Don't know how interesting 5 seasons of Lorne Malvo chasing around Lester would be. The anthology makes the show a lot more experimental and obviously not everyone is gonna be satisfied with every season. 5 is far better than 4.
The part of the show that i didn't understand was how she got all of her combat skills? She was an abused teenage bride. I don't think that teaches you how to make IEDs, booby traps, and hand to hand combat skills. She should have fleed, worked for the CIA or something, that's how she got a new id. Something like that.
Same here - this didn't really make sense to me either. It also made no sense to me that the sheriff would go after her 11 years later just to try and kill her when he finally found her.
@@brianmorris4446Mary Sue seems kind of silly. There’s no male equivalent. It seems people are just less inclined to believe a woman can have skills without explanation, whereas people never really talk about that concerning men. Having said that, they did say stuff implying there is some kind of reason why she knows this. I too would’ve liked to know.
I enjoyed this season, but it did feel like they were bashing the audience over their heads with their beliefs. Zero subtlety lol. I just put that to the side because that’s basically every production out of Hollywood nowadays. Ole Munch was the obvious standout for me this season.
It had a promising beginning, but did not deliver at all. I don't understand where all this praise is coming from. On the nose dialogue/political themes, an exploitative billionaire treated like a hero because she had 5 minutes of humanity, and what felt like token minorities in Indira and Witt. Not to mention they pulled the whole "it was a dream the whole time" cliche in the year 2023. It had its moments-- the homages to the film were nice, and the puppet show, despite the stupid "It was a dream" cliche, was actually an interesting way to give character development. But overall it felt sloppy.
No Country For Old Men ends just as the book does. And I don't think Munch's sin eating being turned around by Dot persuading him to try food for what it is, and he lets go of his sins, and smiles as he seems to regain his soul as he gives up chasing Dot for the "debt" she owes him.
@@AbdulGabagool83 I don't think they intended to make it suck. Just like, an anti-Coen season of Fargo. Like how modern Star Wars is a critique of classic Star Wars. The problem is when you make a counterpoint to something awesome, what you end up with will probably suck.
In my opinion it was almost the best season so far. And then the writer sh*t the bed on the final episode. The writer just couldn't help ramming his politics down your throat, like a pub bore. To quote Hannibal Lector "Tedious, very tedious".
This series had a great theme of being forced to be in impossible situations and forced to pay a debt for the wickedness of others. Debt is a thing that pops up all over this season.I think that the final scene's message is that the way to move on from the damage other people did to you is to learn to forgive some of the debts people have with you and trying to go about things with love and compassion. IMO it's a very wholesome message and the best Fargo Season finale ever.
Yes, very wholesome finale in which Lorraine is allowed to keep her business-model going without compromise and uses the leverage she holds over other people to instigate prison rape.
THe problem is, the biggest offender when it comes to controlling people via debt is Lorraine, and she's treated like a hero just because she has a modicum of empathy when forced to look at pictures of her daughter in law beaten to a pulp. A few episodes later, she literally uses this power of owning debt to torture someone, and she's still treated like a hero, which completely undermines the message.
@@akhayat89 agreed. The way prison rape is presented as a form of justice is disgusting and makes the season finale irredeemable in my opinion, no matter how good the stuff with Ole Munch is. It unfortunately fits the pattern of season 5 appealing mostly to basic instincts, with Dot being the ultimate cheerworthy hero and Roy the despicable scum of the earth, with no gray areas to be found on either side
The thing you’re missing from the political angle, and maybe why you feel out of the loop, is because most of us are out of the loop, as well. “Cliche” is absolutely right. It’s basically what a Hollywood writer/producer (obviously left-leaning) thinks a “MAGA” sheriff would be like. We can all agree that that’s about as far from the truth as possible, but they’re projecting their own values and fears onto a “right-wing” sheriff, hoping that others will agree with them. The ratings have proven that wrong. This season was BAD. The writing was off, the action was missing, the politics were just silly. It’s sad that they’ve taken what once was a pretty good show and turned it into a political crap show. You’d think that with all the other recent failures that do the same, they’d have learned their lessons. Oh well, it was okay while it lasted. Maybe they’ll learn one day……..
While I'm against the "all right wing bad" bandwagon that's not to say people like him DON'T exist.. He wasn't a sheriff but my cousin was with a dude who held the same values towards wives as Sheriff Roy and politically was right wing.
Yeah, I’m kinda hoping the next season will be either in the 60s or 90s and go back more to the more hidden meanings and subtexts rather than the showrunner just showing you his modern political opinions. Fargo is at its best when it presents a topic like greed, being power-hungry, etc. and then turning it completely on its head.
I’m in pretty much totally agreement here. I liked the season well enough I guess but it could have been much better if they weren’t trying to jam in their political messages. The subplot with Indiras husband has to be one of the most useless and ridiculous plots I’ve ever seen in a show and I actually laughed out loud when Roy punched his wife in the face while Trump is on the tv in the background like wtf even is this? Also Munch was heavily underutilized and I feel was only there to have a quirky dangerous character like Wrench. The Linda episode was also pretty useless and the season overall became really predictable past like episode 3 I would say.
3rd season gets better with every rewatch, just letting you know. It feels like it has the most substantive writing and very open to interpretation. 2nd season is great on the first watch but I honestly don’t care for it much anymore. Particularly I feel the first half is amazing but the second half doesn’t match up. 1st season was great on first watch and stays consistently great on rewatch. I watched the 4th season and didn’t like it. It was interesting enough but definitely a noticeable drop in quality. I haven’t watched this new season but I’ve heard nothing but bad things so I’m not going to - it didn’t pique my interest anyway. For my money, 3rd season is the best and my personal favorite. It’s very allegorical.
Well he isn't good either. I mean if you vote Trump you have serious mental problems. Imagine voting for a guy that wants NATO gone when the only country to use Article 5 was America after 9/11. Only Americans can act so arrogantly towards others. USA got help from all NATO allies even though they didn't agree with the invasions. Now you want to run away because you're scared of Putin. Pathetic American cowards.
I really enjoyed this season more than seasons 3 and 4. I find the writing and characters on point. The walk of Roy with Toxic in the background stuck in my head and I also loved the ending with the family and Munch. It definitely was season which had clear represantations of good and evil. All gray parties joined one side at the end. It also has much more sweetnes than bittersweetnes in it than others seasons and I'm all for it.
It wasn't just the on the nose politics that was bad about this season but the writing. Practically everyone was a caricature and there was so many plot holes and conveniences. Its the same reason why True Detective Season 4 is failing. Both just are poorly written.
All Fargo seasons are all somewhat cartoonishly evil. But season 5 villain is soooo evil he becomes comical😂like Dodd times 10 in season 2. And I find Dodd very funny😂 Regarding the strong female characters, all I can say is they are better than true detective season4😅
Characters are cartoonish and somehow this season has a pattern and a big theme that ties everything together. It used to be about characters. I'm questioning the accuracy of "based on true story"
@@stus2159lol hold on you disrespected mad men and season five of fargo?😂😂🤔why did you like either one? I’m with op mad men is a masterpiece lmo and season 5 of fargo is excellent
Love the commentary but you need to stop EVERYTHING YOU ARE DOING RIGHT NOW AND GO WATCH MAD MEN. You would have a newfound respect for Jon Hamm's acting in Fargo once you do.
I ended up preferring season 4 over season 5. While season 5 fixes the fundamental structural issues of season 4, it does so by lowering its ambition and just working with the writers room it has (which is a big reason for the strict 45 minute episodes I presume). The pilot is frankly amazing and the first five episodes are very good, but it all fizzles out after that, with Linda being by far the biggest disappointment of the season. Roy Tillmann also just sucks, he's not interesting in any way. VM Varga managed to be captivating precisely because he was so repulsive, what happened to villains like those? Plus, it's not like you need to be a fascist overlord to commit domestic violence, and its taking away from the serious topic it tries to adress. Most of the time, you can't tell who is going to be violent to his wife and who is not, which is what makes it so scary. I much rather enjoy a season that tries to bite off more than it can chew, but gives us East/West in the process, than a complacent season that only tries to do as much as it needs to, and pretends like Fargo magic is something you can just randomly sprinkle on top.
I thought this season was terrible. Thematically it was all over the place, the pacing was terrible, it was filled with unnecessary characters, none of the characters had any bearing on the plot, and the end made no sense. Munch thought he had to kill Dots husband as an exchange for saving her (which was a terrible deus ex machina), which made no sense. Then he doesn’t because Dot used her fake Minnesota persona on him. But the whole point of him calling her a tiger was that he knew her true self was this fighter, so why would he buy that fake Minnesota nice bullshit. The show could’ve salvaged itself a bit if he shot Wayne in the face and then took a bite of the corn bread.
This season might be my least favourite but it's not as bad as some comments here are making it seem. Munch in particular is actually extremely consistent as he values debt above all else, that's why he goes back to the house, to cut her the way she cut him. He's just taken aback by getting things with nothing expected of him in return.
Season 5 felt safe. It try to critique the conservative ideals of the time period ( especially with Trump in the office on that time). But Noah, the series writer, probably also doesn't wanted conservative fans of the show to attack him and call him "WOKE" for it. So the season never hammer down of the theme of toxic masculinity or extreme conservatism. It plays it safe.
I stopped at episode 5 or 6.. this season is sooo bad written don’t even get me startet… dot is like John wick.. all the bad guys are stupid af.. her husband is a useless dummy… don’t get me startet with the looser husband of the cop. Why is he even in the story? To shit on men? Ok… if the rest would be good but no.. the plot could be decent but it’s ruined by absolute bs characters.. The first 2 seasons was some of the best shows there is.. didn’t watch 3 and 4 yet but season 5 is unwatchable if you got a Brain.
Well Noah Hawley's mom was a 2nd wave feminist so I wonder if that's what it is.. The show needed loser characters to calibrate the balance with characters like Roy. Officer Witt Far and Danish Graves weren't written off as stupid either. Also circling back, this would definitely reflect the tone of the original Fargo movie where the husband is an uninspired lukewarm idiot.
This season had the loosest writing and a heavy partisan political narrative which you basically got right. It actually felt like a democratic fever dream, and lacked realism. Theres no way the dot character (who had no problem gas lighting the whole family) wouldn’t have had a gun somewhere hidden, even if it was disassembled. Also the waiting period when buying a gun doesn’t enhance the back ground check which literally only takes a few minutes. Politicians added the wait period as a supposed “cool down” for someone that would want to use a gun for nefarious reasons 😂 that’s why some states don’t have it. Also I agree I loved season 4.
I wouldn’t say it killed Fargo just yet, but the next season might be the make-or-break one. They really need to sit down and write a story that can match the first two seasons.
Yeah I thought this season was pretty much a dud also. Among other things, I am disappointed they didn't continue the tradition of interweaving a character or two from previous season into an otherwise standalone story. That part where Dot just drops her kid off at with the cop on the manhunt so she can go have adventures was some of the dumbest shit I've seen in a television show - especially one enjoying all the praise this one is getting.
Whenever I bring this point up on Reddit, people accuse me of "Marvelization" which I find utterly ridiculous. First of all, I don't even like Marvel and I still can acknowledge that building a cinematic universe is an incredible accomplishment that every other studios has miserably failed at. Second, any show can just make homages to the movie Fargo, but only this show has all the characters from all the seasons at its disposal. Not making use of that is squandering opportunities for no reason.
I watched Season 5 on DVD so please forgive me for getting here late! Tbh, I can't remember what I spent on the DVD, but there were times when I felt like whatever it was, it was too much! OK, in fairness that's probably putting it a bit strong, there was plenty here that was worthwhile, but I gotta say, for much of the time Season 5 was a painful watch. Accusations of 'Wokeness' have dogged Fargo pretty much from the outset, reaching (until now) a crescendo in Season 4. (Incidentally, accusations of Wokeness to one side, I felt Season 4, and to a lesser extent, Season 3, got a critical drubbing they didn't really deserve.) While I could see why people were making these accusations, 'til now I was able to put them to one side. I mean, it's not like I have any _intrinsic_ problem with strong, heroic female characters, the same of course being true of People of Colour; and while there _were_ times when the 'Woke' elements _could_ be a little wearing, it was rare that they felt bombastic enough, or forced enough, to come near making the show -- frankly, one of the best things on TV -- unwatchable. All that changed with Series 5, though. No longer could I mentally dismiss the critics as being overly hung up on the show's politics, real or imagined. Obviously it's a reflection of, and reaction to, what's happening in the real World, but this Season the showrunners have just turned the Wokeness 'up to 11'! It's like as if they've not only written off the possibility of having any potential audience on the Right of the political spectrum (in the process doing both that segment of the viewing public _and themselves_ a disservice!), they are actually determined to burn their bridges with any such viewers slow in getting the message... while at the same time flagrantly insulting the intelligence of all but the most naïve or fanatical 'True Believers' of their Left - leaning viewers! What this mess felt like to me was as if they took one of those Noughties TLC channel daytime TV Movies - you know, one of those ones that always seemed to go, like, "One Woman's battle to gain custody of her children from their abusive father - Hashtag *#'REALLYBADMAN'* - even as she struggles with her diagnosis of terminal cancer"... but gave it a 2020's makeover, complete with diversity quotas, snide Trump references, and, as one commenter put it, gave the whole steaming turd "a sprinkle of Fargo fairy~dust", in the hope that maybe some of it would take! Notwithstanding that I'm not American, although my late wife was, I actually find Trump one of the most obnoxious political figures of the 21st Century... In any case, Trump is not the first Republican president/prospective president that Fargo has satirized, if that is the correct word to use here. Season 3 stuck it to the slicker but (imho, I stress!) possibly even more harmful Ronald Reagan; but they did it with more humour, they fictionalised him, and crucially for this kind of show, they were referencing events in (our) past... Admittedly the politics this time weren't entirely black and white/Left or Right - some consideration was given to the tension between the different factions on the Right, most obviously Fiscal Libertarianism and your more 'God, Guns'n'Glory' elements; and I did enjoy some of the machinations of Lorraine Lyon, the debt billionaire, and her lawyer/consigliere Danish Graves (honestly, though something of a creep, about the only half - way relatable male character in the thing, except of course for State Trooper Wit Farr). And yes, some of that Fargo 'Fairy Dust' _was_ here. We had the (somewhat) relateable hitman, although those are not in themselves unique to Fargo! Filling the position here though is the by now almost customary not - to - be - trifled - with Weirdo who really ought to stop cutting his own hair. This one cross - dresses for no discernable reason, and, as always, "Liffs Py a Kode..." Strongly implied (later confirmed) is the fact that he is not quite mortal and who seems to exist in a kind of Limbo. There is the obligatory surreal elements (as if the hitman, Münch, didn't count!), from Tilman and Karen's sexual kinks, if such even rate these days, right up to Dot's fever dream of her time spent at the women's refuge with the Linda's. I used to hate the use of 'Magic Realism' in film & TV (ironically, I'd have to include "Oh Bother, Where Art Thou?" 'big time', here!) I always found its use to be needlessly jarring and extremely irritating - but Fargo, TV Fargo, anyway - proved to me that this didn't need to be the case, as did the criminally overlooked 2018 Jonah Hill and Emma Stone series 'Maniac'. Actually, the fact that the period spent with Linda Tilman (Roy's first wife) at the refuge proved to be a dream, something many viewers were put out about, for me came as a bit of a relief since it cleared up a number of inconsistencies and plot holes, like the fact that the refuge was seemingly equipped with everything necessary for the manufacture of puppets (was this how they supported themselves?)... of course, the fact that Dot apparently comes 'pre~loaded' with all the skills necessary not only to make a puppet from scratch, but to believably animate it as well, should hardly be a surprise at this point! Not even to mention that Linda Tilman (Roy's first wife) and her namesakes seemed to be living this blasé, almost blissful, timeless kind of existence, uncaring of events happening in the outside World... Much as I hate to say it though, for all that critics were declaring S.5 a 'Return to Form', and even 'Best Season Ever', I have to seriously take issue with them. It would seem that the public weren't so fulsome in their approval, either. While more popular than Season 4, like it's immediate predecessor it failed to break the 1 million viewers mark. Obviously no right - thinking person would cheer for a character like Roy Tilman (except maybe in an ironic, tongue - in - cheek fashion), or celebrate the setbacks of heroines like Dot. That doesn't mean that we shouldn't feel ill - used as an audience when such ridiculous, two - dimensional characters are foisted upon us. It doesn't follow that we are against strong female or minority characters if we have objections to them all being invariably, but inexplicably, 'Tigers', secret alumni, apparently, of the Army Rangers or Navy Seals. We don't necessarily have a problem with male villains, they have long been the norm anyway, but Jeez, do they _all_ have to be moustache twirling, finger - steepling caricatures, moonlighting between engagements tying damsels to railroad tracks and seducing servant girls with tin engagement rings, skipping town when they get septicaemia after the forced abortion is botched.?! Does every sympathetic male, 'Wyatt' character have to be ineffectual, if not actually semi - 'fire retardant' (as it were)? Previous seasons of Fargo had strong, but believable ethnic minority characters, neither saintly, nor the clichés of the '70's & '80's (crackheads, jive~talking pimps, etc.) and who didn't feel like, ironically, tokens - Series 2's Hanzee, the Native American enforcer for the Gerhardt gang, and his counterpart for the Kansas City Syndicate, Mike Milligan, an African American, immediately leap to mind - but very often one felt like there was a degree of "telegraphing one's decency", to paraphrase, going on. By Series 5 we really do feel like, yeah, they're just ticking boxes at this stage! Some way through the series, around the time she 86'es her predictably parasitical, cheating 'Wyatt' husband, Lars, Indian American cop Indira is hired on as Lorraine's head of security (at least _in the story_ it's on merit!) and Indira wins over Lorraine's better, more _Sisterly_ side (even if by appealing to the 'Tiger' in her!) and persuades her of the merits of Dot's case. While still the hardnosed tycoon, she puts the paranoid 'Queen of Mean' bit to one side and lets the Big Sister out. She calls in a favour from her boy in the White House, the cavalry go in, and OK, we lose Witt (genuinely, it hurt to see him taken out by a P.O.S. like Roy) but Dot is rescued and reunited with her family and basically, it's all over bar the shouting. The Lyons family a year later get themselves "A dog to guard the house" - at least, we presume so, anyway - in the form of Münch (there are some genuine moments of mirth as Munch tries to explain the unyielding nature of 'The Kote', but can't get a word in past the relentless Minnesota hospitality of Scotty and Wayne! The whole thing ends up feeling like one of those morality tales for children ubiquitous in Victorian times, though very popular right up to the late '70's - only instead of espousing Authoritarian Values, Obedience, 'Children should be Seen but not Heard', etc, it's all Diversity, Liberal Values, and what have you. Fair enough, but it's like, "Actually, I'm a grown~up now, I don't need morals rammed down my throat, thank you very much. The show ends on a particularly sour note with Lorraine's final interaction with Roy. Visiting him in prison, ostensibly to gloat that all of his appeals have been rejected, she reveals that she's been busy pulling strings making sure his cards in the prison are marked. His _'dance'_ cards, as it were... In other words, the usual big joke that is made of male - on - male prison 7ape. OK, he's kinda got it coming - but aren't we meant to be _against_ that sort of thing?! But I guess broken bottles in the shower and deaf ears turned to the screams of grown men in the night are not quite in the same league as casting agents mistaking sexual harassment for 'quid quo pro'... (It's _all_ reprehensible, of course.) It's hypocritical , and it tends to vonfirm the suspicion that there is a kind of callousness just beneath the veneer of decency that so many woke types adopt!
I have mixed feelings on this season. I started very intrigued. The middle kinda wandered around a bit to much for my liking. Then I enjoyed the last couple of episodes more than I've loved Fargo since season 2 (nothing will ever catch season 1). You're right that the republican/democrat angle was to ham fisted. Some distance would be appreciated, making them metaphorical rather than actual. I especially found the haircut scene a little jarring and immersion breaking. But I did enjoy the abuse survivor narrative and the debt metaphors. I've always enjoyed the philosophy of the show and they hit well for me. My review would be mixed but mostly positive much like season 3
They don't need to make endearing, consistent content so long as people consistently watch the show. And people will consistently watch the show so long as there is good marketing and big actors associated with the title. A solid first season was all that was needed to put the train in motion. It's the same formula for Star Wars, LOTR, etc. Big first impression, algorithmic sequels.
This season had its moments, but to me it was by far the weakest. It also felt like not very subtle propaganda in the way it handled certain themes and relied on a more cartoonish villain that didn't have any redeeming characteristics or the charisma of previous villains from earlier seasons.
I haven't seen it yet, but it's on the list. BTW- I'm stunned you haven't watched Mad Men. It is phenomenal. No other actor could have played Don Draper. Jon Hamm was born for that part.
I haven't watched it yet, but at 8:11 is that Jon Hamm's character with his nipples pierced? Lol I hope that's never referenced and just left like that.
I enjoyed this season a lot, much better than season 4. Even a bit better than season 3, maybe. Of course the obvous politics became a bit annoying, but whatever.
I like Season 4 slightly more than Season 3 overall, but the first third of Season 4 is very rough with the tone being all over the place and throwing tons of characters and storylines at you all at once. It really starts to pick up once the US Marshall shows up.
@@MrMoralTurpitudeI like every season but think 3 is the worst. If I were to rank them best to worst I’d go 1. Season 1 2. Season 5 3. Season 4 4. Season 2 5. Season 3
Yeah I was really disappointed with this season, it could have been something special but it felt clunky and not well paced at all… what could have saved it was a total full scale battle at the end but we don’t even get to see it, it is just part of the foreground which was disappointed, the whole Ole character was interesting but we didn’t get to see him in action enough and his character just letting go the debt with that goofy smile was just dumb in my opinion, it felt like they put too much emphasis on the political aspect of the story rather than fleshing out the characters enough to actually care about them or the story at hand, it was just all over the place, I would say this was the worst season of Fargo yet
Aside from the orange man bad and white man useless moments I really liked this season. It's definetely better paced than 2, 3 and especially 4, almost as good as 1. Liked all the characters and actors' perfomances. My only real complaint is "it was all a dream lmao" episode, it was really cheap. Also not a big fan of supernatural/surreal side of Fargo, but I guess it's just a staple of the show now
Good point, 2019, and it has a very connection to American Politics, I'm Canadian, but I know so much by being bombarded by their Media and Entertainment. So I like this season, the walk Tillman ( too a remake of Toxic). And the Puppet Show, was cool, despite it not being real. I hate WOKE t.v, films etc. But I rooted for Dot, she was like a fucking Badger, but still Tilllman handles her, I think the identity politics are "flipped" in an ironic way. Trust me if you grew up in North America, you'd feel it more. ( Again I loved the long shot of Tillman, as hes going to kill Dot! ) He got sidetracked but still. Creepy.
Yeah felt this season was aggressively mid, there really was no character I wanted to follow that much. But more importantly, you need to stop uploading for a week or whatever you need to do, and watch Mad Men now. Not just because its amazing, but because I think Jon Hamm was a great actor who was totally wasted here. In Mad Men he was charming, assertive, but there was a dark layer of deep selfishness and greed. Here he's just kind of a dumb asshole who happens to make some good moves. And I totally got what they were aiming for, it just felt ugly, hamfisted and far too stereotypical, but of a stereotype that doesn't really exist
I can't believe you don't absolutely love it. I think this is almost as good as season 1. Ole Munch alone makes it top level. You're certainly entitled to your opinion...I really respect you, but you liked season 4 more? Oh man, anyway. I like your videos as always.
I got bored of this season after 2 episodes. It’s by far the weakest. And it’s made more egregious by the fact that so much time passed between this and season 4 and that after season 4 it was unofficially ended. Part of the issues with season 4 was Noah admitting his passion for the series was waning and he had sort of reached his creative zenith with it. Season 4 was far more of a contractual obligation. He left the door open saying he’d return to the series maybe if and only if an amazing story came to him. So when it was announced that season 5 was coming I looked at it like “oh shit, it’s back from the dead and he must really have a great idea if he’s back at it”. So to get this plodding, ponderous season as, what will likely be, the final season is pretty lame.
This season was terrible. Juno Temple made it unwatchable. Sorry for Jon Hamm & JJL. Shame. I loved last season. Chris Rock, Jason Schwartzman, Jessie Buckley, Ben Whishaw, Jack Huston, Timothy Olyphant all my favs ⭐️
I loved this new season holy shit the fact that Dave Foley and the guy from rampage both from uwe bull movies and the political statements that were being pointed out obviously but yes I loved every moment it wasn't as good as 3 or 2 or 1 but it's way better then s4 sorry I just didn't enjoy it as much but that doesn't mean s5 has it's flaws but overall a good return to form in my opinion.
Yaaay another tv series telling us how women can be strong and independent and how many men are abusive. Nice, never heard about it. Seriously tho, this stuff is getting pretty boring. Like they didn't make movies, tv series, music and so on delivering the same message since at least the mid 2000s. Please stop, it really gets boring. And no, I'm not conservative and I pretty much dislike right wingers but make it stop for once lmao
It’s pretty common (at least in America)these days if a TV show depicts some form of abuse or suicide that in the credits there are resources for someone dealing with those issues. Personally I loved how streamlined and small the story was this season, I expected you to love it and have so much more analysis.
It fizzled out.....troopers demeanor unrealistic for a black guy in racist middle America. I got Ted Bundy militia vs Gov in 2016. Underestimating Roy was just really Wierd of everyone. I absolutely loved Dot's character.
If u vote for war criminals like Biden (iraq war lies) while pointing at trump (zero war invasions) you are the fascist who is too inept to even come to terms with it.
The fact this and season one are the same series is insane.
Don't know how interesting 5 seasons of Lorne Malvo chasing around Lester would be. The anthology makes the show a lot more experimental and obviously not everyone is gonna be satisfied with every season. 5 is far better than 4.
The part of the show that i didn't understand was how she got all of her combat skills? She was an abused teenage bride. I don't think that teaches you how to make IEDs, booby traps, and hand to hand combat skills.
She should have fleed, worked for the CIA or something, that's how she got a new id.
Something like that.
Yes I thought that was going to be explained somewhere down the line but it wasn't
Not everything has to be explained.
@bustercolin7507 no doubt. But without some explanation, she becomes a Mary Sue.
Same here - this didn't really make sense to me either. It also made no sense to me that the sheriff would go after her 11 years later just to try and kill her when he finally found her.
@@brianmorris4446Mary Sue seems kind of silly. There’s no male equivalent. It seems people are just less inclined to believe a woman can have skills without explanation, whereas people never really talk about that concerning men.
Having said that, they did say stuff implying there is some kind of reason why she knows this. I too would’ve liked to know.
I enjoyed this season, but it did feel like they were bashing the audience over their heads with their beliefs. Zero subtlety lol. I just put that to the side because that’s basically every production out of Hollywood nowadays. Ole Munch was the obvious standout for me this season.
It had a promising beginning, but did not deliver at all. I don't understand where all this praise is coming from. On the nose dialogue/political themes, an exploitative billionaire treated like a hero because she had 5 minutes of humanity, and what felt like token minorities in Indira and Witt. Not to mention they pulled the whole "it was a dream the whole time" cliche in the year 2023. It had its moments-- the homages to the film were nice, and the puppet show, despite the stupid "It was a dream" cliche, was actually an interesting way to give character development. But overall it felt sloppy.
Roy Tillman isn't a bad villain but he's definitely no Malvo, Varga, or Milligan.
Well, none of them even come close to Willem Dafoe's Bobby Peru in David Lynch's Wild at Heart.
Was that Dave Foley? Good to see him
Edit: Dude, watch Mad Men, you'll love it, tons of content there too
Mad Men was good. Best looking women out of any show.
Season 5 felt more like a critique of the Coen brothers than anything else. That last scene was clearly based on the ending of No Country for Old Men.
No Country For Old Men ends just as the book does. And I don't think Munch's sin eating being turned around by Dot persuading him to try food for what it is, and he lets go of his sins, and smiles as he seems to regain his soul as he gives up chasing Dot for the "debt" she owes him.
Wow they made a whole season suck just as a critique gottem
@@AbdulGabagool83 I don't think they intended to make it suck. Just like, an anti-Coen season of Fargo. Like how modern Star Wars is a critique of classic Star Wars. The problem is when you make a counterpoint to something awesome, what you end up with will probably suck.
@@robertlowrie8446 exactly, Star Wars didn’t need a critique, it needed another film
@@robertlowrie8446how come season 5 sucked in your opinion? Honest question because I thought it was excellent
In my opinion it was almost the best season so far. And then the writer sh*t the bed on the final episode. The writer just couldn't help ramming his politics down your throat, like a pub bore. To quote Hannibal Lector "Tedious, very tedious".
Orange Man broke the entertainment industry. He lives rent-free in their heads.
This season was utter woke garbage.
@@Based_Stuhlinger thanks for convincing me not to watch it. You can’t “unwatch” something awful. What’s your take on the fourth season?
@@alswearengine4867 I watched a bit of it but wasn't impressed, you can see the woke creep in from there too.
@@Based_Stuhlinger thanks again. I’ll just stick to the first three.
@@alswearengine4867 Np.👍
This series had a great theme of being forced to be in impossible situations and forced to pay a debt for the wickedness of others. Debt is a thing that pops up all over this season.I think that the final scene's message is that the way to move on from the damage other people did to you is to learn to forgive some of the debts people have with you and trying to go about things with love and compassion.
IMO it's a very wholesome message and the best Fargo Season finale ever.
Yes, very wholesome finale in which Lorraine is allowed to keep her business-model going without compromise and uses the leverage she holds over other people to instigate prison rape.
THe problem is, the biggest offender when it comes to controlling people via debt is Lorraine, and she's treated like a hero just because she has a modicum of empathy when forced to look at pictures of her daughter in law beaten to a pulp. A few episodes later, she literally uses this power of owning debt to torture someone, and she's still treated like a hero, which completely undermines the message.
@@akhayat89 agreed. The way prison rape is presented as a form of justice is disgusting and makes the season finale irredeemable in my opinion, no matter how good the stuff with Ole Munch is. It unfortunately fits the pattern of season 5 appealing mostly to basic instincts, with Dot being the ultimate cheerworthy hero and Roy the despicable scum of the earth, with no gray areas to be found on either side
@@Fluorineer season 5 doesn't feel like a real story. We shouldn't be getting lessons from fargo. We should be getting character breakdowns.
Our politics are not hard to understand. I promise. Painfully stupid actually.
The thing you’re missing from the political angle, and maybe why you feel out of the loop, is because most of us are out of the loop, as well. “Cliche” is absolutely right. It’s basically what a Hollywood writer/producer (obviously left-leaning) thinks a “MAGA” sheriff would be like. We can all agree that that’s about as far from the truth as possible, but they’re projecting their own values and fears onto a “right-wing” sheriff, hoping that others will agree with them. The ratings have proven that wrong. This season was BAD. The writing was off, the action was missing, the politics were just silly. It’s sad that they’ve taken what once was a pretty good show and turned it into a political crap show. You’d think that with all the other recent failures that do the same, they’d have learned their lessons. Oh well, it was okay while it lasted. Maybe they’ll learn one day……..
The customer is always right except in Hollywood. Burning the movie industry to the ground.
While I'm against the "all right wing bad" bandwagon that's not to say people like him DON'T exist.. He wasn't a sheriff but my cousin was with a dude who held the same values towards wives as Sheriff Roy and politically was right wing.
All on purpose
I don't think he is a MAGA sheriff but a sovereign citizen sheriff.
Yeah, I’m kinda hoping the next season will be either in the 60s or 90s and go back more to the more hidden meanings and subtexts rather than the showrunner just showing you his modern political opinions. Fargo is at its best when it presents a topic like greed, being power-hungry, etc. and then turning it completely on its head.
The fourth season of "Fargo" was as good as the "In Camelot" episode of "The Sopranos."
I’m in pretty much totally agreement here. I liked the season well enough I guess but it could have been much better if they weren’t trying to jam in their political messages. The subplot with Indiras husband has to be one of the most useless and ridiculous plots I’ve ever seen in a show and I actually laughed out loud when Roy punched his wife in the face while Trump is on the tv in the background like wtf even is this? Also Munch was heavily underutilized and I feel was only there to have a quirky dangerous character like Wrench. The Linda episode was also pretty useless and the season overall became really predictable past like episode 3 I would say.
3rd season gets better with every rewatch, just letting you know. It feels like it has the most substantive writing and very open to interpretation. 2nd season is great on the first watch but I honestly don’t care for it much anymore. Particularly I feel the first half is amazing but the second half doesn’t match up. 1st season was great on first watch and stays consistently great on rewatch. I watched the 4th season and didn’t like it. It was interesting enough but definitely a noticeable drop in quality. I haven’t watched this new season but I’ve heard nothing but bad things so I’m not going to - it didn’t pique my interest anyway. For my money, 3rd season is the best and my personal favorite. It’s very allegorical.
That’s interesting I have the complete opposite opinion I think 3 is easily the worst season. Still good just the worst of fargo
We have the exact same opinion. Season 3 gets better and better.
Another orange man bad take from Hollywood and Disney.
Well he isn't good either. I mean if you vote Trump you have serious mental problems.
Imagine voting for a guy that wants NATO gone when the only country to use Article 5 was America after 9/11.
Only Americans can act so arrogantly towards others. USA got help from all NATO allies even though they didn't agree with the invasions. Now you want to run away because you're scared of Putin. Pathetic American cowards.
Did you buy Trump sneakers yet?
@@travis8947did you fall asleep watching Joy Reid?
@@darthplagueis8886 you fall asleep to the pee tape?
@@travis8947nah mate, i have bad dreams with the possibility of a new world war, you know sponsored by Biden being a terrible president.
I really enjoyed this season more than seasons 3 and 4. I find the writing and characters on point. The walk of Roy with Toxic in the background stuck in my head and I also loved the ending with the family and Munch. It definitely was season which had clear represantations of good and evil. All gray parties joined one side at the end. It also has much more sweetnes than bittersweetnes in it than others seasons and I'm all for it.
It wasn't just the on the nose politics that was bad about this season but the writing. Practically everyone was a caricature and there was so many plot holes and conveniences. Its the same reason why True Detective Season 4 is failing. Both just are poorly written.
All Fargo seasons are all somewhat cartoonishly evil. But season 5 villain is soooo evil he becomes comical😂like Dodd times 10 in season 2. And I find Dodd very funny😂
Regarding the strong female characters, all I can say is they are better than true detective season4😅
Characters are cartoonish and somehow this season has a pattern and a big theme that ties everything together.
It used to be about characters. I'm questioning the accuracy of "based on true story"
watch Mad Men if you haven't seen it. True masterpiece
True 6/10 masterpiece
@SzatanistaDzezowy imdb has it at 8.7 but we will just assume your outlier opinion is more accurate mr Ebert
I watched it and thought it was boring as hell, never got the hype. Also this season 5 of fargo was by far the worst, absolutely terrible.
@@stus2159 I didnt really get into it until the end of season 2. Its well worth sticking with
@@stus2159lol hold on you disrespected mad men and season five of fargo?😂😂🤔why did you like either one? I’m with op mad men is a masterpiece lmo and season 5 of fargo is excellent
Love the commentary but you need to stop EVERYTHING YOU ARE DOING RIGHT NOW AND GO WATCH MAD MEN. You would have a newfound respect for Jon Hamm's acting in Fargo once you do.
I ended up preferring season 4 over season 5. While season 5 fixes the fundamental structural issues of season 4, it does so by lowering its ambition and just working with the writers room it has (which is a big reason for the strict 45 minute episodes I presume). The pilot is frankly amazing and the first five episodes are very good, but it all fizzles out after that, with Linda being by far the biggest disappointment of the season.
Roy Tillmann also just sucks, he's not interesting in any way. VM Varga managed to be captivating precisely because he was so repulsive, what happened to villains like those? Plus, it's not like you need to be a fascist overlord to commit domestic violence, and its taking away from the serious topic it tries to adress. Most of the time, you can't tell who is going to be violent to his wife and who is not, which is what makes it so scary.
I much rather enjoy a season that tries to bite off more than it can chew, but gives us East/West in the process, than a complacent season that only tries to do as much as it needs to, and pretends like Fargo magic is something you can just randomly sprinkle on top.
I thought this season was terrible. Thematically it was all over the place, the pacing was terrible, it was filled with unnecessary characters, none of the characters had any bearing on the plot, and the end made no sense. Munch thought he had to kill Dots husband as an exchange for saving her (which was a terrible deus ex machina), which made no sense. Then he doesn’t because Dot used her fake Minnesota persona on him. But the whole point of him calling her a tiger was that he knew her true self was this fighter, so why would he buy that fake Minnesota nice bullshit. The show could’ve salvaged itself a bit if he shot Wayne in the face and then took a bite of the corn bread.
This season might be my least favourite but it's not as bad as some comments here are making it seem. Munch in particular is actually extremely consistent as he values debt above all else, that's why he goes back to the house, to cut her the way she cut him. He's just taken aback by getting things with nothing expected of him in return.
@@yggdrasil2 Right…he got nothing in return. He should’ve killed Wayne.
How did you get so many things wrong?
@@shlovvie sorry I was balls deep in your mother while writing it
Dude, season 1 took place in 2012, what do you mean you've never seen the show in modern times?
Yea, and season 3 takes place in 2018 or 2019 I believe.
You are both wrong. Season 1 is 2006 and season 3 is 2010.
Season 5 felt safe. It try to critique the conservative ideals of the time period ( especially with Trump in the office on that time). But Noah, the series writer, probably also doesn't wanted conservative fans of the show to attack him and call him "WOKE" for it. So the season never hammer down of the theme of toxic masculinity or extreme conservatism. It plays it safe.
I really like the performances and the season as a whole but I kept waiting for a flashback scene showing how she learned her skills.
Season 3 was on par with 1 imo, not an imitator in the slightest.
I thought three was the weakest season of fargo🤷♂️
On par is a stretch but I really enjoyed S3.
Episode 1 was rough to get through..
I stopped at episode 5 or 6.. this season is sooo bad written don’t even get me startet… dot is like John wick.. all the bad guys are stupid af.. her husband is a useless dummy… don’t get me startet with the looser husband of the cop. Why is he even in the story? To shit on men? Ok… if the rest would be good but no.. the plot could be decent but it’s ruined by absolute bs characters..
The first 2 seasons was some of the best shows there is.. didn’t watch 3 and 4 yet but season 5 is unwatchable if you got a Brain.
Well Noah Hawley's mom was a 2nd wave feminist so I wonder if that's what it is..
The show needed loser characters to calibrate the balance with characters like Roy. Officer Witt Far and Danish Graves weren't written off as stupid either.
Also circling back, this would definitely reflect the tone of the original Fargo movie where the husband is an uninspired lukewarm idiot.
This season had the loosest writing and a heavy partisan political narrative which you basically got right. It actually felt like a democratic fever dream, and lacked realism. Theres no way the dot character (who had no problem gas lighting the whole family) wouldn’t have had a gun somewhere hidden, even if it was disassembled. Also the waiting period when buying a gun doesn’t enhance the back ground check which literally only takes a few minutes. Politicians added the wait period as a supposed “cool down” for someone that would want to use a gun for nefarious reasons 😂 that’s why some states don’t have it. Also I agree I loved season 4.
Literally killed the franchise. Had to be political and socially devicive.
I wouldn’t say it killed Fargo just yet, but the next season might be the make-or-break one. They really need to sit down and write a story that can match the first two seasons.
Butt hurt Trump fan 😂😂😂
I thought John hamm was genuinely menacing
Whatever, Lamorne Morris was awesome.
Munch as in mʊŋk / MUUNK, a tribute to the scandinavian theme
Yeah I thought this season was pretty much a dud also. Among other things, I am disappointed they didn't continue the tradition of interweaving a character or two from previous season into an otherwise standalone story. That part where Dot just drops her kid off at with the cop on the manhunt so she can go have adventures was some of the dumbest shit I've seen in a television show - especially one enjoying all the praise this one is getting.
Whenever I bring this point up on Reddit, people accuse me of "Marvelization" which I find utterly ridiculous. First of all, I don't even like Marvel and I still can acknowledge that building a cinematic universe is an incredible accomplishment that every other studios has miserably failed at. Second, any show can just make homages to the movie Fargo, but only this show has all the characters from all the seasons at its disposal. Not making use of that is squandering opportunities for no reason.
@@Fluorineer I hear you. The fandom stans hard for this show. I was banned from r/fargotv for complaining about this season... 🤷♂
Another Left Wing screed? PASS.
They truly live in the tiniest LA elite bubble its pathetic. Bowie back in the day said LA is so fing bad he had to go to Berlin to survive.
I have watched the first 3. # 3 being my favorite, by a little.
I watched Season 5 on DVD so please forgive me for getting here late! Tbh, I can't remember what I spent on the DVD, but there were times when I felt like whatever it was, it was too much! OK, in fairness that's probably putting it a bit strong, there was plenty here that was worthwhile, but I gotta say, for much of the time Season 5 was a painful watch.
Accusations of 'Wokeness' have dogged Fargo pretty much from the outset, reaching (until now) a crescendo in Season 4. (Incidentally, accusations of Wokeness to one side, I felt Season 4, and to a lesser extent, Season 3, got a critical drubbing they didn't really deserve.) While I could see why people were making these accusations, 'til now I was able to put them to one side. I mean, it's not like I have any _intrinsic_ problem with strong, heroic female characters, the same of course being true of People of Colour; and while there _were_ times when the 'Woke' elements _could_ be a little wearing, it was rare that they felt bombastic enough, or forced enough, to come near making the show -- frankly, one of the best things on TV -- unwatchable.
All that changed with Series 5, though. No longer could I mentally dismiss the critics as being overly hung up on the show's politics, real or imagined. Obviously it's a reflection of, and reaction to, what's happening in the real World, but this Season the showrunners have just turned the Wokeness 'up to 11'! It's like as if they've not only written off the possibility of having any potential audience on the Right of the political spectrum (in the process doing both that segment of the viewing public _and themselves_ a disservice!), they are actually determined to burn their bridges with any such viewers slow in getting the message... while at the same time flagrantly insulting the intelligence of all but the most naïve or fanatical 'True Believers' of their Left - leaning viewers!
What this mess felt like to me was as if they took one of those Noughties TLC channel daytime TV Movies - you know, one of those ones that always seemed to go, like, "One Woman's battle to gain custody of her children from their abusive father - Hashtag *#'REALLYBADMAN'* - even as she struggles with her diagnosis of terminal cancer"... but gave it a 2020's makeover, complete with diversity quotas, snide Trump references, and, as one commenter put it, gave the whole steaming turd "a sprinkle of Fargo fairy~dust", in the hope that maybe some of it would take! Notwithstanding that I'm not American, although my late wife was, I actually find Trump one of the most obnoxious political figures of the 21st Century... In any case, Trump is not the first Republican president/prospective president that Fargo has satirized, if that is the correct word to use here. Season 3 stuck it to the slicker but (imho, I stress!) possibly even more harmful Ronald Reagan; but they did it with more humour, they fictionalised him, and crucially for this kind of show, they were referencing events in (our) past...
Admittedly the politics this time weren't entirely black and white/Left or Right - some consideration was given to the tension between the different factions on the Right, most obviously Fiscal Libertarianism and your more 'God, Guns'n'Glory' elements; and I did enjoy some of the machinations of Lorraine Lyon, the debt billionaire, and her lawyer/consigliere Danish Graves (honestly, though something of a creep, about the only half - way relatable male character in the thing, except of course for State Trooper Wit Farr).
And yes, some of that Fargo 'Fairy Dust' _was_ here. We had the (somewhat) relateable hitman, although those are not in themselves unique to Fargo! Filling the position here though is the by now almost customary not - to - be - trifled - with Weirdo who really ought to stop cutting his own hair. This one cross - dresses for no discernable reason, and, as always, "Liffs Py a Kode..." Strongly implied (later confirmed) is the fact that he is not quite mortal and who seems to exist in a kind of Limbo. There is the obligatory surreal elements (as if the hitman, Münch, didn't count!), from Tilman and Karen's sexual kinks, if such even rate these days, right up to Dot's fever dream of her time spent at the women's refuge with the Linda's. I used to hate the use of 'Magic Realism' in film & TV (ironically, I'd have to include "Oh Bother, Where Art Thou?" 'big time', here!) I always found its use to be needlessly jarring and extremely irritating - but Fargo, TV Fargo, anyway - proved to me that this didn't need to be the case, as did the criminally overlooked 2018 Jonah Hill and Emma Stone series 'Maniac'.
Actually, the fact that the period spent with Linda Tilman (Roy's first wife) at the refuge proved to be a dream, something many viewers were put out about, for me came as a bit of a relief since it cleared up a number of inconsistencies and plot holes, like the fact that the refuge was seemingly equipped with everything necessary for the manufacture of puppets (was this how they supported themselves?)... of course, the fact that Dot apparently comes 'pre~loaded' with all the skills necessary not only to make a puppet from scratch, but to believably animate it as well, should hardly be a surprise at this point! Not even to mention that Linda Tilman (Roy's first wife) and her namesakes seemed to be living this blasé, almost blissful, timeless kind of existence, uncaring of events happening in the outside World...
Much as I hate to say it though, for all that critics were declaring S.5 a 'Return to Form', and even 'Best Season Ever', I have to seriously take issue with them. It would seem that the public weren't so fulsome in their approval, either. While more popular than Season 4, like it's immediate predecessor it failed to break the 1 million viewers mark. Obviously no right - thinking person would cheer for a character like Roy Tilman (except maybe in an ironic, tongue - in - cheek fashion), or celebrate the setbacks of heroines like Dot. That doesn't mean that we shouldn't feel ill - used as an audience when such ridiculous, two - dimensional characters are foisted upon us. It doesn't follow that we are against strong female or minority characters if we have objections to them all being invariably, but inexplicably, 'Tigers', secret alumni, apparently, of the Army Rangers or Navy Seals. We don't necessarily have a problem with male villains, they have long been the norm anyway, but Jeez, do they _all_ have to be moustache twirling, finger - steepling caricatures, moonlighting between engagements tying damsels to railroad tracks and seducing servant girls with tin engagement rings, skipping town when they get septicaemia after the forced abortion is botched.?! Does every sympathetic male, 'Wyatt' character have to be ineffectual, if not actually semi - 'fire retardant' (as it were)? Previous seasons of Fargo had strong, but believable ethnic minority characters, neither saintly, nor the clichés of the '70's & '80's (crackheads, jive~talking pimps, etc.) and who didn't feel like, ironically, tokens - Series 2's Hanzee, the Native American enforcer for the Gerhardt gang, and his counterpart for the Kansas City Syndicate, Mike Milligan, an African American, immediately leap to mind - but very often one felt like there was a degree of "telegraphing one's decency", to paraphrase, going on. By Series 5 we really do feel like, yeah, they're just ticking boxes at this stage! Some way through the series, around the time she 86'es her predictably parasitical, cheating 'Wyatt' husband, Lars, Indian American cop Indira is hired on as Lorraine's head of security (at least _in the story_ it's on merit!) and Indira wins over Lorraine's better, more _Sisterly_ side (even if by appealing to the 'Tiger' in her!) and persuades her of the merits of Dot's case. While still the hardnosed tycoon, she puts the paranoid 'Queen of Mean' bit to one side and lets the Big Sister out. She calls in a favour from her boy in the White House, the cavalry go in, and OK, we lose Witt (genuinely, it hurt to see him taken out by a P.O.S. like Roy) but Dot is rescued and reunited with her family and basically, it's all over bar the shouting. The Lyons family a year later get themselves "A dog to guard the house" - at least, we presume so, anyway - in the form of Münch (there are some genuine moments of mirth as Munch tries to explain the unyielding nature of 'The Kote', but can't get a word in past the relentless Minnesota hospitality of Scotty and Wayne! The whole thing ends up feeling like one of those morality tales for children ubiquitous in Victorian times, though very popular right up to the late '70's - only instead of espousing Authoritarian Values, Obedience, 'Children should be Seen but not Heard', etc, it's all Diversity, Liberal Values, and what have you. Fair enough, but it's like, "Actually, I'm a grown~up now, I don't need morals rammed down my throat, thank you very much.
The show ends on a particularly sour note with Lorraine's final interaction with Roy. Visiting him in prison, ostensibly to gloat that all of his appeals have been rejected, she reveals that she's been busy pulling strings making sure his cards in the prison are marked. His _'dance'_ cards, as it were... In other words, the usual big joke that is made of male - on - male prison 7ape. OK, he's kinda got it coming - but aren't we meant to be _against_ that sort of thing?! But I guess broken bottles in the shower and deaf ears turned to the screams of grown men in the night are not quite in the same league as casting agents mistaking sexual harassment for 'quid quo pro'... (It's _all_ reprehensible, of course.) It's hypocritical , and it tends to vonfirm the suspicion that there is a kind of callousness just beneath the veneer of decency that so many woke types adopt!
I have mixed feelings on this season. I started very intrigued. The middle kinda wandered around a bit to much for my liking. Then I enjoyed the last couple of episodes more than I've loved Fargo since season 2 (nothing will ever catch season 1). You're right that the republican/democrat angle was to ham fisted. Some distance would be appreciated, making them metaphorical rather than actual. I especially found the haircut scene a little jarring and immersion breaking. But I did enjoy the abuse survivor narrative and the debt metaphors. I've always enjoyed the philosophy of the show and they hit well for me. My review would be mixed but mostly positive much like season 3
They don't need to make endearing, consistent content so long as people consistently watch the show. And people will consistently watch the show so long as there is good marketing and big actors associated with the title. A solid first season was all that was needed to put the train in motion. It's the same formula for Star Wars, LOTR, etc. Big first impression, algorithmic sequels.
This season had its moments, but to me it was by far the weakest. It also felt like not very subtle propaganda in the way it handled certain themes and relied on a more cartoonish villain that didn't have any redeeming characteristics or the charisma of previous villains from earlier seasons.
MORE FARGO videos, please!
I haven't seen it yet, but it's on the list. BTW- I'm stunned you haven't watched Mad Men. It is phenomenal. No other actor could have played Don Draper. Jon Hamm was born for that part.
I haven't watched it yet, but at 8:11 is that Jon Hamm's character with his nipples pierced? Lol I hope that's never referenced and just left like that.
I'm not watching it..I'm sorry I even watched this video about it.
I enjoyed this season a lot, much better than season 4. Even a bit better than season 3, maybe. Of course the obvous politics became a bit annoying, but whatever.
Can't beat Season 1,3
The rest especially the 4th season were shite
whaaa? Season 2?
I like Season 4 slightly more than Season 3 overall, but the first third of Season 4 is very rough with the tone being all over the place and throwing tons of characters and storylines at you all at once. It really starts to pick up once the US Marshall shows up.
@@ict113090 I couldn't get into season 2
The first half of season 2 was great, then became a train wreck. 1 and 3 were the best, 4 was unwatchable.
@@MrMoralTurpitudeI like every season but think 3 is the worst. If I were to rank them best to worst I’d go
1. Season 1
2. Season 5
3. Season 4
4. Season 2
5. Season 3
Whoever wrote season 5 definitely hates men and conservatives
Whatever. This season was one of my favorites. To each his own.
Yeah I was really disappointed with this season, it could have been something special but it felt clunky and not well paced at all… what could have saved it was a total full scale battle at the end but we don’t even get to see it, it is just part of the foreground which was disappointed, the whole Ole character was interesting but we didn’t get to see him in action enough and his character just letting go the debt with that goofy smile was just dumb in my opinion, it felt like they put too much emphasis on the political aspect of the story rather than fleshing out the characters enough to actually care about them or the story at hand, it was just all over the place,
I would say this was the worst season of Fargo yet
I thought this was the second best season after 1🤷♂️
Aside from the orange man bad and white man useless moments I really liked this season. It's definetely better paced than 2, 3 and especially 4, almost as good as 1. Liked all the characters and actors' perfomances. My only real complaint is "it was all a dream lmao" episode, it was really cheap. Also not a big fan of supernatural/surreal side of Fargo, but I guess it's just a staple of the show now
8:22 I didn’t know that and didn’t understand about this and why they did out character for the show 8:22
6:21 Set 1996
Good point, 2019, and it has a very connection to American Politics, I'm Canadian, but I know so much by being bombarded by their Media and Entertainment. So I like this season, the walk Tillman ( too a remake of Toxic). And the Puppet Show, was cool, despite it not being real. I hate WOKE t.v, films etc. But I rooted for Dot, she was like a fucking Badger, but still Tilllman handles her, I think the identity politics are "flipped" in an ironic way. Trust me if you grew up in North America, you'd feel it more. ( Again I loved the long shot of Tillman, as hes going to kill Dot! ) He got sidetracked but still. Creepy.
I really liked the season. I felt like the final scene was very pretentious. But other than that, I enjoyed it.
Yeah felt this season was aggressively mid, there really was no character I wanted to follow that much. But more importantly, you need to stop uploading for a week or whatever you need to do, and watch Mad Men now. Not just because its amazing, but because I think Jon Hamm was a great actor who was totally wasted here. In Mad Men he was charming, assertive, but there was a dark layer of deep selfishness and greed. Here he's just kind of a dumb asshole who happens to make some good moves. And I totally got what they were aiming for, it just felt ugly, hamfisted and far too stereotypical, but of a stereotype that doesn't really exist
Ole is around 519 years old.
it's just so predictable and the characers are one dimensional. CHaracters who are a bit nuanced are soo much more interesting.
You thought ole munch was “one dimensional”😂🤔
Even the Mother-in-law was nuanced.
I can't believe you don't absolutely love it. I think this is almost as good as season 1. Ole Munch alone makes it top level. You're certainly entitled to your opinion...I really respect you, but you liked season 4 more? Oh man, anyway. I like your videos as always.
This season was soooo bad
How so?
I got bored of this season after 2 episodes. It’s by far the weakest. And it’s made more egregious by the fact that so much time passed between this and season 4 and that after season 4 it was unofficially ended. Part of the issues with season 4 was Noah admitting his passion for the series was waning and he had sort of reached his creative zenith with it. Season 4 was far more of a contractual obligation. He left the door open saying he’d return to the series maybe if and only if an amazing story came to him. So when it was announced that season 5 was coming I looked at it like “oh shit, it’s back from the dead and he must really have a great idea if he’s back at it”. So to get this plodding, ponderous season as, what will likely be, the final season is pretty lame.
This season was terrible. Juno Temple made it unwatchable. Sorry for Jon Hamm & JJL. Shame. I loved last season. Chris Rock, Jason Schwartzman, Jessie Buckley, Ben Whishaw, Jack Huston, Timothy Olyphant all my favs ⭐️
I thought Juno was brilliant in her role how come you didn’t like her performance?
Loved it 😊
I loved this new season holy shit the fact that Dave Foley and the guy from rampage both from uwe bull movies and the political statements that were being pointed out obviously but yes I loved every moment it wasn't as good as 3 or 2 or 1 but it's way better then s4 sorry I just didn't enjoy it as much but that doesn't mean s5 has it's flaws but overall a good return to form in my opinion.
Before I watch this vid, I LOVED this season. Much more than the previous 2.
Imo season 5 is the second best season of fargo
MAGA 2024✊🏿✊🏿
Yaaay another tv series telling us how women can be strong and independent and how many men are abusive. Nice, never heard about it. Seriously tho, this stuff is getting pretty boring. Like they didn't make movies, tv series, music and so on delivering the same message since at least the mid 2000s. Please stop, it really gets boring. And no, I'm not conservative and I pretty much dislike right wingers but make it stop for once lmao
Out of the five Fargo seasons, only 2 don’t take place in contemporary times (I.e. 21st century) so I don’t know what you’re on about.
Please watch & review Mad Men!
didnt see season 4 but if this is better than it then it must have been awful.......
exactly, well said!
now just go watch Mad Men.
It’s pretty common (at least in America)these days if a TV show depicts some form of abuse or suicide that in the credits there are resources for someone dealing with those issues. Personally I loved how streamlined and small the story was this season, I expected you to love it and have so much more analysis.
It was a masterpiece.
loved it !
Better than 4
You ABSOLUTELY MUST watch Mad Men!!!
Agreed that’s one of the greatest shows ever easily in the top twenty shows I’ve watched
Season 1 was great and the rest has been garbage
Really? I love Season 1, but I’d argue Season 2 is slightly better. The rest aren’t *bad* imo, but they’re just not up to the same level.
@@Logan912I thought 1 and 5 were the best with 3 being the worst but all the seasons are quality tv
I liked it. But true detective ? Eh
8:42 Weid
It was good
Totally agree with you man. It was good, but it wasn’t something that blew me away. Season 2 blew me away. Had the same sentiments watching season 5.
It fizzled out.....troopers demeanor unrealistic for a black guy in racist middle America. I got Ted Bundy militia vs Gov in 2016. Underestimating Roy was just really Wierd of everyone. I absolutely loved Dot's character.
One S and two P's
Really weird you think of Fargo as taking place in the 20th century. The 1st takes place in '06, 3rd in 2010, and 5th in 2019
If you feel like this season makes fun of your ideology, it's your ideology which is wrong.
If u vote for war criminals like Biden (iraq war lies) while pointing at trump (zero war invasions) you are the fascist who is too inept to even come to terms with it.
First commentio
What are you 12?
@@Victor-Vargas , no. I’m 44
Season 5 is awesome.