I do sell them. You can go to my website and order one by filling out the order form. Www.ToddsRestorations.com My Fb page is Todds Restorations and 66-67 Charger Freaks. All my contact info is on my website. I'm on vacation until next Sun, I can ship the following week after I return. Todd
That is very interesting video and what some engineering put into that power pack , learning some new stuff although I have a second gen b body
EXCELLENT VIDEO! I'd guess you've done this a time or two...
Todd, do you sell the capacitors or do you know the specifications for the ones needed for this EL power pack?
I do sell them. You can go to my website and order one by filling out the order form.
My Fb page is Todds Restorations and 66-67 Charger Freaks. All my contact info is on my website. I'm on vacation until next Sun, I can ship the following week after I return. Todd
Thanks Todd, I'll check out the form.