Oru Nilavili (A wail) is a film by Dsym Palam. The First Prize winners of Faith in frames 2024.

  • Опубліковано 27 сер 2024
  • Oru Nilavili (A Wail)
    "What is Faith?"
    A child lies bedridden, his body covered in sores and health continuously deteriorating. His only companion is a colouring book. As medicines lie scattered across the table, there is lack of hope in his eyes. Food remains uneaten. His helpless mother stands watching, her eyes welling up.
    As his Father sits drinking in the next room, cursing his son's birth, the mother comes and sits beside him. She implores her husband to do something about their son. He, however, is reluctant and defiant.
    As a last resort, the mother decides to venture out by herself to the nearby church, seeking shelter under Divine Providence.
    In the church, the priest goes through the Gospel passage of the Canaanite women, who follows Jesus, imploring help for her child, despite public disapproval and hostility.
    Meanwhile, the mother has now reached the church. She kneels and pleads to the Lord for her son.
    "What happens to those who drift away from God? Does he forsake them?" She asks the Priest.
    He replies, "Our God is one who awaits our return. When we return, he will hold us close in love."
    With renewed faith, she returns home. She is awe-struck by what she sees. Her husband is sitting beside her son, whose health has improved significantly.
    "Faith is the assurance of things hoped for, and the conviction of things not seen."