The CIA at 75: Looking Back, Looking Ahead

  • Опубліковано 15 гру 2022
  • Join us to mark the CIA’s 75th anniversary with an evening focusing on the Agency’s history, followed by discussion of operational, analytic, technological, and other challenges that illustrate CIA’s mission and unique role as a national intelligence agency, and a look ahead to the challenges for the future.
    David Robarge, CIA Chief Historian, will set the stage with a brief look at CIA’s history, agility at adapting to the world around it, and the challenges it has faced. Following the historic background, Mark Lowenthal, former Assistant Director of Central Intelligence for Analysis and Production, will moderate a panel of CIA experts sharing their diverse firsthand experiences to illustrate how CIA and generations of its intelligence professionals have met some of the challenges and risks they faced around the globe.
    The panel includes: James Lawler, former Directorate of Operations Officer and counterproliferation expert; Andrew Makridis, Former CIA Chief Operating Officer, analyst and presidential briefer; Dawn Meyerriecks, former Deputy Director for Science and Technology; and William D. Murray, former Directorate of Operations Officer Chief of Station. To conclude the program, John McLaughlin, former Deputy and Acting Director of Central Intelligence, will discuss some of the challenges CIA faces and the role it will play in continuing to provide all-source intelligence analysis and operational support to enable policymakers to anticipate and address traditional and emerging threats to US and global security.
    Co-sponsored by the Council on Intelligence Issues and the Central Intelligence Retirees’ Association with thanks to the Central Intelligence Agency for its assistance.
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  • @yj9032
    @yj9032 Рік тому +7

    Thank you for defending the free world. Respect from India.

    • @richkissy5176
      @richkissy5176 Рік тому

      From who?

    • @AmauryJacquot
      @AmauryJacquot Рік тому

      @@richkissy5176 guess he drank too much neoliberal capitalist propaganda kool-aid

    • @theobserver6639
      @theobserver6639 Рік тому

      This is black propa ganda this whole thing

  • @dadedowuh
    @dadedowuh Рік тому +3

    Thank You guys :)

  • @LMHPhilly
    @LMHPhilly Рік тому +1

    Thank you!

  • @matts5247
    @matts5247 Рік тому +1

    You mentioned there were over 700 people registered to attend this event.
    How would I get in the loop to be informed of and be able to register for such events in future?
    I’m aware the spy museum is not open to the general public so I’m guessing that maybe it’s the same case with these events and that you must have some direct connection to the community.
    But if that’s the case then why upload the stream online? (Assuming those original 700 people were all streaming too, since I could understand the variance in who could register for an event given part of it being in person via being 100% online and then shared with the world.
    Sorry if that was confusing, this sort of content is hugely interesting to me especially when it’s coming from this perspective being the inside ( even if they’re more careful about what they do and don’t say) and not some outsider bumping their way around in the dark finding their “narrative.”
    So if there is a way I could get on an email list or however it works please let me know

  • @Angles007
    @Angles007 Рік тому +2

    The number one rule is don't get captured.

    • @matts5247
      @matts5247 Рік тому

      Who shouldn’t get captured 🙃

  • @RikodiusRex
    @RikodiusRex Рік тому

    Hi yall!

  • @-danR
    @-danR Рік тому

    "Noah Vosen"
    "I'm in my office."

  • @AuthorofMyPath
    @AuthorofMyPath 4 місяці тому

    Dooney & Burke fire sale. You know the size world motheredffin wide. Up to 90% off and that's no bull.

  • @greenstash
    @greenstash Рік тому

    good joke about ford :)

  • @Somalia6
    @Somalia6 9 місяців тому

    The U.S. really needs to Work towards overseeing the Child sacrifices going on and not the accolades of such effect. We need to be ashamed our country is allowing Genocide on its own children., talk about that if you really want to impress the world.

  • @nucktard
    @nucktard 4 місяці тому

    How to become bioluminescent.

    • @coimbralaw
      @coimbralaw 2 місяці тому


    • @nucktard
      @nucktard 2 місяці тому

      @@coimbralaw Cia works with whoever is willig to work for them. Mullahs and imams in the middle east, and cartels in latin America. They have earned their N word: "Glowie."

  • @firedownbelow
    @firedownbelow Рік тому

    Queen Beatrice please come get our family out of this city I still don't have my kids, their names, their numbers and addresses. They are in the wrong custody stihl..... Umberto Aminei

  • @Marcel-hc8wy
    @Marcel-hc8wy 10 місяців тому


  • @santisageorge4154
    @santisageorge4154 Рік тому

    Spying is Sinful!

    • @alomaalber6514
      @alomaalber6514 Рік тому +1

      look up Jacob and Caleb in the Promised Land. enough said.

    • @matts5247
      @matts5247 Рік тому +1

      Uh wtf. That’s like saying eating is sinful. Sure it can be in excess but it also sustains life
      “Spying” can be used to consolidate power by nefarious factions and install a regime that isn’t wanted by the majority of The population.
      But with the right intel anything can happen and it happens all the time where military seizes control of a country and has free reign to do whatever they want such as genocide of a people group they don’t like or seizing foreign mining or insured assets and giving it to government which has sole purpose of staying in power and while doing so feeding as much money as possible into offshore accounts of those in charge
      That paint enough of a detailed picture for you?
      But on the flip side, a country that enjoys its current freedoms and wants to continue doing so needs to have a heads up if there is going to be a false flag event or some sort of quasi-cassis belli to get populous and international support and then all of the sudden the good guys look like the bad guys simply because of optics
      But look at the recent invasion in Ukraine by Russia, Russia is a master of planning false flag events to substantiate their conflicts so that they have more to go off of than “we’re trying to cleanse all of the Nazis out of this neighbor country and we’ll start by taking out the Jewish president and democratically elected government so we can install one of our billionaire business buddies to take charge”
      Ya that doesn’t sound good
      But the CIA as wel as other foreign intel services put a hell of a lot of work into detecting these inevitable false flag events before they happen. And being that they’re usually very small scale they must be so hard to detect. But if you think about it they are the start of every major war you can think of. Or event opening up a new front in a war as Pearl Harbor debatably was used as a false flag since we can encrypted the enigma at that point and we had sunk a midget sub sneaking into Pearl Harbor like 8 hours before the plane attack and yet the carriers just so happen to not be there which were whole purpose for attack, also there was not even a slight upgrade to threat level despite the absolute fact that there was intel suggesting an attack regardless of how vague
      I mean the planes were left out on runways lined up in neat rows bc the leadership at Pearl saw more of a threat from partisan sabetuers breaking in and setting bombs in hangars
      Sorry for the tangent. Pearl was not a typical example just sort of an interesting side noteb
      Here is a better example of what I’m talking about which was the reason the Nazis used to attack Poland (keep in kind at that time they had already invaded and annexed sudentalnad , Austria, etc without any pushback and now Poland which was ripe to be carved up by USSR and Nazi germany via non aggression pact all they needed was an excuse (it’s funny looking back how Russia didn’t need an ex side since we saw them as less of a threat than Germany which I’m all reality was not through as time showed. The Nazi doctrine itself was more atrocious but as far as jsut a threat to the west goes Germany would have never launched the blitzkrieg any further west than there were countries that declared war on them since their actual goal was Russia but they knew they couldn’t have a two front war. The Battle of Britain (not Stalingrad) is truly what altered the course of the war and world history.
      Here’s the link I’m talking about :
      Nowadays thiugh we know to be expecting this so we send out “spies” to do their “sinful spying” so they can then uncover these various false flag operations that are tentatively planned and they can leak it to the press along with substantiating proof whether satellite footage or interviews or evidence found in covert raids.
      So basically they were publishing events that were about to jsut supposedly happen on their own at which point Russia had to choice but to intervene to defend the lives of Russians living in fear for their life from Nazi extremist militant groups that are under direct command structure as.l regular military and so then point towards collusion and and have like video footage of Russians being lined up and shot jsut because of their identities as Russians and right wing hate is sa em to be sprouting agai. And all yhe sudden Wikileaks starts puking up this sort of stuff and then not only ate the. Russian peoppe gung ho to fight against an enemy that is systematically killing their Russian sisters and brothers and they enlist and go to fight with high morale; and the international community (in this theoretical example where the west stays away from spying since it’s sinful so as far as we know everything they say is true and no way for anyone to know let alone prove that it’s Russians just killing their own people all dressed up and set up like a movie scene for the media to come and see the aftermath)
      So In this scenario everyone would have had to just standby and let Russia go take Ukraine. And any time Ukraine made claims of war crimes or human rights abuse they would jsut hit them back with already pre produced material that was organized and put together by Russian GRU
      And just like that the world stands by and watches the rape of a nation but with their hands over their eyes.
      Would that be sinful?

    • @AmauryJacquot
      @AmauryJacquot Рік тому

      ​@@michaelh2970 CIA's intentions are supporting the evil US imperialism. The US keep complaining about the imperialism of others, they should look in a mirror.

  • @jessiemydog7446
    @jessiemydog7446 Рік тому

    ok boomers

    • @coimbralaw
      @coimbralaw 2 місяці тому

      👆🏻 things losers say