iNattty Not relevant as you can get greater scale length 6 strings. Main reason a lot of these bands like 7 is because of greater range, and flexibility with these lower tunings. I would also guess that convenience plays a part, as greater scale length 6 strings aren't always at GC for the casual player; or for sale on most websites without going custom (Agile/Rondomusic being an exception).
Scale length has nothing to do with the number of strings. I have several 7 strings with 25.5' scale lengths, that's still the standard. Anything longer is "extended scale". 26.5", 27", 28" and so on.. So they just need a 2 string, extended scale length guitar. Done.
Full step down except the lowest string which is normally b in standard 7 string tuning. Black Tongue play in double drop D so it's drop D but a full octave down.
The cool thing about this band is they fully utilize the 3 guitar sound. There’s always one guy accenting certain chords like in verse and pre chorus Zach is accenting the octave while Ben plays a lead and Alex plays the full chord. And then when they all play the same exact thing like in chorus/main riff, it hits that much harder when they line back up. It’s so cool.
+Logan Wood I know that homie hahaha I'm just saying why not bring Ben up there? if Ben was busy why didn't one of them learn the solo and do it? The only plausible explanation I can think of is that something happend and either A. Ben couldn't make it or B.One of the two in the video didn't learn the solo but still wanted to hop on a play through. It feels rushed.
Ben Eller, the guitarist who recorded the solo for this song, does a full lesson of the solo on his youtube channel, for anybody who wanted to see it here. Whitechapel's live lead guitarist, Ben Savage, also didnt come and do this playthrough, which is why they don't actually play the solo. Alex and Zack probably don't know it.
Bohboh Fellone I agree, but there's more interesting things going on in the guitar parts that aren't being played and the guys don't look very into what they're doing. I'm just saying that if it's a 3 guitar track, they shouldn't grab both rhythm parts for a video dedicated to showcasing the guitar work of the song. That said, this isn't really the kind of music I listen to anyway so I was already sort of "meh" about it so take my opinions with a grain of salt haha
I need to stop listening to you guys and watching your play throughs otherwise I'm gonna have to go get me one of those ESP 7 string baritones you guys play! Been digging drop G so much lately.
Technicality and groove are not mutually exclusive. You can have both, if you have any talent. These guys are just lazy and suck. Look up Anup Sastry if you want to hear what I mean. Brutal low tuned guitars, technicality and groove. And the guy cant even fluently play guitar, he just records one note at a time and arranges them in a DAW. Blows this garbage out of the water.
You're not going to Find Alex's or Ben's either. They must not have sold enough models. Although, I was glad that they went to a 26.5" scale with their last models. That Koa Alex had/has looks nice and have been looking for it, can only find the 25.5" bloodburst model.
They have LTD sig models since the market for LTD's is much larger as they are cheaper. Obviously, White Chapel and LTD will sell more sig models than an ESP model. So they play "LTD''s" which I'm sure are hand picked and sent through the ESP USA custom shop before the artists receive it. This makes LTD seem "legit" and thus, they sell more guitars. $$$$$$
This is one of those bands that I've tried getting into multiple times but just can't seem to dig any of their stuff. I've heard their older material as well & it all just sounds bland. I can say their live shows are pretty entertaining though. Caught them opening Mayhemfest a few years back & the crowd was moving hard.
and ppl always get their panties in a bundle too... sensitive subject lol but nobody can explain to me the purpose of 3 7string guitars... i seriously want to know why lol
Songs are usually recorded with a left panned rhythm guitar part, a right panned rhythm guitar part (played to harmonize the left in some spots for musicality) and a lead guitar panned in the center. Having 3 guitarist allows a band to play live all the sounds recorded in the studio effortlessly. So the sound on the CD is the sound you hear live. However, Periphery would be better example for this, as they actually have different parts for all 3 guitarists. Whitechapel really only needs 2 guitarists as most of the left and right rhythm are duplicated.
Good question, they've just always had 3 guitarists. Some songs they have do take advantage to this but mostly it's Ben Savage, the guitarist not present in this video, that does most of the main leads. Best way to put it.
Ben wasn't there so they used playback. he's the best guitarist in the Band and often working on other projects in his freetime, he most likely didn't have time to show up at GW
Lol everyone in the comments acts like they're fucking Eddie van halen or yngwie malmshit, like any of you guys in the comments are actually successful in the music industry.
+Bohboh Fellone the damn option for commenting was made for negative and positive comments, you must be a Fanboy of Whitechapel 'cause you can't accept the reality.
00:53 when he cracks that smile, you know they're having fun.
I love how they can play such a badass song so nonchalantly.
A good tune doesn’t have to be technical. Rock is rock, it’s good of you like it.
This is metal... but yes... it's amazing🤩
@@JaDanBar97 this is death core but yes its amazing
@@ShredTurtle i know it is deathcore...was just saying it actually lies in the metal genre in response to the guy who said it was rock 🙆♂️
@@JaDanBar97 its actually djent
If we need to get that specific it’s Djenty deathcore but I think leaving it at deathcore is just fine.
All these people saying 'you don't need 7 strings to play this song' you need the scale length to play in this tuning. Common sense people!
iNattty Not relevant as you can get greater scale length 6 strings. Main reason a lot of these bands like 7 is because of greater range, and flexibility with these lower tunings. I would also guess that convenience plays a part, as greater scale length 6 strings aren't always at GC for the casual player; or for sale on most websites without going custom (Agile/Rondomusic being an exception).
Baritone Guitars most be a very new concept to you
What the fuck XDDDD All 3 r using 25.5" guitars XD
Scale length has nothing to do with the number of strings. I have several 7 strings with 25.5' scale lengths, that's still the standard. Anything longer is "extended scale". 26.5", 27", 28" and so on..
So they just need a 2 string, extended scale length guitar. Done.
7 string are great, but im broke asf so I just juse thicker strings
Did he say, "drop G" tuning??? :o
Yeah, gdgcfad. It's like korns tuning except tune the low A down a step to G.
Full step down except the lowest string which is normally b in standard 7 string tuning.
Black Tongue play in double drop D so it's drop D but a full octave down.
Chris Valentine black tongue are in a tuning I didn’t know existed until this year lmao.
The cool thing about this band is they fully utilize the 3 guitar sound. There’s always one guy accenting certain chords like in verse and pre chorus Zach is accenting the octave while Ben plays a lead and Alex plays the full chord. And then when they all play the same exact thing like in chorus/main riff, it hits that much harder when they line back up. It’s so cool.
Hardest part is actually getting a 7 string guitar
Playing drob g on a 6th string is even harder
Put a gauge like .15 .20 .32 .42 .54 .70 or something close
Der Misanthrop a baritone 6 will solve that problem
@@dantesaliba8533 7 string are more fucking common than baritones and almost more fucking common as strings
The riffs from 2:15-3:00 sound so Tool-inspired, sick
Dude, I just realized this after your comment.
The dude with the blue guitar is practically hugging it
Y’all are pretty dope! 😎 No wonder why I love your band so much.
Why do they need 7 strings? 2 are enough.
SAVAGE hahaha
yeah didn't Wes Borland have a 4-string guitar at one point? That's all he needed. lol
Did you not see Alex play more than just 2 string. You are an idiot.
awsome song, but if they make a playthrough they could show the solos and stuff and not 2 guitarrists playing the same thing.
They have 3 guitarists only one solos
Uncle Ben writes a lot of their solos too
I love this song
Started messing around with drop G tuning bc of Whitechapel and it’s so much fun! So chunky and beefy. It’s good for the soul
bruh I want that blue ltd
The melodies and harmonies are fantastic.
Don't bother doing a live playthrough if you're gonna skip the solo
You gotta think about the fact that not all three guitarists are there playing the song
+Logan Wood okay? bring all 3 or bring 1 and the one who actually plays the solo. It's a boring play through.
+Brian Sisk Ben plays the solos mainly
+Logan Wood I know that homie hahaha I'm just saying why not bring Ben up there? if Ben was busy why didn't one of them learn the solo and do it? The only plausible explanation I can think of is that something happend and either A. Ben couldn't make it or B.One of the two in the video didn't learn the solo but still wanted to hop on a play through. It feels rushed.
+Brian Sisk Oh I get what you mean. Shit, I don't know. Ben might've not wanted to do it or something like you said.
Ben Eller, the guitarist who recorded the solo for this song, does a full lesson of the solo on his youtube channel, for anybody who wanted to see it here. Whitechapel's live lead guitarist, Ben Savage, also didnt come and do this playthrough, which is why they don't actually play the solo. Alex and Zack probably don't know it.
Ben was my old teacher for 2 years. Cool dude
The demo was originally tuned an additional step down, to F. Kind of wish they would have stuck with that. Still heavy as hell though.
when your lead guitarist can show up to do the solo
hey! such a good sound.. I love you LTD... but I was waiting on the solo 😑😑
Whoa look at Zach! What a hottie! I didn't even recognize him lol!
sublime !..!.
Brutal af!! Like it 🤘
Two guitarists..still not the lead part..noice.
they have 3 guitarists, the lead player isnt there.
The person playing the solo is ben eller
Where is the third guitarist?
watching these guys play over the full track is like seeing someone playing guitar hero on easy
music doesn't have to be technically challenging to be enjoyable
+Bohboh Fellone bo, but at least it should be kinda interresting, and not the most generic and overplayed riffs
Bohboh Fellone I agree, but there's more interesting things going on in the guitar parts that aren't being played and the guys don't look very into what they're doing. I'm just saying that if it's a 3 guitar track, they shouldn't grab both rhythm parts for a video dedicated to showcasing the guitar work of the song.
That said, this isn't really the kind of music I listen to anyway so I was already sort of "meh" about it so take my opinions with a grain of salt haha
+balltopleft Let us know how many records you've sold bruh!
totally irrelevant "argument"
Getting some nice thick strings for my 7string and this is the first song i want to learn when i put it in Drop G
Theyre tone is absolutely insane
That riff is dirty nasty
I need to stop listening to you guys and watching your play throughs otherwise I'm gonna have to go get me one of those ESP 7 string baritones you guys play! Been digging drop G so much lately.
How much did these guys pay off GW to get this coverage?
So many elitists heh heh
Goddamn, The Elitist Ones.🤘🏼😂
Are you fucking kidding me..??
What is Alex's guitar model??
Pleaseee i need it fast
These 2 guitars couldn't be more different.
What guitar is the Ltd wood finish one?!?
This is a fucking tune. So what if it's not insanely technical to play, it's about that dirty groove.
Technicality and groove are not mutually exclusive. You can have both, if you have any talent. These guys are just lazy and suck. Look up Anup Sastry if you want to hear what I mean. Brutal low tuned guitars, technicality and groove. And the guy cant even fluently play guitar, he just records one note at a time and arranges them in a DAW. Blows this garbage out of the water.
Why cant I find Zachs sig guitar on ESP website?
he switched to aristides
You're not going to Find Alex's or Ben's either. They must not have sold enough models. Although, I was glad that they went to a 26.5" scale with their last models. That Koa Alex had/has looks nice and have been looking for it, can only find the 25.5" bloodburst model.
Michael from gta on the right, Channing Tatum on the left
wow invisible guitar solo just like drax
they have three guitarists in their band
Possession next please
Man... where's the third guitarist with all the interesting stuff :c
Aren't there 3 guitarists in this band???
Tell me the start or intro is not Djent.....
Let’s have 3 guitar players and act like it’s important
Where is the other guitar player?
fuckin NIGHTMARE!!
just saying, youtuber ben eller did the guest solo for this track and he isnt a member of the band. thats why theres no lead
Alex is lead right?
At least get Ben in there, damn
The younger dudes are doing better than just paying bills on the Meshuggah sound.
whos playing that solo guitar?
I've watched this video for the solo
Headstock riff??
Is Alex using a 7 string Strat? Sure looks that way.
Red ltd strat is SICKK
Why they use ltd and not esp???They don't have the money to buy Esp???
Ltd is the cheaper brand of epiphone related to gibson
They have LTD sig models since the market for LTD's is much larger as they are cheaper. Obviously, White Chapel and LTD will sell more sig models than an ESP model. So they play "LTD''s" which I'm sure are hand picked and sent through the ESP USA custom shop before the artists receive it. This makes LTD seem "legit" and thus, they sell more guitars. $$$$$$
Why no guitar solo....? =(
This is one of those bands that I've tried getting into multiple times but just
can't seem to dig any of their stuff. I've heard their older material as well & it
all just sounds bland. I can say their live shows are pretty entertaining though.
Caught them opening Mayhemfest a few years back & the crowd was moving hard.
I would like it if one of these guys came on stage with a 2 string guitar to play. It would be hilarious.
Bozeman really needs to get a more talented band around him, that man carries Whitechapel
Jacob Claus honestly. They have a few good riffs but i just listen for his vocals. They need some baller ass guitarist.
Why does it take 3 guitarists to play this?
Been wondering the same thing since I came across this band a few years ago... 3 7 string guitars but the bassist only plays a 4 string too.
and ppl always get their panties in a bundle too... sensitive subject lol but nobody can explain to me the purpose of 3 7string guitars... i seriously want to know why lol
Songs are usually recorded with a left panned rhythm guitar part, a right panned rhythm guitar part (played to harmonize the left in some spots for musicality) and a lead guitar panned in the center. Having 3 guitarist allows a band to play live all the sounds recorded in the studio effortlessly. So the sound on the CD is the sound you hear live. However, Periphery would be better example for this, as they actually have different parts for all 3 guitarists. Whitechapel really only needs 2 guitarists as most of the left and right rhythm are duplicated.
+Logan Wilder I don't get it. It's the same beat. lol
Good question, they've just always had 3 guitarists. Some songs they have do take advantage to this but mostly it's Ben Savage, the guitarist not present in this video, that does most of the main leads. Best way to put it.
Kingmaker called. They want their song back.
So why 7 strings if only 2 or 3 are being used?
Why da fuck they didn't play the solo part???
Another top-two-string-fest
I don't think Death or Djent metal bands should ever look like they work at Kinkos!
We'll play everything but the solo 🤣
spoiler alert, they have 3 guitarists, one of which wasn't in the video. the other one plays lead.
i hear a guitar solo but no one play it... zzzzzzzzzz
The solo was actually recorded by Ben Eller. Who isn't in this video.
+Frank Homma Yo, Uncle Ben himself?
+overlorrd53 yeap. He discussed it on an episode of weekend wankshop, not sure which one.
+Frank Homma Awesome, his videos taught me a whole heap of stuff
Yeah, but the other guitarrist (yea they have three) plays the solo live. Not sure way they didn't include the lead guitar player in these videos.
Listen to king maker guilt.
PLEASE tell me they don't sound the same..... Hm
a few neglected strings haha
How i miss 80's thrash metal
and dont need 7 string, they barely touch the higher ones
The saw is the law rhythm guitar walkthrough*
I just get the 12 to 60 gauge strings
where is solo?
LOL no one played the solo?
Teo whole djenty bois
Oh I'm sorry I didn't know I was on the TWO STRINGS FOR DUMMIES guitar lesson.....
drums are everythimg in this.
I liked the part when no one played the solo
..... they just let the solo play on a backing track. what.
Ben wasn't there so they used playback. he's the best guitarist in the Band and often working on other projects in his freetime, he most likely didn't have time to show up at GW
Get a 7 string, and almost never use 6 of them. why don't they just get a one string djent stick? -_-
Lol everyone in the comments acts like they're fucking Eddie van halen or yngwie malmshit, like any of you guys in the comments are actually successful in the music industry.
You know who else is successful in the music industry? Justin fucking Bieber. Your argument is tragically flawed.
How the mighty have fallen, to think these were the guys who wrote songs like This Is Exile or Possession...
drop g hahahahaha
1 string enough
But like, neither of them played the solo? Tf? Actually kinda pissed lol
why do they even have two guitarists? they play the same things all together. i mean, whats the point?
snipergurke 1005 they've 3 guitarists actually 😂
I thought it would be Sodom's "The Saw Is The Law", not that piece of shit.
It does say Whitechapel in the title 🤔
Jose Valles Until the last moment I hoped that it is cover :D
me too , i thought it was a Sodom cover
And they did not even play the solo :DD How convenient :"(
what a boring playthrough honestly, I would have put a single guitarist to play the song and it was enough
that's a boring song...
still better than your comment
+Bohboh Fellone I didn't know this was a comment contest :0 woow...
what an idiot
Better things you could have done instead of posting a negative comment, and insults, on YT:
- everything
+Bohboh Fellone the damn option for commenting was made for negative and positive comments, you must be a Fanboy of Whitechapel 'cause you can't accept the reality.
I'm just a dude with a positive attitude in life, keep spending your time on stuff you don't like if you wish :)