What makes you Happy _ Part 1

  • Опубліковано 15 вер 2024
  • People have turned the world upside down. A topsy turvy world. You will learn how to resist unhappiness.
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    By faith in God and living the life Christ promised his followers, you can live in a world that is right side up for you. In the midst of confusion and disorder and unhappiness, you can have inner peace. A real world where what should be on top is on top. And what should be at the bottom is at the bottom.
    What makes you happy is when the guidance of God within you, enables you to take responsibility for how you react to situations and circumstances. Write the story of your life. Triumph over chaos. Strength through the struggle and the drudgery.
    Triumph through the trials through the greater one who lives within you. Yes, we feel happy when we have a sense of our personal values and place within society. Yes, we are happy, when we enjoy optimal health. And when we have food, shelter and clothing. We feel happy, with that security and comfort.
    But you and we know that life is a journey filled with twists and turns, highs and lows, and unexpected moments. Ups and downs, a mixture of good and bad things happen. Economic flourishing or thriving can also bring unexpected events that can change your financial standing.
    The Book of Job in the Bible is about an extremely wealthy man who experienced extreme suffering and trials. Yes, like Job, we often question the fairness of suffering and sadness, but we look to God and believe in Him no matter what. When we are deeply grounded in God, that is enough for us. We enter a place where even in happiness that comes and goes in waves, we have deep inner peace, acceptance and satisfaction, anchored in our God, regardless of external circumstances.
    In Philippians 4:11-13 Paul the Apostle says, I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. I know what it is to be in need. I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well-fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do all this through him. Christ gives me strength. Like Job, his faith in God did not waver.
    We pronounce a blessing now for you. May you have good, stable health. May you have relations of harmony. In harmony with God through Christ Jesus and in harmony with people. May your season in life be filled with success and victory. May God meet all your needs according to His abundant riches in glory through Christ Jesus. No matter the challenges, we can trust that God is faithful to provide for us. Peace and happiness be upon you and your family. Amen!!
    What makes you happy is maintaining a healthy body. So please be disciplined in the medication you might be taking. Get exercise. Have a balanced diet and adequate rest and sleep. These things add to the quality of your life. Manage your emotions. Learn to cope with stress. Look on the bright side. Not looking for what can go wrong or what will not work. Keep learning and strengthen your thinking and creativity.
    Keep an active mind. Get wisdom and knowledge and understanding. The Bible offers this.
    What makes you happy is connecting to the God who created the universe and you. He sent Jesus Christ to this world so that we can connect with The Father of creation. To whom we can pray and whose word the holy scriptures can teach us the triumph of a happy life and inner peace.
    What makes you happy is a good job where you have career prospects and meaningful work. Strive for good material well-being. To have the basics and a little bit more. And remember to have a balance between work and home.
    What makes you happy is connecting with good people and having enriching conversations and social activities.
    What makes you happy is when you are kind and helpful to others.
    What makes you happy is your Christian values and beliefs practiced daily.
    Philippians 4:19 promises that God will meet all our needs according to His abundant riches in glory through Christ Jesus. No matter the challenges, we can trust that God is faithful to provide for us.
    As long as you have faith in God and a positive outlook - your happiness goes where you are.
    Happy in any circumstance.
    Yes, happiness goes where you are. You may not live in a rich country with access to material goods and public services like education and healthcare. Or in a country where corruption, lawlessness and economic challenges are high. In a country where the followers of Jesus Christ face cultural or victimization because of their beliefs. In a country where there are class distinctions. With faith and trust in God, your happiness goes where you are. The book of Acts in the bible 17 verse 28 says, In Him, you live and move and have your being. Your happiness can be found in any circumstance.