I feel bad for a lot of these children, with parents like these. And to the dad letting his kid drive a Tesla to school - you have more money than brains.
I feel bad for the "what do I do with them on weekends ?" kids. I've had kids (probably about 4 and 7) in my class. Their mom registered them to extra-classes after hours (like art classes) because she wanted to spend as less time as possible with them and didn't want to take care of them. They were AWFUL ! The younger one was just emptying the paint bottles on plates and on the ground. Spreading paint on the walls, etc. When I went to take take of the situation the older brother talked to me as if he were an adult, giving me orders, etc. And of course you can never say anything because you're the one who will be in the wrong. I feel bad for the kids but I told my superior that I wouldn't take an other after hours class like that if they were to be in it. I'm a teacher, my job is to teach, I LOVE my students (kids, teens and adults) and do everything and more to make sure they are ok. But I do not have to take care of kids that parents shouldn't have had.
Fun fact, there wad actually a time when my parents forgot to pick me up from school for a whole week. Im lucky that my teacher was kind enough to drive me home because her neighborhood was close to mine and she kinda felt bad for me then. After that she taught me how to commute home instead and gave me some spare change every dismissal. It was only about two weeks later that my mom found out my dad didnt pick me up because he was expecting her to pick me up. Man, teachers are severely underpaid considering all the effort they have to put into thei jobs.
We had an 8 year old student come to school one morning which wasn't unusual. What was unusual was the fact that 3 hours later, the mom calls to see if her son got to school....
@@priscillajimenez27 Parents calling up teachers to check if their kids got to school became pretty common in my high school since cutting classes became a bif thing. But if the kid was 8 though, maybe the parent just wanted to check if he got there ok because he's still pretty young.
@@charlizeparedes6358 turns out she slept in and didnt get him ready for school. We've even had parents never shown up to pick their kids up after school too...
@@poetlover30 actually I used to live pretty far from my school so it would take an hour and a half for me to get there if I commuted and just an hour if I was dropped off by my parents. The same can be said for going home.
I literally started eating my chocolate bar when the lady starting speaking about poop. Yep.....and the chocolate left a bitter taste in my mouth since she was talking about poop.
Same. I got 6 years of advanced education so some idiot parent can ask me stupid questions and some asshole administrator can challenge my choices. Nope.
During Covid, kids home, online classes, parents required to help their children but complaining their kids were having difficulty with the lessons. Would help a lot if the parents were smarter than a fifth grader.
I had a parent who berated me for setting behavior limits on her child in the classroom. She yelled "I don't send my child to school to be disciplined! I send him to learn!" I calmly explained the behavior her child exhibited throughout the entire morning with the toys he was allowed to bring from home. She was silent. She called back a few minutes later an apologized. There are NO REWARDS being a substitute teacher. Kids lie!
I had a parent tell me: 1. Homework was unnecessary and a waste or her son’s valuable time. 2. Tests were not an accurate measurement of a child’s performance in class. So her son should not have to take them. & 3. Her son was very busy and would find it difficult to actually attend my class. Therefore, It was obvious to her that her son should receive an a in my calculus class without having to show up do homework or take any tests. The very sad part of the story is that after I told this parent no she spent the last two years of her child’s time at our school trying to get me fired for incompetence.
I agree to some extent that homework and exams aren’t always the best way for everyone to learn, but seriously? If she disagrees with the system move her son to a different school and it fight to reform the education system, don’t start a vendetta against the teachers! And what exactly was he doing that meant he was too busy to go to class WHILE HE WAS MEANT TO BE AT SCHOOL?!
@@_ghoul3z Nope. I was under investigation for a semester and then was written up. My mistake was this: (& I promise that this is 100% true though it sounds totally cray cray) she wrote me an email that evening telling me that I needed to do what she asked or she'd get me fired and that she would tell as many lies as she had to to make that happen. She proceeded to do that for the last two years that her kid was with us. Unfortunately (& this is where I learned my lesson) I deleted the email because I thought it was so embarrassing for her!!! I no longer ever delete parent emails no matter what and document every darned thing that might be on the edge (O you other teachers, learn this lesson from me!!!). Sad that it came to this.... Now, we might ask ourselves why o why did she act like this. Well, I think finally got the answer. Near the end of senior year, the kid's dad (and mom and dad were NOT on friendly terms) who lived across the country came to visit. The kid took him on a tour of the school and I met him. He & I could have been brothers, same height, shape, baldness etc. I think the poor woman was doing some transference onto me. We just never know, do we, what motivates others.
@@philiphorne4202 wow this is mental. it’s crazy to think just existing can be triggering for someone and u have no idea why they treat u a certain way. that behavior is so uncalled for 🤢 I’m glad ur free from that ! This is exactly why keeping records r important, for ur safety ! I have sm respect for teachers especially learning abt these shenanigans
Girl, I hear you and I have the same, scary, jaw-dropping stories. I was the middle and high school math and science teacher but ended up quitting and got my nursing degree in 2015. I put so much energy into my kids and their education and I could not battle the crazy parents. Just no words to describe what I’ve been through.
I used to run a daycare center and had a parent claim that her 15 month old was potty trained after a week of vacation at home with mom. This child didn’t talk yet!! So I asked how we were to know when she has to go potty. How would she indicate that to us. The mom’s response, “She gets a certain look in her eye.” Excuse me? What now? Ma’am, we have 13 other toddlers in this classroom. I told her we would give it a week and take her potty on the diaper schedule and any other time we noticed she seemed like she had to go. That child never went potty in the toilet all week. Not once. And we TRIED, but when we put her on the toilet she just looked at us like we were crazy. Back to diapers, thanks.
When I was a preschool assistant teacher we had a 2 year old with the same situation. Her mom swore she used the potty at home, but she would never do more than play in the bathroom when we took her. The mom also kept getting mad that her daughter had a poopy diaper at pickup time and accused us of not changing her. This particular child had 4-5 poop diapers a day, and usually had one of those about a half hour before pickup time that we would change and she'd have another by the time her mom got there. Weirdly enough, all the poop was always bright orange. I was forbidden to ask her what in the hek she was feeding this kid. So it just remained a traumatic mystery.
As a pediatrician, I laugh like crazy at these!!! We get some crazy letter requests to send to teachers saying some of these are medically necessary !!!??? Nope Nope Nope 🤦🏼
Oh yeah, speaking as somebody who has taught P.E. before, I find it ridiculous when one or more kids in my classes look for every excuse in the book to be excused from doing the physical activity required of the class itself. School policy states that a signed doctor's note is required in these circumstances. No doctor's note? No dice. Stay physically and mentally healthy and everything else will fall into place.
@@munimathbypeterfelton6251 Just one random person's experience here, but I thought it might shed some light on why *some* students try to avoid PE/ gym class. By the time I was in 6th grade I was already wearing a B-cup bra. By 9th grade, I wore a G-cup. I never weighed over 100 pounds. This... disproportionality was very obvious and the boys certainly took notice. It led to a lot of dirty looks, dirty suggestions from boys and ugly, hurtful rumors from girls. I did everything I could to hide my figure. Gym class was my ultimate nightmare because... well, as you can imagine, doing jumping jacks or running caused a lot of bounce. That was not only extremely embarrassing but PAINFUL. When you weigh 95 pounds and wear a G-cup, anything that causes bouncing does not feel good. Add onto that the ridicule, snickering and jokes about my chest and it was both physically and psychologically painful. So please just keep in mind that not all students who try to avoid gym class are just lazy.
@@poetlover30 I am now, yes. But only because I had a breast reduction when I was 21 years old. I only had three months left to stay on my mom's health insurance and it was something I had always wanted. I went to see a plastic surgeon who took measurements and pictures and told me that she had to send my photos and information to my insurance company to get the surgery approved as a "medical necessity." She said it would take about a week to hear back. She called me to tell me I had been approved before I had even made it back home, about a 45 minute drive. LOL I went from more than a G-cup to a B-cup. I say "more than a G-cup" because I had been ordering bras from an online, overseas company called Bravissimo for years and they were so expensive, usually around $80 + shipping each. While I was in high school, I just saved my lunch money to pay for my bras since woman stuff just wasn't something I ever felt comfortable talking to my mom about, especially since she was an A-cup and it was just.... weird. G-cups worked okayISH, so I just stuck with that size even though they were still a quite a bit too small and the underwires dug into my skin really painfully. I couldn't afford to order multiple sizes to try and end up either stuck with the ones that didn't fit or having to pay overseas shipping costs to return them, if they were even returnable. They may not even have been a returnable item.
@@JW-vi2nh Agreed. I still wish I'd have simply been brazen enough to simulate raging head-aches or whatever for as long as it'd take to get a doctors notice. I was a physically active child - cycling and climbing - but sports was brutal and sadly, it pretty much spoiled sports for me for good. Yikes. So, for doctors: listen carefully, use your judgement. Bullying is so much worse during gym class because there's more moving around, more chances for insults, pinches, kicks, slaps to go unnoticed. One doctors note to much isn't going to do near the damage of one too few.
Former teacher here, thank you for the laughs, the general public would not believe most of these, but I'm sure most teachers would say... been there! LOVE your responses and your laugh.
I'm not a teacher, but that first request - that the student be given a male teacher for math because the parent didn't trust that the lady could properly teach the course - resonates with my job at a hardware store. Some of those guys still live in the 1930's and think we don't know plumbing fittings, bolts and nuts, chain, etc. It's fun to see their faces when I take them right to the part in question and know what it does and how to install it!
Actually chewing on something can help kids concentrate but someone needs to tell that mom about Chewelry (Jewelry that's made to be chewed on) instead of glue sticks.
I’m a student and I’ve had to put up with evil parents when I volunteered at the school Color Run. It was awful! I can’t imagine putting up with them almost every single day
You remind me so much of a teacher I admire in our school district. You have no idea how encouraging you are to teachers like myself, working with students in the urban community. Much love and respect~~Ms. K
Yep. This is the reason I could never be a teacher professionally. I enjoy teaching unto itself, and I love working with kids, and most of them like me. But these parents... I'd probably get fired after my first act of assault. Ah, bless all of you teachers. You deserve so much better than stuff like this.
I love your videos. My bf and I are both teachers. He is a social studies public school teacher and I teach private school and non-traditional students, in addition to college. Between us, we experience teaching pre-k through higher education and adult learners. (I've also worked with ECC programs). The number of insane stories we have.... I also work currently as an admin, so I get both the teacher and the admin side and sh*t cray cray for both but many admins absolutely forget what it's like to be a teacher and many parents have no idea the crap admins deal with behind the scenes, but all in all parents can be nuts, kids say and do the darndest things, politicians don't know anything about education, college professors are not taught to teach, and no teacher is paid enough.
I worked in pharmacy 27 years ,there are a lot of whoppers as well, you know the suppositories that have the heavy type like aluminum foil wrapped individually ,well a customer stuck it up their rectum with out taking the foil off & wondered why they were bleeding . Then in a bottle of medication where the gray desiccant is in their to prevent clumping & drying out of med's well it says do not eat meaning do not eat that grey piece,customer came in ask when they could start eating again has not eaten in 3 days, then woman comes in has been using a prescription vaginal cream,she is very worried because her husband has been getting it in his mouth & swallowing it , there are many more! It is like some days you want to bash your head on the counter or stick your head in the in the pharmacy freezer & scream !
Several years ago I had a parent tell me she couldn't get her son, a 4th grade student, out of bed in the morning to come to school. She had no bedtime for him and he was allowed to stay up as late as he wanted. Apparently, most nights he didn't go to bed until 4 AM. She wanted to know if either I or the principal could come to her house each morning and get her son out of bed. Ummm, that's a big NO!
@@dianeericson7900 not teachers. Our sanity is dwindling as it is. Administration :) they can try it for a bit and then maybe see why our hands are always tied. And then we find a top-notch psychologist and OBGYN.
It’s a wonder ANYONE goes into education anymore. Teachers did not sign up for this. These parents are nuts & they’re perpetuating the problem by raising nutso kids. It’s really sad.
Not to mention, these parents allow the children's peers, television, and social media to do the parenting, resulting in a rowdy bunch of future criminals. With that said, not only am I anticipating an even worse teacher shortage, but also a police shortage.
@@annalisasauter7935 we need to make jails or bring back institutions for all those needing locked up...there's nowhere to store these cases. And they def shouldn't be around society.
I was told I had to give detentios to a girl who routinely made false sexual abuse allegations to the police about her father. The principal said I should have another student present "for my protection." Ridiculous administrator requests are a whole 'nother level.
WOW, what?? I'm split between "that's about to bite you in the ass with a false allegation, witness or no witness" and "ARE they false allegations, if she continues to do that...?" I have no idea what to even think at this point
@@koalaeucalyptus According to the police, the allegations were false. There is no question in my mind the allegations were false. She frequently lied to get her way and never showed any remorse. In fact she enjoyed the chaos she created and clearly understood the power these lies gave her.
So just for clarification, instead of getting this girl a psych evaluation and counseling, the administration told YOU to give this girl detentions for sexual abuse allegations???! And for your protection have another STUDENT there when you gave them to her???
Don't call today's kids bratty or entitled.. don't blame the kids. That's how they turn out growing up under such stupid horrible parents. These parents don't know the difference between a nanny, a baby sitter and a teacher.
A parent took their child out of school for 4 weeks without notifying the school. When we finally were able to get in contact with her she claimed that his father kidnapped him and kept him in Cleveland. So while this happened the 2nd quarter came to an end. One of our other teachers who lives in Cleveland doubted the mom was telling the truth, because ironically she had the student at another school in the past and knew mom pulled a lot of stunts. She got ahold of mom and said she could pick up the student from dads house (she knew dad too) and bring him home to mom. Mom of course turned down the offer and the next day the student and his brother showed up for class. Now keep in mind that grades for 2nd quarter were turned in and report cards were sent out . So, this mom four weeks into the 3rd quarter had the audacity to have her son tell me she wants all of the work he missed in those 4 weeks. I had to explain to the student that I was not going to gather up 4 weeks of missed work and that we cannot go back and change the grades once a period ends and report cards have been sent out. My student then tells me that mom didn't feel like getting up those 4 weeks and him and his brother were playing video games and watching TV and never once went to see dad. Thankfully a friend of the family is checking in to make sure that the 5th grader and 3rd grader brother are making it to class with her son. Crazy stuff we teachers see and deal with.
I’m frigging addicted to these! I taught an after school film class in L.A. and had some wacky parents for sure. It was part of a SAG/AFTRA program. Many Hollywood star parents. You wouldn’t believe the requests and the spoiled children that result from such entitled parents.
My school district had a 4 day weekend for the students. One day was a state holiday. The other day was SDD. A parent asked what was she supposed tod do those two days?. my aide and i frog eyed and thought: BE A PARENT.
I left teaching after 15 years for just these reasons. I literally had a panic attack while listening to this, it’s funny but hits too close to home. My hubby accused me of caring more about other peoples kids than my own. It took several years of being told that before I finally left
As an infant/toddler teacher I got some outrageous requests from parents. Like making sure their child took three naps per day. Like training their child to eat food they absolutely hated. Like giving their child breakfast when they were brought in at practically snack time. This particular parent was too lazy to fix their own child breakfast, making the excuse that the child didn't wake up early enough. Nowadays parents of infants and toddlers expect the teacher to be their child's private nanny, never mind the fact that there's up to twelve little ones in the classroom. Oh, another one: parents asking you to change their child's diaper at pick up time, when you're obviously busy with other children. Along those lines, a parent asking to "borrow" diapers from another child because they forgot to bring more diapers for their own child. One more: parents expecting you to fully potty train their child because they're too lazy to do it themselves.
What's the going rate for baby sitters? Multiply that by each child by the hours of care and voila - I'll bet if you asked for babysitter pay, you'd make more than you do now! ...and still have insurance and an IRA...
So clean, so eloquent. You are delightful and incredibly patient. Parents are so far out of their minds these days that all we can do is laugh. I have been asked to intervene when a students and her sibling, who attended another school, were fighting at home. I have been asked for enough money to buy school sweatshirts for a family of four. When I was asked for money to buy lice shampoo, I bought some because, heck no, they weren't coming anywhere near me. Blecch.
I really don't know how you teachers keep your sanity with parents like this. I say this as a parent of a 9 year old in a rural community. I know these parents exist, I have seen examples, not this extreme but examples of parents that really need to check themselves and me just thanking the staff after they leave for all their hard work. But how you guys keep your sanity, I really don't know.
I'm always very kind and professional yet remain straightforward, real, and firm with my students' parents. I never let them or their kids even think they can get away with anything. If they want to go over my head and complain to my supervisors, they can be my guest. I keep written records of everything. So until those complaining families have academic criteria in the form of good grades and solid effort given towards their children's studies and overall social-moral discipline and respect shown at all times so as to back up their false claims, they can bet their bottom dollar they won't succeed in making me or any other street smart teacher a pushover!
I was a preschool teacher, and I had a parent tell me that she didn't think a man should be teaching preschool and wanted her son in a new class. Also, had another one tell something similar to the Admin. At least the first one had the courage to tell me to my face.
@@lizziebkennedy7505 I agree that they should have more of an open mind, but I believe in everyone's right to have and voice their opinions. With the first parent, the dad refused to allow the mom to move him to a new classroom. So, I just did the best job I could for the little boy, who was an amazing and pleasant child. The second one had her daughter switched to a new classroom, and I just focused on the parents and children who were in my classroom. I live my life focusing on the people who respect and support me not the ones who have a problem with me. There will always be people who don't like me, but I don't have to let them live in my mind, rent-free.
Yeah, sadly I was one of those parents. My son had tonsil and adenoid surgery the day before the first day of kindergarten so he started a couple days late. He was in an immense amount of pain so we called his doctor. They said to give him gum and chewy candy and wrote a note to the school saying to give him a piece of candy every 2 hours. My son's dad and I had a coin toss so the loser had to face the teacher and explain why only our son in his entire kindergarten class had an actual prescription for candy.
I am stealing your "Shooing away of negative energy"! I love it!! I just hope my work place doesn't understand the hand jesters when they approach my desk with nonsense! (I'll just say there was a fly! HA HA)
Have parents always been this nuts, or do we just know about it thanks to the internet? It feels like in three generations, we went from "eh, if my kids don't behave, just give them a good wallop, and I'll give them another one after school" to "please wait on my spoiled brats hand and foot".
I'm working towards a degree in English Education right now. The fact that I'm going into secondary education gives me hope that I will not be asked to catch poop.
I lived in LA when there was an edison gas leak that affected the north valley. Private schools brought in air purifiers for students. My son had asthma and suffered terribly during that time public schools were slow to get them. Our principal brought her own air purifier for my son and petitioned the district to send air purifiers. This principal went above and beyond with out us asking her to do this. Other parents got upset my son's class was the first to get a purifier and they didn't even know why it was needed they just wanted one.
When she read that one, I thought immediately of how some kids might medically need an air purifier in certain situations. But I know enough teachers to know that if it was a real need, they would go above and beyond to get it.
OMG! I cannot believe the things these parents are asking. What in the world? 👀👀👀👀. Teachers are very under appreciated for sure. They are not baby sitters. Your content is awesome. Blessed Be ❤️💕
All this and severe benefits and paycuts, too! And this video features the nice parent requests! God bless teachers everywhere-teaching is definitely a calling.
Wow. Lol. Just wow. This cannot be real!?!? But I did do home daycare and I was asked why I wasn't taking their child on vacation with me. So I believe it all!
I work for a retail store and recently one of my regular customers whose a teacher at the local high school and she was telling me about a parent who called the school to see if someone from the school would come over to her house in the morning to wake her teenager up and take them to school. ***facepalm***
Hi I just found your UA-cam and you ROCK as a performer and comedian. You should take your HILARIOUS boring teacher on the road as a ONE woman w your laptop and do your THING. I can’t stop laughing. Get you an agent and go for it. You are a blessing to brighten up a person day and for millions of us who teach thanks for the laugh and joy of laughing. Great medicine in this crazy sad world we live in Bless you.
Haha love it a few years ago I worked in the hoilday club for 3-11 years attached to the school that I work out. Over the summer holidays we open for 4 out of the 7 weeks anyway on the last day of the club a parent asked to book for the following week (everyday and the whole day this boy did) and I apologised saying it was our last day and the parent then said but what am I going to do with him?!! (her son) errr I dont know look after him yourself 😅😅 xx
I just can’t and I’m not even a teacher. You ladies and gents do not make nearly enough for the crap you have to endure. Thank you for the laughs though.
The worse parent requests came from entitled Silicon Valley catholic school parents. OMG. It was insane. One third grade boy was so stressed that he wouldn't make it into Stanford University! His mother wanted him to have college prep course in 3 rd grade. That poor boy could barely READ!
I HAD an air purifier in my room. And I don't think any of my students' parents would've even thought of such a thing. LOL BTW - was a GREAT help the year they decided it would be a good idea to fix the school roof DURING THE SCHOOL YEAR, and they decided to park the nasty tar-making machine outside near my classroom!!
My mom asked the lunch ladies to to keep me from sitting with my friend in 9th grade because she was a lesbian. They told me and we all had a good laugh while I sat with an entirely gay table all year. Props to those lunch ladies for calling BS on crazy parent requests.
I had a parent call not once but twice in a row at midnight as it broke through the “do not disturb “ on my phone. No, I did not answer the call and did not get my mandatory 2 2-way communication that week. It’s called boundaries parents, Find some
Gotta ask, since there have been other phone call references in the comments: since when are parents given teachers' phone numbers?!?!? No way! They can message through the school number, or website, or whatever. Leave my privacy alone, thank you. How do you do it? Good luck, and more power to you.
Back in the day I had a prep (1st year of school) who obsessively followed the teacher on duty for recess and lunch. If she couldn’t find the teacher she used to hang around my teaching assistant who had to watch her charge. Finally it got so bad I took the kid aside and asked her why she didn’t want to play with everyone else. Turns out she was terrified of the Grade 6 kids (last year of primary school). I asked why but she wouldn’t say. So naturally I asked mum. Cue eyeroll: ‘oh, I told her to run screaming fire if any of those big kids came near her.’ 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄😵💫🤬 Stupid fricking parents! Thanks a billion for giving me something more to deal with and for giving your daughter some pretty awful anxiety in her first year of school! Way to go mum!
Wow! That poor kids, and stupid mum. Especially when the grade 6 kids are usually wonderful with the little preppies. My kids always had in prep always has a few grade 6 kids they adored.
@@leannewith3 I think that is rather a broad generalization of older kids. All older kids aren't "wonderful" with little kids, nor are they all bad. Speak only of what you personally know.
Oh yes, parents teaching kids to be scared is real. It's one thing to physically defend and verbally stand up for yourself when people treat you badly in any way. But it's quite another thing to instill fear within one's own offspring about people they hardly if at all know. That's a form of prejudice right there. The whole "stranger danger" shtick has really messed up the average child's mind. Assuming that all people from the outside world are bad is really doing everybody on all sides a major injustice. But that's where it all starts!
The last one is honestly the least unreasonable one, (I'm in my last year of school now so I have been in school during the pandemic). My family does not own a printer and did not during the pandemic either. If my teachers wanted me to print something for school I had to walk over a mile to the library and print it, if the library was even open (it was closed for long periods of time during the worst of the pandemic.) Thankfully I only had to print a handful of things during virtual learning and I was able to figure it out. But for elementary age kids who had to print all their work I can see it being a very reasonable request for the work packets to either be delivered or for the parents to be reimbursed for them.
I had a parent try to have me fired because her child failed one of my tests. I brought the test to the meeting and it showed the student had only answered a few questions - all of which were correct- but the test was less than half complete. The mother said her child should have gotten an A since the answers they gave were correct, and the directions did not indicate that ALL the questions had to be answered. Admin made me give the child an A because my directions were not competent.
@@dianeericson7900 My 10 year experience in charter schools is that changing grades is pretty standard. They don't even have to have a lame excuse like the one I conveyed. Admin gives out the As to make parents happy and keep that funding coming in. That's why I giggle a little inside when parents brag about their child having straight As. Yeah, ok. I did not last the year at the school I mentioned, and a year later there was a fatal shooting during the school day. Anyway... I don't teach anymore. The education system has gone crazy, and I am not going with it.
This is why my husband is no longer a teacher! He has terrible stories. He had one instance where a boy was taking care of himself during math class. I fully supported his decision to change careers.
Your channel is hilarious and you are too. I wish you much success. I would only change one small thing. The background music, not needed. You fill the screen with so much fun energy, the music detracts from your presence. Just a suggestion, love you regardless!
I love you lol. You're just so adorable and funny. I'm laying in bed with my sleeping husband and I'm trying to quietly hysterically laugh which is resulting in a lot of bed shaking. 🤣
We had a grandparent, who was the child’s legal guardian, get upset that we were closed on Christmas , because he wanted to spend Christmas with his children. Well you should have thought of that when you skipped teaching your child about birth control and being a responsible parent.
I feel bad for a lot of these children, with parents like these. And to the dad letting his kid drive a Tesla to school - you have more money than brains.
I feel bad for the "what do I do with them on weekends ?" kids.
I've had kids (probably about 4 and 7) in my class. Their mom registered them to extra-classes after hours (like art classes) because she wanted to spend as less time as possible with them and didn't want to take care of them.
They were AWFUL ! The younger one was just emptying the paint bottles on plates and on the ground. Spreading paint on the walls, etc. When I went to take take of the situation the older brother talked to me as if he were an adult, giving me orders, etc. And of course you can never say anything because you're the one who will be in the wrong.
I feel bad for the kids but I told my superior that I wouldn't take an other after hours class like that if they were to be in it.
I'm a teacher, my job is to teach, I LOVE my students (kids, teens and adults) and do everything and more to make sure they are ok. But I do not have to take care of kids that parents shouldn't have had.
This is actually sad, because it indicates the lack of respect parents have towards teachers by making such ridiculous requests.
Fun fact, there wad actually a time when my parents forgot to pick me up from school for a whole week. Im lucky that my teacher was kind enough to drive me home because her neighborhood was close to mine and she kinda felt bad for me then. After that she taught me how to commute home instead and gave me some spare change every dismissal. It was only about two weeks later that my mom found out my dad didnt pick me up because he was expecting her to pick me up. Man, teachers are severely underpaid considering all the effort they have to put into thei jobs.
We had an 8 year old student come to school one morning which wasn't unusual. What was unusual was the fact that 3 hours later, the mom calls to see if her son got to school....
@@priscillajimenez27 Parents calling up teachers to check if their kids got to school became pretty common in my high school since cutting classes became a bif thing. But if the kid was 8 though, maybe the parent just wanted to check if he got there ok because he's still pretty young.
@@charlizeparedes6358 turns out she slept in and didnt get him ready for school. We've even had parents never shown up to pick their kids up after school too...
@@charlizeparedes6358 So, it's not unusual to you that normally you wouldn't take 3 hours to get to school... That's not very punctual lol
@@poetlover30 actually I used to live pretty far from my school so it would take an hour and a half for me to get there if I commuted and just an hour if I was dropped off by my parents. The same can be said for going home.
It’s like they’re all saying “Hi I’m a parent, you’re a teacher. I bought this small person into the world but I’d like you to raise them” 🤦🏻♀️
Warning: DO NOT eat anything while watching this video! You're likely to choke from laughing so hard! 🤣 Seriously, I almost aspirated! LOL!!!
Thanks for the warning. It didn't help though bc I laughed so hard I started caughing like I smoke 3 packs per day.
Or be grossed out by some of these outrageous requests.🤢
I literally started eating my chocolate bar when the lady starting speaking about poop. Yep.....and the chocolate left a bitter taste in my mouth since she was talking about poop.
Thanks for the warning.
Lol I thought you were say the video made you lose ur appetite
*insert infected toe reference here 😂 xp
This is why I left the teaching profession while I was student teaching. It isn’t the kids, it’s the parents.
Kids sadly come with adults 😩😩 I didn’t like daycare teaching due to this
Oh, it is very much the kids as well...
Same. I got 6 years of advanced education so some idiot parent can ask me stupid questions and some asshole administrator can challenge my choices. Nope.
Say that PARENT part louder for the people in the back.....then say THE CHILDREN!!
I love this woman. She tells it like it is. She is awesome.
If she was white you'd all be calling her a Karen.
@@linebrunelle1004 nah the Karens are the parents in this case 😂
White victimhood at its best. Mad over a nickname that's not even a slur
The problem with kids these days: their parents.
Right?! What’s wrong with people?!
@@hannahscott6604 That's a good question. Maybe it has to do with the surrounding culture and people not being able to think for themselves.
I do SPED and have always felt the ENABLING was far more disabling than the actual disability
@@wendycrow4462 wow, so well said. Amen to that. Too bad it is so often this way and spoiling and ruining kids.
One of the best comments ever on UA-cam! Peace!
The 7 dislikes were the ones that wrote the requests.
Wish we could see the ratio…
During Covid, kids home, online classes, parents required to help their children but complaining their kids were having difficulty with the lessons. Would help a lot if the parents were smarter than a fifth grader.
I had a parent who berated me for setting behavior limits on her child in the classroom. She yelled "I don't send my child to school to be disciplined! I send him to learn!" I calmly explained the behavior her child exhibited throughout the entire morning with the toys he was allowed to bring from home. She was silent. She called back a few minutes later an apologized. There are NO REWARDS being a substitute teacher. Kids lie!
His action figures getting a little too much action?
All I hear is a bunch of parents who need CPS called on them.
I had a parent tell me: 1. Homework was unnecessary and a waste or her son’s valuable time. 2. Tests were not an accurate measurement of a child’s performance in class. So her son should not have to take them. & 3. Her son was very busy and would find it difficult to actually attend my class. Therefore, It was obvious to her that her son should receive an a in my calculus class without having to show up do homework or take any tests. The very sad part of the story is that after I told this parent no she spent the last two years of her child’s time at our school trying to get me fired for incompetence.
What the heck pls tell me there were ppl who had ur back. That’s scary for someone to threaten ur career like that. She had an agenda
I agree to some extent that homework and exams aren’t always the best way for everyone to learn, but seriously? If she disagrees with the system move her son to a different school and it fight to reform the education system, don’t start a vendetta against the teachers! And what exactly was he doing that meant he was too busy to go to class WHILE HE WAS MEANT TO BE AT SCHOOL?!
@@_ghoul3z Nope. I was under investigation for a semester and then was written up. My mistake was this: (& I promise that this is 100% true though it sounds totally cray cray) she wrote me an email that evening telling me that I needed to do what she asked or she'd get me fired and that she would tell as many lies as she had to to make that happen. She proceeded to do that for the last two years that her kid was with us. Unfortunately (& this is where I learned my lesson) I deleted the email because I thought it was so embarrassing for her!!! I no longer ever delete parent emails no matter what and document every darned thing that might be on the edge (O you other teachers, learn this lesson from me!!!). Sad that it came to this....
Now, we might ask ourselves why o why did she act like this. Well, I think finally got the answer. Near the end of senior year, the kid's dad (and mom and dad were NOT on friendly terms) who lived across the country came to visit. The kid took him on a tour of the school and I met him. He & I could have been brothers, same height, shape, baldness etc. I think the poor woman was doing some transference onto me. We just never know, do we, what motivates others.
@@philiphorne4202 wow this is mental. it’s crazy to think just existing can be triggering for someone and u have no idea why they treat u a certain way. that behavior is so uncalled for 🤢 I’m glad ur free from that ! This is exactly why keeping records r important, for ur safety ! I have sm respect for teachers especially learning abt these shenanigans
"I'd be happy to follow the acommodations on your son's 504 or IEP...oh? You don't have one? This is how you request an evaluation."
Girl, I hear you and I have the same, scary, jaw-dropping stories. I was the middle and high school math and science teacher but ended up quitting and got my nursing degree in 2015. I put so much energy into my kids and their education and I could not battle the crazy parents. Just no words to describe what I’ve been through.
Oh dear Lord, the struggle is real with entitled ridiculous parents! 🤪
I used to run a daycare center and had a parent claim that her 15 month old was potty trained after a week of vacation at home with mom. This child didn’t talk yet!! So I asked how we were to know when she has to go potty. How would she indicate that to us. The mom’s response, “She gets a certain look in her eye.” Excuse me? What now? Ma’am, we have 13 other toddlers in this classroom. I told her we would give it a week and take her potty on the diaper schedule and any other time we noticed she seemed like she had to go. That child never went potty in the toilet all week. Not once. And we TRIED, but when we put her on the toilet she just looked at us like we were crazy. Back to diapers, thanks.
When I was a preschool assistant teacher we had a 2 year old with the same situation. Her mom swore she used the potty at home, but she would never do more than play in the bathroom when we took her. The mom also kept getting mad that her daughter had a poopy diaper at pickup time and accused us of not changing her. This particular child had 4-5 poop diapers a day, and usually had one of those about a half hour before pickup time that we would change and she'd have another by the time her mom got there. Weirdly enough, all the poop was always bright orange. I was forbidden to ask her what in the hek she was feeding this kid. So it just remained a traumatic mystery.
As a pediatrician, I laugh like crazy at these!!! We get some crazy letter requests to send to teachers saying some of these are medically necessary !!!???
Nope 🤦🏼
Oh yeah, speaking as somebody who has taught P.E. before, I find it ridiculous when one or more kids in my classes look for every excuse in the book to be excused from doing the physical activity required of the class itself. School policy states that a signed doctor's note is required in these circumstances. No doctor's note? No dice. Stay physically and mentally healthy and everything else will fall into place.
@@munimathbypeterfelton6251 Just one random person's experience here, but I thought it might shed some light on why *some* students try to avoid PE/ gym class.
By the time I was in 6th grade I was already wearing a B-cup bra. By 9th grade, I wore a G-cup. I never weighed over 100 pounds. This... disproportionality was very obvious and the boys certainly took notice. It led to a lot of dirty looks, dirty suggestions from boys and ugly, hurtful rumors from girls. I did everything I could to hide my figure.
Gym class was my ultimate nightmare because... well, as you can imagine, doing jumping jacks or running caused a lot of bounce. That was not only extremely embarrassing but PAINFUL. When you weigh 95 pounds and wear a G-cup, anything that causes bouncing does not feel good. Add onto that the ridicule, snickering and jokes about my chest and it was both physically and psychologically painful.
So please just keep in mind that not all students who try to avoid gym class are just lazy.
@@JW-vi2nh So, I'm sure you're much more proportioned now? Out of curiosity...
@@poetlover30 I am now, yes. But only because I had a breast reduction when I was 21 years old.
I only had three months left to stay on my mom's health insurance and it was something I had always wanted. I went to see a plastic surgeon who took measurements and pictures and told me that she had to send my photos and information to my insurance company to get the surgery approved as a "medical necessity." She said it would take about a week to hear back.
She called me to tell me I had been approved before I had even made it back home, about a 45 minute drive. LOL
I went from more than a G-cup to a B-cup. I say "more than a G-cup" because I had been ordering bras from an online, overseas company called Bravissimo for years and they were so expensive, usually around $80 + shipping each. While I was in high school, I just saved my lunch money to pay for my bras since woman stuff just wasn't something I ever felt comfortable talking to my mom about, especially since she was an A-cup and it was just.... weird.
G-cups worked okayISH, so I just stuck with that size even though they were still a quite a bit too small and the underwires dug into my skin really painfully. I couldn't afford to order multiple sizes to try and end up either stuck with the ones that didn't fit or having to pay overseas shipping costs to return them, if they were even returnable. They may not even have been a returnable item.
@@JW-vi2nh Agreed. I still wish I'd have simply been brazen enough to simulate raging head-aches or whatever for as long as it'd take to get a doctors notice. I was a physically active child - cycling and climbing - but sports was brutal and sadly, it pretty much spoiled sports for me for good. Yikes.
So, for doctors: listen carefully, use your judgement. Bullying is so much worse during gym class because there's more moving around, more chances for insults, pinches, kicks, slaps to go unnoticed. One doctors note to much isn't going to do near the damage of one too few.
Former teacher here, thank you for the laughs, the general public would not believe most of these, but I'm sure most teachers would say... been there! LOVE your responses and your laugh.
I LOVE this lady…you are hysterical. Thank goodness you can keep a sense of humor.
I'm not a teacher, but that first request - that the student be given a male teacher for math because the parent didn't trust that the lady could properly teach the course - resonates with my job at a hardware store. Some of those guys still live in the 1930's and think we don't know plumbing fittings, bolts and nuts, chain, etc. It's fun to see their faces when I take them right to the part in question and know what it does and how to install it!
Actually chewing on something can help kids concentrate but someone needs to tell that mom about Chewelry (Jewelry that's made to be chewed on) instead of glue sticks.
Yes, those are great, or those chewable pencil toppers.
And was it the plastic glue stick or the glue itself that this child enjoyed?
@@jendangelo3717 Good question...also how old is the child? I thought chewy bobbles were for teething not grade school kids
@@pcarebear1 my kids have chewies meant for bigger kids
@@pcarebear1 you can get chewelry for older people too, theres stuff for adults and older kids as well
I’m a student and I’ve had to put up with evil parents when I volunteered at the school Color Run. It was awful! I can’t imagine putting up with them almost every single day
You remind me so much of a teacher I admire in our school district. You have no idea how encouraging you are to teachers like myself, working with students in the urban community. Much love and respect~~Ms. K
You have a career in stand up comedy ahead of you...
The problem with public schools is the public.
Yep. This is the reason I could never be a teacher professionally. I enjoy teaching unto itself, and I love working with kids, and most of them like me. But these parents... I'd probably get fired after my first act of assault.
Ah, bless all of you teachers. You deserve so much better than stuff like this.
Love that she always has a smile on her face.
Pure panic instinct I guess. 😝😂
I love your videos. My bf and I are both teachers. He is a social studies public school teacher and I teach private school and non-traditional students, in addition to college. Between us, we experience teaching pre-k through higher education and adult learners. (I've also worked with ECC programs). The number of insane stories we have.... I also work currently as an admin, so I get both the teacher and the admin side and sh*t cray cray for both but many admins absolutely forget what it's like to be a teacher and many parents have no idea the crap admins deal with behind the scenes, but all in all parents can be nuts, kids say and do the darndest things, politicians don't know anything about education, college professors are not taught to teach, and no teacher is paid enough.
Omg!! I should do this for nurses and things patients say!! This is hilarious 😆
Please do!! Lolol it'd be way to funny.
Please do!!!!
Yes, I could certainly do this as a Dental Hygienist
Please do! I'm sure a gang of us would follow!
I worked in pharmacy 27 years ,there are a lot of whoppers as well, you know the suppositories that have the heavy type like aluminum foil wrapped individually ,well a customer stuck it up their rectum with out taking the foil off & wondered why they were bleeding . Then in a bottle of medication where the gray desiccant is in their to prevent clumping & drying out of med's well it says do not eat meaning do not eat that grey piece,customer came in ask when they could start eating again has not eaten in 3 days, then woman comes in has been using a prescription vaginal cream,she is very worried because her husband has been getting it in his mouth & swallowing it , there are many more! It is like some days you want to bash your head on the counter or stick your head in the in the pharmacy freezer & scream !
Several years ago I had a parent tell me she couldn't get her son, a 4th grade student, out of bed in the morning to come to school. She had no bedtime for him and he was allowed to stay up as late as he wanted. Apparently, most nights he didn't go to bed until 4 AM. She wanted to know if either I or the principal could come to her house each morning and get her son out of bed. Ummm, that's a big NO!
I am SOOOOO here for this lady reading Ridiculous Parent Teacher Request! 😭😭😂😂😂💘
Suddenly the idea of licensing people to have kids becomes more appealing. :)
But... :-) who will you ask to be the testers? 😄
@@dianeericson7900 not teachers. Our sanity is dwindling as it is.
Administration :) they can try it for a bit and then maybe see why our hands are always tied. And then we find a top-notch psychologist and OBGYN.
It’s a wonder ANYONE goes into education anymore. Teachers did not sign up for this. These parents are nuts & they’re perpetuating the problem by raising nutso kids. It’s really sad.
Bingo! That's why this country's getting crazier by the day. I don't want to imagine what it will be like in another 20 years. Perish the thought.
This nonsense and the fact teachers don't seem to get any support from the administration.
Not to mention, these parents allow the children's peers, television, and social media to do the parenting, resulting in a rowdy bunch of future criminals. With that said, not only am I anticipating an even worse teacher shortage, but also a police shortage.
@@annalisasauter7935 we need to make jails or bring back institutions for all those needing locked up...there's nowhere to store these cases. And they def shouldn't be around society.
I was told I had to give detentios to a girl who routinely made false sexual abuse allegations to the police about her father. The principal said I should have another student present "for my protection." Ridiculous administrator requests are a whole 'nother level.
WOW, what?? I'm split between "that's about to bite you in the ass with a false allegation, witness or no witness" and "ARE they false allegations, if she continues to do that...?" I have no idea what to even think at this point
@@koalaeucalyptus According to the police, the allegations were false. There is no question in my mind the allegations were false. She frequently lied to get her way and never showed any remorse. In fact she enjoyed the chaos she created and clearly understood the power these lies gave her.
So just for clarification, instead of getting this girl a psych evaluation and counseling, the administration told YOU to give this girl detentions for sexual abuse allegations???! And for your protection have another STUDENT there when you gave them to her???
@@hobbyelectronics6630God, she’s a psychopath…
was this girl being raised by a single mom? ...and mom was coaching her to say that about dad? Cuz ya says a lot.
The most spot on assessment of dealing with students and parents!
Don't call today's kids bratty or entitled.. don't blame the kids. That's how they turn out growing up under such stupid horrible parents.
These parents don't know the difference between a nanny, a baby sitter and a teacher.
They noticed you drive by their house?
That’s some stalky shit 😂😂
Sounds like a route change for me!!
This is the part of teaching that will forever keep me from coming back.
A parent took their child out of school for 4 weeks without notifying the school. When we finally were able to get in contact with her she claimed that his father kidnapped him and kept him in Cleveland. So while this happened the 2nd quarter came to an end. One of our other teachers who lives in Cleveland doubted the mom was telling the truth, because ironically she had the student at another school in the past and knew mom pulled a lot of stunts. She got ahold of mom and said she could pick up the student from dads house (she knew dad too) and bring him home to mom. Mom of course turned down the offer and the next day the student and his brother showed up for class. Now keep in mind that grades for 2nd quarter were turned in and report cards were sent out . So, this mom four weeks into the 3rd quarter had the audacity to have her son tell me she wants all of the work he missed in those 4 weeks. I had to explain to the student that I was not going to gather up 4 weeks of missed work and that we cannot go back and change the grades once a period ends and report cards have been sent out. My student then tells me that mom didn't feel like getting up those 4 weeks and him and his brother were playing video games and watching TV and never once went to see dad. Thankfully a friend of the family is checking in to make sure that the 5th grader and 3rd grader brother are making it to class with her son. Crazy stuff we teachers see and deal with.
Truancy ain't on their ass?
I believe it. It’s ridiculous but true. 😞
Mom was bipolar? The situation sounds like a pathology was going on.
My reply to the ink and paper. Certainly, just as soon as us get reimbursed for the last 10 years.
I’m frigging addicted to these! I taught an after school film class in L.A. and had some wacky parents for sure. It was part of a SAG/AFTRA program. Many Hollywood star parents. You wouldn’t believe the requests and the spoiled children that result from such entitled parents.
My school district had a 4 day weekend for the students. One day was a state holiday. The other day was SDD. A parent asked what was she supposed tod do those two days?. my aide and i frog eyed and thought: BE A PARENT.
I left teaching after 15 years for just these reasons. I literally had a panic attack while listening to this, it’s funny but hits too close to home. My hubby accused me of caring more about other peoples kids than my own. It took several years of being told that before I finally left
I am so HAPPY that you share these antidotes with humor and respect. God knows teachers do not receive the same from teachers or some students.
As an infant/toddler teacher I got some outrageous requests from parents. Like making sure their child took three naps per day. Like training their child to eat food they absolutely hated. Like giving their child breakfast when they were brought in at practically snack time. This particular parent was too lazy to fix their own child breakfast, making the excuse that the child didn't wake up early enough.
Nowadays parents of infants and toddlers expect the teacher to be their child's private nanny, never mind the fact that there's up to twelve little ones in the classroom.
Oh, another one: parents asking you to change their child's diaper at pick up time, when you're obviously busy with other children. Along those lines, a parent asking to "borrow" diapers from another child because they forgot to bring more diapers for their own child.
One more: parents expecting you to fully potty train their child because they're too lazy to do it themselves.
Insane! These kids definitely need a nanny lol
What's the going rate for baby sitters? Multiply that by each child by the hours of care and voila - I'll bet if you asked for babysitter pay, you'd make more than you do now! ...and still have insurance and an IRA...
@@poetlover30 this days parents think teachers are babysitters. They don’t have respect for teacher anymore . It’s sad .
So clean, so eloquent. You are delightful and incredibly patient. Parents are so far out of their minds these days that all we can do is laugh.
I have been asked to intervene when a students and her sibling, who attended another school, were fighting at home. I have been asked for enough money to buy school sweatshirts for a family of four. When I was asked for money to buy lice shampoo, I bought some because, heck no, they weren't coming anywhere near me. Blecch.
I really don't know how you teachers keep your sanity with parents like this. I say this as a parent of a 9 year old in a rural community. I know these parents exist, I have seen examples, not this extreme but examples of parents that really need to check themselves and me just thanking the staff after they leave for all their hard work. But how you guys keep your sanity, I really don't know.
We all start out a little bit crazy. So sanity, not so much...😆
I'm always very kind and professional yet remain straightforward, real, and firm with my students' parents. I never let them or their kids even think they can get away with anything. If they want to go over my head and complain to my supervisors, they can be my guest. I keep written records of everything. So until those complaining families have academic criteria in the form of good grades and solid effort given towards their children's studies and overall social-moral discipline and respect shown at all times so as to back up their false claims, they can bet their bottom dollar they won't succeed in making me or any other street smart teacher a pushover!
I was a preschool teacher, and I had a parent tell me that she didn't think a man should be teaching preschool and wanted her son in a new class. Also, had another one tell something similar to the Admin. At least the first one had the courage to tell me to my face.
They should be prosecuted for workplace harassment.
@@lizziebkennedy7505 I agree that they should have more of an open mind, but I believe in everyone's right to have and voice their opinions. With the first parent, the dad refused to allow the mom to move him to a new classroom. So, I just did the best job I could for the little boy, who was an amazing and pleasant child. The second one had her daughter switched to a new classroom, and I just focused on the parents and children who were in my classroom. I live my life focusing on the people who respect and support me not the ones who have a problem with me. There will always be people who don't like me, but I don't have to let them live in my mind, rent-free.
Yeah, sadly I was one of those parents. My son had tonsil and adenoid surgery the day before the first day of kindergarten so he started a couple days late. He was in an immense amount of pain so we called his doctor. They said to give him gum and chewy candy and wrote a note to the school saying to give him a piece of candy every 2 hours. My son's dad and I had a coin toss so the loser had to face the teacher and explain why only our son in his entire kindergarten class had an actual prescription for candy.
They do say there's a first time for everything, and this is the first time I have heard of that particular prescription!
"Make hast out of thine face...."OMG, I'm dying over here.....🤣
You make my day😂😂😂. Thank you. As a former school nurse I have had my share of requests as well. Thank You. Blessings for ALL educators❤️🌹
You are spot on! I am a retired teacher and lived through endless staff meetings and needy parents.
I am stealing your "Shooing away of negative energy"! I love it!! I just hope my work place doesn't understand the hand jesters when they approach my desk with nonsense! (I'll just say there was a fly! HA HA)
I absolutely LOVE you! Awesome videos- and your delivery is hilarious!
Have parents always been this nuts, or do we just know about it thanks to the internet?
It feels like in three generations, we went from "eh, if my kids don't behave, just give them a good wallop, and I'll give them another one after school" to "please wait on my spoiled brats hand and foot".
“Make haste out of thine face Felicia, no!” 🤣🤣😂😭😭😭🤣🤣🤣🤣😩😩😩🤣😭😂😂😂😂
Some parents actually really can't afford to print stuff to home school, but somehow I'm certain that the complaining parent wasn't one of them.
I'm working towards a degree in English Education right now. The fact that I'm going into secondary education gives me hope that I will not be asked to catch poop.
You’d be surprised….sadly.
I’m not a teacher but these have me laughing hysterically!
You’re adorable! Just the right mix of outrage and kindness
People are ridiculous!
Ms. Educator, you got to be making some of these up. 😂🤣😅😆😁😄😃😀
Another hit! Thank you for this!!!! You are hilarious. Keep it up!
I lived in LA when there was an edison gas leak that affected the north valley. Private schools brought in air purifiers for students. My son had asthma and suffered terribly during that time public schools were slow to get them. Our principal brought her own air purifier for my son and petitioned the district to send air purifiers. This principal went above and beyond with out us asking her to do this. Other parents got upset my son's class was the first to get a purifier and they didn't even know why it was needed they just wanted one.
When she read that one, I thought immediately of how some kids might medically need an air purifier in certain situations. But I know enough teachers to know that if it was a real need, they would go above and beyond to get it.
This is my favorite series!!! Keep the crazy parent stories comming! 😂😂😂👏👏👏💖💖💖
OMG! I cannot believe the things these parents are asking. What in the world? 👀👀👀👀. Teachers are very under appreciated for sure. They are not baby sitters. Your content is awesome. Blessed Be ❤️💕
All this and severe benefits and paycuts, too! And this video features the nice parent requests! God bless teachers everywhere-teaching is definitely a calling.
1:19 madam need to go down to thecounty hospital cause I ain't no doctor 🤣🤣🤣🤣
I teach at a private school. I LIVE for this channel. Keep 'em comin', y'all! You know we ain't running out of ridiculous parent requests! 🤣
Wow. Lol. Just wow. This cannot be real!?!?
But I did do home daycare and I was asked why I wasn't taking their child on vacation with me. So I believe it all!
Listening to this is like that old FML blog/ website I use to read in middle school 😂😂😂
“Catch his 💩 poop!” 🤣😂🤣😂🤣
I work for a retail store and recently one of my regular customers whose a teacher at the local high school and she was telling me about a parent who called the school to see if someone from the school would come over to her house in the morning to wake her teenager up and take them to school. ***facepalm***
At least they knew lil lady was a klepto. Hide ya pocketbook. 1:01
Hi I just found your UA-cam and you ROCK as a performer and comedian. You should take your HILARIOUS boring teacher on the road as a ONE woman w your laptop and do your THING. I can’t stop laughing. Get you an agent and go for it. You are a blessing to brighten up a person day and for millions of us who teach thanks for the laugh and joy of laughing. Great medicine in this crazy sad world we live in Bless you.
Haha love it a few years ago I worked in the hoilday club for 3-11 years attached to the school that I work out. Over the summer holidays we open for 4 out of the 7 weeks anyway on the last day of the club a parent asked to book for the following week (everyday and the whole day this boy did) and I apologised saying it was our last day and the parent then said but what am I going to do with him?!! (her son) errr I dont know look after him yourself 😅😅 xx
I mean she did carry him for 9 months and gave birth to him....feed him....clothe him.....does she parent him ????? 👀👀👀👀 Just wondering
Okay, i have one word for the parent who would ask me to brush and floss her child's teeth after lunch.... COVID!!!!
I just can’t and I’m not even a teacher. You ladies and gents do not make nearly enough for the crap you have to endure.
Thank you for the laughs though.
You honestly seem like a fun teacher😂
I subbed a couple of times---no way I could endure the parents!!
🤣 i lost it listening to you! New subscriber! Both of my nieces are teachers and this is a must share!
I love “Make haste, out of thine face. Felicia. No.”😂 me too
The worse parent requests came from entitled Silicon Valley catholic school parents. OMG. It was insane. One third grade boy was so stressed that he wouldn't make it into Stanford University! His mother wanted him to have college prep course in 3 rd grade. That poor boy could barely READ!
You are awesome! Thank you teachers everywhere.
YOU ARE HILARIOUS!!!!😂 these are funny on their own but you really make it POP! 👏🏽
I HAD an air purifier in my room. And I don't think any of my students' parents would've even thought of such a thing. LOL BTW - was a GREAT help the year they decided it would be a good idea to fix the school roof DURING THE SCHOOL YEAR, and they decided to park the nasty tar-making machine outside near my classroom!!
Could be nasty I guess... personally I always rather liked the smell -- I can remember why. But a little of it can go a long way.
We need a pt 3 please😭😭😭
You are delightful!! I look forward to many more “episodes” of your parent requests. TFS
My mom asked the lunch ladies to to keep me from sitting with my friend in 9th grade because she was a lesbian. They told me and we all had a good laugh while I sat with an entirely gay table all year. Props to those lunch ladies for calling BS on crazy parent requests.
I had a parent call not once but twice in a row at midnight as it broke through the “do not disturb “ on my phone. No, I did not answer the call and did not get my mandatory 2 2-way communication that week. It’s called boundaries parents, Find some
Gotta ask, since there have been other phone call references in the comments: since when are parents given teachers' phone numbers?!?!? No way! They can message through the school number, or website, or whatever. Leave my privacy alone, thank you. How do you do it? Good luck, and more power to you.
Back in the day I had a prep (1st year of school) who obsessively followed the teacher on duty for recess and lunch. If she couldn’t find the teacher she used to hang around my teaching assistant who had to watch her charge. Finally it got so bad I took the kid aside and asked her why she didn’t want to play with everyone else. Turns out she was terrified of the Grade 6 kids (last year of primary school). I asked why but she wouldn’t say. So naturally I asked mum. Cue eyeroll: ‘oh, I told her to run screaming fire if any of those big kids came near her.’ 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄😵💫🤬 Stupid fricking parents! Thanks a billion for giving me something more to deal with and for giving your daughter some pretty awful anxiety in her first year of school! Way to go mum!
Wow! That poor kids, and stupid mum. Especially when the grade 6 kids are usually wonderful with the little preppies. My kids always had in prep always has a few grade 6 kids they adored.
@@leannewith3 I think that is rather a broad generalization of older kids. All older kids aren't "wonderful" with little kids, nor are they all bad. Speak only of what you personally know.
Oh yes, parents teaching kids to be scared is real. It's one thing to physically defend and verbally stand up for yourself when people treat you badly in any way. But it's quite another thing to instill fear within one's own offspring about people they hardly if at all know. That's a form of prejudice right there. The whole "stranger danger" shtick has really messed up the average child's mind. Assuming that all people from the outside world are bad is really doing everybody on all sides a major injustice. But that's where it all starts!
“Make haste out of my face, Felicia “ ha ha using this 😂
The last one is honestly the least unreasonable one, (I'm in my last year of school now so I have been in school during the pandemic). My family does not own a printer and did not during the pandemic either. If my teachers wanted me to print something for school I had to walk over a mile to the library and print it, if the library was even open (it was closed for long periods of time during the worst of the pandemic.) Thankfully I only had to print a handful of things during virtual learning and I was able to figure it out. But for elementary age kids who had to print all their work I can see it being a very reasonable request for the work packets to either be delivered or for the parents to be reimbursed for them.
I had a parent try to have me fired because her child failed one of my tests. I brought the test to the meeting and it showed the student had only answered a few questions - all of which were correct- but the test was less than half complete. The mother said her child should have gotten an A since the answers they gave were correct, and the directions did not indicate that ALL the questions had to be answered. Admin made me give the child an A because my directions were not competent.
You got to be kidding; sadly you're not!
THAT IS PATHETIC, ADMIN!!!! Please show this to the administrators. SHAME ON THEM!!!! THEY don't sound very competent.
@@dianeericson7900 My 10 year experience in charter schools is that changing grades is pretty standard. They don't even have to have a lame excuse like the one I conveyed. Admin gives out the As to make parents happy and keep that funding coming in. That's why I giggle a little inside when parents brag about their child having straight As. Yeah, ok. I did not last the year at the school I mentioned, and a year later there was a fatal shooting during the school day. Anyway... I don't teach anymore. The education system has gone crazy, and I am not going with it.
This is why my husband is no longer a teacher! He has terrible stories. He had one instance where a boy was taking care of himself during math class. I fully supported his decision to change careers.
Your channel is hilarious and you are too. I wish you much success. I would only change one small thing. The background music, not needed. You fill the screen with so much fun energy, the music detracts from your presence. Just a suggestion, love you regardless!
I love you lol. You're just so adorable and funny. I'm laying in bed with my sleeping husband and I'm trying to quietly hysterically laugh which is resulting in a lot of bed shaking. 🤣
ha ha me too!
We had a grandparent, who was the child’s legal guardian, get upset that we were closed on Christmas , because he wanted to spend Christmas with his children. Well you should have thought of that when you skipped teaching your child about birth control and being a responsible parent.
whenever anyone asks me," why don't you teach like you went to school for? 👁👄👁" I'm just gonna pull up your videos and let them see why!! LORD !!!
“Make haste out of thine face, Felicia” 😂 I am deceased.
This is so much better than the hate stuff that’s on social media
I absolutely love your videos!! Your expressions are hilarious and I wish we were friends.
Your reactions make these parent requests easier to listen to. 😂