Jon Landaw - "How Delusions Arise"

  • Опубліковано 6 січ 2020
  • "How Delusions Arise" - Jon Landaw
    This program was a part of “The Life and Legacy of Lama Tsongkhapa” presented by Tse Chen Ling.
    This event was held at Tse Chen Ling in San Francisco on November 2, 2019.
    In his Great Treatise, Lama Tsongkhapa emphasizes that although karma and the afflictions are both necessary as causes for the creation of samsaric suffering, it is the afflictions-also known as the delusions-that are primary. For this reason, he states that “it is very important to rely on a remedy for the afflictions.” And because the application of this remedy requires us to become as knowledgeable as we can about the afflictions, he analyzes them in great detail. Included within this analysis are six items-referred to in outline simply as basis, object, social context, explanation, habituation and attention-enumerated as the six factors causing these suffering-producing afflictions to arise in us.
    Our discussion of these six factors will be based on a teaching given by the beloved Lama Thubten Yeshe (1935-1984) at one of the famous Kopan courses dating back to the 1970s. As his students will attest, Lama Yeshe had the extraordinary ability to present even the most intellectually rigorous Dharma topic in a way that was immediately relevant to our everyday experience. It is hoped that our discussion of these six factors will benefit from at least a small portion of Lama Yeshe’s inspiration.
    About the Jon Landaw
    Jon has been a student of Tibetan Buddhism since the 1970s in India where he met his principal teachers-Lama Thubten Yeshe, Kyabje Zopa Rinpoche and Geshe Ngawang Dhargyey-and served as English editor for the Translation Bureau of His Holiness the Dalai Lama at the Library of Tibetan Works and Archives in Dharamsala. He and his family have been living in the Santa Cruz area since 1988.
    "The Life and Legacy of Lama Tsongkhapa"
    Presented by Tse Chen Ling Center for Tibetan Buddhist Studies from Fall 2018 through 2019.
    Je Tsongkhapa Lobsang Drakpa (1357- 1419) was one of the greatest figures in the history of Tibetan Buddhism and the founder of the Gelug tradition.
    The year 2019 marked the 600th anniversary of Lama Tsongkhapa's parinirvana. Tse Chen Ling offered a series of programs that celebrated the life and lineage of Lama Tsongkhapa. These programs reflected the core teachings and unique features of the Gelug tradition.
    For details please visit:


  • @Thiagoferte
    @Thiagoferte 2 роки тому

    Great Dharma teaching, thanks Jon!

  • @jvballatore
    @jvballatore 4 роки тому

    Thanks Jon

  • @RickarooCarew
    @RickarooCarew 2 роки тому

    how do you know if someone else is... delusional? I had a doctor for about 25 years.. started going to him when I was working as a computer programmer and database development engineer for Boeing... went to work for Raytheon but hurt my back... went.. for medical help... 15 years later.. after withdrawal from pain medicine on my own... I'm still in lots of pain... trying to get him to read a paper in Science magazine.. from the American Association for the Advancement of Science.. passed peer review... some chemistry on neurotransmitters... he thought maybe I should be taking psych meds... told me if I became delusional I would be the last to know... my father was a nuclear engineer and physicist.. taught reactor physics when I was in high school.. my brother taught at UCSD.. biomedical engineering.. I do programming to pay for my science research in chemistry and physics.. and geology... really.. married for 40 years... don't drink... none of the above... he didn't have time for the science... I walked out... he really doesn't know me at all... sees a guy with long hair... probably trying to get pain medicine... even though I wasn't and he knew I had withdrawn myself...
    he can get a psychiatrist to say I'm delusional and lock me up with no recourse... and.. brother... it doesn't matter what I say..
    this is not speculation.. it is the law of the land

    • @RickarooCarew
      @RickarooCarew 2 роки тому

      pain meds are not really fun to take... not even once.. I crushed all 17 discs.. he has copies of the MRIs... watched me go through 2 years of surgery.. never had trouble with taking more than prescribed... it's delusional to think that stuff is fun.. addiction is said to be repetitive behaviors for the purpose of having fun... the entire thing is delusional... it's definitely not...
      but... he.. they... also believe that psychiatric diagnosis are accurate... they are arrived at in their diagnostic manual... by popular vote... because.. individual behavior is not predictable... because everyone has a different history... which means we each react differently to the same stimuli... this random factor going in cannot be removed.. random going in means random coming out... clinical observation is NOT science
      Freude made it up... from talking to people who thought he would help them... as far as I can see... they still make it up... because.. individual behavior is not predictable.. it is a mathematical issue... science is all about measuring the Universe we live in... if you don't see the math it's just blah blah blah

    • @RickarooCarew
      @RickarooCarew 2 роки тому

      there are so many possibilities for randomness it's pretty silly to think we can predict delusional behavior.. for example... I had cataract surgery a few years ago... all of a sudden I can see every sticker on every cactus 🌵 all the way to the horizon... my wife needs the surgery... I show here blue laser light on the ceiling and there are very distinct limits to what she can see... it's a very physical problem having to do with short wavelength light and little bits of scar tissue across the cornea and lens of the eye 👀
      .. I see things she can't in pictures and around the house and yard.
      with this issue I can get measurements... I checked... more than once.. more than 10 times... so I see patterns in photographic images she doesn't see... because she can't see all the wavelengths... does that mean I might be delusional?... no... it doesn't
      we can't fix other people.. our opthalmologist can fix her eyes... but maybe she doesn't want to see some of the stuff..
      I don't know
      I can't know.. even if she tells me
      because I don't have all the information
      I didn't live through her eyes
      the Chinese use the Don't Monkeys as a recipe for personal happiness
      see no, hear no, speak no
      the recipe works both ways
      speak no. . hear no .. see no
      they are very wise people

    • @RickarooCarew
      @RickarooCarew 2 роки тому

      His Holiness the Dalai Lama says, frequently... we are all the same... we all have the same potential... he's absolutely right... but one of the ways we are all the same is... we all have a different history
      ... which means... we are all the same because we are all different...
      go figure

    • @RickarooCarew
      @RickarooCarew 2 роки тому

      uniformity is not really a good idea... difference makes the World go round... in a very literal way... like the ☯️ yin yang symbol... the dark and light.. we call it positive and negative in the electromagnetic spectrum... but it is not less than zero... adjacent spirals are always a sequential Fibonacci sequence number apart... it is the difference that creates the spirals... that ☯️ symbol is a good representation of a hydrogen atom... hydrogen atoms pop into existence from the passage of light through vacuum... all the Time.. all around us... this was experimentally verified in 1964...
      hydrogen atoms last forever ♾️
      I didn't make it up...
      big bangs require an invisible guy to work... I have not found any of them 😁.. invisible guys and the big bang are... standard model physics
      I create quantum foam in my laboratory with carbon crystals and laser light.. it's not speculation... but if you don't teach big bang theory you don't teach physics anywhere on the Planet
      His Holiness has a book called the Universe through a Single Atom... everything we can see is made from hydrogen atoms.. squeezed together in stars .. I didn't make it up.. my dad told me about it when I was 14.. at the Oak Ridge breeder reactor.. he was getting his second master's degree in reactor theory.. I actually can do the math

    • @RickarooCarew
      @RickarooCarew 2 роки тому

      delusional thinking is not restricted to crazy people, eh?
      ideas about other people are a big source of negative behaviors among us... if we force others to believe what we believe... it really does not make the World a better place... it's pretty much, exactly the opposite
      in a quantum foam.. infinite Universe... you, personally, are the exact center... so is that guy over there
      the way he sees it may be different from you... but it is okay... that's what makes life interesting
      Peace ✌️