The Good, The Bad & The Ugly of my first Motorcycle Group Ride | KTM 1290 Super Adventure S

  • Опубліковано 11 вер 2024
  • In this video I talk about my experience as a new rider joining in on a local Adventure Group Motorcycle ride. We get into the Good, bad an ugly side of group rides as a true beginner.
    Zero mile ADV is a beginners guide to Adventure Motorcycling from a true beginner.


  • @tracey38999
    @tracey38999 Рік тому +15

    The older you get the more you realize you only need a handful of good friends!!!!!!

    • @zeromileadv
      @zeromileadv  Рік тому +2

      Great point Tracey!!

    • @dcryder9736
      @dcryder9736 Рік тому +2

      @@zeromileadv and a good woman never hurts ☺️

    • @TheAmerican1963
      @TheAmerican1963 Рік тому

      @@dcryder9736 Your so right !!!! I want to leave this world before my wife so I do not have to live on this earth without her. 🙂🥰

  • @Squatch_Rider66
    @Squatch_Rider66 Рік тому +17

    Ride organizers seem a bit off. Should have had a sweeper at the back to help the slower folks out and maintain communication with the lead riders. I’ve bailed out on a few group rides after getting bad vibes. Not worth the hassle or aggravation. Most times you won’t be alone and a few others feel the same way and are happy to join you on a breakaway. Would love to see some video of the ride if you have it. Great vid

    • @zeromileadv
      @zeromileadv  Рік тому +1

      Thx for the comment! I meant to pack a go pro on the ride but forgot so I only got stills :(

  • @lankublik8860
    @lankublik8860 Рік тому +10

    Been there, and felt the same as you. I have found time and time again that a ride with 3 or 4 other riders with similar skills, usually makes for a much more enjoyable time than riding with 15 others who you don't really know. Keep trying, and thanks for sharing your experience. 👍

  • @stitchjones7134
    @stitchjones7134 Рік тому +5

    I can't think of anything worse than a group ride :D

  • @soldat2501
    @soldat2501 Рік тому +3

    Group rides are basically for finding the two or three guys in there that are at your skill level, and going from there. With large group rides, you'll get access to a wider variety of skillsets and unfortunately, egos. By going your own pace you can weed out the higher skill levels and big egos who are destined to crash. It's the last group that are most important to weed out. When the big egos crash, you'll spend the rest of the day dealing with it. Especially if it's a bad crash.
    I only go to large groups like that to scout out the guys in my skill range. I went on one a few months ago and we all just agreed to bail out instead of the never ending accordion effect of the large group. Sent a text to the organizers and away we went. We had a lot more fun.

    • @zeromileadv
      @zeromileadv  Рік тому +1

      Thx for the comment Brad! Your thoughts seem to be the common theme amongst most riders.

  • @thomasmuniz9955
    @thomasmuniz9955 Рік тому +3

    Just saw you video last night and wanted to leave you a comment for encouragement. I totally get what happened to you in that first big group ride you took part in. The very same thing has happened to me on occasion, and that's one of the problems with big group rides. Sometimes there's too many people and too many skill levels to accommodate and ultimately some people get left behind. Some people want to race and others want to sight see or take a nice easy ride, and maybe people don't have the skill set to go race pace. So with that being said don't give up on group rides, it is a great place to meet riders and connect with other people with your same skill set and interests. Once you make those connections you can then plan your own rides with the people you've met. Don't be discouraged, ADV/touring bikes are the best and over time you will become a master at it and be able to do and see some incredible things on your journeys. Hang in there.

    • @zeromileadv
      @zeromileadv  Рік тому

      Thx for the feedback Thomas! In the cycling world, generally big shop rides are 'no drop rides'. Which essentially means everyone is going to take it easy. Seems to not be the case with motorcycles. Although I still hope to get out with some other riders once the snow melts :)

  • @charlesbozonier5713
    @charlesbozonier5713 Рік тому +11

    Nerves are part of group riding - plus the social anxiety that all new situations bring. Give it another chance and recognize your place in continuously improving the ride for everyone. Try another ride but also try another group - or make friends with the 3 or 4 people who were at your level. Also, a one or two day training makes all the difference. Most important have fun and making this video took a lot of guts and makes the riding community better for it.

    • @zeromileadv
      @zeromileadv  Рік тому

      Thx for the comment Charles! Def going to give it another go

  • @ne-adv
    @ne-adv Рік тому +2

    Three things you can do.
    1. I hope you got contact info for those you rode with, because a couple of them sounded like good people to try to get with again.
    a. I would ditch the Cardo. You fell for the ads and bought what only 20% of riders use. Sena would have been a better choice. Good news, Sena sells a $200 dollar thing called a MeshPort Blue. It can connect like a bluetooth phone to your Cardo and then connect to Sena Mesh 2.0. Then you can communicate with the riders around you on the Sena open mesh 2.0 AND the Cardo Mesh. Being able to talk to the group is really helpful to enjoy a group ride.
    b. Riding with a buddy is always helpful. Get a Spot or Inreach. They can be your buddy.
    2. Look for websites that have GPS tracks for trails. Get the tracks and check out the trails. If a group wants to go out, get the tracks they will ride from them ahead of time and put them into your GPS.
    3. Ride more.

  • @mudcatstravels9751
    @mudcatstravels9751 Рік тому +1

    I elide by myself 99% of the time. I went on my first adv group ride last month. It was big and they put out track everyone could ride at their own pace. I had a great time but still rode by myself 75% of the time.
    I hope you find a similar skill or more accommodating group in the future.

    • @zeromileadv
      @zeromileadv  Рік тому

      Thx for the comment Mudcat! Seems most people in the comments feel the same way!

  • @TheAmerican1963
    @TheAmerican1963 Рік тому +1

    You just made me a fan of yours. I can absolutely relate to your experience as it had happened to me riding the "Twisted Sisters" in Texas ....... Some background ..... I retired from Boeing after 35 years and having had a background with Superbikes for years I gave them up at the behest of my Wife who did not want to bury me prematurely. So, when she blessed me to by my dream bike to fill in some of my retirement time one can only imagine how that must have felt. I bought the GSA for 3 reasons .... 1) it seemed almost everyone was over 55 .... 2) I could see things I normally would not see ..... 3) The BMW itself.
    Well, my first long ride was to, as I mentioned earlier, the Twisted Sisters ....... The group I rode in thought it was Laguna Seca, I guess, and proceeded to ride to almost limits of which I could keep up but it was a pure brain drain and one saw nothing of the beautiful landscape ....... So I went to the "second group" which was somewhat better but I was still upset inside that this all turned out this way. Yet through all of this I can only imagine what I missed.
    In the end, I KNOW that creating my own GPX files and riding by myself is my future ....... I did not get all the camping gear and other items to travel to go down beautiful country roads like Eddie Lawson ...... NOT GOING TO HAPPEN !!!!!! Ride my own ride ????, YOU BET !!!!!!
    Great story and great video. Glad to see I am not the only one who has experienced this sort of thing. Hell, I wish I could ride with you !!!!! LOL 🙂

    • @zeromileadv
      @zeromileadv  Рік тому +1

      Thx for the comment Kurt! I was def in the same boat as you. Not able to enjoy the beautiful scenery. Glad to know I'm not the only one hahaha

  • @myleswalshe3451
    @myleswalshe3451 Рік тому +5

    Enjoyed you sharing that experience. I've been riding from 16 and now 46 here in the UK. I would sum up group riding as 'less is more'. Personally I've never enjoyed riding with a big group of people I don't know, but you do have to start somewhere.
    It sounds like you met a few like minded people who were probably feeling as uncomfortable as you were about the pace and conditions. Maybe try and reach out to those guys and arrange something between no more than 3, 4 or 5 others. You need to learn each others riding style and pace as well. Once you know where you sit in the group, faster up front, or happier hanging back, you can start to enjoy it without the pressure.
    By the looks of it you've some great riding county around you so don't be put off by that experience, find a couple of people to ride with regularly, and you'll be golden 👍🏻

    • @zeromileadv
      @zeromileadv  Рік тому +1

      Thx for the comment Myles! I agree that next time I will try to find a couple of people to ride with instead of 20. As thats basically what happened any hahaha. Stay safe out there!

  • @TLE1977A
    @TLE1977A Рік тому +2

    Im about 12000 kilometres into solo ADV and go to thr middle of nowhere. Im honing my skills on an AT1000 so if/when I go on a group ride, I can keep up.
    Watch "say no to slow " by Chris Birch, then go out and practise. I think the advantage of a (proper) group ride with corner man system and sweep rider is that not inly will you not get left behind, but have help around incase you come to a section of track you would normally not attempt, gives you a supported opportunity to expamd your skill set.

    • @zeromileadv
      @zeromileadv  Рік тому +1

      Thx tle! I will def check out that video by Chris Birch.

  • @billmcmeekin7909
    @billmcmeekin7909 Рік тому +3

    I was with search and rescue for years. Group mentality can be either great or terribly wrong. You made many great decisions on this day, but have to say should have followed your gut a little earlier. Sounds like you networked with riders in your skill level this day. That's who you need to put on miles with. Plan/route small day trips (share plan with someone at home base), and learn. In a year or two you'll be joined up with this video's group and larger adventures. You sound like a rational non panic type fella. Perfect! Stick to these traits and educate, educate educate. Makes the tougher, change of plan days easier. I hang with like minded people who are competent, and have tons of fun! We ride to the level of our weakest rider, and encourage new skills on them. This was a especially important in mountain sledding. Good luck and stay positive southern friend. Cheers from Canucksville 🇨🇦

  • @bradleybaker8894
    @bradleybaker8894 Рік тому +1

    You are not wrong. A lot of how a group ride goes depends on the leaders. There are a lot of egos in the rider community. Do not get sucked into that. Ride your ride. I have ridden for longer than I care to admit and have raced motocross. I am a fairly relaxed rider. I don't feel the need to impress anyone. That said, yes, I open it up where it is safe to do so and does not interfere with others safe use of the road or trail.
    I don't do group rides. Many reasons for that. Unfortunately, I have had worse experiences than you described. Some of my absolute worst experiences have been riding with friends. Do not assume your friends that also ride are compatible with what you are comfortable with while riding. I have friends I will not ride with. I learned that the hard way. I will not bore you with stories but imagine the worst. They are still my friends but I will not ride with them. I ride on my own 99% of the time. That is not for everyone either. That has obvious advantages and disadvantages.
    I do not recommend group rides for riders with limited experience unless the ride is oriented around that and everyone going knows it. What I have seen happen is more experienced riders and those that have ridden together several times will break off and do their own thing. That's fine. The groups continues on without them.
    I recommend finding a more experienced rider who will ride with you. Some seasoned riders are just fine going out on an easy ride with a less experienced rider. I have done that. I have also gone out with cones to do parking lot drills with less experienced riders. Most dealerships have rider groups and meetups. My advice is to be specific with what you are looking for and post that within the group. There is nothing wrong with going out with one other rider or a small group where the objective of the ride is agreed on. You can also go to dealerships other than your brand of bike and reach our within their groups. I have done that and it has worked for me to find another rider to go on a ride that I thought having someone else along would be best. That works better than group rides for me. I still ride alone most most of the time.

  • @erocnw1341
    @erocnw1341 Рік тому

    The good news is that even though the group ride sucked, you learned quite a bit from it. I agree with all the other commenters who suggested to ride solo until you get a bunch of miles under your belt.

  • @NMdesertracer
    @NMdesertracer Рік тому +1

    Back in the day lol I joined a group ride. There wasnt any adv bikes back then around here! I had my trusted DRZ400S Ive raced desert,mountains and MX so I wasnt to worried. The blokes that led the ride knew the trials we were on and blasted off! This other DRZ rider and me got tired of them after a hour or so. We bailed road some fire roads back and became friends! Owning a 790 ADV R and had a DRZ in the past you are much faster on a dual sport then a adv bike on the trials hwy prob not. In the end you ride your ride "ADV ride" really doesnt mean anything.

    • @zeromileadv
      @zeromileadv  Рік тому +1

      Thx for the comment and feedback NMDesertracer!

  • @gordonhenderson1708
    @gordonhenderson1708 Рік тому +1

    Glad you, and your nice new bike, survived. It's been my experience, of over 50 years riding, that large group rides suck. I feel the optimal number for a group is 2 to 4 riders. Good for you for "riding your own ride." The so called leaders affiliated with the motorcycle dealership should be called out for their poor leadership. Steer clear, is my advice. Best of luck to you!

    • @zeromileadv
      @zeromileadv  Рік тому

      Thx for the comment Gordon. And to be honest this is only one piece of a terrible experience with the dealership where I purchased the bike.

    • @gordonhenderson1708
      @gordonhenderson1708 Рік тому

      @@zeromileadv Sorry to hear that all too often dealership complaint. If there isn't another KTM affiliate near enough sometimes small shops work on multiple marques. And/or you can learn to do (basic) maintenance yourself. Often there are videos on UA-cam depicting the job you want to tackle. Keep on riding, especially if it's going to be the passion it is for me. I don't trust the mechanics in dealerships these days to perform the same level of work I expect (and do myself). The satisfaction and piece of mind is worth the time and effort of doing it yourself. For me, doing my own maintenance is a large part of the hobby (and it saves a few bucks). Cheers and good luck!

  • @rollyman3754
    @rollyman3754 Рік тому

    Yes, I have been on a dozen or so group rides. (Harley not adventure.) Never fit into the ride. The people were/are great but the ride, nope. I too was always holding the pack back as I don't like the twisties and dragging knees so to speak. Now that my Harley is gone, and I have adventure bikes I will not do group rides. One or two friends, no problem, more than that not for me.
    Last year September I took my GSA on a 5k mile trek from Reno to Lake Superior through Rawhyde Adventures in Colorado by myself. Fantastic adventure. Fantastic class.

  • @johndemmink3539
    @johndemmink3539 Рік тому +1

    I ride by myself 99.99% of the time. I’m in Michigan, I’m friends with 2WR on you tube, Mario, and have ridden to WV a couple times for group rides. The guys that meet there to ride together are all very similar in skill level and Mario has his close friends from his area ride sweep so no one gets dropped.
    In my opinion you’re better off finding one or two guys to ride with and be satisfied until you get some time/miles under your belt.

  • @austinman1234567
    @austinman1234567 9 місяців тому

    If the group leaders have learned how to lead a group ride, and use that knowledge, it can be a great experience. In my experience there are way too many people leading rides who should not be. Your experience sounds similar to mine. The other group ride 'annoyance' for me, is when the group speed yo-yos, especially on highways. While I enjoy the companionship of riding with others, it is sometimes easier to ride alone. On a similar, pick your companions very carefully if you go touring with a group.

  • @urbanadventurer5
    @urbanadventurer5 Рік тому

    Man that sounds intense. Glad you made it out okay. I am still on my “starter” ADV bike and have avoided group rides so far due to the fear of something like this or worse happening. I have about half the miles on it that you do on your bike, but I feel likes it’s about time to trade up to something more capable so I can ride with others (sat on a Taureg, Tiger 900 Rally, Tenere, and new KTM 890 recently), but I am still worried about stuff like this occurring. I think I am going to just adjust my expectations a bit and maybe take a local ADV riding class and try to find 3-5 Colorado based riders through class that have similar skills or are comfortable truly riding with people that are new to this to ride with regularly.

  • @Light_Sleeper
    @Light_Sleeper Рік тому +2

    This is not a knock and intended in good spirit- a 1290 is simply a whole lot of bike offroad beginner or not, proper tires or not. If you are sticking with the bike consider facebook groups of similar bikes I've had a lot of luck finding like minded (slow, easygoing) riders to meet up with in twos and threes. My hope is you enjoy every mile. For reference I started on a Versys X300- not dirt oriented enough. Switched to CRF 450l- too dirt oriented. Landed on the CRF300l Rally- just right (for me).

    • @zeromileadv
      @zeromileadv  Рік тому +1

      Thanks for the comment Tom. I should clarify that 85% of the ride was on pavement. And I wasnt comfortable going 70 MPH in 35 MPH zones. That was my biggest issue in all.

    • @adventureswithham2223
      @adventureswithham2223 Рік тому +1

      @@zeromileadv Tom makes a good point. 1290 is a behemoth in the adventure world, power and weight. Not the best to learn on for off highway/ dirt. Beautiful bike nonetheless, but an absolute handful even for the more experienced rider.
      I’ve also tried the group ride thing with strangers. It’s always the same with the risk takers, with a look at me attitude. You will find like minded riders, such as yourself , that will happily go at a similar pace as you. Keep at it man, there is no substitute for time on the bike, it’s the best practice. Stay safe mate. Greetings from New Zealand 🇳🇿

    • @zeromileadv
      @zeromileadv  Рік тому +1

      @@adventureswithham2223 Thx for the comment and feedback!

  • @KamikazeJoeNYC
    @KamikazeJoeNYC Рік тому +2

    Dude that sounds like so much fun! lol I wish I had a group of people to ride with and a bunch of dirt around me. Who cares if you are slow! Doesn’t sound like they cared too much that you were slow and they wanted you to keep continuing. They even came back to get you! You also said you had a couple of guys behind you the whole time so at least you weren’t completely alone.

    • @zeromileadv
      @zeromileadv  Рік тому

      Thx for the comment Kamikaze. And great point they didnt have to chase us down to get us to turn around. I had never thought of that.

  • @tonychen7257
    @tonychen7257 Рік тому +1

    Best is to ride in a smaller group about a handful
    Of guys in a similar skill set as you.
    The smaller the group the better you know each rider.
    Big group rides is like being heard like cattles.

    • @zeromileadv
      @zeromileadv  Рік тому

      Thx for the comment and feedback Tony!

  • @dsblash
    @dsblash Рік тому +1

    Thanks for sharing this! Getting ready for same experience myself and helpful to see how yours went.

    • @zeromileadv
      @zeromileadv  Рік тому

      Let me know how your ride goes! Hopefully it will be better than mine!

  • @AT2021Rocker
    @AT2021Rocker Рік тому

    Some people are not meant to lead! They are basically show offs and have no regard for anyone except thier own enjoyment. A true leader keeps the group together to some degree.

  • @DocMagoo
    @DocMagoo Рік тому +2

    Sounds to me like the ride could have been better organised. The group I ride with always appoints a sweep rider, and at junctions etc the second bike in the pack stops to wait for the sweep. We also stop often enough to keep the group somewhat close together, meaning the first and last bikes are generally no more than around 10 minutes apart (depending on the section). This means everyone can ride at a pace they are comfortable with but the group stays sort of together - which is really the point of riding with a group.
    Don't let this experience put you off. Riding with others can be a lot of fun. You just need to find the right people to ride with and plan your rides in a way that suits everyone.

    • @zeromileadv
      @zeromileadv  Рік тому +2

      Thx for the comment Fred! That was my thought. Isnt the point of a group ride to ride together?

    • @ne-adv
      @ne-adv Рік тому +4

      A sweep rider who knows the area, can function as leader if necessary (group split for some reason), and knows a bit about motorcycle repair and is carrying tools is a must. I carry a pretty hefty tool bag, but I can do a ton of work on nearly any Suzuki or Kawasaki or Honda or Yamaha with what I carry. I even carry a couple tubes, even tho I'm on a tubeless MC.
      As far as people taking off, in groups with comms, you might warn folks that some are splitting off to get ahead to set up cameras and video equipment or to launch a drone. If you don't have comms on everyone, then a rest break for water is a good thing to do, letting folks know some folks are running ahead to film/still the group. Or some are going ahead to check trail conditions.
      I cannot think of any other reason the lead part of a group would or should take off, splitting the group. That seems like a pretty asocial thing to do to people you don't know well.

    • @zeromileadv
      @zeromileadv  Рік тому +1

      @@ne-adv Thx for the comment! I agree with your point and that was the worst part for me. As it was advertised as 'beginner friendly" and then the leaders split the group straight out the gate. And we didnt even have the benefit of comms. They said they didnt like to deal with it.

  • @TWTourist
    @TWTourist Рік тому +1

    Sorry to hear you had a bad experience. I would recommend finding one or two riding buddies of similar skill.
    My main riding buddy is more skilled off road then I am but I’m more skilled on road. We both have the same mind set as far as speed and endurance so it works out great.
    Good luck on your next group ride.

    • @zeromileadv
      @zeromileadv  Рік тому

      Thx for the comment and feedback TW!

  • @AustrisPhoto
    @AustrisPhoto Рік тому

    I totally understand Your feeling. But U need to practice, practice, practice. As skill grow, I will enjoy more.

  • @danmcgowan4761
    @danmcgowan4761 Рік тому

    Personally I think group rides are a great way to improve your skills by riding with riders who are better then you. It helps you get a little out of your comfort zone…but everyone in the group should ride there own ride. It sounds like the organizers weren’t that organized. They should have had someone at the front of the group, and a rider at the back.

  • @kevindewet5659
    @kevindewet5659 Рік тому

    Hi Friend. My first group ride experience was about the same as yours. Wife and I riding with a BMW club to a BMW sponsored weekend in the Drakensberg mountains. The squad took of like a bat out of hell. We were fully loaded on an RT1200. I was clocked at 160 km /hr and the sweeper was long gone. We decided to stick to our pace and after the week end we rode on without the group. What is the point of racing on a scenic route? I don't want to tell my mother in law and kids a sad story. Besides I really enjoy cruising. That was 15 years ago. PS I am 71 years old and we still enjoy cruising on my R1200GS. Stay safe.

  • @ridemfast7625
    @ridemfast7625 Рік тому +2

    Find another group. That group is unorganized and being brothers to one another is not important. They came to ride, and thats cool, If you ride like them. Sounds like you met some similar riders - team up with them! Most importantly, ride your ride, your pace, and Ride Safe!

    • @zeromileadv
      @zeromileadv  Рік тому

      Thx for the comment and feedback Ridem!

  • @mowman7777
    @mowman7777 Рік тому +1

    I ride by myself 99% of the time to avoid those experiences. It is good to have a buddy though when riding in remote areas.

    • @zeromileadv
      @zeromileadv  Рік тому

      Thx for the comment Adventure Guy. That seems to be a common theme for a lot of people :)

  • @lastme3404
    @lastme3404 Рік тому

    I have a 890 R adventure can't wait to start riding drit road. I'm new at the sport, I've only been riding for a few year. Thanks for the heads up on the group ride. Something like that would definitely bum me out.

  • @verbalwidget7267
    @verbalwidget7267 Рік тому +1

    All I can say is you are a better man than me, I would have said screw it and bailed from those Bozo's the first 1/4 of the ride. A group ride should be tailored to a group of all levels. Leaders should be leaders of the pack, but at least you learned from the experience and were not hurt, or the bike torn up.

    • @zeromileadv
      @zeromileadv  Рік тому +1

      Thx for the comment Verbal! I def almost bailed a number of times. And thinking back I def should have ahahaha

  • @dcryder9736
    @dcryder9736 Рік тому +1

    Sounds like you learned to ride your own Ride. An actual organized group will be a lot safer and better. They will have a safety officer, ride captains that will be responsible for no more than 8 riders, discuss hand signals, etc.

    • @zeromileadv
      @zeromileadv  Рік тому

      Def didn’t have that on this ride hahaha

  • @tbalcome
    @tbalcome Рік тому +1

    Hello from the Front Range of Colorado. The problem with big group rides is there is people of vastly different skill levels. I find its better to ride with a 2-3 people that are at a similar place as you. I find quality riding buddies by talking to people on adventure bikes at the store or gas stations in my town.

    • @zeromileadv
      @zeromileadv  Рік тому

      Thx for the comment and feedback Travis!!

  • @je7647
    @je7647 Рік тому

    Don’t ever feel obligated to anything in a group situation value your individual opinion and go with your gut - not only applies to riding

  • @mikemills5144
    @mikemills5144 Рік тому +1

    As with the business world, a good leader is key. These were not good leaders. At all. So many things they did wrong, it would be exhausting to list them all, but part of it was on you. A new rider going off road on a 1290 is just not good. Honestly I would stay away from that group and find another that is maybe slightly better than you, that way it will challenge you without going over your head. Take an off road course, you can meet some great people and it will improve your skill set as well as finding others who ride like you. I have beenbriding dirt for 40 years and still take a course every couple of years.

    • @zeromileadv
      @zeromileadv  Рік тому

      Thx for the feedback Mike and I wouldn't say we went "off Road". The Dirt road we took you could easily drive a Subaru down without any issues.

  • @MagnumMuscle1000
    @MagnumMuscle1000 Рік тому +1

    This kind of shit is why I don't ride with people I don't know and if I don't have significant input into the type and distance of ride we are doing. I mostly ride alone it turns out. LOL.

    • @zeromileadv
      @zeromileadv  Рік тому

      Thx for the comment Magnum. I mostly ride my MTB by myself as well because I can go my own pace. Seems like taking the same approach on the ADV bike is also what most people prefer.

  • @EbonB
    @EbonB Рік тому +1

    Sorry u had a not so great first experience with a group ride. Definitely need to lose any expectations when riding with new people or group until u know them better. I lead some rides in my area and enjoy them when they are a lil smaller personally. However, the leaders should set the expectation of the ride in the beginning so everyone knows what is about to happen and also if changes are made everyone should be made aware. From ur standpoint it sounds like u know what to do going forward, ride ur own ride, do ur own thing even if the group does something else when ur not feeling it. Hopefully u find a group of cool dudes or gals to ride with from time to time…once u get with folks who are like minded it will be a great experience ✌🏾

    • @zeromileadv
      @zeromileadv  Рік тому +1

      Thx for the comment Ebon! I agree with all the points you made. Especially sense they made it seem like it was beginner friendly but turned out otherwise

  • @marcushampton2075
    @marcushampton2075 Рік тому

    Should have split into 2 groups with meet ups.

  • @Carlnewman68
    @Carlnewman68 Рік тому

    I would never lead a group and leave riders behind , it’s a big no , the pro riders are so in the wrong , never leave a man behind . Carl uk. Your group should only ride at the slowest person and all have a great time together

  • @fixento
    @fixento Рік тому

    Group rides can become a mob, I get a couple of ridding buddies and do you own thing. The leaders of this pack, were a danger to themselves and others

  • @DanielACroft
    @DanielACroft Рік тому

    Group rides are often awful. Sounds like you found one of the awful ones. Recommend not finding your limits alone or with folks who aren’t going to be there for you.

  • @jasminlevesque5798
    @jasminlevesque5798 Рік тому +1

    Sounds like the leader is a jerk 😂 when you have beginners in your group you have to calm down and adjust your speed or go ride alone and don’t waste others ride

    • @zeromileadv
      @zeromileadv  Рік тому +1

      Thx for the comment Jasmin! I also don’t think a generally beginner ride should turn into an 8 hr day hahahaha!

  • @OneManTrail
    @OneManTrail Рік тому +1

    Groups just plain suck. Riding with a few close friends is fun. Riding solo is best.

    • @zeromileadv
      @zeromileadv  Рік тому +1

      Thx for the comment One Man Trail! I've been doing a lot of solo riding almost 2K so far :)

    • @TWTourist
      @TWTourist Рік тому +2

      I disagree. I’ve been riding since I was 15, I’m 60 now. Most of my rides have been solo but my favorite rides have been with one or two buddies. I do prefer doing my LD rides solo. Hard to find a buddy with the same endurance.

    • @zeromileadv
      @zeromileadv  Рік тому

      @@TWTourist I’m not sure I understand? Do you prefer to ride in groups or just a couple of other riders?

    • @TWTourist
      @TWTourist Рік тому +1

      @@zeromileadv I prefer 1 or 2 like minded and skilled buddies but good with up to 5. Any larger starts to create issues. JMO

  • @tombrunholtz1063
    @tombrunholtz1063 Рік тому +1

    Sounds like a typical KTM group.

    • @zeromileadv
      @zeromileadv  Рік тому

      Hahaah There were some BMWs and Triumphs in the group as well. But the bulk of the riders were on KTM 890's

  • @Sunmotoadv
    @Sunmotoadv Рік тому +1

    Oh my hell the same thing happened to me on adventure side ADV rider site a guy contacted me from there and said hey let’s go for a ride at death Valley I’m planning a ride to death Valley let’s do it I said OK great so we plan the ride we’re going to go to death Valley and do some off-road riding then I’ll be both had a Yamaha 1200 and I met up with him. He he shows up with 2 friends with aprilli street bikes. And so I was like what and then his wife is just rude every time we stop just rude and give me dirty looks and she was good friends with the other two guys his best friends and they just were shit to me the whole time then we went to death Valley. I got dehydrated and sons stroke and got really sick and to stay in a tent and I was just really sick with these guys unbelievable we’re just jerks the whole time. Unbelievable and I just I was nice I didn’t do anything to make them be rude to me, but why for some reason hated me and it was a terrible experience.

    • @zeromileadv
      @zeromileadv  Рік тому

      Thx for the comment Sunrise and for sharing your experience as well. Seems like I’m not the only one who’s had expectations get set only to get disappointed by the actual outcome.

  • @ogasi1798
    @ogasi1798 Рік тому

    just soak it up and learn from it, they sound like shitty group leaders and should be avoided until your skills are a lot vaster - every group has different dynamics for what it is worth so you just need to fond the groups that work for you - DO NOT be put off, A good lesson in life: listen to your gut, always 🙂 try to expand your horizons riding bikes but do it in baby steps, also, PLEASE for the love of life get your bikes in check - tyres and suspension are 100x more important to your success and enjoyment in this game than a fancy pannier/clothing accessory etc

  • @loopertrooper6671
    @loopertrooper6671 Рік тому +1

    I ride solo 99.999% of the time and when I do ride with friends everyone has a similar skill level. On those group rides it’s never more that 6 people total. Occasionally I’ll attend a pick-up group ride using the Meetup app and it always reminds me why I ride solo or in small groups. I think the worst and most nerve wracking group ride I ever attended was a Ride for Kids event. Everyone around me were some of the shittiest/scariest riders I’ve ever encountered, so many close calls by people who were obviously fair weather weekend riders. I vowed I’d never attend a large group ride ever again. Keep it small to keep it safe.

    • @zeromileadv
      @zeromileadv  Рік тому

      Thx for the comment Looper. A lot of people seem to prefer to ride alone. Now that I've done almost 2K by myself I dont feel so bad, as it seems its what most people prefer.