Returning Home to a Jungle of Peas, Carrots, Basil & One Zucchini after Hot Days

  • Опубліковано 10 вер 2024
  • Market Gardening in Southeast Alaska
    Notes Week Ending August 9
    Another week of nice weather in the 70s after a week of hot weather when I was gone last week. Large orders of some items, especially of carrots and more lettuce mix than usual with a few new customers. All three refrigerators stocked completely full with veggies. Check garlic and only about three leaves have died back, so will harvest next week after another forecast of dry weather; garlic maturing later than last year. Also, first week seeing ripe berries on the SW Hugelkultur raspberry plants.
    GH2 a lot of basil growth after hot weather all previous week. Getting almost one ounce of basil per plant and estimate that I could harvest from both beds a total of about thirty larger 3-oz size bag this week, but only receive orders for 20 bags. Radishes planted at bed ends for slugs are mature to harvest if they had been grown for a crop. GH2S Orach harvest one row for lettuce mix. GH1 basil is not quite ready to harvest - definitely started and planted a little too late. GH1W three zucchini plants have one nice size fruit that I pick for myself and a few others growing nicely after most had been rotting during cool, wet weather.
    Herbs & Onion Family:
    NE3A Parsley continue harvest (about the right size bed at 20 feet) & NE3B Dill able to get a small harvest (forgot to activate dill in Food4All, so only get orders for a few bunches, so turn 10 smaller bunches into 5 larger ones, and sell them all), NE3B Cilantro second planting of tiny starts in soil blocks did not make it through the hot weather and some appear to be eaten by slugs. NE4A Leek harvest of a few bunches for personal use from plants that are already much bigger than last year, and NE4B Green Onion second patch harvest for the first time, although they could have been harvested previous week.
    Previous harvest before traveling from NE1 Pea harvest ~6 lb; this week NE1 harvest ~8 lb. NE2 harvest for the first time ~8 lb, which could probably have been harvested for the first time last week. Some NE2 vines fell over and need to be retrained up trellis and dead ones removed. Sell peas in one-pound packs instead of the smaller 4 oz and 8 oz options in order to sell the larger quantity, but sell out too quickly.
    Lettuce Mix:
    End up composting excess Green Salanova lettuce tub ~5 pounds from the previous harvest along with two bags of uneaten personal use lettuce mix. Harvest lettuce after sun starts to go down and greens bubbler & bag late into the night. NE5A Green Salanova (accidentally only seeded green) heads ready to harvest last week are big this week, so only harvest half of the patch ~10 feet for about 16 pounds and then mix with GH2S Orach ~0.5 lb, NE7A Mizuna two rows ~2 lb, and NW1A(1) BChard half of a patch ~5 feet ~1.5 lb. Sell more lettuce mix this week than typical. NE5B Salanova not quite ready to harvest this week.
    NW4 Carrot Yaya harvested once before, selecting for large size only, and this week continue harvesting almost the full bed all carrots regardless of size to try and clear bed for NRCS tunnel buffer, and note that most carrots were a decent size. Sell a lot of carrots 52 bunches with bunches about 1 pound weight checked later without tops.
    Way too much kale growing in one bed of Toscana and small path of Dazzling blue, and need to harvest & freeze some for myself. Seeing a few caterpillars in kale, but not much. Too much chard for what I'm selling, and plants are looking nice with insect netting and slug boards. Collard greens are turning light green color as they've done in the past this time of year.
    Music: Mosswood by Steve Adams
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