I’ve got a bingo too! Two lines. Down on I and across the second line from the bottom. I did a nap session today just to get slumbering and I got a shiny Quaxly! Gonna work towards a blackout now haha. Let’s see if I can get the daily gift of biscuits!
I'm happy to report that I got a bingo earlier today! I completed the second column from the left, got the snoozing and slumbering sleep session, 2 unique 3* styles, caught two shinies (Ralts and Sudowoodo) and of course, fed a hungry pokemon. 18 tiles completed now.
Awesome! Making note of it. Glad to see a couple of Bingos starting to roll in! I knew it would happen real quick with week 2 tiles being possible now!
It can be nice if RNG goes your way and puts the hungry on what you want it (like a suicune when using a suicune--that can go a long way) but yea, you have no control if that goes to a suicune or a ratatta. Since that is the case, I am not excited about it at all. I may buy them if I have excess coins just because they may be giving us them for potential legendary events this summer, but it is VERY low on my priority list.
I’ve got a bingo too! Two lines. Down on I and across the second line from the bottom. I did a nap session today just to get slumbering and I got a shiny Quaxly! Gonna work towards a blackout now haha. Let’s see if I can get the daily gift of biscuits!
Awesome! I'll make note of it!
@@Charsarazard wow congrats! First one! 🎉
I'm happy to report that I got a bingo earlier today! I completed the second column from the left, got the snoozing and slumbering sleep session, 2 unique 3* styles, caught two shinies (Ralts and Sudowoodo) and of course, fed a hungry pokemon. 18 tiles completed now.
Awesome! Making note of it. Glad to see a couple of Bingos starting to roll in! I knew it would happen real quick with week 2 tiles being possible now!
Your Snorlax power is insane 🤯
Thanks! My raichus carry XD.
Glad to hear you think Friend Incense is a waste because I do too😂
It can be nice if RNG goes your way and puts the hungry on what you want it (like a suicune when using a suicune--that can go a long way) but yea, you have no control if that goes to a suicune or a ratatta. Since that is the case, I am not excited about it at all. I may buy them if I have excess coins just because they may be giving us them for potential legendary events this summer, but it is VERY low on my priority list.