Nah. He did this just to give his opinion and to show people (like you) who can't take it and accept the fact that people think different. Fear Inoculum is great but not as great as people say. Lol (I just can't stand people who can't take a different opinion. Bunch of whiny bitches if you ask me)
10,000 Days is S tier and you can fight me over it. Wings 1 and 2 are musically perfect. The Pot, Rosetta Stoned, Jambi, Vicarious, and Right in Two are impeccable
Literally no one asked for the Tier List, people wanted an actual full length video dedicated to them on the main channel because chances are this will be the last time we can honor their legacy.
@@justin2597 Also no way to really know this will be the last album, I'd actually say it's unlikely we won't see another album, they guys aren't really that old, and they were just freed from their contract by releasing FI, a contract they've been locked into since the early 90s. They've also said they wrote an entire album worth of material and scrapped it, and were dealing with legal troubles during the process.
This, I don't know what everyone's beef is with 10,000 Days. Right in Two, Rosetta Stoned, Vicarious, and of course the title track. 10,000 Days is a voyage.
Even The Pot is next level compared to Lateralus when it comes to musicianship and the pure alchemy of the instruments. People need to take a heavy dose of something and get their head checked.. especially Tony Fantana here..
I don’t know why you felt the need to make this video. Putting all of the albums in the F tier felt unnecessary but as soon as you called Maynard ‘even balder than Billy Corgan’ and said he should ‘stick to wine making’ instead of using what you called “weed vision” to make the ‘unintelligible, coma inducing nightmare that is his songwriting” I totally tuned out. just no respect man.
I'd put it in A, but that may change. I just may be excited to finally have a new Tool album. I also understand why people don't like it as much, and not in an "I'm smarter than u" sort of way. I just really enjoy it.
I liked it a lot, but that being said I would still say it’s Tool’s weakest project. B tier feels appropriate. That being said I still think it’s worth acknowledging that Tool’s weakest record is still head and shoulders above most of their contemporaries in terms of sheer creativity.
Yes, that is exactly what i thought. It took me quite a long time to appreciate some very nice lines and tones in some songs. It is definitely no Aenima or Lateralus, but it gets on par with 10 000 days. As oddly as it sounds - even after waiting 12-13 years for the next album it feels as if they rushed this album in the last 2-3 years, when they actually needed more time to make a good album. Dont get me wrong, but I feel that Danny and Adam are holding the project Tool more together than Maynard does and that those two guys were mainly responsable for the albums we rate S+Tier. So if there will ever be a new album with which the band unites under a common goal, which i doubt, since I feel Maynard fell for the trap of aging (aging=not only getting wiser, but also more anxiously and weaker), the album would be formidable. Technically wise, no one of them got weaker.
salad man i don’t understand the comparison. If you’re correct, this likeness doesn’t inherently make fear Inoculum good. A classical composition can suck too. Fear inoculum is super bland regardless of its compositional qualities...
@@gusnwosu928 oh no, absolutely. just because the album is unique in that aspect doesn't mean its good. its objectively their worst album, and an okay album at best. that being said it still has a unique sound and composition that set it apart from other albums in 2019. that's probably why its a commercial knockout.
As far as I can tell there was only 1 mention of drums in this video and it was to point out a negative feature. Danny Carey is among the top drummers of all time and those that are still living today. Both FI and 10kDays feature unbelievable drums but receive no points added for this. The FI review was remarkably silent on the drums as well. Not sure drumming enters into most reviews in the way that guitar or vocals do and it's kind of a shame in this case.
yeah but the genius of tool is their composition, which is done by their guitarist and bassist first. Other than the polyrhythms he creates which are fantastic, the weird timing he drums in is based largely on the guitar parts. Agree the drumming should be mentioned though, its equally important as everything else
I think most music fans (99%) focus on the quality of the song over technique. And rightly so. There's thousands of prog bands throughout music with incredible technique and awful songs. Danny's drums can't compensate for bad songs, and, sadly, most of FI is not good songs, so, really, who cares whether the drums are good or not? What does it matter? Musicians can drool over them, but the 99% of music listeners who listen to hear good songs aren't going to care.
I noticed the same in his Led Zeppelin tier list. He was critic of Presence which features arguably the best drums Bonham has to offer in Achilles Last Stand
Honestly never listened to Tool before this year. When Fear Inoculum came out, it made me delve into Tools discography and I cant stop listening to Tool. I was literally listening to the rapper Pop Smoke before and you cant get me to blast that in my car anymore lol.
I give it C imo... so I kinda disagree with anthony... its not as bad as he mention... FI just have ok songs with the worst interludes moment in combination (lol).... its because tool have put out so many amazing albums somehow FI being the weakest also kinda disheartening my enjoyment
Len Flakisinski I think apart from the interludes all of FI tracks are top 15 tool tracks for me. the problem with the album is that those great ideas are unnecessarily extended
Jambi is honestly my favorite Tool track overall, I wish 10,000 Days had had more things like that. Yeah the chugginess wasnt really Tool but I felt like that would have been a better direction than trying to do more Lateralus which I felt like they did try to do.
Anthony is missing the brilliance in Fear Inoculum. It is Tool at their most effortless, patient and meditative. Nothing to prove, just pure essence and pure vibe. It brought me into appreciating their earlier work even more.
yeah I don't know about that one. I do agree about FI, my hype for that pretty much died away after the initial few weeks, its just not as sticky as their other records. Oh well
@@shadic555 Oh I guess you're technically right, I just never saw it as the closer since it's just an ambient outro thingy. But if that's what he meant, I'd probably agree. Right In Two is one of, if not the, best song they've produced in my opinion, hence my comment.
Erik Frost you guys are being kinda silly even comparing the two. You may like one more than another for different reasons but I think both bands have put up clear classics. The bands are apples to oranges though.
ploob man Mastodon is just much more innovative, technical and fun to listen to. They push their craft in very unique directions. Granted, their latest album is not as great. But Tool is just proggy Metal, and their members are creeps and dicks
You should have included the Opiate EP it's an essential part of their discography. It's like doing an Alice in Chains tier list but omitting Jar of Flies.
yoshi yeah, but when they only have one EP, it feels kinda wrong not to include it considering how crucial it is in their discography, that’d be like not including Come On Pilgrim in a Pixies ranking
For whatever reason he just really likes to rag on Fear Inoculum which to me is a masterpiece. It carries a different tone from the rest of their discography but these guys are all in their 50's now. There's so many music "fans" that want everything their favorite artist puts out to sound the same. If that's all you want why don't you save yourself a lot of time and money and just listen to whichever album you bought first on repeat. Fear Inoculum is the evolution of Tool and any true fan will recognize and appreciate it as such.
I loved Inoculum. It might be because I just feel and see the art in my head different, maybe it's me projecting my life onto it, or I just appreciated it. I can't put my finger on it. The dreams that pop up while I listen in my sleep are amazing too.
time has only done wonders for Fear Innoculum. I didn't like the album for years, but after going through the Tool discography again, it really had a stronger impact and felt like a boiling point, like every album before builds up to it. Maybe it's just me, but after the revisit, it's definitely higher than D
@@myroflcoptergosoisoi idk being the only album with official live tracks and covers of Chancellor's previous band and Zeppelin make it worth at least acknowledging. It also has my personal favorite track (the only track where Adam Jones play acoustically) Maynard's Dick. Saying it shouldnt be on the level of the others is kinda discounting it. Some of use will never see a Tool show, all we have salvial and bootlegs.
Am I the only one who hears Fear inoculum as a live album? I feel like the whole point of it is to tease how amazing their next major tour will be. The album is very much guitar, bass, drums n vocals. Perfect for touring without needing a huge array of instruments and synthesisers etc.
Going back to the previous albums will slap the hype right out of people and make it clear that Anthony is right. No matter what score you want to give it it is indeed their weakest album.
@@mck7646 Yeah for me, it just felt like Justin and Maynard (especially Maynard) were asleep while making this. The musicianship is there, but the memorability took a nose dive.
10,000 days is soooo underrated. Vicarious, amazing opening track. Into and opening riff perfect to kick off the album. Verse chorus structure, tool kinda going back to a more radio friendly alternative rock undertow sound but with their more developed. Same with the pot. Also great ending. Jambi is heavy and progressive as fuck. Wings/title track is just beautiful. The lyrics, tone, the whole vibe, the rain sounds, progression, I could go on forever.... The pot is my favourite song of all time ever. It’s perfect. I’ve listened to it over 1000x and the screen at the end still gives me goosebumps. ANTONY PA-LEEZ! YOU MUST, HAVE BEEN, OUT YOUR.... MIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIND!!!!! Rosetta stoned - err sure Anthony they didn’t try anything new on this album😂😂 Lyrically, the vocal effect, time signatures, the different sections, the groove, breakdown, guitar solo, the climax and ending GODDANN SHIT THE BED!!! Intention... ok I’ll agree on the drums but still a great track and so what if they experimented? Right in two... so/so closer?!?! Perfect closet. The drum solo/middle 8 section is phenomena. The way the 3/4 riff complicates to simplify to complicates for dynamical purposes in order to build up tension for ending. Way better closet than reflection. Reflection starts off brilliantly but gets a lil stale towards the end. Right on two is on par with 3rd eye as a closer but even better IMO as its softer and therefore brings you down in a gentler manner. One of my favourites. 10,000 days, their heaviest album so far, sees tool 1/2 stripping their sound to alternative hard rock metal (vicarious, Jambi, The Pot) 1/2 pushing the progressive envelope (wings/10,000, Rosetta stoned, right in two, Jambi) resulting in a tremendous Progressive Alternative hard rock Metal album. It may not be as psychedelic as ænema or laterlus but Rosetta stoned sorts that out by being so psychedelic it would make aliens tripping on dmt get the fear through inoculation. 10,000 days has some if Maynard best vocals (the pot) and lyrics (10,000 days, Rosetta Stoned), Jones best riffs (vicarious) solos (Rosetta) Justin’s bass (10,000 the pot) and Carey’s drums (right in two) The production is amazing and the cover art won a Grammy with the lil stereoscopic glasses. Like I said it their darkest heaviest album and I reckon maynards most personal album lyrically. I give it a S tier heavy 10 🤘 GOD DANM... MELON HEAD!!!
10,000 days is my favorite album personally. It’s much less angry in its approach, most likely due to Maynard James Keenan simply getting older. That said, it’s much more introspective when it comes to concepts of religion, life, and death. This album also has a lot of varied vocal performances from Keenan as well, he gets to show off his range quite a bit more than on any previous tool record
it's sloppy, meandering, poorly performed at times and feels like a step down from them as far as integrity in song writing and performance that said it's certainly them at their least challenging and most accessible, which might be a plus for some.😊
@@somedumbddstuff7319 I listened too that at 3am in a pitch black room alone with my audiophile headphones on. I still haven't recovered. It was four years ago.
I first listened to Fear Inoculum on a pair of normal beats type headphones and thought it was pretty meh. I listened to it again at my friends place on his much much better audiophile type speakers and it fucking rocked. Almost a totally different experience. Much deeper feeling to the songs. I'm a big fan of the latest album now. If you listened to FI on some average speakers I'd suggest giving it another listen on something better.
10k days parts 1 and 2 make the hair on my arms stand up. The opening duo of songs is among the best openings to any album ever. Lost Keys/Rosetta Stoned is epic. The Pot has some of their best vocal and bass performances. Fuckin great record.
What do you mean undertow is not mathematical? The riff of Intolerance is in 29/16 lol Glad you like Ænima, sad you didn’t say anything about third eye. Ænima is my second favorite album behind Lateralus Lateralus doesn’t need much of a review, it’s legendary for a god damn reason. I disagree with your point on tracks segueing during Lateralus tho, all of the albums have good transitions Fair 10,000 Days review. Liked the shoutout to the title track. Strongly disagreed with your opinion on Jambi, it’s a fan favorite man. Intention is one of TOOL’s best and unique intermission tracks just because of the electronic parts that they use 13 years later in Fear Inoculum I didn’t like your overall review on Fear Inoculum, it deserves to be placed higher. All of your complaints with the album aren’t consistent with the album at all. Most things you said were about the band as a whole instead of the album. YOU MISSED OPIATE MEGAFAIL
1. Lateralus 2. Aenima 3. 10,000 days 4. Fear Inocculum 5. Undertow Hot take but I could maybe switch 2 and 3 depending on my mood. I don't vibe as much with Undertow or Opiate.
Funny, I totally agree with everything said about the first 3 albums and their rank. I also agree with the ranking of 10k Days and how they hadn't really grown musically. But Fear is easily A level for me. Musically it is the opposite of Undertow like you said but that's WHY I love it. It is less complex and meditative and that's almost a new direction for them and since we already have Undertow I'm glad for FI. EDIT I'll just add my Reddit reply about Undertow and FI After my 3rd or 4th listen to FI I started thinking about Undertow. I just feel this connection and relationship between the 2 albums. I feel they are the most consistent albums within themselves. The most even flow. They are both smart albums yet Undertow is a raw assault and immature in sound (for TOOL) and lyrically it deals with (surviving destructive) addiction. FI on the other hand is so refined and confidant musically. It's a meditation. Lyrically it deals with just survival of life and purpose. For me they really connect and contrast and I love both albums so much.
i get what you're saying but imo 10000 days belongs in atleast a tier, as a metal guy i think it has the songs that are the most fun to listen to between jambi, right in two, the pot, and vicarious. granted i do think its pointing in the direction of fear innoculum with how its organized but id still say its atleast a tier
I went in to Fear Inoculum with the memory that Lateralus and 10,000 Days were also shit on pretty hard when they first came out. It has grown on me big time, just like those two have for nearly everyone else.
I think Fear Inoculum should be higher on the list. Maynard’s vocals are more toned down, the message about losing relevancy and struggles with his place in the world is clear. The musicianship is the most meditative that it has been in any Tool release
“Prison Sex is Amazing” - Anthony Fantano
"Prison sex is an amazing track"
The an ruins it
"Prison Sex is ... Amazing" - Anthony Fantano (2019)
I say that on the daily.
@@musicsebastian888 👍
Im glad that we could both agree that Fear Inoculum is indeed in top 5 Tool albums
*I agree*
what if we included opiate as an album?
@@itsmebeter3538 Then it wouldn't
Definitely top 5 albums out of the 6 albums (I know saliva and demo tape but those don’t count bc they so hard to find)
Bold choice putting hammer above tape measure, but overall solid list.
At least chainsaw is s tier so its all good.
@@Azg105 I would rate the saw mill above the chainsaw tbh but I respect your opinion
No crowbar fans here?
Drill is bottom tier in my opinion
Hammer will always top the list, be it a hammer that screws a hammer that cuts, it can always be a hammer
He did this just to dunk on Fear Inoculum again.
Exactly SMH.
Nah. He did this just to give his opinion and to show people (like you) who can't take it and accept the fact that people think different.
Fear Inoculum is great but not as great as people say. Lol
(I just can't stand people who can't take a different opinion. Bunch of whiny bitches if you ask me)
Brady Davis it is annoying when people throw “objectively awful” at the band. like; no. it’s opinion, we all got em.
Because it's really garbo
Brady Davis It sounds like you’re the one who can’t take a different opinion. People are allowed to voice their disagreement with the melon lord
"Melon should review Lateralus as a Classic Review" Change my Mind
"DON'T change my mind"
Came to the comments just for a comment like this one.
Naa Ænima is the classic imo
@@cayniner one of the greatest albums of all time in my opinion
@@cayninerlateralus better
5. SAW
Bold of you to put scissors above saw
Where does tape rank?
Knife is top 1 tho
Screwdriver is actually too op
You didn't have to rank them in the Fibonacci sequence, but okay.
Omfg I’m dead
Haha sick, so the next album won't even be an f, it would be a g!
Melon had a lot to say
Melon had a lot of nothing to say
We’ll miss him.
We’ll miss him.
Come down Melon, get off your fucking cross
We need the fucking space
@@redpractition GOOOOD - BYEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!
Melon boy must be crucified
I didn't expect Fear Inoculum in S Tier, but I guess we all change our minds sometimes
Torrented Existence Lose our minds sometimes*
10,000 Days is S tier and you can fight me over it. Wings 1 and 2 are musically perfect. The Pot, Rosetta Stoned, Jambi, Vicarious, and Right in Two are impeccable
It's a modern classic at this point.
Y'all gonna fight on UA-cam?
Yo I got your back let's throw down. S tier all the way
Everybody: melon rank pink floyd pls
Melon: toolthony ranktano here
Pink Floyd is gonna get a Worst to Best most likely not a tier list
You mean stinkthany fisttano
I actually think a tier list would be a more appropriate video for PF.
Sad Man True. They have so many S records that it would come down to personal preference if one were to do worst to best
Like every comment in this thread, he’ll come to his senses
Me: Can we have a Tool Worst to Best?
Fantano: well yes but no
Literally no one asked for the Tier List, people wanted an actual full length video dedicated to them on the main channel because chances are this will be the last time we can honor their legacy.
Jewstein quit whining he still talked about tool for 13 minutes
IMakeBadGTS ok
@@justin2597 Also no way to really know this will be the last album, I'd actually say it's unlikely we won't see another album, they guys aren't really that old, and they were just freed from their contract by releasing FI, a contract they've been locked into since the early 90s. They've also said they wrote an entire album worth of material and scrapped it, and were dealing with legal troubles during the process.
FrankHeileryt I’m pessimistic but fair enough
Don't do my boy 10,000 days dirty like that melon
A B is basically an 8/10 so still a great rating
This, I don't know what everyone's beef is with 10,000 Days. Right in Two, Rosetta Stoned, Vicarious, and of course the title track. 10,000 Days is a voyage.
10K > Aenima and Undertow....that’s for sure
Even The Pot is next level compared to Lateralus when it comes to musicianship and the pure alchemy of the instruments. People need to take a heavy dose of something and get their head checked.. especially Tony Fantana here..
Yeah man, this guy is talking out of his ass, and clearly doesn't take the time to really listen to tool.
I don’t know why you felt the need to make this video. Putting all of the albums in the F tier felt unnecessary but as soon as you called Maynard ‘even balder than Billy Corgan’ and said he should ‘stick to wine making’ instead of using what you called “weed vision” to make the ‘unintelligible, coma inducing nightmare that is his songwriting” I totally tuned out.
just no respect man.
the truth hurts
This comment made me laugh
Lmfao this comment is amazing
I forgot about this
Thank you for saying it again I almost looked over that part
I want to be "that guy" and confirm that Fear Innoculum is in B tier after 87 re-listens
Exactly where I would put it
I'd put it in A, but that may change. I just may be excited to finally have a new Tool album. I also understand why people don't like it as much, and not in an "I'm smarter than u" sort of way. I just really enjoy it.
I liked it a lot, but that being said I would still say it’s Tool’s weakest project. B tier feels appropriate. That being said I still think it’s worth acknowledging that Tool’s weakest record is still head and shoulders above most of their contemporaries in terms of sheer creativity.
Yes, that is exactly what i thought. It took me quite a long time to appreciate some very nice lines and tones in some songs. It is definitely no Aenima or Lateralus, but it gets on par with 10 000 days. As oddly as it sounds - even after waiting 12-13 years for the next album it feels as if they rushed this album in the last 2-3 years, when they actually needed more time to make a good album. Dont get me wrong, but I feel that Danny and Adam are holding the project Tool more together than Maynard does and that those two guys were mainly responsable for the albums we rate S+Tier. So if there will ever be a new album with which the band unites under a common goal, which i doubt, since I feel Maynard fell for the trap of aging (aging=not only getting wiser, but also more anxiously and weaker), the album would be formidable. Technically wise, no one of them got weaker.
"Aged like a fine fucking wine" from Maynard's own vineyard
I’d love to see a Bowie tier list
richystardust no shit dude
@@DoctahhOfficial lmao
This. It doesn't matter if the video is 1,5 hours long. I need it.
Nah, we need a 60’ worst to best video on Bowie
Bro It's hard to fit 25 albums into S tier part 👀
@@Szanth KEEP ON TELLING ME WHAT I CAN & CANNOT LIKE (cause I have no opinions of my own).
I laughed, congratulations
Lost Keys + Rosetta Stoned is one of the best moments in the TOOL catalogue.
Holy fuckin' shit!
Couldnt agree more
@@fasjab 'Overwhelmed as one would be, placed in my position, such a heavy burden to receive a 4'
Billy The Flid
A track that moved me like that is what is really missing from FI. Nothing from the new album hit me like a ton of bricks.
Parabol + Parabola
I honestly loved Fear Inoculum. I personally didn’t mind the length of the songs or how slow they were in their build up.
the length is the best part in my opinion
@@ykary. I prefer girth over length.
He’s gone crazy, no one can stop him now
Edit: nevermind i thought this was an actual tool tier list i am disapointed
The Philips PH100 screwdriver is definitive s tier.
imho it was kinda odd of melon to put coppet-bit in the s-tier because it's quote "perfect for torturing captives in my basement"
wierd way of saying “pink floyd worst to best”
Both that, the Mars Volta worst to Best, and Mr. Bungle classic review.
Wierd way of spelling “weird“ ;)
I‘m with you, though, on Pink Floyd
I've seen this requested so many times and yet he ranks Tool instead 🤦♂️
Gary Davis
Fuck Pink Floyd. Keep to the topic (Tool). Zoomers can’t fathom to understand the genius of Tool.
He just made this video so that he could shit on inoculum again
It doesn't stand out in any way in 2019.
@@whatdothlife4660 yeah sure, a prog metal album that likens more to a classical composition than a metal album. truly a dime a dozen album.
salad man i don’t understand the comparison. If you’re correct, this likeness doesn’t inherently make fear Inoculum good. A classical composition can suck too. Fear inoculum is super bland regardless of its compositional qualities...
@@gusnwosu928 oh no, absolutely. just because the album is unique in that aspect doesn't mean its good. its objectively their worst album, and an okay album at best. that being said it still has a unique sound and composition that set it apart from other albums in 2019. that's probably why its a commercial knockout.
salad man ah, I understand. Thanks 🙂
i would like a primus tier list because as someone else described, "primus is tool for hillbillies"
I'm still waiting for Maynard and Les Claypool to collaborate on some sort of project. Heck, maybe even make a bottle of wine together.
I loved Primus as a skate rat back in the day and still love their music today. "Primus sucks!"
No, Tool is Primus for people who aren't into psychedelic polka. Remember, Primus formed way before Tool in 1984
Primus are a joke compared to Tool, that was an insulting take.
@@srbaran Pork wine
As far as I can tell there was only 1 mention of drums in this video and it was to point out a negative feature. Danny Carey is among the top drummers of all time and those that are still living today. Both FI and 10kDays feature unbelievable drums but receive no points added for this. The FI review was remarkably silent on the drums as well. Not sure drumming enters into most reviews in the way that guitar or vocals do and it's kind of a shame in this case.
yeah but the genius of tool is their composition, which is done by their guitarist and bassist first. Other than the polyrhythms he creates which are fantastic, the weird timing he drums in is based largely on the guitar parts. Agree the drumming should be mentioned though, its equally important as everything else
I think most music fans (99%) focus on the quality of the song over technique. And rightly so. There's thousands of prog bands throughout music with incredible technique and awful songs. Danny's drums can't compensate for bad songs, and, sadly, most of FI is not good songs, so, really, who cares whether the drums are good or not? What does it matter? Musicians can drool over them, but the 99% of music listeners who listen to hear good songs aren't going to care.
I noticed the same in his Led Zeppelin tier list. He was critic of Presence which features arguably the best drums Bonham has to offer in Achilles Last Stand
Nice video Anthony but putting Ben Shapiro in the S tier because you think he’s the biggest tool of all was kind of uncalled for
Andre Vallejo 😭
But he is the biggest tool of all time.
Ouch. This is why Benny Boy only argues with college kids.
Did the melon just said that guitar in Jambi is out of place? LMAO
@ChespinFan I think the guitar riffs in Jambi were so heavy that the melon was cut right in two
it's too repetitive and mixed way too loud for the rest of the band to shine
AllVideoGamesAreBad you spastic
Seriously, I was confused by that as well.
He also said the drums were intrusive on Intension, although that whole song is pretty low key.
@@christophermoreno1615 and that goes to show you that he probably listened about 1 min of any song that isnt popular
Honestly never listened to Tool before this year. When Fear Inoculum came out, it made me delve into Tools discography and I cant stop listening to Tool. I was literally listening to the rapper Pop Smoke before and you cant get me to blast that in my car anymore lol.
Welcome my friend. Play it loud. Always.
Do not keep yourself from one art due to the introduction of another.
Fuck yeah man
You should check out other prog bands or metal ones
hey man nothing wrong with both enjoying Pop Smoke and Tool
10,000 Days is actually in my opinion their best album, Both In it’s Story and Music. It’s an easy S for me!
Days is only a mini album though. Only 5 proper songs on it
@@booster330 there’s actually 8 proper songs
@@HorseCo6kFitness my mistake. It has 7 proper songs. Opiate has 6. Both are mini album. Filler doesn't counter
@@booster330 wings for Marie is one song my bad
Its amazing, but Lateralus is one of the best metal albums of all time.
Please don’t ever put “your tool” on the list again please
"the scalpel of Tool's discography" I c wat u did ther
Undertow better be at S- tier , that album is a 10
Ok he gave it an A, i respect it
2nd best album by them for me, nothing beats Ænima
S - AEnima and Lateralus
A - Undertow and 10,000 days
B - Opiate
C - Fear Inoculum
S - Ænima, undertow, lateralus, fear inoculum
A - opiate, salival
B - 10,000 days
This but I’d switch Undertow and Opiate
Opiate is more slightly more raw and just hits harder
putting ridge wallet at S tier won’t make me buy the wallet melon
He gave 10,000 days a B tier.
No dignity
I agree with him on terms of their prior albums
No dignity man
Hot take:
I think their Opiate EP is very underrated. I'd give it an A or A-
Hot take: The scream in Jerk-Off is better than the scream in The Grudge
creatine powder I second this
People gush over Opiate all the time it's not a hot take.
Hot take, production in opiate makes it nearly unlistenable.
It’s mostly hot garbage
Damn, Fear Inoculum S tier? And everything else F tier?
Ikr. It was even weirder when he put Angelic 2 the Core in S tier. I know he loves the album, but it's not even a Tool album
How did you not realise he put nostalgia critics legendary the wall on S tier very bold choice for melon
Just trying to make up for his Fear Inoculum review almost getting ratioed
Ryan Fields do you think it was warranted? Because I loved Fear Inoculum
Len Flakisinski no I don’t think it was. FI is great imo
I give it C imo... so I kinda disagree with anthony... its not as bad as he mention... FI just have ok songs with the worst interludes moment in combination (lol).... its because tool have put out so many amazing albums somehow FI being the weakest also kinda disheartening my enjoyment
Len Flakisinski I think apart from the interludes all of FI tracks are top 15 tool tracks for me. the problem with the album is that those great ideas are unnecessarily extended
Fear Inoculum is my album of the year is an amazing album
Anthony, you didn't have to put only a Hammer and Sickle in S tier and leave every other tool out of the list
escapees6 he also put butt plug tool
Farthony Leftano
Yes he did
Is he wrong though? No he isn't
no one:
Melon: hey guys see i like tool, but i hate the new record
the new record is basicly 10k days 2.0 its not 10 years wait good.
nobody memes aren't funny
@@sionsonorism : )
still uses "no one"
Jambi is honestly my favorite Tool track overall, I wish 10,000 Days had had more things like that. Yeah the chugginess wasnt really Tool but I felt like that would have been a better direction than trying to do more Lateralus which I felt like they did try to do.
Watch the video about his "pull-thrugh" technique he uses in that song and you will like it even more.
That jacket makes me think Melon just squats on street corners in his free time.
Brave of you to say home depot has some of the most underrated pieces in tools back catalog.
Honestly, I'd put every album in the S tier because of how much I love this band's music, But Lateralus will always be my personal favourite
Yea we can tell👁👁
Realest comment I've seen
Anthony is missing the brilliance in Fear Inoculum. It is Tool at their most effortless, patient and meditative. Nothing to prove, just pure essence and pure vibe. It brought me into appreciating their earlier work even more.
The guitar work in tempest alone should put it higher
I agreed with everything except “Jambi.” Love that track. And “the pot” deserved props.
Right In Two a "so-so closer"?
yeah I don't know about that one. I do agree about FI, my hype for that pretty much died away after the initial few weeks, its just not as sticky as their other records. Oh well
Right In Two isn't the closer
The closer on 10000 Days is Viginti Tres, not Right In Two
Right In Two is one of their best songs. The way the song slowly builds up is sublime.
@@shadic555 Oh I guess you're technically right, I just never saw it as the closer since it's just an ambient outro thingy. But if that's what he meant, I'd probably agree.
Right In Two is one of, if not the, best song they've produced in my opinion, hence my comment.
Thinking a Mastodon tier list would be cute 🤭
Muxviell Prinvce Tbh, Mastodon > Tool a thousand times over
he hates half of mastodon's discography but yes i would like to see it.
Gabagool Crack The Skye >>>> Lateralus, Aenima, Undertow, 10000 Days
Erik Frost you guys are being kinda silly even comparing the two. You may like one more than another for different reasons but I think both bands have put up clear classics. The bands are apples to oranges though.
ploob man Mastodon is just much more innovative, technical and fun to listen to. They push their craft in very unique directions. Granted, their latest album is not as great. But Tool is just proggy Metal, and their members are creeps and dicks
Well played, fantano. I think Tool fans will accept this apology.
You should have included the Opiate EP it's an essential part of their discography. It's like doing an Alice in Chains tier list but omitting Jar of Flies.
Dude right!!! Opiate is S hands down. It's one of the best albums ever made
@@gizzad Opiate is great. Early angry Tool scratches that itch like nothing else. It is pure and in your face and relentless.
Couldn't have said it better myself
it was so real, like i woke up in melonland
I forgot TOOL existed for a second and thought he was gonna rate hardware tools lmao
Hammers are definitely S tier
@@yaboymart3237 pssh get outta here. Overrated af, Wrench is better
Honestly, kinda disappointed when I found out it wasn't that.
This is one of those times where I completely and utterly hate a UA-cam comment
“Uh-nema” smdh melon
Yes, the correct pronunciation is clearly "Bruh-nema"
I’ve always pronounced it EYE-nema.
Its aww-nema
Lat-her-alice. I love alice in chains until the songs go bi polar and scare me.
@@joshviggiani9844 how is that relevant haha
3:14 "...a record like latærلهام"
He dubbed it the entire video.
It looks like he was pronouncing it "Lateral Us" like a brainlet.
Melon: Ranking all Tool albums.
Opiate: Am I a joke to you?
He said he was gonna rank the STUDIO ALBUMS. IIRC Opiate was an EP.
For real. That’s what I’m saying.
yoshi yeah, but when they only have one EP, it feels kinda wrong not to include it considering how crucial it is in their discography, that’d be like not including Come On Pilgrim in a Pixies ranking
I'd put it on B probably
@@lesclaypoolonbass9431 same
opiate is b tier
Still can’t understand why people don’t think 10,000 Days is as good as the others. Shit is fire.
*animals on #1*
Ummagumma last
Efuh _ the wall is better
Wish You Were Here best
Nah, Wish you were here is 1
Wish you were here then animals
Anthony, how do you pronounce "ahegao". It has been bugging me the past couple of days. Thanks in advance.
RallyCar08 try saying it like “ahegao” hope that helps.
Ah- hay- go Trust me I used to ask the same thing my self
Most people pronounce it "ah-hee-go", but if you want to go full weeb the Japanese pronunciation would be like "a-heh-gaw"
probably something similar to oregano
this is a cool list but what's an "ethnostate" and why'd you start talking about it halfway through?
Pneuma and 7empest alone get Fear Inoculum to “B”
don't forget invincible
Why do you say “Aenima” like that? It’s extremely frustrating.....
Pondering Presbyterian He’s said many times that he mispronounces it on purpose because it annoys people so much
Undertow better than 10,000 days? Fear inoculum a D? Good Lord!
This guy's an idiot, period
For whatever reason he just really likes to rag on Fear Inoculum which to me is a masterpiece. It carries a different tone from the rest of their discography but these guys are all in their 50's now. There's so many music "fans" that want everything their favorite artist puts out to sound the same. If that's all you want why don't you save yourself a lot of time and money and just listen to whichever album you bought first on repeat. Fear Inoculum is the evolution of Tool and any true fan will recognize and appreciate it as such.
@@ericj.thibeault6039 i personally think fear inoculum is not as good as their other albums but fear inoculum still kicks ass
Undertow is an iconic album, one of the best alt. metal albums there is. It's not really that much of a stretch to be honest.
Melon, the fact that maynard has a better bald than you is not an excuse to put fear inoculum in E tier
I loved Inoculum. It might be because I just feel and see the art in my head different, maybe it's me projecting my life onto it, or I just appreciated it. I can't put my finger on it. The dreams that pop up while I listen in my sleep are amazing too.
time has only done wonders for Fear Innoculum. I didn't like the album for years, but after going through the Tool discography again, it really had a stronger impact and felt like a boiling point, like every album before builds up to it. Maybe it's just me, but after the revisit, it's definitely higher than D
S - Aenima
A - everything else
Spelt lateralus wrong,bro.
*Ænima both of you
Ænima is Tool's best album. Lateralus is my fav though, and parabol/a is peak tool
Fear Inoculum is D/E territory, I would even argue for an F actually. The rest are A+.
Sounds fair!
Great list, would love to see one on King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard
Yes, I'll start requesting this aswell now.
They'll have about 7 more great albums before he gets to doing that
I'd like to see one for gizzard too. Solid band
James W. So sometime in December then
James W. So one more year?
I don't understand sticking to studio albums and leaving out Opiate or Salival.
Jeff Hopkins Yeah, the discography’s short enough that he could have, but oh well. I’ve heard he’s busy. Some say, the busiest
@aquatic rhombus Hes literally putting squares on a table.
hornswoggle lover39 Not sure if you noticed but he’s talking too. Did you know Anthony writes reviews? Crazy, right?
Eh... Opiate, maybe, but you're being silly if you think Salvial deserves recognition as an individual project.
@@myroflcoptergosoisoi idk being the only album with official live tracks and covers of Chancellor's previous band and Zeppelin make it worth at least acknowledging. It also has my personal favorite track (the only track where Adam Jones play acoustically) Maynard's Dick. Saying it shouldnt be on the level of the others is kinda discounting it. Some of use will never see a Tool show, all we have salvial and bootlegs.
Am I the only one who hears Fear inoculum as a live album?
I feel like the whole point of it is to tease how amazing their next major tour will be. The album is very much guitar, bass, drums n vocals. Perfect for touring without needing a huge array of instruments and synthesisers etc.
The songs off Fear Inoculum absolutely slayed live. On the album, they aren't that great other than a few fracks.
I didn’t realize logic liked Tool this much
Fear Inoculum is a banger, while maybe not their best it is at the very least as good as Undertow
Right. I was thinking it is at thevery least as gokd as 10KD.
I'd put Fear Inoculom in the same tier as 10000 days. Melon is really underrating it.
King Crimson please ?
B for me and 10.000 Days should be in A
Anthony is so disappointed with FI that he needed to make this obvious-ass list just to tell us how much FI sucks again.
LIZARD1582 it’s fucking trash
They could've done so much better...
I love FI guys
Going back to the previous albums will slap the hype right out of people and make it clear that Anthony is right. No matter what score you want to give it it is indeed their weakest album.
@@mck7646 Yeah for me, it just felt like Justin and Maynard (especially Maynard) were asleep while making this. The musicianship is there, but the memorability took a nose dive.
10,000 days is soooo underrated.
Vicarious, amazing opening track. Into and opening riff perfect to kick off the album. Verse chorus structure, tool kinda going back to a more radio friendly alternative rock undertow sound but with their more developed. Same with the pot. Also great ending.
Jambi is heavy and progressive as fuck.
Wings/title track is just beautiful. The lyrics, tone, the whole vibe, the rain sounds, progression, I could go on forever....
The pot is my favourite song of all time ever. It’s perfect. I’ve listened to it over 1000x and the screen at the end still gives me goosebumps.
Rosetta stoned - err sure Anthony they didn’t try anything new on this album😂😂 Lyrically, the vocal effect, time signatures, the different sections, the groove, breakdown, guitar solo, the climax and ending
Intention... ok I’ll agree on the drums but still a great track and so what if they experimented?
Right in two... so/so closer?!?! Perfect closet. The drum solo/middle 8 section is phenomena. The way the 3/4 riff complicates to simplify to complicates for dynamical purposes in order to build up tension for ending. Way better closet than reflection. Reflection starts off brilliantly but gets a lil stale towards the end. Right on two is on par with 3rd eye as a closer but even better IMO as its softer and therefore brings you down in a gentler manner. One of my favourites.
10,000 days, their heaviest album so far, sees tool 1/2 stripping their sound to alternative hard rock metal (vicarious, Jambi, The Pot) 1/2 pushing the progressive envelope (wings/10,000, Rosetta stoned, right in two, Jambi) resulting in a tremendous
Progressive Alternative hard rock Metal album.
It may not be as psychedelic as ænema or laterlus but Rosetta stoned sorts that out by being so psychedelic it would make aliens tripping on dmt get the fear through inoculation.
10,000 days has some if Maynard best vocals (the pot) and lyrics (10,000 days, Rosetta Stoned), Jones best riffs (vicarious) solos (Rosetta) Justin’s bass (10,000 the pot) and Carey’s drums (right in two)
The production is amazing and the cover art won a Grammy with the lil stereoscopic glasses. Like I said it their darkest heaviest album and I reckon maynards most personal album lyrically.
I give it a S tier heavy 10 🤘
It is by far their best album in my opinion!
Yeah 10000 Days is solidly A tier to me, certainly better than Undertow
Best part about 10,000 days consistency and variation through the theme. It isnot just a epic. It is AN epic
The Seb Meister horrible comment
It has a few of their best songs but also by far their worst as well
10,000 days is my favorite album personally. It’s much less angry in its approach, most likely due to Maynard James Keenan simply getting older. That said, it’s much more introspective when it comes to concepts of religion, life, and death. This album also has a lot of varied vocal performances from Keenan as well, he gets to show off his range quite a bit more than on any previous tool record
it's sloppy, meandering, poorly performed at times and feels like a step down from them as far as integrity in song writing and performance
that said it's certainly them at their least challenging and most accessible, which might be a plus for some.😊
You forgot the biggest tool in the Hip Hop scene: Lil Pump
Just about everybody in the hip hop scene is a gigantic tool
@@DogLoverMusic That was one hell of a clown statement
Melon doing some damage control after his Fear Inoculum review xD
Lateralus. The best album ever made.
Have you seen the pitchfork review of it? I don’t even know where they find the people that do their reviews
Nah, I'm deducting points off of it purely because of Faaip De Oaid, that scared the shit out of me the first time I heard it.
@@somedumbddstuff7319 I listened too that at 3am in a pitch black room alone with my audiophile headphones on. I still haven't recovered.
It was four years ago.
Aenima is better
@@chunkyboy2271 theyre both S, imo the setting decides which is better
driving: aenima. alone with a system: lateralus
I first listened to Fear Inoculum on a pair of normal beats type headphones and thought it was pretty meh. I listened to it again at my friends place on his much much better audiophile type speakers and it fucking rocked. Almost a totally different experience. Much deeper feeling to the songs. I'm a big fan of the latest album now. If you listened to FI on some average speakers I'd suggest giving it another listen on something better.
so what you're saying is the album was really poorly mixed and produced and it's our fault we don't have a hi-fi system to hear the good of the album
@JJW001 Absolutely! More people need to buy decent speakers as it increases your enjoyment of music so much. And I mean ALL music, not just Tool.
@@allvideogamesarebad2698 No. I recounted my experience in listening to the album.
dude he's anthony fantano he has amazing speakers
Everyone’s pissed about Fear Inoculum (I can agree), but I’m really pissed about 10,000 days. In my opinion, it’s easily an S.
10k days parts 1 and 2 make the hair on my arms stand up.
The opening duo of songs is among the best openings to any album ever.
Lost Keys/Rosetta Stoned is epic.
The Pot has some of their best vocal and bass performances.
Fuckin great record.
@@HeyZeus096 the outro to Vicarious is just amazing
Maynard saying the n word is not a reason to give an album an s rank, Anthony.
Having Paul Joseph Watson at S Tier is a bit of a surprise but okay
Joe Kratman he’s rocking the S teir every day baby!😘
What do you mean undertow is not mathematical? The riff of Intolerance is in 29/16 lol
Glad you like Ænima, sad you didn’t say anything about third eye. Ænima is my second favorite album behind Lateralus
Lateralus doesn’t need much of a review, it’s legendary for a god damn reason. I disagree with your point on tracks segueing during Lateralus tho, all of the albums have good transitions
Fair 10,000 Days review. Liked the shoutout to the title track. Strongly disagreed with your opinion on Jambi, it’s a fan favorite man. Intention is one of TOOL’s best and unique intermission tracks just because of the electronic parts that they use 13 years later in Fear Inoculum
I didn’t like your overall review on Fear Inoculum, it deserves to be placed higher. All of your complaints with the album aren’t consistent with the album at all. Most things you said were about the band as a whole instead of the album.
_ Ruskie he said he was just doing studio albums
It’s like how could I disagree more with you regarding Fear Innoculum
1. Lateralus
2. Aenima
3. 10,000 days
4. Fear Inocculum
5. Undertow
Hot take but I could maybe switch 2 and 3 depending on my mood. I don't vibe as much with Undertow or Opiate.
Yeah, personally i would have put screwdrivers at 'S' teir
My dumb ass thought that said “food tier list”
Chicken nugget S rank
i was hoping he woulld add opiate to this list. one of my favs.
alr just casually put the best album in b tier
fr its literally my favorite
I agree with you tier list. But can we just agree that Danny Carey is THE GOAT when it comes to drummers?!
Fr that dude is un fuckin touchable
this has to be most sarcastic comment section of any youtuber
I'm OGT from '92 the first EP and this is a 100% perfect tier list. Really wanted more from Fear Inoculum.
Well I'VE got some AD-VICE for YOU, little buddy...
Funny, I totally agree with everything said about the first 3 albums and their rank. I also agree with the ranking of 10k Days and how they hadn't really grown musically.
But Fear is easily A level for me. Musically it is the opposite of Undertow like you said but that's WHY I love it. It is less complex and meditative and that's almost a new direction for them and since we already have Undertow I'm glad for FI.
EDIT I'll just add my Reddit reply about Undertow and FI
After my 3rd or 4th listen to FI I started thinking about Undertow. I just feel this connection and relationship between the 2 albums. I feel they are the most consistent albums within themselves. The most even flow.
They are both smart albums yet Undertow is a raw assault and immature in sound (for TOOL) and lyrically it deals with (surviving destructive) addiction. FI on the other hand is so refined and confidant musically. It's a meditation. Lyrically it deals with just survival of life and purpose.
For me they really connect and contrast and I love both albums so much.
i get what you're saying but imo 10000 days belongs in atleast a tier, as a metal guy i think it has the songs that are the most fun to listen to between jambi, right in two, the pot, and vicarious. granted i do think its pointing in the direction of fear innoculum with how its organized but id still say its atleast a tier
Excellent list. Undertow, Ænema, Lateralus was an insane 3 album run. Each album distinct in sound, doing what it does at the highest level.
I went in to Fear Inoculum with the memory that Lateralus and 10,000 Days were also shit on pretty hard when they first came out. It has grown on me big time, just like those two have for nearly everyone else.
Anthony: “undertow, which has aged like a fine fucking wine”
*peaks maynard’s interest*
I think Fear Inoculum should be higher on the list. Maynard’s vocals are more toned down, the message about losing relevancy and struggles with his place in the world is clear. The musicianship is the most meditative that it has been in any Tool release
Im the only one who thinks that 10000 days is one of their best records
I made a Twitter account just to tweet him this suggestion. I sent it like less than a week ago. Anthony really b the busiest internet music nerd
I think hes been wanting to do this for a while, but yeah he is.