MD Ramanathan & others group singing - endarO mahAnubhAvulu

  • Опубліковано 8 вер 2024


  • @mysuruvasudevacharya
    @mysuruvasudevacharya 5 років тому +7

    Blissful ! Entharo Mahanubhavulu Sri Ragam 22nd kharaharapriya janya Adi Talam Thyagarajar Krithi
    Aa: S R2 M1 P N2 S Av: S N2 P D2 N2 P M1 R2 G2 R2 S
    This is one of the most beautiful Karnatic classicals. If you understand the meaning while you listen, it's awesome. This kriti is supposed to have been spontaneously composed by saint Thyagaraja when he saw great people (Mahatmas, his guru-like souls) assembled in a hall as he entered. This is one of the Pancharatna kriti. This Telugu kriti speaks of nothing other than his beloved Sri Rama--the Lord of Thyagaraja. THe story behind the spontaneous composition of "endarO mahanuBhAvulu" goes like this.A great musician named Shadkaala Govinda maarar from the state of Kerala visited Thyagaraja and sang before him the Jayadeva Ashtapadi "Sancharadhadhara" in raagamaalika. THyagaraja was captivated by his singing.So he composed EndarOmahanuBhavulu on spot in a sense of appreciation and humility. shatkaala was the title earned by Govinda Maarar as he was perfectly able to sing in 6 degrees of geometric speed.
    In this gem of a poem, Thyagaraja, described the greatness of the devotees through the ages. He pays his salutations to the great men who live in all the ages, A yogi attains and enjoys paramananda by reaching the stage of samadhi when in the course of sahasra chakra the power of kundalam and maheswara are joined together from where at flood of nectar is released. In the soundarya Lahiri , Shankara Bhagwat Sahesrarey praises ambal as “Padma Sahahasi, Padya Vihase”. True devotees are persons who have attained this stage. Rama is handsome like mannada, He has a majestic walk, and we should see him clearly. Those who are engaged in Samagana should do Rama's bhajan through music based on ragam, bhava and laya, The poet says that devotion means to surrender you lotus like mind at his feet, We should understand that paramatma lives in all the living things and therefore we should live with love and friendship. We should understand the meaning and greatness of the religion after careful study and praise the glory of Rama with a peaceful mind There will be many men, Who knowing the greatness of Shri Rama, have understood that religion without bhakti is meaningless. There will be any devotees who fall into the above category who by means of true bhakti are able to derive boundless joy by meditation on him. I bow to all these great men and my salutation are to the immortal men who through bhakti are totally devoted to Rama and who are close Thayagaraja. My salutations to his dear followers and worshippers
    P entharO mahAnubhAvulu-andariki vandanamulu
    salutations to all those great men in this world !
    AP chanduru varnuni anda chandamunu hrudayAra-vindamuna jUci brahmAnandam anubhavinchu vAaru- (endarO)
    those men will feel the moonlike beautiful
    form of God in their hearts and will be happy about it !
    C1 sAma gAna lOla manasija lAvaNya dhanya mUrdhanyul (endarO)
    those who worship you who is fond of Samagana.
    C2 mAnasa vana cara vara sancAramu nilipi mUrti bAguga poDaganE vAr-
    They control their mind and worship you who is as beautiful as Manmada
    C3 saraguna pAdamulaku svAntamanu sarOjamunu samarpaNamu sEyu vAr-
    They submit their hearts at your feet
    C4 patita pAvanuDanE parAtparuni gurinci paramArthamagu nija mArgamutOnu bADucunu sallApamutO svara layAdi rAgamula deliyu vAr-
    Oh the protector of people they sing your praise with true devotion and they have good knowledge of swara, laya & raga.
    C5 hari guNa maNimaya saramulu galamuna shObhillu bhakta kOTulilalO telivitO chelimitO karuNa galgi jagamellanu sudhA drSTichE brOchu vAr-
    They wear garlands made of gems that represent the quality of Hari and with mercy they see the whole world with love & affection.
    C6 hoyalu mIra naDalu galgu sarasuni sadA kanula jucucunu pulaka sharIrula I Ananda payOdhi nimagnulai mudambunanu yashamu galavAr-
    They are so happy to see the beautiful gait of the God everyday and they are happy about it.
    C7 parama bhAgavata mauni vara shashi vibhAkara sanaka sanandana digIsha sura kimpuruSa kanaka kashipu suta nArada tumburu pavanasUnu bAlacandra dhara shuka sarOjabhava bhUsuravarulu parama pAvanulu ghanulu shAshvatulu kamala bhava sukhamu sadAnubhavulu gAka
    Surya, Chandra, Sanaka Sanadhanas, Dikpalas, Devas, Kimpurushas, Prahalada, Narada, Tumburu, Anjaneya, Siva, Sukar, Brahma, Brahmanas enjoy the Brahmanandha Swaroopa of God always. Apart from them there are others and salutations to them also.
    C8 nI mEnu nAma vaibhavambulanu nI parAkrama dhairyamula shAnta mAnasamu nIvulanu vacana satyamunu, raghuvara nIyeDa sadbhaktiyu janincakanu durmatamulanu kalla jEsinaTTi nImadi neringi santasambunanu guNa bhajanA-nanda kirtanamu jEyu vAr-
    They praise your form, name, valour, bravery, peaceful heart, true words. You destroy all bad thoughts that prevent people from praying you, they know that and they praise your qualities.
    C9 bhAgavata rAmAyaNa gItAdi shruti shAstra purAnamu marmamulanu shivAdi sanmatamula gUDhamulan muppadi mukkOTi surAntarangamula bhAvamula nerigi bhava rAga layAdi saukhyamucE cirAyuvula galigi niravadhi sukhAtmulai tyAgarAptulaina vAr-
    Those who know the secret of Bagavatha, Ramayana, Gita, Sruti, Sasthra, Epic, various religious thoughts, the thoughts of the 33 crores of Devas, bhava, raga, tala and they have a long life and enjoy all good things.
    C10 prEmamu ppiri gonu vELa nAmamu dalacEvAru rAmabhaktuDaina tyAgarAja nutuni nija dAsulaina vAr-
    Those beloved of Lord Tyagaraja, when bakthi increases they think your name, they are Rama bakthas, they are devotees of the Lord of Tyagaraja who worships you.
    Ragam Sri :- A raga that is auspicious in name and bhava is Sri. Sri is a ghana raga, a heavy and noteworthy one that is melodic as well as regal. Sri is a janya of Kharaharapriya raga and is characterised by jagged traversals in the scale, the avarohana having interesting diversions from the usual linear path. The Arohana-Avarohana pattern of this raga is SRMPNS/SNPDNPMRGRS. This raga houses sadja, chatusruti rishabha, suddha madhyama, pancama, kaisiki nishada, chatusruti dhaivata and sadharana gandhara.
    The raga’s highlight is the exaggerated gamaka at the gandhara. Because it is a ghana raga, it is suitable for tanam. Askilled vainika (veenaartiste) can demonstrate the stately gait of the tanam in Sri.
    The classical pieces in Sri include Tyagaraja’s fervour-filled ‘Endaro Mahanubhavulu’, the fifth and famed pancharatna, which features torrential janta swaras and ‘Namakusumamula’.
    Dikshitar’s ‘Sri Kamalambike’ (the concluding Kamalamba navavarana), ‘Sri Varalakshmi’ (sung during the Varalakshmi vratha) and ‘Sri Abhayamba’ (the final kriti of the Abhayamba vibhakti kritis on the presiding goddess at Mayavaram) are most notable. Music lovers may recall M.S. Subbulakshmi’s rendition of Annamacharya’s ‘Vande Vasudevam’ in the raga.

    • @emkay007
      @emkay007 4 роки тому +1

      Many thanks for the beautiful exposition on the ragam and the kriti.
      You are one of those who see the world with 'Sudha Dhrishti', I am sure.

  • @chandrasekharank9349
    @chandrasekharank9349 6 років тому +5

    A mesmerizing rendering ! Beyond words! what a style and Bhakti bhava. No musician can match MDR in the rendering of 'Endaro Mahanubhavulu'. First time listening MDR singing in a group. A million million thanks for the rare upload.A mesmerizing render

  • @sumskind
    @sumskind 6 років тому +2

    Thanks for the upload...Audio is good...Real vintage stuff...One must listen to this legend...Oh what a great rendering