I've been playing since 04 and this video captures exactly what wow used to be. Just exploring the world, wild shit happening and just having fun with your friends.
So true. Glad you enjoyed the video. Wish I could upvote this comment a hundred times, lol. "Emergent gameplay" is an under-appreciated topic. In the early years of WoW, I made so many friends in game, but in recent years my in-game friend circle has been IRL friends and family who I've brought into the game. I have theories on the structural reasons for why this is, and when it started to happen, maybe a topic for another video . . .
I've been playing since 04 and this video captures exactly what wow used to be. Just exploring the world, wild shit happening and just having fun with your friends.
So true. Glad you enjoyed the video. Wish I could upvote this comment a hundred times, lol. "Emergent gameplay" is an under-appreciated topic. In the early years of WoW, I made so many friends in game, but in recent years my in-game friend circle has been IRL friends and family who I've brought into the game. I have theories on the structural reasons for why this is, and when it started to happen, maybe a topic for another video . . .
@@EmnestraeMedia I miss it. No games ever been able to capture that experience since.
Nice video
Glad you enjoyed it