Naravno da je slobodnije i za zene , dok u francuskoj imas puno dosljaka iz afrike van po noci ako izades je good luck ....Balkan ima vise morala nego strane zemlje lijep pozdrav lijepo za vidjet i cuti da stranci uzivaju u nasoj zemlji i kulturi 🙋🙋🙋
Love new video. It's a great story. The moral of the story is that he is happy the way he lives here. Maybe he could travel everywhere but always return where he is happy. And I wish for him a lot of happy years in Serbia. Can't wait for new videos ❤
Those are our women's we need to respect them. They are beautiful and we love them, so they can dress whatever they like... enjoy Belgrade, my friend 😊
I know Arno for several years, we come across each other at similar parties we attend sometimes. We were also on the same set shoot the ad you showed in the beginning. I like that you interviewed him, he is overall great guy. This is not my true profile, its best to keep some privacy online while we still have it lol
@@Guesswho-w3b Serbia is an old Christian country with strong tradition and culture. While it is great to have foreigners and to mix with people but too many foreigners may spoil what they have. From my short visits I experienced warmth, spontaneity, etc. end above all there are people that one can talk with about everything. Not like in the West, if you mention a country there is a good chance they never heard about it or when they think life is only in the their own countries while all others are so poor, beggars who don't know about new technologies etc. But I must admit that Europeans that I met are not as bad but some still think of themselves to be superior to whole world.
Čestitam. Učenje jezika je teško... Iz svog iskustva (14 godina u inostranstvu) samim razgovorom može da se dostigne odredjeni nivo. Posle toga, preporučujem čitanje. Srećno
Citanje knjiga ljudi bas izbegavaju, a tu vide preko hiljade i hiljade primera kako se recenica sastavlja i kako se mnoge reci koje vec znaju koriste u recenici.
The thing about safety in Serbia i think is that if someone is in trouble many random people will run to help. Its just how culture works. Thats why random robberies in the middle of day or rapes are rare thing. Criminals are just scared from regular males in society doing police job.
En tant que Serbe né en France et vivant en Serbie, ayant la double nationalité, je peux que confirmer... La sécurité en Serbie est à des années lumières de la France, Paris ou IDF... sans parler du 93...
Many years ago, there was a show on RTV "Vojvodina", the state TV from Novi Sad. It was called "sve stranci". You can find almost all shows on UA-cam. Some guests were fantastic and I'm writing this as an idea for you to watch the shows and maybe if people still live in Serbia, invite some of them to an interview for your channel ? Although they are mostly from Novi Sad and its surroundings.
Imala sam prilike da posetim Francusku dva puta i da popricam sa ljudima koji su rodjeni tamo i zive citav zivot i nisu bili hladni, veoma kulturni. Bienvenue!
Majo,ko bi imao veće šanse kod tebe,neki zgodan i normalan inteligentan lik iz ,šta ja znam,ma BGD,recimo,ili ovaj Lik-pazi,iskreno,onaj prvi lokalac što je zgodan,alfa muško,inteligentan,duhovit itd...-ali,nije nešto sa kintoooom,i vozi polovnog punta;) , dok ovaj drugi ćora,ima stranu sošku,Parižanin -zi vo Audi Q8 ,pa pun ko brod,glumac,ono lože se babe u parizu na njega-mislim one koje imaju mnogo jači socijalni status od njega i više kinte,pa im je zanimljiv,jer je...(pitati babe),KO bi kod tebe Majo imao profur odma? Ovaj Ćora ili Srpski Momak-šreklinjem te na komentaru u smislu odgovora♥ Ljubim te (na žalost nisam francuz,jeste da potičem,po očevoj strani,od Švedske kraljevske porodice Kalmar-koji imaju dobar deo Svenska ,puno mora kače,uostalom ,ode se na google mape i pogleda Kalmar Royal county -moje prezime, no puštimo mene sad,nego Gotivan BGD Srbin ili ovaj francuski šmeca ? Aj sad-preklinjem za odgovor🙏 te Majo ,u ime Istine,ljubavi ,pravde i lepote
je suis tellement d'accord avec vous, je quitte bientôt l'Europe pour aller à Belgrade. Je suis moitié belge et serbe, cela fait 5 ans que je fais des aller retour. J'ai du mal à expliquer à mon entourage cette liberté et joie de vivre. Vidimo se u Beogradu
"Može biti" is related to the word "moć" which means "power" (ability to do something). So from "moć" we get English words like "might", "mighty", "may" like in "may be", "maybe" and even "make" (do). In German we get words like "Macht", (power) or verbs like "machen" (do) and in Dutch "macht" (power), "machtig" (powerful) and "maken" (make).
Ja sam putovao 6 dana u Francuskoj i vidio sam samo 1 fraza na Engleski. Dobro se sjec'am a bilo je 1996. " We have freshly cut sandwiches " U 6 dana samo to.
@@MichaelCoceski A meni su u Saint Tropez,u,kao jakom letovalištu na azurnoj obali ,sa mondenskim restoranima i jahtama ,uđem u neki kafe i kao ne razumeju me da tražim vodu (na engleskom),okreće glavu žena,tek kada sam pitao na italijanskom-su kao jedva razumeli,Onda u Nice,Opet ništa od kao fol razumevanjaengleskog-ili stvarno neznaju engleski do te mere( u šta iskreno sumnjam),ili jednostavno Neće da znaju engleski,-izdvojio sam ta dva grada jer su vrlo popularne destinacije za bogatune,pa bi bar tamo trebalo da govore engleski...ali jok...pardon,razumeli sume u jachting clubu ,gde je "Orangina" od 175Ml 27€ (Sok 7€,a usluga na engleskom 20€) - recimo,znači ko god je bio u Francuskoj ,odlično zna,koliko oni govore i uopšte se služe engleskim,i kakve grimase prave kad im se obrati na engleskom,sampo onaj ko NIKADA nije bio u francuskoj ,može da priča/piše drugačije 💯
You are welcome here man..and Every normal European man and woman..we are Europe and European people.. especially French people because we was together in Big War
I believe Alphonse de Lamartine wrote about Serbia ("Voyage en Orient"), not Victor Hugo, although Hugo did address the brutalities inflicted on Serbs by the Ottoman Empire. ("Pour la Serbie").
Everything is easy in Serbia, if you are well monied person. Spend there your older years and see whether you still maintain same rosy outlook. I have 3 separate cases in family and among friends where the medical emergency vehicles (Prva Pomoc) refused come for them as they were older than 50 years. Also, doctors will waffle for months while your cancer progresses, wait until you take a loan o pay for life-saving surgery, and then claim that it is too late to even try to help you. If you do not have a friend/family connection you will not even get accepted in hospital. It is ugly to be sick and/or old there.
The only advantage I see with Serbia is that they are somehow neutral country ;) They do lean toward Russia more, because of some historic ties and similar cultures, but generally speaking, Serbia is true neutral country atm. The only in Europe. Even Switzerland took sides ;) So to speak. And being neutral means liberty actually. And I think this is what most people in the west miss nowdays ;) The sad part is that Serbs don't know how to use this and prosper from it ;) But that's the story for another day .... ;)
I think they know how to use it and prosper very well, actually, great powers are constantly ducking around with them so they never really got a chance to fully prosper. On average Serbs may be some of the smartest people in the world, I’m a 1/2 Serb but grew up in the USA around a Serb American community, and spent two summers there in my early 20’s. I’ve interacted a lot with Serbs, they are smart people for sure.
Ok, yes to some extent…. But would you rather have freedom, be happy, be valued, safe and enjoy your life…. Or would you like to have massive new buildings for institutions where there is no line, where everyone says SORRY, EXCUSE ME, (and it’s all fake) but you’re treated like a slave, no enjoyment, no fulfilment, long working hours, people thinking they are cats, can’t say this, can’t say that … etc?! It all comes down to the choice.
@@mp38111 No, it comes down to achieving balance between those. The system and the people need to constantly adjust things to keep the balance. I do not want extremes.
The hook of the video intrigues people with "went out with 8 girls". Later in the video he said "at that time". I actually know the guy Arnaud, I taught him salsa lessons in Belgrade. Just wanted to drop the comment for passport bros that Belgrade is not easy for game. Arnaud said "I became less interesting after learning Serbian.". That's not what happened. The fact is that since he arrived, Instagram took over the woman's mind in Serbia (same as in the west) so dating became significantly more difficult for the average guy, especially since Serbian girls like very tall and macho man and Arnaud, like many guys, don't fit the description. I was / still am to some extent, a dating coach in Serbia, and I saw the trends of dating. Covid just sped up the brainwashing. So yeah, trust me, if you as a passport bro hear things like this thinking that you will have easy time dating here, you are going to leave very disappointed. Many good looking, smart dating coaches came to Belgrade, tried it, even tried hosting setup game and still left with 0 or close to 0 results.
I don't agree with a coffee - traveling statement. That coffee you drink is already familiar to your brain, to your state of mind, but with traveling you can always find something that is new to you even if you travel to the same place you have been before. Feel the excitement over again.
It is very interesting to me to see a foreigners perspecive about Serbia and Belgrade. They always seem to like it here, they say it's beautifull, the people are nice and it's easy living here. But from my perspective. as someone who's been living here my whole life, it couldn't be further from the truth. I see Belgrade as a very diverse city, yes it has nice parts and you find good people, but mostly it's a fucking hellhole. The streets are dirty, half the buildings are in shit condition and are covered in grafiti, the rivers are full of fucking trash, you can smell it in some parts of the city, public transport is shit, public heathcare (although free) is crap, there is a reason why a lot of people who finish Medicine here go somewhere else, because they don't want to be overworked for shit pay, and the corruption, it's not even a secret anymore, its just the way it is now. I personally know 3 people who finished Med school and have been told that they are very good, but they need to join the political party of our president to get a job. And regarding the people in the city, yeah mostly people are welcoming *especially* to foreigners who moved here, because they want to leave a good impression. But growing up, i just keept running into people who are full of hate, towards gay people, towards Croatians, towards anyone basically who has different world views. In primary school, in highschool and in uni, at least 40% of the classes were people like that, 30% more were a bit more extreme but still not very open minded. Serbia is a very beautifull place, and it has a lot to offer. But i think that the people living here don't really know how to take care of it. That's why when you got o popular hikes for exampl, you don't need to look far to see piles of trash, beer cans that have been left by people partying the night before, probably some loud shitty music coming from somewhere. I mean no hate by this comment, i am genuenly interested in others opinions to see if someone shares my view or perhaps has nice arguements against my view, thats okay too.
Koliko smo mi sjebana zemlja i narod,a Boga mi i ceo svet,najbolje potvrdjuju ovi primeri.Stranci dolaze da žive ovde a mi bi želeli što pre da pobegnemo odavde...Ludilo 🤣🤣
Ne baš... nekad "život" nije dobar, i nema ništa da fantaziraš u iluziji da je "svaki dan, dobar dan. I da je tako, onda život nije život ako nema I dobrog i loše. Mislim da se naj potrebnije kako mi svi reagujemo raznim situacijama koji nam život nadonese, nego da selektivno biramo uvek "dobar" osečaj, pošto onda se sami sebe varamo i živimo u laži a ne realnosti.
@@ghost_vission2468 Šta je za tebe realnost? Za mene je sreća što sam se probudio ovaj dan, imam šta da pojedem gde da spavam, gde da prošetam. Imam ljude koji me vole. Bio sam u više od 30 država ali nigde nisam imao onaj WOW osećaj
@@mmr1137 Što samo potvrđuje da je TVOJ ugao sagledavanja i doživljaja "života" adekvatan-Dobar,jer ,to što si naveo jeste lepo i dobro (sa željom da tako i ostane) Samo nije svima tako....znaš..... Šta da kaže onda onaj koji nema gde da spava,koji nema šta da pojede,koji "šeta stalno-od kontejnera do ne obezbeđene gradnje,nema ljude koji ga vole,ali ima one koji su ga ostavili bez ičega na ulici da skapava-da li možeš reći pred Bogom ,da to ne postoji? I da on treba da (kad se osvesti od alkohola-jer bi se roknuo da time ne maskira pakao koji "živi") da kaže ,"Svako dan je dobar,i onaj juče kad su me uhapsili pa sam spavao bar u toploj ćeliji ili ,ovaj danas,kada ću pojesti grašak u mlakoj vodi-bez ukusa(a o higijeni nemože da se brine),maalo samo realnosti,mada ima ona stara narodna koja kaže"Sit gladnom ne veruje" je od kad je sveta i ljudi tako,život je nekom majka a nekom maćeha-nisam ja ovo smislio O volontiranju u Africi i iskustvima koje doživeh da vidim lično ...(ne bih)😢
The bitter truth is that more than 50 000 young, active, educated people yearly leaves this failed country. I was one of them, now I'm not even young anymore.
Valja dosta toga u srbiji, ali treba biti objekativan i kritičan prema onome što ne valja i to popraviti. Pitanji je kako se ti tvoji "kmetovi" izražavaju, da li zapravo ukazuju na propuste i probleme ili samo laju lajanja radi. Kao neko ko je imao posla sa policijom, bolnicom, sudom, katastrom, poreskom skoro svim institucijama, mogu ti reći da dosta toga ne valja što se institucija i korupcije tiče i to treba da se reši. Ali to je ne moguće dok se ne reši problem korupcije, koji ide do srži.
@@Omidion nije problem u objektivnoj kritici, ona je uvek deobrodosla..ali kad nesto kritikujes, da bi bio objektivan, valjalo bi uzeti prvo u obzir odakle se krenulo pa onda dati ocenu da li je bilo nekog napretka...sto rece Martinovic danas na c kmetovske "kritike" Aleksica - "pa niste nam ostavili Belgiju posle vase vlasti nego zemlju pred kolapsom i bankrotom..u vase3 vrem nije bila jedna stotina ulaganja u poljoprivredu kakva danas postoje pa opet vas nije srammota da pljujete po ovom sto se danas radi?!"...kritika da ali svakako ne od ovih opozicionih drugosrbijanskih kmetova kojima samo srpsko g.mno smrdi - sva zapadna im mirisu...
dal si realan... ne znam kakve sendvice jedes i i gde si rodjen i gde si pre ziveo, ali Srbija i konstantnoj dekadenciji od 1990. Sa nasledjenim problemima iz ratova, nedefeinisanim granicama, masovnim odlivom mozgova, u srcu evrope a izolovana. Za 30 godina, i toga 10 ratovala, izgradjeno je pola autoputa. I dalje zivi na sistemu i infrastrukturi iz perioda komunizma. Da ne otvaram temu korupcije, demokratskih procesa, itd. Problemi koji ima Francuska tek treba da dodju kod nas, i doci ce, jel mi nijedan problem nezobilazimo. Ovom liku se dopale zene, prodaje neki francuski fazon, ima kod riba koje se pale no to, stancima je to zabavno... i kad mu dosadi vrati ce se u sigurnu Francusku tamo uvek ima dobra minimalna plata.
This is not SEFTHY honey walking in shorts day/nights on the street of Belgrade no definitly it isn't. If somebody abuse your mob number from Africa, tray to protect yourself you gone si who is going to protect, the answer is nobodies
Ćorooo,dođi kod mene na Dorćol da se upoznamo i družimo...ćoooroo,dole do reke gde nema gde da se beži :) ,Da citiram repliku filma Lepa Sela.."E Vi'š Burazeru-zato ćemo da izgubimo rat" ,Ili film"Rane"- kad kaže moj drug "Švaba" , "Vidi ga kakav je bate...,vidi ga kaka' je"😆 Ali morate da priznate da je francuski baja šmeca.....(bem ti sok sam prosuo sad)😁
Cora navato neke nase ribe sto se pale na Balzaka... namazan je on macan, znam takve likove... malo se zeza, posle kad ga nekgde nagazi neko ili mu dosadi pravac kuci u Pariz, na minimalac i laganica
No. I lived in Paris for 3 years and I moved back to Belgrade. So I am a Serbian who "switched Paris for Belgrade". Paris is one of the worst cities I have been to. Parisians themselves hate Paris. I never looked back. I only regret not leaving sooner. What a waste of time and money.
Zamislite Ovog Francuskog "Lepotana" sa devojaka Osam (završite rečenicu sami 😂______) ili zamislite kako mu neko napadne devojku na ulici a on kad krene da je brani,tako štobi počeo da beži,samo imam utisak da bi trčao kako baba-mislim deluje tako,moguće da grešim 😂
@@MikeArg-hp9ho Moguće,pošto nikad nisam imao ,ali baš ,nikakvu prođu kod devojaka,žena,.....vrlo moguće....možda nisam duhovit kao ovaj batica....u stvari sigurno je tako....i vozim punta
@@MikeArg-hp9ho Mike-zaboravih jednu od bezbroj sličnih anegdota,koja/je,Dosta govore o lokalnoj situaciji sa ženama,pusti sad mene,ja nemam pojma o lepšem polu,ergo ,izađem sa dva ortaka i ortakinjom (nju sretnemo u klubu),i ortak priđe devojci,onako slatka,plavušica(bez viceva o plavušama molim:) ,zgodna,rane 20-te,baš atraktivna,recimo 8/9,što bi rekli ameri,a po razgovoru sa njenim drugaricama bi sew reklo da je vrlo elokventna i da mala ima mozga,i tako ortak priđe njoj da se upoznaju,(ume on da baca pick up line),ali ova se jedva upoznala sa njim,rekla ime,ali ono vidi se da je u fazonu(e liku,aj pali od mene,nisi ti moja klasa),i ništaaaa,lik se vrati (kao pokunjen do bara),ortakinja nas tu prepozna(ta što je već bila u klubu) izljubi se sa nama,a na njega,Nemanju se loži od kada znamo za nju,i pita ga ta devojka,kad je došao iz Njujorka,koliko ostaje,pa kako joj je ostao dužan piće od prošlog puta...itd..a ona prva što ga je odmah škartirala,sve to sluša(blizu je bila-to jest mi smo bili blizu njenog stola), kad,odjednom,ona prilazi,pa se izvinjava nemanji ako je bila gruba,ima neke probleme sa diplomskim,pa pas nije najbolje,a baka jo je stara,voda 'ladna,ne radi bojler 😄......i tako te fore,(inače čula je da ima američko državljanstvo i da živi tamo jako dugo(srednja,fax,posao),i odjedanput ,je VEEEOMA zainteresovana za njega,pa jel može insta,a mobilni oj nije dao jer nema lokalni a američki ne daje svakom,ipak je ne poznaje,a ona,pa evo upoznajemo se,hahaha,hihihi-znači neverovatno kolika transformacija, i sad kaži da nisi i sam slušao i svedočio ovakvim primerima-žene su vrlo praktične,i pragmatične,a ovde su posle ratova,siromaštva,sankcija,inflacije,...gospode šta smo sve proživeli,jednostavno naučene,pinkom i grand om,da se što bolje udaju i zapale preko bare,bar u zapadnu €uropu-razumem ja i njih,ali to su žene sa prostora bivše juge Nisu takve u zapadnim zemljama-u austriji (gde sam najčešće-žene/cure ,su mnogo otvorenije što se tiče upoznavanja a i onda kada sedneš sa njom negde ili se prošetate po parku i sednete na piknik(oni to gotive više nego barove i klubove,kad je upoznavanje u pitanju,da ne kažem muvanje) ,ne pita me koliko zarađujem,već me pita koja su moja interesovanja,razmišljanja,pogled na život,..koja mi je omiljena destinacija za putovanje,šta bih voleo da uradim a nikako da to stignem da realizujem,koju muziku slušam,da li volim više pse ili mačke...itd...a kintu ima i ona,status ima i ona-pa je samim tim to u startu ne zanima. Isto sam video i u Nemačkoj,Americi,Švedskoj..uopšte u zapadnim zemljama,gde nema komplexa,"ma smo da se izvučem iz bede i živim kako treba,putovanja,velika kuća,sve u superlativu-a jedino što ima da ponudi jeste lep i privlačan izgled+intelekt,-ali ako si bez kinte,"produži dalje"- ovo sam sreo još samo kod Ruskinja (jer su i one prolazile kroz bedna,sirotinjska,turbulentna vremena izolacije itd,pa isto samo gledaju da navataju nekog stranca na "belom Džipu,koj će da ih "spase"! Izvinjavam se na prevelikom postu ,ali bilo je jače od mene,da podelim sa vama ,drugari,da sam svestan onoga-čega ste i VI sami svesni ali okrećete glavu na drugu stranu.😶
Hi Alex, you do great job for our Country. Because that is now also your Country, (as long as you live here), i recommend you something. That will help you and Russian in Serbia if you spread these message. Please, read interview of Robert Bear, ex CIA Agent, about his book "Secrets of White House ", only 5 min.( google.., in English and German Language) Also, on UA-cam, listen to Dr Danielle Ganser, about bombing Serbia, Ukraine War, etc. If those two Man are not known to you, please, trust me. its worth that effort. Thank you.
Нашао си у којој цркви да се молиш. Руси који долазе у Србију су као да Наташу Кандић, Борку Вучићевић и сличне пошаљеш у Русију....замисли њихов презир и језу животом тамо
Go and have a look now in Beograd where average wage is 1500 Euros month.That is average )) minimum would be 900 Euros and no one wants to work for this wage 😂😂😂. The 1990's are long gone in Serbia)
They left in the 90s to avoid the draft, wars and bombings. Today they leave for better jobs/salaries. However, if a foreigner has enough savings and can work remotely or find a supplemental job in Serbia, they can live okay.
@ifyoureadthisyoudi I was in Serbia in August and September 2024 and was speaking to locals. Serbia doesn't have enough workers and is bring workers to work to drive buses and work on construction sites like Belgrade on water project .
thank you for showing our country in such a beautiful light, goes for both
What he said at the end of the video about life is so true.
Correct 😊 completely
Naravno da je slobodnije i za zene , dok u francuskoj imas puno dosljaka iz afrike van po noci ako izades je good luck ....Balkan ima vise morala nego strane zemlje lijep pozdrav lijepo za vidjet i cuti da stranci uzivaju u nasoj zemlji i kulturi 🙋🙋🙋
Refreshing, wise man. I do believe that he is happier than most of people.
Serbs and Serbia are amazing❤🇷🇸
Wow! Serbia got me curious. Curious positive. Thanks guys!
Welcome here, sir.
Greetings from Nish...
Awesome channel, I subscribed today! Thank you for this content, our country needs this.
Love new video. It's a great story. The moral of the story is that he is happy the way he lives here. Maybe he could travel everywhere but always return where he is happy. And I wish for him a lot of happy years in Serbia. Can't wait for new videos ❤
Such a nice interview. Good luck guys
Very interesting to hear his story. Good job!
Those are our women's we need to respect them. They are beautiful and we love them, so they can dress whatever they like... enjoy Belgrade, my friend 😊
I know Arno for several years, we come across each other at similar parties we attend sometimes. We were also on the same set shoot the ad you showed in the beginning. I like that you interviewed him, he is overall great guy. This is not my true profile, its best to keep some privacy online while we still have it lol
vraiment contente de savoir qu'un français habite à Belgrade. Bonne chance et bienvenue en Serbie. Svaka cast na snimku. :)
I like how he thinks.
Thank you for these awesome interviews!
It is great that foreigners find Serbia pleasant to live in and work.
Offcourse they do,Belgrade is the most civilized big city in the world but nobody is talking about it
@@Guesswho-w3b Serbia is an old Christian country with strong tradition and culture. While it is great to have foreigners and to mix with people but too many foreigners may spoil what they have. From my short visits I experienced warmth, spontaneity, etc. end above all there are people that one can talk with about everything. Not like in the West, if you mention a country there is a good chance they never heard about it or when they think life is only in the their own countries while all others are so poor, beggars who don't know about new technologies etc. But I must admit that Europeans that I met are not as bad but some still think of themselves to be superior to whole world.
@Ana-bw7gm I'm Serbian thnx for sharing your opinion.
Very interesting perspective :) I made so many French friends when I lived abroad. Love the way they communicate and hang out.
Odličan i vrlo zanimljiv kanal 😊😊😊
A really great point about happiness with the example of travelling, especially as it has become a social currency.
How do you mean "social currency"?
@@Omidion In the sense that some people measure you and evaluate you based on how much travelling you did.
Čestitam. Učenje jezika je teško... Iz svog iskustva (14 godina u inostranstvu) samim razgovorom može da se dostigne odredjeni nivo. Posle toga, preporučujem čitanje. Srećno
Citanje knjiga ljudi bas izbegavaju, a tu vide preko hiljade i hiljade primera kako se recenica sastavlja i kako se mnoge reci koje vec znaju koriste u recenici.
The thing about safety in Serbia i think is that if someone is in trouble many random people will run to help. Its just how culture works. Thats why random robberies in the middle of day or rapes are rare thing. Criminals are just scared from regular males in society doing police job.
En tant que Serbe né en France et vivant en Serbie, ayant la double nationalité, je peux que confirmer... La sécurité en Serbie est à des années lumières de la France, Paris ou IDF... sans parler du 93...
Many years ago, there was a show on RTV "Vojvodina", the state TV from Novi Sad. It was called "sve stranci". You can find almost all shows on UA-cam. Some guests were fantastic and I'm writing this as an idea for you to watch the shows and maybe if people still live in Serbia, invite some of them to an interview for your channel ? Although they are mostly from Novi Sad and its surroundings.
thank you! I'll definitely check it do great job...hvala ti od srca...thanks from heart...pozdrav iz Uzica😊
I think I remember him from some videos many years ago! He was doing some comedy skits with a Serbian woman that were so funny!
Great interview!
Félicitation pour votre comentere voulez grand fan dea Serbie ❤
Keep up the good work man!!! You found a good UA-cam format to show expats living in Serbia, and what they think about living in Serbia.
Fun to watch!
4:25 That is not London. That is Beogradjanka. London is behind in Kneza Milosa Street corner across Beogradjanka.
my fault
@@AtticLife Dont be sad.........its not minus......everobody make mistake....
@@AtticLife haha ... brzaš ... my life :)
it actually is, beograđanka is at the edge of london
@@MadafakinRio No.
I like this guy :-) Welcome to friendly Serbia 🙂
Un gars franchement sympathique et réaliste, avec une bonne philosophie de la vie. Bienvenu en Serbie !
Imala sam prilike da posetim Francusku dva puta i da popricam sa ljudima koji su rodjeni tamo i zive citav zivot i nisu bili hladni, veoma kulturni. Bienvenue!
Majo,ko bi imao veće šanse kod tebe,neki zgodan i normalan inteligentan lik iz ,šta ja znam,ma BGD,recimo,ili ovaj Lik-pazi,iskreno,onaj prvi lokalac što je zgodan,alfa muško,inteligentan,duhovit itd...-ali,nije nešto sa kintoooom,i vozi polovnog punta;) , dok ovaj drugi ćora,ima stranu sošku,Parižanin -zi vo Audi Q8 ,pa pun ko brod,glumac,ono lože se babe u parizu na njega-mislim one koje imaju mnogo jači socijalni status od njega i više kinte,pa im je zanimljiv,jer je...(pitati babe),KO bi kod tebe Majo imao profur odma? Ovaj Ćora ili Srpski Momak-šreklinjem te na komentaru u smislu odgovora♥ Ljubim te (na žalost nisam francuz,jeste da potičem,po očevoj strani,od Švedske kraljevske porodice Kalmar-koji imaju dobar deo Svenska ,puno mora kače,uostalom ,ode se na google mape i pogleda Kalmar Royal county -moje prezime, no puštimo mene sad,nego Gotivan BGD Srbin ili ovaj francuski šmeca ? Aj sad-preklinjem za odgovor🙏 te Majo ,u ime Istine,ljubavi ,pravde i lepote
Hvala na još jednom odličnom videu! Arno je zanimljiv i sviđa mi se njegov pogled na pojam sreće. Želim vam obojici mnogo uspeha.
je suis tellement d'accord avec vous, je quitte bientôt l'Europe pour aller à Belgrade. Je suis moitié belge et serbe, cela fait 5 ans que je fais des aller retour. J'ai du mal à expliquer à mon entourage cette liberté et joie de vivre. Vidimo se u Beogradu
Dobar vlog 👍🍻🇷🇸🇷🇸🇷🇸
"Može biti" is related to the word "moć" which means "power" (ability to do something). So from "moć" we get English words like "might", "mighty", "may" like in "may be", "maybe" and even "make" (do). In German we get words like "Macht", (power) or verbs like "machen" (do) and in Dutch "macht" (power), "machtig" (powerful) and "maken" (make).
Nice ❤
Three striking cultural shocks walk past your table :D
My best friend is from Serbia🇷🇸 ❤ I’m excited to be there soon😍
So true what he said at the end ! Hvala!! 🙏😅🙌🇷🇸
Francuz koji govori Engleski??! Čudo neviđeno...
i pritom prica engleski bez francuskog akcenta
Ja sam putovao 6 dana u Francuskoj i vidio sam samo 1 fraza na Engleski. Dobro se sjec'am a bilo je 1996. " We have freshly cut sandwiches " U 6 dana samo to.
@@MichaelCoceski A meni su u Saint Tropez,u,kao jakom letovalištu na azurnoj obali ,sa mondenskim restoranima i jahtama ,uđem u neki kafe i kao ne razumeju me da tražim vodu (na engleskom),okreće glavu žena,tek kada sam pitao na italijanskom-su kao jedva razumeli,Onda u Nice,Opet ništa od kao fol razumevanjaengleskog-ili stvarno neznaju engleski do te mere( u šta iskreno sumnjam),ili jednostavno Neće da znaju engleski,-izdvojio sam ta dva grada jer su vrlo popularne destinacije za bogatune,pa bi bar tamo trebalo da govore engleski...ali jok...pardon,razumeli sume u jachting clubu ,gde je "Orangina" od 175Ml 27€ (Sok 7€,a usluga na engleskom 20€) - recimo,znači ko god je bio u Francuskoj ,odlično zna,koliko oni govore i uopšte se služe engleskim,i kakve grimase prave kad im se obrati na engleskom,sampo onaj ko NIKADA nije bio u francuskoj ,može da priča/piše drugačije 💯
Баш није чудо. Некада да али не више. Ови који знају, знају га врло добро. Или једва могу да створе једну реченицу.
You are welcome here man..and Every normal European man and woman..we are Europe and European people.. especially French people because we was together in Big War
I believe Alphonse de Lamartine wrote about Serbia ("Voyage en Orient"), not Victor Hugo, although Hugo did address the brutalities inflicted on Serbs by the Ottoman Empire. ("Pour la Serbie").
Everything is easy in Serbia, if you are well monied person. Spend there your older years and see whether you still maintain same rosy outlook. I have 3 separate cases in family and among friends where the medical emergency vehicles (Prva Pomoc) refused come for them as they were older than 50 years. Also, doctors will waffle for months while your cancer progresses, wait until you take a loan o pay for life-saving surgery, and then claim that it is too late to even try to help you. If you do not have a friend/family connection you will not even get accepted in hospital. It is ugly to be sick and/or old there.
Nemoj nas reklamirati za zapad, molim te.
Bas sam to htela da kazem
@@mariem6605 100%
Ne, neka nas reklamira posranim Meksikancima sa jednim najgorih kriminalnim statistikama na svetu ili možda Bliskom Istoku? Možda Africi?
@@NikOlaArtStUdiO uf muka daj , budi srecan sto je tako, od cega bi ziveli mnogi.,stan na dan itd,,
Wrong translation at 14:40. It is not LEVICA (left), but ZIVOT (life). You can change it without disturbing your video, it is only a subtitle.
I love Belgrade and I live true attic life 😊 because my apartment is top attic
Ако ћемо реално сви ови странци живе у Београду који је држава у држави. То нема много везе са животом у остатку Србије 😐
Da u početku svi idu u Beograd i onda pobegnu u Novi Sad 😂
The only advantage I see with Serbia is that they are somehow neutral country ;) They do lean toward Russia more, because of some historic ties and similar cultures, but generally speaking, Serbia is true neutral country atm. The only in Europe. Even Switzerland took sides ;) So to speak. And being neutral means liberty actually. And I think this is what most people in the west miss nowdays ;) The sad part is that Serbs don't know how to use this and prosper from it ;) But that's the story for another day .... ;)
Being prosperous does not mean happiness or success.
I think they know how to use it and prosper very well, actually, great powers are constantly ducking around with them so they never really got a chance to fully prosper. On average Serbs may be some of the smartest people in the world, I’m a 1/2 Serb but grew up in the USA around a Serb American community, and spent two summers there in my early 20’s. I’ve interacted a lot with Serbs, they are smart people for sure.
We are being ruled by Milošević's men who deny all our 90s war crimes. Not very neutral, is it?
I Absolutely ❤Serbia,The People Are Full Of Life , And The Foods Are Amazing ,And The Natural Beauty WoW!
Ха, ха... Значи, он је човек из рекламе за кога сам, у првом тренутку, помислио да је Мо Салах из Ливерпула. 😅
Sama činjenica da se snima dokumentarni video o jednom Francuzu koji je ostao da živi u Beogradu govori mnogo. Kao da je čovek na Mesecu.
A evo na primer moje iskustvo kao Srbina koji je bio u Francuskoj je užasno, arogantni, bezdušni, šovinisti, depresivni.
Februar is always rainy on Adria.
Serbia is FREEDOM ❤🇷🇸
Serbia was always about freedom, that's why they're trying to squash her
Until you step into actual institutions and see how it really is
Ok, yes to some extent…. But would you rather have freedom, be happy, be valued, safe and enjoy your life…. Or would you like to have massive new buildings for institutions where there is no line, where everyone says SORRY, EXCUSE ME, (and it’s all fake) but you’re treated like a slave, no enjoyment, no fulfilment, long working hours, people thinking they are cats, can’t say this, can’t say that … etc?!
It all comes down to the choice.
@@mp38111 No, it comes down to achieving balance between those. The system and the people need to constantly adjust things to keep the balance. I do not want extremes.
Lol Serbia is far from freedom 😅
The hook of the video intrigues people with "went out with 8 girls". Later in the video he said "at that time". I actually know the guy Arnaud, I taught him salsa lessons in Belgrade. Just wanted to drop the comment for passport bros that Belgrade is not easy for game. Arnaud said "I became less interesting after learning Serbian.".
That's not what happened. The fact is that since he arrived, Instagram took over the woman's mind in Serbia (same as in the west) so dating became significantly more difficult for the average guy, especially since Serbian girls like very tall and macho man and Arnaud, like many guys, don't fit the description.
I was / still am to some extent, a dating coach in Serbia, and I saw the trends of dating. Covid just sped up the brainwashing.
So yeah, trust me, if you as a passport bro hear things like this thinking that you will have easy time dating here, you are going to leave very disappointed.
Many good looking, smart dating coaches came to Belgrade, tried it, even tried hosting setup game and still left with 0 or close to 0 results.
A ja bas volim francuze sto lepo izadju na ulice i strajkuju kad ih neko zajebava.
I ne reše ništa. Oni štrajkuju a Makron i svetska elita teraju po svome.
I onda sta? Postigli nista. Makaroni ih samo prca.
Dok si to smislio na mom si visio.
nisu to francuzi. to su muslimani vecinom
Nikad nista postigli nisu
I don't agree with a coffee - traveling statement. That coffee you drink is already familiar to your brain, to your state of mind, but with traveling you can always find something that is new to you even if you travel to the same place you have been before. Feel the excitement over again.
Arnaud should move to Novi Sad :)
Само Србија,оаза лепог.
Jesi ti spavao pod kamenom 3 godine? Mi smo okupirana kolonija.
Da .. Srbija je otkriće....u odnosu na zapadni sistem života....mi smo kulll..zemlja👍👊✌️
Наравно да ће бити срећан у Србији, он за један дан заради колико ми за месец дана, а негде на југу Србије и за два месеца.
Ovaj Francuz je smešan ko crtani film.
Evo, samo nam je još on falio😊😊😊😊😂😂😂
Moja ex je dac i isto oseca da se zene u bg postuju vise nego na drugim hm mestima
It is very interesting to me to see a foreigners perspecive about Serbia and Belgrade. They always seem to like it here, they say it's beautifull, the people are nice and it's easy living here.
But from my perspective. as someone who's been living here my whole life, it couldn't be further from the truth. I see Belgrade as a very diverse city, yes it has nice parts and you find good people, but mostly it's a fucking hellhole. The streets are dirty, half the buildings are in shit condition and are covered in grafiti, the rivers are full of fucking trash, you can smell it in some parts of the city, public transport is shit, public heathcare (although free) is crap, there is a reason why a lot of people who finish Medicine here go somewhere else, because they don't want to be overworked for shit pay, and the corruption, it's not even a secret anymore, its just the way it is now. I personally know 3 people who finished Med school and have been told that they are very good, but they need to join the political party of our president to get a job.
And regarding the people in the city, yeah mostly people are welcoming *especially* to foreigners who moved here, because they want to leave a good impression.
But growing up, i just keept running into people who are full of hate, towards gay people, towards Croatians, towards anyone basically who has different world views. In primary school, in highschool and in uni, at least 40% of the classes were people like that, 30% more were a bit more extreme but still not very open minded.
Serbia is a very beautifull place, and it has a lot to offer. But i think that the people living here don't really know how to take care of it. That's why when you got o popular hikes for exampl, you don't need to look far to see piles of trash, beer cans that have been left by people partying the night before, probably some loud shitty music coming from somewhere.
I mean no hate by this comment, i am genuenly interested in others opinions to see if someone shares my view or perhaps has nice arguements against my view, thats okay too.
Koliko smo mi sjebana zemlja i narod,a Boga mi i ceo svet,najbolje potvrdjuju ovi primeri.Stranci dolaze da žive ovde a mi bi želeli što pre da pobegnemo odavde...Ludilo 🤣🤣
The foreigners have savings or can work remotely. Serbs leave for better paying jobs.
Kad ti kažu dobar dan samo odgovoriš svaki dan je dobar dan to je recept za sreću
Ne baš... nekad "život" nije dobar, i nema ništa da fantaziraš u iluziji da je "svaki dan, dobar dan. I da je tako, onda život nije život ako nema I dobrog i loše. Mislim da se naj potrebnije kako mi svi reagujemo raznim situacijama koji nam život nadonese, nego da selektivno biramo uvek "dobar" osečaj, pošto onda se sami sebe varamo i živimo u laži a ne realnosti.
@@ghost_vission2468 Šta je za tebe realnost? Za mene je sreća što sam se probudio ovaj dan, imam šta da pojedem gde da spavam, gde da prošetam. Imam ljude koji me vole. Bio sam u više od 30 država ali nigde nisam imao onaj WOW osećaj
@@mmr1137 Što samo potvrđuje da je TVOJ ugao sagledavanja i doživljaja "života" adekvatan-Dobar,jer ,to što si naveo jeste lepo i dobro (sa željom da tako i ostane) Samo nije svima tako....znaš.....
Šta da kaže onda onaj koji nema gde da spava,koji nema šta da pojede,koji "šeta stalno-od kontejnera do ne obezbeđene gradnje,nema ljude koji ga vole,ali ima one koji su ga ostavili bez ičega na ulici da skapava-da li možeš reći pred Bogom ,da to ne postoji? I da on treba da (kad se osvesti od alkohola-jer bi se roknuo da time ne maskira pakao koji "živi") da kaže ,"Svako dan je dobar,i onaj juče kad su me uhapsili pa sam spavao bar u toploj ćeliji ili ,ovaj danas,kada ću pojesti grašak u mlakoj vodi-bez ukusa(a o higijeni nemože da se brine),maalo samo realnosti,mada ima ona stara narodna koja kaže"Sit gladnom ne veruje" je od kad je sveta i ljudi tako,život je nekom majka a nekom maćeha-nisam ja ovo smislio
O volontiranju u Africi i iskustvima koje doživeh da vidim lično ...(ne bih)😢
What was the Monte Carlo picture for ?
Ending with 8 girls around him. Scary and sad.
The bitter truth is that more than 50 000 young, active, educated people yearly leaves this failed country. I was one of them, now I'm not even young anymore.
but you left because of the government not because of the country
Some of us who grew up abroad are planning to come back so we can live with our own blood
Kakve ima veze stto si mator idi i ti niko te ne drzi
@@TraderWize auuuu cekam dan i ja da se vrstim😢
jedino drugosrbijanskim kmetovima nista ne valja u Srbiji, svi ostali su odusevljeni..
Ne budi glup. Stranci ovde ne žive od srpske plate.
Они су добро плаћени за те изјаве
Valja dosta toga u srbiji, ali treba biti objekativan i kritičan prema onome što ne valja i to popraviti. Pitanji je kako se ti tvoji "kmetovi" izražavaju, da li zapravo ukazuju na propuste i probleme ili samo laju lajanja radi.
Kao neko ko je imao posla sa policijom, bolnicom, sudom, katastrom, poreskom skoro svim institucijama, mogu ti reći da dosta toga ne valja što se institucija i korupcije tiče i to treba da se reši. Ali to je ne moguće dok se ne reši problem korupcije, koji ide do srži.
@@Omidion nije problem u objektivnoj kritici, ona je uvek deobrodosla..ali kad nesto kritikujes, da bi bio objektivan, valjalo bi uzeti prvo u obzir odakle se krenulo pa onda dati ocenu da li je bilo nekog napretka...sto rece Martinovic danas na c kmetovske "kritike" Aleksica - "pa niste nam ostavili Belgiju posle vase vlasti nego zemlju pred kolapsom i bankrotom..u vase3 vrem nije bila jedna stotina ulaganja u poljoprivredu kakva danas postoje pa opet vas nije srammota da pljujete po ovom sto se danas radi?!"...kritika da ali svakako ne od ovih opozicionih drugosrbijanskih kmetova kojima samo srpsko g.mno smrdi - sva zapadna im mirisu...
dal si realan... ne znam kakve sendvice jedes i i gde si rodjen i gde si pre ziveo, ali Srbija i konstantnoj dekadenciji od 1990. Sa nasledjenim problemima iz ratova, nedefeinisanim granicama, masovnim odlivom mozgova, u srcu evrope a izolovana. Za 30 godina, i toga 10 ratovala, izgradjeno je pola autoputa. I dalje zivi na sistemu i infrastrukturi iz perioda komunizma. Da ne otvaram temu korupcije, demokratskih procesa, itd. Problemi koji ima Francuska tek treba da dodju kod nas, i doci ce, jel mi nijedan problem nezobilazimo. Ovom liku se dopale zene, prodaje neki francuski fazon, ima kod riba koje se pale no to, stancima je to zabavno... i kad mu dosadi vrati ce se u sigurnu Francusku tamo uvek ima dobra minimalna plata.
This is not SEFTHY honey walking in shorts day/nights on the street of Belgrade no definitly it isn't. If somebody abuse your mob number from Africa, tray to protect yourself you gone si who is going to protect, the answer is nobodies
Life in Serbia under the current corrupt gvnment is sranje
Ćorooo,dođi kod mene na Dorćol da se upoznamo i družimo...ćoooroo,dole do reke gde nema gde da se beži :) ,Da citiram repliku filma Lepa Sela.."E Vi'š Burazeru-zato ćemo da izgubimo rat" ,Ili film"Rane"- kad kaže moj drug "Švaba" , "Vidi ga kakav je bate...,vidi ga kaka' je"😆 Ali morate da priznate da je francuski baja šmeca.....(bem ti sok sam prosuo sad)😁
Шта серендаш, бре, магарчино?
@@johnnybravo437 Too царе,легендо,краљу,мајсторе,мало ћирилица да се види овде,е браво ти га браво,јел си и ти Гробар?
Cora navato neke nase ribe sto se pale na Balzaka... namazan je on macan, znam takve likove... malo se zeza, posle kad ga nekgde nagazi neko ili mu dosadi pravac kuci u Pariz, na minimalac i laganica
@@johnnybravo437 Одличан ти је никнејм и аватар-поштовање😎
Imagine leaving Paris for Belgrade. In Belgrade, everyone would switch it to Paris.
No. I lived in Paris for 3 years and I moved back to Belgrade.
So I am a Serbian who "switched Paris for Belgrade".
Paris is one of the worst cities I have been to. Parisians themselves hate Paris.
I never looked back. I only regret not leaving sooner. What a waste of time and money.
@@miovicdina7706ni Beograd ni Pariz nisu za život, ali na primer južna ili zapadna obala francuske je pun pogodak, takođe u Srbiji neki manji grad
Not exactly
Ridiculous, both cities are a nightmare.
ne mogu francuze da smislim jako iritantni ljudi
Zastitite Srbiju od ovih zapadnjaka.Nikada ,nista nisu dobro donijeli.
"Doneli"..cuvaj ti svoju drzavu mani se nase Srbije..
Zamislite Ovog Francuskog "Lepotana" sa devojaka Osam (završite rečenicu sami 😂______) ili zamislite kako mu neko napadne devojku na ulici a on kad krene da je brani,tako štobi počeo da beži,samo imam utisak da bi trčao kako baba-mislim deluje tako,moguće da grešim 😂
Care, izgleda mi da pojma nemaš o ženama. Žene ne vrednuju iste stvari kao mi muškarci (kojima je fizički izgled na prvo mestu).
Ако си то ти на слици, онда ми је јасно што си фрустриран, пацовчино. Ретадрирани Дорћолац.
@@MikeArg-hp9ho Moguće,pošto nikad nisam imao ,ali baš ,nikakvu prođu kod devojaka,žena,.....vrlo moguće....možda nisam duhovit kao ovaj batica....u stvari sigurno je tako....i vozim punta
@@MikeArg-hp9ho Mike-zaboravih jednu od bezbroj sličnih anegdota,koja/je,Dosta govore o lokalnoj situaciji sa ženama,pusti sad mene,ja nemam pojma o lepšem polu,ergo
,izađem sa dva ortaka i ortakinjom (nju sretnemo u klubu),i ortak priđe devojci,onako slatka,plavušica(bez viceva o plavušama molim:) ,zgodna,rane 20-te,baš atraktivna,recimo 8/9,što bi rekli ameri,a po razgovoru sa njenim drugaricama bi sew reklo da je vrlo elokventna i da mala ima mozga,i tako ortak priđe njoj da se upoznaju,(ume on da baca pick up line),ali ova se jedva upoznala sa njim,rekla ime,ali ono vidi se da je u fazonu(e liku,aj pali od mene,nisi ti moja klasa),i ništaaaa,lik se vrati (kao pokunjen do bara),ortakinja nas tu prepozna(ta što je već bila u klubu) izljubi se sa nama,a na njega,Nemanju se loži od kada znamo za nju,i pita ga ta devojka,kad je došao iz Njujorka,koliko ostaje,pa kako joj je ostao dužan piće od prošlog puta...itd..a ona prva što ga je odmah škartirala,sve to sluša(blizu je bila-to jest mi smo bili blizu njenog stola),
kad,odjednom,ona prilazi,pa se izvinjava nemanji ako je bila gruba,ima neke probleme sa diplomskim,pa pas nije najbolje,a baka jo je stara,voda 'ladna,ne radi bojler 😄......i tako te fore,(inače čula je da ima američko državljanstvo i da živi tamo jako dugo(srednja,fax,posao),i odjedanput ,je VEEEOMA zainteresovana za njega,pa jel može insta,a mobilni oj nije dao jer nema lokalni a američki ne daje svakom,ipak je ne poznaje,a ona,pa evo upoznajemo se,hahaha,hihihi-znači neverovatno kolika transformacija,
i sad kaži da nisi i sam slušao i svedočio ovakvim primerima-žene su vrlo praktične,i pragmatične,a ovde su posle ratova,siromaštva,sankcija,inflacije,...gospode šta smo sve proživeli,jednostavno naučene,pinkom i grand om,da se što bolje udaju i zapale preko bare,bar u zapadnu €uropu-razumem ja i njih,ali to su žene sa prostora bivše juge
Nisu takve u zapadnim zemljama-u austriji (gde sam najčešće-žene/cure ,su mnogo otvorenije što se tiče upoznavanja a i onda kada sedneš sa njom negde ili se prošetate po parku i sednete na piknik(oni to gotive više nego barove i klubove,kad je upoznavanje u pitanju,da ne kažem muvanje) ,ne pita me koliko zarađujem,već me pita koja su moja interesovanja,razmišljanja,pogled na život,..koja mi je omiljena destinacija za putovanje,šta bih voleo da uradim a nikako da to stignem da realizujem,koju muziku slušam,da li volim više pse ili mačke...itd...a kintu ima i ona,status ima i ona-pa je samim tim to u startu ne zanima.
Isto sam video i u Nemačkoj,Americi,Švedskoj..uopšte u zapadnim zemljama,gde nema komplexa,"ma smo da se izvučem iz bede i živim kako treba,putovanja,velika kuća,sve u superlativu-a jedino što ima da ponudi jeste lep i privlačan izgled+intelekt,-ali ako si bez kinte,"produži dalje"-
ovo sam sreo još samo kod Ruskinja (jer su i one prolazile kroz bedna,sirotinjska,turbulentna vremena izolacije itd,pa isto samo gledaju da navataju nekog stranca na "belom Džipu,koj će da ih "spase"! Izvinjavam se na prevelikom postu ,ali bilo je jače od mene,da podelim sa vama ,drugari,da sam svestan onoga-čega ste i VI sami svesni ali okrećete glavu na drugu stranu.😶
@@hemfri07 to je to
Smart nice FrenchSerb.
I hvala šarmantnom Francuzu što idealizuje Beograd i nas...😅
Hi Alex, you do great job for our Country.
Because that is now also your Country, (as long as you live here), i recommend you something.
That will help you and Russian in Serbia if you spread these message.
Please, read interview of Robert Bear, ex CIA Agent, about his book "Secrets of White House ", only 5 min.( google.., in English and German Language)
Also, on UA-cam, listen to Dr Danielle Ganser, about bombing Serbia, Ukraine War, etc.
If those two Man are not known to you, please, trust me. its worth that effort.
Thank you.
Нашао си у којој цркви да се молиш. Руси који долазе у Србију су као да Наташу Кандић, Борку Вучићевић и сличне пошаљеш у Русију....замисли њихов презир и језу животом тамо
Easy like summer PROLIV.
Why did I and hundreds of thousands of serbs leave Serbia since the 90s? Because for locals, life in Serbia is horrible
Go and have a look now in Beograd where average wage is 1500 Euros month.That is average )) minimum would be 900 Euros and no one wants to work for this wage 😂😂😂.
The 1990's are long gone in Serbia)
@@sasapejc5648 where did you get this statistic?
They left in the 90s to avoid the draft, wars and bombings. Today they leave for better jobs/salaries. However, if a foreigner has enough savings and can work remotely or find a supplemental job in Serbia, they can live okay.
@@jobrock1079 exactly, foreogners can live ok, the locals live in squalour.
@ifyoureadthisyoudi I was in Serbia in August and September 2024 and was speaking to locals. Serbia doesn't have enough workers and is bring workers to work to drive buses and work on construction sites like Belgrade on water project .