Where is antifa when you need them? Oh right, busy destroying mom and pop shops. Seriously, worst anarchists ever. Always hits the innocents, never does anything about the guilty.
He criminally violated his oath of office and cost taxpayers over $7m in liability, but was sentenced to just 2 years probation. The Colorado justice system is so broken.
I agree, it happens everywhere. It's sad that some officers abuse their oath. I've had a couple of interactions with police officers and they were extremely nice. I've also helped them a few times; once allowing a couple of officers in my home. I didn't open my door until an Officer I knew stepped in to view. Don't forget, every city has good cops and bad cops. Keep in mind, the bad ones are few compared to the overall. AND they want to go home to their families.
She should be prosecuted for giving a false statement. But assault and tampering with evidence, that's entirely on the cops, not her. You can't prosecute people for things they didn't do
This is like saying a waiter is responsible if a customer orders a shit sandwich. The waiter knows what they’re serving. You’d never serve a shit sandwich to a customer. Unless you’re a shitty person / cop.
What the WHAT?! No jail time for assault with a deadly weapon, nearly killing the man, evidence tampering, conspiring to stage a cover-up, and trying to frame a man for a crime?! That's absolutely insane. That man should be serving a multi year sentence.
@@jakejansen16 so why do you think they grabbed the sword and made sure to place it in the hallway before calling medical, and then didn't correct anyone when they said he left the sword in the hall himself?
So fake! Tell me who is willing to pay 7 milion just "to bring closure"!? Those like us, who can read between lines, will never be fooled by those affirmations.
It's not their money. Assult the public and have them pay to clean up your mess. It's win win. I'm sure they would have rather the old man died instead of just had a stroke
Yes, thats why the system is broken, and wont ever be fixed since there is no accountability. If it was paid out by the police departments pensions guess how fast things would change?
I was shocked at the end. Aggravated assault IS a felony charge especially when considering this man suffered a stroke that is more than likely linked to a concussion from falling on that chair… When you take the entire procedure of not identifying themselves or informing this man as to why he’s being harassed by police, there’s all but one conclusion. This cop needs to go to prison…
If I due to my malicious behavior or negligence cost my employer millions of dollars, I guarantee that they or their insurer would be coming after me in civil court.
The wildest thing is they didn't even have to say a word to each other yet set up the scene in such a coordinated manner. Obviously it wasn't the first time they had done this
I noticed that too, the weird thing: They did it on camera? Why would they do that? Either they thought it wasn't running, or they expected it to not be a problem, which would be infinitely worse!
@@oumgia5643 why would they be locked up? The government loves this type of stuff. If anything they're going to high five each other over the bloodied body of the innocent citizen they just beat down. The police attack and murder elderly people every single day and walk free
The fact that the officer didnt serve prison time for pleading guilty to an assault that lead to a man having a life changing stroke that lead him unable to care for himself ever again after that day is deeply disturbing.
If it was one of us "regular folks" that did that to him we would certainly go to prison. I am outraged that the "officer" got 2 years probation. His bail was only 2000 dollars. I got a DUI in the 1990's and was punished more severely. I am not condoning a DUI but his "punishment" was a joke!
I just hope he isn't able to get a job in another state or city as an officer. That happens a lot when they are terminated like this. They hop to another state and continue their dirty deeds. People like this need to go on a list. Also, he needs to be medicated, because this is some psychopathic crap man. That female officer should also at least be fired for not enforcing the law or at LEAST saying something to him during the process. No doubt they did this before since they acted in silence the whole time. The audacity to blatantly do it all on body cam too! Some things can be fixed with better training... These situations can only be fixed with better oversight and screening. Oh yeah, and the thing their department seems to lack the most - integrity.
Yes that would solve probably 70% of the unnecessary brutality done to unarmed citizens & then that would be their motive to enforce their very first policy of helpful service instead of deadly service, also if they knew they could possibly loose their immunity for their violence, & as much mayhem as they cause the common citizens this type of behavior must be stopped ✋ or else it will only get worse for the citizens all the laws on the books 📚 will mean absolutely nothing, & in my humble opinion we are probably all ready there in many cases, even though there are a million laws on the books 📚 if the citizens don't take the time to gradually fight it out in court (many don't however because it can cost 👉💰much bank that the average citizen don't have & neither the time, & they know it👌🏼) anyway we as citizens are in big trouble. Amen 🙏!!!
Because politicians of most stripe need them to contain anarchy against their own transgressions. This is why many people hold discussions of going after them privately
This is even worse than if some random guy went to his house and tazed him. These officers have authority over this man, he is supposed to be able to trust them.
He's a cop. Only way cops go to prison is if the media pressure forces them to. And I haven't heard about this incident before so it probably didn't get too much attention.
And the fact they knew he got knocked out and just dragged him out is horrible. Then losing their jobs isn’t nearly what they deserve. They deserve jail time
You must be new to the concept of police corruption. It's not baffling at all. The fact that they so calmly did what they did, without even having to confer with each other about it first, is strongly suggestive of it being "the norm" that they do whatever it takes to cover their own asses without a second thought about the destruction it causes others. The fact that everyone involved in the justice system's dealings with this case watched this body camera footage and still minimized the consequences for the cops helps you understand how entrenched the evil is.
Not only that, but by dragging him after he was unconscious they could have done much more damage. They had no idea if it may have been a spinal cord injury when he fell. The cop who tasted and moved him should’ve gotten attempted man slaughter.
Because our _oh_ _so_ _trustworthy_ judicial system has ruled that it is completely legal for law enforcement to lie to citizens while on duty. They can lie to spin the narrative however they want. You can't lie because that's a crime.
When lie in the police report, it depends on the State/city prosecutor. Because they (police/prosecutor) work together, prosecutors don't want to charge their buddies.
@@christophercuston true, but even worse. the prosecutors and cops have done some many illegal things for convictions that no one gets prosecuted for fear that they will "tell" on everyone.
My heart breaks for Mr. Clark. He was treated savagely. Even the EMTs yelling at him to swing his legs up on the stretcher and not helping him after such a traumatic event. I hope all involved can't sleep at night knowing they caused such harm and decline of health to an elderly man. Mr. Clark is a badass.
All these cops want is a reason to hurt someone. If you give a cop a wrong name they will take you downtown but this woman can tell them some bogus story and not a damn thing will happen to her.
@@asgilb That's very true however, she could very easily face a minimum of 60 days in jail plus a fine. She certainly deserves every bit of that for what she did.
That whole department needs to be investigated and everything they have been involved in. They way they did it so smoothly without any discussion tells me they did it before
Investigate all the voters that do nothing to these police departments AND vote to have more of this. Investigate the Government Agencies that are supposed to keep law enforcement under control. How about a little reflection on the evils we vote to loose upon ourselves constantly?
They would tell the court that 1. He has physically assulted the woman in the beginning. 2. He tried to assult both of the officers with his sword. And yes, for those accusations I believe he would get more than 10 years.
I was echoing the thought that until body cams came to be , This type of 14:04 deceit and tampering was committed by deranged and STUPID cops on a constant basis ....pity it obviously hasn't altered the practice, but at least it's recorded .....
.... Because they are not afraid for citizens justice. They will still shop at your local supermarket, go to your local restaurants with family & to their kids softball game. The problem is "we the people" who don't hold civil servants to account.
@@johnsanders561 exactly, they shit on that guy while recording themselves in hopes he would keep quiet for leniency. He should put some of those funds to good use, you know for the greater good of the community.
This made my blood boil. I remember the judge even justified her lenient sentence by saying that she didn’t want to cost the taxpayers more money by sending him to prison. I doubt most convicted criminals enjoy such consideration.
O've watched a lot of these videos, and don't often blink twice at police misconduct. But in this case, I genuinely gasped out loud when the officer tased that old, half-naked man.
Seriously? You doubt that? How many times do you need to read articles about people who should be in prison committing a crime while outside because a judge was so lenient? This happens across the country.
@@ghironsinghduh who do you think bring all those nice inks with color dye and drugs, even make buck with the shit on canteen for overpriced shit. Everything in their building is free to them one way or another.they make so much money off us, treat you like dog shit they think you are. All fucked up for illusionary power they think they have,politicians.
If we are so concerned for the cost to house a prisoner, this is a great point in support of the death penalty. At least tase the cop and allow him to fall backwards into some furniture!
Unfortunately there’s so many departments that need to be cleaned out. You’d think the body cams would’ve made officers act better (maybe what we’re seeing is the best they can do). They should make officers watch like 40 hours of Audit the Audit annually. I really think it would improve officer behavior on the job.
The fact that this cop willie nillie tampered with evidence brings every case he's worked on into question. He did it without a second thought, like it was routine.
ALL USA police departments need to be investigated and cleaned out if you remove the bad cops you will be removing 75% of the entire countries police force it seems
@@jeffk464 Yep I agree. Probably because he had done it so many times before, he no longer felt in danger of being caught. And you said "willie nillie" 🤣😆, I haven't heard that in a long time. Funny shit
@@VogtTD Favouring women?!?!?!? The person who staged the scene was a man! The one who did most of the criminal activity was a male officer. The female officer basically just abetted. WTF do you see sexism here?!?!?!?!? Neither the male nor female officer got any real punishment from this. The MALE officer was the one who pushed him, tazered him, and then staged the scene to make himself look innocent. The FEMALE officer was only aiding and abetting. Of course one would want the male officer to get more punishment than the female officer.
@@WexMajor82 AAAAAAAnd?!?!?! How the HADES are you proving women get special treatment. He hardly got any repercussion for physically assaulting him and staging a crime. He didn't get jail time, didn't lose his job . . . In that context, giving the other officer ANY punishment would be a clear sign of misogyny. (Which, BTW, happens in all workplaces, penal systems, and social systems).
@@WexMajor82 Why should she? The male officer got no repercussions for violently attacking the victim. Why should she get repercussions for a witnessing violent crime when the person who actually committed the violence walks? Just admit you're a misogynist and move on.
The fact that they escaped culpability for the cover-up and only received what amounts to a slap on the wrist for the vicious assault makes my blood boil. The police chief should be fired.
And that's why they are the scariest gang in the land. They have soooo much power and can find themselves not responsible for the damage and criminal wrongs they do. And they largely look out for themselves more than they do the community. Now it may not be all departments all across the country. It'd be irresponsible to say that and wrong to falsely accuse them of what their fellow "law enforcers" do. But an alarming amount of them are criminals with badges. An elderly woman suffering a mental illness episode in a bathroom in a restaurant was beaten up bloody. And the officers that "apprehended" her were recorded picking at her and mocking her. One of them, before they bulldozed the door into her face HARD, was recorded saying something to the effect of "I can't wait to do this". They blew a door open and almost off the hinges into her face and caused her to knock the back of her head on the bathroom floor hard. This poor woman was bleeding and they were talking to her harshly and still laughing and mocking her as they arrested her. And they wrote in their reports that she was hostile and attacked them and that's why they attacked her like they did. And the thing about it is they know their bodycam footage will show that they're lying but their colleagues will cover for them anyway. And the scary thing is although everything came out and show3d them LYING ABOUT MOCKING AND ASSAULTING AN ENDERLY WOMAN HAVING A MENTAL HEALTH CRISIS!!! And their police chief lied for them and said they were not in the wrong despite the video evidence. And the "officers" weren't charged. They get scarier and scarier, the more lawless they become.
The basically were untouchable, the city paid the lawsuit which didn't affect the the officers pay or pension and the officer charged got the same penalty a shoplifter would. I still don't understand how police aren't financially responsible, especially in cases like this one.
@@joshb8976 don't give a fuck if it was a new uniform and they were new....any civilian did ANYTHING REMOTELY similar and that'd be LONG prison time....ANY cop that breaks the laws they are meant to enforce should be charged under those laws DOUBLE
Assuming nothing could be changed up to that point, what is the protocol for securing a loose weapon within a potentially still active crime scene? I'm curious, not a boot licker.
@@yuikol14 not bringing it closer to the perp. Maybe after dragging him out he close the door. He wasn't correcting anyone who was saying it was in the hallway from him.
I woke up to what sounded like someone breaking down my door. Jumped out of bed, grabbed my 9mm, moving quickly to my bedroom door. Carefully peeked around the corner and saw 2 cops at my front door at the bottom of the steps. I acknowledged them and said I needed to put on pants, put my firearm away, which I'd kept out of sight to this point, and went down to briefly speak to them. Apparently my neighbors called the police cause I left my garage door open. I got home from work that day, sick with a fever, and passed out upstairs, musta forgot to close it. That could definitely have gone much worse than it did.
Bc cops are evil. There might be a few out there that have shot and killed a cop in the process of being a bad cop, but other than that, they're all evil
Yeah did you ever see the video of a guy who called the cops because he got in a fender bender and the cop shot him when he got there?! It wasn't even a domestic dispute or anything. Just a call to the scene of a minor accident.
I avoid the cops like the plague for this reason. Usually nothing good can come from being around them, not saying they shouldn’t exist, just that you should steer clear of them.
Too dumb to turn them off. Imagine this happens 10X more than the public will eve know. Stupid people become cops. If they had some smarts they'd be chemists, scientists, mathematicians or something along these lines. They are all about ego.
@@KentHenry8 Was that against that grandma who had a flickering taillight? Not only did he do it casually, but the jovial and even playful manner in which he spoke to her while he was actively trying to destroy her life was just ... really, I can't call it anything less than evil.
They did the same shit just worst. They still terrorize, rape and murder without consequence because the gang will cover them and the judge is more often than not, the gang leader.
There's an extra detail I spotted on top of what you covered. You should never move an unconscious person with a suspected head injury unless their current position puts them in imminent danger. By moving him out into the hall, the police officers risked making any existing injury significantly worse.
If a citizen did this to an office they would be in jail for life. They need to suffer the same consequences as we would. The punishment is a disgrace. They both should have to be punished for planting evidence and DRAGGING his UNCONSCIOUS BODY to the hallway and PLANT Evidence. Unbelievable and disgusting.
Their penalties should be even more brutal than the regular civilians. In this particular case. I think the death penalty should be put back but only to these type of cops, I guarantee you these type of terrorist will no longer apply to be cops.
@@jairm4377 So you're okay with those monster screwing everone up with total impunity when they're supposed to PROTECT AND SERVE and instead use an entire institution that seem to protect these criminals. I think someone else need medicine, buddy. You shouldn't be able to use such a prestigious position to commit criminal acts just because "I don't like that person questioning me"
“Some people may wonder why I would be so set on the public release of these videos, when releasing them means that everyone I know is going to see me in my skivvies, stripped of my dignity, and assaulted in my own home,” Clark said in a statement. “But what the world will see in these videos is not me at my worst, but a police department at their worst.” --- That quote is from the article linked in the notes provided with the video. I absolutely applaud Mr. Clark for exposing these "officers" for the despicable people they really are in reality.
I agree, but I have to wonder; are they really "despicable people?" Sure, it was without a doubt a cunt-act. But it's plausible that the cops were trying to be 'The Good Guys." In their heads, they might have seen a damsel in distress and viewed themselves as noble knights, riding to her rescue by defeating the local villain. If that's the case, they're not so much "despicable people," as they are "ignorant buffoons, trying to do right, but who instead end up causing unnecessary suffering as a direct result of their failure to apply due diligence." But that's a bit wordy. Maybe just "useless dumb-fucks?"
What we see are two officers that (if trying to defend themselves) would say they were so in fear of their safety that they tasered an unarmed and nearly naked elderly man in his own home without warning.
I too was painfully aware of how terribly embarrassing it must have been for Mr. Clark, a poor old man minding his own business, being tried and judged right there at his own door, being assaulted and then being dragged around like an old meat sack in his boxers. Poor old man. And now he can't care for himself any more. God help us........ 😖😖😖😖
I already know people are gonna come after these guys. If the court doesn't do anything then people will take justice into their own hands and the officers will probably end up dead in a ditch somewhere
@@rogueraccoon1840 this shit is why I gotta just shrug when cops squeal like little piggies whenever someone at a traffic stop says "this is why guys like you get shot" cause...yeah. Cause these guys happily framed a dude for their buddy who popped a taser for no reason and will go on whistling and pretending they have any authority over anynoe or any credibility in a courtroom.
False 911 calls are hard to prove. The main part is the caller has to be calling emergency services knowing there is not an emergency. Know try proving beyond reasonable doubt that she didn’t know. Just like defamation cases it’s really hard. On top of that retaliating against false 911 callers is a slippery slope because in emergencies we don’t want the deterrence of emergency calls because they’re afraid of being wrong. In all seriousness it falls to the officers to investigate all calls that’s part of the job too.
Those cops belong in prison for 10 years - who the hell do they think they are? Hurting an elderly man like that - THEY ALMOST KILLED HIM FOR NO REASON. EVIL SCUM! THEN TRY TO SET HIM UP = NO RIGHT TO EVER CARRY A WEAPON AGAIN IMO! THE WOMAN COP DID NOTHING TO STOP THE MALE COP AND PULLED HIM OUT LIKE HE WAS A PIG.
Yes, exactly. I was also impressed by how he remained so civil during all this, even before being informed of what he was accused of doing. Sad to think that was the last time he'll ever function (mentally and physically) on that level.
I thought the same thing. He knew something was fishy right away. Note how every time he started questioning the scene, he was literally dismissed and told to Shut up.
That’s just legal speak for out of court settlement my guy… learn how the system works before you make false accusations of corruption. Had they paid him to settle and he does so anyway, the fact the city tried to shell out 7m in hush money will be used to show they are guilty (unless it is specified the money is not an admission).
@squerpion It's an admission, nobody pays to have someone silenced if they knew they wouldn't have been found liable, it's money to keep it from going to court. So let's not be ass hats and pretend you know shit about shit. Because you clearly don't. 🤡
Jesus, they were so casual with their crimes you just know they have done similar things. Any other person who wasn’t a cop and protected by qualified immunity would have been charged with attempted murder and tampering with evidence. Our system is so pathetic.
Absolutely. But, with the CRAPtacular job the 2 cops did at the scene, I suspect that no evidence regarding her alleged assault and battery was ever investigated...
@@xjcrossx I agree! Cops can basically write there whole story however they feel like and make it look that way. And if course EVERYONE always believe the cops because we'll they are COPS and are supposed to protect people from the exact crimes they are committing on daily basis! This guy just got lucky that these 2 were too stupid to turn there cams off or accidentally lose the footage! It sure is convenient how often this gets lost or have a cam malfunction when the video will actually show how EVIL these thugs really are
If anyone is currently in jail after having been arrested by either of these 2 blue gangers, those cases need to be reviewed. He was quick to start staging the scene, and she said nothing about it. They've clearly done this before.
@@hillaryclinton2415 The lady cop has the butch lesbian hair shave thing going on, Lovers, no, but definitely partners in crime. Wish the settlement was higher and had there been no qualified immunity the officers would have garnished wages for life to pay off. End qualified immunity and the bad apple cops will fade away.
@@jaydouglas5847 qualified immunity means no suit. No qualified immunity means any CIVIL actions get paid by the cops employer. Criminal actions usually get diminished or quietly cancelled.
The taxpayers had better revolt against the pigs, because the pigs can do anything they want, and the taxpayers are forced to bail them out. Those pigs should be able to chain gang paying their debt to society until it’s paid so they should be on the chain gang until they drop dead.
This is absolutely disgusting and highly disturbing. That man did not deserve being tazed and the “officers” complete lack of empathy afterwards is just inexcusable.😡
The most ridiculous part is that the cops - whom usually can't exchange a single sentence before getting people to ID, failed to ID the woman in probably the only scenario in which it would've been actually legitimate to do so.
It makes you wonder how many times these cops have done this to innocent people, and I was wondering the same thing to about the drunk just walking away from this scot free, it seems like investigations are a huge flaw in Colorado, staging a crime scene is totally sick!
This is a clear example of how cops aren't human, not because of their skin, political alignment, place of birth, etc.. but because of their actions that they have without a doubt done more than once
Thank goodness for the cameras. Imagine how often cops got aways with similar crimes if not exactly the same if not worse crimes. I`m pretty damn sure Cops have done horrible crimes and never got caught.
The ease in which the officer was able to lie about where the weapon was, is frightening and heartbreaking. So glad he had a victory in court. Sick that even when the police officer pled guilty, the city still admits no fault.
Precisely! Unless they have a warrant, speak through the door. If you don’t want to talk to them then ask them to leave. If they don’t then you leave your door locked, tell them “unless you have a warrant, we have nothing to discuss. Have a good day/night”. If they do anything to you after that without a warrant then you got a lawsuit in your hands.
This is why I have lost 99.9% of trust in law enforcement. This was luckily caught on tape but the fact the officer framed the man so casually is what is extremely scary. Imagine what they do when they know they can get away with it.
You “have lost” implies there was a point in time you trusted LE, that must mean you were fortunate enough not to see this kind of thing first hand your entire life. The very beginning of policing in America started for a very specific reason, a reason many know but love to muddy the waters by acting like this hasn’t been by design from day one. Be safe out there
The fact that they did that with the cameras rolling, just shows how comfortable they are with ruining someones life, and that they have done it multiple times before.
Igree that happening thausand times believe me are thausand or millones the citizens with criminal records for crooked cops creating fake reports and tampering evidence like this case if camera is off only police officer report is real true in court otherwise victim guilty not matter what's
But it’s really the tax payers fault. 7 million is alot and the tax payers should pay for not training the stupid cops in the simplest of things. Everything is spelled out how they should behave but they don’t. The only problem is that their supervisor, the chief and the police academy aren’t written up also
I wonder which superior officer marched them straight to the computer and watched over their shoulders to make sure the footage wasn't "lost". Good on them.
They hid from his view, tazed him, dragged him out of his apartment, moved the knife to create a fake crime scene, then feigned ignorance when he woke up from being unconscious. That's evil. I've been unconscious a few times in my life and when you regain consciousness there is a lot of confusion. Where am i, how did i get here, what happened, etc. The man still after all of that knew this was bullshit and they tried to gaslight him. Like send those officers to the gallows.
Everyone should post the story about what these cops did and make sure their names and picture are at the top. Everybody needs to know and these cops need to be blasted on social media and anywhere else people can see it. Make them famous and make sure everyone knows what they did.
@@patfarra627 2 years probation no jail time! While creating a false record trying to prosecute the old man for attempting to assault the police with a deadly weapon!
I just have to say.. she said a 75 year old Man punched her in the face and the man she lives with didn’t do anything. That is a red flag right there. The way these cops lie and get away with it is terrible
Should have dropped once he turned arond and walked to the door, knocking it without identifying himself as police. For god's sake, she claims that he has busted her face and her nose, she is wearing a bright coloured shirt and there is not one single blod stain on it. And he doesn't even take a closer look.
that part made me jump and gasp. the sounds he made while getting tazed were absolutely heartbreaking. That could have easily sent that old man into a heart attack or stroke. edit: I paused and wrote this before seeing that he fell straight back and hit his head on a chair. Wow. I hope this man is doing okay.
Poor old man, he was wrongfully accused, mistreated, harassed and disgraced on his own home and violently abused by the perpetrated cops. They deserve what they got and much worse imo. I pray for this man to recover and to be safe away from cops like that. Speaking of cops they got off easy but some justice is better than nothing. They aught to be ashamed of themselves for attacking him like that. What a shame. Wish the old man nothing but love, respect and a hopeful recovery...
How was the female officer “dirty”? She wasn’t disciplined or fired. The male officer may be dirty but the ATA commentator concludes that the male officer was staging the scene without clear evidence. I’m nowhere near convinced the male officer was staging the scene. Female cops typically defer to male cops when on a call together. This male officer had a number of faults and I’m glad he was prosecuted. The female officer was poorly trained and/or let the male officer take the lead to everyone’s detriment. She should have immediately called for an ambulance. When someone is knocked unconscious, that is a brain injury. The doctors should also be faulted. The old man obviously had a brain bleed from the incident with the police.
@@davidmyers2912 Because she is still "LAW ENFORCEMENT" she witnessed the male cop breaking several laws and did nothing. She had every opportunity to stop the male cop or even dare I say arrest him. She's basically harboring a fugitive and they should both been put in prison. Her sentence not as harsh but still she needs to learn strength and responsibility.
Without the body cameras this man’s life would be ruined and these two would be torturing others in the same horrific fashion. This was tough to watch.
To think that many people used to be afraid of small cameras for fear of privacy violations. Interesting that they have instead turned into powerful tools of accountability.
What's scary is that there wasn't even any communication between the officers. There was no "hey, we need to make it look like he attacked us." It was just like they knew what to do and did their parts without needing instruction.
Wow. Two years of probation for effectively ruining an innocent man’s life. Was Brittany charged? I’d love to know what happened to the false accuser who caused an elderly man to be assaulted.
The worst was the EMT saying you attacked that girl and the police and him saying No I never went after anybody! Then they say ya sure whatever. Everyone who came failed him, and hurt him physically and emotionally. You never discount anything anyone says unless you have first hand knowledge. Absolutely disgusting.
ABSOLUTELY agree. As both an EMT and an EMT instructor, I am disgusted at the EMT's even offering an opinion about the policing action. We are there to treat the INJURED... not the just "victims" or some other label (although in this case this elderly man was both the only person injured and the only victim). I think that ATA should officially grade the EMT's as an F as well. They acted like "groupies" to the police instead of focusing on quality treatment and remaining neutral.... shameful.
You understand why the emt believed it though! I would be furious as an emt to find that a police officer lied to me and made me believe the old guy was a menace. This is horrific.
@@endangeredbirds A police officer can't make you believe anything. Only you can make yourself believe something as true or false. It's called objectivity.
The taxpayers voted for everyone in power who let this happen and who then decided allowed this slide. Let this be a lesson for actually educating yourself on who you vote for and against, instead of their Campaign pitches, their "track records" on their own websites, and, God forbid, voting on party lines. YOU get to decide who your judges, councilmen, District Attorneys, and sheriffs are. Yet people don't bother to even do a seconds worth of research before filling that bubble in with a pen.
@@airtec87 Crispy fried pork, mmm! Lol yeah I guess that is. I'm absolutely lot letting these officers off the hook, because they (pretty much all mr. Mustache) are clearly complete idiots or think that they can get away with anything. I'm just trying to convey that we do have at least some say in keeping these piles of excrement away from power before they use it to do things like this.
There was in fact 4 crimes not one.1) A false report. 2)A excessive use of force. 3) failure to provide medical help. 4) cover up by police to hide evidence of crime.
Was there really a cover up? I mean they knew it was all on camera. I’m not really sure they could cover anything up with the body cam running. I’d like to see what they wrote in the report.
Oh my lord!! They planted a weapon, and tased. Says to the old man that he came to the door with a " now" machete. They need to be in jail. They took away the life he was living, and made the rest of his life a miserable existence.
Can we all just take a moment to appreciate the MASSIVE balls Mr. Clark was sporting against these thugs? Being commanded to do something without even being told what the aggression was about, half naked while having tasers pointed at his crotch, all in his own residence no less, and his response is 'No'. We saw this man at his most venerable against a couple of animals and his rightful defiance was UNYEILDING. God bless him. I hope he's doing better now.
Just frightning how quick the police officer decided to move the elderly man and place the "sword" in the hallway. There's hardly any delay in his handling.
It's bullshit what the male officer did, but the female officer was correct in moving the patient into the hallway. EMS would have had a difficult time assessing and treating him in the doorway, so the patient got moved to a more open area. She could have held c spine while the male officer moved the patient, but he was busy committing additional crimes.
I am absolutely astonished and amazed at Mr Clark's clarity upon regaining consciousness and being able to point out the weapon in the hallway instantly, the same weapon he set on the bookshelf seconds before being tazed. Honestly that is amazing, and in the back of that cops mind was the same astonishment.
This reminds me of how Forensic files has shown us an episode where half a man's brain gets bashed in to a pulp, at his home. When he regains consciousness, he has no means of knowing he's been assaulted, thinks it's just another new morning, puts on a bathrobe and goes to routinely collect his morning paper at the gate, walks back into the house before drawing his last breath. Here, with that stroke inevitably on the way, Mr Clark's brain must have made the hell of a push to not go down without a 'fight'.
@@philippealexis That man's name was Peter Porco, he was killed by his own son. While you're right that they are vaguely similar, they happened for very different reasons.
Disgusting P.O.S. To do that to an old man without even announcing that they were police. I’m so damn happy that both are no longer cops. All of these so called cops need to be weeded out.
Notice how when they pay out on these cases, they always make sure they can maintain that they did no wrong. The corruption and lack of accountability is off the scale
Not to mention that the cop was charged, and found guilty of assault in this case. Which is legal proof that there was wrongdoing, and yet the officials still claim there was no wrongdoing.
This happens with personal injury cases as well. The liars (Employers) just get off the hook and do not have to pay any punishable repercussions for this. I think the supreme court should make this a law.
This was one of the worst cases you've covered yet!!! I am actually OUTRAGED and would love to protest to reopen this case for their attempt to stage an attack.... Absolutely disgusting. Anybody in that line of work would know the only reason somebody would grab a put away weapon and set it in a hallway is to set someone up..
These cops had set people up before. Notice how silently one drags him into the corridor while the other moves the sword. Notice how none of the police department even mentioned it afterwards, let alone discipline the officers. Makes me think this is just a routine act for the department
This is beyond terrifying. Thank god for those cameras and that the corrupt cops weren't able to destroy the footage. Audit the audit really is one of my favorite channels. Thanks for the break downs and for making such great videos.
Imagine how many go undiscovered? You gotta figure for every one that gets caught there’s at least three that don’t? That’s why they still do it...they still get away with it. I want to know who hires these maniacs and I think they should also have some sort of repercussions when one of their new hires ends up being a sociopath
I had this video going on my second screen and heard the "No..." *POP* and had a moment of whiplash as I looked over to confirm that it was the taser. Absolutely vile.
And when he moves his body, you can see the lack of compassion, because the police are looking for aggressive people, and this is always accompanied by the lack of compassion!
I was shocked to see them tase him and then stage the scene to their favour for no good reason but to cover themselves. My heart dropped when I saw the poor guy had a stroke a few days later. I wish him a speedy recovery!!! The cops should've been sent to jail!!
Both of them should be in frikkin prison. And the department should have to pay all future Dr bills, plus the 7mill he got. The fact that not one of them went to prison infuriates me beyond belief
Why? Because the female what? Didn’t jump in front of the probes? This was all on the male officer. It’s wrong to blame people for the actions of those around them.
@@CrypticCobra She was complicit in the cover up. 1) she didn't immediately out the other cop for staging evidence. Her duty is to serve and protect the community. If she caught a civilian covering up and staging a crime scene, I bet there'd be a different interaction. 2) She's ... to uh protect and serve the community and de-escalating is part of that. When her partner was clearly out of line with his weapon (before discharging it) she should have made to de-escalate. Her failures in this situation to adequately perform her duties as a cop are not an excuse. She is the very least an accomplice.
@@CrypticCobra awe. Another feminazi.... For not immediately calling him out when other cops showed up. She helped him cover up his actions. And that's just as bad as doing it yourself.
Well, that was crappy tampering. Even if the cameras weren't there (which I'm glad they were) the officers fingerprints on the handle to the weapon would be suspect. Especially since evidence gathering is usually done with gloves anyway.
Thanks for stopping by! Be sure to like/subscribe if you enjoyed the episode. Cheers!
Thank you for the educational content. I get more out of your videos than any other Auditor channel I subscribe to and I'm subbed to alot of em. 👍
Wtf. Where's the blood? Sounds like a fixup
I think you may need to come up wit a lower grade than "F" for special cases like this. For something that makes an "F" cop look like a top performer.
Did the woman who called the police get charged with anything? You've not mentioned anything about her.
This channel seemed to be an unbiased analysis of auditors, or police videos. Now it’s all the cops have done wrong. You are a sell out for ratings
This is PRECISELY why cameras on cops need to be mandatory.
Without body cameras this man was dead.
Even then - they face no consequences so don't care!!
Exactly, and the officers should not have the ability to turn said body cam off or Mute the audio
They need to be where they can't be shut off.
They already are im most departments
Imagine permanently Disabling a man, staging a scene, and only getting 2 years probation for a felony charge.
Multiple felonies to the average person.
Lying on an official report.
Conspiracy to coverup
Malicious battery
Staging a scene
And probably go be a "cop" somewhere else, when they should be sitting in prison.
Where is antifa when you need them? Oh right, busy destroying mom and pop shops.
Seriously, worst anarchists ever. Always hits the innocents, never does anything about the guilty.
Exactly. Lets go do this to a police chief and see how we get sentenced. (before some bootlick reports me, that is clearly a joke)
and probably kept his pension
He criminally violated his oath of office and cost taxpayers over $7m in liability, but was sentenced to just 2 years probation. The Colorado justice system is so broken.
Remove the “Colorado” part and its even more true.
Fucker should be doing life in prison.
@@BrooklynBalla 👍🏽
I agree, it happens everywhere. It's sad that some officers abuse their oath. I've had a couple of interactions with police officers and they were extremely nice. I've also helped them a few times; once allowing a couple of officers in my home. I didn't open my door until an Officer I knew stepped in to view. Don't forget, every city has good cops and bad cops. Keep in mind, the bad ones are few compared to the overall. AND they want to go home to their families.
"Americas justice system is so broken" this could happen in literally any state and in many there would be no criminal charges against the cop
The woman who submitted a false report should receive at least a decade behind bars!💯
She should be locked up and pay for everything she caused for the rest of her life.
And no one every cares about the lying instigators
These are the women revealing how women really can be dangerous.
She should be charged with attempted murder.
You can say that again!! Frfr this shit is getting to be ridiculous!!!!!!!! I can't stand cops!!!!
The girl who made the false complaint should be charged and prosecuted to the fullest extent. She is the catalyst for all of this.
Indeed... A bartender can be mailed for what a drinker does.. a perp can be mailed for any injuries suffered by anyone during the act...
She should be prosecuted for giving a false statement. But assault and tampering with evidence, that's entirely on the cops, not her. You can't prosecute people for things they didn't do
This is like saying a waiter is responsible if a customer orders a shit sandwich. The waiter knows what they’re serving. You’d never serve a shit sandwich to a customer. Unless you’re a shitty person / cop.
@@cunto33373 Idiot.
@@asgilb This is the correct answer
What the WHAT?! No jail time for assault with a deadly weapon, nearly killing the man, evidence tampering, conspiring to stage a cover-up, and trying to frame a man for a crime?! That's absolutely insane. That man should be serving a multi year sentence.
That “man” is a treasonous snake and needs to be put against a wall
Never open the door..
What's Colorado doing hiring meth - heads...
ok but there is no assault with a deadly weapon or framing done
@@jakejansen16 so why do you think they grabbed the sword and made sure to place it in the hallway before calling medical, and then didn't correct anyone when they said he left the sword in the hall himself?
The punishment they gave the "officer" that was terminated is PATHETIC!!! He should have had to serve several years in prison for his actions.
We ALL know if it had have been someone that’s NOT a sovereign citizen aka police. They would have been in prison for DECADES!!
Are you surprised?
Exactly. Good thing he s not still "serving"
@@mikalunknown Supreme Ct decided, years ago - cops Serve the corp that hired them OVER serving lowly citizens.
I agree wholeheartedly!!
The audacity and stupidity of attempting to cover up their crime with more crime while their body cameras recorded everything is truly amazing.
Dangerously dumb.
Even with having to pay out 7 MILLION! They still will spew out the "We did nothing wrong" bullshit. Unbelievable.
Wow, un fkn believable
They aren’t paying the tax payers are so they don’t care
So fake! Tell me who is willing to pay 7 milion just "to bring closure"!? Those like us, who can read between lines, will never be fooled by those affirmations.
Perhaps 70 mil would unstick their tounge.
It's not their money. Assult the public and have them pay to clean up your mess. It's win win. I'm sure they would have rather the old man died instead of just had a stroke
No jail time for these ex-cops is beyond unbelievable.
If that was you or I we'd be beaten to within an inch of our lives, then faced with the specter of defending against a felony charge!
Yes, thats why the system is broken, and wont ever be fixed since there is no accountability. If it was paid out by the police departments pensions guess how fast things would change?
Any civilian would be in jail
I was shocked at the end. Aggravated assault IS a felony charge especially when considering this man suffered a stroke that is more than likely linked to a concussion from falling on that chair…
When you take the entire procedure of not identifying themselves or informing this man as to why he’s being harassed by police, there’s all but one conclusion. This cop needs to go to prison…
Criminals don't put their accomplishes behind bars mate!!
The fact that they paid out $7 million and still said there was no liability on their part is contradictory in and of itself.
They were paying blood money as this happens many times it is the cost of running the police.
If I due to my malicious behavior or negligence cost my employer millions of dollars, I guarantee that they or their insurer would be coming after me in civil court.
7 million bucks say shut the fuck up, we didn't do anything wrong
That’s kind of how I see a settlement, keeping the ability to deny deny deny while quieting or getting rid of a legal issue
That's a lot of money for a podunk town like Idaho Springs -- but insurance probably paid it.
Perfect example of why channels like this need to exist
The wildest thing is they didn't even have to say a word to each other yet set up the scene in such a coordinated manner. Obviously it wasn't the first time they had done this
Like you hitting send on an email and it just sends it. The programmed software knows what to do, and does it again and again and again and again.
I’m glad you noticed that, too bad corrupt injustice system didn’t recognize that obvious fact and lock up that pair of corrupt swine!
If you listen carefully they whisper to each other.
I noticed that too, the weird thing: They did it on camera? Why would they do that? Either they thought it wasn't running, or they expected it to not be a problem, which would be infinitely worse!
@@oumgia5643 why would they be locked up? The government loves this type of stuff. If anything they're going to high five each other over the bloodied body of the innocent citizen they just beat down. The police attack and murder elderly people every single day and walk free
The fact that the officer didnt serve prison time for pleading guilty to an assault that lead to a man having a life changing stroke that lead him unable to care for himself ever again after that day is deeply disturbing.
And, might I add, 'Despicable'.
He should have at least had 10 years.
If it was one of us "regular folks" that did that to him we would certainly go to prison. I am outraged that the "officer" got 2 years probation. His bail was only 2000 dollars. I got a DUI in the 1990's and was punished more severely. I am not condoning a DUI but his "punishment" was a joke!
I just hope he isn't able to get a job in another state or city as an officer. That happens a lot when they are terminated like this. They hop to another state and continue their dirty deeds. People like this need to go on a list. Also, he needs to be medicated, because this is some psychopathic crap man. That female officer should also at least be fired for not enforcing the law or at LEAST saying something to him during the process. No doubt they did this before since they acted in silence the whole time. The audacity to blatantly do it all on body cam too! Some things can be fixed with better training... These situations can only be fixed with better oversight and screening. Oh yeah, and the thing their department seems to lack the most - integrity.
he'll burn in hell. we can sleep well
Police are really out of control. Police officers themselves need to pay a portion of lawsuits .
They need to carry insurance and are responsible for all lawsuits.
yes its called a civil suit. The police dept is responsible for who they hire and how they're trained.
Unfortunately if they did than the lawsuits wouldn’t be paid
@@JayOh ☝️🤓 this is what's called...
Yes that would solve probably 70% of the unnecessary brutality done to unarmed citizens & then that would be their motive to enforce their very first policy of helpful service instead of deadly service, also if they knew they could possibly loose their immunity for their violence, & as much mayhem as they cause the common citizens this type of behavior must be stopped ✋ or else it will only get worse for the citizens all the laws on the books 📚 will mean absolutely nothing, & in my humble opinion we are probably all ready there in many cases, even though there are a million laws on the books 📚 if the citizens don't take the time to gradually fight it out in court (many don't however because it can cost 👉💰much bank that the average citizen don't have & neither the time, & they know it👌🏼) anyway we as citizens are in big trouble. Amen 🙏!!!
Why are these cops not in Jail? This is disgusting...
Because politicians of most stripe need them to contain anarchy against their own transgressions. This is why many people hold discussions of going after them privately
These thugs should be spending 20 years in prison. This is disgusting.
This is even worse than if some random guy went to his house and tazed him.
These officers have authority over this man, he is supposed to be able to trust them.
False witness testimony grants them power over their victims.
@@muovi2463 right on spot and also, when a cop acts bad, he casts a shadow over the whole department
this must have a price to pay
The fact hat it was blatantly covered up makes it much worse than just using the taser. I say death penalty.
Wow, the fact they caused him to lose consciousness and then have a life-threatening stroke and didn't get decades of jail time is baffling
He's a cop. Only way cops go to prison is if the media pressure forces them to. And I haven't heard about this incident before so it probably didn't get too much attention.
And the fact they knew he got knocked out and just dragged him out is horrible. Then losing their jobs isn’t nearly what they deserve. They deserve jail time
You must be new to the concept of police corruption. It's not baffling at all. The fact that they so calmly did what they did, without even having to confer with each other about it first, is strongly suggestive of it being "the norm" that they do whatever it takes to cover their own asses without a second thought about the destruction it causes others. The fact that everyone involved in the justice system's dealings with this case watched this body camera footage and still minimized the consequences for the cops helps you understand how entrenched the evil is.
@@thsimpsonsguy If he was called George Floyd, they'd go to prison.
Not only that, but by dragging him after he was unconscious they could have done much more damage. They had no idea if it may have been a spinal cord injury when he fell.
The cop who tasted and moved him should’ve gotten attempted man slaughter.
Honest question here. Why are cops NEVER charged with false statements or lying? Ever.
Because they would put themselves at risk of being charged as well. DAs and cops are a giant gang of assholes.
Because our _oh_ _so_ _trustworthy_ judicial system has ruled that it is completely legal for law enforcement to lie to citizens while on duty. They can lie to spin the narrative however they want. You can't lie because that's a crime.
Blue line.
When lie in the police report, it depends on the State/city prosecutor. Because they (police/prosecutor) work together, prosecutors don't want to charge their buddies.
@@christophercuston true, but even worse. the prosecutors and cops have done some many illegal things for convictions that no one gets prosecuted for fear that they will "tell" on everyone.
My heart breaks for Mr. Clark. He was treated savagely. Even the EMTs yelling at him to swing his legs up on the stretcher and not helping him after such a traumatic event. I hope all involved can't sleep at night knowing they caused such harm and decline of health to an elderly man. Mr. Clark is a badass.
The woman that called and lied should have been prosecuted to some extent, she is the reason all of this started in the first place.
The cops (deliberately, maybe) "forgot" about her.
All these cops want is a reason to hurt someone. If you give a cop a wrong name they will take you downtown but this woman can tell them some bogus story and not a damn thing will happen to her.
It would be a misdemeanor at most. She certainly shouldn't be charged with the offences that the two officers committed
disagree - i prescribe medieval punishment - an hour in the ducking stool - then two days in the stocks
@@asgilb That's very true however, she could very easily face a minimum of 60 days in jail plus a fine. She certainly deserves every bit of that for what she did.
That whole department needs to be investigated and everything they have been involved in. They way they did it so smoothly without any discussion tells me they did it before
Investigate all the voters that do nothing to these police departments AND vote to have more of this. Investigate the Government Agencies that are supposed to keep law enforcement under control. How about a little reflection on the evils we vote to loose upon ourselves constantly?
I was thinking that too. "this wasn't their first rodeo."
They did this to a white dude. I shudder at the idea of what they would have done to a non white person, especially Black.
@@I2AmUS if you wonder where this problem with racism lies in this country - look no farther than the mirror.
Imagine, before body cams, this old guy would be in prison for 10 years.
They would tell the court that 1. He has physically assulted the woman in the beginning. 2. He tried to assult both of the officers with his sword. And yes, for those accusations I believe he would get more than 10 years.
or dead.
If he even survived. The body cam is probably the only reason the man is still alive.
I was echoing the thought that until body cams came to be , This type of 14:04 deceit and tampering was committed by deranged and STUPID cops on a constant basis ....pity it obviously hasn't altered the practice, but at least it's recorded .....
Since neither of them are in the police force he needs to take out civil lawsuit against them for extensive damages
He did sue them... got 7 million
So heartbreaking to see how awful that poor elderly man was treated by the cops, but that lying witch got away with making a false report.
Agree, we don't know if the elderly man had a wife.
.... Because they are not afraid for citizens justice. They will still shop at your local supermarket, go to your local restaurants with family & to their kids softball game. The problem is "we the people" who don't hold civil servants to account.
Make Cops Afraid Again and their behavior will be improved.
Standard practice for cops, even with body cams they don't care about the actual law.
@@johnsanders561 exactly, they shit on that guy while recording themselves in hopes he would keep quiet for leniency. He should put some of those funds to good use, you know for the greater good of the community.
This made my blood boil. I remember the judge even justified her lenient sentence by saying that she didn’t want to cost the taxpayers more money by sending him to prison. I doubt most convicted criminals enjoy such consideration.
That excuse is complete Bullshit. Their whole system is built to profit off the prison industrial complex.
O've watched a lot of these videos, and don't often blink twice at police misconduct. But in this case, I genuinely gasped out loud when the officer tased that old, half-naked man.
Seriously? You doubt that? How many times do you need to read articles about people who should be in prison committing a crime while outside because a judge was so lenient? This happens across the country.
@@ghironsinghduh who do you think bring all those nice inks with color dye and drugs, even make buck with the shit on canteen for overpriced shit. Everything in their building is free to them one way or another.they make so much money off us, treat you like dog shit they think you are. All fucked up for illusionary power they think they have,politicians.
If we are so concerned for the cost to house a prisoner, this is a great point in support of the death penalty. At least tase the cop and allow him to fall backwards into some furniture!
This level of corruption and incompetence is scary considering the authority and power these officers “think” they possess over citizens
They believe they're an aristocratic class, and the rest of us are mere serfs.
They’re granting them robots in San Francisco!
Incompetence and susceptible to corruption are prerequisites for being a LEO in many jurisdictions.
I don't think it's corruption. It's more incompetence. The police officer was affronted by his initial refusal so he tased him.
@@morninglift1253lol if you don’t “think” there is corruption than you aren’t really “thinking” are you?
Yep!! Exactly!!
They will NEVER send these corrupt dirty cops to jail! NEVER!
The department itself needs to be investigated, there's no telling how many other victims exist from past misconduct.
Unfortunately there’s so many departments that need to be cleaned out. You’d think the body cams would’ve made officers act better (maybe what we’re seeing is the best they can do).
They should make officers watch like 40 hours of Audit the Audit annually. I really think it would improve officer behavior on the job.
The fact that this cop willie nillie tampered with evidence brings every case he's worked on into question. He did it without a second thought, like it was routine.
ALL USA police departments need to be investigated and cleaned out if you remove the bad cops you will be removing 75% of the entire countries police force it seems
they didnt even talk about the fact they both new the plan like the chick didnt even freak out when he tazed him they do this shit daily
@@jeffk464 Yep I agree. Probably because he had done it so many times before, he no longer felt in danger of being caught. And you said "willie nillie" 🤣😆, I haven't heard that in a long time. Funny shit
The idea that they doctored the scene and aren't in jail is so blatant and direct evidence of corruption in our police force.
It's also evidence of sexism favoring women.
@@VogtTD Favouring women?!?!?!? The person who staged the scene was a man! The one who did most of the criminal activity was a male officer. The female officer basically just abetted.
WTF do you see sexism here?!?!?!?!? Neither the male nor female officer got any real punishment from this.
The MALE officer was the one who pushed him, tazered him, and then staged the scene to make himself look innocent.
The FEMALE officer was only aiding and abetting.
Of course one would want the male officer to get more punishment than the female officer.
@@jgunn03 She did not get any repercussion for not reporting him.
@@WexMajor82 AAAAAAAnd?!?!?! How the HADES are you proving women get special treatment.
He hardly got any repercussion for physically assaulting him and staging a crime.
He didn't get jail time, didn't lose his job . . .
In that context, giving the other officer ANY punishment would be a clear sign of misogyny. (Which, BTW, happens in all workplaces, penal systems, and social systems).
@@WexMajor82 Why should she? The male officer got no repercussions for violently attacking the victim.
Why should she get repercussions for a witnessing violent crime when the person who actually committed the violence walks?
Just admit you're a misogynist and move on.
The fact that they escaped culpability for the cover-up and only received what amounts to a slap on the wrist for the vicious assault makes my blood boil. The police chief should be fired.
Also, woken up half-naked and tased, every night.
What a bunch of degenerates.
And that's why they are the scariest gang in the land. They have soooo much power and can find themselves not responsible for the damage and criminal wrongs they do. And they largely look out for themselves more than they do the community. Now it may not be all departments all across the country. It'd be irresponsible to say that and wrong to falsely accuse them of what their fellow "law enforcers" do. But an alarming amount of them are criminals with badges. An elderly woman suffering a mental illness episode in a bathroom in a restaurant was beaten up bloody. And the officers that "apprehended" her were recorded picking at her and mocking her. One of them, before they bulldozed the door into her face HARD, was recorded saying something to the effect of "I can't wait to do this". They blew a door open and almost off the hinges into her face and caused her to knock the back of her head on the bathroom floor hard. This poor woman was bleeding and they were talking to her harshly and still laughing and mocking her as they arrested her. And they wrote in their reports that she was hostile and attacked them and that's why they attacked her like they did. And the thing about it is they know their bodycam footage will show that they're lying but their colleagues will cover for them anyway. And the scary thing is although everything came out and show3d them LYING ABOUT MOCKING AND ASSAULTING AN ENDERLY WOMAN HAVING A MENTAL HEALTH CRISIS!!! And their police chief lied for them and said they were not in the wrong despite the video evidence. And the "officers" weren't charged. They get scarier and scarier, the more lawless they become.
I totally agree, what they did was unconscionable.
Don't forget about the prosecutor who elected not to pursue such easily provable charges.
It’s the police unions that protect them. Government employees should not be allowed to unionize
This so called officer should have gotten a life sentence as that is what he and his partner gave to their victim!!
The fact that the officer would stage the scene while he knows his body cam is recording shows how untouchable most cops think they are.
The basically were untouchable, the city paid the lawsuit which didn't affect the the officers pay or pension and the officer charged got the same penalty a shoplifter would. I still don't understand how police aren't financially responsible, especially in cases like this one.
Or it must’ve been recently put on their uniforms and he wasn’t used to having one.
@@joshb8976 don't give a fuck if it was a new uniform and they were new....any civilian did ANYTHING REMOTELY similar and that'd be LONG prison time....ANY cop that breaks the laws they are meant to enforce should be charged under those laws DOUBLE
@@denen404 I was talking about the camera bud. Lol. Definitely not justifying this dudes action.
@@joshb8976what difference would that make?
The cop was absolutely trying to stage a crime. That's why he refused to talk.
On camera - two years probation and the other one gets to walk away. I'm surprised they weren't made chief!
No he wasn’t, he’s just stupid lmao
And was NOT charged for that. UNREAL
Assuming nothing could be changed up to that point, what is the protocol for securing a loose weapon within a potentially still active crime scene? I'm curious, not a boot licker.
@@yuikol14 not bringing it closer to the perp. Maybe after dragging him out he close the door. He wasn't correcting anyone who was saying it was in the hallway from him.
Well that was horrific. To go from sleeping in your home to permanently disabled…. I cannot imagine what he has gone through.
I woke up to what sounded like someone breaking down my door.
Jumped out of bed, grabbed my 9mm, moving quickly to my bedroom door.
Carefully peeked around the corner and saw 2 cops at my front door at the bottom of the steps.
I acknowledged them and said I needed to put on pants, put my firearm away, which I'd kept out of sight to this point, and went down to briefly speak to them.
Apparently my neighbors called the police cause I left my garage door open. I got home from work that day, sick with a fever, and passed out upstairs, musta forgot to close it.
That could definitely have gone much worse than it did.
@@Unsensitive those perpetrator thug cops deliberately hid from peep viewer in door so thay could jump the victim :(
That cop ruined a man's life and yet he only got 2 years of probation? What an evil person.
This is exactly why people are afraid to interact with police officers even if they did nothing wrong.
Bc cops are evil. There might be a few out there that have shot and killed a cop in the process of being a bad cop, but other than that, they're all evil
Yeah did you ever see the video of a guy who called the cops because he got in a fender bender and the cop shot him when he got there?! It wasn't even a domestic dispute or anything. Just a call to the scene of a minor accident.
I avoid the cops like the plague for this reason. Usually nothing good can come from being around them, not saying they shouldn’t exist, just that you should steer clear of them.
@@DSDaly Talking about the man with the wallet? The officer starts to panic after?
@@xwr3ksh0px you mean cops are stupid and dont know how to talk or even worse dont know of to think with their brains...
That they did this knowing they were both wearing body cameras speaks volumes.
Too dumb to turn them off. Imagine this happens 10X more than the public will eve know. Stupid people become cops. If they had some smarts they'd be chemists, scientists, mathematicians or something along these lines. They are all about ego.
They just knew that it would be deleted and blamed on a malfunction. Someone didn't like them at the department.
Reminds me of the cop planting drugs while his bodyworn camera was on in Baltimore. It was all done very casually because it was routine for them.
Yep, sorta hard to deny in court what you videoed yourself doing... ROFLMAO
@@KentHenry8 Was that against that grandma who had a flickering taillight? Not only did he do it casually, but the jovial and even playful manner in which he spoke to her while he was actively trying to destroy her life was just ... really, I can't call it anything less than evil.
I really hope both of the officers are dealt with properly
Can you just imagine what law enforcement did do when THEY DIDN'T have cameras
imagine what they did to history books...
They did the same shit just worst. They still terrorize, rape and murder without consequence because the gang will cover them and the judge is more often than not, the gang leader.
Still do
@@2st_duallistWhich books specifically? What portion of history do you have contention with?
@@robertstewart4953all of it. We have no idea how many stories from our histories were fabricated.
There's an extra detail I spotted on top of what you covered. You should never move an unconscious person with a suspected head injury unless their current position puts them in imminent danger. By moving him out into the hall, the police officers risked making any existing injury significantly worse.
Attempted murder? Probably not. Manslaughter? Yeah but, see the end of the video.
Very true. That could've gone horribly wrong very quickly!
Pretty sure those 2 specimens didn't give a $h!t if they'd killed him.
Excellent point
I didnt know that. I was under the assumption that it was best to put them in the recovery position, which is what the female cop seems to have done.
If a citizen did this to an office they would be in jail for life. They need to suffer the same consequences as we would. The punishment is a disgrace. They both should have to be punished for planting evidence and DRAGGING his UNCONSCIOUS BODY to the hallway and PLANT Evidence. Unbelievable and disgusting.
And what about the drunk girl who started this entire chain of events?? She should be in jail too
Their penalties should be even more brutal than the regular civilians.
In this particular case. I think the death penalty should be put back but only to these type of cops, I guarantee you these type of terrorist will no longer apply to be cops.
@@Merark1 death? you take your medicine that day? you need jesus
@@jairm4377 So you're okay with those monster screwing everone up with total impunity when they're supposed to PROTECT AND SERVE and instead use an entire institution that seem to protect these criminals.
I think someone else need medicine, buddy. You shouldn't be able to use such a prestigious position to commit criminal acts just because "I don't like that person questioning me"
If you pay money to someone for your actions, it's an admission of guilt, even if you say it's not.
“Some people may wonder why I would be so set on the public release of these videos, when releasing them means that everyone I know is going to see me in my skivvies, stripped of my dignity, and assaulted in my own home,” Clark said in a statement. “But what the world will see in these videos is not me at my worst, but a police department at their worst.”
That quote is from the article linked in the notes provided with the video. I absolutely applaud Mr. Clark for exposing these "officers" for the despicable people they really are in reality.
I agree, but I have to wonder; are they really "despicable people?" Sure, it was without a doubt a cunt-act. But it's plausible that the cops were trying to be 'The Good Guys." In their heads, they might have seen a damsel in distress and viewed themselves as noble knights, riding to her rescue by defeating the local villain. If that's the case, they're not so much "despicable people," as they are "ignorant buffoons, trying to do right, but who instead end up causing unnecessary suffering as a direct result of their failure to apply due diligence." But that's a bit wordy. Maybe just "useless dumb-fucks?"
What we see are two officers that (if trying to defend themselves) would say they were so in fear of their safety that they tasered an unarmed and nearly naked elderly man in his own home without warning.
I don't see him as undignified. He appears in the door in his underwear brandishing a sawfish sword as an absolute badass.
I too was painfully aware of how terribly embarrassing it must have been for Mr. Clark, a poor old man minding his own business, being tried and judged right there at his own door, being assaulted and then being dragged around like an old meat sack in his boxers. Poor old man.
And now he can't care for himself any more. God help us........ 😖😖😖😖
They moved that guy out to the hallway and staged it immediately. This OBVIOUSLY was not the first time they've done this by a long shot!
I already know people are gonna come after these guys. If the court doesn't do anything then people will take justice into their own hands and the officers will probably end up dead in a ditch somewhere
@@rogueraccoon1840 this shit is why I gotta just shrug when cops squeal like little piggies whenever someone at a traffic stop says "this is why guys like you get shot" cause...yeah. Cause these guys happily framed a dude for their buddy who popped a taser for no reason and will go on whistling and pretending they have any authority over anynoe or any credibility in a courtroom.
@@rogueraccoon1840 the sooner the better. If they won't hold themselves accountable then they need to be held accountable in other ways
@@rogueraccoon1840 God willing
The woman who placed the 911 call should’ve been arrested for making a false report while drunk
Yeah they don't charge women with that. Rarely, if ever.
She said her jaw and nose were broken when that was CLEARLY not true and they took that as fact and reason to assault an elderly man
Is that a different charge than making a false report when not drunk?
Yeah! Ide like to know that too!!!
False 911 calls are hard to prove. The main part is the caller has to be calling emergency services knowing there is not an emergency. Know try proving beyond reasonable doubt that she didn’t know. Just like defamation cases it’s really hard. On top of that retaliating against false 911 callers is a slippery slope because in emergencies we don’t want the deterrence of emergency calls because they’re afraid of being wrong. In all seriousness it falls to the officers to investigate all calls that’s part of the job too.
Those cops belong in prison for 10 years - who the hell do they think they are? Hurting an elderly man like that - THEY ALMOST KILLED HIM FOR NO REASON. EVIL SCUM! THEN TRY TO SET HIM UP = NO RIGHT TO EVER CARRY A WEAPON AGAIN IMO! THE WOMAN COP DID NOTHING TO STOP THE MALE COP AND PULLED HIM OUT LIKE HE WAS A PIG.
I'm impressed at the clarity of mind he showed immediately questioning the sword location upon waking from being knocked out
This clarity was taken from him, it's a god damn shame.
Yes, exactly. I was also impressed by how he remained so civil during all this, even before being informed of what he was accused of doing. Sad to think that was the last time he'll ever function (mentally and physically) on that level.
That was exactly what I was thinking
I thought the same thing. He knew something was fishy right away. Note how every time he started questioning the scene, he was literally dismissed and told to Shut up.
-@@pamelahinchee8012 Defund the lawless cops and their corrupt, and thug bosses!
The fact that the city claims they are not responsible tells you how deep the rot goes.
7 Million dollars... let them say what they want, not one person is listening.
perfect , said perfect!!! tku.
That’s just legal speak for out of court settlement my guy… learn how the system works before you make false accusations of corruption.
Had they paid him to settle and he does so anyway, the fact the city tried to shell out 7m in hush money will be used to show they are guilty (unless it is specified the money is not an admission).
@squerpion It's an admission, nobody pays to have someone silenced if they knew they wouldn't have been found liable, it's money to keep it from going to court. So let's not be ass hats and pretend you know shit about shit. Because you clearly don't. 🤡
@@CrypticCobra Guess what. It will be. Cause the city might be buying this off. But they ain't stupid
What is disgusting is that the charges the officer's faced didn't include any prison time and the city never admitted any fault!
That’s the legal system.
Jesus, they were so casual with their crimes you just know they have done similar things. Any other person who wasn’t a cop and protected by qualified immunity would have been charged with attempted murder and tampering with evidence. Our system is so pathetic.
They should sue the neighbor too. Her false report led to all of this. Also imagine if they didn’t have body cameras on.
That’s what I was thinking…
He didn’t say anything happened with her so I’m assuming nothing did. Unbelievable. 🙁
Absolutely. But, with the CRAPtacular job the 2 cops did at the scene, I suspect that no evidence regarding her alleged assault and battery was ever investigated...
He did have kind of a big beer belly though...
Judging by her residence and criminal history, I’d wager she has no assets which would be worth suing for.
This is surreal, to take the sword and place it on the floor is jaw dropping. How can a police office like that not get prison time?
cops frame citizens all the time
“Jaw dropping”. A sword made of teeth. Was the pun intended?
Actually I think what happened was technically "Saw dropping" 🤣
This is so common. Anything to paint their picture.
@@xjcrossx I agree! Cops can basically write there whole story however they feel like and make it look that way. And if course EVERYONE always believe the cops because we'll they are COPS and are supposed to protect people from the exact crimes they are committing on daily basis!
This guy just got lucky that these 2 were too stupid to turn there cams off or accidentally lose the footage!
It sure is convenient how often this gets lost or have a cam malfunction when the video will actually show how EVIL these thugs really are
Lets not forget the woman and man who called this in. They lied and literally put this man at risk of death. Absolutely detestable!
she should have been locked up for at least falsifying a report and endangering that old man, which happened!
Yes here in America alot of people make things up and it hurts other people . The people that called police should be held accountable.
Is this considered swatting I wonder…
Not the guy, but the woman did.
Never point a gun or a cop at something you don't plan to kill.
It's heartening to see wrongdoing within any profession addressed. Paves the way for a fair and just society.
If anyone is currently in jail after having been arrested by either of these 2 blue gangers, those cases need to be reviewed. He was quick to start staging the scene, and she said nothing about it. They've clearly done this before.
Lovers working in concert....
@@hillaryclinton2415 The lady cop has the butch lesbian hair shave thing going on, Lovers, no, but definitely partners in crime. Wish the settlement was higher and had there been no qualified immunity the officers would have garnished wages for life to pay off. End qualified immunity and the bad apple cops will fade away.
@@jaydouglas5847 qualified immunity means no suit. No qualified immunity means any CIVIL actions get paid by the cops employer. Criminal actions usually get diminished or quietly cancelled.
The taxpayers had better revolt against the pigs, because the pigs can do anything they want, and the taxpayers are forced to bail them out. Those pigs should be able to chain gang paying their debt to society until it’s paid so they should be on the chain gang until they drop dead.
Oh yeah it's not the first time those two have done that
This is absolutely disgusting and highly disturbing. That man did not deserve being tazed and the “officers” complete lack of empathy afterwards is just inexcusable.😡
the women was the instigator in all this. literally an evil selfish whore
he was still in the hospital after nearly half a year, it's indeed disgusting, this cop should be in jail
This is the worst thing I ever saw on this channel... that cop is a monster
Yeah, a lot of these guys are military reject sociopaths who never out grew being the high-school bully. They're the biggest gang in America.
The fact that they did it with their body cams on makes me think that corruption is rampant and they thought they were way above the law.
Well he got terminated so….
Police, Prosecutors, and Judges are the judicial system. We have to break prosecutors and police bond first. Then the judges from those 2.
The most ridiculous part is that the cops - whom usually can't exchange a single sentence before getting people to ID, failed to ID the woman in probably the only scenario in which it would've been actually legitimate to do so.
I'm stunned mostly by the cover up and that no false reporting charge was placed on the neighbor. This is not justice.
It makes you wonder how many times these cops have done this to innocent people, and I was wondering the same thing to about the drunk just walking away from this scot free, it seems like investigations are a huge flaw in Colorado, staging a crime scene is totally sick!
This is a clear example of how cops aren't human, not because of their skin, political alignment, place of birth, etc.. but because of their actions that they have without a doubt done more than once
Why would they try to cover it up when they have cams recording what they do?
Thank goodness for the cameras. Imagine how often cops got aways with similar crimes if not exactly the same if not worse crimes. I`m pretty damn sure Cops have done horrible crimes and never got caught.
@@niklaseriksson7396 makes me think I should have a camera in my own house, in case they turn off there own cameras..
The ease in which the officer was able to lie about where the weapon was, is frightening and heartbreaking. So glad he had a victory in court. Sick that even when the police officer pled guilty, the city still admits no fault.
That's what happens when you have a class of people above the law with no accountability
This is absolutely horrifying. I'll never open the door to the police.
Precisely! Unless they have a warrant, speak through the door. If you don’t want to talk to them then ask them to leave. If they don’t then you leave your door locked, tell them “unless you have a warrant, we have nothing to discuss. Have a good day/night”. If they do anything to you after that without a warrant then you got a lawsuit in your hands.
Even if they have a warrant. Lay down with hands out and make them break the door down. Let your lawyer go through the warrant.
the problem here is the elderly didnt know they were hogs, so it doesnt matter
Boy, me either!
Protecting and serving at its finest! Over 1 billion served
This is why I have lost 99.9% of trust in law enforcement. This was luckily caught on tape but the fact the officer framed the man so casually is what is extremely scary. Imagine what they do when they know they can get away with it.
Look at the demographic of people incarcerated. Overwhelmingly People of Color. There is your answer in a nutshell - Racism
You “have lost” implies there was a point in time you trusted LE, that must mean you were fortunate enough not to see this kind of thing first hand your entire life. The very beginning of policing in America started for a very specific reason, a reason many know but love to muddy the waters by acting like this hasn’t been by design from day one. Be safe out there
I wonder how many other times they have fabricated evidence and got away with in the past.
@@JME1186 people are just as untrustworthy as the law so what is your point?
lol, the only surprise is that this was done on a Caucasian man and not persons of color, as per usual.
The fact that they did that with the cameras rolling, just shows how comfortable they are with ruining someones life, and that they have done it multiple times before.
Probably to a bunch of people who werent quite as resilient as Mr. Clark.
Igree that happening thausand times believe me are thausand or millones the citizens with criminal records for crooked cops creating fake reports and tampering evidence like this case if camera is off only police officer report is real true in court otherwise victim guilty not matter what's
Absolutely terrifying how routinely they completely fucked up the whole thing, and how small the consequences were they had to face.
But it’s really the tax payers fault. 7 million is alot and the tax payers should pay for not training the stupid cops in the simplest of things. Everything is spelled out how they should behave but they don’t. The only problem is that their supervisor, the chief and the police academy aren’t written up also
The cops have done this before many times.
Wow No TF he didn't just take that man for no reason BS ! This is getting to be absolutely ridiculous and cops are getting away with crap like this
Cops know body cam is running. That's the truly terrifying part of this.
I wonder which superior officer marched them straight to the computer and watched over their shoulders to make sure the footage wasn't "lost". Good on them.
Because most of the time they get away with it
the thin blue line was supposed to protect him.
Exactly. This is them USING RESTRAINT.
They know their higher ups will back them up and conspire to hide the evidence.
They hid from his view, tazed him, dragged him out of his apartment, moved the knife to create a fake crime scene, then feigned ignorance when he woke up from being unconscious. That's evil. I've been unconscious a few times in my life and when you regain consciousness there is a lot of confusion. Where am i, how did i get here, what happened, etc. The man still after all of that knew this was bullshit and they tried to gaslight him. Like send those officers to the gallows.
Everyone should post the story about what these cops did and make sure their names and picture are at the top. Everybody needs to know and these cops need to be blasted on social media and anywhere else people can see it. Make them famous and make sure everyone knows what they did.
If these cops were random people doing this they would be in Jail for a long time. Not 2 years. This is conspiracy and a violation of so many rights.
@@patfarra627 2 years probation no jail time! While creating a false record trying to prosecute the old man for attempting to assault the police with a deadly weapon!
If they have so blatantly done this to a 75 year old man, what else have they done in the past that hasn’t been caught? Frightening…
They should audit all his past work, and the DA. TV interviews of even decline to comment
I know the lady cop previously shot some womans dog for no reason
I just have to say.. she said a 75 year old Man punched her in the face and the man she lives with didn’t do anything. That is a red flag right there. The way these cops lie and get away with it is terrible
my jaw literally dropped when he got tasered out of nowhere
I was dumbfounded.
My jaw is dropped right now
Should have dropped once he turned arond and walked to the door, knocking it without identifying himself as police. For god's sake, she claims that he has busted her face and her nose, she is wearing a bright coloured shirt and there is not one single blod stain on it. And he doesn't even take a closer look.
that part made me jump and gasp. the sounds he made while getting tazed were absolutely heartbreaking. That could have easily sent that old man into a heart attack or stroke.
edit: I paused and wrote this before seeing that he fell straight back and hit his head on a chair. Wow. I hope this man is doing okay.
@American History with Yula my jaw fell off!
Lying to police, false accusation, more than once. She needs to have a long cool off time in prison to think her life over.
But if a cop does this (and they do daily) they get let off the hook?
she is parasite to society and needs to be locked up for life.
She stood real quiet while he lied and planted evidence.
I hope she isn’t unscathed in this mess she helped create.
Unfortunately, she is unscathed. Personal feelings aside, she deserves to be punished for her part in this.
She's probably working as a cop elsewhere. Unscathed. Sleeping just fine. Pleasantly dreaming.
@TurdFurgeson571 actually, no. Thank every entity in the universe.
She works customer service.
@@nicolem6384 Really?! Fuck yes. Not in electronics I hope.
Poor old man, he was wrongfully accused, mistreated, harassed and disgraced on his own home and violently abused by the perpetrated cops. They deserve what they got and much worse imo. I pray for this man to recover and to be safe away from cops like that. Speaking of cops they got off easy but some justice is better than nothing. They aught to be ashamed of themselves for attacking him like that. What a shame. Wish the old man nothing but love, respect and a hopeful recovery...
This was extremely disturbing. Thank you for letting us know how it was resolved.
Both cops were dirty!!!
@Domsonyomoms 🤣🤣🤣👌
How was the female officer “dirty”? She wasn’t disciplined or fired. The male officer may be dirty but the ATA commentator concludes that the male officer was staging the scene without clear evidence. I’m nowhere near convinced the male officer was staging the scene. Female cops typically defer to male cops when on a call together. This male officer had a number of faults and I’m glad he was prosecuted. The female officer was poorly trained and/or let the male officer take the lead to everyone’s detriment. She should have immediately called for an ambulance. When someone is knocked unconscious, that is a brain injury. The doctors should also be faulted. The old man obviously had a brain bleed from the incident with the police.
@@davidmyers2912 Because she is still "LAW ENFORCEMENT" she witnessed the male cop breaking several laws and did nothing. She had every opportunity to stop the male cop or even dare I say arrest him. She's basically harboring a fugitive and they should both been put in prison. Her sentence not as harsh but still she needs to learn strength and responsibility.
@@davidmyers2912 They moved the man and the weapon into the hallway and lied about it. They staged the scene.
In this day and age, it's safe to say that 99.9 percent of police are dirty and communist in their thought patterns.
Without the body cameras this man’s life would be ruined and these two would be torturing others in the same horrific fashion. This was tough to watch.
To think that many people used to be afraid of small cameras for fear of privacy violations. Interesting that they have instead turned into powerful tools of accountability.
What's scary is that there wasn't even any communication between the officers. There was no "hey, we need to make it look like he attacked us." It was just like they knew what to do and did their parts without needing instruction.
@@ben10094 What?
Meaning they've done that many times.
They've probably done this many times before and got away with it. I can't imagine how many victims they've made during their careers...
Wow. Two years of probation for effectively ruining an innocent man’s life.
Was Brittany charged? I’d love to know what happened to the false accuser who caused an elderly man to be assaulted.
I was hoping AtA explained the legality of the 911 call
THAT is the matter's crux! The one who started it with a false accusation probably got off scot-free - and probably because "vagina."
Nah, she's a woman, they get no consequences.
Isn't it amazing how a cop's crime is always nothing?
Women don't lie.
That's dogma now.
Assault and staging a crime scene. That cop got off way too lightly.
The worst was the EMT saying you attacked that girl and the police and him saying No I never went after anybody! Then they say ya sure whatever. Everyone who came failed him, and hurt him physically and emotionally. You never discount anything anyone says unless you have first hand knowledge. Absolutely disgusting.
ABSOLUTELY agree. As both an EMT and an EMT instructor, I am disgusted at the EMT's even offering an opinion about the policing action. We are there to treat the INJURED... not the just "victims" or some other label (although in this case this elderly man was both the only person injured and the only victim). I think that ATA should officially grade the EMT's as an F as well. They acted like "groupies" to the police instead of focusing on quality treatment and remaining neutral.... shameful.
You understand why the emt believed it though! I would be furious as an emt to find that a police officer lied to me and made me believe the old guy was a menace. This is horrific.
@@endangeredbirds A police officer can't make you believe anything. Only you can make yourself believe something as true or false. It's called objectivity.
Exactly right!
One has to make the leap to note that the taxpayers paid the $7 million. They effectively ended Mr. Clark's life and that is truly heartbreaking.
And it wont change, thats why cops keep doing this shit. It NEEDS TO COME OUT OF THEIR PENSION! But hey what do I know?
The taxpayers voted for everyone in power who let this happen and who then decided allowed this slide. Let this be a lesson for actually educating yourself on who you vote for and against, instead of their Campaign pitches, their "track records" on their own websites, and, God forbid, voting on party lines.
YOU get to decide who your judges, councilmen, District Attorneys, and sheriffs are. Yet people don't bother to even do a seconds worth of research before filling that bubble in with a pen.
@@mattkoethe6691 Fact, but some didn't and those that didn't get stuck with having to deal with it also.
@@mattkoethe6691 Lol, heard this before but to be honest thats a real pork response no offense.
@@airtec87 Crispy fried pork, mmm! Lol yeah I guess that is. I'm absolutely lot letting these officers off the hook, because they (pretty much all mr. Mustache) are clearly complete idiots or think that they can get away with anything. I'm just trying to convey that we do have at least some say in keeping these piles of excrement away from power before they use it to do things like this.
The fact that there were no arrests for the cover up is the most frightening of this story.
It's the DA's fault.
Don't worry
There was in fact 4 crimes not one.1) A false report. 2)A excessive use of force. 3) failure to provide medical help. 4) cover up by police to hide evidence of crime.
Was there really a cover up? I mean they knew it was all on camera. I’m not really sure they could cover anything up with the body cam running. I’d like to see what they wrote in the report.
@@underdoggoethe8971 dumb...af
Oh my lord!! They planted a weapon, and tased. Says to the old man that he came to the door with a " now" machete. They need to be in jail. They took away the life he was living, and made the rest of his life a miserable existence.
Can we all just take a moment to appreciate the MASSIVE balls Mr. Clark was sporting against these thugs? Being commanded to do something without even being told what the aggression was about, half naked while having tasers pointed at his crotch, all in his own residence no less, and his response is 'No'. We saw this man at his most venerable against a couple of animals and his rightful defiance was UNYEILDING. God bless him. I hope he's doing better now.
Just “What can you children do to me that time hasn’t already done? Get out of my doorway.”
mom gives...
Hell yes he knew his rights
why is he not wearing a shirt
@@AdanMohamud-z7wbecause a lot of us don't wear shirts to bed. Just our boxers or briefs
Just frightning how quick the police officer decided to move the elderly man and place the "sword" in the hallway. There's hardly any delay in his handling.
It didn't even seem like they needed to communicate to each other what they wanted to do. They just went and did it?? Wtf
How they worked together to cover up their crime so quickly and smoothly without communicating highly suggest this has been a well practiced activity
Yes, it is well practiced. Police are a gang.
It's bullshit what the male officer did, but the female officer was correct in moving the patient into the hallway. EMS would have had a difficult time assessing and treating him in the doorway, so the patient got moved to a more open area. She could have held c spine while the male officer moved the patient, but he was busy committing additional crimes.
There's also the allegation of unprovoked violent assault on a neighbour...
I am absolutely astonished and amazed at Mr Clark's clarity upon regaining consciousness and being able to point out the weapon in the hallway instantly, the same weapon he set on the bookshelf seconds before being tazed. Honestly that is amazing, and in the back of that cops mind was the same astonishment.
This reminds me of how Forensic files has shown us an episode where half a man's brain gets bashed in to a pulp, at his home. When he regains consciousness, he has no means of knowing he's been assaulted, thinks it's just another new morning, puts on a bathrobe and goes to routinely collect his morning paper at the gate, walks back into the house before drawing his last breath.
Here, with that stroke inevitably on the way, Mr Clark's brain must have made the hell of a push to not go down without a 'fight'.
@@philippealexis That man's name was Peter Porco, he was killed by his own son. While you're right that they are vaguely similar, they happened for very different reasons.
@@philippealexis ur right
Old people aren't all like Biden...
@@MrKoyama2004 what does “reasons” have anything to do with it, you dunce
Disgusting P.O.S. To do that to an old man without even announcing that they were police. I’m so damn happy that both are no longer cops. All of these so called cops need to be weeded out.
Notice how when they pay out on these cases, they always make sure they can maintain that they did no wrong. The corruption and lack of accountability is off the scale
Yeah. They basically admitted to paying whatever price it took to avoid accountability
Not to mention that the cop was charged, and found guilty of assault in this case. Which is legal proof that there was wrongdoing, and yet the officials still claim there was no wrongdoing.
@@ticonderogatillman3607 They don't deny wrongdoing. They state that the settlement is not an *admission* of wrongdoing.
@@asgilb well what the fuck you think a settlement is? Normally if they went to prison there is no money for the victims of criminals.
This happens with personal injury cases as well. The liars (Employers) just get off the hook and do not have to pay any punishable repercussions for this. I think the supreme court should make this a law.
This was one of the worst cases you've covered yet!!! I am actually OUTRAGED and would love to protest to reopen this case for their attempt to stage an attack.... Absolutely disgusting. Anybody in that line of work would know the only reason somebody would grab a put away weapon and set it in a hallway is to set someone up..
These cops had set people up before. Notice how silently one drags him into the corridor while the other moves the sword. Notice how none of the police department even mentioned it afterwards, let alone discipline the officers. Makes me think this is just a routine act for the department
Im signing the petition.
This is beyond terrifying. Thank god for those cameras and that the corrupt cops weren't able to destroy the footage. Audit the audit really is one of my favorite channels. Thanks for the break downs and for making such great videos.
Imagine how many go undiscovered? You gotta figure for every one that gets caught there’s at least three that don’t? That’s why they still do it...they still get away with it. I want to know who hires these maniacs and I think they should also have some sort of repercussions when one of their new hires ends up being a sociopath
They both need to be in prison.
my heart dropped when he got tased, that was absolutely evil, they deserved so much more than just probation.
yeah a bath of peper spray ... ?
@@sunoncream1118 nah they need to be visited by the ghost of Chris Dorner
I had this video going on my second screen and heard the "No..." *POP* and had a moment of whiplash as I looked over to confirm that it was the taser. Absolutely vile.
The thing that sucks even more is that they are probably working at another precinct nearby.
And when he moves his body, you can see the lack of compassion, because the police are looking for aggressive people, and this is always accompanied by the lack of compassion!
I was shocked to see them tase him and then stage the scene to their favour for no good reason but to cover themselves. My heart dropped when I saw the poor guy had a stroke a few days later. I wish him a speedy recovery!!! The cops should've been sent to jail!!
Both of them should be in frikkin prison. And the department should have to pay all future Dr bills, plus the 7mill he got. The fact that not one of them went to prison infuriates me beyond belief
Police union needs to pay out
Why? Because the female what? Didn’t jump in front of the probes? This was all on the male officer.
It’s wrong to blame people for the actions of those around them.
@@CrypticCobra I mean shit she did just kinda stand there passively knowing this shits wrong and that she has a say given her position
@@CrypticCobra She was complicit in the cover up. 1) she didn't immediately out the other cop for staging evidence. Her duty is to serve and protect the community. If she caught a civilian covering up and staging a crime scene, I bet there'd be a different interaction.
2) She's ... to uh protect and serve the community and de-escalating is part of that. When her partner was clearly out of line with his weapon (before discharging it) she should have made to de-escalate. Her failures in this situation to adequately perform her duties as a cop are not an excuse. She is the very least an accomplice.
@@CrypticCobra awe. Another feminazi.... For not immediately calling him out when other cops showed up. She helped him cover up his actions. And that's just as bad as doing it yourself.
Seriously, That
Police offset needs to go to jail!!!
We really need to start holding these people seriously accountable for their false allegations. We could call it the Heard law.
The Heard Law XD I love it!
She’d be happy to be famous for something.
I hope he uses the 7 million to LEGALLY defend himself from the cops at 3am in the morning outside their homes (on public sidewalk, of course)
the system is corrupt and rewards order followers like this scum bag. Trying to do the right thing gets you removed.
Lol like that'll ever happen
That taser deployment made my stomach drop. No reason, warning, or anything. And the way the poor guy just went down. Damn
if the cops had used a gun he would have shot dead. Cops would say they had to shoot as he had a weapon.
But he said no! The audacity!
can you imagine how many times something like this happened without body cams and this old guy ended up in prison?
or he could have been killed by the cops.
Well, that was crappy tampering. Even if the cameras weren't there (which I'm glad they were) the officers fingerprints on the handle to the weapon would be suspect. Especially since evidence gathering is usually done with gloves anyway.
@@auran23he's wearing rubber gloves