Awesome, the title is in English but the actual video is in Greek without subtitles. If you can search it you can't watch it and vice-versa. As useless as a holiday on Sunday.
My dear, you are a descendant of Byzantine Christian ancestors who became Islamized and Turkified. Never forget that. This knowledge will guide your free thinking.
Δεσποινίς Μπογιατζή, υποθέτω πως μεγαλώσατε στην Ρόδο αν και από τα λεγόμενά σας αρχίζω να αμφιβάλω. Είμαι Ρόδιος κάπου στα 10 χρόνια μεγαλυτερός από εσάς, οπότε θα μου επιτρέψετε να εχω μία διαφορετική από την δική σας άποψη. Αναφέρεστε σε Ισλαμοφοβία ... στην Ροδο; Μεγαλώσαμε με 3 και 4 παιδιά Μουσουλμανικής θρησκείας σε κάθε τάξη στα σχολεία μας, έχουμε γείτονες και συνεργάτες Μουσουλμάνους, πηγαίνουμε τα αυτοκινητά μας σε συνεργεία Μουσουλμάνων για να μην αναφέρω από που παίρνει όλη η Ρόδος γλυκά...😊. Έχουμε δεσμούς με αυτούς τους ανθρώπους. Στην Ρόδο δεν ξεχωρίζεις τον Χριστιανό από τον Μουσουλμάνο, δεν μας μεγάλωσαν οι γονείς μας λεγοντας μας μην παίξεις με το παιδί αυτό επειδή απλά το λένε Αλί, τα τζαμιά ακόμη λειτουργούν και οι παππουδες μας μας λένε οι ιστορίες για την ωραία Ισμετ στην παλιά πόλη. Βρίσκω πολλά αρνητικά στους Ρόδιους αλλά η συμπεριφορά της κοινωνίας της Ρόδου απέναντι στους Μουσουλμάνους με κάνει να νιώθω υπερήφανος, αντίθετα το θέμα και η χρονική στιγμή που επιλέξατε για να κάνετε την ομιλία σας με φέρνει σε αμηχανία συνδέοντας αυτήν με τα λεγόμενα Τούρκων πολιτικών τον τελευταίο καιρό. Το μόνο που προσεύχομαι είναι να μην επαναληφθούν διάλογοι γεμάτοι φόβο όπως αυτός μεταξύ Μουσουλμάνας Ι και Χριστιανής Δ το 74
Is there any English subtitle of what she said? I am curious if she is giving a positive or negative experience. I am very fascinated by the Muslims of Europe and especially Greece. Amazing history. Lastly, she is just so beautiful omg 😍🥰😁
There’s definitely Islamophobia in Greece and this is because we do not understand Islam at the tiniest bit. I’m from Thessaloniki, I embraced Islam when I moved abroad. I do not blame any Greek for not knowing and not understanding. In my first interaction with a Muslim I thought I was going to be murdered when I heard Allahu Akbar- astagfrallah. Life is funny, media however is way way funnier and this I say with a negative tone. Thank God for Islam. - Your new brother, Periklis.
You know nothing about islam. You cannot embrace islam. You can only surrender unconditionally to islam. Also, there is no such a thing as "islamophobia".
nick georgas Yes she *is* Greek and Muslim. Islam does not place conditions on race and ethnicity! She is Muslim like a number of other Greek Muslims! Get over it!! Hamza Tzortzis, Malik Evangelatos to name a few!! My best friend is Greek and I am British Muslim. Thank God she doesn’t have your hatred. My colleagues at work are Greek and they are lovely, kind people. Hope you drop the bitterness, hatred and prejudice to accept people who don’t have anything against you.
@@nick63837 Islam is not a race or ethnicity I'm algerian Muslim but I'm not arab Do you know Arius, and unitarian Christianity , my ancestors in north africa were followers of Arius and they were unitarian Christians, but look now we are Muslims
@@namenloser7026 There aren't Turkish Christian? LOL. Imagine you knew anything about Turks. There are SO MANY Turkish Christians in Turkey. Not all Turks are Muslims, actually not even half per cent of Turks are originally Muslims. There are Atheist, Christian, Jewish, Deist, Tengrist, Muslim etc. Turks. Even some of Karamanlides (Karamanid Orthodoxes sent to Greece because of population exchange) were actually Turks. What are you talking about?
@@supermavro6072 His name origin: Greek His birthplace: modern-day Greece His language: Greek His religion: Greek polytheism Moreover, his grandfather took part in the Olympics, an exclusively Greek event.
@@supermavro6072 Macedonian is Greek just like Spartans, Minoans, etc...idk why this modern cancer propaganda exists like jesus....the slavs want history too i guess
@@nehapatel6332 Yes but you have to keep in mind, we have bad experiences with Islam. And historically adopting a new religion means reshaping culture and language. However, for the Greeks orthodoxy has helped to keep our culture and language intact and alive. If Greeks went along with ottoman turk rule it could have eliminated our heritage hence why we fought back. I can tell you're saying this from a place of emotion, but if your name is Patel then you know exactly what I'm talking about.
Look at the rulers of the world today. they are usually not Moslem Turks nor Christian Greek. They are Satanists through and through. The same Satanic families cause the Greek and the Turk to kill one another as well as most other wars. Both religious Greeks and Turks have good values due to their belief in the one true God. (the trinity is still seen as one God by Greeks) .
If you went to Greek school, so you know our history. You know about the killings, the rapings, the kidnapping. Nearly each family have relatives killed. And you know that at the exchange, most of the Greek Muslims had changed because of the privileges they acquired and the bullied the others. So you have to understand the others too. It isn't against Islam, Greeks respect and are openminded..Perhaps they think your ancestors had a bad behavior to their ancestors,iinconsciously. That is nothing to do with religion. It is about history. You surely know the proverb, the children pay for their parents sins. Personally, I try not to be influenced. As you see our neighbour always bullie us. Of course, it does not affect us.
Believe or not.. God of Greece Classix Caesar was Alloh Azza Wa Jalla which His GOD had been having ' Square House ' At Mid of Masjidil Haram - Meccah - Saudy Arraa...aabbiyyah... . From His enemy with love ... . Bravo !!!
She is Greek and was born in Greece. The reason this is such a big deal is because in Greece, especially by the older generations, every religion that is not Christianity is viewed as the work of Satan. Especially Islam. This is due to the fact that Greece was under occupation by the Ottoman Empire, which was Islamic, and developed a very strong, anti-Islamic faith as both a reaction and a mechanism of preserving Greek culture. This animosity continues to this day. To give you an idea of the kind of thing I'm talking about, I'll relay a personal example. Both my parents are liberal, progressive people, yet, during a casual conversation about dating, they told my sister "you can marry whoever you want, regardless of race or religion, except a Muslim, because Muslims beat their wives. A few might be good, but most will beat them." Then my mother said that her husband might take her to his native country in the middle east, under the guise of visiting, and abduct them. Force them to live there. And under Islamic law there is nothing she could do as women have no rights in these countries. These sound like strong statements, but they represent the average Greek opinion. Islam is seen as unholy by the Christians, and as barbaric by virtually all.
There is no ethnic Greek Muslim population in Greece. The Muslim minority of Greece is made up of three different groups. 1- ethnic Turks of West Thrace and the Dodecanese who speak Turkish as their mother tongue, 2- Pomaks (Muslim ethnic Bulgarians) of West Thrace who speak Bulgarian as their mother tongue and 3- Muslim Gypsies of West Thrace She doesn't look Pomak, she looks Turkish. She's from Rhodes. The entire Muslim minority of Rhodes is ethnic Turks. She speaks Greek perfectly because she's a citizen of Greece.
Technically there is. Not all muslims in Dodecanese islands are turks, they are also local greeks and to an extent other peoples, but got the turkish identity because of the ottoman millet system. The religious population exchange and the greco-turkish war didn't really help them in returning to their original identities either. As a result, they assimilated to the turkish community and thus became turks. This girl could be an ethnic turk as you say but she might as well be a descendant of turkified muslim local greeks.
The process of Islamization and Turkification of Asia Minor and the Balkan Peninsula during the Ottoman conquest and occupation/rule of the region led to a extensive conversion process (via jizya, janissaries, and other forms of oppression against non-Muslim indigenous populations for the purpose of incentivizing conversion to Islam.
@@Dremorass i am pure Greek from Athens and muslim..go educate urself bcz u are closeminded asf..all the western world reverting to Islam...u live in a cave or what??
Assalamualaikum wr wb , Alloh Azza Wa Jalla Introduced Greece Caesar -> Al Kahf 83 - 99 . He wasn't Turkey Moslem . But He was 100 % Greece Man or 24 gold as Greece Populations . Why do i tell Him ? . He visited Hindustane in 324 - 221 bc and wars to Chandra Gupta King and i have few Hindustane blood . So i am His Enemy too . I amnot marriage yet . I think Many Greece Mosleemahes aren't marriage yet . Howmuch are fahrenheit/celciuses and what are foods in Greece ? . I cannot make Passports , Visa-es , Etc . And i'm just a poorboy ( Mama - Freddy Mercury ) . Sukron .
Islam is the last revelation from the God to the all human being.. every prophets was given a miracle.. and the miracle of the last prophet (Muhammad pbuh) is the unaltered Al-Quran that has miraculous mathematical and linguistic structure.
Bogiatzi? According to your logic, she is Turkish because "Bogiatzi" is probably Greek version of "Boyacı" meaning "Painter" Many Greeks which went from Asia Minor have Turkish surnames, with this logic, they are Turks.
Eid Mubarax's Be save ' Al Kahf 83 - 99 that End of Earth - Skies will happent abuout The Real Greek Caesar missions , p . Be learn ' it ' , p . Take care .. . Assalamualaikum wr wb ... . I am single .. are Greek Moslemah single too ? . I want get marriage or wedding ? . I don't have darling yet . Are you ? . Sorry , i just study English lang. . Sukron .
@@NoVisionGuy nah it’s totally not true, clearly you either have never had close friends to non-muslim countries or to Muslim countries people. Also I don’t approve of the over generalization in this way of looking at society
Greeks hate all Muslims, not only Turks, when the Turks committed the genocide of the Armenians and the Greeks , Many of them fled to Arab lands and lived among us..
No she said that clearly in her statement, Muslims in Greece are not from Turkish minority, they just changed religions over the years while Greece was occupied under control of Ottoman Empire (so they can pay less taxes) she is one of them most likely.
@@dissidenteu7763 θεωρώ ότι έχει πολύ χρονος στα χέρια της !! αντί να στέκεται εκεί να λέει ένα σωρό μαλακίες θα πάει να ταΐσει κόσμο που πεινάει ή να καθαρίσει τους δρόμους που έχει ένα σωρό σκουπίδια ρεεεε - η βλαμμένη 🙄
@@pits.893 There is no ethnic Greek Muslim population in Greece. The Muslim minority of Greece is made up of three different groups. 1- ethnic Turks of West Thrace and the Dodecanese who speak Turkish as their mother tongue, 2- Pomaks (Muslim ethnic Bulgarians) of West Thrace who speak Bulgarian as their mother tongue and 3- Muslim Gypsies of West Thrace She doesn't look Pomak, she looks Turkish. She's from Rhodes. The entire Muslim minority of Rhodes is ethnic Turks. She speaks Greek perfectly because she's a citizen of Greece.
Awesome, the title is in English but the actual video is in Greek without subtitles. If you can search it you can't watch it and vice-versa. As useless as a holiday on Sunday.
At least It is good to practice our Greek 🤪🤪
@plo8920well Greece destroyed all mosques and killed all muslims including the genocide against Albanians there.
My dear,
you are a descendant of Byzantine Christian ancestors who became Islamized and Turkified. Never forget that.
This knowledge will guide your free thinking.
Bravo 🤲🏻🕋🇬🇷 Müslim greek PEOPLES İnşallah 🇬🇷💪🏻
@@cloneeja Senin Gibi Arkadan Veren Değilim hiç Değilse
@@cloneeja Bizim Zamanında size Çaktığımız Gibimi 😂😂😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣
Subtitles please
Δεσποινίς Μπογιατζή, υποθέτω πως μεγαλώσατε στην Ρόδο αν και από τα λεγόμενά σας αρχίζω να αμφιβάλω. Είμαι Ρόδιος κάπου στα 10 χρόνια μεγαλυτερός από εσάς, οπότε θα μου επιτρέψετε να εχω μία διαφορετική από την δική σας άποψη. Αναφέρεστε σε Ισλαμοφοβία ... στην Ροδο; Μεγαλώσαμε με 3 και 4 παιδιά Μουσουλμανικής θρησκείας σε κάθε τάξη στα σχολεία μας, έχουμε γείτονες και συνεργάτες Μουσουλμάνους, πηγαίνουμε τα αυτοκινητά μας σε συνεργεία Μουσουλμάνων για να μην αναφέρω από που παίρνει όλη η Ρόδος γλυκά...😊. Έχουμε δεσμούς με αυτούς τους ανθρώπους. Στην Ρόδο δεν ξεχωρίζεις τον Χριστιανό από τον Μουσουλμάνο, δεν μας μεγάλωσαν οι γονείς μας λεγοντας μας μην παίξεις με το παιδί αυτό επειδή απλά το λένε Αλί, τα τζαμιά ακόμη λειτουργούν και οι παππουδες μας μας λένε οι ιστορίες για την ωραία Ισμετ στην παλιά πόλη. Βρίσκω πολλά αρνητικά στους Ρόδιους αλλά η συμπεριφορά της κοινωνίας της Ρόδου απέναντι στους Μουσουλμάνους με κάνει να νιώθω υπερήφανος, αντίθετα το θέμα και η χρονική στιγμή που επιλέξατε για να κάνετε την ομιλία σας με φέρνει σε αμηχανία συνδέοντας αυτήν με τα λεγόμενα Τούρκων πολιτικών τον τελευταίο καιρό. Το μόνο που προσεύχομαι είναι να μην επαναληφθούν διάλογοι γεμάτοι φόβο όπως αυτός μεταξύ Μουσουλμάνας Ι και Χριστιανής Δ το 74
Are you writing some ANCIENT ALIEN language?🤨
Συμφωνώ απόλυτα
Προβοκαρει χωρις λογο αρμονικες σχεσεις η συγκεκριμενη
Al Imran Ahmed chill bro that’s Greek writing, don’t disrespect another language or culture
Paul Rodas Everyone else is speaking English, including the Arabs. So SPEAK ENGLISH
Is there any English subtitle of what she said? I am curious if she is giving a positive or negative experience. I am very fascinated by the Muslims of Europe and especially Greece. Amazing history. Lastly, she is just so beautiful omg 😍🥰😁
It’s positive ☺️ she’s just talking about her experience with Islam n Islamophobia n how she ended up converting. Very inspiring story.
@@Fotini13 that’s good. I forgot about this comment 😂 you are very gorgeous too 😍🙂
There’s definitely Islamophobia in Greece and this is because we do not understand Islam at the tiniest bit. I’m from Thessaloniki, I embraced Islam when I moved abroad. I do not blame any Greek for not knowing and not understanding. In my first interaction with a Muslim I thought I was going to be murdered when I heard Allahu Akbar- astagfrallah. Life is funny, media however is way way funnier and this I say with a negative tone. Thank
God for Islam. - Your new brother, Periklis.
Alhamidallah brother 💚💚💚
You know nothing about islam.
You cannot embrace islam. You can only surrender unconditionally to islam.
Also, there is no such a thing as "islamophobia".
alhamdulillah Greek muslim here
I love Greek and May Allah bless you
We are a beautiful country ❤️ 🇬🇷🙏✝️
Sick country
@@dan_p3398 İslam makes you a more beautiful 🇬🇷🕋❤🇬🇷🙂 Search İslam 🤲🏻 (Search from the Right sources) 👍🏻
@@dan_p3398 I respect your Thoughts
@@batuhan8543 😐😐😐
peace, please enable subtitles.
She is talking about being greek and Muslim!!
@gg dd but she cant be greek and muslim.
nick georgas Yes she *is* Greek and Muslim. Islam does not place conditions on race and ethnicity! She is Muslim like a number of other Greek Muslims! Get over it!! Hamza Tzortzis, Malik Evangelatos to name a few!! My best friend is Greek and I am British Muslim. Thank God she doesn’t have your hatred. My colleagues at work are Greek and they are lovely, kind people. Hope you drop the bitterness, hatred and prejudice to accept people who don’t have anything against you.
Islam is not a race or ethnicity
I'm algerian Muslim but I'm not arab
Do you know Arius, and unitarian Christianity , my ancestors in north africa were followers of Arius and they were unitarian Christians, but look now we are Muslims
@@SA41959 can you ask your friend to comment here?
Is it a some kind of Prank? English tittle but once it opened, it suddenly greek without subs 😭
"Greek Muslim? No, you're a Turk! Greeks are Christians!" ~ Greek Orthodox Christians
The opposite is for Turkish Christians.
@@alkarisi2585 there aren’t Turkish Christian. Turks came from Asia and they embrace Islam long ago.
@@namenloser7026 There aren't Turkish Christian? LOL.
Imagine you knew anything about Turks. There are SO MANY Turkish Christians in Turkey.
Not all Turks are Muslims, actually not even half per cent of Turks are originally Muslims. There are Atheist, Christian, Jewish, Deist, Tengrist, Muslim etc. Turks. Even some of Karamanlides (Karamanid Orthodoxes sent to Greece because of population exchange) were actually Turks. What are you talking about?
@@namenloser7026 Antalya-İzmir taraflarında baya Hristiyan var
Well they exist. Cretan muslims, heard of em?
Shes like" alexander ,alexader the great,alexander"
She is "like" Albanian
Alexander was macedonian not Greek !!!!
@@supermavro6072 His name origin: Greek
His birthplace: modern-day Greece
His language: Greek
His religion: Greek polytheism
Moreover, his grandfather took part in the Olympics, an exclusively Greek event.
@@supermavro6072 Macedonian is Greek just like Spartans, Minoans, etc...idk why this modern cancer propaganda exists like jesus....the slavs want history too i guess
Alhamdulilah there are many Muslims in Greece and many mosques, mainly in northern Greece in Xanthi
~Θα ξαναγυρίσουμεεεε Να την λειτουργήσουμε....~
🇬🇷🕋🇬🇷🤲🏻🇬🇷❤❤❤❤🇬🇷🇬🇷🇬🇷🇬🇷🇬🇷❤❤❤ Müslim Greeks İnşallah 👍🏻
i wish she would stop swaying back and forth
Islamophobia is a phobia meaning an irrational fear. Greeks do not have an irrational fear of muslims but indiference.
No, it's irrational. It results in discrimination.
@@nehapatel6332 exactly
@@nehapatel6332 Yes but you have to keep in mind, we have bad experiences with Islam. And historically adopting a new religion means reshaping culture and language. However, for the Greeks orthodoxy has helped to keep our culture and language intact and alive. If Greeks went along with ottoman turk rule it could have eliminated our heritage hence why we fought back. I can tell you're saying this from a place of emotion, but if your name is Patel then you know exactly what I'm talking about.
Indifference is not the best word. A "reserved respect" might be a better term.
@@Nopejams You say: "we have bad experiences with Islam"
My question: Who is"we" referring to?
Islam and Greek fight a lot in the past history. Hope not in the future
Islam and Christianity*
Look at the rulers of the world today. they are usually not Moslem Turks nor Christian Greek. They are Satanists through and through. The same Satanic families cause the Greek and the Turk to kill one another as well as most other wars. Both religious Greeks and Turks have good values due to their belief in the one true God. (the trinity is still seen as one God by Greeks) .
Busta Rhymes can not talk this fast...
I understood this by her hand gestures!
Lmao same
If you went to Greek school, so you know our history. You know about the killings, the rapings, the kidnapping. Nearly each family have relatives killed. And you know that at the exchange, most of the Greek Muslims had changed because of the privileges they acquired and the bullied the others. So you have to understand the others too. It isn't against Islam, Greeks respect and are openminded..Perhaps they think your ancestors had a bad behavior to their ancestors,iinconsciously. That is nothing to do with religion. It is about history. You surely know the proverb, the children pay for their parents sins. Personally, I try not to be influenced. As you see our neighbour always bullie us. Of course, it does not affect us.
where are the subs??
Believe or not.. God of Greece Classix Caesar was Alloh Azza Wa Jalla which His GOD had been having ' Square House ' At Mid of Masjidil Haram - Meccah - Saudy Arraa...aabbiyyah... . From His enemy with love ... . Bravo !!!
I'm confused. Is she greek in origin or is she claiming to be greek in the sense of belonging?
She is Greek and was born in Greece. The reason this is such a big deal is because in Greece, especially by the older generations, every religion that is not Christianity is viewed as the work of Satan. Especially Islam. This is due to the fact that Greece was under occupation by the Ottoman Empire, which was Islamic, and developed a very strong, anti-Islamic faith as both a reaction and a mechanism of preserving Greek culture. This animosity continues to this day.
To give you an idea of the kind of thing I'm talking about, I'll relay a personal example. Both my parents are liberal, progressive people, yet, during a casual conversation about dating, they told my sister "you can marry whoever you want, regardless of race or religion, except a Muslim, because Muslims beat their wives. A few might be good, but most will beat them." Then my mother said that her husband might take her to his native country in the middle east, under the guise of visiting, and abduct them. Force them to live there. And under Islamic law there is nothing she could do as women have no rights in these countries.
These sound like strong statements, but they represent the average Greek opinion. Islam is seen as unholy by the Christians, and as barbaric by virtually all.
There is no ethnic Greek Muslim population in Greece. The Muslim minority of Greece is made up of three different groups.
1- ethnic Turks of West Thrace and the Dodecanese who speak Turkish as their mother tongue,
2- Pomaks (Muslim ethnic Bulgarians) of West Thrace who speak Bulgarian as their mother tongue and
3- Muslim Gypsies of West Thrace
She doesn't look Pomak, she looks Turkish. She's from Rhodes. The entire Muslim minority of Rhodes is ethnic Turks. She speaks Greek perfectly because she's a citizen of Greece.
Technically there is. Not all muslims in Dodecanese islands are turks, they are also local greeks and to an extent other peoples, but got the turkish identity because of the ottoman millet system. The religious population exchange and the greco-turkish war didn't really help them in returning to their original identities either. As a result, they assimilated to the turkish community and thus became turks. This girl could be an ethnic turk as you say but she might as well be a descendant of turkified muslim local greeks.
She looks very Greek to me and if she says she is Greek who are u to oppose that. i think she knows her ancestors better than you right?!
She looks turkish???She looks more Greek than the average Greek.
there is..people all over the western word waking up and revert to Islam..i am pure Greek from Athens and a muslim
I suspect from her pronunciation she is not pure Greek.
she sounds very Greek to me?
O can't tell if she has an accent, and I am native Greek
maybe she is not from greece ?
Maybe because of the dialect?
Που ακουσες μη ελληνικη προφορα συ δεν ξερω
Ας μας μιλήσει η δεσποινίς τι απέγιναν οι Έλληνες της Κωνσταντινούπολης που τους προστάτευε η συνθήκη της Λωζάννης.
Arent Muslim Greeks just Turks
The process of Islamization and Turkification of Asia Minor and the Balkan Peninsula during the Ottoman conquest and occupation/rule of the region led to a extensive conversion process (via jizya, janissaries, and other forms of oppression against non-Muslim indigenous populations for the purpose of incentivizing conversion to Islam.
@@ioannisv9856only oppression and genocide that took place in Balkan was against muslims and it is documented unlike ur
@@yaznhanfi9090Where are you from? I need to know before wasting time on Bosniaks and Albanians. Everything he said is correct btw.
@@Dremorass i am pure Greek from Athens and muslim..go educate urself bcz u are closeminded asf..all the western world reverting to Islam...u live in a cave or what??
why didnt she go to turkey most of the muslim greeks support turkey
Most don’t support turkey just really the Assimilated ones who don’t even know their origin
Muslim greeks not support turkey? Why support us ?
@@efthymiosanagnostos7427 we assimilirated your language?
she probably did because after population exchange muslims came to turkey and christians went to greece
Oxi re !!!
Regardless of faith denomination Greeks true disciples of Jesus Christ and his helpers upon the return of the Christ
Assalamualaikum wr wb ,
Alloh Azza Wa Jalla Introduced Greece Caesar -> Al Kahf 83 - 99 . He wasn't Turkey Moslem . But He was 100 % Greece Man or 24 gold as Greece Populations . Why do i tell Him ? . He visited Hindustane in 324 - 221 bc and wars to Chandra Gupta King and i have few Hindustane blood . So i am His Enemy too . I amnot marriage yet . I think Many Greece Mosleemahes aren't marriage yet . Howmuch are fahrenheit/celciuses and what are foods in Greece ? . I cannot make Passports , Visa-es , Etc . And i'm just a poorboy ( Mama - Freddy Mercury ) . Sukron .
Ted support islamism. Nothing new
only a fake support.
Remove Islam! 🇬🇷☦
No. if Indian or Chinese can be Christian, then anyone can be Muslim. It’s religion, not a race. Keep it moving.
No. It'll just keep on spreading.
Islam is the last revelation from the God to the all human being.. every prophets was given a miracle.. and the miracle of the last prophet (Muhammad pbuh) is the unaltered Al-Quran that has miraculous mathematical and linguistic structure.
It is a really tough job calling people to God be prepared to be patient with people. Our human nature is to resist faith.
I want contact with you
She doesn't like Gujjar people
So goooo on
She is not greek but she is albanian or turkish hence her last name.
According to your logic, she is Turkish because "Bogiatzi" is probably Greek version of "Boyacı" meaning "Painter"
Many Greeks which went from Asia Minor have Turkish surnames, with this logic, they are Turks.
@@alkarisi2585 Idc shes not Greek but there are also a lot of turks who are of greek descent.
@@christoforospapakonstantin3409 Turks are "Islamized" Greeks but she is not Greek because she's a Muslim.
Perfect logic does exi-
@@alkarisi2585 Idc
Her surname is certainly not Turkish
Eid Mubarax's
Be save ' Al Kahf 83 - 99 that End of Earth - Skies will happent abuout The Real Greek Caesar missions , p . Be learn ' it ' , p . Take care .. . Assalamualaikum wr wb ... . I am single .. are Greek Moslemah single too ? . I want get marriage or wedding ? . I don't have darling yet . Are you ? . Sorry , i just study English lang. . Sukron .
Wath the f**** is she saying ?
Ya Allah,why do all Greece people hate muslim🤲🤲Allahuakbar😢😢
its called ultra-nationalism
Every non-muslim countries don't like muslims lol, just like every muslim countries don't like non-muslims
@@NoVisionGuy nah it’s totally not true, clearly you either have never had close friends to non-muslim countries or to Muslim countries people. Also I don’t approve of the over generalization in this way of looking at society
Greeks hate all Muslims, not only Turks, when the Turks committed the genocide of the Armenians and the Greeks , Many of them fled to Arab lands and lived among us..
Greeks do not hate muslims. Muslims genocided the Greek people. They have the right to defend our religion!
No subtitle..
Welcome to family my sister:) take turkish citizenship
Is she a turkish minority of greece
No she said that clearly in her statement, Muslims in Greece are not from Turkish minority, they just changed religions over the years while Greece was occupied under control of Ottoman Empire (so they can pay less taxes) she is one of them most likely.
@@kostasiraklis7070 as I know most of muslims in greece declare them
selfs Turk
@@kostasiraklis7070 but they speak turkish and have a culture very similar to us
They are greek Muslim not turk
@Anatolia is Greek!!! Like turks!!! lmao
μπράβο σου κορίτσι μου..
Τι μπράβο ρε λέει ένα σωρό μαλακίες 🙄🙄🙄 Η Παναγία να την βοηθήσει 🇬🇷✝️🇬🇷✝️
@@dan_p3398 δηλαδή θεωρείς ασήμαντο το πολιτισμένο θάρρος της ?
@@dissidenteu7763 θεωρώ ότι έχει πολύ χρονος στα χέρια της !! αντί να στέκεται εκεί να λέει ένα σωρό μαλακίες θα πάει να ταΐσει κόσμο που πεινάει ή να καθαρίσει τους δρόμους που έχει ένα σωρό σκουπίδια ρεεεε - η βλαμμένη 🙄
She is not Greek.
She looks and sounds greek
@@pits.893 There is no ethnic Greek Muslim population in Greece. The Muslim minority of Greece is made up of three different groups.
1- ethnic Turks of West Thrace and the Dodecanese who speak Turkish as their mother tongue,
2- Pomaks (Muslim ethnic Bulgarians) of West Thrace who speak Bulgarian as their mother tongue and
3- Muslim Gypsies of West Thrace
She doesn't look Pomak, she looks Turkish. She's from Rhodes. The entire Muslim minority of Rhodes is ethnic Turks. She speaks Greek perfectly because she's a citizen of Greece.
Afiste afta ta politika re!
ean ine politika, axizoun na ta fanerosoume.
Wtf she saying
All Greece will soon cry,”Allah hu Akabar”.
There is no allah. 😁
@@JohnGeometresMaximos But We Muslim will make you cry… soon
@@DAANISH_KHAN_ If you mean you want to force Islam or any religion to us as invader, come and prepare your coffin!!
Como se llama esa mujer ?
Se llama memnune bogiatzi
She is not muslim
did she say that or are you pulling that from your buttcheeks
Does her message change when she is not a Muslim or is this your wish that she is not muslim so you can feel better for weird reasons?