HeyItsHannah No it's not. If you put yourself last you say me, not I, like this - "I swear this is like rocket science to my sis and me". If you want to say my sis and I, something has to follow it. Like "my sis and I swear this is like rocket science". :) In any case enjoy your mangoes!
Thank you very much! I just LOVE mangos and I always liked eating it this way but I didn't know how to only my sister did but thanks to you now I do! I really appreciate your time for make a video for people that don't know something thanks!
Nice video. Straight and to the point. I wish everyone's how-to videos were like this. Now it's time to dig into one of my fresh mangoes! Thanks for the cool video. I'd love to see an easier way to cut up kiwi fruit
@@tiffanyshanley1419 It's perfectly edible. Whether you like it with skin is a matter of personal preference, as with pears, peaches, or even some potatoes.
To make it easier, and less dangerous, I'll follow the first part then just cut the squares into smaller pieces for the mango salsa I'm making today. Thank you! Your explanation was the best I've seen yet.
Thanks Starlight.😁 Amazing how few other guides mention the aspects.of the pit. I couldnt tell if I just had un-ripe mangos with a hard core, or a.bad knife.
Thank you for posting this! I brought a few Mangos home and just stared at them wondering how the heck to cut it with the giant pit. This was perfect, love it. ❤
I had never cut a mango before and watched this video to learn how to do it. The video was very helpful. As I was cutting the mango I got the idea of using a fruit scraper to remove the mango pieces from the skin. I got my scraper, tried it, and it worked well! I usually use the fruit scraper to remove avocado from the skin, but now I'll use it for mango, too. Try it - you won't be disappointed!
Peel it first, score(slice through) the fruit, so the tip of your knife runs along the seed, THEN cut the fruit off. It's a lot easier, although I do it near the sink if its juicy...lol.
Actually you have to split the mango seed and take the actual seed out of the hard shell then you put it in dirt and keep the dirt damp and the seed will grow. Or you can do the same thing with a wet paper towel method. Wrap the wet paper towel around the shelled seed and put it in a ziplock bag and put the bag in a cool dark place and wait for the seed to sprout. Then when the seed sprouts plant it in a pot of dirt.
i love mangos!!!! theyre my faviout frut i really like them!!!!! its so fatisitsign to see how theyre cut and eaten and everythings just going so well its so satisfying... LOVE IT!!!!!!
I have a HUGE tree in south Florida, and get 12 mangos per day, at least... I can't freeze them fast enough...lol. Nothing tastes like a fully tree ripened mango. No "pine" taste at all.
A delight to watch and very informative. I have two large mangoes waiting for me and was stumped how to start. You're very good and helpful. Time to enjoy my mango.
I needed this! I am not good at cutting them up since I really just started to like them. They are definitely a harder fruit to cut up but so worth it. Thank you for this upload!
Thank you, Dani. I've been meaning to find someone to tell me how to cut a mango, and I finally got around to it. I love mangoes, and they are so good in Michoacan where I live. Cheap, too, but so messy to eat. I'm going to use your method right now to eat a mango!
Thank you, I had purchased a Mango and decided that it would be advisable to find some guidance on cutting it. Your video was very helpful. As a kid, I had worked in a nursery that also had a mango grove. I helped box them and get them ready to ship to other places.
Thanks for this video! Very simple. Very informative. I’m working with my first fresh mango, as I usually buy frozen. Now I can’t wait to try this so I can make my favorite mango habanero sauce!!
bro can y'all just shush about ur religion-- this video literally about cutting a mango 😔... I respect any of y'all's religion, but forcing something upon someone is not cool.
bananahunter Yeah and now we understand that nutrition is important and vegan diet solely is unhealthy and causes malnutrition. Many fats and proteins you will never get from plants and plant protein is different, digests different, you don’t get as many essential amino acids that produce the ATP needed for proper muscle energy/strength comparatively, as well as neurogenesis requires a balanced diet so it’s no wonder y’all are dumb and ignorant, barely producing neurons
I love that you don’t waste with the chef’s snack. I usually CURVE FROM THE TOP TO THE NARROWER MIDDLE of the cheeks. WE EAT A TON OF MANGOS HERE. WHEN THEY ARE 3 or 4 for a $1 here in TEXAS (pretty common from late spring to all summer), I freeze the EXTRAS. Put them on a parchment non stick and freeze for a few hours so they don’t stick TO EACHOTHER then bag & date. Bag each at 1 Cup at a time for smoothies or salsa. They freeze well and just as delicious.
Well, a lot of people don't know this but, what's within that pit shell can be saved and used again. Because within the pit shell is the seed! Yep! The seed is within that pit, and can be saved to plant and grow! After you remove all of the meat of the fruit away from the pit shell, look around the shell for a slight opening. You can either use your hands, a knife, or a spoon for this part. Place a spoon, knife or your fingers where that pit opening is. Now, pry the pit shell completely open and away. And WALLA! There is a perfect seed there inside! You toss away the pit shell (or add to/as compost) rinse and store (or immediately plant) for later use! Cool huh?
Mango foul right off the bat. Bruised the mango for artistic appeal by playing catch with it. Just kidding I have no clue. I mean I'm here learning how to cut a piece of fruit.
@@JennyScott1716 free speech next republican reporting presents report of the day Shadow Gov through wire services tried a hack attempt today california. attempted hack to : android tablet reported here . shadow govt is the ones that do not openly show their name online etc you cant look them up surface govt is Donald Trump Mike Pence , Barr etc. these have name and a face, and are visible. so shadw gov is ones not visible and surfacce govt is those who are visible.
@@JennyScott1716 free speech next republican reporting presents report of the day Shadow Gov through wire services tried a hack attempt today california. attempted hack to : android tablet reported here . shadow govt is the ones that do not openly show their name online etc you cant look them up surface govt is Donald Trump Mike Pence , Barr etc. these have name and a face, and are visible. so shadw gov is ones not visible and surfacce govt is those who are visible.
+KatieKatouree Eating meat was key in the human evolution of complex social abilities and brain function. Less meat could do us good, but an absence is not biologically necessary. It could be good for the environment.
I can’t believe that early humans were able to survive without easy access to clean drinking water, food, or shelter and I can’t eat a fucking mango without a tutorial on UA-cam
And here I thought I might be the only one who didn't know how to cut a mango in the proper manner....leaving here feeling much better seems there are over 7 million others! If you want to know how to cut Clean & Delicious is the place to come :-)
Ashley Konstans lol me too!! I didn't even know if there was a pit in the middle or just tiny seeds..so I carefully tried cutting it in half like an avacado..then tried twisting the halves apart lol!!! yea...obviously that didn't work. Feel silly after watching this video!! lol!! Thank you Danny:)
I have always seen mangos/mangoes sliced like that on mango products! Mango chunks, mango juice, and much more! And since I love mangos/mangoes I started wondering how to cut them like that. So, your tutorial was amazing!
"salsa" means SAUCE ni spanish (any kind of sauce, even bolognese sauce is called "salsa boloñesa" in spanish). It's not a special obscure word to define mexican sauces.
I mean it took my an hour (and not because the tutorial is bad!) but this worked way better than me trying to somehow get all of the skin off without cutting myself 😅
4th video I've watched, but the first with an explanation instead of music. Thank you. I did not grow up in a family that ate mangoes in any form. But my son wants the pre-cut mangoes in plastic cartons from the store. I don't want to waste plastic, so I watched a video where someone sliced a mango in thirds and never explained about the seed. I thought there was something wrong with my mangoes.
i made a mango peach smoothie for the first time today bc my rice milk comes with smoothie recipes on the carton. it took a lot of effort and my mango cubes were more squished apart rather than cut apart, but the smoothie is really good. i feel proud.
haha no:) but everyone i know only cut off the sides but then they're left with a bunch of mangomeat on the actual seed. And absolutely LOVE to eat the meat of the seed like you eat corn. sorry for a weird and confusing explanation
Maki haha no:) but everyone i know only cut off the sides but then they're left with a bunch of mangomeat on the actual seed. And absolutely LOVE to eat the meat of the seed like you eat corn. sorry for a weird and confusing explanation Oversett
"In between the cheeks ... " is a sentence I never expected to be applied to a mango
My either before my friend told me about the mortal instruments
Big hard and white
@Alexandru Bejan thank you amen!! May God bless you and your family too-
My Hispanic mom has been cutting mangos for me all these years, she isn’t home rn and this video came in handy
@@joelman1989 your wife kinda bad tho 😳
@@unbound2424 🤨📸
@@joelman1989 you married your mom?????
@@joelman1989you gotta word things better bro
Why do I get so uncomfortable when she calls them cheeks and starts slicing them
I now right
Slicing them cheeks! 🍑
I was even more comfortable when she said "it's big. it's hard. it's white." 🤷♂️🤣
2:33 "Just the tip" men.
_that's where the most of the flesh is_
Thank you so much! My tummy is full of mango now and it feels gooood :) Thank God for people like you to help walk us ruffians through the woods!
Who else is here after ruining their entire mango?
I absolutely mangled it
It was a massacre
I swear this is like rocket science to me and my sis
HeyItsHannah My sis and me.
Jess D Actually it's my sis and I.. I just didn't realize it at the time.
HeyItsHannah No it's not. If you put yourself last you say me, not I, like this - "I swear this is like rocket science to my sis and me". If you want to say my sis and I, something has to follow it. Like "my sis and I swear this is like rocket science". :) In any case enjoy your mangoes!
Jess D Mh, I did not know that, you learn something everyday. Thanks. :)
HeyItsHannah You're right, and you're welcome :)
Turning that mango inside out looks so satisfying.
it does
Those are some cheeky mangoes.
Thank you very much! I just LOVE mangos and I always liked eating it this way but I didn't know how to only my sister did but thanks to you now I do! I really appreciate your time for make a video for people that don't know something thanks!
Nice video. Straight and to the point. I wish everyone's how-to videos were like this. Now it's time to dig into one of my fresh mangoes! Thanks for the cool video. I'd love to see an easier way to cut up kiwi fruit
Peel it, slice it...
Just eat the kiwi skin its good for u and barely changes flavor
@@teashobe5475 It does not look appealing, not to mention the texture. You eat the skin?
@@tiffanyshanley1419 It's perfectly edible. Whether you like it with skin is a matter of personal preference, as with pears, peaches, or even some potatoes.
@@ZorbaTheDutch Bull testicles are perfectly edible too. Doesn't mean I'd eat it.
I watched this then ended up eating it like corn on the cob
Need a toothpick? Lol
omg same
this is by and far the most important UA-cam video ever made
I love how 2 million of us are confused on how to eat a mango
Me 3 years later: well damn 😬its 9 million now!?
It’s impossible
Loading 0319 it really is 😭
5 million 😂
5.4 million*
5.4 million*
To make it easier, and less dangerous, I'll follow the first part then just cut the squares into smaller pieces for the mango salsa I'm making today. Thank you! Your explanation was the best I've seen yet.
Thanks Starlight.😁
Amazing how few other guides mention the aspects.of the pit. I couldnt tell if I just had un-ripe mangos with a hard core, or a.bad knife.
There’s really nothing you can do with the pit... besides grow an entire mango tree and a lifetime supply of mangos.
@@dutchvanderlinde251 God damn it dutch, you and your plans again
@@Quantum7R I have a NALP and that NALP is we rob this BANK that I PLAN to do right now and we can get out of here and move to TAHITI.
I bought a mango specifically for that purpose, and I screamed when she said toss it -_-
Just tried this, left my hands a lot less messy than how I used to slice it. LOVE IT!!!
Carmen Lane Awesome!
I can’t wait to try I normally am cutting it on a cutting board in my sink! This looks so much easier!
@@CleanandDeliciousDani *Y'all know what you were doing* ...
Thank you! (:
I almost cut my hand off 5x’s when all I had to do was come to UA-cam lol
It's big, it's hard, and it's white
"Just tose it "
+rocky rocky LMFAO
and it's between the cheeks ;)
the mango meat??
lol its the pip!
Thank you for posting this! I brought a few Mangos home and just stared at them wondering how the heck to cut it with the giant pit. This was perfect, love it. ❤
I had never cut a mango before and watched this video to learn how to do it. The video was very helpful. As I was cutting the mango I got the idea of using a fruit scraper to remove the mango pieces from the skin. I got my scraper, tried it, and it worked well! I usually use the fruit scraper to remove avocado from the skin, but now I'll use it for mango, too. Try it - you won't be disappointed!
Thank you for helping me turn the intimidating fruit on my counter into a delicious snack!
I tried to do a mango the same way you'd do an avocado and it was a fail lol.
Elana Tober 😂me to😂
yeah I didn’t realise the pit was so big in a mango ahah
Peel it first, score(slice through) the fruit, so the tip of your knife runs along the seed, THEN cut the fruit off. It's a lot easier, although I do it near the sink if its juicy...lol.
Lol that's why I'm here. I messed up my first mango.
Actually you have to split the mango seed and take the actual seed out of the hard shell then you put it in dirt and keep the dirt damp and the seed will grow. Or you can do the same thing with a wet paper towel method. Wrap the wet paper towel around the shelled seed and put it in a ziplock bag and put the bag in a cool dark place and wait for the seed to sprout. Then when the seed sprouts plant it in a pot of dirt.
I love how a 1 million of us are confused as fuck how to eat a mango lol
right lmao. ive been doing it wrong my whole life
Nah, they know how to eat it, just not how to cut and dice it. Hence why this video was made.
Maruragakari hence why doesn't make sense lol
different mangos
So have we all just bought a mango without knowing how to cut it?
😂😂😂 yep
No. I just kept botching it up.
yup lol
i love mangos!!!! theyre my faviout frut i really like them!!!!! its so fatisitsign to see how theyre cut and eaten and everythings just going so well its so satisfying... LOVE IT!!!!!!
i changed my mind this video is batshawt
will be useful when I start harvesting mangoes in Tahiti
I have a plan and I just need money.
I have a HUGE tree in south Florida, and get 12 mangos per day, at least... I can't freeze them fast enough...lol.
Nothing tastes like a fully tree ripened mango. No "pine" taste at all.
Rezes ok dutch
We becoming mango farmers and kangaroo farmers? Lol
@@lennysummers6519 😂
I see what you did there....Dutch! ;)
My mango is to blow up
And then act like I don’t know nobody Hahahahahahahahaha
I thinking its how to BASIC xD
How does this not have more likes?
A delight to watch and very informative. I have two large mangoes waiting for me and was stumped how to start. You're very good and helpful. Time to enjoy my mango.
Thanks just did this for the kids and they helped and loved it. Worked exactly how you described.
Thank you, Dani. This is my VERY 1st time cutting a mango. 🥭 😋
very thorough and helpful. I like how you speak directly, clearly, and concisely :)
Thanks, Kristy! Glad you enjoyed it :)
I needed this! I am not good at cutting them up since I really just started to like them. They are definitely a harder fruit to cut up but so worth it. Thank you for this upload!
Escape2Muszik You are so welcome. Glad it helped!
hhge r f
Yeah especially since peaches are so bad these days.
I've given up on finding tasty peaches.
Thank you, Dani. I've been meaning to find someone to tell me how to cut a mango, and I finally got around to it. I love mangoes, and they are so good in Michoacan where I live. Cheap, too, but so messy to eat. I'm going to use your method right now to eat a mango!
Grew up without a mother and a father, this is extremely helpful. God bless you ;)
Thank you, I had purchased a Mango and decided that it would be advisable to find some guidance on cutting it. Your video was very helpful. As a kid, I had worked in a nursery that also had a mango grove. I helped box them and get them ready to ship to other places.
Thanks for this video! Very simple. Very informative. I’m working with my first fresh mango, as I usually buy frozen. Now I can’t wait to try this so I can make my favorite mango habanero sauce!!
Did she just say the mango had meat? Nice try, vegans. I'm still not switching over.
Jose Guillen 😂😂😂
Uhhh...I think it was a joke...
bro can y'all just shush about ur religion-- this video literally about cutting a mango 😔... I respect any of y'all's religion, but forcing something upon someone is not cool.
bananahunter Yeah and now we understand that nutrition is important and vegan diet solely is unhealthy and causes malnutrition.
Many fats and proteins you will never get from plants and plant protein is different, digests different, you don’t get as many essential amino acids that produce the ATP needed for proper muscle energy/strength comparatively, as well as neurogenesis requires a balanced diet so it’s no wonder y’all are dumb and ignorant, barely producing neurons
Lina Alqahtani god told him to eat a sheep because he had nothing else to eat. nowadays people have millions of alternatives to meat.
Clear instructions well presented, thank you! This method works at the first attempt 😊
I needed this for my winter arc
I ended up with mango all over my hands and face and had the most bussin experience thank you
Thank you!! This saved my cousins birthday party!!! Thank you again!! You’re our 🦸♀️ hero!!
I love how my reason to be here, is that I wanna try how much a mango can intensify your high, before you eat it, and the video is 4:20
I noticed that too 😂
That’s what we just did.. we’re slumped
Thank You.. I just bought 2 Mango's, and they are being dices for a topping on vanilla ice cream. ;)
I love that you don’t waste with the chef’s snack. I usually CURVE FROM THE TOP TO THE NARROWER MIDDLE of the cheeks. WE EAT A TON OF MANGOS HERE. WHEN THEY ARE 3 or 4 for a $1 here in TEXAS (pretty common from late spring to all summer), I freeze the EXTRAS. Put them on a parchment non stick and freeze for a few hours so they don’t stick TO EACHOTHER then bag & date. Bag each at 1 Cup at a time for smoothies or salsa. They freeze well and just as delicious.
Very Nice Thank You So Much Always God Bless You All
Mangos Hit 💥🥶
Well, a lot of people don't know this but, what's within that pit shell can be saved and used again. Because within the pit shell is the seed! Yep! The seed is within that pit, and can be saved to plant and grow! After you remove all of the meat of the fruit away from the pit shell, look around the shell for a slight opening. You can either use your hands, a knife, or a spoon for this part. Place a spoon, knife or your fingers where that pit opening is. Now, pry the pit shell completely open and away. And WALLA! There is a perfect seed there inside! You toss away the pit shell (or add to/as compost) rinse and store (or immediately plant) for later use! Cool huh?
+Janee Polino Thanks for sharing!!
dude, dude, dude... it's Voila! It's french.
Vladimir Ivan lol
Why are you acting like you just discovered seeds lol
Mango foul right off the bat. Bruised the mango for artistic appeal by playing catch with it. Just kidding I have no clue. I mean I'm here learning how to cut a piece of fruit.
You had me choking on my mango with that comment😂
Do you have faith?
Do you think Gavin is in Tahiti?
We need more Money Dutch
We need to make NOISE so we can disappear
I don’t like how she’s calling it “flesh and “mango meat” 😭😭😭
its fine, thats just what she calls it. Its supposed to be funny.
And "fingers" 😭
you guys are babies. its fine.
@Melanie bruh its a joke
@@ablevi3009 yeah okay.
I bought mangos today and realized I have no idea how to eat them. Thanks for the video!!
Thank you bae ♥️ i love mangoes especially in ice cream sundaes
Really is the best!
Great tutorial, easy, peasy. I had 4 mangoes so I didn't want to spend lots of time. Thanks!
I worship the taste of the thoroughly well ripen mango !!!
Glad I found this. I’m sure I’ve seen how “simple” this is many times and always forget :)
Thank you for sharing this information with us 🙏
“Its big its white its hard”
Jesus christ karen calm down
free speech
republican reporting presents
report of the day
Shadow Gov through wire services tried a hack attempt today
california. attempted hack to : android tablet
reported here .
shadow govt is the ones that do not openly show their name online etc you cant look them up
surface govt is Donald Trump Mike Pence , Barr etc. these have name and a face, and are visible. so shadw gov is ones not visible and surfacce govt is those who are visible.
free speech
republican reporting presents
report of the day
Shadow Gov through wire services tried a hack attempt today
california. attempted hack to : android tablet
reported here .
shadow govt is the ones that do not openly show their name online etc you cant look them up
surface govt is Donald Trump Mike Pence , Barr etc. these have name and a face, and are visible. so shadw gov is ones not visible and surfacce govt is those who are visible.
studio developers2 vvgh yuhzZzzz”
P”w4- w. Z3wsdxx as
I usually suck it before i toss it
You kept saying flesh and meat like the mango was an animal! XD XD XD
+spartina 456 omg I never laughed so hard at a comment in my life!! xDD
OMG OMG OMG THATS SO FUNNY, lol u serious.?
Because our meat is supposed to be fruit and veggies, not animals
+KatieKatouree Eating meat was key in the human evolution of complex social abilities and brain function. Less meat could do us good, but an absence is not biologically necessary. It could be good for the environment.
I can’t believe that early humans were able to survive without easy access to clean drinking water, food, or shelter and I can’t eat a fucking mango without a tutorial on UA-cam
😂 😂 😂 😂 😂
And here I thought I might be the only one who didn't know how to cut a mango in the proper manner....leaving here feeling much better seems there are over 7 million others! If you want to know how to cut Clean & Delicious is the place to come :-)
This is literally what UA-cam is for. This and funny cat videos. Thank you!
well regardless I still failed HAHA! =/
+Jessica Rose what?! You have to try again;)
LOOL! Same!
+Clean & Delicious maybe my knife isn't sharp enough haha.
ViviD NebulA I have thought it' too easy
I tried cutting a mango today before I watched your video...not such a god job lol
Ashley Konstans lol me too!! I didn't even know if there was a pit in the middle or just tiny seeds..so I carefully tried cutting it in half like an avacado..then tried twisting the halves apart lol!!! yea...obviously that didn't work. Feel silly after watching this video!! lol!! Thank you Danny:)
Same haha . Then I was like this surely can't be right so googled and found this vid
Ashley Konstans it is becouse you dont have some GODDAMN FAITH
I cut my hand, theres orange mush all over my kitchen and its 2 am
Omg same!!!! We must suck lol 😂
wow , incredible! the last part(pealing the mango) was perfect!
Thank you so much. This video and the pineapple cutting video helped me make a delicious snack for my hard working mom and dad!!!
The last ten seconds is my favorite part
Thank you, very helpful. Mangoes are my FAV fruit!
Glad you found it helpful!
Poor migga
Great simple tip I'm eating those mango chuncks with blueberry yogurt and toppings and it's so fresh and juicy
you unlocked one of the mysteries of my universe. Thank you!
Good lord thank you lol last time I made a horrific mess trying to prepare my mangoes.
Watching this while eating mango too 😍
so you're watching how to cut the mango after you already cut it. sounds logical to me
@@amaliaa5972 S.U. Who cares?
My search on UA-cam:
How to cut a mango aesthetically
I have always seen mangos/mangoes sliced like that on mango products! Mango chunks, mango juice, and much more! And since I love mangos/mangoes I started wondering how to cut them like that. So, your tutorial was amazing!
And I thought we NEEDED a mango slicer to slice it like that..
You’re my little chef snack
2:19 blew my freakin' mind
Butt fart Stew 😂😂😂
Love how its 4:20 seconds just like the stoners know mango boostes your high lmaoo
This is the comment I've been looking for. (",)
@@stephencampbell1100 lmaooo righttt
@@josepalma4527 I was looking this up because I'd just acquired some mangoes specifically to test this claim lol..
Exactly how we did our mangoes in Hawaii.
the sound of the cutting of the mango is strangely satisfying
Today I bought a manga for the first time in my life and went to UA-cam to learn how to cut it. I liked this video very much and the lady is nice
"Draw your vertical lines in ONE DIRECTION"
I see directioners everywhere XD
Yukta Menghani my thought exactly
...did you get yourself treated?
BTS? :v
1:33 thats what she said
Jamie Smith Hahahahahha
Jamie Smith no one has ever said that
4:14 That's also what she said.
Aphrodite and Roxanne have mercy on me. xD
"salsa" means SAUCE ni spanish (any kind of sauce, even bolognese sauce is called "salsa boloñesa" in spanish). It's not a special obscure word to define mexican sauces.
Thanks for the tip. Much Love from Birmingham UK.
Good job Danny. That's a fine video., quick, concise, and to the point. Keep 'em coming.
I mean it took my an hour (and not because the tutorial is bad!) but this worked way better than me trying to somehow get all of the skin off without cutting myself 😅
i accidentally ate the whole thing and now my stomach hurts, it was worth it though mango is hella good 😂
"How to cut a mango and ending up eating it like chicken wing."
4th video I've watched, but the first with an explanation instead of music. Thank you. I did not grow up in a family that ate mangoes in any form. But my son wants the pre-cut mangoes in plastic cartons from the store. I don't want to waste plastic, so I watched a video where someone sliced a mango in thirds and never explained about the seed. I thought there was something wrong with my mangoes.
Mango season is here! I've literally been binge eating on mangoes every possible moment I get 🥭
Cheeks and pits, I can’t take this seriously 😂
Made my day, I've always had problems with cutting my mangos *W*
YuukoDream Serenade :)
Changes my Mango LIfe! Thank you.
i made a mango peach smoothie for the first time today bc my rice milk comes with smoothie recipes on the carton. it took a lot of effort and my mango cubes were more squished apart rather than cut apart, but the smoothie is really good. i feel proud.
You better be proud. Own that shit.
Omg am i the only one who loves to snack on the meat in the middle on the seed?
Nope :)
There is stuff in the seed?!
haha no:) but everyone i know only cut off the sides but then they're left with a bunch of mangomeat on the actual seed. And absolutely LOVE to eat the meat of the seed like you eat corn. sorry for a weird and confusing explanation
haha no:) but everyone i know only cut off the sides but then they're left with a bunch of mangomeat on the actual seed. And absolutely LOVE to eat the meat of the seed like you eat corn. sorry for a weird and confusing explanation
Ooh ok
Before I can cut mango I need some more faith and more MUNEH.
Finally an RDR2 comment, I’m surprised it took me this long to find one
@@busterb2958 I had to be the first one lol.
Those who know💀☠👿💀
Thank you! Now I can proudly add these to my rice bowls.
I love how direct you are it’s so helpful