Don't sleep on the UMP, that gun is Goated. Also there are a number of pump action shotguns that can get your through the mid game and are very easy to get parts for
The UMP is good but very hard to find. It only ever spawns on freedom and mercs, which are not factions you encounter early very much, and are definitely not enemies you want to be going after with a toz-34 or the like
@joaogomes9405 there is actually a good chance of one spawning on clear sky stalkers during the clear sky quest line. Just let them duke it out with the renegade on the road to cordon and the military and loot thr bodies aftr they get destroyed.
People dislike it for the low magazine count. Which I get, but you're not really supposed to be spraying/praying. Use semi-automatic and learn how many shots it takes to down enemies. Congrats, anything holding above 10 rounds can now take out multiple enemies.
I think the Moist Nugget should stay available early game. Good for role playing as a local and grabbing grandpa's Moisin and heading out into the Zone.
started GAMMA for the first time a few days ago, having finished my Misery playthrough, what a joy to have found your channel! thx for all the tips, your content is gold i was lucky and got the Remington 870 in great swamp, that thing slaps in the early game
In my opinion, if you start with the "tourist" progression difficulty, the best starting loadout is to take mosin, ppsh, respirator and some medication. It's incredible how much easier the ppsh makes dealing with large groups of mutants when compared to most other starting weaponry and the mosin becomes the main stalker killer when you have acquired a scope for it.
Remington 870 is my go to shotgun before i get a Saiga, its just absolutely awesome in my opinion. very decent mag capacity, good irons but it can mount a bunch of reflex sights too.
The TOZ-34 really grew on me. Not only it is really common early game (which means that with some luck you can repair one even without tools) but if you use slugs, it becomes the deadliest “sniper” early game
Generally when I start I usually go for something that can be repaired with a pistol repair kit (usually MP5 or .45 pistol) and a rifle when I can get one. Depending on your skill/shots, a pistol is more than enough for the early game, especially once you learn to dodge mutant attacks.
Hey man, hopefully this doesn't sound weird and I'm sure people have told you this before but your videos combined with your voice are really soothing, I also learn A LOT from your videos especially as a new gamma player hoping to get good enough to play ironman in the future and I look forward to any new videos from you and I hope all is well
I actually made great use of the protecta in my playthrough. The ammotypes are strong and the capacity is great. Reload is painful but I was often able to run away, load back up, and start shooting again.
MP5 is definitely one of my favourites always try to pick one up as early as possible can get you through miracle machine really well if you make sure to stock up on ammo
In my current run, I started as Mercenaries for the MP5 and the armor suit, then eventually joined Duty. The MP5 is great, the STS-W is clearly better than other starting armors, and Mercs and Duty have pretty near perfectly mirror opposite ally/enemy lists so you can be friends or enemies with anyone by swapping out the patch. If you don't start on the hardest progression difficulty, you can also start with a good (for early game) gas mask and the USP for that .45 hydrashock goodness with zero points left. I started at Yantar and joined the Ecologists first, running missions in the Cordon where it's safe and your MP5 can handle bandits and mutants alike.
One gun which I wish was added to the game would be the IMI Uzi in 9mm it would be a fantastic early game gun... and as they have been around since the late 50's they should be widespread and there are multiple different versions as in the normal Uzi and the mini and micro versions... shame it's not in game...
I'm currently in my first real run of Anomaly (without GAMMA because my PC is just a work/study basic laptop and it would melt like a bandit with a leather jacket sleeping under the Brain Scorcher if I try GAMMA) and I've just used two guns from the beginning: early game AK 74, replaced with an AEK 71. I've always dealt with the Zone with 5,45 without any issue. Of course, paired with a 12 gauge (usually TOZ 34 at the beginning and then the best I can find, in this run a Remington 870 with EOTech) and a basic 9mm pistol (PM and then Walther P99). Wasting money on fancy guns is a strategy that I don't like. STALKER weapon system is basically about: assault rifle (with a scope) against human threats, 12 Gauge against mutants, pistol for emergencies, knife for injured enemies. Most money I always spend for upgrades, chems/food and ammo.
I recently had a dumb but very fun early game gun Toz-66 Chimera Hunter. I only had 20 shrapnel rounds from a stash and 5 barrikuda from the stalker I looted it off of.
Remington 870 is better. Very similar stats, but with double the shots and the ability to mount scopes while only needing historical kits like the MP-133. And it's actually as easy to repair with replacement parts, as the bandits at Cordon carry as many NATO pump action shotguns as WP ones
Some more things I'd like to add: 1) Ecologists can start with the USP Match that has an even bigger 15-round mag. This thing carries me on nerd playthroughs because early game you only really have to fight mutants as a nerd, and bandits are piss easy to kill with .45FMJ 2) There's a special variant of the TOZ-34 called the Chimera Hunter. I hesitate to call it an "early game" weapon (only found it in green stashes in Army Warehouses and above), but it's still Historic-tier and oneshots everything up to, like, chimeras. Plus at a high enough WP level you can get the barricade slugs and suddenly it can delete basically any stalker south of the barrier
Some of the other weapons worth mentioning: Armsel Aimpoint> Definitely brings the 12 mag more usability with easier aiming. I skip the Armsel, but do like the aimpoint version. And KS23 is very easily obtainable relatively early. Its 4 shot, but boy do those 4 hurt and Butcher sells buckshot pretty cheap.
I once had a hard time deciding which gun should I pick in the beginning. First stash I got - had a 7.62x39 AK with INTACT BARREL. Some insane luck right there I never found expert toolkit on that save tho ;_;
Speaking of luck, yesterday I found a korth custom pistol with all parts almost perfectly fine. It was on 26% condition itself, but DAYM GUN FULL OF GOOD PARTS
As for the SPAS.....close range? Yeah, it's good for it. But try slug sniping with it. You can comfortably hit Mercs on the construction site from the garages in Wild Territory. It's extremely accurate despite being close to the low 80's accuracy upgraded. It's THE shotgun that always stays in my inventory until I get the SAIGA ISG. Even then, I go back to it sometimes. You're right about the sights though, I mean, it's usable, but I wish it could equip some basic ones.
i think most pump action shotguns chambered in 12 gauge can also go on here, in my experience 12 gauge makes the early experience a breeze, it deals with mutants effectively and slugs can decimate other stalkers (buckshot still good), if its one of the better pumps you also have good chamber time and high tube capacity
9х19 is one of the best rounds in game. It's extremely versatile, can punch trough armor with AP, can deal significant damage to mutants with HP rounds and can deal with everything else with FMJ. In fact 9x19 HP is second best round against mutants after 45 Hydro. It is also extremely easy to cook ammo for it.
The kar98 has horrendous armor penetration no matter the bullet type. If you play on anything that isn't easy or normal you will need many headshots against trainee bandits.
5 hours into the game i go to clear sky, took an amry outpost liberation mission and looted here rpk-16, m4 tactical and ak-74m Boroda and a lot of As Vals. Is this a win?
I think mosin is okay because in the early game you have to deal with swarm mutants such as dogs and mosin is weak against multiple targets AND mutants. I would argue against the Ppsh being avaible as a starter weapon though
SKS and 870 or 194 are a god send early in game. Go to swamps, do the three missions for clear sky, mcgyver a frankenstein AK together, get the gunsmithing tools, be happy
USP Match Tactical.....despite being 9x19, it can one-tap dome Monolith and Sin easily with AP. ISG.....not quite, they always need a bit more, but it's easy to pull of consequent headshots with this beauty. Large mag, can equip all the attachments you would want on a pistol. Fast on semi-auto, even faster on full-auto, accurate, much better than the FiveSeven or the SHR1MP. The SHR1MP would be a bit stronger if it had the additional ammo types for it (there's a 9x21 mod). Pretty easy to find, ammo for it is plentiful. I still run it in late game. Actually, I make a sport of clearing out the Military in Agropom using just this, every time it's repopulated. Best all-around pistol, only beat out by the 45s if strictly used for mutants. It's the spork of pistols in GAMMA, lol
Just started playing again, tried something different and started with SKS and Makarov. The Mak is a throwaway weapon, SKS is okay vs. stalkers but terrible vs. mutants. It's a shame there's no 7.62x39 soft points because it's a popular round for hog hunting in North America. Picked up an OTs-33 and using that as my primary. Pretty tough playing without shotguns.
Early game, with just handgun kit/basic tools, my favourite is PP-19 Bizon ( 64 rounds mag, cheap ammo, cheap AP ammo, 9x18 easily lootable, fairly accurate for headshots mid distance, decent at close range in full auto vs humans and ok vs mutants with HP cheap ammo, cheap to upgrade ). With historic kit, has to be the SKS for me (semi auto, 10 rounds, decent sniping ability for early-mid game), only issue is ammo are not so easy to procure in large quantity and are somewhat expensive early game if you play survivalist. But yeah shotguns are really good early on, they 're all purpose, MP155(really good with slugs at distance), SPAS12, Remington are all excellent, plus if you use mags redux, they don't take magazine slots from your suit so mid-game you can carry an assault rifle with more mags in the loadout.
You can get a free mosin with a scope from clear sky defend the pump station mission on the dead clear sky in the crows nest good for if you dont want to start with it.
Sin start with the chimera hunter TOZ and its quite effective but 9.1. introduced packs of chimeras, controllers and jumper pseudogiants which makes using it in the north that much trickier
The Armsel reload isn't that bad, due to the fact that unlike most guns, it can be interupted. Yes, maybe you won't have the luxury to load all 12 rounds in a fight, but you can stop anywhere half way
I like the pp-2000 but a glitch happened with that gun for me where it wont upgrade, like for me it takes a bit for most guns to register upgrades but the pp-2000 never registers upgrades I put on it, wasted upgrade kits on it
Too many people sleep on 7.62x25 weapons. It's basically the poor man's 9mm... or the hobo's .45 ACP. Better bang for the buck than 9x18 anyway. Ammo is dirt cheap (the cheapest of all iirc, especially anti-mutant rounds sold by Butcher) and abundant, weapons are easy to repair, and the rounds available are good against mutants AND stalkers alike. The PPSH is especially useful as a starting weapon, it will tear through mutants using LRNPC ammo (30 dmg, 8 pen) just as well as it will rip through light/medium armoured stalkers using PST ammo (21 dmg 24 pen). I used a TT-33 as a starting pistol, this thing was really good. Well, as good as a starter pistol can get anyway. Good all-rounder, but the main downside is the 8 rounds capacity that makes you vulnerable to packs of mutants.
The best early game gun is the axe. "BUT THAT'S NOT A GUN!" you may say. In which time, my coke fueled bandit has murdered 2 stalkers and is now chasing down a bloodsucker as it flees in fear. That's an actual thing too, if you dodge the first attack from a bloodsucker and sprint after it, it WILL panic and keep trying to run away from you, which is why the axe is the highest tier bloodsucker killer.
Shotgun > Pistols against mutants, always. In the early game that is. Cheap and strong. Pistol is a side arm for when you have to reload your big boy guns. I guess it doesn't matter if you play on lower progression settings and you're swimming in ammo and money though.
PLEASE!!! Make a video (or call it a guide) how to progress the game and when. Like at the beginning aim to get this and that, then when ure done with that mission and that, got such gear, you can proceed to mid game with respective locations etcetc. Something like that as it is really hard to know where to go farm for all the items at what point to go earlier or later, stay in yoru current locations or you are long above gear level and can move on.
Mosin is fine early game and I honestly dont see any point in it when you get access to m700, so no, I don't think its needed to be moved to mid-game weapons
i honestly dont think the mosin is too broken for early game since the standard gamma experience wont let you buy it to begin with. if the cradle andy's want to turn the trader overhaul on to put their game on easy mode then its their loss.
Why no AR's? For what it's worth, the AK-74M (and the better but very rare AN-94) is a great WP 5.45. Not uncommon, has 60 round upgraded mags that fit it. Overall great stats. Its bigger brother the AKMS (AKM version can't take any sights/scopes) benefits from the BR3 of the 7.62's, and BR5 for AP's. Sadly, they made the AK-103 require advanced repair kit. Its camo version is fantastic. But even the stock version is pretty rare, so wouldn't count. These points assume the typical Loner/Cordon start.
One big tip for all how get Fast good weapon you need do some quest for clear sky then from vendor take Q help anomaly study now start funny part just make safe before take this Q and enjoy your new weapon 😂
I think you really left out shotties like MP-133, MP-155, Mossberg, Remington and Ithaca seiers, notably defender Also, some SMGs can be put in pistol slots in gamma Also, as of pistols, its really weird that you left out PLK (Lebedev's Pistol). It has cheap supressor and lasersights which you can use with G so you don't have to aim down iron sights which is pretty big problem for many pistols with supressors, and its very easy to find on on Swamps early
i started out with a makarov as loner didnt knowing the .45 was the way better choice ... next upgrade was a RPK-16 thats how long i played the makarov ... now i have a 12shot saiga 12k to it and didnt even do the brainscorcher yet im too scared of all the dudes jumping around there ... and then the monsters down there ... dear god ... im even scared with those weapons ... tryed it, failed it and ran like a scared child back to rostok ...
are the L85a2 and sig sg550 really that bad that no one ever mentions them? those are the ones i always use with a x10 scope since everything sees me from across the map so i alway have to fight long range.
-Usp45, 1911, glock 18-19 -Тоз34, Mp153, mp133, spas12 -Ак74м, рпк12, kar and mosin Thats all. All ***** machine-pistols are wasting of your ammo, like ump, pp2000 and other. Better, when u doing a two shoots in head by pistol. 9×18, 9×19 are useless in this game, because you can use .45ACP. Сорри for мой English Почему все западные игроки, вот сколько не смотрю по геймлею - безбожно тратят по обойме на противника, это не CoD guys, это Сталкер.
It's kind'a stupid, that in game k98 is weaker than m91/30, where irl it's exactly the opposite. 8mm Mauser is significantly harder hitting round than 54R.
PP-2000 has one issue which is in the early game even 9mm is expensive so it runs your wallet dry even if it's much more accurate. Mosin was great for me when I played some months ago and assuming nothing really changed about it, it's one of the earliest snipers you may get (RNG gods willing). The x54 rounds are kinda expensive though so what I always do is caliber swap it to 7.62x39 which is a more afforadable round and the damage loss is minimal so it still onetaps to the head and the body sometimes it's 1 shot, sometimes 2 but usually when they don't die they stay in the ground crying in pain which in a situation where you don't have the freedom to go there and put a knife to spare the bullet you just shot them again. Of course this is assuming Grok didn't removed the ammo swap option recently. The K98 used to be the absolute best weapon for an early drop but ever since they removed the kits to upgrade it became horrible as the scope makes it unusable as a sniper and the drop only upgraded version doesn't gets to swap caliber to x51. 1911 isn't terrible, I personally don't handle iron sights very well and I dislike the lack of penetration. Generaly I stay clear of .45 until I get a vector and just save the ammo for when I do get it. I hate the SKS with a passion. I only used it once and swore to never touch it again. For whatever reason the rounds seem to have much lower muzzle velocity than the gun indicates, I've shot enemies 50 meters away and they still manage to move out of the way before the bullet gets to them. I just cannot find any love in my heart for it ever since. Also the damage is better than the average rifle, but it's terrible for a sniper which is what an SKS would be in stalker. The OT I never used but on paper always looked as a good anti mutant as you mentioned, not very different from using an MP7 caliber swaped or a USP match tactical. My concern is for the durabillity of thye gun as the USP on full auto completly destroys it's durabillity and internals very quickly. Hopefully the OT is a bit better on that end but still, for an early anti mutant gun it works if you just need a backup weapon. However shotguns are were you do the early game mutant killing because they are cheap to use and very effective so I am of two minds about it. I started my first game with the PP19 and it works, but as I mentioned with the PP-2000, your wallet is going to cry, I stay clear of low damage high fire rate weapons in the early game for economic reasons. However yes, it is a good gun otherwise and the MP5 should be slightly better even. I dislike the desert eagle. While on paper it looks good, I've used it once and was disapointed. I dropped almost 100 rounds into a pseudo giant to kill it. Granted, this is before the ammo changes introduced some time ago which made it significantly better. However, there is no point in using it over .45 because hydroshock is still better and easy to obtain/craft. On top of that I ran into a huge issue with the DE which is the recoil. The .45 pistols already have a somewhat strong recoil making it a bit harder to aim again after shoting. It's managable but not confortable. The DE however is huge. Once I fire the first shot I'm almost sure to miss all others if I have a bunch of dogs or cats on top of me so i can't rate a gun high as the recoil paired with the need to fire fast to kill potentially a lot of dogs or cats just doesn't works well. The five seven is a good anti stalker weapon assuming you are not fighting enemies in good armor. While you can repair it early on it is debatable whether early on you can get you hands on a working one (cause you'll need to probably find a few to scavange the parts) considering it's not a commonly dropped gun. The USP is kinda like the 1911 but better mag from my point of view. I still stick clear from .45 until I have a vector. I dislike the spaz. While it's decent performing it has one thing that holds it back which is not being able to mount a red dot. Sure you use it up close but having a very clear view port to aim is for me one of the highest valuable things in a gun. I agree with most of your honorable mentions except for the TOZ-34. That gun in an absolute monster in the hands of the player. The reload is managable by using cover and the low ammo capacity in the early game is a blessing in disguise as it makes it very easy to swap between buckshot and slugs (which you can get early on in small quantities from butcher). This means this gun will do everything. It will oneshot any early gam stalkers even the ones with a decentish armor and helmet. It will also deal with stalkers with buchshot is they have bad armor. It will deal with mutants very easily especially since early on they don't come in high numbers. Just remember to use a tree to defend against boars. This weapon is also insanely accurate for a shotgun, you can practically snip using slugs though you have to use iron sights. My loadout is usually just a TOZ-34 to start and then I grab a second shotgun like a carabineer or something a bit worse but with a bigger magwell at which point the TOZ is dedicated anti stalker and the other is anti mutant. I only rotate the TOZ out once I grab a sniper to replace it.
Not the same language. Ukrainian and Russian languages only share about 60% of the same vocabulary. There is a greater difference between Russian and Ukrainian in terms of vocabulary than there is between most of the Romance languages. Many Ukrainians are fluent in Russian though.
Casually Ignores the best starting weapon... I can not start a new game without the ppsh. Extremely high fire rate, biggest mag size of 71, only 400 points, and super cheap rounds from butcher. This gun shreds through everything from chimeras to early/mid-game stalkers. Forget the overrated mosin , 2 tokarev do more damage then 1 7.62 51R and u can mag dump anything that moves before the mosin even has a chance to move the bolt
Don't sleep on the UMP, that gun is Goated. Also there are a number of pump action shotguns that can get your through the mid game and are very easy to get parts for
The UMP is good but very hard to find. It only ever spawns on freedom and mercs, which are not factions you encounter early very much, and are definitely not enemies you want to be going after with a toz-34 or the like
he hates that one
@joaogomes9405 there is actually a good chance of one spawning on clear sky stalkers during the clear sky quest line. Just let them duke it out with the renegade on the road to cordon and the military and loot thr bodies aftr they get destroyed.
People dislike it for the low magazine count. Which I get, but you're not really supposed to be spraying/praying. Use semi-automatic and learn how many shots it takes to down enemies. Congrats, anything holding above 10 rounds can now take out multiple enemies.
UMP🤮(jk, it's not that bad, I just hate it)
I think the Moist Nugget should stay available early game.
Good for role playing as a local and grabbing grandpa's Moisin and heading out into the Zone.
started GAMMA for the first time a few days ago, having finished my Misery playthrough, what a joy to have found your channel! thx for all the tips, your content is gold
i was lucky and got the Remington 870 in great swamp, that thing slaps in the early game
people are still playing Misery? wow. that was the first full conversion mod i played for stalker and ive been playing since 2010
In my opinion, if you start with the "tourist" progression difficulty, the best starting loadout is to take mosin, ppsh, respirator and some medication. It's incredible how much easier the ppsh makes dealing with large groups of mutants when compared to most other starting weaponry and the mosin becomes the main stalker killer when you have acquired a scope for it.
Remington 870 is my go to shotgun before i get a Saiga, its just absolutely awesome in my opinion. very decent mag capacity, good irons but it can mount a bunch of reflex sights too.
The TOZ-34 really grew on me. Not only it is really common early game (which means that with some luck you can repair one even without tools) but if you use slugs, it becomes the deadliest “sniper” early game
Generally when I start I usually go for something that can be repaired with a pistol repair kit (usually MP5 or .45 pistol) and a rifle when I can get one. Depending on your skill/shots, a pistol is more than enough for the early game, especially once you learn to dodge mutant attacks.
I like how they gave the SPAS-12 a chamber-load animation. I wish all guns with magazine tubes had that.
Hey man, hopefully this doesn't sound weird and I'm sure people have told you this before but your videos combined with your voice are really soothing, I also learn A LOT from your videos especially as a new gamma player hoping to get good enough to play ironman in the future and I look forward to any new videos from you and I hope all is well
Thank you :)
I actually made great use of the protecta in my playthrough. The ammotypes are strong and the capacity is great. Reload is painful but I was often able to run away, load back up, and start shooting again.
MP5 is definitely one of my favourites always try to pick one up as early as possible can get you through miracle machine really well if you make sure to stock up on ammo
In my current run, I started as Mercenaries for the MP5 and the armor suit, then eventually joined Duty. The MP5 is great, the STS-W is clearly better than other starting armors, and Mercs and Duty have pretty near perfectly mirror opposite ally/enemy lists so you can be friends or enemies with anyone by swapping out the patch. If you don't start on the hardest progression difficulty, you can also start with a good (for early game) gas mask and the USP for that .45 hydrashock goodness with zero points left. I started at Yantar and joined the Ecologists first, running missions in the Cordon where it's safe and your MP5 can handle bandits and mutants alike.
you can disable miracle machine with any shotgun, just run pass snorks and put proxy mine for burer
One gun which I wish was added to the game would be the IMI Uzi in 9mm it would be a fantastic early game gun... and as they have been around since the late 50's they should be widespread and there are multiple different versions as in the normal Uzi and the mini and micro versions... shame it's not in game...
I'm currently in my first real run of Anomaly (without GAMMA because my PC is just a work/study basic laptop and it would melt like a bandit with a leather jacket sleeping under the Brain Scorcher if I try GAMMA) and I've just used two guns from the beginning: early game AK 74, replaced with an AEK 71. I've always dealt with the Zone with 5,45 without any issue. Of course, paired with a 12 gauge (usually TOZ 34 at the beginning and then the best I can find, in this run a Remington 870 with EOTech) and a basic 9mm pistol (PM and then Walther P99). Wasting money on fancy guns is a strategy that I don't like. STALKER weapon system is basically about: assault rifle (with a scope) against human threats, 12 Gauge against mutants, pistol for emergencies, knife for injured enemies. Most money I always spend for upgrades, chems/food and ammo.
You can disable the render and it might run smoothly. Happened to me
I recently had a dumb but very fun early game gun
Toz-66 Chimera Hunter. I only had 20 shrapnel rounds from a stash and 5 barrikuda from the stalker I looted it off of.
The TOZ Chimera Hunter is actually REALLY good. keep a hold of it.
@@cleantrashcanog I’m using it alongside my g36 and am just building up ammo for the brain scorcher while disguised so they don’t waste my UNISG ass.
Chimera Hunter is more of a late game weapon, rather than early game :)
I just fixed that gun and it can kill a boar in 1 shot, also it sounds so fucking good.
I love the PPSH. For bandits, just a one tap to the head usually does the trick. 71 round pistol basically
Thanks for this video. Coming back to GAMMA after Starfield. Will probably have a better time in Stalker now :).
MP-133 shotgun is underrated at early game
Remington 870 is better. Very similar stats, but with double the shots and the ability to mount scopes while only needing historical kits like the MP-133. And it's actually as easy to repair with replacement parts, as the bandits at Cordon carry as many NATO pump action shotguns as WP ones
Some more things I'd like to add:
1) Ecologists can start with the USP Match that has an even bigger 15-round mag. This thing carries me on nerd playthroughs because early game you only really have to fight mutants as a nerd, and bandits are piss easy to kill with .45FMJ
2) There's a special variant of the TOZ-34 called the Chimera Hunter. I hesitate to call it an "early game" weapon (only found it in green stashes in Army Warehouses and above), but it's still Historic-tier and oneshots everything up to, like, chimeras. Plus at a high enough WP level you can get the barricade slugs and suddenly it can delete basically any stalker south of the barrier
Some of the other weapons worth mentioning: Armsel Aimpoint> Definitely brings the 12 mag more usability with easier aiming. I skip the Armsel, but do like the aimpoint version. And KS23 is very easily obtainable relatively early. Its 4 shot, but boy do those 4 hurt and Butcher sells buckshot pretty cheap.
I once had a hard time deciding which gun should I pick in the beginning. First stash I got - had a 7.62x39 AK with INTACT BARREL. Some insane luck right there
I never found expert toolkit on that save tho ;_;
Speaking of luck, yesterday I found a korth custom pistol with all parts almost perfectly fine. It was on 26% condition itself, but DAYM GUN FULL OF GOOD PARTS
As for the SPAS.....close range? Yeah, it's good for it. But try slug sniping with it. You can comfortably hit Mercs on the construction site from the garages in Wild Territory. It's extremely accurate despite being close to the low 80's accuracy upgraded.
It's THE shotgun that always stays in my inventory until I get the SAIGA ISG. Even then, I go back to it sometimes.
You're right about the sights though, I mean, it's usable, but I wish it could equip some basic ones.
i think most pump action shotguns chambered in 12 gauge can also go on here, in my experience 12 gauge makes the early experience a breeze, it deals with mutants effectively and slugs can decimate other stalkers (buckshot still good), if its one of the better pumps you also have good chamber time and high tube capacity
9х19 is one of the best rounds in game. It's extremely versatile, can punch trough armor with AP, can deal significant damage to mutants with HP rounds and can deal with everything else with FMJ. In fact 9x19 HP is second best round against mutants after 45 Hydro. It is also extremely easy to cook ammo for it.
The kar98 has horrendous armor penetration no matter the bullet type. If you play on anything that isn't easy or normal you will need many headshots against trainee bandits.
Recently i used a modernised mauzer sniper rifle instead mosin and i think it's better because of adjustable scope.
5 hours into the game i go to clear sky, took an amry outpost liberation mission and looted here rpk-16, m4 tactical and ak-74m Boroda and a lot of As Vals. Is this a win?
I think mosin is okay because in the early game you have to deal with swarm mutants such as dogs and mosin is weak against multiple targets AND mutants.
I would argue against the Ppsh being avaible as a starter weapon though
today i didn't expect a protogen to explain stalker gamma's weaponry to me
SKS and 870 or 194 are a god send early in game.
Go to swamps, do the three missions for clear sky, mcgyver a frankenstein AK together, get the gunsmithing tools, be happy
USP Match Tactical.....despite being 9x19, it can one-tap dome Monolith and Sin easily with AP. ISG.....not quite, they always need a bit more, but it's easy to pull of consequent headshots with this beauty.
Large mag, can equip all the attachments you would want on a pistol. Fast on semi-auto, even faster on full-auto, accurate, much better than the FiveSeven or the SHR1MP. The SHR1MP would be a bit stronger if it had the additional ammo types for it (there's a 9x21 mod). Pretty easy to find, ammo for it is plentiful. I still run it in late game.
Actually, I make a sport of clearing out the Military in Agropom using just this, every time it's repopulated.
Best all-around pistol, only beat out by the 45s if strictly used for mutants. It's the spork of pistols in GAMMA, lol
ump/bizon/mp5 is best simular gunslinger too.Also Scorpion/Veresk/Kiparis awesome
Just started playing again, tried something different and started with SKS and Makarov. The Mak is a throwaway weapon, SKS is okay vs. stalkers but terrible vs. mutants. It's a shame there's no 7.62x39 soft points because it's a popular round for hog hunting in North America. Picked up an OTs-33 and using that as my primary. Pretty tough playing without shotguns.
Yooo Let's gooooo!!
Early game, with just handgun kit/basic tools, my favourite is PP-19 Bizon ( 64 rounds mag, cheap ammo, cheap AP ammo, 9x18 easily lootable, fairly accurate for headshots mid distance, decent at close range in full auto vs humans and ok vs mutants with HP cheap ammo, cheap to upgrade ). With historic kit, has to be the SKS for me (semi auto, 10 rounds, decent sniping ability for early-mid game), only issue is ammo are not so easy to procure in large quantity and are somewhat expensive early game if you play survivalist. But yeah shotguns are really good early on, they 're all purpose, MP155(really good with slugs at distance), SPAS12, Remington are all excellent, plus if you use mags redux, they don't take magazine slots from your suit so mid-game you can carry an assault rifle with more mags in the loadout.
You can get a free mosin with a scope from clear sky defend the pump station mission on the dead clear sky in the crows nest good for if you dont want to start with it.
The UMP and 1911 have done beautiful things for me
Baikal IZH18 Single Shot 12 Gauge Shotgun. End of Debate.
The very iconic STALKER/DayZ gun!
Sin start with the chimera hunter TOZ and its quite effective but 9.1. introduced packs of chimeras, controllers and jumper pseudogiants which makes using it in the north that much trickier
The protecta has been a favorite of mine thus far, I get better performance out of it than the saiga 12
The Armsel reload isn't that bad, due to the fact that unlike most guns, it can be interupted. Yes, maybe you won't have the luxury to load all 12 rounds in a fight, but you can stop anywhere half way
I like the pp-2000 but a glitch happened with that gun for me where it wont upgrade, like for me it takes a bit for most guns to register upgrades but the pp-2000 never registers upgrades I put on it, wasted upgrade kits on it
Do you have enhanced recoil effects turned on? Also what is the "Double zoom" you did on a bandit with the M1911?
Too many people sleep on 7.62x25 weapons. It's basically the poor man's 9mm... or the hobo's .45 ACP. Better bang for the buck than 9x18 anyway.
Ammo is dirt cheap (the cheapest of all iirc, especially anti-mutant rounds sold by Butcher) and abundant, weapons are easy to repair, and the rounds available are good against mutants AND stalkers alike. The PPSH is especially useful as a starting weapon, it will tear through mutants using LRNPC ammo (30 dmg, 8 pen) just as well as it will rip through light/medium armoured stalkers using PST ammo (21 dmg 24 pen).
I used a TT-33 as a starting pistol, this thing was really good. Well, as good as a starter pistol can get anyway. Good all-rounder, but the main downside is the 8 rounds capacity that makes you vulnerable to packs of mutants.
I want to like the 1911 in gamma, I really do. But it feels so inaccurate beyond 5 meters, and like you mentioned, low magazine capacity
The best early game gun is the axe.
"BUT THAT'S NOT A GUN!" you may say.
In which time, my coke fueled bandit has murdered 2 stalkers and is now chasing down a bloodsucker as it flees in fear.
That's an actual thing too, if you dodge the first attack from a bloodsucker and sprint after it, it WILL panic and keep trying to run away from you, which is why the axe is the highest tier bloodsucker killer.
For early game i suggest rd 74m, vss merc or sr25 :)
My starter gun was ppsh-41 and I managed to kill an Exo with it
good video
Shotgun > Pistols against mutants, always. In the early game that is. Cheap and strong. Pistol is a side arm for when you have to reload your big boy guns. I guess it doesn't matter if you play on lower progression settings and you're swimming in ammo and money though.
PLEASE!!! Make a video (or call it a guide) how to progress the game and when. Like at the beginning aim to get this and that, then when ure done with that mission and that, got such gear, you can proceed to mid game with respective locations etcetc. Something like that as it is really hard to know where to go farm for all the items at what point to go earlier or later, stay in yoru current locations or you are long above gear level and can move on.
I just found a 1921 of thompson smg. I am going all Al Capone on them bandits
Mosin is fine early game and I honestly dont see any point in it when you get access to m700, so no, I don't think its needed to be moved to mid-game weapons
i honestly dont think the mosin is too broken for early game since the standard gamma experience wont let you buy it to begin with.
if the cradle andy's want to turn the trader overhaul on to put their game on easy mode then its their loss.
how are u surviving these hits? im playing on easy and getting 2 shot by the boars near Cordon.. does this game have a reverse difficulty curve>?
I record with god mode on so it doesn't take forever to get footage (I suck)
Basically anything that isn't a Makarov is good for early game.
Why no AR's? For what it's worth, the AK-74M (and the better but very rare AN-94) is a great WP 5.45. Not uncommon, has 60 round upgraded mags that fit it. Overall great stats. Its bigger brother the AKMS (AKM version can't take any sights/scopes) benefits from the BR3 of the 7.62's, and BR5 for AP's. Sadly, they made the AK-103 require advanced repair kit. Its camo version is fantastic. But even the stock version is pretty rare, so wouldn't count. These points assume the typical Loner/Cordon start.
One big tip for all how get Fast good weapon you need do some quest for clear sky then from vendor take Q help anomaly study now start funny part just make safe before take this Q and enjoy your new weapon 😂
I think you really left out shotties like MP-133, MP-155, Mossberg, Remington and Ithaca seiers, notably defender
Also, some SMGs can be put in pistol slots in gamma
Also, as of pistols, its really weird that you left out PLK (Lebedev's Pistol). It has cheap supressor and lasersights which you can use with G so you don't have to aim down iron sights which is pretty big problem for many pistols with supressors, and its very easy to find on on Swamps early
Learning about Stalker from a furry vtuber is such a mood love this community lmao
i started out with a makarov as loner didnt knowing the .45 was the way better choice ... next upgrade was a RPK-16 thats how long i played the makarov ... now i have a 12shot saiga 12k to it and didnt even do the brainscorcher yet im too scared of all the dudes jumping around there ... and then the monsters down there ... dear god ... im even scared with those weapons ... tryed it, failed it and ran like a scared child back to rostok ...
PPhs didn't even make it to honorable mentions? 71 rounds of tokarev rounds demolish mutants and early to mid stalkers alike.
I considered it, but the 7.62x25 round is just too weak in GAMMA
Hello! Let me ask a noob question, what is MP-5 "Fresia"?
The MP5 Fraiser is a version of the mp5 that shoots .45acp
6:09 You can escape bloodsucker grabs?
What is the name of that scope here 0:34
1P76 "Rakurs-A"
@@nullmoxy Thank you CHIEF !!!!
any shotgun with slug ammo. I'm oldschool
Hello! make a gamma optimization guide
step 1: buy a better pc
@@pooptank11 and finally, do you need to have a good computer?
@@BROFORN Nah just download some more RAM, easy!!😁😁
Check the framerate-optimization channel in the GAMMA Discord.
I was lucky and got the thompson with drum and better sights.
So strange that the epic 7.92x57 is weaker than the 7.62x54 considering 7.92x57 is more powerful.
are the L85a2 and sig sg550 really that bad that no one ever mentions them? those are the ones i always use with a x10 scope since everything sees me from across the map so i alway have to fight long range.
They're decent, I'm biased for the l85 cause it's british.
-Usp45, 1911, glock 18-19
-Тоз34, Mp153, mp133, spas12
-Ак74м, рпк12, kar and mosin
Thats all.
All ***** machine-pistols are wasting of your ammo, like ump, pp2000 and other. Better, when u doing a two shoots in head by pistol.
9×18, 9×19 are useless in this game, because you can use .45ACP.
Сорри for мой English
Почему все западные игроки, вот сколько не смотрю по геймлею - безбожно тратят по обойме на противника, это не CoD guys, это Сталкер.
You promised to explain knot artifacts on orher video. But when?
@@nullmoxy thanks
It's kind'a stupid, that in game k98 is weaker than m91/30, where irl it's exactly the opposite. 8mm Mauser is significantly harder hitting round than 54R.
Grok once said that the Mosin kicks harder than K98, something something faster round.
(did i told you that k98 is a gun for cbt fans)
Chimera Hunter on sin? 😢
Hello NullMoxy
Sks, Remington 870.
vss its my favourite weapon, so in every stalker based game i try to get one, but in gamma....?? hoy u get an VSS in early game? its not possible
CP3M Vihr aka the brain-scorcher gun
Just started my first ever GAMMA run and picked the bolt action shotgun that has a two round mag. It’s ass. I hate it lol
PP-2000 has one issue which is in the early game even 9mm is expensive so it runs your wallet dry even if it's much more accurate.
Mosin was great for me when I played some months ago and assuming nothing really changed about it, it's one of the earliest snipers you may get (RNG gods willing). The x54 rounds are kinda expensive though so what I always do is caliber swap it to 7.62x39 which is a more afforadable round and the damage loss is minimal so it still onetaps to the head and the body sometimes it's 1 shot, sometimes 2 but usually when they don't die they stay in the ground crying in pain which in a situation where you don't have the freedom to go there and put a knife to spare the bullet you just shot them again. Of course this is assuming Grok didn't removed the ammo swap option recently.
The K98 used to be the absolute best weapon for an early drop but ever since they removed the kits to upgrade it became horrible as the scope makes it unusable as a sniper and the drop only upgraded version doesn't gets to swap caliber to x51.
1911 isn't terrible, I personally don't handle iron sights very well and I dislike the lack of penetration. Generaly I stay clear of .45 until I get a vector and just save the ammo for when I do get it.
I hate the SKS with a passion. I only used it once and swore to never touch it again. For whatever reason the rounds seem to have much lower muzzle velocity than the gun indicates, I've shot enemies 50 meters away and they still manage to move out of the way before the bullet gets to them. I just cannot find any love in my heart for it ever since. Also the damage is better than the average rifle, but it's terrible for a sniper which is what an SKS would be in stalker.
The OT I never used but on paper always looked as a good anti mutant as you mentioned, not very different from using an MP7 caliber swaped or a USP match tactical. My concern is for the durabillity of thye gun as the USP on full auto completly destroys it's durabillity and internals very quickly. Hopefully the OT is a bit better on that end but still, for an early anti mutant gun it works if you just need a backup weapon. However shotguns are were you do the early game mutant killing because they are cheap to use and very effective so I am of two minds about it.
I started my first game with the PP19 and it works, but as I mentioned with the PP-2000, your wallet is going to cry, I stay clear of low damage high fire rate weapons in the early game for economic reasons. However yes, it is a good gun otherwise and the MP5 should be slightly better even.
I dislike the desert eagle. While on paper it looks good, I've used it once and was disapointed. I dropped almost 100 rounds into a pseudo giant to kill it. Granted, this is before the ammo changes introduced some time ago which made it significantly better. However, there is no point in using it over .45 because hydroshock is still better and easy to obtain/craft. On top of that I ran into a huge issue with the DE which is the recoil. The .45 pistols already have a somewhat strong recoil making it a bit harder to aim again after shoting. It's managable but not confortable. The DE however is huge. Once I fire the first shot I'm almost sure to miss all others if I have a bunch of dogs or cats on top of me so i can't rate a gun high as the recoil paired with the need to fire fast to kill potentially a lot of dogs or cats just doesn't works well.
The five seven is a good anti stalker weapon assuming you are not fighting enemies in good armor. While you can repair it early on it is debatable whether early on you can get you hands on a working one (cause you'll need to probably find a few to scavange the parts) considering it's not a commonly dropped gun.
The USP is kinda like the 1911 but better mag from my point of view. I still stick clear from .45 until I have a vector.
I dislike the spaz. While it's decent performing it has one thing that holds it back which is not being able to mount a red dot. Sure you use it up close but having a very clear view port to aim is for me one of the highest valuable things in a gun.
I agree with most of your honorable mentions except for the TOZ-34. That gun in an absolute monster in the hands of the player. The reload is managable by using cover and the low ammo capacity in the early game is a blessing in disguise as it makes it very easy to swap between buckshot and slugs (which you can get early on in small quantities from butcher). This means this gun will do everything. It will oneshot any early gam stalkers even the ones with a decentish armor and helmet. It will also deal with stalkers with buchshot is they have bad armor. It will deal with mutants very easily especially since early on they don't come in high numbers. Just remember to use a tree to defend against boars. This weapon is also insanely accurate for a shotgun, you can practically snip using slugs though you have to use iron sights. My loadout is usually just a TOZ-34 to start and then I grab a second shotgun like a carabineer or something a bit worse but with a bigger magwell at which point the TOZ is dedicated anti stalker and the other is anti mutant. I only rotate the TOZ out once I grab a sniper to replace it.
OTs-33 has such a trashy reliability. I was shocked how fast it burns durability.
Told you the PP-2000 was good
Pistola sexo ataca de nuevo! (the Desert Eagle)
The (insertthefirstgunicouldcraft) is goated dont sleep on it comment 100 here
3:10 sks uses clips not magazines!!!
is bison considered early game to you? for me is one of the best smg. parts are easy to find
It is early game, but I'm not a fan, The accuraccy is too low (I think)
@@nullmoxy you should give it a try maybe.. the attachments options are vast (i know this makes a difference to you)
PM gang
The USP45 using the terrible glock sound from csgo is an immediate turn off.
Also in my opinion the SKS is much better than the Mosin !
It's quite a hard gun to get early, unless you are lucky
because of this game i found out that russia and ukraine both of em speaking one language......lmao
Not the same language. Ukrainian and Russian languages only share about 60% of the same vocabulary. There is a greater difference between Russian and Ukrainian in terms of vocabulary than there is between most of the Romance languages. Many Ukrainians are fluent in Russian though.
You need only one weapon ak 47 😂 mutants shreded exoskeketon shreded no one can stop that gun 😂
aight dude but learn to aim
Casually Ignores the best starting weapon... I can not start a new game without the ppsh. Extremely high fire rate, biggest mag size of 71, only 400 points, and super cheap rounds from butcher. This gun shreds through everything from chimeras to early/mid-game stalkers. Forget the overrated mosin , 2 tokarev do more damage then 1 7.62 51R and u can mag dump anything that moves before the mosin even has a chance to move the bolt
The ammo is too weak in GAMMA imo
PPSH is fun to shoot, but it eats ammo like crazy, not a good choice for starter weapon since you will spend most of your income on it's ammo
The best guns for the early game are the ones that you press F7 and give yourself via debug . (Seriously, don't do it. It ruins the game)