As soon as i heard about these heaters i bought one. I immediately wondered how well it would heat up a sand battery. Someone could charge a mint building these things for rural people. Now you just need to build an appleseed style biodiesel processor and get a few businesses to let you have their used oil. Then you'd really be ahead of the curve. Thanks for the video! Subscribed.
There are several videos of people running the exhaust thru a hot water cast iron radiator to capture most of the heat, which I thought was a good idea. I may run mine thru a long baseboard water heat tube with the fins on it to radiate the heat before it exits the room.
That’s a good idea too to capture more of the heat. The difference between that and the sand battery though is that the cast iron radiator baseboard will give you the extra benefit while heater is running but won’t store the heat like the sand radiating heat for hours after. Each is a great option depending on needs.
I'm not sure I should watch this video without an "order number" as vevor refused to help me with their diesel heater if I didn't have one!? Great customer service!!
Amazing work on this project . I just got one of these heaters and I'm in the process of getting ideas for tapping all that wasted energy . My plan was to use a heat exchanger system like an EGR cooler, tapping the heat from the exhaust (obviously) and using a light weight oil similar to what's used in home radiators thereby avoiding it boiling over or over pressurizing the system,plus the oil holds in the heat pretty well, better than water alone .My plan is to use a holding tank,a 12 volt pump, a car radiator or an old home radiator ,a thermostat and a fan to drive off the heat from said radiator . I definitely like what you did with the project . Excellent work !
@@janines4314 I was just to reply this when I read your comment. I only found this out myself a few days ago... The heat capacity of oil is about half that of water. Oil is thought of as hotter because it can be heated to higher temperatures than boiling water, but at the same temperature, water moves more heat into your hand than oil does. Harvard University 👍
@@janines4314well said it has the highest specific heat capacity. The best way to capture and transfer heat and won't boil tell it reaches 100 degrees centigrade in an open vessel at sea can also pressurise it to conduct more heat above 100 degrees
Jag hoppas som många andra att du gör en “in depth” video om hur du resonerade och tanken bakom konstruktionen samt resultaten såklart. Toppen video! Hoppas du får en tillräcklig spridning på videon för att du ska kunna finansiera flera och mera tid på att göra både svenska och internationella videos. Dina videon håller en perfekt nivå av professionalism och underhållning, ingen tvekan om det.
It didn't all 'click' for me until the end, then my brain put it all together. This guy just recovered all the heat from the exhaust and probably achieved almost perfect efficiency. This is so ridiculously smart. This should be a standard for all cold weather environments. Here's your heater and here's your heat recovery container. Just add sand... Dear lord, when I think of all the things that produce waste heat... Even little recovery sand 'batteries' would be worth something.
@@silviurogoz8962 I think the one thing that may cause a problem over time is soot build up if using diesel, so he may have to clean it out more often or change the pipe.
Might want to give it fresh air into the combustion chamber to prevent it sucking air out of the room that will be brought in by outside colder air. This would make the internal air more efficient. Also, might want to secure the exhaust output from the heater to the tank coupler as the resistance in the tank could mean the lose fitting might blow some fumes into the room.
You might want to consider welding some pipes to the tank to create a convection effect. Cold air sucked from the bottom, heats up and rises. But still Good job 👍👍👍Thank you for sharing. Take care of yourself, be safe, and healthy 🇨🇦
The problem with this set up is that it will be corroded in some time from the inside out due to the acids formed within the heat exchanger. In this type of heat exchanger stainless steel is usually compulsory
A suggestion to add to the build to make it Nobel prize level would be a peltier element to generate electricity for the heater and charge the battery. To make the heater completely self sustainable in a off grid cabin for instance, only diesel needed. Would also be nice to see if a two coil tank version would work, with the second coil used for heating fresh water..
@@triblemaster2¹¹1¹¹¹1111¹111²¹¹1¹11🎉🎉😊11¹🎉😊🎉😊🎉😊😊🎉😊📯📯📯Anunț important pt deținătorii de terenuri care încă nu au obținut #titludeproprietate! Dacă: ✅ f️igurați cu terenul în registrele agricole sau registrele cadastrale și în evidențele fiscale; ✅️ pentru terenul în cauză nu a fost deschisă carte funciară în baza Legii cadastrului și a publicității imobiliare nr.7/1996, republicată, cu modificările și completările ulterioare; ✅ ️terenul nu face obiectul cererilor de reconstituire sau constituire a dreptului de proprietate de către alte persoane și nici nu s-a eliberat anterior titlu de proprietate cu privire la acesta, atunci sunteți îndreptățiți să solicitați emiterea Titlului de proprietate, în conformitate cu prevederile legii 123/2023. Aproape jumătate din timpul prevăzut de lege pt depunerea acestor cereri deja s-a scurs, termenul limită pentru depunere fiind data de 19 decembrie 2023. Dosarele se depun la Comisia locală pentru aplicarea legii fondului funciar a UAT-ului, și vor conține: ✅️ Cerere-tip și declarație notarială; ✅️ Documentație cadastrală; ✅ ️Proces-verbal de vecinătate, în 4 exemplare originale; ✅️ Certificat fiscal la zi.📯📯📯Anunț important pt deținătorii de terenuri care încă nu au obținut #titludeproprietate! Dacă: ✅ f️igurați cu terenul în registrele agricole sau registrele cadastrale și în evidențele fiscale; ✅️ pentru terenul în cauză nu a fost deschisă carte funciară în baza Legii cadastrului și a publicității imobiliare nr.7/1996, republicată, cu modificările și completările ulterioare; ✅ ️terenul nu face obiectul cererilor de reconstituire sau constituire a dreptului de proprietate de către alte persoane și nici nu s-a eliberat anterior titlu de proprietate cu privire la acesta, atunci sunteți îndreptățiți să solicitați emiterea Titlului de proprietate, în conformitate cu prevederile legii 123/2023. Aproape jumătate din timpul prevăzut de lege pt depunerea acestor cereri deja s-a scurs, termenul limită pentru depunere fiind data de 19 decembrie 2023. Dosarele se depun la Comisia locală pentru aplicarea legii fondului funciar a UAT-ului, și vor conține: ✅️ Cerere-tip și declarație notarială; ✅️ Documentație cadastrală; ✅ ️Proces-verbal de vecinătate, în 4 exemplare originale; ✅️ Certificat fiscal la zi.📯📯📯Anunț important pt deținătorii de terenuri care încă nu au obținut #titludeproprietate! Dacă: ✅ f️igurați cu terenul în registrele agricole sau registrele cadastrale și în evidențele fiscale; ✅️ pentru terenul în cauză nu a fost deschisă carte funciară în baza Legii cadastrului și a publicității imobiliare nr.7/1996, republicată, cu modificările și completările ulterioare; ✅ ️terenul nu face obiectul cererilor de reconstituire sau constituire a dreptului de proprietate de către alte persoane și nici nu s-a eliberat anterior titlu de proprietate cu privire la acesta, atunci sunteți îndreptățiți să solicitați emiterea Titlului de proprietate, în conformitate cu prevederile legii 123/2023. Aproape jumătate din timpul prevăzut de lege pt depunerea acestor cereri deja s-a scurs, termenul limită pentru depunere fiind data de 19 decembrie 2023. Dosarele se depun la Comisia locală pentru aplicarea legii fondului funciar a UAT-ului, și vor conține: ✅️ Cerere-tip și declarație notarială; ✅️ Documentație cadastrală; ✅ ️Proces-verbal de vecinătate, în 4 exemplare originale; ✅️ Certificat fiscal la zi.
Great upgrade. Doesn't waste thermal BTUs from the exhaust and passively radiates over time, even when off. I have two of these I am planning on getting them to work in parallel.
My water heater was very easy to strip down. I cut a slit from top to bottom on the outer skin and it literally popped off. I used a knife to cut a slit in the foam insulation and was very surprised when it too just fell off. The water heater had been wrapped in celophane before the insulation was sprayed on. What I thought was going to be an all morning project was done in five minutes.
Please follow up and let us know the temps of the heat exchanger performance after you shut off the heater......don't leave us hanging. You stopped just at the most important part - seriously hoping for Part 2 soon !!! Vänligen följ upp och låt oss veta temperaturerna för värmeväxlarens prestanda efter att du har stängt av värmaren...... lämna oss inte hängande. Du stannade bara vid den viktigaste delen - hoppas seriöst på del 2 snart !!!
The instructions included with my heater warned against extending the exhaust pipe too much. I guess the extra exhaust length restricts the flow and can cause combustion problems.
another thing you could do if you are worried about it, If you are running the exhaust through a heat exchanger like that, the exhaust is cool enough that you could put a fan inline with the exhaust sucking he exhaust through the pipe to help flow, at 4 degrees c you could use a computer fan to do this.
@@A2J_Tim You'd have to be mindful to not create a lean burn, by pulling too much air through the combustion chamber. I'm not sure what problems that might cause, but obviously the fuel/air mixture needs to be within a specific range to burn efficiently.
@@glennr9913 its a heater not an engine, your not going to damage anything, the whole point of a heater is to make heat, lean burning makes heat. also a computer fan is not going pull a massive vacuum on it enough to change what the heaters forced air is putting in, you are simply assisting the exhaust.
Can someone help me understand please? What is the difference between having this sand battery and simply heating up your house with a diesel heater? The energy produced is the same?
The condensate is acidic. Soon the copper coil inside the cylinder will be eaten by the acid and it will leak into the sand. The sand will get into the coil, block it and give back pressure, killing the heater.
@@RickardsGarage Lite besviken måste jag erkänna, inte över videons innehåll eller din kreativitet, för ditt bygge har ytterst liten energiförlust. Men den är gjord i samma stuk som många andra typ "indier i tå-tofflor som coldweldar ute i skjulet-videos" som dyker upp på tuben och stör blodtrycket acceptabla nivåer... 😁😂
@@RickardsGarage vill du få mer spridning på din video, så dela den i kommentarerna där andra grejar med sina dieselvärmare. Det finns en uppsjö med videos där man testar diverse grejer med dem. Jag ska försöka dela den så mycket jag kan. 😊👍
Smart idé, har kollat på nån video och läst lite om sand batterier det i Finland, Kul att det med relativt enkla medel och låg kostnad kan gå att göra på mindre skala också! Stor tumme upp!
Underbart jobbat! Vi är många som vill ha en uppföljning på detta, hur funkade det? Några tankar efteråt, förbättringar? Temperaturer och tider? osv. Du är min idol! 👍
Du är förjävlig Rickard! (Outstanding!! :) Jag spenderar flera timmar på YT var dag. Du är en av mina absoluta favoriter! (Erik Grankvist, Dyhrs garage är andra svenska). Du förhindrar mig från att inte tappa hoppet för Sveige helt! Pluss ger mer ett o annat jävla gött skratt.
This was the first thing that came in mind when heard about sand batteries. Great way to use many types of heating. My plans are 4 square meter solar heaters blowing through sand battery to store the heat. Also heating elements could store excess energy into the sand battery.
Man blir glad varje gång man får en notis om att Rickard har lagt upp en ny video! Spelar ingen roll vad du gör! Alla videos och projekt blir kanon! Men den här videon var väldigt avkopplande att titta på. Bara att titta och njuta av musiken🙂🙂
Great build! Perhaps if the exhaust would be in from bottom to out from top of the tank it would be better for natural flow, but your way it is easier to operate the machine.
I tried one of these in my bricked shed and it struggled to gain a few degree ended up getting a proper space heater and its far more efficient and uses less diesel
Cool build and design, I have a question why is the room air being used for combustion? The combustion intake pipe should be run through the wall as well. By burning room air this can starve the combustion process in a tight building, or pull in cold air creating drafts.
Bra jobbat... lite som en rörspis, sandugn eller kakelugn som magasinerar värme i sand/tegel. Hur länge avger sandbatteriet värme? som är tillräcklig för att vistas i rummet? Skönt med ett system som inte kan frysa sönder.
Have you considered to swap around the exhaust of the diesel heater and the outlet of the exhaust fumes connections? In other words, the hotter fumes enter at the low part of the heat exchanger and escape from the top. We know that heat tends to rise, by inverting the flow you warm the low to middle part of the room primarily, which is where heat is needed most. I know there could be some condensation issues but they can be overcome.
Sehr schönes Werbevideo für RYOBI von Hammerhenning. Die Überlegung die Abgase zu nutzen ist auch klasse, geht aber auch einfacher mit flachen Heizkörper an der Wand.
I also tried to use waste enegrgy from exhaust gases, unfortunately these heaters are very demanding on exhaust flow and usually any restrictor is causing E-08 and heater cloggs himself with soot very quick, so went to have box outside garage with heater and heating pipe trough wall. works well with 208c
Hello. Awesome idea😮 why take the hot air in at the top and push" down and out?? Why not hot air in at the bottom ? Wouldn't that heat the sand faster??
Superjobb ☝️👏 Tips: Håll koll så att värmaren inte sotar igen. Jobbade mycket med originalen till denna värmare, (Eberspächer B1L/D1L), på 80-90 talen och de kunde sota igen om det blev för högt mottryck på avgassidan. Ex.vis av klämt eller för långt avgasrör. Speciellt D1L, dieselversionen.
So what are your suggestions? I read a lot about the back pressure problem, lot of comments under other videos recommend not more than 1 meter of exhaust pipe, soot build up and Diesel consumption goes up. Should a small fan on the end of the pipe solve the problem? Helps to reduce the back pressure
Lysande idé och bra gjort. Jag har ju sett hur Dyhrs garage gjorde för att ta till vara på värmen. Tyckte att deras lösning var bra rills jag såg din. Verkar vara en mindre komplicerad lösning och verkar som om du kan ta till vara på mer värme än vad de kunde. 👍👍
En fantastiskt bra idé och konstruktion med enkla lösningar. Bra att du gjorde en ordentlig prototyp. Min tanke är att den kanske kunde ha varit lite lägre. Sand absorberar ju värmen väldigt bra. Skulle den vara påslagen en längre tid så det börjar att komma varma avgaser ur utblåset, så borde även ”tanken” få en behaglig värmande temperatur. Det va min tanke. Tack för ordet. Heja Richard.
Det jag skille vilja veta är hur många timmar per dygn kör du teoretiskt Vevorn för att ha en behaglig temperatur, och hur många timmar tar det att ladda batteriet så att du får effekt längre bort än 2m runt batteriet, (ideallt hade väl varit att placera batteriet i mitten av utrymmet du ska värma, och inte nära 2 st fönster, men antar att det var den enda väggen/hörnet som var ledigt. Risken är att batteriet är för stort beroende på hur länge du kör Vevorn. Kanske får bygga en hylla i mitten av tanken eller så och bara fylla den till hälften med sand. För du vill ju inte behöva köra Vevorn mer än vad som är nödvändigt för att värma upp utrymmet jämfört med sanden. Du vill ju ta till vara på spillvärmen som kommer från att du värmer upp rummet och att det ska räcka för att värma upp sanden tillräckligt för att det ska ge en effekt lång tid framöver.
innovativt som sig bör :) även om jag personligen nog hade använt vatten istället för sand(billigare och skönt med varmvatten, om än mer ineffektivt). En tanke bara, har du något kolmonoxid-larm eller liknande i stugan? självdrag osv i all ära, men vill ju inte att du ska kola och sluta ladda upp nya videor 😉
Vatten håller mycket mer energi per volymenhet och grad än sand. Problemet i denna installation är nog frostrisken. Jag tror inte denna stuga är uppvärmd alltid på vintern.
Good stuff, I have a old solar water heater that I wish to repurpose the one with the vacuum tubes and copper head conductor's. Your idea and a RV battery switch "charges between two batteries. With peltier junction will eliminate power supply, perhaps even battery with ultra capacitors. Still going down the road on design. I am was worried about peltier junction getting to much heat your design resolves that issue.
Glöm inte att ha ett koldioxid/kolmonoxidlarm intill den. Inte säkert man märker när det rostar sönder från insidan (H2O i avgaserna). Gäller egentligen alla bränslevärmare som används inomhus.
Wonderful Fabrication Mindset and Skills and I Love the Use of The Ryobi Tools. The Milwaukee an DeWalt Fan Boys ! Look Down on Ryobi and I Think It's Funny as Hell as I Still Have Multiple BLUE 18V Ryobi Tools In Fact I've Yet To Have One Fail Me and Love The Fact That I Can Use The New 18V Lithium HP Battery's in My Old BLUE Ones ! .....This Build Is Awesome an I Admire Your Skillset
riktigt smart att ta reda på energin i avgaserna där, sånt man annars bara har som förlorad energi av dieselförbränningen! ja, sen upp med lite solceller/vindkraftverk/vattenkraftverk för å ladda upp batteribanken, guld
Snyggt! Det enda jag funderar på är hur motorn mår med flera meter långt avgasrör. Svetsar du fast 40 meter rör på ändröret på en bil så tror jag bilens prestanda sänks avsevärt och motorn kanske även tar skada i det långa loppet?
The diesel heater has a weak fan and struggles to blow through a pipe (exhaust) more than 200 cm long, especially with bends, so an increase in exhaust pipe diameter would help, otherwise they are prone to sooting-up and then needing a clean out. But I like the idea, another maybe to run a heat exchanger (car EGR valve cooler) off the exhaust and run hot water through the pipes?
@@krainskij you could mount the diesel heater at the bottom of the tank with Rob Pollock's EGR setup running a high temperature oil through the egr to the sand battery using thermosiphon. This would allow for a short less sooting exhaust while putting a higher temperature than water could carry into the sand tank.
I asked if anyone had tried to store the exhaust heat in thermal mass on one of the Facebook groups , I got laughted at .... thanks for this !!
No problem! Laughing is often done by people who don't dare trying new things 🤣
@@RickardsGarage Or they're to incompetent to build anything.
I know right all that exhaust heat going to waste??? silly.
As soon as i heard about these heaters i bought one. I immediately wondered how well it would heat up a sand battery. Someone could charge a mint building these things for rural people.
Now you just need to build an appleseed style biodiesel processor and get a few businesses to let you have their used oil. Then you'd really be ahead of the curve. Thanks for the video! Subscribed.
Could u provide a link to where we could purchase these diesel heaters? Thank u
@@Yehoshuasministriestry googling vevor diesel heater
There are several videos of people running the exhaust thru a hot water cast iron radiator to capture most of the heat, which I thought was a good idea. I may run mine thru a long baseboard water heat tube with the fins on it to radiate the heat before it exits the room.
I will make a new version soon, myabe that can give you some other ideas 😉
That’s a good idea too to capture more of the heat. The difference between that and the sand battery though is that the cast iron radiator baseboard will give you the extra benefit while heater is running but won’t store the heat like the sand radiating heat for hours after. Each is a great option depending on needs.
The condensation is acidic, make sure to protect your house. Nice work!
Good point. It’s going to eat the metal away inside the tank heat exchanger and leak CO into the house . He needs to neutralize the exhaust water.
I'm not sure I should watch this video without an "order number" as vevor refused to help me with their diesel heater if I didn't have one!?
Great customer service!!
Amazing work on this project .
I just got one of these heaters and I'm in the process of getting ideas for tapping all that wasted energy .
My plan was to use a heat exchanger system like an EGR cooler, tapping the heat from the exhaust (obviously) and using a light weight oil similar to what's used in home radiators thereby avoiding it boiling over or over pressurizing the system,plus the oil holds in the heat pretty well, better than water alone .My plan is to use a holding tank,a 12 volt pump, a car radiator or an old home radiator ,a thermostat and a fan to drive off the heat from said radiator .
I definitely like what you did with the project . Excellent work !
Thank you! It sounds like you have a good plan so o wish you the best of luck with your project. I will build a second version of this soon.
Not entirely correct,
Note -> No other liquid has a better heat capacity than water!
@@janines4314 I was just to reply this when I read your comment. I only found this out myself a few days ago...
The heat capacity of oil is about half that of water. Oil is thought of as hotter because it can be heated to higher temperatures than boiling water, but at the same temperature, water moves more heat into your hand than oil does. Harvard University 👍
I run the exhaust from mine through an old towel rail to capture the heat
@@janines4314well said it has the highest specific heat capacity. The best way to capture and transfer heat and won't boil tell it reaches 100 degrees centigrade in an open vessel at sea can also pressurise it to conduct more heat above 100 degrees
Jag hoppas som många andra att du gör en “in depth” video om hur du resonerade och tanken bakom konstruktionen samt resultaten såklart. Toppen video! Hoppas du får en tillräcklig spridning på videon för att du ska kunna finansiera flera och mera tid på att göra både svenska och internationella videos. Dina videon håller en perfekt nivå av professionalism och underhållning, ingen tvekan om det.
It didn't all 'click' for me until the end, then my brain put it all together. This guy just recovered all the heat from the exhaust and probably achieved almost perfect efficiency. This is so ridiculously smart. This should be a standard for all cold weather environments. Here's your heater and here's your heat recovery container. Just add sand... Dear lord, when I think of all the things that produce waste heat... Even little recovery sand 'batteries' would be worth something.
I'm glad you watched to the end 😉 There will be an update pretty soon
@@RickardsGarageNice job, waiting for the update video. I just Wonder if there is any problem with the exhaust being that long.. See you soon!🤗
There are a few videos of people doing the exhaust heat recovery systems different types, this ain't at all bad.
@@silviurogoz8962 I think the one thing that may cause a problem over time is soot build up if using diesel, so he may have to clean it out more often or change the pipe.
Might want to give it fresh air into the combustion chamber to prevent it sucking air out of the room that will be brought in by outside colder air. This would make the internal air more efficient. Also, might want to secure the exhaust output from the heater to the tank coupler as the resistance in the tank could mean the lose fitting might blow some fumes into the room.
You might want to consider welding some pipes to the tank to create a convection effect. Cold air sucked from the bottom, heats up and rises. But still Good job 👍👍👍Thank you for sharing. Take care of yourself, be safe, and healthy 🇨🇦
The problem with this set up is that it will be corroded in some time from the inside out due to the acids formed within the heat exchanger. In this type of heat exchanger stainless steel is usually compulsory
SS doesn't conduct heat as well as copper. The efficiency will drop.
Shut up
So looks likecyou are recovering maybe 70% of exhaust heat which would otherwise be thrown away, excellent !
A suggestion to add to the build to make it Nobel prize level would be a peltier element to generate electricity for the heater and charge the battery. To make the heater completely self sustainable in a off grid cabin for instance, only diesel needed. Would also be nice to see if a two coil tank version would work, with the second coil used for heating fresh water..
That's not a bad idea, thanks 👍
Yeah David mcluckie is working on a self powered diesel heater doing that you should check his channel out
@@patrickday4206 you got a link for us?
@@patrickday4206 Thank you
I did something similar with an old cast iron steam radiator, works fantastic and way simpler of a build.
Can you elaborate?
@@cloudsculptor1 you just run exhaust gases through it and that's it. Same concept that you've seen on this video.
This radiator-solution can bea also better integrated into rooms. 👍
Also you don't have a large tank in the room ok in a cabin or shed, workshop, or garage, the radiator would look normal but great idea.
Jag är så glad att jag hittade din kanal! Extremt lärorikt, inspirerande och roliga projekt! Tack Rickard :)
Exakt så här du ska göra, blanda dina vanliga videos med denna typ av videos så kommer du få en global spridning, riktigt bra video 👌
Håller helt med!
Din personlighet försvinner tyvärr i dessa videorn. Men dessa kan slå stort på tuben!
På youtube pratar man
@@peterlarsson7032 Men vad ska man säga?
@@triblemaster2¹¹1¹¹¹1111¹111²¹¹1¹11🎉🎉😊11¹🎉😊🎉😊🎉😊😊🎉😊📯📯📯Anunț important pt deținătorii de terenuri care încă nu au obținut #titludeproprietate!
✅ f️igurați cu terenul în registrele agricole sau registrele cadastrale și în evidențele fiscale;
✅️ pentru terenul în cauză nu a fost deschisă carte funciară în baza Legii cadastrului și a publicității imobiliare nr.7/1996, republicată, cu modificările și completările ulterioare;
✅ ️terenul nu face obiectul cererilor de reconstituire sau constituire a dreptului de proprietate de către alte persoane și nici nu s-a eliberat anterior titlu de proprietate cu privire la acesta,
atunci sunteți îndreptățiți să solicitați emiterea Titlului de proprietate, în conformitate cu prevederile legii 123/2023.
Aproape jumătate din timpul prevăzut de lege pt depunerea acestor cereri deja s-a scurs, termenul limită pentru depunere fiind data de 19 decembrie 2023.
Dosarele se depun la Comisia locală pentru aplicarea legii fondului funciar a UAT-ului, și vor conține:
✅️ Cerere-tip și declarație notarială;
✅️ Documentație cadastrală;
✅ ️Proces-verbal de vecinătate, în 4 exemplare originale;
✅️ Certificat fiscal la zi.📯📯📯Anunț important pt deținătorii de terenuri care încă nu au obținut #titludeproprietate!
✅ f️igurați cu terenul în registrele agricole sau registrele cadastrale și în evidențele fiscale;
✅️ pentru terenul în cauză nu a fost deschisă carte funciară în baza Legii cadastrului și a publicității imobiliare nr.7/1996, republicată, cu modificările și completările ulterioare;
✅ ️terenul nu face obiectul cererilor de reconstituire sau constituire a dreptului de proprietate de către alte persoane și nici nu s-a eliberat anterior titlu de proprietate cu privire la acesta,
atunci sunteți îndreptățiți să solicitați emiterea Titlului de proprietate, în conformitate cu prevederile legii 123/2023.
Aproape jumătate din timpul prevăzut de lege pt depunerea acestor cereri deja s-a scurs, termenul limită pentru depunere fiind data de 19 decembrie 2023.
Dosarele se depun la Comisia locală pentru aplicarea legii fondului funciar a UAT-ului, și vor conține:
✅️ Cerere-tip și declarație notarială;
✅️ Documentație cadastrală;
✅ ️Proces-verbal de vecinătate, în 4 exemplare originale;
✅️ Certificat fiscal la zi.📯📯📯Anunț important pt deținătorii de terenuri care încă nu au obținut #titludeproprietate!
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Aproape jumătate din timpul prevăzut de lege pt depunerea acestor cereri deja s-a scurs, termenul limită pentru depunere fiind data de 19 decembrie 2023.
Dosarele se depun la Comisia locală pentru aplicarea legii fondului funciar a UAT-ului, și vor conține:
✅️ Cerere-tip și declarație notarială;
✅️ Documentație cadastrală;
✅ ️Proces-verbal de vecinătate, în 4 exemplare originale;
✅️ Certificat fiscal la zi.
Great upgrade. Doesn't waste thermal BTUs from the exhaust and passively radiates over time, even when off. I have two of these I am planning on getting them to work in parallel.
I have a water heater that no longer works! Time for a new build!
You're welcome! God luck 👍😁
My water heater was very easy to strip down. I cut a slit from top to bottom on the outer skin and it literally popped off. I used a knife to cut a slit in the foam insulation and was very surprised when it too just fell off. The water heater had been wrapped in celophane before the insulation was sprayed on. What I thought was going to be an all morning project was done in five minutes.
Please follow up and let us know the temps of the heat exchanger performance after you shut off the heater......don't leave us hanging. You stopped just at the most important part - seriously hoping for Part 2 soon !!!
Vänligen följ upp och låt oss veta temperaturerna för värmeväxlarens prestanda efter att du har stängt av värmaren...... lämna oss inte hängande. Du stannade bara vid den viktigaste delen - hoppas seriöst på del 2 snart !!!
Reg wats. You are absolute right! Richards garage......... please follow up!,,,,, If your design works, i build one myself ... regards jeff
Fin lösning! Ta gärna med ett kort segment i någon framtida video där du berättar om resultaten!
Jag håller inte alls med dig.
Jag ser framemot ett medellång eller långt segment. :)
The instructions included with my heater warned against extending the exhaust pipe too much. I guess the extra exhaust length restricts the flow and can cause combustion problems.
simply increase the exhaust pipe size if that is your worry.
another thing you could do if you are worried about it, If you are running the exhaust through a heat exchanger like that, the exhaust is cool enough that you could put a fan inline with the exhaust sucking he exhaust through the pipe to help flow, at 4 degrees c you could use a computer fan to do this.
@@A2J_Tim You'd have to be mindful to not create a lean burn, by pulling too much air through the combustion chamber. I'm not sure what problems that might cause, but obviously the fuel/air mixture needs to be within a specific range to burn efficiently.
@@glennr9913 its a heater not an engine, your not going to damage anything, the whole point of a heater is to make heat, lean burning makes heat. also a computer fan is not going pull a massive vacuum on it enough to change what the heaters forced air is putting in, you are simply assisting the exhaust.
How could I not subscribe when we have the same name and interests 😊. I love this sand battery design.
Ahhh yes.. my guy has a jig saw and half round file. He has already leveled up from most other back yard wood stove creators. Good show 👍
Masterpiece :) I like my little diesel heater and this is one of the more creative uses i've seen for it. Liked and subbed :)
Can someone help me understand please? What is the difference between having this sand battery and simply heating up your house with a diesel heater? The energy produced is the same?
Captured exhaust heat, now that’s clever.
The condensate is acidic. Soon the copper coil inside the cylinder will be eaten by the acid and it will leak into the sand. The sand will get into the coil, block it and give back pressure, killing the heater.
Långt ifrån free energy. Jag gissar att du får betala för diesel precis som vi andra. Och dessutom för att ladda batteriet.
Det här är helt klart en video som kan få miljoner visningar!
Håller tummarna 😁
Lite besviken måste jag erkänna, inte över videons innehåll eller din kreativitet, för ditt bygge har ytterst liten energiförlust. Men den är gjord i samma stuk som många andra typ "indier i tå-tofflor som coldweldar ute i skjulet-videos" som dyker upp på tuben och stör blodtrycket acceptabla nivåer... 😁😂
@@RickardsGarage vill du få mer spridning på din video, så dela den i kommentarerna där andra grejar med sina dieselvärmare. Det finns en uppsjö med videos där man testar diverse grejer med dem. Jag ska försöka dela den så mycket jag kan. 😊👍
@@samuelgustavsson1483 Tack för tipset men jag kan inte hålla på att sprida mina filmer på andras sidor, men om du gör det så är jag såklart tacksam 🤗
Jag sprang förbi denna videon:
@Rickards Garage
Känns som något liknande kan vara något för denna kanalen?
mate, that trick you did to make the exhaust plate hole concentric _was_ _genius_. Absolutely great vid.
Thanks !
Great build. Brought to us by Ryobi power tools? Lol
Not free,, But 100% effiency from the fuel =)
The extra heat from the heat exchange is free. Or else he would just waste the heat from the exhaust 😀
Yeah, you pay for everything. And it’s not even close to 100% effective. The exhaust is still warmer than 0C, and the battery needs charging.
Smart idé, har kollat på nån video och läst lite om sand batterier det i Finland, Kul att det med relativt enkla medel och låg kostnad kan gå att göra på mindre skala också! Stor tumme upp!
Brilliant idea, yeah I would add a fresh air intake
Underbart jobbat! Vi är många som vill ha en uppföljning på detta, hur funkade det? Några tankar efteråt, förbättringar? Temperaturer och tider? osv. Du är min idol! 👍
I don't know Rick..??.good job.!!.
Hatten av!
Vilken energi både på dig och dina konstruktioner. Smart att ta vara på vara på värmeenergi
i dessa tider.
Lärorikt och underhållande! 5 +
Hopefuly the condensate doesn't kill the heat exchanger with it's corrosive pH too fast.... Nice build by the way 😉
Let's hope so 🙏
Hur länge måste du köra värmaren för att få gynnsam värme i sandbatteriet och hur länge håller sig värmen sen? Mkt imponerande lösning annars😎👍🏻
This dudes smile caught me off guard in my recommendations feed. lol.
Du är förjävlig Rickard! (Outstanding!! :)
Jag spenderar flera timmar på YT var dag. Du är en av mina absoluta favoriter! (Erik Grankvist, Dyhrs garage är andra svenska). Du förhindrar mig från att inte tappa hoppet för Sveige helt! Pluss ger mer ett o annat jävla gött skratt.
Är du svensk eller amerikan? Sista biten förvirrar mig, från google translate till slang haha
Det glädjer mig att veta, tack så mkt för att du följer min kanal. 🤗
Nice! =) If you had solar panels you could put resistive heaters inside the sand also.
This was the first thing that came in mind when heard about sand batteries. Great way to use many types of heating.
My plans are 4 square meter solar heaters blowing through sand battery to store the heat. Also heating elements could store excess energy into the sand battery.
Man blir glad varje gång man får en notis om att Rickard har lagt upp en ny video! Spelar ingen roll vad du gör! Alla videos och projekt blir kanon! Men den här videon var väldigt avkopplande att titta på. Bara att titta och njuta av musiken🙂🙂
When my father was a truck driver we had free energy which was used to head or house too.
I can imagine
Riktigt smart med sandbatteriet måste jag säga! Jag har själv funderat på 100 olika sätt att ta vara på avgas energin som annars går till spillo...
Great build! Perhaps if the exhaust would be in from bottom to out from top of the tank it would be better for natural flow, but your way it is easier to operate the machine.
The issue would be all that condensating water, although I think a condensation trap with a drain could work matthius4lupe.
@@pa_maj.MARTINI-van-MANGood point. I wondered the reason too.
I tried one of these in my bricked shed and it struggled to gain a few degree ended up getting a proper space heater and its far more efficient and uses less diesel
When the ad is more fun than everything until the ad, then i pass.
Don’t let it hit you in the pass
I like this idea!
Cool build and design, I have a question why is the room air being used for combustion? The combustion intake pipe should be run through the wall as well. By burning room air this can starve the combustion process in a tight building, or pull in cold air creating drafts.
That's absolutely right but this is just a prototype where I'm testing my theory 😉
Bra jobbat... lite som en rörspis, sandugn eller kakelugn som magasinerar värme i sand/tegel. Hur länge avger sandbatteriet värme? som är tillräcklig för att vistas i rummet? Skönt med ett system som inte kan frysa sönder.
Have you considered to swap around the exhaust of the diesel heater and the outlet of the exhaust fumes connections?
In other words, the hotter fumes enter at the low part of the heat exchanger and escape from the top.
We know that heat tends to rise, by inverting the flow you warm the low to middle part of the room primarily, which is where heat is needed most.
I know there could be some condensation issues but they can be overcome.
Just use the big gas bottles its less work and they last longer
Great work. How long does it keep warm for after turning off ?
Thanks! I cant really say because i didn't fulfill the test. I will try to make a new upgraded version 😉
Utmärkt video Rickard! Bra tempo, och man hängde samtidigt med.
Men blanda gärna med dina vanliga!
It doesn't make me feel good to see ppl have funny issues make plasma cutting a funny challenge...but it does make me feel better. :)
Hope you also did install a co detector , if the exhaust gases may leak through the heater coil.
Sehr schönes Werbevideo für RYOBI von Hammerhenning. Die Überlegung die Abgase zu nutzen ist auch klasse, geht aber auch einfacher mit flachen Heizkörper an der Wand.
Thats true but you don't have to worry about water leaking. Thanks 😃
I also tried to use waste enegrgy from exhaust gases, unfortunately these heaters are very demanding on exhaust flow and usually any restrictor is causing E-08 and heater cloggs himself with soot very quick, so went to have box outside garage with heater and heating pipe trough wall. works well with 208c
Spännande projekt! Bra idé att ha undertext på engelska så fler kan njuta av din kanal 👍
you´ve got a brain, Sir, respect!
Nice job on that storage system.
Very clever neat build
Du är verkligen kung Rickard! En fröjd att kolla denna video och imponeras av ditt arbete! 😊👍🏻
Hello. Awesome idea😮 why take the hot air in at the top and push" down and out?? Why not hot air in at the bottom ? Wouldn't that heat the sand faster??
Hi and thanks 😃 I will soon launh a video with an updated version of this heater.
Great video.What is your solution for the exhaust trough the wall going to be?
Superjobb ☝️👏
Tips: Håll koll så att värmaren inte sotar igen. Jobbade mycket med originalen till denna värmare,
(Eberspächer B1L/D1L), på 80-90 talen och de kunde sota igen om det blev för högt mottryck på avgassidan. Ex.vis av klämt eller för långt avgasrör. Speciellt D1L, dieselversionen.
So what are your suggestions? I read a lot about the back pressure problem, lot of comments under other videos recommend not more than 1 meter of exhaust pipe, soot build up and Diesel consumption goes up. Should a small fan on the end of the pipe solve the problem? Helps to reduce the back pressure
Nice! now make one horizontal closer/lower to the ground to fit along a wall under a workbench or shelving
This was great to watch, thank you!
great, man! I'm really curious about long term test result of this experiment!
Så jädra bra!! Extremt imponerande och intressant.
Omg ...Wishing I could do that Quick Wave Of The Hand And Its Done ...Lol Nice Build.... magic wand Mite Be Quicker
Lysande idé och bra gjort. Jag har ju sett hur Dyhrs garage gjorde för att ta till vara på värmen. Tyckte att deras lösning var bra rills jag såg din. Verkar vara en mindre komplicerad lösning och verkar som om du kan ta till vara på mer värme än vad de kunde. 👍👍
Hi great job I liked it a lot! Is there any special reason to connect exhaust to top rather than the bottom of the tank?
In other comment someone brought up the condensation that now can get out of the system easily.
Missar aldrig en ny video från dig. Bra jobbat.👍
Letting you know they make grinding stones for the grinder that are cone shaped for opening holes.
En fantastiskt bra idé och konstruktion med enkla lösningar.
Bra att du gjorde en ordentlig prototyp.
Min tanke är att den kanske kunde ha varit lite lägre.
Sand absorberar ju värmen väldigt bra.
Skulle den vara påslagen en längre tid så det börjar att komma varma avgaser ur utblåset, så borde även ”tanken” få en behaglig värmande temperatur.
Det va min tanke.
Tack för ordet.
Heja Richard.
Moim zdaniem,powinno to być podłączone odwrotnie - Webasto ma dole a wylot spalin na górze .
Pomysł super.
Det jag skille vilja veta är hur många timmar per dygn kör du teoretiskt Vevorn för att ha en behaglig temperatur, och hur många timmar tar det att ladda batteriet så att du får effekt längre bort än 2m runt batteriet, (ideallt hade väl varit att placera batteriet i mitten av utrymmet du ska värma, och inte nära 2 st fönster, men antar att det var den enda väggen/hörnet som var ledigt. Risken är att batteriet är för stort beroende på hur länge du kör Vevorn. Kanske får bygga en hylla i mitten av tanken eller så och bara fylla den till hälften med sand.
För du vill ju inte behöva köra Vevorn mer än vad som är nödvändigt för att värma upp utrymmet jämfört med sanden. Du vill ju ta till vara på spillvärmen som kommer från att du värmer upp rummet och att det ska räcka för att värma upp sanden tillräckligt för att det ska ge en effekt lång tid framöver.
Why not use water isted of sand, Waters heat capacity is 5x higher than sand ??
you can heat sand higher than 100'C and this setup does not need expansion tank, pressure valve etc.
Jeg lurte på hvor det ble av støvsugeren, plutselig kom den😊. Fint stykke arbeid🎉
I wonder if the Exhaust could power a little impeller to charge a battery?
innovativt som sig bör :) även om jag personligen nog hade använt vatten istället för sand(billigare och skönt med varmvatten, om än mer ineffektivt).
En tanke bara, har du något kolmonoxid-larm eller liknande i stugan? självdrag osv i all ära, men vill ju inte att du ska kola och sluta ladda upp nya videor 😉
Håller definitivt med gällande avgaserna. Var försiktig, vi är oroliga för dig. Jäkla finurlig och klurig idé för övrigt 👍🏼🤩
Vatten håller mycket mer energi per volymenhet och grad än sand. Problemet i denna installation är nog frostrisken. Jag tror inte denna stuga är uppvärmd alltid på vintern.
@@mcg6762 aah ja det har du ju faktiskt helt rätt i, tänkte inte på det 😅
Håller med Joeldinho79, grymt kul att se dina kunskaper men även lika roligt att se dina roliga upptåg, en mix så blir det otroligt bra
Ett enda ord. Rickard. GREAT VIDEO. 💪😀👍,
Good stuff, I have a old solar water heater that I wish to repurpose the one with the vacuum tubes and copper head conductor's. Your idea and a RV battery switch "charges between two batteries. With peltier junction will eliminate power supply, perhaps even battery with ultra capacitors. Still going down the road on design. I am was worried about peltier junction getting to much heat your design resolves that issue.
Smart. Och bra tänkt för att få ut kondensvattnet med. Kanon
Nice project!
Glöm inte att ha ett koldioxid/kolmonoxidlarm intill den. Inte säkert man märker när det rostar sönder från insidan (H2O i avgaserna). Gäller egentligen alla bränslevärmare som används inomhus.
Wonderful Fabrication Mindset and Skills and I Love the Use of The Ryobi Tools. The Milwaukee an DeWalt Fan Boys ! Look Down on Ryobi and I Think It's Funny as Hell as I Still Have Multiple BLUE 18V Ryobi Tools In Fact I've Yet To Have One Fail Me and Love The Fact That I Can Use The New 18V Lithium HP Battery's in My Old BLUE Ones ! .....This Build Is Awesome an I Admire Your Skillset
riktigt smart att ta reda på energin i avgaserna där, sånt man annars bara har som förlorad energi av dieselförbränningen! ja, sen upp med lite solceller/vindkraftverk/vattenkraftverk för å ladda upp batteribanken, guld
Kul projekt.
Och toppen att du inte har högre volym på musiken, allt för många videor som har den för hög
Really love this. Thanks for the video
Snyggt! Det enda jag funderar på är hur motorn mår med flera meter långt avgasrör. Svetsar du fast 40 meter rör på ändröret på en bil så tror jag bilens prestanda sänks avsevärt och motorn kanske även tar skada i det långa loppet?
snyggt, jag hade dock lett in avgaserna och den varma luften utifrån för att slippa ljudet :)
Great idea 💡 and well done 👍
If u switch out ur breaker, make sure you run bigger wire 😅
Don't want to melt anything or have a fire
Congrats you created a condenser
Kung rickard! kollade denna video efter att du nämnt det i din live
Vevor and others cinese Heather can't work with long exaust pipe for long time
The diesel heater has a weak fan and struggles to blow through a pipe (exhaust) more than 200 cm long, especially with bends, so an increase in exhaust pipe diameter would help, otherwise they are prone to sooting-up and then needing a clean out. But I like the idea, another maybe to run a heat exchanger (car EGR valve cooler) off the exhaust and run hot water through the pipes?
I've been wondering about that?
The advantage with sand is that you can have higher temp than 100c. So water is a bad idea.
@@krainskij you missed what he was saying
@@krainskij you could mount the diesel heater at the bottom of the tank with Rob Pollock's EGR setup running a high temperature oil through the egr to the sand battery using thermosiphon. This would allow for a short less sooting exhaust while putting a higher temperature than water could carry into the sand tank.