Delaying things we dread doesn't make them any easier. "Pubertyphobia" might even be made worse by avoidance. If a child dreads going to the dentist or is afraid of a math test, we don't let them delay it or what they do with gender nonconforming kids, avoid them all together. It wouldn't help their anxiety, and it puts them at risk of harm or falling behind. If a 13 year old dreads getting her first period, putting her on puberty blockers won't make her any less worried. If a boy is feeling weird about his voice breaking, it won't do him any good to try to tell him that adolescence is wrong. The medical intervention could even reinforce their belief that doctors think they need protection from a normal natural process that humanity survived since our species entered the scene and that they are different than the others and need special treatment.
Is it ever ethical to induce things like infertility, anorgasmia, osteoporosis, and other side effects that may not even be well-known in a previously healthy patient? Helena’s question brought tears to my eyes. All the responses were evasive. How can the answer be anything but NO, it is not ethical to do this to children.
Notice that the two doctors that said it was OK to prescribe puberty blockers said nothing about researching side effects. Doctors have been delaying normally-timed puberty for short girls since the 1990s so that they can have the chance to grow taller. There are now women in their twenties and thirties who are experiencing the consequences of being given these drugs. The results have been catastrophic in some cases, where skeletal health is worse than their grandmothers. Some had become suicidal because of this. The New England Journal of Medicine has reported on the risks of these drugs to block normally-timed puberty as long ago as 2003. No one is looking at these girls when making decisions to give puberty blockers to gender confused youth.
I'm greatful beyond words to live in Finland where Dr Riitta-Kerttu Kaltiala has had the knowledge, heart and courage to use her influence in our medical legislation.
The Guardian or Independent (one or the other) recently suggested that puberty blockers were no different to giving teenage girls the contraceptive pill. This is the level of the discussion among the liberal left on this debate. Scary
Regarding the central question: One guy says to give kids puberty blockers because otherwise they will get them elsewhere. The second guy passes. The last guy says it is morally unforgivable but doesn't know how to move forwaard. What a waste of time. CHILDREN CANNOT CONSENT TO PUBERTY BLOCKERS.
They can't consent to puberty either. And going through puberty for their sex assigned at birth can be very harmful to a trans person. Ask one about it.
@@reilithion Who has ever 'consented to puberty'? What kind of a religious concept is that? That's part of life like being born, having an infected tooth removed or wiping one's ass after taking a crap ... with certain things, consent is NOT PART OF THE EQUATION. Period. Puberty blockers should have NEVER been an option. We have to dial this Mengeleian crap back!
I disagree with the experts here that gender identity is a separate thing apart from identity. I do not believe identity is something that you are born with and you explore. It’s something you develop by nature and by struggling and coping with live.
Ok before I listen to this episode, I'm going to say that my answer is NO NEVER!!! Listening now.... as the second gentleman said, if puberty cures gender dysphoria in a high percentage of cases, we have a duty to see if that works FIRST, so no, puberty blockers should NEVER EVER BE USED on children for non-medical reasons. Minute 21:00 "there is a difference between getting better and feeling better" YES!!!
Bottom line ...consent .. Children do not have the mental maturity to make a life long decision of mediicalisation ....these children need therapy which should be a few years in time and conducted after puberty ....not to say they should not receive therapy as children depending on should be banned to perform butcherious life changing surgeries on children and endocrinal drugs being issued.We need to also be speaking about how much these doctors make per child by subscriptions and or surgeries as this is what is driving these companies not compassion or care .Data should be mandatory including if the patient detransistions ...if this is allowed to continue ...ask yourselves why will these children refuse to watch anything on detransistioners or the dangers of cross sex hormones and surgery via video because they see it as conversion therapy all hits to a large majority being brain washed by social media .. Ask yourselves how many of these children would be trans if the internet did not exist ??? Also what do we with young people who have autism who by nature fixate on ' things' and aren' t mentally mature .. How do we ensure the patient has capacity for these decisions ??
So much wrong here I don't even know where to start. First of all, in the vast majority of cases it's the children themselves telling their parents they're trans, not the parents giving their children puberty blockers without their consent. In this sense, the thing the children are not consenting to is undergoing puberty for the sex they were assigned at birth. Hormone blockers are an option to address that, and the risks are very modest. They're already used to treat other conditions that children can contract, and very successfully so. Therapy is often insufficient to prevent harm to a trans kid from undergoing unwanted puberty. Recently one of the earliest trans-affirming surgeries was performed on a 17-year-old trans man. There have reportedly been top surgeries done on children as young as 13, but these are exceedingly rare and the patients are given LOTS of information about the procedure, how it isn't reversible, how it will leave scars, and the risks involved. There are often very strict requirements for the child to be living as their preferred gender for a period of time, and often any other psychiatric troubles they have outside of their dysphoria will disqualify them from getting top surgery. These kids have to want these surgeries REALLY BADLY to persevere and actually get them. The doctors aren't so desperate for money that they need to resort to anything unethical to make money. Doctors are in high demand, and frankly it's easier to earn money doing less controversial work. Often insurance doesn't cover trans-affirming surgeries, and coverage for gender-affirming care in general is spotty. Your insinuation that doctors are pushing treatments like this on children is patently ridiculous. Medical records have to be kept by law. Or are you saying you want public access to anonymized data about the number of people receiving gender-affirming care? That could be worth discussing. But trans people should be at the table for that discussion, because it may not be in their interest for data like that to be gathered or disseminated. Trans kids may avoid content from or about detransitioners because it's often transphobic and bigoted, and almost always contains and leans on a lot of misinformation. And they often DO seek out information on the risks of various gender-affirming treatment options. Your assertion that they don't is frankly ignorant. If the Internet didn't exist, there would be just as many trans people. They just probably wouldn't feel comfortable coming out and living as their authentic selves. And yes, this is what the research says. Transness is not a social contagion. Autistic people are not inherently stupid. And they are still human beings with a right to bodily autonomy. It might be necessary to make accommodations to ensure they're able to communicate effectively and to be sure they understand the risks, but ultimately the decision should still be theirs what happens to their body. That includes getting on hormone blockers and eventually having surgery. Now, there are people who do lack maturity, and that can be tricky. But that's why it's important for them, their parents, and their doctor to be able to have frank and open discussions about treatment options without government or society reaching in and trying to restrict their options. In short, it really sounds to me like you've swallowed a bunch of misinformation and propaganda from transphobes and haven't listened to the voices of actual trans people. I think it'd be a good idea for you to correct that. Might I recommend Jessie Gender, right here on UA-cam? And/or Jamie Dodger, also on UA-cam.
@@abcxyz2927 considering biologically the brain does not mature till 25 and the rising state of detransistioners ....and the medicalisation of people with co morbidities we need to looking at long term psychotherapy for all to explore every avenue before any medicalisation is done .... we also need to be aware that we do have detranistioners in the adult frame whom's bodies have been damaged and have no sexual function and are too scared or have gone off the radar to even even speak up.....or unfortunately commit suicide we need a desginated person to chase all these people up to collect valid and up to date data :)
@@abcxyz2927 how can someone once again be 'ready to go' refuse therapy because they are so indoctrinated into trans ideology . Autistic people have a general feeling of unsettlement with their bodies or gender due to autism and that does not go away after surgery it s a ' feeling' of genuine unsettlement so the surgery therefore has no purpose .I have read a lot and this is personal to me I suggest you look at the harm these surgeries do spoke about by detransistioners whom also claim no sexual function, regret and life long medicalisation.They speak about the fact they were not warned about problems furthermore any young person or vulnerable adult ' fixate' on things that are generally not good for them only upon maturity by means of trial and error do they comprehend choices. Surgery, cross sexhormones and definitely puberty blockers should not be on the board till all avenues of mental health have been explored .
Denying kids medical care that has been shown to be life-saving when applied properly is highly unethical. Don't forget that these children are coming to doctors for a reason, and the medical community has come to the conclusion that prescribing puberty blockers to these kids is the appropriate course of action for a reason. There are countless trans people out there who wish they could have gotten hormone blockers when they were young, but couldn't get them or didn't even know about them. And trans kids die of dysphoria every year.
@@abcxyz2927 Literally nobody is denying trans kids access to psychological support. Therapy is a crucial part of gender affirming treatment, and kids have to have a lot of it before they can start puberty blockers. You're literally just making shit up.
@@abcxyz2927 You clearly have no idea how therapy works. And it's hilarious you think you know anything at all about me. You should listen to trans people. You'd learn a lot. There are some here on UA-cam. Jessie Gender and Jamie Dodger are good ones.
@@abcxyz2927 If you can watch those channels and conclude that they self-diagnose, self-medicate, or "recruit" people to be trans, you're intellectually dishonest to a degree that I can't address. I could tell you about how I came to be an advocate for trans people because of the trans people in my life telling me about their experiences, but I doubt you would listen openly and honestly. You've decided you know better than all of the trans people and all of us loved ones and all of the doctors and researches who help trans kids, and you're determined to make your bigotry law. I'm just glad you'll fail in the end.
Doctors prescribe puberty blockers to trans kids because they've determined that the risks of the puberty blockers are outweighed by the benefits of preventing the harm of an unwanted puberty. They're used because a trans person experiencing puberty of their sex assigned at birth can be a literally life-threatening trauma.
That’s why they need longitudinal studies; the ethical question is should we be giving them at all as well as why the heck hasn’t anyone kept track of the long term results. The hundreds of detransitioners coming out now who are releasing videos and publicising their distress tells us there is a problem. The treatments are still off label. We have only three studies based on the same criteria with tiny numbers, two (the Dutch and the GIDS) completely contradicted each other, NONE are longitudinal, and the third was completed 2 years ago and we still don’t have the results published; which usually means the results are not that great. All other ‘studies’ were not up to standard, being online surveys, people could ‘enter’ more than once, participation was also incentivised in some. Interestingly the GIDS study results on puberty blockers were held back for FOUR YEARS before that Oxford prof in the blue shirt started asking where it was and pressured them to share results; and that was the study that showed no substantial positives and a lot of negatives on the symptoms (the opposite of the Dutch study that kicked all this off. Which btw was offered to 70 patients, 55 accepted but only 35 responded or who’s results were used- very low numbers and you have to ask why the patients didn’t cooperate or why certain ones were withheld or rejected.) that GIDS study eventually got the Tavistock GiDS clinic shut down. This is not ‘life saving’ treatment btw if you look at the stats. That is a part of the dogma sold with this ideology- it is not true that children will unalive themselves if they don’t get it. It is true that online groomers, mermaids, and other children who are in the grip of this social contagion tell each other this urban myth and kids learn to use it to influence parents and medics. This is evident in the truth that despite now a 4500% increase in ftm trans puberty blocker patients; almost all of whom go on to take hormones and transition, there was no self deletion epidemic of any sort (let alone matching these numbers) plaguing children prior to these drugs being available (or prior to us teaching gender ideology that confuses dysphoric kids and tells them they can change sex.) 80% used to grow out of dysmorphia (mostly to grow up gay.) The Dutch study btw which was held up as the golden standard, stated that the largest majority of dysphoric kids in their population correlated with growing up gay, not trans. Yet 100% of the kids that were given puberty blockers went in to hormones and to transition. There was also one participsnt who was listed as ‘no longer dysphoric’ and ‘100% happy with transition’. The last question was asked prior to his final bottom surgery and in the same study a few sentences late said he had ‘depression, and broke up with his girlfriend because of shame and embarrassment about the appearance of his genitals’ (which kind of sounds a bit dysphoric?) Amongst the detransitioners are 30 yo people who look trapped in weak, sick, drug dependent bodies and aren’t happy about it. A common complaint is also how they look- I’ve seen videos of people saying they feel they look permanently like 13 yo versions of their opposite sex; and the fantasy of that outcome that may have been a goal when they were children doesn’t match the reality of going through life being and looking like that.
@@ApacheMagic You're either misled, ignorant, or lying. There are LOTS of studies showing the safety and benefits of gender-affirming care. Here's just a small sample: Young adult psychological outcome after puberty suppression and gender reassignment (DeVries, A. L. et al. in 2014) followed 55 transgender adolescents through pubertal suppression, gender-affirming hormone treatment (estrogen or testosterone), and gender-affirming genital surgery (as adults) and found that psychological functioning steadily improved over the course of the study and by adulthood these now young adults had global functioning scores similar to or better than age-matched peers in the general population. Well-being and suicidality among transgender youth after gender-affirming hormones (Allen, L. R. et al in 2019) followed 47 transgender adolescents who received gender-affirming hormones (estrogen or testosterone) to a mean 349 days after starting treatment and found statistically significant increases in general well-being and a statistically significant decrease in suicidality. Adolescent development and psychosocial functioning after starting cross-sex hormones for gender dysphoria (Kaltiala, R., Heino, E., Työläjärvi, M., & Suomalainen, L. in 2020) conducted a retrospective chart review of 52 adolescents who received gender-affirming hormones (estrogen or testosterone) and found statistically significant decreases in need for specialist level psychiatric treatment for depression (decreased from 54% to 15%), anxiety (decreased from 48% to 15%), and suicidality or self-harm (decreased from 35% to 4%) following treatment. Psychosocial assessment in transgender adolescents (de Lara, D. L. et al in 2020) followed 23 transgender adolescents who received gender-affirming hormones (estrogen or testosterone) and 30 cisgender controls for approximately one year and found the transgender adolescents at baseline had worse measures of mental health than the cisgender control adolescents but that this difference equalized by the end of the study. The transgender adolescents in the study who received gender-affirming hormones had statistically significant improvements in several mental health measures, including anxiety and depression. Psychological functioning in transgender adolescents before and after gender-affirmative care compared with cisgender general population peers (van der Miesen, A. I. et al in 2020) compared 272 transgender adolescents referred to the gender clinic who had not yet received pubertal suppression with 178 transgender adolescents who had received pubertal suppression and found those who received pubertal suppression had better mental health outcomes than those who did not receive pubertal suppression. (Psychotherapy was also at play, and so the evidence is indirect and cannot be used in isolation.) Longitudinal impact of gender-affirming endocrine intervention on the mental health and well-being of transgender youths: preliminary results (Achille, C., Taggart, T. et al in 2020) followed 50 transgender adolescents longitudinally. Over the course of the study, 23 received pubertal suppression only, 35 received gender-affirming hormones only, and 11 received both. Three participants received no gender-affirming medical interventions. Over the course of the study, there was a statistically significant decrease in depression scores in one group: Male-to-female transitioners who underwent puberty suppression only. None of these are online surveys. There are more. Go look them up. A lot of them show that gender-affirming care, puberty blockers, and gender-affirming surgery really are life-saving. I think you've either been duped by these transphobes or you're a dishonest transphobe yourself.
@@ApacheMagic Now, if you wanted to support a reform that requires more research on gender-affirming care, maybe like the kind they've got in Sweden and Finland now, I could possibly get behind that. But if you are gearing up to advocate for restricting care or putting more barriers between trans kids and the treatment their doctors are recommending, I will fight you.
@@reilithion puberty is not life threatening. Untreated mental illness can be. A side effect of gonadotropin releasing hormone agonists (puberty blockers) is mood disturbances, depression and suicidal ideation. Children whose puberty is blocked are even more isolated from their peers as they fall behind them developmentally. Cognitive development is also suppressed. They do not develop the parts of the brain which allow us to make mature judgement so they age chronologically but not developmentally. Then there are all the other irreversible health harming side effects like early onset osteopenia, osteoporosis, growth plate issues, pituitary cancer risks, etc
No, intensive psychotherapy, counselling, support for family, and all the psychological conditions recognised. Transition if still wanted when legal adult. Personally, I'd go for 25, as we know so much more about human brain development. Puberty delay for early onset only.
Bad take. I think you haven't listened to actual trans people. You should fix that. Try some videos by Jessie Gender or Jammie Dodger right here on UA-cam.
@ebrearley3134 What? So they can violate women's spaces further? Seems to me you don't understand the meaning of the word "violate" (derivation: violence). Or, have you decided it's a word that is just another meaning of "enter" women's spaces. Just like biological males have redefined women and added the subgroup "cis" so they can be the sub group "trans." They are male bullies at their very finest. Bye.
Hey, people will be able to get opioids through other means, so doctors should just prescribe them on demand. Does this argument hold water, either for opioids or puberty blockers?
I think the motivation these gentlemen give for giving puberty blockers is extremely flimsy. Transvestism resists therapy, it doesn’t need to be resolved. The patient needs to find peace with their bodies and their preferred gender expressing. Not getting medicalized for life to appease society.
Getting baseline data from the kids on the waiting lists seems interesting but if these kids still are in a social contagion it’s not going to give a good baseline.
Thank you. I would really be happy to find books or studies on how puberty is necessary on a biological and physical development. on all aspects, not just phenotypically as gender ideology puts it forward (as a merely dimorphism esthetic "detail")
The cross sex hormones induce an at least partly cross sex puberty. Necessary on a biological and physical development is that sex hormones are there, not the specific ones which aline to the birth sex.
@@miriamlana833I have a minimal understanding of biology in this regard but wouldn’t a pre-pubescent natal female body react entirely differently to increased levels of testosterone than if T were given to a pre-pubescent natal male whose body didn’t naturally produce enough T? And vice versa. Isn’t this the entire crux of the dangers of attempting hormonal ‘transition’?
@@kyoglesage not entirely different, only partly different and that "partly" can be in a wide range. If you start the HRT early enough and let the body not too long be on no sex hormones, there are usually no problems.
@@miriamlana833 adults who have taken this path have spoken out about the health effects being quite harmful. So have Sarah Bradly, Jaime Reed, and the Karolinska Institute.
Puberty is of course necessary. What a weird question. It’s not a decease or a disability. Humanity wouldn’t have survived as a species if it was the case. „Children have a right to an open future, that is, the right to arrive at adulthood with their bodies fully intact and not unnecessarily altered (either by their own immature choices or adults facilitating them) such that it forecloses any potential future choices.“ Ella Washington
Neither you nor this man have actually listened to the voices of trans people who have gone through the puberty of their sex assigned at birth. It can be incredibly harmful to a trans person, and preventing that harm is the aim of prescribing puberty blockers to a trans kid. Maybe you should listen to some trans voices. Jessie Gender and Jammie Dodger are right here on UA-cam.
@@miroirs-jumeaux detransitioners? Yeah. I don't envy their experiences. I hope their doctors can help mitigate the harm that was done to them. But when some of them advocate for taking healthcare away from others, from real trans people, I have to vehemently disagree.
It's simple -- no, never, under no circumstances. It's frightening that some adults still take ruining a child's development seriously.
It's disgraceful to even ask whether puberty blockers should be given to children🤔😒😔
Delaying things we dread doesn't make them any easier. "Pubertyphobia" might even be made worse by avoidance. If a child dreads going to the dentist or is afraid of a math test, we don't let them delay it or what they do with gender nonconforming kids, avoid them all together.
It wouldn't help their anxiety, and it puts them at risk of harm or falling behind. If a 13 year old dreads getting her first period, putting her on puberty blockers won't make her any less worried. If a boy is feeling weird about his voice breaking, it won't do him any good to try to tell him that adolescence is wrong. The medical intervention could even reinforce their belief that doctors think they need protection from a normal natural process that humanity survived since our species entered the scene and that they are different than the others and need special treatment.
It pathologizes being human.
Who can say that puberty was a “euphoric” experience? Puberty sucks for just about everyone, but it’s the price of admission into adulthood.
No, never.
Is it ever ethical to induce things like infertility, anorgasmia, osteoporosis, and other side effects that may not even be well-known in a previously healthy patient? Helena’s question brought tears to my eyes. All the responses were evasive. How can the answer be anything but NO, it is not ethical to do this to children.
Exactly. That we even have the discussion now is frightening.
Notice that the two doctors that said it was OK to prescribe puberty blockers said nothing about researching side effects.
Doctors have been delaying normally-timed puberty for short girls since the 1990s so that they can have the chance to grow taller. There are now women in their twenties and thirties who are experiencing the consequences of being given these drugs. The results have been catastrophic in some cases, where skeletal health is worse than their grandmothers. Some had become suicidal because of this. The New England Journal of Medicine has reported on the risks of these drugs to block normally-timed puberty as long ago as 2003. No one is looking at these girls when making decisions to give puberty blockers to gender confused youth.
I'm greatful beyond words to live in Finland where Dr Riitta-Kerttu Kaltiala has had the knowledge, heart and courage to use her influence in our medical legislation.
Puberty is a biological right.
The thing is,to draw an analogy,that Thalidomide DID help some women with morning-sickness...
The Guardian or Independent (one or the other) recently suggested that puberty blockers were no different to giving teenage girls the contraceptive pill. This is the level of the discussion among the liberal left on this debate. Scary
Regarding the central question: One guy says to give kids puberty blockers because otherwise they will get them elsewhere. The second guy passes. The last guy says it is morally unforgivable but doesn't know how to move forwaard. What a waste of time.
No, that's not what he said; he said, the idea of a RCT is more tenable because of how easily kids can get access to puberty blockers.
They can't consent to puberty either. And going through puberty for their sex assigned at birth can be very harmful to a trans person. Ask one about it.
@@reilithion Going through puberty is the cure for 90% of kids with gender dysphoria.
@@abcxyz2927 So is cancer. Wanna go tell cancer patients that they shouldn't be getting treatment?
@@reilithion Who has ever 'consented to puberty'? What kind of a religious concept is that? That's part of life like being born, having an infected tooth removed or wiping one's ass after taking a crap ... with certain things, consent is NOT PART OF THE EQUATION. Period. Puberty blockers should have NEVER been an option. We have to dial this Mengeleian crap back!
Children should be off limits. Don’t know how the first two guys sleep at night.
The answer is NO
I disagree with the experts here that gender identity is a separate thing apart from identity. I do not believe identity is something that you are born with and you explore. It’s something you develop by nature and by struggling and coping with live.
Thank you fornthis work!
Ok before I listen to this episode, I'm going to say that my answer is NO NEVER!!! Listening now.... as the second gentleman said, if puberty cures gender dysphoria in a high percentage of cases, we have a duty to see if that works FIRST, so no, puberty blockers should NEVER EVER BE USED on children for non-medical reasons. Minute 21:00 "there is a difference between getting better and feeling better" YES!!!
Exactly- Objective observations are not the same as "euphoria"
Bottom line ...consent .. Children do not have the mental maturity to make a life long decision of mediicalisation ....these children need therapy which should be a few years in time and conducted after puberty ....not to say they should not receive therapy as children depending on should be banned to perform butcherious life changing surgeries on children and endocrinal drugs being issued.We need to also be speaking about how much these doctors make per child by subscriptions and or surgeries as this is what is driving these companies not compassion or care .Data should be mandatory including if the patient detransistions ...if this is allowed to continue ...ask yourselves why will these children refuse to watch anything on detransistioners or the dangers of cross sex hormones and surgery via video because they see it as conversion therapy all hits to a large majority being brain washed by social media .. Ask yourselves how many of these children would be trans if the internet did not exist ??? Also what do we with young people who have autism who by nature fixate on ' things' and aren' t mentally mature .. How do we ensure the patient has capacity for these decisions ??
So much wrong here I don't even know where to start.
First of all, in the vast majority of cases it's the children themselves telling their parents they're trans, not the parents giving their children puberty blockers without their consent. In this sense, the thing the children are not consenting to is undergoing puberty for the sex they were assigned at birth. Hormone blockers are an option to address that, and the risks are very modest. They're already used to treat other conditions that children can contract, and very successfully so. Therapy is often insufficient to prevent harm to a trans kid from undergoing unwanted puberty.
Recently one of the earliest trans-affirming surgeries was performed on a 17-year-old trans man. There have reportedly been top surgeries done on children as young as 13, but these are exceedingly rare and the patients are given LOTS of information about the procedure, how it isn't reversible, how it will leave scars, and the risks involved. There are often very strict requirements for the child to be living as their preferred gender for a period of time, and often any other psychiatric troubles they have outside of their dysphoria will disqualify them from getting top surgery. These kids have to want these surgeries REALLY BADLY to persevere and actually get them.
The doctors aren't so desperate for money that they need to resort to anything unethical to make money. Doctors are in high demand, and frankly it's easier to earn money doing less controversial work. Often insurance doesn't cover trans-affirming surgeries, and coverage for gender-affirming care in general is spotty. Your insinuation that doctors are pushing treatments like this on children is patently ridiculous.
Medical records have to be kept by law. Or are you saying you want public access to anonymized data about the number of people receiving gender-affirming care? That could be worth discussing. But trans people should be at the table for that discussion, because it may not be in their interest for data like that to be gathered or disseminated.
Trans kids may avoid content from or about detransitioners because it's often transphobic and bigoted, and almost always contains and leans on a lot of misinformation. And they often DO seek out information on the risks of various gender-affirming treatment options. Your assertion that they don't is frankly ignorant.
If the Internet didn't exist, there would be just as many trans people. They just probably wouldn't feel comfortable coming out and living as their authentic selves. And yes, this is what the research says. Transness is not a social contagion.
Autistic people are not inherently stupid. And they are still human beings with a right to bodily autonomy. It might be necessary to make accommodations to ensure they're able to communicate effectively and to be sure they understand the risks, but ultimately the decision should still be theirs what happens to their body. That includes getting on hormone blockers and eventually having surgery. Now, there are people who do lack maturity, and that can be tricky. But that's why it's important for them, their parents, and their doctor to be able to have frank and open discussions about treatment options without government or society reaching in and trying to restrict their options.
In short, it really sounds to me like you've swallowed a bunch of misinformation and propaganda from transphobes and haven't listened to the voices of actual trans people. I think it'd be a good idea for you to correct that. Might I recommend Jessie Gender, right here on UA-cam? And/or Jamie Dodger, also on UA-cam.
@@abcxyz2927 considering biologically the brain does not mature till 25 and the rising state of detransistioners ....and the medicalisation of people with co morbidities we need to looking at long term psychotherapy for all to explore every avenue before any medicalisation is done .... we also need to be aware that we do have detranistioners in the adult frame whom's bodies have been damaged and have no sexual function and are too scared or have gone off the radar to even even speak up.....or unfortunately
commit suicide we need a desginated person to chase all these people up to collect valid and up to date data :)
@@abcxyz2927 how can someone once again be 'ready to go' refuse therapy because they are so indoctrinated into trans ideology . Autistic people have a general feeling of unsettlement with their bodies or gender due to autism and that does not go away after surgery it s a ' feeling' of genuine unsettlement so the surgery therefore has no purpose .I have read a lot and this is personal to me I suggest you look at the harm these surgeries do spoke about by detransistioners whom also claim no sexual function, regret and life long medicalisation.They speak about the fact they were not warned about problems furthermore any young person or vulnerable adult ' fixate' on things that are generally not good for them only upon maturity by means of trial and error do they comprehend choices. Surgery, cross sexhormones and definitely puberty blockers should not be on the board till all avenues of mental health have been explored .
Giving kids hormone blockers seems highly unethical even inRCT
Denying kids medical care that has been shown to be life-saving when applied properly is highly unethical. Don't forget that these children are coming to doctors for a reason, and the medical community has come to the conclusion that prescribing puberty blockers to these kids is the appropriate course of action for a reason. There are countless trans people out there who wish they could have gotten hormone blockers when they were young, but couldn't get them or didn't even know about them. And trans kids die of dysphoria every year.
@@abcxyz2927 gender dysphoria does cause death, in the form of suicide.
@@abcxyz2927 Literally nobody is denying trans kids access to psychological support. Therapy is a crucial part of gender affirming treatment, and kids have to have a lot of it before they can start puberty blockers. You're literally just making shit up.
@@abcxyz2927 You clearly have no idea how therapy works. And it's hilarious you think you know anything at all about me. You should listen to trans people. You'd learn a lot. There are some here on UA-cam. Jessie Gender and Jamie Dodger are good ones.
@@abcxyz2927 If you can watch those channels and conclude that they self-diagnose, self-medicate, or "recruit" people to be trans, you're intellectually dishonest to a degree that I can't address. I could tell you about how I came to be an advocate for trans people because of the trans people in my life telling me about their experiences, but I doubt you would listen openly and honestly. You've decided you know better than all of the trans people and all of us loved ones and all of the doctors and researches who help trans kids, and you're determined to make your bigotry law. I'm just glad you'll fail in the end.
They did not go into the various medical issues. What are the medical risks ? Can they be used in low doseage levels and is doing so safer ?
Doctors prescribe puberty blockers to trans kids because they've determined that the risks of the puberty blockers are outweighed by the benefits of preventing the harm of an unwanted puberty. They're used because a trans person experiencing puberty of their sex assigned at birth can be a literally life-threatening trauma.
That’s why they need longitudinal studies; the ethical question is should we be giving them at all as well as why the heck hasn’t anyone kept track of the long term results. The hundreds of detransitioners coming out now who are releasing videos and publicising their distress tells us there is a problem. The treatments are still off label. We have only three studies based on the same criteria with tiny numbers, two (the Dutch and the GIDS) completely contradicted each other, NONE are longitudinal, and the third was completed 2 years ago and we still don’t have the results published; which usually means the results are not that great.
All other ‘studies’ were not up to standard, being online surveys, people could ‘enter’ more than once, participation was also incentivised in some.
Interestingly the GIDS study results on puberty blockers were held back for FOUR YEARS before that Oxford prof in the blue shirt started asking where it was and pressured them to share results; and that was the study that showed no substantial positives and a lot of negatives on the symptoms (the opposite of the Dutch study that kicked all this off. Which btw was offered to 70 patients, 55 accepted but only 35 responded or who’s results were used- very low numbers and you have to ask why the patients didn’t cooperate or why certain ones were withheld or rejected.) that GIDS study eventually got the Tavistock GiDS clinic shut down.
This is not ‘life saving’ treatment btw if you look at the stats. That is a part of the dogma sold with this ideology- it is not true that children will unalive themselves if they don’t get it. It is true that online groomers, mermaids, and other children who are in the grip of this social contagion tell each other this urban myth and kids learn to use it to influence parents and medics.
This is evident in the truth that despite now a 4500% increase in ftm trans puberty blocker patients; almost all of whom go on to take hormones and transition, there was no self deletion epidemic of any sort (let alone matching these numbers) plaguing children prior to these drugs being available (or prior to us teaching gender ideology that confuses dysphoric kids and tells them they can change sex.) 80% used to grow out of dysmorphia (mostly to grow up gay.)
The Dutch study btw which was held up as the golden standard, stated that the largest majority of dysphoric kids in their population correlated with growing up gay, not trans. Yet 100% of the kids that were given puberty blockers went in to hormones and to transition.
There was also one participsnt who was listed as ‘no longer dysphoric’ and ‘100% happy with transition’. The last question was asked prior to his final bottom surgery and in the same study a few sentences late said he had ‘depression, and broke up with his girlfriend because of shame and embarrassment about the appearance of his genitals’ (which kind of sounds a bit dysphoric?)
Amongst the detransitioners are 30 yo people who look trapped in weak, sick, drug dependent bodies and aren’t happy about it. A common complaint is also how they look- I’ve seen videos of people saying they feel they look permanently like 13 yo versions of their opposite sex; and the fantasy of that outcome that may have been a goal when they were children doesn’t match the reality of going through life being and looking like that.
@@ApacheMagic You're either misled, ignorant, or lying. There are LOTS of studies showing the safety and benefits of gender-affirming care. Here's just a small sample:
Young adult psychological outcome after puberty suppression and gender reassignment (DeVries, A. L. et al. in 2014) followed 55 transgender adolescents through pubertal suppression, gender-affirming hormone treatment (estrogen or testosterone), and gender-affirming genital surgery (as adults) and found that psychological functioning steadily improved over the course of the study and by adulthood these now young adults had global functioning scores similar to or better than age-matched peers in the general population.
Well-being and suicidality among transgender youth after gender-affirming hormones (Allen, L. R. et al in 2019) followed 47 transgender adolescents who received gender-affirming hormones (estrogen or testosterone) to a mean 349 days after starting treatment and found statistically significant increases in general well-being and a statistically significant decrease in suicidality.
Adolescent development and psychosocial functioning after starting cross-sex hormones for gender dysphoria (Kaltiala, R., Heino, E., Työläjärvi, M., & Suomalainen, L. in 2020) conducted a retrospective chart review of 52 adolescents who received gender-affirming hormones (estrogen or testosterone) and found statistically significant decreases in need for specialist level psychiatric treatment for depression (decreased from 54% to 15%), anxiety (decreased from 48% to 15%), and suicidality or self-harm (decreased from 35% to 4%) following treatment.
Psychosocial assessment in transgender adolescents (de Lara, D. L. et al in 2020) followed 23 transgender adolescents who received gender-affirming hormones (estrogen or testosterone) and 30 cisgender controls for approximately one year and found the transgender adolescents at baseline had worse measures of mental health than the cisgender control adolescents but that this difference equalized by the end of the study. The transgender adolescents in the study who received gender-affirming hormones had statistically significant improvements in several mental health measures, including anxiety and depression.
Psychological functioning in transgender adolescents before and after gender-affirmative care compared with cisgender general population peers (van der Miesen, A. I. et al in 2020) compared 272 transgender adolescents referred to the gender clinic who had not yet received pubertal suppression with 178 transgender adolescents who had received pubertal suppression and found those who received pubertal suppression had better mental health outcomes than those who did not receive pubertal suppression. (Psychotherapy was also at play, and so the evidence is indirect and cannot be used in isolation.)
Longitudinal impact of gender-affirming endocrine intervention on the mental health and well-being of transgender youths: preliminary results (Achille, C., Taggart, T. et al in 2020) followed 50 transgender adolescents longitudinally. Over the course of the study, 23 received pubertal suppression only, 35 received gender-affirming hormones only, and 11 received both. Three participants received no gender-affirming medical interventions. Over the course of the study, there was a statistically significant decrease in depression scores in one group: Male-to-female transitioners who underwent puberty suppression only.
None of these are online surveys. There are more. Go look them up. A lot of them show that gender-affirming care, puberty blockers, and gender-affirming surgery really are life-saving. I think you've either been duped by these transphobes or you're a dishonest transphobe yourself.
@@ApacheMagic Now, if you wanted to support a reform that requires more research on gender-affirming care, maybe like the kind they've got in Sweden and Finland now, I could possibly get behind that. But if you are gearing up to advocate for restricting care or putting more barriers between trans kids and the treatment their doctors are recommending, I will fight you.
@@reilithion puberty is not life threatening. Untreated mental illness can be. A side effect of gonadotropin releasing hormone agonists (puberty blockers) is mood disturbances, depression and suicidal ideation. Children whose puberty is blocked are even more isolated from their peers as they fall behind them developmentally. Cognitive development is also suppressed. They do not develop the parts of the brain which allow us to make mature judgement so they age chronologically but not developmentally. Then there are all the other irreversible health harming side effects like early onset osteopenia, osteoporosis, growth plate issues, pituitary cancer risks, etc
No, intensive psychotherapy, counselling, support for family, and all the psychological conditions recognised. Transition if still wanted when legal adult. Personally, I'd go for 25, as we know so much more about human brain development. Puberty delay for early onset only.
Bad take. I think you haven't listened to actual trans people. You should fix that. Try some videos by Jessie Gender or Jammie Dodger right here on UA-cam.
Neither of the two people you recommend provide fact based advice.@@reilithion
Listening to AGPs who violate women’s spaces isn’t the solution you think.
@ebrearley3134 What? So they can violate women's spaces further? Seems to me you don't understand the meaning of the word "violate" (derivation: violence). Or, have you decided it's a word that is just another meaning of "enter" women's spaces. Just like biological males have redefined women and added the subgroup "cis" so they can be the sub group "trans." They are male bullies at their very finest. Bye.
Hey, people will be able to get opioids through other means, so doctors should just prescribe them on demand.
Does this argument hold water, either for opioids or puberty blockers?
I think the motivation these gentlemen give for giving puberty blockers is extremely flimsy. Transvestism resists therapy, it doesn’t need to be resolved. The patient needs to find peace with their bodies and their preferred gender expressing. Not getting medicalized for life to appease society.
Thank you!
Getting baseline data from the kids on the waiting lists seems interesting but if these kids still are in a social contagion it’s not going to give a good baseline.
Thank you. I would really be happy to find books or studies on how puberty is necessary on a biological and physical development. on all aspects, not just phenotypically as gender ideology puts it forward (as a merely dimorphism esthetic "detail")
The cross sex hormones induce an at least partly cross sex puberty. Necessary on a biological and physical development is that sex hormones are there, not the specific ones which aline to the birth sex.
@@miriamlana833I have a minimal understanding of biology in this regard but wouldn’t a pre-pubescent natal female body react entirely differently to increased levels of testosterone than if T were given to a pre-pubescent natal male whose body didn’t naturally produce enough T? And vice versa.
Isn’t this the entire crux of the dangers of attempting hormonal ‘transition’?
@@kyoglesage not entirely different, only partly different and that "partly" can be in a wide range. If you start the HRT early enough and let the body not too long be on no sex hormones, there are usually no problems.
@@miriamlana833 adults who have taken this path have spoken out about the health effects being quite harmful. So have Sarah Bradly, Jaime Reed, and the Karolinska Institute.
Puberty is of course necessary. What a weird question. It’s not a decease or a disability. Humanity wouldn’t have survived as a species if it was the case.
„Children have a right to an open future, that is, the right to arrive at adulthood with their bodies fully intact and not unnecessarily altered (either by their own immature choices or adults facilitating them) such that it forecloses any potential future choices.“
Ella Washington
The answer is NO. These are SHILLS. Please note 'So..' is an actor's mnemonic.)
All these men acting like Gods, bet they themselves wouldn’t ever take these powerful and destructive drugs, so unethical
The professor on the left says homosexuality sotto voce,the same way christians say jesus christ. It's interesting.
The abswear is simple . No .
I'm glad you're not in charge of trans kids' health care.
See a Wider Lens 101.
Jordan peterson tried to ask him his stance on trans medicalization, and he sidestepped it. Lost my respect in that category...
Go Helena!
10:58 🤯oh I pray this gets far and wide ❤
Neither you nor this man have actually listened to the voices of trans people who have gone through the puberty of their sex assigned at birth. It can be incredibly harmful to a trans person, and preventing that harm is the aim of prescribing puberty blockers to a trans kid. Maybe you should listen to some trans voices. Jessie Gender and Jammie Dodger are right here on UA-cam.
@@reilithionBlaire White, Buck Angel, & Marcus (the Dane) are on UA-cam too.
@@miroirs-jumeaux detransitioners? Yeah. I don't envy their experiences. I hope their doctors can help mitigate the harm that was done to them. But when some of them advocate for taking healthcare away from others, from real trans people, I have to vehemently disagree.
I am so sorry, Stella, if I sh** on you. AND Drs.