The REAL Reason Women Aren't Having Kids. Interview With Friends Ep.1

  • Опубліковано 3 жов 2024


  • @vp3279
    @vp3279 Рік тому +490

    過來人經驗分享.......若伴侶不懂/不願做家務的話, 千萬不要生孩子, 自己要在職還要照顧小朋友, 身心疲憊不堪, 心情不好自然對小朋友/伴侶不好, 不斷抱怨影響了大家的感情, 所以生小孩一定要三思🥺

    • @GW-oz9sf
      @GW-oz9sf Рік тому +18


    • @Gould-r3l
      @Gould-r3l Рік тому +134

      @@GW-oz9sf 就是當初不知道才說經驗分享阿

    • @lememe7
      @lememe7 Рік тому +24

      @@GW-oz9sf 那眾生為什麼要來這個苦難的世界?眾生皆不來就不必生老病死互相折磨了?

    • @GW-oz9sf
      @GW-oz9sf Рік тому +14

      @@Gould-r3l 但多數人不動腦 庸碌一生就過了

    • @GW-oz9sf
      @GW-oz9sf Рік тому +8

      @@lememe7 有兩種說法,你可以理解看看。
      1.成佛說。起身動念 境隨心轉,越歷經劫難才能累積更多經驗值⋯才能脫離人世輪迴之苦
      2.體驗說。人世體驗有好有壞,令人著迷、也令人愚昧 因此各世投胎經驗都讓人難以忘懷。但萬般帶不走 只有業隨身

  • @aussiechaga9104
    @aussiechaga9104 Рік тому +43

    I am 42, no kids. So glad I chose this life style. Way less stress and more time to focus on my own happiness. Plus, a huge relief financially. I only have a sweet dog. Life is good.

    • @tabfnlk7156
      @tabfnlk7156 3 місяці тому


  • @DL-idk
    @DL-idk Рік тому +28


  • @鄭長崙
    @鄭長崙 Рік тому +122


    • @鄭長崙
      @鄭長崙 Рік тому +3

      @@tom48439p 比如說

    • @鄭長崙
      @鄭長崙 Рік тому

      @@tom48439p @_@

    • @咕雞-u3d
      @咕雞-u3d Рік тому

      @@tom48439p 房子不論男女都有壓力吧

    • @Joyceladybug
      @Joyceladybug Рік тому +11

      @@tom48439p 在中国很多家庭都是男女一起承担房贷,并不是所有家庭都是男方提供房产

    • @kurth8497
      @kurth8497 Рік тому +8

      @@tom48439p 台灣很多家庭都是一起承擔房貸,我父母就是,或是房子在名下的人承擔房貸,像我剛買房,房子是在我名下是我的財產,我女朋友住我的根本沒差,不要買用租的人也非常多

  • @芝-t2l
    @芝-t2l Рік тому +14


  • @erkang27
    @erkang27 Рік тому +59


    • @fenix20075
      @fenix20075 Рік тому +8

      那是經濟壓力問題吧?巴拉旺省帶8小孩去旅遊,基本上是財力展示 XD

    • @SilkAn-vq8qj
      @SilkAn-vq8qj Рік тому

      但上上輩子也有很多無賴 稀飯都吃不起還生8孩

  • @LesserPand
    @LesserPand Рік тому +14


  • @Katherinelinkathy
    @Katherinelinkathy Рік тому +58

    無論如何 只要思考好 規劃好人生 不要後悔 就沒問題 不要跟隨著因為他們生 我就生 不是每一位都適合當父母親 生小孩也不是一種當人類的義務 如果真的生了 就需要了解需要花費很多時間金錢好好教育他們 賀爾蒙會影響頭腦的思考 做一些衝動的事情 但小孩生下來 就是一輩子的 所以請謹慎

    • @zero52010
      @zero52010 Рік тому

      戴舒瑄 不生太可惜了
      藍 眼 銀灰眼 老公
      下一代依舊yt 藍眼 銀灰眼 來台

    • @SilkAn-vq8qj
      @SilkAn-vq8qj Рік тому


  • @daniellezhao5390
    @daniellezhao5390 Рік тому +27

    我很喜欢你做这期节目!谢谢你❤ 希望以后可以继续有各种各样的话题讨论。我是一位四十岁的女性,我不生小孩的原因有点不同。我觉得我的童年过得很辛苦,我的父母尽力给了我最好,但这是他们觉得的好 很多不是我需要的。 长大之后我也理解父母,我知道作为父母很难完全理解孩子的需要,做好沟通。做父母是一件很难的事,我不觉得我有能力做好。所以我不希望带一个生命来这世界 而不能给他/她最适合的资源。我不想害她/他受苦。

  • @Swunicorn56
    @Swunicorn56 Рік тому +33

    曾在既定的30歲左右確實會焦慮過,不過過了生物生理時鐘後,還沒生,直接不用想了。 直接進入沒有孩子的人生 😊😊 這集內容非常的深非常的棒!!! 非常愛,想給這集10個讚❤❤

  • @NoNeedNameOnYoutube
    @NoNeedNameOnYoutube Рік тому +10


  • @manlixu3199
    @manlixu3199 Рік тому +9


    • @hwoilingtan7172
      @hwoilingtan7172 Рік тому


  • @mengyan131
    @mengyan131 Рік тому +14


  • @tiffany830718
    @tiffany830718 Рік тому +22


  • @darrenli3154
    @darrenli3154 Рік тому +64


    • @adamlee9699
      @adamlee9699 Рік тому +3


    • @darrenli3154
      @darrenli3154 Рік тому +1

      @@adamlee9699 希望崩溃是在遥远的未来

    • @sylviema6306
      @sylviema6306 Рік тому

      @@adamlee9699 非常同意

    • @精神科醫師-y4q
      @精神科醫師-y4q Рік тому +1

      整個女權 自助餐

  • @Briseis99
    @Briseis99 Рік тому +15


  • @margretteliu8600
    @margretteliu8600 Рік тому +2


  • @legend_mr_wayne
    @legend_mr_wayne Рік тому +43

    Susie’s friends are well educated. Very rational and deep discussion. Love it.

  • @123cathythy
    @123cathythy Рік тому +130

    Im quite surprised that people in the UK would think that getting marry or having kids in their 30s is a thing I thought it only happens in asia , thanks Susie for this video!

    • @gutihaz8913
      @gutihaz8913 Рік тому +10

      yes, I was surprised too. This is the stereotype that we Asian care about ages only. However, we are all people. I should stop categorising people.

    • @林原-n8k
      @林原-n8k Рік тому +3

      Although there is the same phenomenon, it is caused by different thoughts. Asians have such ideas mostly due to social pressure, however, British people have such ideas more based on biological, or material conditions and other practical considerations

    • @ann-marie3516
      @ann-marie3516 Рік тому +1

      For thousands of years the reproduction runs in our blood. To go against it requires knowledge, decision making and determination. It is not an easy decision

    • @Agnes_k.
      @Agnes_k. Рік тому +1

      I think different the reason affects peop norm is population interaction. Media with less discussion tend to be more tradition more pressure from norm.

    • @宇神教的信徒
      @宇神教的信徒 Рік тому


  • @themask4536
    @themask4536 Рік тому +3

    最重要的是 . 生小孩必須是真心的愛小孩 不是一種機器式的別人生 我也生
    人生無常一旦決定了 沒有後悔的路

  • @siukonglau4628
    @siukonglau4628 Рік тому +6

    非常好的內容,最想不到的是原來英國的家庭也會想下一代有小孩,這種說法我也是第一次聽到,一直以為整個歐洲風氣都會很開放,想不想要小孩都隨你之類,讓我知道了到很多英國人不同的看法 感恩

    • @lememe7
      @lememe7 Рік тому +1


  • @wingmorgan6674
    @wingmorgan6674 Рік тому +43

    Great topic Susie and really appreciate your friends' honest opinions. I had my son when I was 37. Observing the families around me, I feel a stable and supportive relationship between the parents far outweighs financial stability. The latter can be addressed by living frugally and investing smartly (and early). Another interesting angle I heard from a retired university professors is that educated couples have the responsibility to have children so as to 'balance out' the overall level of intellect of the population....
    Freedom is definitely a price a responsible parent will have to pay though.

  • @shadow6016
    @shadow6016 Рік тому +3

    歐美的女性普遍是自信的,這是很值得學習的,你仔細觀察這些受訪者,他們對婚姻的態度是認為"結婚或不結婚只是一個選擇",not good or bad,但是在台灣,1980年出生以後的女性多數是鄙視婚姻價值(在年輕的時候),她們只想做自己,不想承擔家庭責任,但過了35接近40又會想找個男人結婚,靠男人的經濟能力幫她們把小孩養大,然後變成以母親的身分繼續壓榨她們的孩子(要求孩子必須孝順奉養母親,但自己年輕的時候卻不會體貼父母些什麼)

  • @qianlin5519
    @qianlin5519 Рік тому +10


  • @doremi8889
    @doremi8889 Рік тому +4


  • @corrine_rw_artist
    @corrine_rw_artist Рік тому +3


  • @MsJackieXie
    @MsJackieXie Рік тому +5

    Myself, grown up from a poor country family, I had a lot of dreams couldn’t be fulfilled due to financial issues. And I tried not to let that happen to my son. I have one only son, I thought we did ok raised him, but think back, realized we couldn’t have done better and feel aching in the heart for somethings we didn’t do well for him. Consciously and subconsciously, we don’t wan to failed our kids which our parents failed us. I believe a lot of people have that thought deep inside but no one of your interviewers mentioned that.

  • @rina8285
    @rina8285 Рік тому +9


  • @TheLiucharlotte
    @TheLiucharlotte Рік тому +2

    未滿30歲女生從不同觀點來探討是否生小孩, 對自己將來的人生規劃與還沒來到這世界的那個生命, 已經是個好的觀點與起點.(喜歡這類分享觀點的議題)

  • @ireneleigh5746
    @ireneleigh5746 Рік тому +11


    • @悅悅-r6n
      @悅悅-r6n Рік тому +18


    • @rina8285
      @rina8285 Рік тому +8

      @@悅悅-r6n 真的,而且即使婦科疾病避開了,也不代表身體其他器官不會出問題,還是要找出讓自己有壓力的源頭才有用。

  • @fana4438
    @fana4438 Рік тому +96

    其實我更想知道的 是已超過生育年齡但不曾生育的人有怎樣的想法

    • @Fiore-the-Ringbearer
      @Fiore-the-Ringbearer Рік тому +25


    • @cindylyca
      @cindylyca Рік тому +9

      很好的論點 我也好奇 希望有機會做一集

    • @rina8285
      @rina8285 Рік тому +1


    • @xukim697
      @xukim697 Рік тому +39


    • @angiel3693
      @angiel3693 Рік тому +44


  • @謝文雄-k7v
    @謝文雄-k7v Рік тому +4


  • @jasonhsieh8644
    @jasonhsieh8644 Рік тому +14

    Thank you Susie. I'm in my early 30s, your discussions are really inspiring. Not just the content, also the video itself with English and Chinese subtitles together is so great!

  • @dolph99
    @dolph99 Рік тому +12


    • @pianoapartment5529
      @pianoapartment5529 Рік тому +2

      大部分人有什么伟大的想法和基因可以继承吗?还是说有大笔的财产 皇位继承 自己那么普通了 硬生生的把自己普通的基因传承下去有意义么

    • @dolph99
      @dolph99 Рік тому +2

      ​@@pianoapartment5529 基因跟文化的真正價值是由自然決定的,不是個別人或群體決定的。也有可能你這幾代體現不了這些價值,但未來是有意義的,人不是神,預測不了未來,所有有形的事物都將是過眼雲煙,個別基因與文化的價值,其實重要也不重要,因為在歷史的大浪中,都只能是個小波瀾,唯有眾人相信愛,把愛傳遞下去、散播出去,讓無數個小波瀾集結成大浪,讓大家都能幸福才是真正的意義

    • @hwoilingtan7172
      @hwoilingtan7172 Рік тому +1


    • @hwoilingtan7172
      @hwoilingtan7172 Рік тому


    • @hwoilingtan7172
      @hwoilingtan7172 Рік тому

      @@pianoapartment5529 他说的“继承”,可以是事业、一些产业(至少有一栋房子吧)和血脉。

  • @allisaallisa
    @allisaallisa Рік тому +5


  • @ClarenceKe
    @ClarenceKe Рік тому +2


  • @paws7983
    @paws7983 Рік тому +1

    真的非常謝謝你,以及一群勇於分享的朋友們,帶給我很多啟發!Thank you for bring out such inspiring content!

  • @nathantang6804
    @nathantang6804 Рік тому +6

    I think it's not a problem of whether or not you are having children. The key really is if you are decided to have children, you'd better having them sooner than later. I had my first child at the age of 35, and I keep regretting not planning for it like a few years earlier. You don't want the situation that when you are planning for your retirement, your children are still studying in elementary schools... Raising a kid honestly consumes all your energy (but it's rewarding and it pays off I believe), do it when you are still young.

  • @misschanhauying
    @misschanhauying Рік тому +9

    Very detailed discussion. Thank you Susie for having the interviews and your friends for sharing their thoughts so openly.

  • @2000ansavant
    @2000ansavant Рік тому +6

    当伴侣告诉你,在家带孩子就是在享清福的时候,那个听后感真的很痛苦,然后,悔意就是永远都抹不去的东西!另外,到今天,过去那个养儿防老的观念也变得不确定。曾经问过女儿,“妈妈老了,你会照顾吗?” 她叹口气说,“我自然会尽力的。不过,天底下的政府都在延迟退休年龄,我可能要工作到65岁之后了。。。”

    • @hwoilingtan7172
      @hwoilingtan7172 Рік тому +1


    • @chienlinyu
      @chienlinyu Рік тому +3


    • @Ngchan2000
      @Ngchan2000 Рік тому


  • @Paul-ly3hv
    @Paul-ly3hv Рік тому +5


  • @alexvon6934
    @alexvon6934 Рік тому +9

    个人主义是文明进步的表现,亚洲过了一定阶段之后,也会逐渐去推崇个人主义。 当然不排除文化因素的影响,但是社会发展到一定阶段时,某种特定的社会现象必然会产生,比如追求男女平权,同性恋合法,不婚主义等等

  • @user-000nobody
    @user-000nobody Рік тому +5


    • @hwoilingtan7172
      @hwoilingtan7172 Рік тому +1


  • @wenhohuang2286
    @wenhohuang2286 Рік тому +5

    現在生活習慣與以前有很大不同,以前是日出而作 日落而息,現在有部份工作作息時間不固定且惑人的愉樂性地方又太多,還有大部份人都是在異地工作不像以前親友有空時會幫忙照題小朋友,除有宗教信仰者外越是發達的國家生育力越低

  • @cindylyca
    @cindylyca Рік тому +4

    很長的一集 但非常精彩 謝謝你

  • @llssf258
    @llssf258 Рік тому

    這影片訪談的內容超有深度,我對那段非常同意 "want things to be just right and then maybe do that"
    這一個觀念貫穿了現代人各式各樣選擇的緣由 我們想要一切完美 否則我寧可不要
    從伴侶的選擇 生活方式 感情觀 各種重大的選擇幾乎都離不開這個原則
    它確實比起壓抑的及迫於社會壓力的上一個世代的例子更好 但世上哪有這麼好 我們一直在追求一個理想 甚至幻想中的情況 卻沒有想過你所想的情況可能根本不存在

    • @精神科醫師-y4q
      @精神科醫師-y4q Рік тому +1

      這原則就是自欺欺人,忽略現實面, 你沒那個條件卻要求那個完美,缺乏檢視自身,你搞不好就是別人眼中的那個「不完美」

  • @tabfnlk7156
    @tabfnlk7156 3 місяці тому +1


  • @96xinxin
    @96xinxin Рік тому +2

    I’m 27, and my mum already starts telling me that I need to get married and have kids soon, so there will be someone to take care of me when I get old.
    And my mum have asked me a few times since I entered high school, that how much money I will give her every month when she gets old.
    Having kid(s) so they can take care of you when you get old just sounds so selfish to me. I’m willing to take care of my mum when she gets old, but that doesn’t mean parents have the rights to kidnap their kids future.
    Financial burden, rising living costs, inflation, rising house price, poverty, these all are stopping me from having kids. And I am also unsure if I will have that continuous momentum to take care of kids. I think this is what puts me on hold. Imagining that I will be struggling between mortgage and kids tuition/living fee just scares me enough.

  • @shanghaitatoo
    @shanghaitatoo Рік тому +3

    I'm almost 40, have no kids, and no desire to have any since I was a little girl. I don't think I've ever felt any anxiety about my decision except worry whether this decision would upset my parents ( they're very traditional Chinese families). Now I don't think about that anymore because they seem fine that they don't have to take the traditional role of 'grandparents' as free babysitters to their grandchildren. They weren't great parents when I was growing up although I understand that they have their limits and appreciate that they've tried their best. I am very happy where I am in life and really happy that I never had children so I could get to where I am in life and have more of this life to come.
    I used to think the reason I never wanted children was because of my pessimistic view of the world, but now I feel quite optimistic and still have zero desire to reproduce. I just can't see myself taking the 'mother' role at all, like ever. I actually like other people's kids and I also work in a field partly about children, but I think as I got older, I've gotten more and more assertive that having kids and being a mum is just not for me.
    I think it's quite ridiculous that people think not having children is irresponsible. It's a very important and super responsible thing to do to understand your own limits and choose what to take on. For me, I choose to take on other responsibilities, like spending time on the things I love: my career, my aging parents, my friends, my pets, etc.

  • @peaceful8859
    @peaceful8859 Рік тому +4

    I think the relationship with the partner, financial stability, and the commitment of the partner matter most
    But sometimes we just think too much
    If we are determined to be a parent, we can solve the problems one by one

  • @Bella-vd1km
    @Bella-vd1km Рік тому +7


    • @victoryan4008
      @victoryan4008 Рік тому


  • @sichen7019
    @sichen7019 Рік тому +2


  • @Carbon_Wu56
    @Carbon_Wu56 Рік тому +1


  • @jas7181
    @jas7181 Рік тому +1


  • @plxfw
    @plxfw Рік тому +12

    As a Chinese who came to UK as a teen then stayer over throughout my adulthood here, I can definitely relate, these conversations seem to be my internal thoughts ongoing daily. It is a sad reality, women at certain age do face this "crisis", it's good to hear so many women are on the same page. I can see myself evolve over the years, throughout mid and late 20s when all my friends back home all got married and had children, I was feeling left behind or somehow failed as a woman. Thankfully, my parents were quite open and never pressured me. Before I was a woman, I was a human being first. I only have one life, and I want to live it the fullest. Do men get the same amount of pressure? No. Whether it's a relationship, a marriage/partnership, family or children. If it comes, it comes, but that should never stop myself living the life I want to live, doing the things I want to do.

  • @YUN-g9g
    @YUN-g9g Рік тому +5

    現在很多生小孩完沒在教養真的很恐怖,然後小孩還小 離婚的一堆😢

  • @張博彥-m8v
    @張博彥-m8v Рік тому +1


  • @lianaperrella3799
    @lianaperrella3799 Рік тому +1


    • @hwoilingtan7172
      @hwoilingtan7172 Рік тому


  • @ytbigfly
    @ytbigfly Рік тому +2


  • @趙子儀-n4n
    @趙子儀-n4n Рік тому


  • @黑皮-h6i
    @黑皮-h6i Рік тому +2


  • @zhaojiahao733
    @zhaojiahao733 Рік тому +12

    Hi Susie, I am a PhD student doing relevant research about China's three-child policy (every family is allowed to have no more than three children) and I find this episode is fantastic. I am keen to hear different voices about why fewer people want to have a baby, which is similar happening in China. Looking forward to seeing more and speaking with you.

    • @ewenchan1239
      @ewenchan1239 Рік тому +1

      I didn't know that China has changed their policy from their former one-child policy to a three-child policy now.
      That's good for me to know. Thank you.

    • @MrThezous
      @MrThezous Рік тому +2

      @@ewenchan1239 The fact is you can have as many children as you want now. Chinese government is not gonna intervene or make it difficult for you.

    • @ewenchan1239
      @ewenchan1239 Рік тому

      Do you have a source or a link where I can read and learn more about their change from their former one-child policy to this?
      Thank you.

    • @dian277
      @dian277 Рік тому +1

      i thought the policy was intended to encourage people to have at least 3 kids

    • @djong3775
      @djong3775 Рік тому


  • @RespectOthers1
    @RespectOthers1 Рік тому +3

    From chappies to chapatis you covered this topic from many interesting angles and kudos to your friends’ candidness.

  • @devilred4847
    @devilred4847 Рік тому +2

    Thanks for bringing this in-depth conversation. Sounds it's universal around the globe in some sense!

  • @xutaosun2364
    @xutaosun2364 Рік тому +2

    I like this type of video. Some personal or private topics. Things people don't talk about very often (doesn't mean they do not care about). Very interesting!

  • @airynod
    @airynod Рік тому +6

    One of the reasons our generations are less eager to have kids is we are fed negativity and pressure from our parent's generations.
    Their expectation of us being better became our new normal, but reality didn't catch up to the expectation.

  • @echohyan
    @echohyan Рік тому +4

    Great topic! The girl who said the babies are so cute, is super native! Playing with others’ babies and taking care of your own is completely different thing. If there is Time Machine, I would definitely choose not having children. The fun does end after having children. And also a lot depends on the child you have. They can be really easy to raise and can be extremely hard causing all the stress. You just never know

  • @xiaobinqiu9849
    @xiaobinqiu9849 Рік тому


  • @miranda0503
    @miranda0503 Рік тому

    Kudos to you for all the in-depth interviews and honest discussions!

  • @x谬论专家
    @x谬论专家 Рік тому +1


  • @bellel6491
    @bellel6491 Рік тому +4

    This is def one of the most interesting and fruitful episodes you’ve made. I enjoyed a lot. Through discussions about topics like this, I actually learned more of English language and perspectives!

  • @timlee236
    @timlee236 Рік тому


  • @xiadanji
    @xiadanji Рік тому +1


  • @ivy0219wei
    @ivy0219wei Рік тому +1


  • @zcw8476
    @zcw8476 Рік тому +1

    wish more in-depth interview like this video, over 20 min , really helpful

  • @alex117tw
    @alex117tw Рік тому +2


  • @lydialee2023
    @lydialee2023 Рік тому +6

    This is a wonderful interview to watch. I am Taiwanese living in England and my kid is in year 1, maybe I should start to ask mums around me why they chose to have kids, now I am curious. X

  • @mr.baphomet-fpv
    @mr.baphomet-fpv Рік тому +4


    • @cccccz986
      @cccccz986 Рік тому +1

      而且孩子的智商會遺傳自母親 然後聰明的女性幾乎都不生

  • @catherineto
    @catherineto Рік тому +2

    My high school friend gave birth to her children between 36-38. But she went to the clinic to store her young eggs at 30 when she was still a single woman. She didn’t regret her decision. But one funny is - her son and daughter who are 2’yrs apart are genetically should be twin since they came from the same period of time (same group of eggs). So they look like twin! I pop this question to her and I got all the details above…Woof! What a story to share !

  • @ebefeng5380
    @ebefeng5380 Рік тому +1

    That’s really good to know ! Thanks so much Suzie for making this video. Love it ❤

  • @CAT-mb2hi
    @CAT-mb2hi Рік тому +7


  • @李彥-m4v
    @李彥-m4v Рік тому


  • @RainieTian
    @RainieTian Рік тому +1

    I love the sharing so much and watched it all. I think your first friend saying matches my recent thinking a lot. Sometimes confuse to think if it’s actually a good thing for us to have choice now. So true she soeaks of the “Internal clock ticking”. I suppose that’s something a man would never think of😂…Thank you for the video. It provides so many new perspectives, relate with me to a newer extend.

    • @susiewooenglish
      @susiewooenglish  Рік тому +1

      Glad it resonated with you :) Thanks for the support!

  • @leonhank4448
    @leonhank4448 Рік тому +1

    For some reasons without paying much attention to the conversations, I just completely immersed myself to this wonderful melody - British accent😬

  • @doremi8889
    @doremi8889 Рік тому +2


  • @simonialee6893
    @simonialee6893 Рік тому +2


    • @hwoilingtan7172
      @hwoilingtan7172 Рік тому


  • @stijnzoe9850
    @stijnzoe9850 Рік тому +1

    Thanks Susie for all these interviews. All very interesting viewpoints
    40:28 I think it's not realistic to think about this question without thinking about financial, education or environment because in reality we should/ have to think about that and this is where the difficulties lay.

  • @tonyuwu9630
    @tonyuwu9630 Рік тому +1

    that's very interesting topic and well organized and professionally presented in the video, well done, Susie!

  • @jjshenca
    @jjshenca Рік тому +2

    It's directly related to the level of education one received. In my personal experience, patenting is part of "maturing" - when I finally understand why my parents behaved the way they were when I was a kid. Parenting is a very fulfilling and rewarding experience.

  • @hebelalalala4310
    @hebelalalala4310 Рік тому +3


  • @judychen7722
    @judychen7722 Рік тому +1

    Amazing inputs from different perspectives in this video!
    My mom just brought up the idea of having children or not and egg freezing with me this year.
    It’s not an easy thing but it’s always good to start asking ourselves all these questions around having kids or not.

  • @DAIDAI2955
    @DAIDAI2955 Рік тому +1

    Thanks for your sharing, to all the guests in the video! I’m 31 and married for 7 years, partner is a reliable guy. I share the same anxiety for the same reason that some guests in this video said, not having my own time. Like I wouldn’t have time to watch Susie’s UA-cam video if I have a kid to attend to. And if 33 is the deadline I don’t have much time left. Still in doubts and concern, don’t know how to make a choice.

  • @kktpitw
    @kktpitw Рік тому +2

    紐西蘭也是提供所謂免學費的教育,但是事實上不是這樣的,學校會發e-mail 給家長希望家長能盡所能的方式繳納教育學費跟捐款(捐款不強迫看各人意願),在我的想法是羊毛出在羊身上,前人已經捐款支持學校的硬軟體,我們很感恩也願意捐款給學校,讓學校可以正常運作一些該修護維護的硬軟體。 我沒想到這些話題真的都是跟我很相似。

  • @yalilu4026
    @yalilu4026 Рік тому +2

    Very good discussion!❤I feel so sad about the beautiful Indian girl’s mom, the situation is kind of same like Chinese culture when a woman in marriage. But I am so glad her mum got her own job(life) finally. All the best to you all!!❤

  • @user-mvyWHEiBOOvh6zSv2sdKCAE7U

    我簡單的說沒錢不要生小孩 大家都受苦難

  • @詹鎮稼
    @詹鎮稼 Рік тому


  • @淑華蕭-d1k
    @淑華蕭-d1k 3 місяці тому +1

    你這個瀏海髮型真的很年輕啊 很漂亮喔❤

  • @tonyho9088
    @tonyho9088 Рік тому +1

    Thanks all the great woman.

  • @samwang402
    @samwang402 Рік тому

    Great great information and thoughts from you and your frifends, Susie. Really appreciate!

  • @x谬论专家
    @x谬论专家 Рік тому +2
