Your every comment gives me energy and encourages me to continue working on my little channel. I ask you to support my channel: like, comment and SUBSCRIBE! Now you can also support me on Patreon: Help me continue this!
Oh! This is awesome!!! I love your tour videos but I _REALLY_ love this documentary format!! Definitely hoping to see more! Super well done. Thank you!! 😊
Gorgeous Ancient Sites Girl’s! As always videos so adorable and classic! Dr. Irena put your heart and talent to create this video so perfect, love your beautiful personality, and everything about you is so unique and attracts the eyes and captivates the mind in an inexplicable way. They are intelligent and value scientific knowledge, and doing great for the soul. Congrats. Much thanks from St. Louis, Missouri. 🇺🇸🦅
I have been diving into "Egyptian Shamanism". You have helped me so much! If you ever start classes, I'll be the first to sign up ❤ Thank you for your incredible knowledge.
Would love to see you do a video on Ma'at if you haven't already. It's great to see the knowledge you have. Keep up the awesome work. I look forward to seeing what you do next.
This is amazing and came at the perfect time as i plot out my book. Could you possibly do one on set? It's so easy to listen to these on the way home and learn.
Thank you Ancient Sites Goddess. I always love listening to your podcasts, you make Ancient history learning so enjoyable.🥰 Epic story told so lovely 🧡🧡🧡
Hi Irena, i just found your channel. Thank you for sharing this. I subbed after this hour of very informative class. Can you help me? I am reading the book of the dead, almost done, ka and ba are explained in the book. I am curious, do you know the meaning of mer? As in mer ka ba. Isis showed up in a dream of mine 1 week ago and it led me to reading the book of the dead. Mer is not mentioned there, at least not yet, do you know this meaning of mer? Hope you can help. 🙏🏼
The only thing I didn’t like about this video is the rendering to Osiris in the past tense , as for many he is still very much present tense and feature in their religious practices and beliefs
great video, really enjoyed the storytelling and depth of the history you covered! but honestly, i feel like there's a lot of emphasis on osiris as a savior figure, while some might argue that this narrative oversimplifies the complex beliefs of ancient Egyptians about life and death. it's fascinating, but aren't there other gods and philosophies that deserve more attention too?
@NullScar I just use my thoughts and connect with it. Vibrations will occur in me, and I osscilate with it . Ussaly think of the symbols like the eye of ra or the ank and the djed pillar on my palms and energy will surge. When I was listening to this video, I felt vibrations in my mind. From her voice. I saw her in the temples. Felt familar
Osiris is also (as all of the eight Egyptian Netheru: Ptah, Amun Re, Shu, Geb, Osiris, Seth, Isis who replaced Khem and the older Horus, depict constellations) recognized as the constellation Sah or Sahu which means shepherd and is related to the constellation Orion which the Hindus call Vishnu (compare the Purusha Sukta in Rigveda 10.90.3 f. and Osiris is identical with his incarnation as Prithu) and the nordic peoples call Odin or Wotan. According to the Veda, Orion belonged to the zodiac until the end of the Tretayuga which according to Berossos ended untimely at about 33.500 in the great flood. But the backwards calculation of the up and down movement of the Orion in the course of the precession (in the Hindu Mythology called the three steps of Vishnu through the universe) gives a date of 36.500 BC. The exclusion of Orion from the zodiac lead to a rumour among the gods between Seth (the constellation Ophiuchus) and the older Horus who won and got the new constellation Libra (compare the zodiac of Dendera) which was a part of the constellation Scorpio before it was invented by Julius Cäsar. The exclusion of Orion from the zodiac also caused other changes of it. Orion was the last earth sign and his eclusion made Gemini an earth sign which was a fire sign before. Also because of this the constellation Virgo which was an air sign before became a fire sign and lost the position of the autumn equinox which later was given to the older Horus. This change is shown in the greek mythology in the change from the heavenly Aphrodite (daughter of Uranus) to the ordinary Aphrodite (daughter of Zeus). This is also the reason why Isis according to the Egyptian tradition replaced Khem (Greek Pan, the constellation Bootes) because of his behaviour (compare Herodot for that).
Pythagoras means 'Heart of the Serpent', he was born in Sidon, a fishing Port in Phoenicia. His mother received a prophecy from the Oracle at Delphi that he would become a great Leader & Teacher. Sidon means 'Kingdom of the Fish', & the Essenes, who wrote the Dead Sea scrolls, worshipped Pythagoras. The Sarcophagus of Eshmun III found in Sidon names him as the 'Widow's Scion', aka Hiram Abiff, Founder of Freemasonry, of which Tyre was the premier Capital (at least equal to Thebes). In 911BC Rameses II married the Queen of Sidon, home of Jezebel (Daughter or consort of Baal, ie "Queen") founding Neo Assyrian Babylon, an alliance between Egypt & Hiram, Father of Jezebel, & King of Assyria; forming the Phoenician colonies, & building the Temple of Melqart to commemorate their alliance. The Si in Sidon is the basis of the Latin Exe, or X, and is the basis of the Cross, or Chi Rho that Constantine painted on his shields. Also known as the Cross of Tyre, or Cross of Baal, being Ra-El, or Ba'El. Using Euler's number to map irrational numbers also produces a Templar Cross: ie where Eclipses are most likely to occur, called the 'Saros' Cycle. This cross can also be seen around the neck of Nimrod in Assyria, consistent with the Union Jack, & Solstice Calendar found in the Vatican's Shiva Lingam. Shiva is the Hebrew word for 7, & their culture also found its way to Korea & Japan (via the Philippines) ultimately becoming Shintoism. It was the Phoenicians who gave their name to the Pole Star, _Phoenice,_ which they used to Navigate the Oceans using the Zodiac, that's what the Antikythera mechanism was for, & with it they wrote the Byblos Baal; what we now call the Bible. The first form of the Bible was written in 325BC & called 'Vaticanus Graecus', or 'Son of the Sacred Serpent', ie Sirius, the basis of the Sothic Calendar, which uses a Hex Decimal & base 60 system found in all Megalithic sites around the world. In the second century AD the Astronomer Valentinus Vettori transcribed it into a Lunar chart of 13 houses, what we now call the Zodiac. Horoscope means 'Star Watcher', or 'Time Keeper' & the Phoenician word for Saturn, or El, was *_Israel_* or _El,_ (Fruit) of Isis (Ishtar) & (Amin) Ra. Equally El is the 'Father' of Ra the Sun, & Consort of Isis the Earth Mother, ergo _'El Ptah'_ is the *Moon* or Set. Phoenicia was the interim between Egypt & Greece, with artisans & culture exceeding that of the Greeks, whom literally adopted the Phoenician Alphabet, which we still use to this day; sounding out words phonetically. 'Phoenician' is alliterated in 'Venetian', & 'Vikings', being Kings of the Sea, [Sea Pharoahs] El is the primary God of the Phoenicians, representing the offspring of Egypt, & his consort Astarte or Ishtar represents the Assyrian half of the alliance. Such lineages & alliances can be traced (through the naming of gods) to Ireland & the Vikings, Indonesia, the Americas; even as far away as Australia, & New Zealand. It denotes Sirius as 'Son' of Orion & Pleiades, which sits at 33 degrees of the Zodiac. The basis of the Sothic (Seth) Decan Calendar of the Egyptians. The New Moon in this position marks Rosh Hashanah, the Egyptian, Celtic, Phoenician, & Assyrian New Year, with the first New Moon of September, so called as it's the 7th House of the Zodiac, when the Sun is in Ophuichus. 'Phoenix', 'Benben', or 'Bennu', is Egyptian for 'Heron', or Feathered 'Serpent'. It baptised itself in frankincense & myrrh at Baalbek, then alights atop the Great Pyramid, upon the Holy Grail, or Altar of Ra, every 630 years to take three days off the calendar; during the course of the first New Moon of Nisan, which means 'Prince'. The Capstone of Pyramids is even called the Benben or Bennu. The Phoenix is found in all religions, which are all Astrological Allegory for the Moon travelling through the Constellations as a soul migrating from body to body. Thus is the basis of Joseph Campbell's Monomyth, or 'Hero's Journey' with the cycles & orbits of the planets serving as portents, omens, allies, etc. Thus Astrology was the Science of the Bronze Age & Reincarnation was the early teaching of the Gnostic Christian Church, & relates to the lineage of Kings: "The Pan is Dead! _Long live Pan!"_ The Bennu is the Egyptian Phoenix, to Phoenicians the Hoyle, Etruscans saw birds as sacred too, as did Celts, & Picts. Hebrew & Iberia have the same root; meaning _'over'_ ie _'overseas'_ or 'those [whom travel] over [the] sea'. A colony called Iberia also appeared on the Eastern shores of the Black Sea, with the same Dolmen & Megalithic culture originating in Ireland and Brittany circa 4500BC. _Phoenician_ means 'Scion of the Phoenix', the first Bible: Vaticanus Graecus; 'Scion of the Sacred Serpent' (Prince). Then there's the Essenes; :Sons of Light', the Tuatha De Danaan; Sons of Light, Anunnaki; Sons of Light, Arthur Pendragon; Arthur [Thor] 'Son of the Dragon'. Chertoff is Russian for "Son of the Devil" & Dracula also means 'Scion of the Dragon'. Masons call themselves the "Brotherhood of the Great White Serpent", & the Ziggurat of Anu denotes her as a great white Serpent too, while at New Grange & the Bru na Boinne, Ireland (4000BC) the white quartz ramparts also denote the Moon. The Moon itself travels either side of the Solar Elliptic by 5 degrees through specific constellations in a serpentine fashion that is always changing, but repeats every 19 years, the time it took to train a Druid or Magi, Magi meaning 'Teacher'. The Phoenix is also associated with this sacred number 19. "Pharoah" means 'Great House' or 'House of Light' & Cairo used to be called Babel. Pharaohs were called 'Commander in Chief' & wore a hooded crown representing feathers, so did Native American Chiefs, ie the Feathered Serpent. Aztecs also had 'Serpent Kings', (Canaan means Serpent Kings, & Sidon was a Son of Canaan & Great Grandson of Noah) who were called to lead with "cunning & guile" being the virtue of their "right to rule"; being seen as "just" in public, while shrewd in private. "As wise as Serpents, (while appearing as) _gentle_ as Doves." The old Egyptian flag of an Eagle holding a Snake is also reflected in the Modern Mexican flag, denoting the Constellations of Serpentis (13th sign of the Zodiac) and Aquila. The dimensions & 12 mathematical constants of the Great Pyramid are also expressed in New Grange, & Stonehenge, as well as in Watson Brake, (2500BC) & Teotihuacan, which correlates to the Phoenician/ Sumerian Seximal system, which is what our modern systems of time are based on, unlocking a fractal pattern reflected in the musical chord, electrical resistance, relative Planetary orbits, indeed; throughout _all_ creation. Officially no one knows who invented Astrology, the Zodiac, navigation by the stars, or time keeping. But whoever built the pyramids, & pioneered the 24hr clock in Egypt 5000 years ago already knew the exact dimensions of the Earth, & the speed of light. Because these can all be calculated using these Megalithic sites as a Surveyor use a Theodolite. Specifically at Teotihuacan; 230 degrees opposite Cairo, & with the exact same footprint. The ideal positions to determine the speed of light using the transit of Venus, allowing for accurate Longitude for Maritime navigation. Capt Cook did the same thing in 1774 when he 'discovered' Easter Island. The only culture that fits the bill was wiped out "not one stone upon the other" by the Romans in 146BC. Tyre, the capital of Phoenicia (Israel) sat just offshore from Ursu Salaam: City of the New Moon; City [or 'Rock'] of Peace; root of the name _'Jerusalem'_ & was also seized by Rome in 70AD after a 3.5 year siege. The gap between is 216 years (6x6x6). Greek Dionysians built the Temple of Solomon (now called the Temple of Melqart) representing the Solar Lunar (Solomonic) Metonic Calendar on which this system is based. They also carried mirrors, a practice associated with Magi, Druids, Greeks, & Egyptian scholars. These Mirrors are Astrological charts called 'Cycladic _Pans'_ & record the cycles of the planets. The first Temple of Melqart ( Phoenician Horus, Hercules, Pan, Thor) represents the 13th Constellation of Ophiuchus or 'Serpent Bearer' (hence Orphic Serpent worship) & had pillars of Emerald (Jasper) & Gold, ie Isis (Tree of Life) and Osiris (Tree of Knowledge). The Jerusalem Temple only took payment in "Shekels of Tyre" a currency minted during the Jewish rebellion against Rome, hence _"give that which is Caesar's unto Caesar"_ When Alexander sacked Tyre in 332BC they moved to Carthage meaning "New City" or New Jerusalem, & built a second temple with Pillars of Bronze. Nebuchadnezzar also sieged Tyre for 13 years, taking the City captive in 573BC: the same time as the biblical account of the Jews, (& again the Romans in 70AD after a 3.5 year siege, also consistent with the same biblical accounts). Palaset was the name of a tribe of the Sea Peoples, Pallas _Set_ denotes the New Moon of Ammun Ra rising in Gemini, the *Pallas* Constellation of the Twins "that stand before Orion", due West of the Temple between the Gates [Pillars] of Gibraltar; "Gabriel's Altar", ie 'Pallas Stein', or Pallas Stone, 'Phallus' or Philosopher's Stone: the _"Rising Son"._ So 'Wormwood', like 'Tyre' means 'Bitter Rock', for the same reason; as the Son rising from the 'Bitter' [Salt or 'Black'] Sea of the Underworld; The 'Black Rock' or 'Gatestone' 🌑 The Cross of Tyre or Ba'El ❌ represents Lunar maximums & minimums & correlates with the Cross Quarter days of the Solstice Calendar. Align the Cross ❌ Chi Rho Christian ✝️ & Star 🔯 to the Zodiac, & you have a Compass & Timepiece that correlates to the Nautical Mile; allowing for global Maritime navigation. It is in fact an Astrological allegory for a Sothic Metonic Saros Zodiac Calendar using Accusations in a Mirror 🪞 *A Phoenix **_Cypher_*
Do y'all realize that they weren't really Caucasian no disrespect y'all got to really check those hieroglyphs what they did melanin royalty Been white washed too many times this history is very ancient every other race the deriveds from creating human life let y'all have your own culture that became mostly corrupt in the US cheap thievery in cheap copy's of true the law and order of ancient "Egypt" of Kemet
Since you ask, please consider explaining the evolution and interconnection of the several concepts of what we call the soul. Thank you for your programs.
Interesting! When you mentioned the sun journey, i came to think on the Nordic bronze age razors depicting the sun journey in a boat. Sometimes, i hear that the bronze age rock carvings in sweden are influenced by egypt. Often maybe presented a bit too enthusiastic. Do you, with your knowledge see any similarities?
I'm willing to bet that because they were concerned about what is on other side they took better care of how they lived particularly regarding respect for environment: sustainability, less trash, for the same airspace is shared in other dimensions, awareness of energy transfers reciprocation.
Can’t be a coincidence that Hawaii and Egypt both have the same near identical name for their Sun God .. RA for Egypt and LA Hawaii ☀️ … Both are located on the Tropic of Cancer at the opposite side of the planet from each other .
Osiris posture is with crossed Arms (negation) Since the flagellum and crooked staff is crossed a second time (negation of negation = Affirmation) we can find life and death connected im one figure, which oscilates between both gates.
@@truth9415he is supposed to be green, like the green man of the Celts ect… symbolizing regrowth of plants 🌱 and rebirth… dark representations are of death, like space… like the KA statues 😮
@@NeptunesLagoon Dark is not representation of death. Rather Black is a sacred color. representing fertility or divinity. Osiris is depicted Black or Dark Green. Dark Green because Osiris is a God of Agriculture. Black because The origin of divinity is Darkness.
Naive silly Persians think Cyrus was the founder of Persia lol They will be shocked to see the resemblance in the depiction of Osiris in Egyptian mythology with their depiction of Israelite Cyrus they have been introduced to as the true saviour of Israel in in Bible.
The gods were once super mortals that inhabited human bodies and came to establish Atlantis and they lived there forever being sustained by the tree of life and after the fall and destruction of Atlantis they went on to establish these kingdoms and dynasties and as they no longer had access to the tree of life they all eventually died like mortal human beings. As they say history becomes legend and then becomes myth. The time for the revival of the true teachings of Yosira is now!
Your every comment gives me energy and encourages me to continue working on my little channel. I ask you to support my channel: like, comment and SUBSCRIBE! Now you can also support me on Patreon: Help me continue this!
nice work ... perhaps some captions for the images ? next itme ....
Thank u...How about Feng Shui?
Baba Pharaoh For 💋
@@joelpassey1250 H A L L E L U J A H
This is great.. Thank you Irena, I´m gonna watch it one more time this evening.. You always do a great job.. 👍
Thank you so much
I love your content. This video is great. I listen to this before bed, your voice is soothing and calms my mind.
Thank you! 😁 Sweet dreams! 😴
It was a pleasure, and I loved the story. Great work! See you on the next one.
Thank you for a very well-presented and informative pod cast
Thanks for watching!
Oh! This is awesome!!! I love your tour videos but I _REALLY_ love this documentary format!! Definitely hoping to see more! Super well done. Thank you!! 😊
Thank you so much Andy❣️
@@ancientsitesgirl You’re very welcome! I’ll be finishing this one up tonight! Really, really well done! 👍🏼
Agreed! Both video styles are really great!
@@irrobat8010 yes! Indeed!
Thank you for your videos! i cant believe i'm here for the premiere.
thank you for being here
Gorgeous Ancient Sites Girl’s! As always videos so adorable and classic! Dr. Irena put your heart and talent to create this video so perfect, love your beautiful personality, and everything about you is so unique and attracts the eyes and captivates the mind in an inexplicable way. They are intelligent and value scientific knowledge, and doing great for the soul. Congrats. Much thanks from St. Louis, Missouri. 🇺🇸🦅
so many compliments, thank you so much and best regards St. Lois ✌️❤️
I have been diving into "Egyptian Shamanism". You have helped me so much! If you ever start classes, I'll be the first to sign up ❤ Thank you for your incredible knowledge.
Would love to see you do a video on Ma'at if you haven't already. It's great to see the knowledge you have. Keep up the awesome work. I look forward to seeing what you do next.
this is a great idea, I'll do it! Thank you for watching, best regards
I would love the one on Hathor ❤ great work, the way you share your passion and knowledge is amazing! Pozdrowienia z Polski ☺️
Dziękuję slicznie! :)
This is amazing and came at the perfect time as i plot out my book. Could you possibly do one on set? It's so easy to listen to these on the way home and learn.
of course it will also be about Seth. Are you writing your own book???
Thank you Ancient Sites Goddess.
I always love listening to your podcasts, you make Ancient history learning so enjoyable.🥰
Epic story told so lovely 🧡🧡🧡
Thanks Mark 😊✌️❣️🫡
I'm really looking forward to when you do a podcast on Sobek the crocodile 🐊 God 🙂🧡🧡🧡
Super!!! Twoje podcasty są zawsze super!
Dzięki Grzegorz ✌️❣️😊
I love your podcasts, they're great to listen to. Absolute top on UA-cam
Thank you
A nice Presentation .
GREAT! Thank you for all, Irena!
Thank you for watching ✌️
Excellent Video!
Again, perfect 👌💯
Thank you Colin
Hi Irena, i just found your channel. Thank you for sharing this. I subbed after this hour of very informative class. Can you help me? I am reading the book of the dead, almost done, ka and ba are explained in the book. I am curious, do you know the meaning of mer? As in mer ka ba. Isis showed up in a dream of mine 1 week ago and it led me to reading the book of the dead. Mer is not mentioned there, at least not yet, do you know this meaning of mer? Hope you can help. 🙏🏼
Super opowieści o ozyrysie, dzięki bo pewnie sporo pracy przy tym było 👍
Dziękuję, czasochłonne ale daje mi to wiele radości
Thank you, wonderful summary. Osiris Montenegro💚
Thank you for watching!
Well done Irena! Very good!
Thank you
The only thing I didn’t like about this video is the rendering to Osiris in the past tense , as for many he is still very much present tense and feature in their religious practices and beliefs
You Should Publish Own Research Papers..... You Have Great Knowledge......
Thank you so much
great video, really enjoyed the storytelling and depth of the history you covered! but honestly, i feel like there's a lot of emphasis on osiris as a savior figure, while some might argue that this narrative oversimplifies the complex beliefs of ancient Egyptians about life and death. it's fascinating, but aren't there other gods and philosophies that deserve more attention too?
Dorothy Eady is reincarnated back on youtube.
Take my comment energy 𓂀
And she remembers exactly where it was, and the garden… and they found it too 😮 amazing 🤩
last time I stayed overnight near her house, amazing!
Funny I was sitting with the egyptian energies in meditation, and this primered. Thank you
What mudra do you use, any recommendations?
@NullScar I just use my thoughts and connect with it. Vibrations will occur in me, and I osscilate with it . Ussaly think of the symbols like the eye of ra or the ank and the djed pillar on my palms and energy will surge. When I was listening to this video, I felt vibrations in my mind. From her voice. I saw her in the temples. Felt familar
@@scherer321 Thank you!
thank you for being here❣️
Osiris is also (as all of the eight Egyptian Netheru: Ptah, Amun Re, Shu, Geb, Osiris, Seth, Isis who replaced Khem and the older Horus, depict constellations) recognized as the constellation Sah or Sahu which means shepherd and is related to the constellation Orion which the Hindus call Vishnu (compare the Purusha Sukta in Rigveda 10.90.3 f. and Osiris is identical with his incarnation as Prithu) and the nordic peoples call Odin or Wotan.
According to the Veda, Orion belonged to the zodiac until the end of the Tretayuga which according to Berossos ended untimely at about 33.500 in the great flood. But the backwards calculation of the up and down movement of the Orion in the course of the precession (in the Hindu Mythology called the three steps of Vishnu through the universe) gives a date of 36.500 BC.
The exclusion of Orion from the zodiac lead to a rumour among the gods between Seth (the constellation Ophiuchus) and the older Horus who won and got the new constellation Libra (compare the zodiac of Dendera) which was a part of the constellation Scorpio before it was invented by Julius Cäsar.
The exclusion of Orion from the zodiac also caused other changes of it. Orion was the last earth sign and his eclusion made Gemini an earth sign which was a fire sign before. Also because of this the constellation Virgo which was an air sign before became a fire sign and lost the position of the autumn equinox which later was given to the older Horus. This change is shown in the greek mythology in the change from the heavenly Aphrodite (daughter of Uranus) to the ordinary Aphrodite (daughter of Zeus). This is also the reason why Isis according to the Egyptian tradition replaced Khem (Greek Pan, the constellation Bootes) because of his behaviour (compare Herodot for that).
Cool . Do u know billy carson n thoth
Very interesting
Thanks for watching
Thank you⚡
Thank you for watching ✌️
Thank you darling i like this video 👍
Pythagoras means 'Heart of the Serpent', he was born in Sidon, a fishing Port in Phoenicia. His mother received a prophecy from the Oracle at Delphi that he would become a great Leader & Teacher. Sidon means 'Kingdom of the Fish', & the Essenes, who wrote the Dead Sea scrolls, worshipped Pythagoras. The Sarcophagus of Eshmun III found in Sidon names him as the 'Widow's Scion', aka Hiram Abiff, Founder of Freemasonry, of which Tyre was the premier Capital (at least equal to Thebes).
In 911BC Rameses II married the Queen of Sidon, home of Jezebel (Daughter or consort of Baal, ie "Queen") founding Neo Assyrian Babylon, an alliance between Egypt & Hiram, Father of Jezebel, & King of Assyria; forming the Phoenician colonies, & building the Temple of Melqart to commemorate their alliance.
The Si in Sidon is the basis of the Latin Exe, or X, and is the basis of the Cross, or Chi Rho that Constantine painted on his shields. Also known as the Cross of Tyre, or Cross of Baal, being Ra-El, or Ba'El. Using Euler's number to map irrational numbers also produces a Templar Cross: ie where Eclipses are most likely to occur, called the 'Saros' Cycle. This cross can also be seen around the neck of Nimrod in Assyria, consistent with the Union Jack, & Solstice Calendar found in the Vatican's Shiva Lingam. Shiva is the Hebrew word for 7, & their culture also found its way to Korea & Japan (via the Philippines) ultimately becoming Shintoism.
It was the Phoenicians who gave their name to the Pole Star, _Phoenice,_ which they used to Navigate the Oceans using the Zodiac, that's what the Antikythera mechanism was for, & with it they wrote the Byblos Baal; what we now call the Bible. The first form of the Bible was written in 325BC & called 'Vaticanus Graecus', or 'Son of the Sacred Serpent', ie Sirius, the basis of the Sothic Calendar, which uses a Hex Decimal & base 60 system found in all Megalithic sites around the world.
In the second century AD the Astronomer Valentinus Vettori transcribed it into a Lunar chart of 13 houses, what we now call the Zodiac. Horoscope means 'Star Watcher', or 'Time Keeper' & the Phoenician word for Saturn, or El, was *_Israel_* or _El,_ (Fruit) of Isis (Ishtar) & (Amin) Ra. Equally El is the 'Father' of Ra the Sun, & Consort of Isis the Earth Mother, ergo _'El Ptah'_ is the *Moon* or Set.
Phoenicia was the interim between Egypt & Greece, with artisans & culture exceeding that of the Greeks, whom literally adopted the Phoenician Alphabet, which we still use to this day; sounding out words phonetically. 'Phoenician' is alliterated in 'Venetian', & 'Vikings', being Kings of the Sea, [Sea Pharoahs]
El is the primary God of the Phoenicians, representing the offspring of Egypt, & his consort Astarte or Ishtar represents the Assyrian half of the alliance. Such lineages & alliances can be traced (through the naming of gods) to Ireland & the Vikings, Indonesia, the Americas; even as far away as Australia, & New Zealand.
It denotes Sirius as 'Son' of Orion & Pleiades, which sits at 33 degrees of the Zodiac. The basis of the Sothic (Seth) Decan Calendar of the Egyptians. The New Moon in this position marks Rosh Hashanah, the Egyptian, Celtic, Phoenician, & Assyrian New Year, with the first New Moon of September, so called as it's the 7th House of the Zodiac, when the Sun is in Ophuichus.
'Phoenix', 'Benben', or 'Bennu', is Egyptian for 'Heron', or Feathered 'Serpent'. It baptised itself in frankincense & myrrh at Baalbek, then alights atop the Great Pyramid, upon the Holy Grail, or Altar of Ra, every 630 years to take three days off the calendar; during the course of the first New Moon of Nisan, which means 'Prince'. The Capstone of Pyramids is even called the Benben or Bennu.
The Phoenix is found in all religions, which are all Astrological Allegory for the Moon travelling through the Constellations as a soul migrating from body to body. Thus is the basis of Joseph Campbell's Monomyth, or 'Hero's Journey' with the cycles & orbits of the planets serving as portents, omens, allies, etc. Thus Astrology was the Science of the Bronze Age & Reincarnation was the early teaching of the Gnostic Christian Church, & relates to the lineage of Kings: "The Pan is Dead! _Long live Pan!"_
The Bennu is the Egyptian Phoenix, to Phoenicians the Hoyle, Etruscans saw birds as sacred too, as did Celts, & Picts. Hebrew & Iberia have the same root; meaning _'over'_ ie _'overseas'_ or 'those [whom travel] over [the] sea'. A colony called Iberia also appeared on the Eastern shores of the Black Sea, with the same Dolmen & Megalithic culture originating in Ireland and Brittany circa 4500BC.
_Phoenician_ means 'Scion of the Phoenix', the first Bible: Vaticanus Graecus; 'Scion of the Sacred Serpent' (Prince). Then there's the Essenes; :Sons of Light', the Tuatha De Danaan; Sons of Light, Anunnaki; Sons of Light, Arthur Pendragon; Arthur [Thor] 'Son of the Dragon'. Chertoff is Russian for "Son of the Devil" & Dracula also means 'Scion of the Dragon'. Masons call themselves the "Brotherhood of the Great White Serpent", & the Ziggurat of Anu denotes her as a great white Serpent too, while at New Grange & the Bru na Boinne, Ireland (4000BC) the white quartz ramparts also denote the Moon. The Moon itself travels either side of the Solar Elliptic by 5 degrees through specific constellations in a serpentine fashion that is always changing, but repeats every 19 years, the time it took to train a Druid or Magi, Magi meaning 'Teacher'. The Phoenix is also associated with this sacred number 19.
"Pharoah" means 'Great House' or 'House of Light' & Cairo used to be called Babel. Pharaohs were called 'Commander in Chief' & wore a hooded crown representing feathers, so did Native American Chiefs, ie the Feathered Serpent. Aztecs also had 'Serpent Kings', (Canaan means Serpent Kings, & Sidon was a Son of Canaan & Great Grandson of Noah) who were called to lead with "cunning & guile" being the virtue of their "right to rule"; being seen as "just" in public, while shrewd in private. "As wise as Serpents, (while appearing as) _gentle_ as Doves." The old Egyptian flag of an Eagle holding a Snake is also reflected in the Modern Mexican flag, denoting the Constellations of Serpentis (13th sign of the Zodiac) and Aquila.
The dimensions & 12 mathematical constants of the Great Pyramid are also expressed in New Grange, & Stonehenge, as well as in Watson Brake, (2500BC) & Teotihuacan, which correlates to the Phoenician/ Sumerian Seximal system, which is what our modern systems of time are based on, unlocking a fractal pattern reflected in the musical chord, electrical resistance, relative Planetary orbits, indeed; throughout _all_ creation.
Officially no one knows who invented Astrology, the Zodiac, navigation by the stars, or time keeping. But whoever built the pyramids, & pioneered the 24hr clock in Egypt 5000 years ago already knew the exact dimensions of the Earth, & the speed of light. Because these can all be calculated using these Megalithic sites as a Surveyor use a Theodolite. Specifically at Teotihuacan; 230 degrees opposite Cairo, & with the exact same footprint. The ideal positions to determine the speed of light using the transit of Venus, allowing for accurate Longitude for Maritime navigation. Capt Cook did the same thing in 1774 when he 'discovered' Easter Island.
The only culture that fits the bill was wiped out "not one stone upon the other" by the Romans in 146BC. Tyre, the capital of Phoenicia (Israel) sat just offshore from Ursu Salaam: City of the New Moon; City [or 'Rock'] of Peace; root of the name _'Jerusalem'_ & was also seized by Rome in 70AD after a 3.5 year siege. The gap between is 216 years (6x6x6).
Greek Dionysians built the Temple of Solomon (now called the Temple of Melqart) representing the Solar Lunar (Solomonic) Metonic Calendar on which this system is based. They also carried mirrors, a practice associated with Magi, Druids, Greeks, & Egyptian scholars. These Mirrors are Astrological charts called 'Cycladic _Pans'_ & record the cycles of the planets. The first Temple of Melqart ( Phoenician Horus, Hercules, Pan, Thor) represents the 13th Constellation of Ophiuchus or 'Serpent Bearer' (hence Orphic Serpent worship) & had pillars of Emerald (Jasper) & Gold, ie Isis (Tree of Life) and Osiris (Tree of Knowledge). The Jerusalem Temple only took payment in "Shekels of Tyre" a currency minted during the Jewish rebellion against Rome, hence _"give that which is Caesar's unto Caesar"_
When Alexander sacked Tyre in 332BC they moved to Carthage meaning "New City" or New Jerusalem, & built a second temple with Pillars of Bronze. Nebuchadnezzar also sieged Tyre for 13 years, taking the City captive in 573BC: the same time as the biblical account of the Jews, (& again the Romans in 70AD after a 3.5 year siege, also consistent with the same biblical accounts).
Palaset was the name of a tribe of the Sea Peoples, Pallas _Set_ denotes the New Moon of Ammun Ra rising in Gemini, the *Pallas* Constellation of the Twins "that stand before Orion", due West of the Temple between the Gates [Pillars] of Gibraltar; "Gabriel's Altar", ie 'Pallas Stein', or Pallas Stone, 'Phallus' or Philosopher's Stone: the _"Rising Son"._ So 'Wormwood', like 'Tyre' means 'Bitter Rock', for the same reason; as the Son rising from the 'Bitter' [Salt or 'Black'] Sea of the Underworld; The 'Black Rock' or 'Gatestone' 🌑
The Cross of Tyre or Ba'El ❌ represents Lunar maximums & minimums & correlates with the Cross Quarter days of the Solstice Calendar. Align the Cross ❌ Chi Rho Christian ✝️ & Star 🔯 to the Zodiac, & you have a Compass & Timepiece that correlates to the Nautical Mile; allowing for global Maritime navigation.
It is in fact an Astrological allegory for a Sothic Metonic Saros Zodiac Calendar using Accusations in a Mirror 🪞
*A Phoenix **_Cypher_*
Another great vid by Irena on those amazing caucasian Egyptians, like the green man of the Celts…
Thank you!
Do y'all realize that they weren't really Caucasian no disrespect y'all got to really check those hieroglyphs what they did melanin royalty Been white washed too many times this history is very ancient every other race the deriveds from creating human life let y'all have your own culture that became mostly corrupt in the US cheap thievery in cheap copy's of true the law and order of ancient "Egypt" of Kemet
He was atlantean for sure:-)
That has no historical basis and that whole idea is fascist and inspired the nazis.
Since you ask, please consider explaining the evolution and interconnection of the several concepts of what we call the soul. Thank you for your programs.
I will definitely make a video about it. Thanks for watching
@@ancientsitesgirl Thank YOU!
Thanks for watching!
Truth seekers for life. Thanks for your effort. ❤
Thank you for watching ✌️
Interesting! When you mentioned the sun journey, i came to think on the Nordic bronze age razors depicting the sun journey in a boat. Sometimes, i hear that the bronze age rock carvings in sweden are influenced by egypt. Often maybe presented a bit too enthusiastic. Do you, with your knowledge see any similarities?
I'm willing to bet that because they were concerned about what is on other side they took better care of how they lived particularly regarding respect for environment: sustainability, less trash, for the same airspace is shared in other dimensions, awareness of energy transfers reciprocation.
Nice I will once again help civilize our world the same way
Thanks for watching!
"I am the living One; I was dead, and now look, I am alive forever and ever! And I hold the keys of death and Hades"
Thanks for watching!
Can’t be a coincidence that Hawaii and Egypt both have the same near identical name for their Sun God .. RA for Egypt and LA Hawaii ☀️ … Both are located on the Tropic of Cancer at the opposite side of the planet from each other .
This is fantastic!
Anunakki 😮
Am i the only one that sees a green man. My great spiritual master.😊
Thanks for watching!
Osiris posture is with crossed Arms (negation) Since the flagellum and crooked staff is crossed a second time (negation of negation = Affirmation) we can find life and death connected im one figure, which oscilates between both gates.
When I was in 4th grade I unknowingly had a shoe named “Osiris”
why did they whitewash osiris to a yellow color? wtf @ 46:05
He is supposed to be black or A very dark green color. Same for anubis. -____________-
@@truth9415he is supposed to be green, like the green man of the Celts ect… symbolizing regrowth of plants 🌱 and rebirth… dark representations are of death, like space… like the KA statues 😮
@@NeptunesLagoon Dark is not representation of death. Rather Black is a sacred color. representing fertility or divinity.
Osiris is depicted Black or Dark Green.
Dark Green because Osiris is a God of Agriculture.
Black because The origin of divinity is Darkness.
@@llegedly nature disagrees? The most healthiest soil is the darkest one. lol.
Nature includes 85% of our Dark Universe.
الاولاد روحية
Anunaki 🫡
♪♫♥ - Very Interesting, thank you for sharing this - 𒀭
Thanks for watching✌
🌴👽🌴👽🌴 < < < OSIRIS WAS A DEAR FRIEND OF MINE > > > 🌴👽🌴👽🌴
Hail Osiris!
Thanks for watching
72 conspirators. How large was Osrisi'ss court?
Dead God of Life or Resurrection-Rebirth?
@@MrBlazingup420 Never really looked into Sumerian Star Theology so if I get a chance I will take a dip.
Naive silly Persians think Cyrus was the founder of Persia lol
They will be shocked to see the resemblance in the depiction of Osiris in Egyptian mythology with their depiction of Israelite Cyrus they have been introduced to as the true saviour of Israel in in Bible.
Is it possible that the dark hair and skin is because the people were black, and not due to the representation of moisture?
The gods were once super mortals that inhabited human bodies and came to establish Atlantis and they lived there forever being sustained by the tree of life and after the fall and destruction of Atlantis they went on to establish these kingdoms and dynasties and as they no longer had access to the tree of life they all eventually died like mortal human beings. As they say history becomes legend and then becomes myth. The time for the revival of the true teachings of Yosira is now!
Comment for the Algorithm .
Shoutout to Al Gore, for the 'rithm.
Thanks ;)
No că mă ia nervii și mai mănânc un biscuit cu cireșe.
where the saying "by hook or by crook" comes from.... holding the ANKH = Anunnaki as they didn't enunciate the vowels
Such a sexy voice. Such a pretty lady.
You are gonna be huge
Thank you, that would be nice😉
Lol. This is good comedy.typical though
Marriage me Cleetus.
Hey, honey, how are you? Good luck.❤
Whoever that is in the thumbnail is NOT Osiris… that man missing his top lip… be serious
it's an ancient pharaonic figurine....serious😉
@@ancientsitesgirlnicely done Irena! 😆
Thanks ✌️
I found your Facebook so we can be bff's