Calisthenics Athletes are STRONGER Than Gymnasts???!!! | April Q and A



  • @philippschafer9419
    @philippschafer9419 9 місяців тому +1

    I just think it's a shame that gymnasts are so limited in their choice of exercises. few pull elements and few bend arm elements. I was surprised when I often saw gymnasts who couldn't even do a one-arm pull-up, even though in my eyes it was a good strength exercise. They obviously didn't train for it because they couldn't show it anywhere and get points for it, but I really thought they could do it all. In calisthenics you are simply freer and you can train for far more exercises. You also notice how the sport is developing, exercises like caruso or sat were also added because people are allowed to be creative. The crazy thing is that you only do this on the side without a trainer and some people might still go to work. I mean, gymnastics is their job, they train for many hours every day, so the performance of calisthenics people is definitely not to be underestimated. In general, however, it is very difficult to compare because every athlete has strengths and weaknesses and specializes differently.

  • @Steventhenics
    @Steventhenics Рік тому +3

    I completely get what you said with looking back at old planches and how hard it is to see what counted as good- It seems the stronger you get and the better your form becomes your older planches look dirtier and dirtier lol. I only recently really got a solid emphasis on a good hollow body planche to where I'm actually impressed with the shape for a couple seconds.
    We prob too hard on ourselves tho but artistic perfection never seems to end 🥺

  • @fnnhlapho5876
    @fnnhlapho5876 Рік тому

    Barkage can you make a video on how to learn the tuck planche because i barely cant lift my body up and hold it for atleast half a second

  • @RichaphanieProduction
    @RichaphanieProduction Рік тому

    Hey man, I wanna ask you if your taking any prot like ( Myprotein, bulk or prozis ) do u think he can help power for static ?

  • @e99q
    @e99q Рік тому

    Hello barkage
    just wanna ask about volume to get strong at weighted calisthenics for example 10-20 sets for dips per week and should I do weighted push ups/Diamond Push ups

  • @dariusworkoutt
    @dariusworkoutt Рік тому +2

    what state are u from bro? ur carrying calisthenics youtube ^^

    • @KindaAmazing667
      @KindaAmazing667 Рік тому +1

      I'm pretty sure Ohio. I remember when he was talking about Brandon Wynn, he said they're from the same state.

  • @XxOffTonexX
    @XxOffTonexX Рік тому +7

    I really appreciate you changing your take on gymnastics vs Calisthenics. Gymnasts are much stronger at the elite level and last time you did a Q & A I was shocked to see you were just straight up team Calisthenics. Calisthenic athletes have gotten crazy strong and can beat 95% of gymnasts at strength and are better at unilateral moves like OAP OAMU OAFL OAplanche etc. But at the top level in gymnastics we are not even seeing their very best in the Olympics. They only show what skills they can do in the routine nearly flawlessly, looking at their peak strength moves with worse form (seen so often in calisthenics) would be mindblowing seeing how Ring Finalists can do skills like Butterfly press to inverted cross with perfect form and other impossible skills nearly perfectly.

  • @batmanthedarkestknight
    @batmanthedarkestknight Рік тому +3

    Poor Ian Gunther got ROASTED.

  • @theKelpRepublic
    @theKelpRepublic Рік тому +1

    I don't understand this need to compare a gymnast and a calisthenics athlete using a totally different set of metrics and rules for both fields. A gymnast isn't evaluated on singular skills in a vacuum with just any type of non-regulated equipment. They don't compose their routines with a need to fit skills based on maintaining a balance of pull/push (some skills are both). Just like Calisthenics athletes can afford to throw out deductions for imperfect form, acrobatics in their routine, and an entire point system to base their routines off altogether.
    There are probably legitimate and fair ways to measure strength between the two, but picking arbitrary skills one intentionally doesn't showcase in their routine or on their social media page definitely isn't one of them.

  • @劉秉華-n4x
    @劉秉華-n4x Рік тому +2

    Thanks for make tutorials and provide information

  • @abdomemer7054
    @abdomemer7054 10 місяців тому

    I'm Arabian and ,I hope you putting a words and images in your montage because i don't understand all your words

  • @jakedmonds
    @jakedmonds Рік тому +2

    dont want to sound like a hater on gornation but my parellettes are terrible quailty, they shake and make creeking sounds every time you put any perssure heavyily dissapointed so i will probably try these calisthenixpro heavy duty ones.

  • @King_R.F
    @King_R.F Рік тому +2

    Thanks for answering my question ...and i am sorry that i had you reiterate,as you had made a video about this topic
    I had totally forgot it

  • @coastline9634
    @coastline9634 Рік тому +2

    Always enjoy these Q&A's. I like listening to those lofi songs when warming up before my workout

  • @markozele9939
    @markozele9939 Рік тому +2


    • @markozele9939
      @markozele9939 Рік тому +1

      This is for the oap/front lever question lol

  • @rainycypher1761
    @rainycypher1761 Рік тому +1

    elite gymnast will leave u in the dust

  • @addhayanbhowmick2356
    @addhayanbhowmick2356 Рік тому +1

    Thanks sir for picking my question 😄❤️

  • @mttdang
    @mttdang Рік тому +2

    What kind of animal would do oap with 50kg extra

    • @markozele9939
      @markozele9939 Рік тому

      Bro got it wrong, i typed '1rm' meaning one rep max, not one arm max lmfaooo

  • @jefrymarine3781
    @jefrymarine3781 Рік тому +1

    Very interesting video 👌🏽👌🏽💪🏾

  • @aloci3370
    @aloci3370 Рік тому +1

    Good one

  • @Marshmallowjjj
    @Marshmallowjjj Рік тому +1

    comment for the algo keep it up man

  • @markymarkeaton
    @markymarkeaton Рік тому +1

    Great insight! Thanks for doing this Q&A man, looking forward to more of these

  • @gallafia3771
    @gallafia3771 Рік тому +1

    I think your argument is ok, but you are heavily downplaying the importance skill specific training. Gymnasts aren't allowed to bend their arms in routines, so it's not fair to judge their strength based on bent arm skills. Bent arm skills, like planche push ups are archer push ups are not transitive from straight arm training because it requires different technique, muscle recruitment, balance, etc. So gymnasts are really good at straight arm skills like planche press to handstand, but that will not translate into bent arm skills. That's like saying front lever pulls/negatives will some how make you better at front lever pull ups or touch front which is just flat out wrong. You actually have to practice those skills because they are just not the same.
    Next trying to compare gymnasts lack of pulling skills to calisthenics is also a bad argument because again they don't train for those skill so they shouldn't be expecting to do them. That's like if a gymnasts were to say well because calisthenics guys can't do felge to maltese or back uprise inverted cross that gymnasts are strong which isn't fair because calisthenics guys never practice those skills. It's not a good argument on either side. Comparing should be done based on skills both calisthenics athletes and gymnasts can perform otherwise you're comparing apples to oranges.

    • @EragonShadeslayer
      @EragonShadeslayer Рік тому

      Nah it makes sense. Us not having inverted cross is a weakness, them not having pull is a weakness. Someday inverted cross will not be rare in the calisthenics community, but will gymnasts have pull? Well, we’ll see.

    • @gallafia3771
      @gallafia3771 Рік тому

      @Eragon let's say we want to compare Van Gelder to Rodriguez. Danny can perform several victorian elements such as front uprise victorian, back lever bounce victorian, etc. Yuri on the other hand can other skills such as butterfly to inverted cross, Carmona (back lever press to inverted cross), etc. Now where Danny can do all those victorian skills, van gelder can't and vice-versa. So who is stronger? You see how that comparison doesn't make any sense. How would you compare high level pulling strength to high level pushing strength when the skills are completely different?

    • @EragonShadeslayer
      @EragonShadeslayer Рік тому

      @@gallafia3771 He said that the elite gymnasts are strongest though, it’s just that the elite calisthenics athletes are stronger than _most_ gymnasts. Besides, my question to him was whether we will get stronger, and yeah, someday we will be able to do inverted cross, we will be able to do so many things. Gymnasts can do things that we can’t right now, but eventually we’ll be able to do those things as well as what we do already, and they probably won’t adapt like we will, meaning we’ll leave them behind.

  • @amish_mgr
    @amish_mgr Рік тому +1

    Always love the QNA videos🔥

  • @Serialchiller1337
    @Serialchiller1337 Рік тому

    Shout out barkage! I think that I’m getting addicted to your videos xd, by the way, how old are you?

  • @rayenmathlouthi8895
    @rayenmathlouthi8895 Рік тому

    thanks for answering my question.keep it up man , i've really enjoyed the video

  • @ugugh4684
    @ugugh4684 Рік тому

    What's your height and weight?

  • @EragonShadeslayer
    @EragonShadeslayer Рік тому

    Thanks so much for answering my question, and going in depth! Great video over all

  • @dusk7642
    @dusk7642 Рік тому

    yooo my question was featured!!

  • @ewnt
    @ewnt Рік тому

    Thanks for video mate!

  • @thepizzaworkoutplan
    @thepizzaworkoutplan Рік тому

    One arm handstand shits on one arm planche. not an opinion 😊

    • @thepizzaworkoutplan
      @thepizzaworkoutplan Рік тому

      Also it’s impossible to tell the difference between one arm planche and a flag…..

    • @amirlaukholm
      @amirlaukholm Рік тому +1

      @@thepizzaworkoutplan No you can clearly tell the difference like look at leevan.ns oap and then look at daniels laizens oaf. u would have to be blind if you can't tell the difference

  • @ifarted69
    @ifarted69 Рік тому +1

    +50kg oap at 75kg bw why do i not believe that even in da slightest considering da fact that da world record is +30kg at 60kg bw done by andrey Alexandrov