T-Rex: Tonebugs - New Sensewah, Booster, Fuzz & Totenschlager - together!

  • Опубліковано 29 вер 2024
  • www.t-rex-effec...
    Four little Tonebugs found their way on to my table this afternoon for a little hoedown. Here there are together and on their own, with a Les Paul and HIWATT amp.
    For the record, I really like the Booster (killer cleans), Fuzz (filthy and useable, as good fuzz should be) and Totenschlager (downright nasty rock and djent machine). The Sensawah is OK but might benefit from a circuit revision that makes it a little more dynamic, along the lines of the mighty Maxon AF-9.
    More soon, including the HOBO Drive (above class - excellent) and Gull Wah (still haven't given it a good run so no comment yet).
    Brett K