ronin and Northstar got shafted on this, maybe it's because they're my favorites
Phase doom sounds interesting
I main legion. That's a solid boost. The power shot is great at short range to push back Ronin. If I can do that twice...even better.
Damage prob evens out with losing the 20-40 bullets.
Plus you expose yourself a shorter amount of time and overall i'd say you do more damage with 2 power shots on long range mode at least. That thing does northstar railgun shot levels of face wrecking.
FACE what do u mean u only lose 1 Bullet when u spread shot. if that's what ur talking about
Nick Santizzi Power shot costs 1 bullet.
Nick Santizzi he means compared to choosing the extra ammo kit which gives 40 extra bullets, so 20 shots on long range mode.
toetapanter9 oh right
Hi there. Excellent video. Liked it a lot. I also play similar games and like them. Yours seems a little bit different though. Anyways, keep it up. Thanks a lot!
I like to see BT/Vanguard-class Titan with the icon Titan chaingun added in somewhere down the line.
Monarch got you!
I wish you could customize Titan executions like you could with pilots, I wonder if they're working on that
and north stars new kit would be good with popping a smoke and basically use it like a thermal
sorchs core does huge damage as is,but u wont one shot a legion wit it generally.the earth allows for a a good get in fire get out,and more damage for core
also tone is great as peaking if played right,every 3 shots i get a lock,peak and blast once than lock on rinse and repeat.
Very good video, subscribed. Glad someone loves Titanfall 2
Quick question. Better flame shield or tempered plating?
I remember you saying that all damage is tank by titans from flame core, what I mean is that no damage is done to the doom state. Maybe scorched earth will be useful for dooming titans then killing them.
Reflection Lens makes your splinter rifles damage INSANE, you absolutely SHRED titans
As somebody who will always use legion as their go to main titan I have to say that the new kit will be interesting. I always use bulwark so that I have insane lane push but the power shot is so strong right now. Especially if you get a flank on the enemy team. I'll have to see how it plays out but I might consider using it in a few games over bulwark
Maybe instead of scorched earth, maybe Respawn could add a perk where Scorch’s flame core has infinite range and more damage
one thing, 3way split is does huge damage if you use it right so consider 5way should be close quarter+pilot killer i guess, and people keep saying tone is op op op, because its easy to use, but if you master all ion's ability its equally op if you know what i mean, like you mastered scorch you see what it can do in the right situation, but i think ion is jack of all traits but master all in the hands of the ones who know how to fully utilize it, good defense ability that counter high damage attacks, mines slow others down and get rid of bunch of minions too, laser that does ridiculous dps even rivals northstar form afar, and split fire hits like shotgun in close quarter. not to mention the all powerful laser core... so i say its the people whos using it that matters not the machine itself, same with all other titans. oh and the reason why i focus oh using ion is to out-maneuver other titans with their weakness
Tone take no skill at all but like you said I mastered Ion so when I be fighting tone I can easy take them down all they use is that shield and when it gone I mess them up badly
exactly i snipe their parts that expose form the shield and take them down easy, guess you did the same
Revenge at it's finest
FrothyOmen I feel like people would be really interested to see a video on a Cane build for the Scorch titan (ie fire hazard paint with here kitty kitty nose art and stock weapon paint). I mean I dont see how this would be useful, but it still would be cool to see other boss paints added to some of the other titans that dont have them
I can see scorched earth being really useful for dos against npc titans in bounty hunt
i love all your videos man, thanks for the info and such
The kit for ronin is useful because ronin is a close quarter guy and need to escape without being bullied
I totally agree with Scorch, shield is still a better pick. Definitely want to know more about how the splitter works, but now that I've played so much ION I never find myself using it unless, like you said, a titan is doomed and I don't have a laser shot. Legion's new kit is definitely dependent on play style. I personally don't mind getting in the short to medium distance fights, as long as it's not an ION, a dual shotgun blast can really do some damage there. Great Vid!
Do you think tha arc grenades should hack specters (and/or stalkers)? Nobody really hacks them and doesn't quite realize how helpful it could be to take out enemy A I and not worry about it
I thought a good way to balance ion would be to lower the damage laser shot does to titans but keeping it a one shot kill against pilots. Instead of a straight up nerf to ions damage you could make it so ads splitter rifle did more or equal damage to what ions laser shot currently does now. Essentially removing ion's peeking capabilities without nerfing her damage. Atleast thats what I thought until they came out with ion's new titan kit. RIP
I hope we will get new Titans overall in future DLC!
I really want a support/healer titan of some sort.
Well the thing is, you can "support" titans if you are on foot, either killing enemies who are grabbing their batteries and giving them back, or taking batteries from enemy Titans and giving them to those of your team. I don't think there's really any way to make a real healer titan any sort of balanced.
Make it like Medic from Team Fortress, it's attack literally does the opposite (it heals). Have it so it can keep Titan shields from depleting as quickly, or taking as much damage. An ability that slows bullet time in an area for a small period of time. But he'd have to have a low HP to balance it, maybe a way to have to deal some damage here and there but have it limited of course
The only thing I want for Ronin is the ability of fucking executing people while on sword core. It's so frustrating when you doom them and then they have time to eject because your sword doesn't one shot them. But this phase reflex looks pretty nice, I will definitely play around with it.
Ronin's new kit + nuclear ejection is awesome in a way, I used it so much and killed so many titans in amped hardpoint
One time I actually executed a toning using phase reflex and like both of us disappeared and I popped up out of nowhere
I need them to show Flight Core some love, and actually give me a kit worth using (aside from the extra blast radius for cluster missiles). Hell, give me two charges for clusters, or a faster charge rate for my railgun, maybe a slower charge decay whenever I come out of ADS. Anything other than highlighting enemies. Like, I'm fighting 50ft tall robots. I can see 'em just fine.
oh look...Tones getting even more good kit options...wooooow
Scorched earth should in theory be amazing against groups of titans purely because you can use it, recharge your core with the residual damage, rinse and repeat. I truly think this kit will make scorch a more effective titan in last titan standing
There's no precedent for cores rebuilding themselves, so I'm not sure scorched earth would allow that.
FrothyOmen oh, then I'm not sure what the purpose of this would be
There is in fact precedent. In the tech test, Tone's core could refill itself because it depleted upon all missiles being fired, so if you fired them all into the air, then steered them to an enemy titan, the damage done would refill the core. Obviously, that was patched out.
However, the real use I see it having is when you use flame core in a tighter space that doesn't allow the titan to escape the flame core area easily. Very often, I'll use flame core and do a lot of damage, but the enemy titan is still alive and kicking, if only by a little bit. Since Scorch's rate of fire and agility are both very low, it can be tricky to get that finishing shot off against a quicker opponent. But if the entire area was covered in thermite (and I'm thinking doing incendiary trap-levels of damage), it could finish off a lot of the ones that would otherwise get away.
Obviously, I'm a pub match player and am far from the expert, competitive scene, but it doesn't bother me that certain kits are better for that style of play.
What? Tone was not even in the Tech Test. Only Ion and Scorch were available there. spamhere1123
spamhere1123 tone wasent in the tech test
For legion, power shot is good and I use CQCB Power Shot all of the time but I don't think my legion would survive in the Close Quarter Combat I always play him in if I didn't use Bulwark (Double Gun Shield health). On top of this, in a Legion vs Legion battle, if one has bulwark and the other doesn't, the one with bulwark always wins as it will tank the other damage twice as much as the enemy's non-bulwark gun shield
Does the burst from tone also triggers the lock-on for each hit?
I have a feeling people are going to complain about the Tone kit. Not because it's going to be OP (I agree with you that it doesn't really go with Tone's natural playstyle), but just because people already complain about her and being able to store up extra burst damage seems good on paper.
I think the Scorch kit might even be harmful... A lot of times after I use my Flame Core with Scorch, if there's another Titan to be dealt with I like to dash forward and use my Shield/etc.
sounds like this update isn't going to do much for the titans besides tone being able to peak shots and shoot rockets from cover like Northstar as said in the video.
I don't have a main (just saying, please no mean comments), it all depends on the map, situation, game mode, how you and your team is playing, your opponent's playstyle, how many titans are on the field, and what titans are being used. sounds overwhelming (sorry bout it) but knowing these key points could give you an upper edge.
Phase Reflex with Nuclear Ejection is awesome!!! Besides, you're pretty much immune to execution and deaths while inside a ronin while using it!
i use legion with better gun shield and i love power shot but i don't know about this kiy
RazorRidgeback yeah but i'm not sure well i try it
i have think about it and it is good i think
that kit makes me love entangled energy even more. shoot my vortex wont ya so i can throw right back at ya.
About Scorch i wonder how wide it's gonna be. Cause if you can cover an entire lane with thermite and assuming it's gonna have the same dmg and duration like the incendiary trap, it could potentially do more dmg than the original flame core.
Still its gonna be more situational but boy is it gonna be fun to do! :P
i feel like you almost nailed the tone one, but personally i would use tone more because i seem to get my titan too early or too far from the enemy team that i could actually store up the 3 shots and do massive amounts of damage in the first few seconds than play duck duck goose like you were saying.
also with the Legion one, the powershot isnt just for the long range encounter, it is the spread on the close combat version of the chain gun which i find to be useful in a pinch. it does a crap ton of damage to titans when you use the spread. not to mention its just one bullet. so having two is helpful in situations when you get overwhelmed by AIs or just in over your head in a titan vs titan fight.
i feel like there was more to this than just thinking about the Meta game. and i know you know that each player has a different way of playing. i personally am more offensive, i challenge 3 legions in a ronin.do i get my ass handed to me? yeah but its what i like doing. when i play scorch i prefer to do damage, so im never going to pick the shield or the firewall buff over anything else. yes i know those still do damage but its very situational and i dont like that. heck, i kill titans as a pilot without rodeoing and using my own titan. is it more dangerous? yeah, but i find it awesome to do something as glass cannon and succeed that play how other people thing i should play.
to me the Meta game doesnt matter. what matter is what i like to do and i dont like when people say this is what everyone uses or should use. thats just an unjust comment and im not bashing you for it by no means, but its just something i hate. i like playing the game as i see fit and i dont like being generalized when i dont even fit the generization im being put in
What about the mention of an in-game shop?
"Cause scorch is my dude," Daw! get a room!
Are they adding a prime ion or prime scorch in the dlc?I just heard that rumor
Frothyomen I remember you it's Kowkiller363 damn It's good to have another Titanfall the first was great the second even better
Could you do a video talking about the generic titan kits like Turbo Engine and Nuke Eject? I like Tones new kit, it seems like the thing you want for solo carrying pub games because it's more safe burst, like Ion. I am eager to try Ion's, I hope it fires in a star shape/pentagon.
I think the scorch one is a big hit or miss. when everyone in the game has their titans and there is a big titan brawl you can run around the map and if you can get behind 2 to 4 titans, which I have done a few times I attrition at least, you can just blow all your abilities and as long as the fire wall damage, the canister damage and the new core fire damage all stack on top of each other I feel like it could be worth it. Given you and your team mates can keep them locked down
what Scorch REALLY needs is better dash regen or fire rate
So, with Phase reflex do you lose your phase dash? Or is it a separate movement?
Phase Reflex is separate and just *happens* when you become doomed.
FrothyOmen Oh ok. That's somthing I might use then
I think you're under-selling the Tone kit. I feel like it could be used to attempt to compete with Ion in the initial poke game, by giving you a fast damage option at longer ranges where rockets can be dodge/blocked. I'm not saying it's on the same level as Plasma Railgun or the Shoulder Laser, but it could be enough to make those players think twice before poking their heads out. It also reinforces Tones natural ability to hold a position by giving her an upfront burst against anyone moving into her field of fire. 3 shells and a salvo of rockets is a hell of a lot, and you'll still have sonar to secure a second salvo soon after.
Overall, I feel like that kit has a solid place and function, giving Tone significant potential burst at the cost of the more sustained damage from her other options.
Hey frothy. im an Ion main and my ion is G4 but still cant find the best kit i can use for her any tips?
R4_F hey youre in the tfl Network right?
Doge McFly yes i am!
R4_F nice im in there too
Doge McFly wanna add me? im G3.43!
R4_F yes but i cant today im going to bed now
I feel for tone burst loser is not the way but if it gives 3 locks instead of 1 then it should be pretty good but if it gives 1 lock from the 3 shots it will be almost useless
A lot of people say tone is OP. I've easily countered tone with ion. Wait for his wall to come down and chase him catching his rockets with vortex shield. The best part is catching his salvo core and throwing back at him for an easy doom. And then terminate
Also easy to counter with northstar.
You can't catch the salvo core because it will overload the shield in half a second... You're probably talking about the rocket salvo.
nope. I meant exactly what I said. I have recorded game play to show it
Trolli Eggs Then let's see it.
So hype! I cant wait to check these out :D
Ion and scorch only on deluxe edition remember
Lasershot is broken in its current state. An offensive ability shouldn't be used as a primary.
Example: It'd be like Ronin would use Arcwave instead of the tripleshot constantly, bc the Arcwave would recharge faster as the tripleshot would reload. That way Arcwave'd be broken too.
I hope new kits and stuff is a thing we can continue to expect in patches!
Need more Titan nose arts
Maybe I'm the minority speaking, but I for one would enjoy having a video of you rambling about whatever you want about the game. Even if it's an hour long.