Hey BEAT fam! I hope you enjoy this video! On another note, we have an AMAZING upcoming FREE 3-day challenge on May 13-15 entitled, "Master Your Faith" that I think you will absolutely LOVE. To find out more and to register, simply click this link go.letsequip.com/myf. You will not be disappointed! I hope to see you there!
1 Corinthians 6:18 (AMP) 🛡 "Run away from sexual immorality [in any form, whether thought or behavior, whether visual or written]. Every other sin that a man commits is outside the body, but the one who is sexually immoral sins against his own body."
Then you shouldn't hired or accept persons into the church who is wearing mix fabrics or how was born out of wedlock. You can't be hypocritical. God said Lying is an abomination to him. Yet, 99% of Church attendees lie to God every Sunday, when they sing song and praises to him, where the say things that they don't do, make promises to God that they don't keep. I remembering asking someone about a promise or a commitment they made to God while singing, they couldn't even remember the song. You all are like the Pharisees, looking Good on the outside, judging everyone's outer appearance, while inside are like dead men bones.
Then you shouldn't hired or accept persons into the church who is wearing mix fabrics or how was born out of wedlock. You can't be hypocritical. God said Lying is an abomination to him. Yet, 99% of Church attendees lie to God every Sunday, when they sing song and praises to him, where the say things that they don't do, make promises to God that they don't keep. I remembering asking someone about a promise or a commitment they made to God while singing, they couldn't even remember the song. You all are like a the Pharisees, looking Good on the outside, judging everyone's outer appearance, while inside are like dead men bones.
Then you shouldn't hired or accept persons into the church who is wearing mix fabrics or how was born out of wedlock. You can't be hypocritical. God said Lying is an abomination to him. Yet, 99% of Church attendees lie to God every Sunday, when they sing song and praises to him, where the say things that they don't do, make promises to God that they don't keep. I remembering asking someone about a promise or a commitment they made to God while singing, they couldn't even remember the song. You all are like a the Pharisees, looking Good on the outside, judging everyone's outer appearance, while inside are like dead men bones.
If they've repented of the sin, yes. If they're actively yielding to it, no. And I would hold this position for ANY sin. Drunkenness, fornication, sexual immorality, etc.
If they’ve repented and washed clean, they’re no longer a slave to their sin and shouldn’t be defined by it. We’re talking about an active gay person here… they shouldn’t be allowed to
I played keys at my last church for 3 years. My wife started having an affair, made an only fans where she met the other guy on. I unfortunately fell into porn. I mentioned it, needing help and leadership refused to set either of us down. I mentioned all the scripture you spoke about Allen and they still refused. Packed up all my instruments, threw my key on the table and left. Went home and anointed my house and repented. haven't watched any since. Now my ex wife is still sleeping around and is still on the team. I was the only one with moxy to follow God.
That was the right move. Most Christian "leaders" today are like Alan - too far gone to even suspect the right answer. Following leaders that are not steadfastly following Jesus means you are headed for damnation. The way is narrow.
@@johnbreitmeier3268 People don't realize that even if you aren't a leader, if you're up on that stage the congregation views you as a leader. Just no discernment in Church's now adays. God led to a new church and the people there a legit, they are speaking truth and don't let stuff like that go down.
@@MatthewCotten Matt, if the church puts you on the platform, you ARE in the leadership group and on display. "Leaders" now laack discernment in a big way and need to be back in school. It is our fault if we settle for bad leaders, Paul would chew these guys a new one.
People using a single verse to answer an issue are not bright. Case and point: Leviticus 19:19. Are you wearing two types of cloth? If so, are you sinning, OR is there perhaps more to the issue than a single verse???? Homosexual behavior is a sin. Lustful thoughts are sin. If a homosexual is in a non-teaching position, is not active in that lifestyle, and doesn’t talk about it except to talk about it as a sinful weakness, and isn’t flamboyant (ie: a man behaving in an effeminate manner); what’s the problem? LET THEM PRAISE THE LORD.
Yea coz like how can dey be rlly Holy Spirit filled (fruiting of the spirit specifically) if dey are bad tree cant produce rightoeus fruit, if dey are a growing trree still in walk and repenting taking up cross and dey try to leave den dat a diff stry
If you can ask the spouses you will learn that 80% of the congregation have not fully repented yet...this also includes pastors...I think we are intolerant to the gay community because they display their lifestyle
My married cousin was in ministry and having an affair with another member who was also married. Heterosexual. They removed her from her spot. And even though I love her. They did the right thing
@@KFontLab ended up being permanent because she left her husband for him. But the man did not leave his wife. She left that church probably because of shame but is very involved with another church now
Absolutely not! Some sins carry more weight than others. Therefore, they require a greater punishment. Homosexuality is not just a sin but an abomination.
@@worldoutreachministries2644I hope you never have any queer children, for their sake. But I also hope you find peace in your heart! ❤ God loves us gays, and love is love :)
Easy answer: "no". If they are an active member who has pride in their sin, how can they glorify God with playing an instrument? It's another thing if they are struggling with SSA but are doing something about it, praying for deliverance and living a life of repentance.
@@nightfallenx I should have clarified the obvious as sin being the root of the problem. But I think making sin ones identity creates a massive roadblock.
Thank you for this video and for discussing challenging topics in today's world. I am someone who recently turned from the LGBT life, turned to Christ, and I struggle with this daily. I have stumbled along the way, but I am striving to let Christ transform my life. IF a person is in a place of leadership, be it worship, music, whatever, and they are actively living in sin (WHATEVER that sin is) without repentance, they have no business residing in a place of leadership within the congregation. My/their sin does not garner special privilege! If they are living opposite of what Scripture/Christ demands of His followers, they are unfit to lead. As a member of a congregation, their active behavior also runs the risk of laying down stumbling blocks for other members who struggle with whatever sin it is. This is no different than someone in the military being required to adhere to and meet certain standards in order to be fit to lead and also to serve. If you are overweight and refusing to stay in shape, you absolutely should not be in the place of military leadership. If you refuse to meet the basic requirements and minimum standards while conveying a lack of interest in meeting those minimum standards, you will eventually be separated from military service. The church should function the same. At the same time, this does not open the doors for hatred or condemnation but loving correction. And if necessary, administrative action (relieving someone from duty/a leadership role, etc). We are to love and pray for them earnestly and to demonstrate Christ's love daily while remembering Christ calls to us. I say this with conviction despite my struggle and feelings: Unconditional love ≠ Unconditional tolerance.
I turned from a life of homosexuality 3 years ago and have been living chaste ever since. I no longer struggle with with those feelings. Allow the Spirit to lead you day by day, hour by hour, minute by minute. Stand firm.
People don’t want any consequence for their sinful behavior because in our society today whatever feels right is okay. This is regardless of what the word of God says.
That's why they take offense, no accountability. They don't want the word of God 😤 they want to do as they please encouraging others to do the same the Bible doesn't lie.
@@jernisharichard5032 The bible doesn't lie and says we are all sinners. That means you to. The people in churches look down their nose just like the pharisees did because they thought they were righteous and better than the sinners when they were white washed tombs with dead bones inside.
This is good and I must say from someone who lived in the LGBTQ community for years. The Holy Spirit convicted me to the point where the pastor didn't have to sit me down. When people are serious about change I believe firmly that the Spirit will convict us. I was choir director and I was living a double life. The more I heard the Word & read the Word the more I was convicted. I realized that there is no condemnation to those in Christ, but we cannot continue in sin that grace may be abound. I don't care what the sin is if people are refusing to repent then they should be seated!
As far as Principle 3 is concerned: Level 1 - removed from leadership AND fellowship Level 2 - removed from leadership, NOT fellowship Level 3 - free to lead and fellowship within the church This entire conversation boils down to the first principle that Bro. Allen pointed out - NOTHING, even our love for people, can supersede our commitment to God’s Word, His righteousness, and His holiness. Great message.
I wish more pastors will have the guts as you have to speak on this topic. I am so tired of these pastor too scared to speak on this topic. Good for you. and yes, if you’re in sin I think you should step down no matter what type of sin.
Pastors are not messing with these topics because it will mess up there tithes and offerings and some of there seats might become empty. Sad to say but many care about seats more than souls.
When I was in that lifestyle… My mom definitely sat me down and did not allow me to serve! I look back at that now and understand her reasoning… They gave me much more respect for her! glory to God for deliverance 😍
I recently read Worship Matters by Bob Kauflin, and I love the criteria he highlights for choosing worship team members. Above any talent or desire to be on the team, personal holiness and how closely the person follows God should be considered when selecting leadership! I'm in full time college ministry, and by God's grace He has grown my abilities to minister where I lacked natural talent or skill- God is not limited to leaders who are already talented, but to leaders who are whole-heartedly following Him.
What would you do with a musician (serving in church) who is committing adultery and does not plan on stopping. It’s the same question, gotta be dismissed from the ministry.
This individual should not only be removed from the stage but placed under Matthew 18 discipline. He or she must leave if unrepentant. Our churches are ineffective and shameful to Christ's name if we treat sin so casually.
Yes and no. God made clear that certain sins are more harmful to individuals and the community. How do we know? He set punishments for them. For example, restitution for theft, exodus for involuntary manslaughter, cleansing and/or sacrifices for minor or unintentional offences, and the death penalty for sexual immorality, murder, and kidnapping. If two men volunteer for children's church and one had stolen a wallet and the other had mole es Ted a child a few years back should they be given the same opportunities with children? Plenty of pastors are overweight, but should we discipline them as gluttons in the same manner we would do if he was beating his wife? While we know each and every sin separates and deserves their wages in death, we know that some sins are more heinous in our society than others. If I lied and told a friend that her outfit looked stunning would that harm her and her family as much as if I tried to physically attack her?God is merciful and just. He grants vile sinners eternal life yet He demands justice for sins that damage the community. With that in mind, we strive to encourage one another towards love and good deeds. And leadership is held to a higher standard of being "above reproach."
@@eurekahope5310 yes, he did. Hence the 10 commandments. In which homosexuality is not mentioned. But stealing, murdering, and adultery are, being covetous etc. are specifically mentioned by name.
This is why church membership matters. If "leading worship" is a gig, then there is no standard. If corporate church worship is truly a ministry of the church, then only church members should lead and serve. Only people who are pursuing Christ are church members. That doesn't mean perfection or sinlessness. And yes, this goes for more than LGBTQ+. If anyone is struggling with sin, it's a realistic and ultimately better situation that they step out of leadership. Holiness is more important than leadership positions.
@@adamthompson1202 You're right. Yes. Everyone still sins. Even pastors and worship leaders. The difference is repentance. If someone is actively leading an LGBTQ lifestyle, this is an active lifestyle of sin. They are absolutely welcomed in the church, but leadership is biblically different. And I would say the same for those who are struggling through substance abuse, divorce, any other sexual addiction, workaholism, outbursts of anger, etc. Discipleship and the pursuit of Christlikeness is far more important than playing in a band. That doesn't mean they couldn't lead later, but dealing with active sin struggles is more pressing (and more caring).
@@adamthompson1202 Clearly none are sinless, yet God told us that pastors are to be above reproach, husband of one wife, lead his household well, etc. It is a high calling and God warned that they will be held to account. If a little leaven ruins the whole lump within just the body, imagine the damage done when those in leadership live compromised lives.
Sadly, most pastors are not preaching the message of repentance because the church is a business for them. Very few preach repentance. They are focused on everything but worshipping God in spirit and truth.
You can't stop sinning. We are all guilty of some sort of sin. Repentance means to turn from not believing in Christ Jesus to believing in Him. Study the word please.
@@SheIsFearfullyWonderfullyMade How holy are you? You still live in a fleshly body that while we are on this side of Heaven is flawed. Not one person including you live a holy life.
I appreciate this piece because you are so right my brother, we tend to prop up some sins more than others. It’s all sin and we as a church have to do better.
No matter what society tells you, it is completely possible to rid yourself of these sinful desires. Not through "conversion therapy" but through a relationship with Jesus Christ. When you accept Jesus Christ into your life, the Holy Spirit will do amazing things. He can change you and save you from every situation and sinful desire.
Yes Jesus can set people free from EVERYTHING. It may be a longer process for some and not others but HE delivers from ALL and sets ALL captives free that come to Him.
1 Timothy 3:6 '' ..A church leader should not be a recent convert because they may become conceited and fall under the same judgment as the devil. A church leader should have a good reputation with outsiders so that they will not fall into disgrace and into the devil's trap...''
Not if they're still actively pursuing that lifestyle. But if they've repented and changed there life decisions in that area they should be allowed to work.
As newly repentant they should NEVER be leaders at all nor should other newbies be. They need watching and discipling. If they want to move instantly to leadership, they have the wrong attitude to be a Christian leader.
@johnbreitmeier3268 I agree they should be supervised and held to a standard to perform in leadership roles. Like pastoral, deacon, missionary. Biblical standards should definitely be upheld mandatorly.
I love how complete and thorough your explanation is. Especially in these times, it's important people outside of church see the difference between discrimination and someone being ineligible for church leadership due to sinful lifestyles of every kind.
You are so careful and thoughtful with your words. Thank you for your boldness and willingness to bring the truth of Scripture into these conversations. Reminded me of the message I hear weekly at church, “it’s either God’s way or the wrong way”. We get to choose.
I'm 29, male, black. I'm sexually attracted to men. I've been in the closet since I was 14 or 15. I've prayed, and tried to change, but I've been stuck this way. I'm a pianist, and I've only ever played in church, I've always loved worshipping. I'm tired right now though. I've tried everything to change. What should I do? Should I just quit church? Cos everytime I'm on stage, I feel guilty. But I've been praying for change, and God hasn't answered me. What should I do? I'm not looking for justification. I'm just looking for a way out of this guilt. I'm 2 incompatible people in one body: one is a Christian, and the other is homosexual. I'm tired of struggling. One has got to go. God won't answer me and make me straight, should I just leave him alone?
you aren’t going to be able to change your sexuality. what you’re doing right now is just a diy conversion therapy, and that will never help you. best you can do is find a progressive church. a lot of people are going to tell you they aren’t real christians but you’ll at least be able to meet some other lgbt christians who are on the same path as you. you can speak to people who had the same conflict you have but have been able to find peace. something has to give, and it’s not going to be your sexuality
they are compatible. You can't change your orientation, so your option is either ditching your faith (not good) or reconciliation. The Bible says that "love your neighbour" is enough to satisfy ALL God's commands. The alleged command against being gay is pure fiction. Plus God himself said "it is not good for the human being to be alone", not "it is not good for straight people, good for gays". So find a church that accepts you. If you want, find someone you can love and who loves you and build a life together. As scripture says, there is no law against love.
Ffs dude, be yourself. Dont let 2000 years old quotes from books without context dictate your lifestyle. Your love is yours to give, to whom deserves it! What living in guilt does to you anyway? Take a deep breath and move on, live it your way! Im going to have some serious backlash here, but you look so sad about this that I couldnt ignore...
Good biblically based teaching as always. A nearby church recently lost a few members because the church refused to affirm same sex marriage. Sadly, there are lots of churches around where they will feel totally at home.
@@adamthompson1202 I have noticed a number of your comments and would like you to consider how God treats sin. First, all sin separates us from God and earns wages in death Second, God makes clear that some sins are more damaging to individuals and the community than others. Just look at the punishments God established for certain sins. Theft was restitution, manslaughter was exodus, unintentional sins were sacrifices, false witness resulted in receiving the punishment that would have gone to the wronged defendant, etc. What does God say for sexual immorality, murder, and kidnapping? Death penalty. Two men wronged a woman. One lied to her and the other r***d her. Did both cause equal harm? Should both receive equal judicial sentences? To pretend that all sins are equal in damage is to ignore both history and Scripture.
God doesn’t care about sexuality, he only cares for your heart. Your true intentions as a person. Only God knows, but I feel that deep down. God love me!
If they are there in your midst and are comfortable being so, then your pastor isn’t preaching the Word in its entirety. Period. If your pastor was actually doing his job, they wouldn’t even want to be there and if they did, they would repent, not be there and stay the same.
Facts.. same can be said of any one living a sexually immoral lifestyle. He's right that often times we turn a blind eye to ppl in leadership who are knowingly promiscuous or living with someone they aren't married to.. unrepentant and not working on changing. It's all the same to God, and we should view it that way.
Amen!! I was a member of a baptist church for a few years and was having sex outside of marriage the entire time of my membership and never felt guilt or shame. It wasn’t until 2020 when churches closed and I started listening to sermons from real men of God who teach the Bible without compromising. Lukewarm carnal church members are a result of lukewarm carnal leaders
I grew up in church with an understanding that if you are living in sin you are NOT allowed in the pulpit. It’s difference between struggling with sin and living in sin.
1 Corinthians 6:18 (AMP) "Run away from sexual immorality [in any form, whether thought or behavior, whether visual or written]. Every other sin that a man commits is outside the body, but the one who is sexually immoral sins against his own body."
Honest question: what does a black or white church means? My church is painted black, but it doesn't seem to have any impact on doctrine at all. That doesn't make sense. I'm brazilian, so maybe it's something else I'm not aware of.
@@InwardBeautyMinistries You mean, skin color? Sorry for asking, but Is there any kind of disaproval if a white man goes to a black church and vice-versa? That would be unimagineable, I think (as a brazilian).
@@shiranduarte No it isn't disapproval. Most white americans just aren't used to being in predominantly black spaces and would rather worship amongst themselves. Black and white people tend to have different worshiping styles as well.
@@asdfghjkl3003 I've never seen a true worshipping session in US, only in movies, but that obviously doesn't count. I would like to be present at a "mainly black" and "white" churches to further comprehend the differences y'all talking about. I mean, all churches in Brazil are pretty mixed, from white-white caucasians to black-black black people and all the shades in between. And being this mixed, no changes in styles come from skin color demographics, I think. Brazil is also a huge country, so maybe I'm biased by the region I'm from.
@@shiranduarte White churches are typically calmer and very organized. They pretty much do the same thing every Sunday and there isn't a lot of variation between what happens in one service versus another. Black churches are much more open and emotional. In a black church you're likely to see someone dancing, crying, and maybe even running, whereas a white church would escort you out for doing those things. Black churches tend to be more charismatic, however there are some charismatic white churches as well. Black churches are also quite unpredictable in the sense that service doesn't usually end at the same time every sunday like in a white church. White churches also are more calm in their preaching style, whereas black preachers are typically louder and more emotional. As someone who grew up in a black church, but attended a mostly white christian school, I can say that both races have an equally beautiful way of doing things.
If they are truly with their whole heart trying to get out of that sin. but it they are willfully choosing to stay in this iniquity, then its a problem spiritually.
I firmly believe people struggling with sin or living in sin are always welcome to attend church. However, for those who are serving in the church must have a higher moral values and standards.
i think a lot of you guys feel a way Mr. Parr is talking about the gay community, he is simply responding to one of his subscribers questions and speaking truth regarding the question. most of you in the comment know that all sin is the same and Mr. Parr isn't saying just calling out the LGBTQ just because. Good stuff Mr. Parr. God bless you and your family.
I thought the three levels were explained very well. I do have a question about the example of someone from the lettered company whom the congregation loves because they're nice. When you said they're "... naturally a good person" I assume you mean earthly speaking. We know from scriptures that there is no such thing on a heavenly scale. Please clarify.
Do you think Catholic teachers who are gay should be fired from Catholic schools? I understand with being a pastor in church. I just think being a teacher is different from a pastor because Catholic teachers aren’t preaching and aren’t Catholic teachers teaching other subjects besides Christianity? I could be wrong, I just wanna know your opinion.
Thank you for providing us with biblical balanced teachings. You nailed this subject 100%; I hope church leaders will see this video and make some hard choices regarding the people serving in leadership at their church.
I wouldn't be so quick to say that this problem is more weighty with one church group over another. This particular issue is not limited to racial demographics.
Major mainline denominations like Methodist have had serious problems with this for 50 years. Alan needs to grow up and get out more. He is not reasy to be a leader yet. This is open and shut
Thank you for your comment. From my experience, it does seem to be a more prevalent issue in some traditional black churches but I could obviously be wrong on that hence the reason why I wanted to put that note on the screen.
A LOT, I would even say majority of black Baptist churches and black large mega churches choir directors and ministers of music are either out right gay or extremely effeminate. I don’t see that with white, hispanic/latin, or asian ministries. I’m sure that there are some but it is not accepted like it is in the black church. In the black churches, it’s like the pastor purposely wants a flamboyant choir director. It’s true and sad😐
If they are repenting of that sin and crucified it every day, then I would have no problem. But you can't be actively in the LGBTQ and in a church leadership role.
LGBT sexuality is a form of "addictive compulsive self soothing behaviour"...same as drugs to the drug addict, alcohol to the alcoholic, food to the glutton, winning to the gambler and the "On Sale 20% off" sign to the shopaholic. As any addiction, it is automatically idolatrous. Did Jesus say anything about idolatry? Yes He did...He said I have not come to do away with the commandments but to fulfill them". What's the first commandment" "You shall have no other gods in MY place." Too many Christians do not have an adequate grasp of what LGBT sexuality really is, and so they don't have as good of an answer to give on this topic. I found the book " Homosexuality and the Politics of Truth" by Dr. Jeffrey Satinover to be EXTREMELY enlightening. Dr. Satinover covers all the bases including the Christian response from the Bible. Very well written book.
Continuous prayer, read your word and actively try not to date the same same sex. I know having same sex feelings is hard because I do but I am not dating anyone of the same sex. I am single.
You're right on it, as usual, Allen. One suggestion for this video I'd like to make is putting the portion found at round the 14:20ish mark at the front of the video. I'm glad you addressed the nature for some to have a xenophobic reaction to certain sins and a blanket pass over more relatable ones, too. Good stuff here!
To all struggling in this area, its possible to repent. It can be very difficult but it's possible. I'm speaking from experience Also loved how you ended the video. It should go without saying that God loves those who struggle with this, but you wont believe how much it helps to be reminded of it. Ppl can be pretty harsh on sin but at times the way ppl react to this in particular did make it feel unforgiveable
Hey Allen, I must say that this is one of the most simple and comprehensive videos that you have done. I love how you handled this subject matter. Praise God.
I think the answer to this question in the video is obvious. But what about all other types of sin that people are involved in and are leading in the music team? How many people in the church leadership and worship team are divorced that is not Biblical? How many are living together unmarried? How many are still struggling with pornography, drugs or alcohol? What about those with unscriptural beliefs? I've heard with my own ears people from churches say there are many ways to the one true God. If you sit down with every member of the music team and interview them, you will find people who are not qualified to be there according to the Bible.
Great video Brother specially, for people and staff on church or volunteering as well because you just never know. I especially like the point that you pointed out that to not look past other sins that other people as well are struggling with. God continue to give you wisdom and bless your ministry, your life, and your family.
As one who was in this position, I strongly disagree. Being a worship leader or even a musician can take sometimes 20 to 25 hours of your week. There is a whole lot that goes into it that many people don’t realize. You have to learn the music, you have to communicate with your volunteers, you have to teach the music to your vocalists, as well as the band, you have to sometimes set up and tear down for church service, you have to lead multiple services, you have to host rehearsals, etc. It’s a lot and to expect someone to do this volunteer, is quite disrespectful in my opinion, considering the amount of time required. The question I would ask you or anyone who feels this way is, would you be willing to dedicate 20 to 25 hours of your week every week and not get paid?
@@thebeatagpand in the case of pastors, it might be their only job. You’re right, there are a lot of things that go on behind the scenes, especially if a church is busy with different things, to the extent that you might not be able to have a regular job.
A person struggling with sin may participate and help the Church. But leaders must always be held to the highest standards. Furthermore, someone who is in the LGBTQABCDEFGXYZ cult, regardless if they're gay or not, must never lead a church.
Are you serious !!! That is not even a question to answer no no no there is nooooo excuse Your comment and contemplating the possibility is already a problem God is either hot or cold Stop this nonsense
Did you even watch the video? Allan does not stand for this and is not contemplating anything .. if you watched the whole thing, you would know that. He's giving proper steps to handle it like a mature, spiritual leader should. He clearly says, sin is sin and it should be delt with.
The issue is that the bible describes sexual attraction as a burning desire. Paul even says that for some people its not possible to be celibate/single so those people should get married. You can't have it both ways. Sexual desire can't both be a burning passion that some people cannot escape and a requirement for those of a particular community to remain celibate. Further, the concept of sexual activity has evolved biblically to have concubines, have relations with your servant, have multiple spouses, etc. So its been a moving targeting over biblical history. This also produces a cringe factor when modern christians discuss this matter so black and white when its historical context wasn't so black and white.
It's a hard call in my opinion. Most people who gravitate to music and performance are "that way" inclined. Alot have married to mask this. The almighty sees all truth (I'm sure)
How should church leadership deal with a Pastor whose adult child is part of the lettered group? I’ve often thought he should get his house in order. But his messages are spot on.
People have no wilful control over it. A small but significant proportion of pastors' children will be G or T or other variation and there's nothing the pastor or anyone else can do to change that.
Thanj you Alan. I am grateful to God bcs He raise yiu as the teachee of righteousness whom speak the Biblical truth boldly and straightforwardly. Thank you for your courage to speak about this ‘sensitive’issue without compromising the truth. May God bless you and anoint you more to preach the truth and protect you and family. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
Here’s an example of the issue with being gay. Several years ago my mom wanted me to play a piano solo at her church, they said I could not because I was gay. Although not their direct words, the intent was the same. Around the same time their own youth minister had gotten a divorce. People unconsciously place some sins such as being gay as the top level sins. A combination of things they either don’t like the concept of don’t understand. Being saved, Im a bit of an apologist for churches but at the same time it hurts and is easy to see why so many want nothing to do them.
Yeah they clearly have a personal hatred towards gay people You'll never see the same reactions if the musician said he was jealous of his neighbour new car
What if you own a business… let’s say you’re a wedding planner, photographer, florists etc….and the couple who wants your services is part of the lgbtq community. Should you deny services or express you don’t support them etc?
Follow up question: At what point in time do you ban a member of a congregation from attending your church? My fellow Christian friends and I seem to disagree on when (if ever) somebody should be stopped from attending in the first place.
Should any adulterer serve in ministry? Should a man who looks at another woman with lustful thoughts ever serve in ministry? Should any sinner serve in ministry?
Since Jesus during His earthly ministry never addressed the homosexual gay, lesbian, or trans, there is not one reference in the Gospels. If this had been an issue, surely the fifty male translators, appointed by King James who was gay, never quoted Jesus on this issue. There are over 300 admonitions Jesus gave for heterosexual married people. Neither Jesus nor Paul were ever married. How ironic for two males to be experts on sexual relationships. God looks at the heart. Matthew 22:35 - 40; "This is the most important, the first on any list. There there is a second to set alongside it: "Love others as well as love yourself." These two commands are pegs; everything in God's Law and the Prophets hangs from them." King James, the gay person who ordered the translation of scriptures using only 40 male scholars. Had the culture allowed women to be respected, which was not possible in this time frame if King James had permitted 25 women and 25 male scholars to translate the scriptures, we would have a whole different interpretation through all 66 books of the Bible. Please reflect on this reality. Dr. Arthur George Scott
Facts. We know people are gonna come out here hungry to battle with someone regarding this video, don't Apologize brother Allen.🙏🏾🙏🏾. The world and church needs to hear the truth.
Everyone is saying no in these comments. Yet, so many churches have this in their pulpit/over their music ministry. ESPECIALLY in the Black church. Unfortunately, it’s the typically the norm.
NO!! The same way we cannot allow somebody who is living openly in sins to lead in the church.Apostle Paul said we should not even eat and associate with such. The Bible is clear about that
Hey BEAT fam! I hope you enjoy this video! On another note, we have an AMAZING upcoming FREE 3-day challenge on May 13-15 entitled, "Master Your Faith" that I think you will absolutely LOVE. To find out more and to register, simply click this link go.letsequip.com/myf. You will not be disappointed! I hope to see you there!
1 Corinthians 6:18 (AMP) 🛡
"Run away from sexual immorality [in any form, whether thought or behavior, whether visual or written]. Every other sin that a man commits is outside the body, but the one who is sexually immoral sins against his own body."
Then you shouldn't hired or accept persons into the church who is wearing mix fabrics or how was born out of wedlock.
Then you shouldn't hired or accept persons into the church who is wearing mix fabrics or how was born out of wedlock. You can't be hypocritical.
God said Lying is an abomination to him.
Yet, 99% of Church attendees lie to God every Sunday, when they sing song and praises to him, where the say things that they don't do, make promises to God that they don't keep. I remembering asking someone about a promise or a commitment they made to God while singing, they couldn't even remember the song.
You all are like the Pharisees, looking Good on the outside, judging everyone's outer appearance, while inside are like dead men bones.
Then you shouldn't hired or accept persons into the church who is wearing mix fabrics or how was born out of wedlock. You can't be hypocritical.
God said Lying is an abomination to him.
Yet, 99% of Church attendees lie to God every Sunday, when they sing song and praises to him, where the say things that they don't do, make promises to God that they don't keep. I remembering asking someone about a promise or a commitment they made to God while singing, they couldn't even remember the song.
You all are like a the Pharisees, looking Good on the outside, judging everyone's outer appearance, while inside are like dead men bones.
Then you shouldn't hired or accept persons into the church who is wearing mix fabrics or how was born out of wedlock. You can't be hypocritical.
God said Lying is an abomination to him.
Yet, 99% of Church attendees lie to God every Sunday, when they sing song and praises to him, where the say things that they don't do, make promises to God that they don't keep. I remembering asking someone about a promise or a commitment they made to God while singing, they couldn't even remember the song.
You all are like a the Pharisees, looking Good on the outside, judging everyone's outer appearance, while inside are like dead men bones.
If they've repented of the sin, yes. If they're actively yielding to it, no.
And I would hold this position for ANY sin. Drunkenness, fornication, sexual immorality, etc.
Agreed. For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.
If they’ve repented and washed clean, they’re no longer a slave to their sin and shouldn’t be defined by it. We’re talking about an active gay person here… they shouldn’t be allowed to
I played keys at my last church for 3 years. My wife started having an affair, made an only fans where she met the other guy on. I unfortunately fell into porn. I mentioned it, needing help and leadership refused to set either of us down. I mentioned all the scripture you spoke about Allen and they still refused. Packed up all my instruments, threw my key on the table and left. Went home and anointed my house and repented. haven't watched any since. Now my ex wife is still sleeping around and is still on the team. I was the only one with moxy to follow God.
That was the right move. Most Christian "leaders" today are like Alan - too far gone to even suspect the right answer. Following leaders that are not steadfastly following Jesus means you are headed for damnation. The way is narrow.
@@johnbreitmeier3268 People don't realize that even if you aren't a leader, if you're up on that stage the congregation views you as a leader. Just no discernment in Church's now adays. God led to a new church and the people there a legit, they are speaking truth and don't let stuff like that go down.
@@MatthewCotten Matt, if the church puts you on the platform, you ARE in the leadership group and on display. "Leaders" now laack discernment in a big way and need to be back in school. It is our fault if we settle for bad leaders, Paul would chew these guys a new one.
That’s so sad. I’m sorry. Have you found a faithful church?
@@roberttrevino62800 Yes, God led me where I needed to go.
1 Corinthians 15:33
33 Do not be misled: “Bad company corrupts good character."
ENOUGH SAID! There is no come back from this. The Bible says it all. This verse says it all!!
That’s excellent..
I wonder how many of us would be left..
I would rather spend an eternity in hell than worship the monster you do. That's called integrity. You might want to get some
People using a single verse to answer an issue are not bright. Case and point: Leviticus 19:19. Are you wearing two types of cloth? If so, are you sinning, OR is there perhaps more to the issue than a single verse???? Homosexual behavior is a sin. Lustful thoughts are sin. If a homosexual is in a non-teaching position, is not active in that lifestyle, and doesn’t talk about it except to talk about it as a sinful weakness, and isn’t flamboyant (ie: a man behaving in an effeminate manner); what’s the problem? LET THEM PRAISE THE LORD.
Depends on if its unrepentant sin. If we found out somebody was openly practicing any sin, they should be removed from a position of leadership.
Yea coz like how can dey be rlly Holy Spirit filled (fruiting of the spirit specifically) if dey are bad tree cant produce rightoeus fruit, if dey are a growing trree still in walk and repenting taking up cross and dey try to leave den dat a diff stry
Agree 100%.
If you can ask the spouses you will learn that 80% of the congregation have not fully repented yet...this also includes pastors...I think we are intolerant to the gay community because they display their lifestyle
@@djspexx1I believe this is strictly referring to people in leadership roles the congregation is moot.
My married cousin was in ministry and having an affair with another member who was also married. Heterosexual. They removed her from her spot. And even though I love her. They did the right thing
That was good... they should not be condoning adultery, but unfortunately, many churches and even families look the other way
They definitely did the right thing. Was this permanently or for a time?
@@KFontLab ended up being permanent because she left her husband for him. But the man did not leave his wife. She left that church probably because of shame but is very involved with another church now
Church discipline is necessary and should not compromise the truth
Sin is sin … what ever shape or form straight or not
whatever is not faith is sin. it's the attitude fo the heart. do you hate your sin or not. do you want out of your sin or not? that's the only way.
Absolutely not! Some sins carry more weight than others. Therefore, they require a greater punishment. Homosexuality is not just a sin but an abomination.
@@worldoutreachministries2644I hope you never have any queer children, for their sake. But I also hope you find peace in your heart! ❤ God loves us gays, and love is love :)
@@RevDoc23 Love is not standing idle and letting people hurt themselves freely. Do not try and twist God's words. That is blasphemy.
@@RevDoc23 Read Genesis 19 and educate yourself on how God absolutely hates homosexuality.
Easy answer: "no". If they are an active member who has pride in their sin, how can they glorify God with playing an instrument? It's another thing if they are struggling with SSA but are doing something about it, praying for deliverance and living a life of repentance.
Amen. Well said. Holiness unto the Lord and our keeping that in check in the House of God.
@@helened6896 amen!
“Pride in their sin” 🎯
What's ssa?
@@DelightPaws same sex attracted
I think when people take a behavior and make it an identifiable identity as if its an immutable characteristic, that is the problem.
this is a very reasonable and rational approach, i appreciate seeing your comment
@@nightfallenx I should have clarified the obvious as sin being the root of the problem. But I think making sin ones identity creates a massive roadblock.
@@aWhiskeyTangoFoxtrotI'm defective. I repented from homosexuality but the attractions never went away. You hetero Christians enjoy heaven
great perspective, especially if we are to take on the identity of Christ and only his identity
Thank you for this video and for discussing challenging topics in today's world.
I am someone who recently turned from the LGBT life, turned to Christ, and I struggle with this daily. I have stumbled along the way, but I am striving to let Christ transform my life.
IF a person is in a place of leadership, be it worship, music, whatever, and they are actively living in sin (WHATEVER that sin is) without repentance, they have no business residing in a place of leadership within the congregation. My/their sin does not garner special privilege! If they are living opposite of what Scripture/Christ demands of His followers, they are unfit to lead. As a member of a congregation, their active behavior also runs the risk of laying down stumbling blocks for other members who struggle with whatever sin it is.
This is no different than someone in the military being required to adhere to and meet certain standards in order to be fit to lead and also to serve. If you are overweight and refusing to stay in shape, you absolutely should not be in the place of military leadership. If you refuse to meet the basic requirements and minimum standards while conveying a lack of interest in meeting those minimum standards, you will eventually be separated from military service. The church should function the same.
At the same time, this does not open the doors for hatred or condemnation but loving correction. And if necessary, administrative action (relieving someone from duty/a leadership role, etc). We are to love and pray for them earnestly and to demonstrate Christ's love daily while remembering Christ calls to us.
I say this with conviction despite my struggle and feelings:
Unconditional love ≠ Unconditional tolerance.
I turned from a life of homosexuality 3 years ago and have been living chaste ever since. I no longer struggle with with those feelings. Allow the Spirit to lead you day by day, hour by hour, minute by minute. Stand firm.
People don’t want any consequence for their sinful behavior because in our society today whatever feels right is okay. This is regardless of what the word of God says.
So true
That's why they take offense, no accountability. They don't want the word of God 😤 they want to do as they please encouraging others to do the same the Bible doesn't lie.
"They did what was right in their own eyes"
@@jernisharichard5032 The bible doesn't lie and says we are all sinners. That means you to. The people in churches look down their nose just like the pharisees did because they thought they were righteous and better than the sinners when they were white washed tombs with dead bones inside.
@@Rigorous_Storm Just like you who looks past your own sin to condemn another.
This is good and I must say from someone who lived in the LGBTQ community for years. The Holy Spirit convicted me to the point where the pastor didn't have to sit me down. When people are serious about change I believe firmly that the Spirit will convict us. I was choir director and I was living a double life. The more I heard the Word & read the Word the more I was convicted. I realized that there is no condemnation to those in Christ, but we cannot continue in sin that grace may be abound. I don't care what the sin is if people are refusing to repent then they should be seated!
The only place for them is at the altar, pleading for repentance
I've repented of homosexuality. The attractions to men never went away. I must be defective.
@NathanPhelps-eb9dg Becoming a new creature in Christ being instant was never promised...🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾
@@NathanPhelps-eb9dg Its not a one time thing.
Then you are tempted just like all of us! Do not despair, and hold on to the truth and grace of God.
Some need spiritual deliverance and may need to go to a deliverance ministry to be set free from demonic "influence" attractions.
As far as Principle 3 is concerned:
Level 1 - removed from leadership AND fellowship
Level 2 - removed from leadership, NOT fellowship
Level 3 - free to lead and fellowship within the church
This entire conversation boils down to the first principle that Bro. Allen pointed out - NOTHING, even our love for people, can supersede our commitment to God’s Word, His righteousness, and His holiness. Great message.
A great Correction/Connection video brother!
Ex-LGBTQ+ who can prove YAH heals all things.
Wow amen
No way. I've tried and tried and tried again.
Part Red Sea, ✔️
Deliver someone from same-sex attraction, "No way" 🤔🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾
@@CCD_106I must be defective
@@CCD_106I must be defective
I wish more pastors will have the guts as you have to speak on this topic. I am so tired of these pastor too scared to speak on this topic. Good for you. and yes, if you’re in sin I think you should step down no matter what type of sin.
Pastors are not messing with these topics because it will mess up there tithes and offerings and some of there seats might become empty. Sad to say but many care about seats more than souls.
When I was in that lifestyle… My mom definitely sat me down and did not allow me to serve! I look back at that now and understand her reasoning… They gave me much more respect for her! glory to God for deliverance 😍
I recently read Worship Matters by Bob Kauflin, and I love the criteria he highlights for choosing worship team members. Above any talent or desire to be on the team, personal holiness and how closely the person follows God should be considered when selecting leadership! I'm in full time college ministry, and by God's grace He has grown my abilities to minister where I lacked natural talent or skill- God is not limited to leaders who are already talented, but to leaders who are whole-heartedly following Him.
Excellent, not the case at my church. God is not pleased!
What would you do with a musician (serving in church) who is committing adultery and does not plan on stopping. It’s the same question, gotta be dismissed from the ministry.
Exactly, they need to stop and pray on this...
This individual should not only be removed from the stage but placed under Matthew 18 discipline. He or she must leave if unrepentant. Our churches are ineffective and shameful to Christ's name if we treat sin so casually.
thats the point he makes at #4
Thank you, Allen! Once again, you have addressed a difficult topic with truth and compassion ❤
For the person who sent this question: We should be treating all sins with the same conviction. Not just homosexuality.
Yes and no. God made clear that certain sins are more harmful to individuals and the community. How do we know? He set punishments for them. For example, restitution for theft, exodus for involuntary manslaughter, cleansing and/or sacrifices for minor or unintentional offences, and the death penalty for sexual immorality, murder, and kidnapping. If two men volunteer for children's church and one had stolen a wallet and the other had mole es Ted a child a few years back should they be given the same opportunities with children? Plenty of pastors are overweight, but should we discipline them as gluttons in the same manner we would do if he was beating his wife? While we know each and every sin separates and deserves their wages in death, we know that some sins are more heinous in our society than others. If I lied and told a friend that her outfit looked stunning would that harm her and her family as much as if I tried to physically attack her?God is merciful and just. He grants vile sinners eternal life yet He demands justice for sins that damage the community. With that in mind, we strive to encourage one another towards love and good deeds. And leadership is held to a higher standard of being "above reproach."
@@eurekahope5310 yes, he did. Hence the 10 commandments. In which homosexuality is not mentioned. But stealing, murdering, and adultery are, being covetous etc. are specifically mentioned by name.
This is why church membership matters. If "leading worship" is a gig, then there is no standard. If corporate church worship is truly a ministry of the church, then only church members should lead and serve. Only people who are pursuing Christ are church members. That doesn't mean perfection or sinlessness. And yes, this goes for more than LGBTQ+. If anyone is struggling with sin, it's a realistic and ultimately better situation that they step out of leadership. Holiness is more important than leadership positions.
There is not a holy preacher or pastor on this planet. Name one who doesn't sin?
@@adamthompson1202 You're right. Yes. Everyone still sins. Even pastors and worship leaders. The difference is repentance. If someone is actively leading an LGBTQ lifestyle, this is an active lifestyle of sin. They are absolutely welcomed in the church, but leadership is biblically different. And I would say the same for those who are struggling through substance abuse, divorce, any other sexual addiction, workaholism, outbursts of anger, etc. Discipleship and the pursuit of Christlikeness is far more important than playing in a band. That doesn't mean they couldn't lead later, but dealing with active sin struggles is more pressing (and more caring).
@@adamthompson1202 Clearly none are sinless, yet God told us that pastors are to be above reproach, husband of one wife, lead his household well, etc. It is a high calling and God warned that they will be held to account. If a little leaven ruins the whole lump within just the body, imagine the damage done when those in leadership live compromised lives.
And lead whom to Heaven?! Don’t play with God and try to change His Word to justify sinful ways. No!!!
Sadly, most pastors are not preaching the message of repentance because the church is a business for them.
Very few preach repentance. They are focused on everything but worshipping God in spirit and truth.
This. 💯
Amen! So many focus on prosperity and grace. His grace is sufficient BUT holiness is required. Be ye holy for I Am holy🙏🏾
You can't stop sinning. We are all guilty of some sort of sin. Repentance means to turn from not believing in Christ Jesus to believing in Him. Study the word please.
@@SheIsFearfullyWonderfullyMade How holy are you? You still live in a fleshly body that while we are on this side of Heaven is flawed. Not one person including you live a holy life.
I appreciate this piece because you are so right my brother, we tend to prop up some sins more than others. It’s all sin and we as a church have to do better.
No matter what society tells you, it is completely possible to rid yourself of these sinful desires. Not through "conversion therapy" but through a relationship with Jesus Christ. When you accept Jesus Christ into your life, the Holy Spirit will do amazing things. He can change you and save you from every situation and sinful desire.
Yes Jesus can set people free from EVERYTHING. It may be a longer process for some and not others but HE delivers from ALL and sets ALL captives free that come to Him.
1 Timothy 3:6 '' ..A church leader should not be a recent convert because they may become conceited and fall under the same judgment as the devil. A church leader should have a good reputation with outsiders so that they will not fall into disgrace and into the devil's trap...''
Good one
Have you read about the apostle Paul and what he said about himself or even Peter. Read your bible and study it.
@@adamthompson1202 No talk, only through scripture, let it talk by itself. That is what we do dear beloved brother in Christ.
@@mrmatias2618 Sounds cultish
Not if they're still actively pursuing that lifestyle. But if they've repented and changed there life decisions in that area they should be allowed to work.
Amen my brother because after all a repented and repentant lgb Christians are true Christians themselves too.
@@juangabriellopez4475 a repented christian would have nothing to do with the lgbtq movement.
Agreed. I have to look at myself and thank the Lord I am not the same man I was 40 years ago.
As newly repentant they should NEVER be leaders at all nor should other newbies be. They need watching and discipling. If they want to move instantly to leadership, they have the wrong attitude to be a Christian leader.
@johnbreitmeier3268 I agree they should be supervised and held to a standard to perform in leadership roles. Like pastoral, deacon, missionary. Biblical standards should definitely be upheld mandatorly.
I love how complete and thorough your explanation is. Especially in these times, it's important people outside of church see the difference between discrimination and someone being ineligible for church leadership due to sinful lifestyles of every kind.
if unrepentant sinners can sit in your church week after week and feel comfortable...what message is being presented
You are so careful and thoughtful with your words. Thank you for your boldness and willingness to bring the truth of Scripture into these conversations. Reminded me of the message I hear weekly at church, “it’s either God’s way or the wrong way”. We get to choose.
This was a solid teaching! Great Job!
I'm 29, male, black. I'm sexually attracted to men. I've been in the closet since I was 14 or 15. I've prayed, and tried to change, but I've been stuck this way. I'm a pianist, and I've only ever played in church, I've always loved worshipping. I'm tired right now though. I've tried everything to change. What should I do? Should I just quit church? Cos everytime I'm on stage, I feel guilty. But I've been praying for change, and God hasn't answered me. What should I do? I'm not looking for justification. I'm just looking for a way out of this guilt. I'm 2 incompatible people in one body: one is a Christian, and the other is homosexual. I'm tired of struggling. One has got to go. God won't answer me and make me straight, should I just leave him alone?
you aren’t going to be able to change your sexuality. what you’re doing right now is just a diy conversion therapy, and that will never help you.
best you can do is find a progressive church. a lot of people are going to tell you they aren’t real christians but you’ll at least be able to meet some other lgbt christians who are on the same path as you. you can speak to people who had the same conflict you have but have been able to find peace.
something has to give, and it’s not going to be your sexuality
You are loved by Christ. Being gay is not a lifestyle.
they are compatible. You can't change your orientation, so your option is either ditching your faith (not good) or reconciliation. The Bible says that "love your neighbour" is enough to satisfy ALL God's commands. The alleged command against being gay is pure fiction. Plus God himself said "it is not good for the human being to be alone", not "it is not good for straight people, good for gays".
So find a church that accepts you. If you want, find someone you can love and who loves you and build a life together. As scripture says, there is no law against love.
Ffs dude, be yourself. Dont let 2000 years old quotes from books without context dictate your lifestyle.
Your love is yours to give, to whom deserves it!
What living in guilt does to you anyway? Take a deep breath and move on, live it your way!
Im going to have some serious backlash here, but you look so sad about this that I couldnt ignore...
Thank you brother Allen for your grace and love in your teaching.
I tell you this man will not dictate my relationship with God
Good biblically based teaching as always. A nearby church recently lost a few members because the church refused to affirm same sex marriage. Sadly, there are lots of churches around where they will feel totally at home.
Do they affirm the sin of gluttony the sin of pride? These 2 sins are rampant in congregations but they seem to be over looked for others sins.
@@adamthompson1202 I have noticed a number of your comments and would like you to consider how God treats sin. First, all sin separates us from God and earns wages in death
Second, God makes clear that some sins are more damaging to individuals and the community than others. Just look at the punishments God established for certain sins. Theft was restitution, manslaughter was exodus, unintentional sins were sacrifices, false witness resulted in receiving the punishment that would have gone to the wronged defendant, etc. What does God say for sexual immorality, murder, and kidnapping? Death penalty. Two men wronged a woman. One lied to her and the other r***d her. Did both cause equal harm? Should both receive equal judicial sentences?
To pretend that all sins are equal in damage is to ignore both history and Scripture.
God doesn’t care about sexuality, he only cares for your heart. Your true intentions as a person. Only God knows, but I feel that deep down. God love me!
If they are there in your midst and are comfortable being so, then your pastor isn’t preaching the Word in its entirety. Period. If your pastor was actually doing his job, they wouldn’t even want to be there and if they did, they would repent, not be there and stay the same.
Facts.. same can be said of any one living a sexually immoral lifestyle. He's right that often times we turn a blind eye to ppl in leadership who are knowingly promiscuous or living with someone they aren't married to.. unrepentant and not working on changing. It's all the same to God, and we should view it that way.
Wow what about grace?
Would you say not all Christians can overcome their sin are they then not saved?
Absolutely right!...
Amen!! I was a member of a baptist church for a few years and was having sex outside of marriage the entire time of my membership and never felt guilt or shame.
It wasn’t until 2020 when churches closed and I started listening to sermons from real men of God who teach the Bible without compromising.
Lukewarm carnal church members are a result of lukewarm carnal leaders
I grew up in church with an understanding that if you are living in sin you are NOT allowed in the pulpit. It’s difference between struggling with sin and living in sin.
Nice ending comment Allen, speaking to those who might be struggling. That shows the Christian love that is often missing in these conversations
You’re gonna get heat Bro Parr. I’m praying for anyone who is struggling with that lifestyle ❤
You addressed this issue with truth in love. Keep up the God work!👏
This was presented from a GREAT perspective.
Awesomely put together, Pastor.
Thanks Brother Allen this was very informative. Thanks for all your teachings and doing what God called you to🦋
Mr. Parr is preaching! Phenomenal insight. I learned a lot. Thank you for your view.
1 Corinthians 6:18 (AMP)
"Run away from sexual immorality [in any form, whether thought or behavior, whether visual or written]. Every other sin that a man commits is outside the body, but the one who is sexually immoral sins against his own body."
Honest question: what does a black or white church means? My church is painted black, but it doesn't seem to have any impact on doctrine at all. That doesn't make sense.
I'm brazilian, so maybe it's something else I'm not aware of.
Mainly white ; mainly black.
@@InwardBeautyMinistries You mean, skin color? Sorry for asking, but Is there any kind of disaproval if a white man goes to a black church and vice-versa? That would be unimagineable, I think (as a brazilian).
@@shiranduarte No it isn't disapproval. Most white americans just aren't used to being in predominantly black spaces and would rather worship amongst themselves. Black and white people tend to have different worshiping styles as well.
@@asdfghjkl3003 I've never seen a true worshipping session in US, only in movies, but that obviously doesn't count. I would like to be present at a "mainly black" and "white" churches to further comprehend the differences y'all talking about.
I mean, all churches in Brazil are pretty mixed, from white-white caucasians to black-black black people and all the shades in between. And being this mixed, no changes in styles come from skin color demographics, I think. Brazil is also a huge country, so maybe I'm biased by the region I'm from.
@@shiranduarte White churches are typically calmer and very organized. They pretty much do the same thing every Sunday and there isn't a lot of variation between what happens in one service versus another. Black churches are much more open and emotional. In a black church you're likely to see someone dancing, crying, and maybe even running, whereas a white church would escort you out for doing those things. Black churches tend to be more charismatic, however there are some charismatic white churches as well. Black churches are also quite unpredictable in the sense that service doesn't usually end at the same time every sunday like in a white church. White churches also are more calm in their preaching style, whereas black preachers are typically louder and more emotional. As someone who grew up in a black church, but attended a mostly white christian school, I can say that both races have an equally beautiful way of doing things.
If they are truly with their whole heart trying to get out of that sin. but it they are willfully choosing to stay in this iniquity, then its a problem spiritually.
Amen! You explained this very well with scriptures to back it up.
I firmly believe people struggling with sin or living in sin are always welcome to attend church. However, for those who are serving in the church must have a higher moral values and standards.
All have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God.
I recommended the book "Washed and Waiting." It provides great insight to what Allen is talking about.
i think a lot of you guys feel a way Mr. Parr is talking about the gay community, he is simply responding to one of his subscribers questions and speaking truth regarding the question. most of you in the comment know that all sin is the same and Mr. Parr isn't saying just calling out the LGBTQ just because. Good stuff Mr. Parr. God bless you and your family.
I thought the three levels were explained very well. I do have a question about the example of someone from the lettered company whom the congregation loves because they're nice. When you said they're "... naturally a good person" I assume you mean earthly speaking. We know from scriptures that there is no such thing on a heavenly scale. Please clarify.
Well said and easy to understand backed up by scripture. Thank you!
Do you think Catholic teachers who are gay should be fired from Catholic schools? I understand with being a pastor in church. I just think being a teacher is different from a pastor because Catholic teachers aren’t preaching and aren’t Catholic teachers teaching other subjects besides Christianity? I could be wrong, I just wanna know your opinion.
I would say the same standards should be applied.
So I just found out that you were college buddies with my favorite UA-cam musician, Jamal Hartwell. My mind was blown.
Yes indeed! Jamal is not only a VERY close friend of mine, but he was my roommate in college. Good times and good people!
Cool… looking him up rn😁
Thank you for providing us with biblical balanced teachings. You nailed this subject 100%; I hope church leaders will see this video and make some hard choices regarding the people serving in leadership at their church.
I wouldn't be so quick to say that this problem is more weighty with one church group over another. This particular issue is not limited to racial demographics.
Thank you for saying that.
Major mainline denominations like Methodist have had serious problems with this for 50 years. Alan needs to grow up and get out more. He is not reasy to be a leader yet. This is open and shut
Thank you for your comment. From my experience, it does seem to be a more prevalent issue in some traditional black churches but I could obviously be wrong on that hence the reason why I wanted to put that note on the screen.
@@thebeatagpThere are quite a few lgbt music directors that are white at large churches that I personally know.
A LOT, I would even say majority of black Baptist churches and black large mega churches choir directors and ministers of music are either out right gay or extremely effeminate.
I don’t see that with white, hispanic/latin, or asian ministries. I’m sure that there are some but it is not accepted like it is in the black church. In the black churches, it’s like the pastor purposely wants a flamboyant choir director. It’s true and sad😐
If you compromise in one area, where else will it go? Accountability for all believers is crucial.
If they are repenting of that sin and crucified it every day, then I would have no problem. But you can't be actively in the LGBTQ and in a church leadership role.
LGBT sexuality is a form of "addictive compulsive self soothing behaviour"...same as drugs to the drug addict, alcohol to the alcoholic, food to the glutton, winning to the gambler and the "On Sale 20% off" sign to the shopaholic. As any addiction, it is automatically idolatrous. Did Jesus say anything about idolatry? Yes He did...He said I have not come to do away with the commandments but to fulfill them". What's the first commandment" "You shall have no other gods in MY place." Too many Christians do not have an adequate grasp of what LGBT sexuality really is, and so they don't have as good of an answer to give on this topic. I found the book " Homosexuality and the Politics of Truth" by Dr. Jeffrey Satinover to be EXTREMELY enlightening. Dr. Satinover covers all the bases including the Christian response from the Bible. Very well written book.
Excelent explanation brother. This kind of situation is more common than ever nowadays and its really well explain. Thank you for sharing.
The answer is simply No.....
hey Allen. what abou ta couple living together who are engaged and serious about marriage and attending church, but just not yet married.
Then you shouldn't hired or accept persons into the church who is wearing mix fabrics or how was born out of wedlock.
Please make a video on how to get out of this community. I know I am speaking for many. Some of us are struggling to get out. Please help us
if you are lgbt, then you are lgbt. you can’t pray the gay away, conversion therapy never works.
Continuous prayer, read your word and actively try not to date the same same sex. I know having same sex feelings is hard because I do but I am not dating anyone of the same sex. I am single.
@@realtrue06 y’all need to stop with the diy conversion therapy. y’all are clearly miserable
Quick answer is no. 1 Corinthians 5 comes to mind.
You're right on it, as usual, Allen.
One suggestion for this video I'd like to make is putting the portion found at round the 14:20ish mark at the front of the video.
I'm glad you addressed the nature for some to have a xenophobic reaction to certain sins and a blanket pass over more relatable ones, too.
Good stuff here!
To all struggling in this area, its possible to repent. It can be very difficult but it's possible. I'm speaking from experience
Also loved how you ended the video. It should go without saying that God loves those who struggle with this, but you wont believe how much it helps to be reminded of it. Ppl can be pretty harsh on sin but at times the way ppl react to this in particular did make it feel unforgiveable
Hey Allen, I must say that this is one of the most simple and comprehensive videos that you have done. I love how you handled this subject matter. Praise God.
I think the answer to this question in the video is obvious. But what about all other types of sin that people are involved in and are leading in the music team?
How many people in the church leadership and worship team are divorced that is not Biblical? How many are living together unmarried? How many are still struggling with pornography, drugs or alcohol? What about those with unscriptural beliefs? I've heard with my own ears people from churches say there are many ways to the one true God.
If you sit down with every member of the music team and interview them, you will find people who are not qualified to be there according to the Bible.
*No* ....anymore questions?
Did you even listen or your ears got jammed up with your arrogance. You know that’s a sin too.
@@niecybaby1960 If you allow even a pinhole to remain in a dam, given enough time the entire dam will collapse.
Great video Brother specially, for people and staff on church or volunteering as well because you just never know. I especially like the point that you pointed out that to not look past other sins that other people as well are struggling with. God continue to give you wisdom and bless your ministry, your life, and your family.
I say no !
If someone remarried from a no fault divorce (they initiated the divorce) , are they living in sin ?
True worship leaders and church musicians should be volunteers not paid church staff. This should be done to serve the Lord not as just a job.
As one who was in this position, I strongly disagree. Being a worship leader or even a musician can take sometimes 20 to 25 hours of your week. There is a whole lot that goes into it that many people don’t realize. You have to learn the music, you have to communicate with your volunteers, you have to teach the music to your vocalists, as well as the band, you have to sometimes set up and tear down for church service, you have to lead multiple services, you have to host rehearsals, etc. It’s a lot and to expect someone to do this volunteer, is quite disrespectful in my opinion, considering the amount of time required. The question I would ask you or anyone who feels this way is, would you be willing to dedicate 20 to 25 hours of your week every week and not get paid?
@@thebeatagpand in the case of pastors, it might be their only job. You’re right, there are a lot of things that go on behind the scenes, especially if a church is busy with different things, to the extent that you might not be able to have a regular job.
I believe you think deeply about and approach these kinds of topics gracefully. I really enjoyed this. Thank you
A person struggling with sin may participate and help the Church. But leaders must always be held to the highest standards.
Furthermore, someone who is in the LGBTQABCDEFGXYZ cult, regardless if they're gay or not, must never lead a church.
Good to see this conversation being had. We have questions but the church isn’t talking about it.
Are you serious !!! That is not even a question to answer no no no there is nooooo excuse
Your comment and contemplating the possibility
is already a problem
God is either hot or cold
Stop this nonsense
Did you even watch the video? Allan does not stand for this and is not contemplating anything .. if you watched the whole thing, you would know that. He's giving proper steps to handle it like a mature, spiritual leader should. He clearly says, sin is sin and it should be delt with.
Fantastic video with a much-needed message. Keep up the excellent work!🎉
The issue is that the bible describes sexual attraction as a burning desire. Paul even says that for some people its not possible to be celibate/single so those people should get married.
You can't have it both ways. Sexual desire can't both be a burning passion that some people cannot escape and a requirement for those of a particular community to remain celibate.
Further, the concept of sexual activity has evolved biblically to have concubines, have relations with your servant, have multiple spouses, etc. So its been a moving targeting over biblical history. This also produces a cringe factor when modern christians discuss this matter so black and white when its historical context wasn't so black and white.
Allen any chance you could do a vid discussing the book of Enoch?
Absolutely love the video. Biblically sound and presented with compassion for those struggling.
It's a hard call in my opinion. Most people who gravitate to music and performance are "that way" inclined. Alot have married to mask this. The almighty sees all truth (I'm sure)
Glad to discover your channel after talking to you last Sunday.😀
How should church leadership deal with a Pastor whose adult child is part of the lettered group? I’ve often thought he should get his house in order. But his messages are spot on.
People have no wilful control over it. A small but significant proportion of pastors' children will be G or T or other variation and there's nothing the pastor or anyone else can do to change that.
Thanj you Alan. I am grateful to God bcs He raise yiu as the teachee of righteousness whom speak the Biblical truth boldly and straightforwardly. Thank you for your courage to speak about this ‘sensitive’issue without compromising the truth. May God bless you and anoint you more to preach the truth and protect you and family. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
Here’s an example of the issue with being gay. Several years ago my mom wanted me to play a piano solo at her church, they said I could not because I was gay. Although not their direct words, the intent was the same. Around the same time their own youth minister had gotten a divorce. People unconsciously place some sins such as being gay as the top level sins. A combination of things they either don’t like the concept of don’t understand. Being saved, Im a bit of an apologist for churches but at the same time it hurts and is easy to see why so many want nothing to do them.
Yeah they clearly have a personal hatred towards gay people
You'll never see the same reactions if the musician said he was jealous of his neighbour new car
@@randomusername3873 or if the wife was hot.
What if you own a business… let’s say you’re a wedding planner, photographer, florists etc….and the couple who wants your services is part of the lgbtq community. Should you deny services or express you don’t support them etc?
Very well addressed and the only way for leadership in the church 👑🇿🇦
Follow up question:
At what point in time do you ban a member of a congregation from attending your church? My fellow Christian friends and I seem to disagree on when (if ever) somebody should be stopped from attending in the first place.
Allen, please consider doing a video on being paid as a musician. I think it would be a great topic of discussion.
Should any adulterer serve in ministry? Should a man who looks at another woman with lustful thoughts ever serve in ministry? Should any sinner serve in ministry?
Since Jesus during His earthly ministry never addressed the homosexual gay, lesbian, or trans, there is not one reference in the Gospels. If this had been an issue, surely the fifty male translators, appointed by King James who was gay, never quoted Jesus on this issue.
There are over 300 admonitions Jesus gave for heterosexual married people.
Neither Jesus nor Paul were ever married. How ironic for two males to be experts on sexual relationships.
God looks at the heart. Matthew 22:35 - 40; "This is the most important, the first on any list. There there is a second to set alongside it: "Love others as well as love yourself." These two commands are pegs; everything in God's Law and the Prophets hangs from them."
King James, the gay person who ordered the translation of scriptures using only 40 male scholars. Had the culture allowed women to be respected, which was not possible in this time frame if King James had permitted 25 women and 25 male scholars to translate the scriptures, we would have a whole different interpretation through all 66 books of the Bible. Please reflect on this reality.
Dr. Arthur George Scott
We know people are gonna come out here hungry to battle with someone regarding this video, don't Apologize brother Allen.🙏🏾🙏🏾. The world and church needs to hear the truth.
Everyone is saying no in these comments. Yet, so many churches have this in their pulpit/over their music ministry. ESPECIALLY in the Black church. Unfortunately, it’s the typically the norm.
We need to first clarify what worship is and if you live in accordance to the wishes of Our Creator who clearly hates homosexuality
NO!! The same way we cannot allow somebody who is living openly in sins to lead in the church.Apostle Paul said we should not even eat and associate with such. The Bible is clear about that
Ppl don't read the Bible that's y so many follow the world