Maybe it's just me, but, these DMUs remind me of the Budd Rail Diesel Car, here in North America, just without the signature 'hump' that the RDC cars have.
Great review; seems to be pretty good for a DLC from the early-ish 2010s. Good to see New Zealand has a small but nice selection of DLC for TSC that isn’t too much of a hassle to get. Really wish the same could be said for Australia; there is practically nothing on TSC for Australia and for what there is it’s often very old and now hard to get your hands on. Genuinely the best I could find was an Australian Roadsigns Pack on the website of Golden Age Developments. Would really love to see Australian DLC similar to funky DMUs / railmotors such as this one. The Queensland Rail 2000 Class especially comes to mind… Would be a good starting point for Aussie DLC to have it run with Savannahlander livery on a Kuranda Scenic Railway route which simply is a 33km city / suburban transition into very dense and mountain rainforest beginning at Cairns and ending in Kuranda.
Maybe it's just me, but, these DMUs remind me of the Budd Rail Diesel Car, here in North America, just without the signature 'hump' that the RDC cars have.
Great review; seems to be pretty good for a DLC from the early-ish 2010s. Good to see New Zealand has a small but nice selection of DLC for TSC that isn’t too much of a hassle to get. Really wish the same could be said for Australia; there is practically nothing on TSC for Australia and for what there is it’s often very old and now hard to get your hands on. Genuinely the best I could find was an Australian Roadsigns Pack on the website of Golden Age Developments.
Would really love to see Australian DLC similar to funky DMUs / railmotors such as this one. The Queensland Rail 2000 Class especially comes to mind… Would be a good starting point for Aussie DLC to have it run with Savannahlander livery on a Kuranda Scenic Railway route which simply is a 33km city / suburban transition into very dense and mountain rainforest beginning at Cairns and ending in Kuranda.
How could we make the case for Auckland Whangārei Te Huia/Capital Connection style train?
interesting comments on the brake, but they are like that in the former USSR.