The Battle Over Free Speech: Are Trigger Warnings, Safe Spaces & No-Platforming Harming Young Minds?

  • Опубліковано 27 бер 2019
  • Many would argue that these are the fundamental goals of a good education. So why has Cambridge University taken to warning its students that the sexual violence in Titus Andronicus might be traumatic for them? Why are other universities in America and increasingly in Britain introducing measures to protect students from speech and texts they might find harmful? Safe spaces, trigger warnings and no-platforming are now campus buzzwords - and they’re all designed to limit free speech and the exchange of ideas. As celebrated social psychologist Jonathan Haidt argues in his book 'The Coddling of the American Mind', university students are increasingly retreating from ideas they fear may damage their mental health, and presenting themselves as fragile and in need of protection from any viewpoint that might make them feel unsafe.The culture of safety, as Haidt calls it, may be well intentioned, but it is hampering the development of young people and leaving them unprepared for adult life, with devastating consequences for them, for the companies that will soon hire them, and for society at large.
    That, Haidt’s critics argue, is an infuriating misinterpretation of initiatives designed to help students. Far from wanting to shut down free speech and debate, what really concerns the advocates of these new measures is the equal right to speech in a public forum where the voices of the historically marginalised are given the same weight as those of more privileged groups. Warnings to students that what they’re about to read or hear might be disturbing are not an attempt to censor classic literature, but a call for consideration and sensitivity. Safe spaces aren’t cotton-wool wrapped echo chambers, but places where minority groups and people who have suffered trauma can share their experiences without fear of hostility.
    In November 2018, Haidt came to the Intelligence Squared stage to discuss and debate these ideas. Joining him were the former chief rabbi Jonathan Sacks, who believes that educating young people through debate and argument helps foster robustness, author and activist Eleanor Penny, and sociologist Kehinde Andrews, one of the UK’s leading thinkers on race and the history of racism.

КОМЕНТАРІ • 6 тис.

  • @ravenousfire7798
    @ravenousfire7798 5 років тому +1666

    My brain just turns off when someone starts with,
    "As a (insert race, gender, sexuality group identity), I feel..."
    None of that matters to your argument. Either you have good ideas or bad ideas, your group identity is inconsequential to the merit of your ideas.

    • @amalnasser4118
      @amalnasser4118 5 років тому +28

      Johan Doah I really disagree with that statements. People in the minorites experience things in society then people who aren’t this is just fact. And I believe as a human we should be able to hear from different perspectives whether we are in the racial minority or sexual because they have experiences that might be different then yours so listen, asses and then form your opinion

    • @ravenousfire7798
      @ravenousfire7798 5 років тому +180

      @@amalnasser4118 You can have all the experiences unique to you that you want...and I am happy to hear your personal experiences, but when someone wants to use that to push policy on me and strip me of my rights, please forgive me for not just rolling over and giving them up.
      Your personal experience does not make your ideas good or bad, they are good or bad on their own merits period.

    • @amalnasser4118
      @amalnasser4118 5 років тому +14

      John doah of-course my personal experiences is not categorize into right or wrong there just experiences from my point of view in a minority I understand your point I do no should impose anything in any way to infringe on your rights. And no please don’t apologize you have every right with disagreeing on my points I’m not asking to agree with everything all I need if for something to listen. Thank you for your comment.

    • @BuceGar
      @BuceGar 5 років тому +102

      @@amalnasser4118 It's not a "fact" at all. While being black might be different than being white, we are both Americans in the same society with the same basic rights. What we choose to do with any opportunities that we are presented, or that we create, is up to us as individuals. If you think the world owes you something, then you'll be in for a rough ride as an adult when people rightly tell you to "Grow up."
      Also, this preposterous idea that as a human being I can't possibly comprehend what it's like to be another human being is patently false. Empathy, sympathy, and our sense of fairness are built upon our ability to see things from a different perspective. It's foundational to any interactions you have with other people, and if you are lacking it, you're a psychopath.
      Intersectionality is about nothing but power, and trying to gain it over others. It is not based on any science, and we should all reject it completely.

    • @aaronlee6361
      @aaronlee6361 5 років тому +8

      A different person with a different background and different ideas? Yea... it totally doesn't matter

  • @ricardoguanipa8275
    @ricardoguanipa8275 5 років тому +450

    "....for 500 years it has gotten us nowhere" says the Black University Professor living in the former Colonial Nation

    • @philipbrown2086
      @philipbrown2086 5 років тому +56

      The rabbi made, for me, one of the strongest points. Those who are sure they are right are the keenest to hear opposing ideas, because they are confident that the facts are for them. It is, by contrast, those who are least sure they are right who are keenest to shut down debate.

    • @giantsloth126
      @giantsloth126 5 років тому +1

      @Y T Haidt doesn't have analysis, he has nice little catch phrases that pretend reality is something different that it is, to make people feel good.

    • @SCQT
      @SCQT 5 років тому +12

      Thank you. I was screaming at my screen when he started spewing that absurdity. The lack of awareness is stupefying.

    • @SCQT
      @SCQT 5 років тому +9

      @@philipbrown2086 I very much agree, and you see this play out pretty apparently in debates like this. When you have, in my opinion, one side that totally outclasses the other, there is a huge difference in the demeanor of the two groups. These two were a very good example, simply looking at things as simple as their cadence of speech, posture, and hand gestures. There is an element of unease, that i hope im not just projecting on them, but seems relatively obvious.
      This same type of thing plays out when you watch a young student or protestor attempt to debate Jordan Peterson. They yell and scream and flail their arms to, in my opinion, distract from the weakness, even they see, in their own positions. Its like a form of cognitive dissonance that produces extreme anxiety, which then manifests as mental defense and physical aggressiveness.

    • @brown3394
      @brown3394 5 років тому +12

      lol I was so confused by that... Nothing has changed in 500 years..???? So if that idiot was sent back to the 16th century things would be the same for him? The world has changed more in just the last 100 years then it had in the entire previous 10 000 years, the quality of life is so many magnitudes better in 1st world countries then it was 100 years ago, for fucking every person living in it. This guys mad that racism still exists, his ancestors from the early 1900s were dealing with a lot fucking worse then his sad story of not being able to wear jeans :'( Not to mention a million ways to die that wouldn't even keep you home from work in todays world. Go back the 17th century then bud, and enjoy 40% of your children dying from infection, disease and everything else long before ever reaching adulthood.

  • @Gaonaism
    @Gaonaism 3 роки тому +461

    The set-up was unfair. They paired two rational and highly intelligent adults with two emotional and ideologically possessed children.

    • @kev_cub2740
      @kev_cub2740 2 роки тому +42

      all the rational, educated adults on the other side are smart enough to know emotional arguments are inherently unstable &do not hold up to scrutiny...

    • @WayneBraack
      @WayneBraack 2 роки тому +48

      What else would you find on that side of the argument other than emotionally unbalanced intellectually insufficient children?

    • @arthurwittmann6242
      @arthurwittmann6242 2 роки тому +6

      @@WayneBraack Rational higly intelligent adults that suppor this left-leaning opinions. C'mon, im right and a lot libertarian, and it's amply obvious they can find someone who has dedicated their lives studying the left leaning arguments (argumentation is a science)

    • @tammys8711
      @tammys8711 2 роки тому +1


    • @patricecomedy
      @patricecomedy 2 роки тому +5

      @@arthurwittmann6242 you'd think so but I haven't heard from or seen any of them doing debates like this. Who are they? I'm curious to hear from them too for balance.

  • @AlexADalton
    @AlexADalton 3 роки тому +167

    Haidt is so eminently reasonable, comprehensive, and thorough in his analysis of these issues, that the opposition inevitably winds up looking like they are relying on pure appeal to emotion and generalizations/stereotypes that the world would do better without.

    • @simpaticode
      @simpaticode 2 роки тому +6

      He's been shut down in his methods of teaching and feels the loss. And he is smart enough that anger can only harm his case, so he actively bites it down, and practices patience. I was more impressed with Sacks' answer than anyone.

    • @nicholassmith3719
      @nicholassmith3719 10 місяців тому

      Quite right.

  • @TheCraigrobson
    @TheCraigrobson 5 років тому +855

    It crazy to watch a debate we’re one speaker maintains that there has been exactly zero progress with racism in university yet teaches black studies at universities

    • @justkiddin1980
      @justkiddin1980 5 років тому +50

      Very good point...and oh yeah “the far right is on the rise” yeah right...

    • @Cronhour
      @Cronhour 5 років тому +4

      @@justkiddin1980 is this sarcasm?

    • @d.rabbitwhite
      @d.rabbitwhite 5 років тому +7

      They are standing against a system that is hundreds of years old. I 'm white, I get it, wtf is the problem with this. I see the racism EVERYWHERE IN EVERYTHING. I do not even want to hear any of you white folks telling me it isn't there when as a white folk , I HEAR it daily, I'm exposed to fragile white people crying about shame and guilt and never once actually checking themselves. I'm white, so folks assume I'm on their side and and don't mind their blatant bigotry. I do mind. It's gross, and holds humanity back from evolution, and y'all need to do some research and introspective critique.
      I get that it is hard and defensiveness is a first reaction to being called out. It happened to me and it took a long time for me to learn, As, when it happened that I was called out (believing, mind you, that I was not a bigot) was when there were not willing people there to explain about privilege, what it is what it means to be living in it. There are folks willing to explain it-all over the internet and probably in your communities.
      There isn't progress because the underlying structures have never been properly addressed.
      How many black people you see in puzzles that are not exoticism in praxis?
      What Do you know of Africa's history of science, mathematics and architecture before colonization?
      that 's all

    • @akang4009
      @akang4009 5 років тому +26

      @@d.rabbitwhite Do tell -- what are just a FEW examples of these anecdotal interactions you experience on a "daily" basis? And where (geographically, organizationally, etc.)? Your remarks resonated & struck a chord w/ me -- as with countless millions others, of course -- as we live in an especially precarious time where ppl are given free pass on unspeakably evil "hate speech," like calling Obama "a bad prez," and only 90% or so of media & academia believe Trump is as bad or worse as Hitler.

    • @justkiddin1980
      @justkiddin1980 5 років тому +19

      @@Cronhour Since when is stating fact sarcasm? The far left is trying to make a comeback i hope we can stomp that shit out...because the next real wave of facism and racism is coming from the left...

  • @hpsauce1078
    @hpsauce1078 5 років тому +609

    Funny calling it a debate, one side had no argument

    • @liamwinter4512
      @liamwinter4512 5 років тому +18

      Harry Peach I love a balanced debate and I did love this. But they had an incoherent argument.

    • @hpsauce1078
      @hpsauce1078 5 років тому +6

      @@liamwinter4512 Yeah tbh it was actually a pretty interesting debate although a little cliche

    • @grizelda4526
      @grizelda4526 5 років тому +10

      Felt like more of a civil discussion rather then a debate. Which is probably good

    • @IronHeel
      @IronHeel 5 років тому +29

      HAHAHA. Those arguing for safe spaces never do. Funny how that "Gen Z" rep mentions nothing of the rise of rabid identitarianism on the left and the unidirectional trend of de/no-platforming.
      We need to stop ascribing inherent legitimacy to "minority" voices; the loser on stage speaking about the "violence of white faces" is why. Also, how alarming this kind of thinking; what does that mean for his worldview? Suspicious of all whites, faces "violence" in situations in historically white countries - got a suggestion for him, go to a country that matches his desired racial demographics.

    • @TheLivirus
      @TheLivirus 5 років тому

      How many sides are there?

  • @vitortriplex
    @vitortriplex 2 роки тому +25

    58:16 "If you really have confidence that you are right then you never seek to silence your opponents." Rabbi Jonathan Sacks

  • @mikehawk9045
    @mikehawk9045 2 роки тому +108

    "Censorship is forbidding a man from eating steak because a child could not chew it." -Mark Twain

    • @pseudonayme7717
      @pseudonayme7717 2 роки тому +1

      I like that. It says alot, with few words. I'm stealing it 😛

    • @j_freed
      @j_freed 2 роки тому +1

      The Far Left does infantilize adults with pablum ideas and roof much coddling.

    • @j_freed
      @j_freed 2 роки тому +1

      The ‘Devouring Mother’ who feels every person is either a helpless infant… or a tyrannical threat to infants… there are no middle ground of the strong, healthy people able to fend for themselves, make their own choices.

    • @nikkifraser5541
      @nikkifraser5541 2 роки тому

      @@j_freed Its very easy for individuals to make broad assumptions based on a snapshot off apparent information I imagine it is very much different looking in through our own eyes and observing ..rather than a heartfelt experience through the individuals eyes ...after all we all have very different coping mechanisms.

    • @rosalindmartin4469
      @rosalindmartin4469 2 роки тому

      The enormous spectacle of MEDIA has reduced the individual to a dot.

  • @Stolat79
    @Stolat79 5 років тому +1925

    I would love it, as a gay man, if these speakers on the left of the stage would stop using the LGBT as a trope for their arguments. You are not our protectors. The LGBT does not need your protection. We deserve to be treated as individuals first. You only speak for yourself Eleanor Penny.

    • @intrepidape2724
      @intrepidape2724 5 років тому +39


    • @Ozzybob-ts7yj
      @Ozzybob-ts7yj 5 років тому +62

      Joe you don't need their protection ... Mate, u need protection from these idiots. She's already mentioned Muslim students and LGBT students in the same argument. The left loves Islam and Islam throws u guys off roof tops. The left has used the gay community, particularly gay men and when Islam has taken over and is rounding up and murdering u guys in the most barbaric ways imaginable, the left will be sitting by sprouting out "Not all Muslims".

    • @Treyson007
      @Treyson007 5 років тому +80

      They use you as a shield for their shitty ideas.

    • @coolmagoolsnexus
      @coolmagoolsnexus 5 років тому +26

      Well said, sir.

    • @dominantallele4216
      @dominantallele4216 5 років тому +3

      JB - This your new account Milo?

  • @sebek2242
    @sebek2242 5 років тому +1120

    Christopher Hitchens put it best “If someone tells me that I've hurt their feelings, I say, 'I'm still waiting to hear what your point is.'

    • @Oners82
      @Oners82 5 років тому +4

      How wrong could he be about the Iraq War, that was his downfall...

    • @Oners82
      @Oners82 5 років тому +5

      He's dead? No shit Sherlock, thanks for the breaking news...

    • @Jianju69
      @Jianju69 5 років тому +6

      @@Oners82 Great attitude! I had no idea he was dead, or when this was filmed.

    • @fusion772
      @fusion772 5 років тому +8

      Yeah well Hitchens was a mean-spirited man full of privilege and entitlement. If he understood the painful realities of the past, he would take care to not hurt the feelings of the already marginalized and oppressed, and he would listen more and talk less

    • @Oners82
      @Oners82 5 років тому +17

      Telling a public speaker to speak less - words of wisdom lol!

  • @loubieloujones5698
    @loubieloujones5698 3 роки тому +87

    As a woman who went through university, I can honestly say I never felt an ounce of sexism or oppression. That young woman is actually quite authoririan. She doesn't see the fascism in her own remarks!

    • @Dblue-rhino
      @Dblue-rhino Рік тому

      Nazis suppressed freedom of speech. Their flag was colored red to attract the communists.

    • @zeldagoblin
      @zeldagoblin Рік тому +1

      Leftists are always authoritarian, without fail. Orwell himself said, the next rise of fascism will come from the left. It makes me crazy when leftists try to invoke 1984 when talking about the right wing, when that novel was written as a cautionary insight on the LEFT gone rogue.

    • @loubieloujones5698
      @loubieloujones5698 Рік тому +2

      @@zeldagoblin Exactly!

  • @pedrogaya5558
    @pedrogaya5558 3 роки тому +20

    "Minority students are alienated in universities".
    Solution: Let's alienate them further.
    What could go wrong?

  • @larisvrahimis631
    @larisvrahimis631 5 років тому +211

    The young woman’s on the left incoherent rambling almost convinced me of her argument that some people have not earned the right to a platform.

    • @howardroark82
      @howardroark82 5 років тому +9

      LOL. Well played

    • @EvilMonkey7818
      @EvilMonkey7818 5 років тому +19

      She is possibly the best example I've seen of someone speaking a lot of words while saying absolutely NOTHING. I can listen to graduate level physiology or economics lectures while sorting out my laundry and doing the dishes, but listening to her speak was an absolute bore. As substantive as listening to someone with a bad stutter who just drank a pint of vodka.

    • @catherinemacleod257
      @catherinemacleod257 5 років тому +8

      She sounds like a stroppy teenager arguing with her parents

    • @micahceballos3802
      @micahceballos3802 5 років тому +5

      I couldn't understand her either. Hwew. Strained so hard to listen to her slightly incoherent speech.

    • @lbft100
      @lbft100 5 років тому +2

      Laris Vrahimis yet, I was glad to hear her perspective, as much as it made my brain hurt. I want to hear more from “snowflakes” and more leftist perspectives, as I don’t understand the logic. I want to understand

  • @torch2k
    @torch2k 5 років тому +310

    45:10 - I don't think I've ever heard someone say 'profoundly patronising' in a tone that was so profoundly patronising.

    • @tipitina1968
      @tipitina1968 5 років тому +18

      torch2k haha...I felt the same but didn’t put words to it. Bless you. 😂

    • @OmegaManZero2
      @OmegaManZero2 5 років тому +14

      She even went through all the gestures and shit.

    • @Chadthefatherbear
      @Chadthefatherbear 5 років тому +10

      I just saw that part (after Haidt gives a positive and realistic breakdown on the social progress that universities have come to largely provide over the past few decades in particular) and had to pause and take a break from the video because of the admittedly *hopeless* feeling that set in when she threw down the “profoundly patronizing” comment and gesture. Scrolled down and saw your comment haha.

    • @kargs5krun
      @kargs5krun 5 років тому +11

      I found even her hand movements to be "profoundly patronising." (but her ideology tops the list)

    • @dascarter1
      @dascarter1 5 років тому

      @Gerry BerryDavid Starkey took out Laurie Penny with a massive overhand right of "I'm not taking any of your shit bitch." Its like candy.

  • @robertross45
    @robertross45 2 роки тому +17

    Having your feeling hurt by 'offensive speech' will never be as bad as being fined or jailed for speech.

  • @shantanukhandkar
    @shantanukhandkar Рік тому +60

    Can I just say that this moderator is absolutely brilliant. She is perfectly balanced, fair, articulate, and informed. At times its almost as if she summarizes the speakers' position as well as if not better than the speakers themselves. Its a masterclass in moderation.

    • @Tadesan
      @Tadesan Рік тому

      And she's way hot.

    • @mogznwaz
      @mogznwaz Рік тому +1

      Her first words are to make a joke about Brexit to her audience, giving away her - and their - bias IMMEDIATELY

    • @NeilDeBarna
      @NeilDeBarna Рік тому

      @@mogznwaz Because this was recorded in the height of brexit discussions, thus making a nice contextually accurate joke about it being a brexit free safe space. Pretty sure even most smooth brainers would understand that.

    • @mogznwaz
      @mogznwaz Рік тому

      @@NeilDeBarna It was lazy pandering then and it is now.. Period.

    • @NeilDeBarna
      @NeilDeBarna Рік тому

      @@mogznwaz You remind me of Kehinde Andrews, jumping on every tiny thing, pointing and shouting "see, they're biased!" When in reality, it was nothing or the sort.

  • @garywood97
    @garywood97 5 років тому +318

    This wasn't really a debate. The guys on the left just repeat "But victimhood", 100 times in different ways.

    • @jomgelborn
      @jomgelborn 5 років тому +7

      Gordon Freemason was it only 100 times? Felt like 400

    • @andymester9661
      @andymester9661 5 років тому +4

      Gordon Freemason they are all from the left it's lefties vs far lefties

    • @michaelharold1334
      @michaelharold1334 5 років тому +11

      You can only negotiate with a peer. If someone claims victim status they’re placing themselves in a category that makes negotiation and debate impossible. Decent society requires the person who’s not the victim to submit to the victim. If the victim status is permanent (based on identity) then there’s absolutely no way to ever be peer to peer. Its a permanent, unresolvable bug. If we cannot negotiate we cannot communicate. We can’t have justice. Nobody is a victim based on their “identity” alone. This idea of minority identity equals oppression does not hold water when we look at outcomes across the western world. It’s a lie that all people of influence promote- all teachers, all politicians, celebrities. It’s cauterized into the Western world. I’m not surprised we are where we are. Those ideas can never lead to long term success. There is never going to be an end to this victim narrative because it’s a lever that can be pulled continuously and without end. There’s zero evidence to support this victim narrative and despite all evidence to the contrary the victim/oppression narrative much like a religious movement continues to occupy spaces of influence. At some point you just say NO.

    • @MrVhatever
      @MrVhatever 5 років тому

      I think gordon was expecting these debates with multiple black people who can barely speak English spewing as much gibberish in as short of time possible. only occasionally to be punctuated with a racial slur.

    • @LitchKB
      @LitchKB 5 років тому

      Just saved me 90 minutes. Cheers. Upvoted.

  • @flynnleathers335
    @flynnleathers335 5 років тому +297

    Not one cohesive argument against free speech. Just endless whining from one person and meaningless word salad from the other.

    • @franktenhengel1078
      @franktenhengel1078 5 років тому +16

      Word salad. You poet. Kudos.

    • @terryrady
      @terryrady 5 років тому +6

      Fucking word salad? Wow. You are operating on a hiring brain level dude. I’m using that one. Hahaha

    • @polybian_bicycle
      @polybian_bicycle 5 років тому +4

      Word salad is the modus operandi of the postmodern left.

    • @jamesblack9499
      @jamesblack9499 5 років тому +1


    • @jgonsalk
      @jgonsalk 4 роки тому

      @Scott Mamby citation needed

  • @burtmacklin6443
    @burtmacklin6443 3 роки тому +100

    For a girl who's so fearful of fascism, the way she speaks about de-platforming people she disagrees with, looks like shes heading down that road...

    • @nunodasilva5449
      @nunodasilva5449 Рік тому +2

      It's rather confusing that someone with extreme socialist political views would be fearful of fascism...

    • @comradeusa8351
      @comradeusa8351 Рік тому +3

      You have peculiar view of fascism. Fascism is defined by a militaristic and imperialist expansion with a strong nationalist base. If you think fascism is a left-wing creation, then I would wholeheartedly recommend a re-reading and analysis of post WWI Germany. I'd happily provide recommendations.

    • @ronhunt40
      @ronhunt40 Рік тому +1

      @@comradeusa8351 Maoism

    • @Indylimburg
      @Indylimburg Рік тому +3

      I laughed out loud when she claimed "I'm actually suspicious of government". Sure you are, just like every communist stooge.

    • @jayz8839
      @jayz8839 Рік тому +1

      Why do you always bring up the National Socialists of Germany? Is the self hate that bad?

  • @aslan2709
    @aslan2709 3 роки тому +10

    The irony of this young girl sharing a public forum panel with Jonathan Haidt attempting to argue against the platforming of “right wing” voices in fear of legitimizing those views is astounding

  • @kirstinBioethics555
    @kirstinBioethics555 5 років тому +368

    Once again I am stuck being embarrassed by my gender listening to another woman dribble on in nonsense. Women are a majority of the population. If women don’t assert their own power, then their limitations are self imposed. Any woman living under a society based on western ideology, is the freest that woman have been in all history. As a women who majored in the sciences, completed my legal doctorate, raises my children, and tries to find a little joy in the craziness and struggle of life, which is the same for all people in context, I can’t imagine pretending I am some shrinking violet in face of masculinity.
    Also, her opening statement shows her bias against reason. I wish I had the proper time to unpack it’s logical fallacies, but I have a life.

    • @Ptrrrrrrrr
      @Ptrrrrrrrr 4 роки тому +8

      Bravo Kirstin!

    • @jamgaming3693
      @jamgaming3693 4 роки тому +13

      Its because your a successful modern woman and these two have took there fundamental features ie race and gender and blamed racism and sexism on why they are not succeeding, your skin pigmentation, gender and sexual orientation do not hold you back in a modern western society and the easy thing to do is blame our ancestors who did some horrible things to minorities and women and even to themselves and condemn the modern world I’m so glad I didn’t go uni, It’s the only valid point a modern pupil of academia has is the price and the degrees that don’t get you a job but this made up oppression of groups are a non starter it just becomes the oppression olympics

    • @christopherrubadue6343
      @christopherrubadue6343 4 роки тому +7

      This was beautiful

    • @jonaswicker6188
      @jonaswicker6188 3 роки тому +3

      Thank you! Especially your last sentence made me smile

    • @craigsolano8812
      @craigsolano8812 3 роки тому

      Trump 2020

  • @tedtrash
    @tedtrash 5 років тому +340

    To paraphrase the deplatforming gal, "I'm all for free speech as long as the speech I don't agree with can't be heard."

    • @disnotesfoyou
      @disnotesfoyou 3 роки тому +3

      It's mostly about respect. Your boss can disrespect you but you can't disrespect him. We've actually had to write laws to limit the ability of owners and managers to disrespect their employees. You know, like when someone is maimed on the job and the boss used to just send the poor guy home to be nursed by his family. Both sides did agree that hates speech is unacceptable. So to paraphrase both sides, "I'm all for free speech as long as the speech I don't agree with can't be heard." 60% of Asians attend college; 42% of whites; 37% of African-Americans attend college; 36% of Hispanics attend college in the US. 58% of Asians; 40% of whites; 26% of African-Americans and shockingly only 18% of Hispanics attain a bachelor's degree. The success rate of blacks and Hispanics has a big drop off.

    • @arturama8581
      @arturama8581 3 роки тому +4

      @@disnotesfoyou And this is because? Have you studied the causes for this drop or are you just assuming?

    • @arturama8581
      @arturama8581 3 роки тому +14

      @Anonymoose 123 And why would that be? Why do you need mutual respect for free speech? Free speech gets 'strange idea's' out in the open. Without FS such idea's stay underground. Slowly burning under your feet, untill the floor gives way.
      There's a difference between FS and open discussion. FS means FS! NO MATTER what you say. Prohibiting FS, language, certain words, will only mean some idea's go out of sight. They don't vanish! They still remain! You just don't see them anymore.
      Keep your friends close, keep your enemies closer!!!

    • @sunbeam9222
      @sunbeam9222 3 роки тому +7

      Yeah, there is a difference between hate speech and speech that you hate

    • @tigran56
      @tigran56 3 роки тому

      Very bad paraphrase. It happens a lot with paraphrase.

  • @baroquefiddle4790
    @baroquefiddle4790 2 роки тому +28

    Haidt was excellent, I thoroughly enjoyed his clear, coherent, analysis. I was expecting a debate and the others seemed to be regurgitating ideologies which made little sense.

  • @Travisharger
    @Travisharger 2 роки тому +27

    This was wonderful. Johnathan Haidt is a treasure. His books have had a huge impact on me.

  • @jdavies1296
    @jdavies1296 5 років тому +143

    I feel Eleanor Penny should be no platformed on the basis of crimes against reason, and for language abuse.

    • @ciaraosullivan3755
      @ciaraosullivan3755 5 років тому +5

      J Davies The opposite is true - crazy people and bad ideas must be exposed in public so that they can be debated and defeated; it is worse for all of us if they suppturate below the radar.

    • @jdavies1296
      @jdavies1296 5 років тому +13

      @@ciaraosullivan3755 Errr, I think irony just died.

    • @amandagriffin1751
      @amandagriffin1751 5 років тому +7

      She is insufferable. I wouldn't silence her, but my God I wish she would silence herself.

    • @moonlitspider2827
      @moonlitspider2827 5 років тому +2

      @@amandagriffin1751 Lol. I loved this

    • @amandagriffin1751
      @amandagriffin1751 5 років тому +1

      @@moonlitspider2827 Thanks. She really is garbage.

  • @roach81cmg
    @roach81cmg 5 років тому +399

    Eleanor Penny can't articulate an argument to save her life.

    • @palebunnyinfidel854
      @palebunnyinfidel854 4 роки тому +24

      I can't even understand what the hell point that moron is trying to make, other than 'right wing bad!' It's right wings don't want free speech, we're all in favor of it, but just for some reason we'll scream, harass, threaten, intimidate, perpetrate violence, have massive protests against you IF you use it!

    • @llallogan
      @llallogan 4 роки тому +34

      Well you have to remember Haidt has a lot more experience and wisdom, like she is still very young. He has much more perspective. When you're young you don't really know what's going on. Like he has kids, he is responsible for educating students. Penny doesn't have any of that. I tried to find a bio on her but couldn't much but my guess is she just hasn't had the real world experience of being responsible for other human beings like that. She hasn't had the experience yet of realising she is fundamentally wrong on something she felt really strongly about yet. Or of seeing her ideas and perceptions change over time. Stuff like that. So her condemnation comes easy to her.
      Going off her opening statement: she is basically proving Haidt correct in his description of gen z, and it is painful to watch. Like she basically is doubling down, on the kinds of things Haidt says gen z does or thinks.
      Insofar as she says anything, she is saying the reason why gen z acts this way instead of developing more robust individual ability to deal with issues, is because the issues are structural. And being a stronger individual can't answer structural issues.
      Whereas like the obvious answer would be there have been structural issues since the beginning of time, and basically the answer to that in all wisdom literature is: become a stronger individual. And part of Haidt and his co author's argument was based on cognitive behavioural therapy.

    • @The_Ballo
      @The_Ballo 4 роки тому +21

      To be fair, you can't articulate a non-argument

    • @roach81cmg
      @roach81cmg 4 роки тому +1

      The Ball, but you can articulate a terrible argument.

    • @mozarth
      @mozarth 4 роки тому +23

      Exactly. She is the epitome of pseudo intellectual tryhard.

  • @criticality2056
    @criticality2056 3 роки тому +11

    "The university is the market and the market is racism. " what the hell am I listening to?

    • @isidoreaerys8745
      @isidoreaerys8745 3 роки тому +2

      I’m debating wether my last brain cell can survive the second half of this dumpster fire

    • @nelsonrs2599
      @nelsonrs2599 2 роки тому

      These woke heroes want a genocide

  • @JohnJohnson-hl4fv
    @JohnJohnson-hl4fv 2 роки тому +5

    When I was a child we had a saying: "Sticks and stones may break my bones, but names will never hurt me".

  • @KD-rs6xx
    @KD-rs6xx 5 років тому +114

    the young activist makes no sense. period. Take a writing class in idea development.

    •  5 років тому +7

      Lol yeah she talks about "The trappings of free speech" and I thought... you mean... being able to speak freely? Then she literally speaks of not allowing people whose views (in her opinion) are dangerous to have a platform. The painful irony and hypocrisy of this mindset is sadly lost on them.

    • @Wingedmagician
      @Wingedmagician 5 років тому

      Oh my god I’d love to take that class.

    • @justinm2697
      @justinm2697 5 років тому

      She is Laurie Penny's sister, so I'm not surprised.

  • @julesdj913
    @julesdj913 5 років тому +220

    "I don't want you to be safe ideologically or emotionally. I want you to be strong. I'm not going to take the weights out of the gym..."

    • @gabrieltorres2882
      @gabrieltorres2882 4 роки тому +4

      "This is the gym..."

    • @gabrieltorres2882
      @gabrieltorres2882 4 роки тому +3

      Not Sparta, although those guys definitely had a great gym! 😄

    • @nildaluzrodriguez
      @nildaluzrodriguez 3 роки тому +4

      That quote was heaviest take away of this debate? ? ?

    • @billsimms2511
      @billsimms2511 3 роки тому +9

      Haidt nailed it. The two on the left kept proving his point lol

    • @relaxingsounds1386
      @relaxingsounds1386 2 роки тому +2

      @@nildaluzrodriguez what's your take?

  • @matthbva
    @matthbva 3 роки тому +51

    Eleanor Penny sounds like she’s on the verge of tears every time she speaks.

    • @rogerdewhurst5750
      @rogerdewhurst5750 2 роки тому

      She is totally wet anyway.

    • @realMikeBenz
      @realMikeBenz 2 роки тому +4

      she wants everyone in the room to adopt their behavior to her personal pain/hangups. it's authoritarianism presenting itself as a victim. should be shamed... it's how evil manifests.

    • @MGsubbie
      @MGsubbie 2 роки тому +6

      To me it seemed more like nervousness. I doubt she has ever spoken for such a large audience in a debate.

    • @lisab2856
      @lisab2856 2 роки тому +1

      She's not much of an advertisement for UCL...

  • @amazingkris
    @amazingkris 2 роки тому +22

    I am so pleased to see the students challenging the younger speakers. I found a lot of what I heard from the left side to be borderline nasty with a sugar coating, regardless of the experiences they may have had to bring them to their conclusions. They're not ready to give straight answers to these questions without insulting the questioners.

  • @dale9084
    @dale9084 5 років тому +58

    "Sitting around talking and trying to solve problems has gotten us literally nowhere in 500 years." Uh....what?

    • @stanbartsch1984
      @stanbartsch1984 5 років тому +1

      Well, in America it took a Civil War, with 360,000+ Union deaths, to move the ball from "slavery" to "freeman" for Black Americans. But that's literally NOWHERE.

    • @Chadthefatherbear
      @Chadthefatherbear 5 років тому +1

      Their lack of logic is astounding.

    • @xaqbennett
      @xaqbennett 5 років тому +1

      So glad I'm not the only one that noticed that. What the actual fuck is this guy on?

    • @Brandon75689
      @Brandon75689 5 років тому

      @@stanbartsch1984 Well, if you want to be technical the Civil War wasn't ONLY for slavery. it was primarily for principle of States' Rights and taxation. But you could also say that they weren't "freemen". They weren't slaves but weren't free and you could say talking and solving problems did work because you had "I Have a Dream" "Malcom x speech", and "Brown v. Board of Education".

  • @CaptainMorganxxx
    @CaptainMorganxxx 5 років тому +101

    The young woman , rabbiting on , lost me in quick time, after she finished I had not a clue what she was on about.

    • @thetayterminator1436
      @thetayterminator1436 5 років тому +2

      That Poor Young Girl is Obviously being Severely Oppressed by "S's" , "T's", "ST's" & "TH's" . I guess she never really will have free speech as much as those letters are taxing her words lol

    • @eternalreign2313
      @eternalreign2313 5 років тому +14

      She was a word salad. I think it was her way of having to not actually answer anything. As Einstein once said, "if you can't explain it simply, then you don't understand it well enough".

    • @kaysussex4991
      @kaysussex4991 5 років тому +4

      the classic 'blind with bs' approach

    • @cephoras
      @cephoras 5 років тому +2

      mostly to deflect the focus from the real problem - lack of tolerance from the Left

    • @Crash103179
      @Crash103179 5 років тому +1

      @@eternalreign2313 The thing is, she is parroting 3rd wave feminist dogma perfectly.
      Peter Bohossian had her number a few years ago, but she is unable to deviate from scripture.

  • @based_yeoman9138
    @based_yeoman9138 2 роки тому +11

    I love how at the very end Haidt is basically like, guys this whole thing is kind of a waste of time and your college years would be better spent elsewhere. 1:24:30

  • @paulatling8844
    @paulatling8844 2 роки тому +9

    God she is so lost and everyone there is so polite to her, she needs a hug and then an eduction to help her grow up.

    • @ShankarSivarajan
      @ShankarSivarajan Рік тому

      No, what she needs is something very different, but what it is, I cannot say.

  • @mfbias4048
    @mfbias4048 5 років тому +295

    The two sitting on the left: angry, emotional and incoherent.
    The two sitting on the right: Charming, poised and lucid.

    • @robtalbot3852
      @robtalbot3852 5 років тому +8

      They are oppressed and will always choose to be.
      Don't diss thier choice of career.

    • @thetayterminator1436
      @thetayterminator1436 5 років тому +6

      @@robtalbot3852 That Poor Young Girl is Obviously being Severely Oppressed by "S's" , "T's", "ST's" & "TH's" .

    • @JackSparrow-yl8my
      @JackSparrow-yl8my 5 років тому +1

      wisdom comes with age

    • @mrmemyselfandi9609
      @mrmemyselfandi9609 5 років тому +4

      @@thetayterminator1436 and the ugly stick too!! I'm so tired of people all crying about how life isn't hoo...poor me...poor me ...pour me another. I can't listen to any more of this...and I need a trigger warning from these people because of the anxiety I'm feeling about people who want to stifle free speech and therefore I am censoring them...hows THAT for more of their walking contradiction. Leftism is a mental illness. People just look for reasons to be offended.

    • @matthewsamuels75
      @matthewsamuels75 5 років тому

      @@newsletter4826 true shit son

  • @Lets.Go.Brandon
    @Lets.Go.Brandon 5 років тому +180

    I wish I could thumb down individual speakers instead of the whole video.

    • @Humanaut.
      @Humanaut. 4 роки тому +1

      Yeah, with they would implement that. Its more like a polling format.

  • @DeserttoGarden
    @DeserttoGarden 3 роки тому +17

    She said she had a PTSD diagnosis. She should research PSG -post traumatic growth. At some point, you need to deal with it and grow from any trauma, not stay stuck on it, seeing it and feeling it all the time.

    • @kristopherloviska9042
      @kristopherloviska9042 3 місяці тому

      But why? People wear PTSD as a badge of honor. It's like the "Get out of jail free" card in Monopoly.

  • @barbcarbon9440
    @barbcarbon9440 2 роки тому +4

    I’m a gay female. I 100% believe in all sides having a platform. If we shut people down, that’s big trouble. I would go see Steve Bannon if he spoke at my University. I would also partake in the Q & A session and challenge him on anything I felt he was off base on. That’s true progress… listening to one another and having hard conversations. I see these people who claim to be speaking and acting on my behalf, and they are showing up to academic lectures and banging on cowbells and chanting over speakers so no one can hear them. It’s disgusting. Massively immature. Let people speak and then hold them accountable. And most importantly, find some common ground. Intersectional division never ends. I can find countless ways to describe how the people I encounter on a daily basis are NOT like me, but the healing begins when we look for ways we ARE ALIKE and things we can agree on.

  • @someguy1243
    @someguy1243 5 років тому +169

    No platforming is the 21st century version of book burning.

    • @tuck-brainwks-eutent-hidva1098
      @tuck-brainwks-eutent-hidva1098 5 років тому +1

      Interesting analogy...! (I thought of book-burning the other day as an analog of 8th century iconoclasm, since the Church used icons not only for venerating -- not worshipping! -- the saints/martyrs, but also for educating the faithful, before the printing press, widespread literacy, commonly available books, etc.) Hmmm....

    • @Tracy77751
      @Tracy77751 5 років тому +1


    • @libertasdemocratiam887
      @libertasdemocratiam887 5 років тому +5

      No it's 21st century fascism. A few decide what the majority hear. They use violence if necessary and will ruin your life if you dare step out of line and dare challenge their ideology.
      Universities are producing far left nut jobs who refuse to listen to anything the don't like, but instead of walking away they protest, they no platform, they use violence.
      Sadly MSM hardly speaks of this over here, though i must admit i think it's starting to come to a head and to the publics attention finally.
      Luckily those of us who don't go to uni don't have our head in the clouds, we don't have safe spaces to run too when some fella gives you a load of crap whilst your working as a waitress or retail worker. We have to actually go out into the real world after college or school and actually work, pay tax, whilst students spend their time getting hammered and rocking up hung over to their lectures, they pay no tax, their loans pay their bills and is all pretty much done for them.
      They have no idea how much of a b###h life is, they don't understand nor want to understand peoples worries about immigration numbers, who have valid real points and concerns, yet they can't be heard because it will hurt peoples feelings...what about peoples physical health when the NHS eventually collapses because the population growth is too rapid and the NHS cannot cope with the strain (this will happen, it's not if it's when), but these concerns that are rooted in common sense if nothing else aren't being heard.
      These liberal uni robots shut anyone down who tries to have a debate about it, anyone who challenges them are bigoted, racist, homophobes and best of all a fascist.
      ...funny the centre and right wing also liberals with common sense and a functioning brain thats able to think, don't want to shut the far left down, we want to debate, they don't want to hear so they suppress dissenters of their ideology.

    • @user-Red5hield-exp0ser
      @user-Red5hield-exp0ser 5 років тому +2

      @@libertasdemocratiam887 Anti Semitism is missing off your list of accusations. That's the most common term used when criticism presents them.

    • @soulscanner66
      @soulscanner66 5 років тому

      @@libertasdemocratiam887 That's true ... you have social media to fuck up your brains even worse. There is no more center-right. It's gone to alt-right freaks glued to their Facebook and Google accounts that call shitposting "entrepreneurship". Get into the real world.

  • @dustinneathery9492
    @dustinneathery9492 5 років тому +364

    Haidt is a legend

    • @ravenousfire7798
      @ravenousfire7798 5 років тому +18

      He goes too soft on people trying to curtail free speech. He has a lot of good ideas, but he gives them too much ground.

    • @ravenousfire7798
      @ravenousfire7798 5 років тому +6

      @Abdul Hannan Abdul Matheen In some cases I agree...but there are points where he could really get at the core issues, but lays down to try and placate feelings...which just emboldens them to use those feelings arguments more.

    •  5 років тому +2

      @Abdul Hannan Abdul Matheen Hitchens was a bit of a one trick pony if we're honest. I must admit to worshipping him when I was in the adolescent phase of my atheism about 10 years ago (around the time that "The God Delusion" was fashionable), but as I developed my views he became less and less interesting to me. It's a great shame we don't have his devastating polemic wit to tackle the issues we see on our screen now. I am quite impressed with his brother, Peter, in the years since Christopher died, even if he can be a little black pilled for my taste.

    • @hurdurr7466
      @hurdurr7466 5 років тому +1

      Abdul Hannan Abdul Matheen may he Rest In Peace

    • @ricodelavega4511
      @ricodelavega4511 5 років тому +2

      i'm probably midway between both arguments with respect to colleges, but what gives with the snickering and sighs from people opposing Haidt. I've seen this in several videos with Haidt, and others arguing against safe spaces in colleges. I just dont get this part, and part of me thinks it speaks volumes of those people. Here's some advice to those advocating for full blown safe spaces, do not snicker or sigh while the opposing side is making their case. It makes you look immature

  • @sarahg2653
    @sarahg2653 Рік тому +4

    Haidt is always a pleasure to listen to. Can't say the same for the young "safe space" woman (not sure of her name.) I enjoyed hearing from the Rabbi(?) and the moderator was just great. She was passionate, thoughtful and brought a great energy to the discourse.

  • @SirGalaEd
    @SirGalaEd 2 роки тому +6

    It just dawned on me when Ms. Eleanor said " deeply oppressive society " that there seems to be a conflating of the ideas of oppression and simple hardships of life. Everyone agrees that life is hard, but her statement implies that all hardship in life is the result of oppression. 🤔 I don't believe that are one in the same. Both things can be true without one Necessarily causing the other

    • @martinburrows6844
      @martinburrows6844 Рік тому

      Some people just feel that life, especially other people, need and must be changed .

  • @narekarutyunyan9657
    @narekarutyunyan9657 5 років тому +63

    "deeply oppressive culture"s do not allow the oppressed to sit on a literal stage and lecture the oppressors of how evil they are.

    • @angelashowsyou
      @angelashowsyou 3 роки тому +3

      I thought the same thing

    • @nicholassaint5149
      @nicholassaint5149 3 роки тому +1

      @NAREK ARUTYUNYAN You're not quite right about that. The cleverest oppressive systems *DO* allow certain forums for token "dissent" which are no threat to those in power.
      (1)Apartheid South Africa's white-only parliament had regular denunciations of National Party governments by the mostly English-speaking opposition.
      When the apartheid police killed black people in custody (often), the system allowed inquests which exposed the most horrific details _ but always exonerated the police.
      (2)Pre-independence Ireland was a system of crushing oppression for the vast majority, by British rule. But after Catholic Emancipation and particularly from the time of Parnell, the British Parliament had no problem with allowing Irish representatives to protest about their people's grievances _ which British governments, for the most part, then ignored.
      (3)Palestinians live under a system of deep discrimination, which among other things, involves large numbers of civilians being killed by aerial bombing.
      Yet one of Israel's highest judges is a Palestinian, and some Palestinians are allowed to vote in Israeli elections, making up roughly 20 to 25% of the voters.
      Few Palestinians would regard these concessions as meaning that they are not living under oppression.

    • @arturama8581
      @arturama8581 3 роки тому +1

      @@nicholassaint5149 All well, but not the case here!

    • @billsimms2511
      @billsimms2511 3 роки тому

      I just wish this would have been said to the speakers in the left

  • @billoliver5222
    @billoliver5222 5 років тому +74

    The two coddled minds opposite Haidt repeatedly demonstrate his point.

  • @chrismaupin
    @chrismaupin 2 роки тому +7

    @48:54 the Rabbi really brings in a fresh new perspective: "I get it - that you [ Gen Z ] live in a harder world in some ways, that you are rightfully angry. The question, though, is how do you use that anger to actually get people to listen to you?"

  • @cogniterra
    @cogniterra Рік тому +7

    In a Poetry Foundation class in which we analyzed many mostly contemporary poems, we were given trigger warnings in advance every week. I was floored. All I could think was, are our younger generations that sensitive that they have to be warned before they read a poem?

    • @michaeljamesduran1680
      @michaeljamesduran1680 Рік тому

      That’s embarrassing.

    • @werebitch1313
      @werebitch1313 Рік тому

      To be honest, though, that's the whole point of poetry! It is MEANT to shake you, to move you, to make you feel, & also to make you question & think. So those who lash back at being moved are very much missing the point. So too are any who consider it too inconsequential to be moving. Poetry is like love: if you're afraid of love, or incapable of it, then it is wasted on you; if you are both capable of & open to love, beauty ensues.

    • @eustaceh.plimsoll6625
      @eustaceh.plimsoll6625 10 місяців тому

      It’s funny - no one objects to turning people away from university because they aren’t clever enough, so why do they let in people who are so fragile that they are nothing but a nuisance to everyone around them. The extreme left should fund separate universities for those of more delicate constitutions and then employers could make their choices from the students that emerge from these and more traditional universities.

  • @joshua_ch
    @joshua_ch 5 років тому +303

    If that black guy is a professor then we are all done with universities, nothing serious can come out of such a feeble man.

    • @carolwolf9614
      @carolwolf9614 5 років тому +44

      I know, can you believe it? He is a professor!!!!!! And he has access to young minds. That should scare the pants off sane people.

    • @geniusofmozart
      @geniusofmozart 5 років тому +4

      @@gordonthefreeman Ah, a classic Hitchens quote.

    • @Atamanxxxvii
      @Atamanxxxvii 5 років тому +20

      He was on GMB a while ago claiming the English Flag was a symbol of racism, when pushed he had to give the crusades as an example, despite the English Flag having not been used at that period.

    • @icecell
      @icecell 5 років тому +32

      @@gordonthefreeman i disagree. Give him all the platform he wants. Sunlight is the best disinfectant.

    • @gaussminigun
      @gaussminigun 5 років тому +15

      @@icecell platform to speak yes, platform to teach, fuck no

  • @godsu54n0
    @godsu54n0 5 років тому +67

    Ask an academian with a lifetime of experience of reasearch and teaching - makes sense.
    Ask an barely adult activist ("journalist") and they'll jabber on for minutes uttering nothing but asinine drivel not even addressing what they were asked.
    If not so sad it'd be grounds for screaming laughter...

  • @suetownsend1656
    @suetownsend1656 2 роки тому +6

    A clear demonstration of the critical importance of maturity.

  • @MightySheep
    @MightySheep 3 роки тому +24

    every time I see eleanor penny on anything im absolutely mystified as to how she got an invitation

  • @pezushka
    @pezushka 5 років тому +228

    Haidt is good but he isn't ruthless, where is Hitchens when you need him. Indignation is required.

    • @DarrylWhiteguitar
      @DarrylWhiteguitar 5 років тому +15

      As a professor he can't permit himself that liberty

    • @Muldoon111
      @Muldoon111 5 років тому +11

      Gad Saad would be a good fit. He would put the two bigoted lefties in their place. I’m absolutely disgusted by their ignorant ideology. The so called professor is a disgrace.

    • @glenadlin
      @glenadlin 5 років тому +5

      Omg yes. How awesome would it be to have Hitchens throw a few slaps on those fragile pots

    • @jefftravilla
      @jefftravilla 5 років тому +27

      The difference between Haidt and Hitchens is that people walked away from debates with Christopher emboldened in their beliefs and truly believing that their side won, whereas there is no chance to two on stage left walked away from this debate thinking that they won. Gentle persistence is an effective tactic for actually changing minds. A meek affect can be extremely persuasive. Hitchens was exciting, but only if you already agreed with him.

      @PAPPABIATCH 5 років тому

      @@jefftravilla Good point.

  • @dopesensi
    @dopesensi 5 років тому +286

    If the guy on the far left ( no pun intended) switched the words "black" and "white" within everything he said, he would be arrested...

    • @shadowling77777
      @shadowling77777 5 років тому +6

      In the UK lol yeah. Not the U.S
      Here we have free speech.

    • @dopesensi
      @dopesensi 5 років тому +4

      Shadow Ling free speech ?
      Think I remember that from my childhood....

    • @whitexchina
      @whitexchina 5 років тому +14

      I can't believe that he is allowed to spew this divisive & racist stuff.
      I saw him on the BBC once.
      He feels very triggered by these flags 🇬🇧 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿 although he chooses to live in the UK, he wants them banned.
      He is a privileged black man in the UK, because by their laws he should be arrested for hatespeech.

    • @mafiotzi
      @mafiotzi 5 років тому +1

      @@shadowling77777 IN the Us he would be killed.

    • @thomasperkins2779
      @thomasperkins2779 5 років тому +5

      and when they run out of things to say that make sense they bring up slavery ... like i thought that went away 150 years ago.. wah my great great great great great great dad owned yours. wah.. so that now excuses them of being racist themselves.. let me state 2 things.. one.. i have never been a racist.. two. never owned anybody. get off the slavery thing. jesus. go back 1800 yrs. im sure my rallies could of been roman slaves.. .. have they stopped to think the reason why people treat them (both off them sitting on the left) differently is because they are pretty fu cking annoying..

  • @ngelztearz
    @ngelztearz 2 роки тому +12

    I've been a soft-core liberal by the nature of my age (30) and geographic location (liberal state) not until I met my husband whose an economic conservative and socially liberal and we would have these huge quarrels in the beginning about various societal issues. Most of the times it'd end with me feeling emotionally overwhelmed and stating "enough, I don't want to hear you anymore" but internally knowing he has had the upper points and I was simply arguing on "borrowed problems" identified by the left like women inequality, racism (I'm Asian from 1st generation immigrants),etc. After having this awareness I started my exploration into the "other side" to see if I could be convinced or not and a good way to test how secured and solid my grounds are as a leftist endorser.
    Long story short, the so-called "conservatives" won me over in pretty much all political debates by their well researched facts, in depth analysis and ability to pose hard intellectual questions on problems which they themselves might not have answer to but the left often conveniently toss it under the umbrella of 'racism, gender, capitalism, etc.' and these are the evil of society. They are so superficial on their solution, rudimentary in their thinking, and loud on their virtues signaling. I'm still waiting for the day where both sides have equal weight in their claims and which I'm actually torn between the two but for now the scale continues to tip right.

  • @joshk7051
    @joshk7051 2 роки тому +5

    The one thing j hate about "intellectual debates' is saying things like: "all the research shows" and then never once citing a single study.

    • @TheoMurpse
      @TheoMurpse 2 роки тому

      There's an unspoken agreement in these types of debates that participants will not lie. I wouldn't accuse anyone in this debate of lying. I think the real problem is Haidt position is "don't do this because it will hurt you" and the Penny's characterizing his position as "don't do this because you'll hurt me". Haidt's teammate is arguing "i sucked it up, so can you" (which i don't think is fair) and Penny's teammate is at least attempting to argue that Haidt's wrong on the facts. But Penny talks more, and most of her points are about something no one else is really talking about.

    • @joshk7051
      @joshk7051 2 роки тому

      The issue with that is many people think they're telling the truth. You can't just make a claim and not have supporting evidence. That's not how honest debates work. Many people listen to these debates and take things that support their narrative as true, not knowing the presenters claims arent substantiated or the argument is filled with fallacies. I listen to these things unbiased with a critical ear to learn, but I cannot, with a clear conscious, accept an argument as valid when there's no supporting information.

    • @TheoMurpse
      @TheoMurpse 2 роки тому

      @@joshk7051 someone can just as easily invent a source during an oral debate, though, so it sounds like the format just isn't for you

    • @joshk7051
      @joshk7051 2 роки тому

      @@TheoMurpse no, this discussion isn't my style at all. I like facts, not opinions.

    • @rebajeanforever3700
      @rebajeanforever3700 2 роки тому +1

      @@joshk7051 but the ones who want truth will research the studies and other won't like the last five years because they can't handle the truth.

  • @getknit8334
    @getknit8334 5 років тому +1131

    The young woman on stage is a PERFECT example of the emotional immaturity & instability that Haidt has described. A Perfect Exhibit A. She's a jumble of emotion, I feel, I feel, my feeling are hurt....hardly a way to handle oneself at an intellectual institution - the opposite of rational thought.

    • @mistermelorious
      @mistermelorious 5 років тому +58

      I feel I must agree with you

    • @whirled_peas
      @whirled_peas 5 років тому +18

      @@mistermelorious I feel I must take a shit. I will let you know how I feel afterwards.

    • @Bejaardenbus
      @Bejaardenbus 5 років тому +21

      @@whirled_peas How was it? We're here when you need to talk.

    • @whirled_peas
      @whirled_peas 5 років тому +40

      @@Bejaardenbus I fainted half way through and now I have PTSD. I have an appointment with my state-funded defecation trauma specialist, and the shite has been ordered to attend empathy classes so it may never oppress another arsehole again. #EverydayShitism

    • @Bejaardenbus
      @Bejaardenbus 5 років тому +15

      @@whirled_peas I'm very happy to hear that you're getting help.

  • @AndrewPalmerJazz
    @AndrewPalmerJazz 4 роки тому +424

    These comments cheer me up. Knowing others care about the free exchange of ideas over feelings and grievances gives me faith in humanity.

    • @ColonPal
      @ColonPal 3 роки тому +1

      They show me how fucking stupid Conservatives are, forever whining about everyone else's wrongdoing other than their own. Trump is the perfect example of what is SO WRONG with the USA right now.
      And the ONLY chance our Country has is if Biden wins in November. Otherwise, the virus will NEVER end under Trump and unemployment is gonna never get better. Trump has no clue how to put Americans back to work. Obama had done that work for him, the first half of his Coup attempt with Putin.
      He's gonna be arrested, the moment he loses in November, so I"m looking forward to see him taken in to custody and thrown in prison with his horny black cellmate BUBBA!
      BUBBA will show Trump how RAPE IS REALLY DONE! He's had plenty of experience.

    • @leelahasan3988
      @leelahasan3988 3 роки тому +20

      @@ColonPal how on earth did you get what you said from what the first comment said.

    • @ColonPal
      @ColonPal 3 роки тому

      @@leelahasan3988 Thanks for asking Leela, I was giving a warning to all Americans that Trump's attacks on Freedom of speech is a terrible thing and LUCKILY people believed my comment and elected Biden, so I"m SO GRATEFUL THAT I MADE THAT COMMENT 7 months ago or Joe could have not won.
      The reason I wrote it is because Biden is president today. Thanks for giving me the opportunity to educate you. You can thank me later.

    • @j.h.oldman7708
      @j.h.oldman7708 3 роки тому +16

      You've won the "most arrogant comment of the week" award!
      You've also been entered for a chance to win the "Most arrogant comment of the year" award!
      Well done and keep up the overconfidence!

    • @hydrogenvacuum6638
      @hydrogenvacuum6638 3 роки тому +1

      i didn’t mean to dislike your comment my b

  • @glenf6639
    @glenf6639 2 роки тому +4

    A popular way to hone a debaters skills is to force them to take an opposite position to their actual beliefs and challenge them to win the debate. It requires people to learn about the opposite sides points. At the very least we should allow open debates about all topics to TEST their strengths. Stopping debate is a killer for true democracy/republics.

  • @evanarroyo1384
    @evanarroyo1384 2 роки тому +4

    I like how they aren’t being timed or restricted. It makes debates more healthy, and overall, it’s more pleasant for viewers

  • @naughteedesign
    @naughteedesign 5 років тому +175

    one side: blatant racists demanding authorities give them special protection for arbitrary conditions.
    other side: bringing facts, research, history and logic to argue for freedom and the unique conditions that enabled us to prosper and free ourselves from authority.
    hmmmmm this wasn't a "battle" this was a slaughter.

    • @jbsayno
      @jbsayno 5 років тому +8

      Free speech is a human right, not a special condition for only certain people. It's a universal principle.

    • @carolwolf9614
      @carolwolf9614 5 років тому +8

      I was there. The two idiots completely lost the audience. Towards the end no one applauded their racist, bigoted nonsense. They were dreadful and I felt so ashamed that they were all we had to offer to debate the two great and compassionate minds of Haidt and Sachs.

    • @ju2067
      @ju2067 5 років тому +1

      Adults arguing with children.

    • @naughteedesign
      @naughteedesign 5 років тому +1

      @Dwaine Castle ironically fox news is the only lame-stream entity that has it's toe in the water of truth, their pundits are obviously monitoring alternative-media for their talking points. your talking point was true in the early '90's now... not so much. the mainstream are dying and that is like the sword being dulled, the elites will not have that.

  • @edatx
    @edatx 5 років тому +52

    Johnathan Haidt made them look bad. They're arguing against the guy who wrote the book and wrote it well.

  • @A_Rider_On_The_Storm
    @A_Rider_On_The_Storm Рік тому +4

    This debate is an artefact for future historians of thought. Within the context of other intelligence squared debates from previous years, this debate stands out as clear example of the recent change in Western intellectual culture. The contrast between the world views of these two sides is astonishing. The affirmative are calm rational and gentle, whilst the negative are aggressive, irrational and, despite their claims, clearly more sympathetic to neo-Marxist authoritarianism then classical liberalism.

  • @foroughkia9894
    @foroughkia9894 2 роки тому +2

    Why attend a university if it is against everything you stand for? Why not choose one that fits you better?

  • @JCfromDC2
    @JCfromDC2 5 років тому +177

    Worst "non-discussion" I've ever suffered through. Guy on far left, instantly plays up the victim role and goes downhill from there.The two on the left are all about "self". Me, me, me. Nothing at all to contribute. I'm a victim of prejudice.

    • @yueotsutsuki4553
      @yueotsutsuki4553 3 роки тому +2

      So what's wrong with being a victim if you are a victim? How about not blaming victims but instead the perpetrator?

    • @arturama8581
      @arturama8581 3 роки тому +22

      @@yueotsutsuki4553 Nothing wrong with it. Unless there is no real 'perpetrator', but only an overly sensitive 'victim'. You shouldn't be afraid to talk to a woman, because you might say something offensive, if the 'offense' is something normal. Like saying 'have a look' to a blind person. You a: aren't always (immediately) able see that someone is blind, and b: most blind people want you to talk 'normal'. It's usually other people that find it awkward.
      I'm not talking about things that are commonly seen as offensive. I'm talking about people with very long toes, that are almost hoping you'll say or do something they can make a fuss about. So, I'm not talking about real bullying, sexist behaviour and that kind of unlawful behaviour or behaviour generally found unacceptable (like slapping a woman's butt), but things like being called the wrong gender by accident (what happened to me regularly, when I had long hair. Despite my beard :) ). It sometimes seems being the oddball is the standard today and everyone is very, very very, entitled. But nobody talks about the duty that goes with rights and nobody talks about the responsibility that comes with priviledge.
      For me it's all a sign of decadence. Through history there's war. Not that I want war, but kids today have such luxury lives. They are spoiled rotten and can't handle any criticism. A war makes people aware of what's important and what's not. People who don't accept reality die and after the war everybody who's survived is very busy getting thing up and running again. It makes people humble. Now compare to the spoiled kids who think it's a crime if someone says something 'offensive' to them. Not DO something offensive, but just and only SAY something 'offensive'. If those offensive things are also seen as not offensive to 99% of people, than there is something going very wrong in society. It can and may never be that the few rule the many. Not in a democracy! And might you think there's no spoiling in kids today. Muscle mass of todays young generations is 30-40% less than kust 30 yrs ago. Twelve year olds have diabetes type 2, are obese, need physiotherapy for their necks and backs caused by smart phone use. Kids make hundreds to even thousands of selfies a day. How narcissistic can you get?
      And what's the gain? Cause people who do really offend are not going to think differently because a word is forbidden. So we got the N-word, the G-word, etc., etc. Does it mean there is no discrimination anymore? I can call my mate an *sshole without offending him. Why? Cause he knows my intentions! There is trust that I mean to tease him, not offend him. It's the way I say it that makes the difference. Today everyone has long toes and if you drop even a feather on those sensitive toes ....... Because they are programmed (brought up) to distrust and seek offense in everyone and everything and they're 'entitled'!
      We have a comedian here that made a sketch (in the 1970's) about a guy telling a joke. After starting with: There were 2 Chinese walking in the park. He gets an telephone call. The caller is offended because it's about 2 Chinese and that it's discriminating. 2nd Call is about walking in the park, disturbing the birds or some BS. Everytime the guy adjusts his story to match the caller's demands. So, you can imagine the story falls completely apart and at the end, the last caller says: wouldn't the joke be much better if it was about 2 Chinese walking the park, etc., etc.. At which pont the storyteller tries to pull put his hair and is pulled offstage by men in white doctor's clothes. Get my drift? If you let this thrive, you'll end up with an Orwellian society, where everyone is afraid to say anything to anyone. Life isn't always fun and cetainly never fair. The sooner you learn, the better you'll be able to cope.

    • @mragren9853
      @mragren9853 3 роки тому +3

      They are filled with a lot of hate, and i dont think they can build anything lasting good out of that

    • @BlacksmithTWD
      @BlacksmithTWD 3 роки тому +1

      Nice comment. About the most famous comedian in Belgium made a similar joke. People complaining about his joke, so then he had to adjust it, and in the end cuz of the adjustments it became an even more offensive joke. It's not possible to translate the joke into english alas.

    • @nostalgicgirrl6053
      @nostalgicgirrl6053 3 роки тому +6

      @@arturama8581 brilliantly phrased! As a 21 y/o crazed by the current “woke” culture gaining momentum around me.. I agree with every word of yours 💯
      It’s been maddening, listening to their hate and their rhetorics. And at just 21, I’m gravely concerned about the future generation. It’s a downward spiral from genZ

  • @JosephStealin
    @JosephStealin 5 років тому +302

    These 2 kids are the proof of what Haidt is saying.

  • @theresat7065
    @theresat7065 3 роки тому +3

    These two kids and their believes are the existential threat to us all.

  • @richardcollins6769
    @richardcollins6769 2 роки тому +1

    Kehinde Andrews was worried that there were very few members of staff in universities that are black. That worried me as it was not something that I noticed in UCL. Looking up the stats there are only 3% of the UK's population that are black according to statistica: 'Black British citizens, with African and/or African-Caribbean ancestry, are the largest ethnic minority population, at three percent of the total population. Indian Britons are one of the largest overseas communities of the Indian diaspora and make up 2.3 percent of the total UK population. Pakistani British citizens, who make up almost two percent of the UK population, have one of the highest levels of home ownership in Britain.' I did not catch the number that he quoted but if things are in proportion then the number of staff members that are black should be around 2.3% all other things being equal. This gives me some comfort and also it seems that people on KA's side of the debate, when they quote numbers, prefer low-resolution stats without understanding a breakdown of the contributors. Without that there is clear danger that the wrong explanation is concluded and the wrong solution is implemented. Haidt on the other hand explained, in part, the male female pay gap in the USA. If we are to address social issues as a result of our biases, then we need to understand the mechanisms that drive them.

  • @spudman1734
    @spudman1734 5 років тому +135

    We can mostly agree that only Haidt and Sacks were the rational people in this debate.

    • @magiccitymama1620
      @magiccitymama1620 5 років тому +13

      Of course. I knew that before I clicked play. The black man did nothing but complain about white men. Racism. Racism. Racism. So tired.

  • @tbk2010
    @tbk2010 5 років тому +175

    I love how the end was basically the audience vs. the SJWs.

    • @Swarm509
      @Swarm509 5 років тому +13

      You could hear it during the clapping. The people on the left got a lot less of it when they made their point. It doesn't help that they laughed at the one questioner at one point.

    • @Munkenba
      @Munkenba 5 років тому +19

      Dude when that black guy stood up and said in about three words that he wasn't on the dude's side I almost gave him a standing ovation. It's such a thing in the black community that if you don't accept the oppression narrative then you're basically a traitor to the race. There was something so brave about him just voicing opposition to what the guy on stage would deem to be "his own kind"

    • @rebeccajohnson3402
      @rebeccajohnson3402 4 роки тому +3

      Yes. I knew they had lost when all they had left was mocking laughter.

  • @bigus
    @bigus 2 роки тому +2

    students go to university to learn, they are acting like the students should be the ones teaching/determining everything etc when they don' have any real life experience yet or haven't even discovered who they are yet. university is the place to grow and learn and discover those things. the fact that she is saying she needs a safe space to then be able to struggle, is like working out before going to the gym so that you can handle working out at the gym...the other issue is that life is always going to be harder for some people than other people and we have to accept our own personal starting points and work to overcome our own issues instead of whining that we can succeed because we didnt get a head start in life. the greater a person has to overcome, the greater success story when you do, so just hit the ground running and stop crying about everything, with struggle comes confidence and strength and power of character.

  • @jamesmatthew7616
    @jamesmatthew7616 2 роки тому +4

    The child student second from the left speaks in vague generalities and sound bites. She seems to speak talking points she’s been fed without having much of a foundation in life.

  • @BoxJockey
    @BoxJockey 5 років тому +71

    "To say that university students reason purely from emotion is just untrue." Proceeds to make hyperbolic emotional statements.

  • @thaumasein5496
    @thaumasein5496 5 років тому +114

    That smugness of that Eleanor is offputting. And I'm left-leaning. There's something really wrong with her. I can't quite put my finger on it, but she doesn't seem sane.

    • @TheHellogs4444
      @TheHellogs4444 5 років тому +4

      Not enough of the world listened to, I think. I'm about her age, her ideas seemed pretty off-putting to me too

    • @froggyfootball7572
      @froggyfootball7572 5 років тому +8

      she seemed obsessed with Milo Yiannopoulos. what I would pay to see her locked in an elevator, debating him. :-)))))

    • @lambi1966
      @lambi1966 5 років тому +1

      @@froggyfootball7572 But what would happen if Milo invited her to his room for some coffee?

    • @Phisherman86
      @Phisherman86 5 років тому +8

      Im very left leaning and I fucking hate her. She puts forth a frantic, manic energy that is off putting.

    • @ruthwhelan5191
      @ruthwhelan5191 5 років тому +15

      I don’t know where that lecturer lives but if he’s from Britain as he sounds like he is, where exactly does he think graduates will work where they won’t meet diversity? Surely the UK is one of the most diverse societies in the world? I’m not much older than him I’d say but he sounds brain washed. His use of the word violence is utterly ridiculous. The people of Syria are experiencing violence. The victims of the bombings in Christchurch or Sri Lanka are victims of violence. An associate professor in a third level institution in the western world invited to speak in such company on such a stage is privileged and most certainly is not experiencing violence by merely a notion in his head of inequality. Good God we need to toughen up people!! It’s like a badge of honour to adopt weakness! Try forced immigration, death of entire families, false imprisonment for size if you want to talk about troubles... I honestly think we don’t have enough to worry about in the west any more and now we are just making things up to moan about.

  • @vincenzoberetta1085
    @vincenzoberetta1085 2 роки тому +2

    I watched this debate with an open mind. I expected for the girl and the black man to offer counterpoints, maybe to explain why Haidt's opinions simplified too much the issue at hand. What I got was:
    - A girl that factually demonstrated how Haidt's worring data about anxiety and depression must be taken seriously.
    . A $10 words salad that I honestly tried to follow but I failed to do. I literally don't know what the left side of the conference actually said.
    Also, Haidt cited political events or figures only to make examples. His discourse was outside politics and only about how this topic (among many) is being tackled in the current climate. The two young people were political from word one. I don't think that they even try to understand the objective reality around them, which is scary.
    The spontaneous applause that the rabbi got was the key moment of the video.

  • @malkythealky
    @malkythealky 3 роки тому +13

    Those last few ask the audience questions really stuck it to the left side of the panel. They're way of thinking is dangerously flawed!

  • @Ekitchi0
    @Ekitchi0 5 років тому +56

    45:10 "it's profoundly patronizing..." says the most condescending person in the room...

    • @kesmeby
      @kesmeby 5 років тому +8

      Yeah, I needed to see if anyone else had to pause there. "It's profoundly patronizing..." when someone asks me to provide some evidence or even a rational justification for my opinion. My indignation IS my evidence and you must concede or I simply label you a bigot.

    • @joescott123
      @joescott123 5 років тому +1

      omg, i was thinking the same think. what a joke.

    • @teaguetinney9637
      @teaguetinney9637 5 років тому +2

      She doesn’t even address his point. Not even once. She instead went on a rant about history. She is talking about tactics when she is right before your eyes changing the topic.

      @MNAHN-T.GOF-NN 5 років тому +2

      @Jeffrey Lebowski Ironically the UK mainstream is actually rather oppressive if you have wrongthink opinions. A lot of the stories I've heard recently coming out of the UK are outright dystopian. Express any level of disapproval / criticism towards minorities on social media and risk literally having cops knocking on your door telling you to be 'mindful' of what you say online. ( )
      These are the kinds of cultures people like that woman create, and the irony is totally lost on them. Sad really.

    • @froggyfootball7572
      @froggyfootball7572 5 років тому

      as she rolls her eyes for the 47th time. :-)))

  •  5 років тому +104

    Oh my god I am terrified to send my kids to university after listening to those two plums on the left.

    • @susansargent396
      @susansargent396 5 років тому +2

      Teach them to recognize dreck, read the classics with them, the great philosophers; teach them to DISCUSS.

    • @daolong51279
      @daolong51279 5 років тому

      @@susansargent396 please. Your children will do what all good children do and ignore you until they have gained enough life experience to decide what aspects of your philosophy is worth keeping and then ask you about it. Spend more time being a person your child can respect and will want to emulate some day.

    • @elizabethblackwell6242
      @elizabethblackwell6242 5 років тому

      @@daolong51279 What kind of parenting did you get that you that's how you think children are supposed to behave?

    • @susansargent396
      @susansargent396 5 років тому

      Your preconception that ALL parents are NOT parenting, WRONG! The advise I gave was based on experience. You may want to confront you preconceptions, since clearly they have begun confronting you! What responsibilities have you voluntarily picked up? Or are you more of the #DirtyDNC ilk? @@daolong51279

  • @LeSilencedelaVie
    @LeSilencedelaVie 2 роки тому +3

    While Penny and Andrews, I believe, had good intentions in their minds they clearly demonstrated how the lacks of conversation affect their oratory. When they took their turns to speak they did primely focused on how they and their groups had been victims of unjust system and brought up worst case scenerios from people that has not been taken seriously by any sane person while Dr. Haidt and Lord Sacks had eloquently pointed out how free speech is the vital part of healthy society.

  • @mills2607
    @mills2607 3 роки тому +5

    “They muddy the waters to make them seem deep”

  • @hermitthefrog8951
    @hermitthefrog8951 5 років тому +54

    Best-Quote award goes to Jonathan Haidt: *"A mind prepared for battle is not a mind prepared for learning."*

  • @thoughtcriminal3843
    @thoughtcriminal3843 5 років тому +76

    Ideas don't cease to exist by being silenced.
    When the pen is removed the sword becomes inevitable.

    • @Emotional_Support_Twink
      @Emotional_Support_Twink 5 років тому +2

      Deus vult brother

    • @icecell
      @icecell 5 років тому

      That's horrifyingly beautiful.

    • @tetsushatarii2108
      @tetsushatarii2108 5 років тому


    • @orionwebster8727
      @orionwebster8727 5 років тому +1

      you've been hit by, you've been struck by the thought criminal

    • @jayeisenhardt1337
      @jayeisenhardt1337 5 років тому

      The pen is mightier than the sword. Yes they were not silenced just given the assumption that what they speak is the truth as nobody would listen to or confront them with facts. Thus their pen is allowed to work unimpeded, and unchallenged.

  • @brydust
    @brydust 3 роки тому +3

    When I was young I was told if I don't have anything nice to say then don't say anything at all... So, for what's it worth I like the guy's accent on the far left of the stage.

  • @jojothefrikkenclown
    @jojothefrikkenclown 2 роки тому +4

    Notice the constant instantiation of words that are vague abstractions like "systemic," "structures," and "systems," in addition to combinations I consider invalid, such as "Feminist Epistemological Tools." The arguments are non-sequiters and paradoxes in disguise. Epistemology is the study of how to make and form beliefs, so feminist "epistemology" is just fabricated ideological framework and scholarly scaffolding for concealing a false set of assumptions.

  • @emerosky9899
    @emerosky9899 5 років тому +424

    When a 1 and a half hour video starts with *"open your mind to censorship"* ... you know its gonna be stupid as hell.
    Doesnt she see the irony of that statement?

    • @PunksterOS
      @PunksterOS 5 років тому +9

      Yet, what is with all the likes? I can only assume the answer to that is a resounding no, right?
      I was just about to quit it when she said that stupid sh!te. I am only 5 minutes in, so I hope it gets better.

    • @PunksterOS
      @PunksterOS 5 років тому

      @Jochanan Berohart deleted that idiotic pro-censorship statement. Just as well, I was about to tell 'em just how ignorant he/she was.

    • @1bengrubb
      @1bengrubb 5 років тому +8

      I am straining to be open to censorship---it hurts. I'm going with the benefit of the doubt that there is some sort of logic to that line of thinking. I'm not too good with history but censorship never seemed like a path out of oppression.

    • @loritan7829
      @loritan7829 5 років тому +10

      The moderator is definitely bias to the left. You can imagine the outrage if she was thoughtfully jotting down the comments from the older Caucasian man, then pointed at the black student to hurry her thoughts along. Trust me, it's not only conservatives paying attention to sh¡t like that.

    • @thebergbok8279
      @thebergbok8279 5 років тому +5

      Watching any of her forays into interviewing intellectual opponents, on YT is a thoroughly uncomfortable experience & confirms her immovability beyond her orthodox leftism.

  • @theophanyfd5422
    @theophanyfd5422 5 років тому +191

    I knew that the guy on the far left was crazy when he started doing identity politics within the first 10 seconds of him speaking.

    • @jonnyw82
      @jonnyw82 4 роки тому +29

      It was more than just identity politics, it was racist. He charged the entire audience and panel with "white fragility" and pissed on the pillars of our great civilization by calling them "dead white men". No white person could ever say the same thing to a black.

    • @jeztaylor6308
      @jeztaylor6308 4 роки тому +6

      @@jonnyw82 i wondered if one of those dead white men may had been William Wilberforce, i doubt he's ever heard of him.

    • @ColonPal
      @ColonPal 3 роки тому +2

      I loved the black dude, was the only one tha made any sense.

    • @billsimms2511
      @billsimms2511 3 роки тому +5

      Just imagine the argument the black professor would have if he didn’t play identity politics or the race card. He would have nothing to say

    • @kaffasaffa5598
      @kaffasaffa5598 3 роки тому +1

      Crazy? Nah, he was just close-minded and not able to see problems from different angle than his own.

  • @dadsstuff5562
    @dadsstuff5562 2 роки тому +1

    In the first 25 minutes of this video, you have Johnathan Haidt & Jonathan Sacks make coherent, logical points, and on the other side, you just have static noise emanating from a realm of fantasy beliefs. It's quite remarkable.

  • @i0null
    @i0null 2 роки тому +2

    Disappointing there wasn't any reference to the paradox of tolerance - that could've help rationalise the argument.

  • @burgerbob7324
    @burgerbob7324 4 роки тому +166

    I don't understand what is wrong with teaching European history in a European university or what is wrong with having pictures of old European men on the walls of a European University? Kehinde Andrews says that with disgust as if it's a bad thing. We need to wake up to this and call it what it is, racist. He's speaking in disgust about the University as if there is anything wrong there.

    • @palvishah89
      @palvishah89 3 роки тому +8

      I think he has an issue with the British curriculum in which empire and slavery was never taught. History went from the classics, to the middle ages and Tudors, to the enlightenment, and then to WW1 and WW2. That's pretty effed up as we have an idealised/imagined sense of national history. And unfortunately explains a lot about the current crop of political leaders and ethno-nationalist rhetoric that is creeping into the mainstream

    • @disnotesfoyou
      @disnotesfoyou 3 роки тому

      That's fine for the European History department but what about the rest of the knowledge in the world?

    • @billsimms2511
      @billsimms2511 3 роки тому +6

      I’m not sure what type of history he would expect to learn about in a European university .. 🤔

    • @SamuraiSilverhand
      @SamuraiSilverhand 3 роки тому +11

      @@palvishah89 except slavery and the empire is taught in schools and so is the Holocaust

    • @ginallightbody
      @ginallightbody 3 роки тому +5

      Kehinde hates the white man. He said they disgust him....a racist

  • @primus7776
    @primus7776 5 років тому +38

    George Orwell didn't see this coming.....he thought he was writing a work of Fiction in "1984".
    Keep it away from Eleanor, she will think it's a textbook.

    • @mattutgetcare
      @mattutgetcare 5 років тому +2

      Nah, he saw it coming. Just because technology changes, Authoritarians remain the same. This is simply the cycle of humanity.

    • @bdale5231
      @bdale5231 5 років тому +2

      It was never fiction

  • @sidharthmalhotra5931
    @sidharthmalhotra5931 2 роки тому +3

    Came for Haidt but stayed for the Rabbi, he made some highly articulate and strong arguments

  • @DaDankStrafe
    @DaDankStrafe 2 роки тому +1

    Kehinde's claim that it is harder to get into elite universities as a minority is the most appalling falsehood I've ever heard someone get away with in a public forum. It takes 30 seconds to look up the average SAT scores of the different races that got accepted into universities. Even if that information weren't publicly available, you do not have to wonder. These schools proudly make it known that there are lower standards for different minority groups. They call it diversity. You can argue whether or not affirmative action is a good idea or not. You cannot argue whether or not it is taking place. It is happening at every single school I've ever heard of.

  • @johnjohnson-hz5si
    @johnjohnson-hz5si 5 років тому +45

    Gentlemans club? Wtf....60 percent of students are female....facts> feelings

    • @1bengrubb
      @1bengrubb 5 років тому +1

      That wasn't the point...the point was lets do a hypothetical here(not based on reality) and see if there is anyway possible we can enter the shoes of someone else...I think the moderator did awesome in helping me see the far left point of view or at least thy nodded their heads in agreement with the scenarios she presented....but I still wasnt' able to feel their pain

  • @TGiSHIllidanServer
    @TGiSHIllidanServer 5 років тому +375

    Jesus I've been a Democrat for my entire life and even my brain is trying to kill itself every time the two on the left started talking.

    • @whitexchina
      @whitexchina 5 років тому +35

      But this is the left today.
      I couldn't be a part of it anymore.
      They are against freedom!

    • @michaelcasey5845
      @michaelcasey5845 5 років тому +48

      They are not Democrats; they are twitter Bosheviks. They crave power and right now spouting such "political" gibberish gets dimwits a lot of power. Period.

    • @TheClassicWorld
      @TheClassicWorld 4 роки тому +29

      I have been a lifelong leftist, but also don't call myself a leftist anymore (though morally speaking and so forth, I am slightly liberal, but mostly 'centre'). But the point, the left is going more and more extreme every year, I am becoming more and more of a right-winger without even moving... I am not wrong -- they are [far left]!

    • @thenrepeat9124
      @thenrepeat9124 4 роки тому +13

      Same here but I moved Right because of them.

    • @jonnyw82
      @jonnyw82 4 роки тому +11

      The democratic party left you mate.

  • @TheDatabaseDude
    @TheDatabaseDude 2 роки тому +2

    These people on the left don’t argue, they just make pronouncements of their opinions and expect them to just be accepted as fact. They won’t argue for them they just state them.
    Like for instance that the right has the power advantage in the Universities. I think that in today’s Universities just the opposite is the case and I’d like to actually argue that point. But these people don’t want to debate they just want to silence the opposing views, and establish their opinions as the foundational facts of their world view and go on from there.
    The pronouncements that this girl made about what gets published and what doesn’t was not defended and a valid counter argument would be very easy to mount. But the cancel culture simply wouldn’t entertain the idea of allowing their dogma to be subjected to a debate.
    And then after spending almost the whole discussion demonizing white men she turns around and says she doesn’t demonize them!

  • @RichardEnglander
    @RichardEnglander 2 роки тому +2

    The difference between the eloquent and informed voices on the right of stage and the emotional confused on the left is staggering.

  • @nope-jj1rw
    @nope-jj1rw 5 років тому +168

    This Eleanor Penny has had gallons of Postmodernist Kool-Aid...

    • @daniellogan-scott5968
      @daniellogan-scott5968 5 років тому +6

      The idiocy of this woman was staggering. When she said that large political issue cannot be reduced to the personal psychological level. Where does she think politics comes from?

  • @AlWashburn
    @AlWashburn 5 років тому +81

    The highlight was when the audience member calls out Eleanor Penny as a Fascist (because she is) and then she was absolutely flabbergasted that anyone could possibly think that.
    It just goes to show how out of touch she truly is.

    • @nickbrian5141
      @nickbrian5141 5 років тому +3

      The level of special stupid on the left is shocking!

    • @davidnonya7359
      @davidnonya7359 5 років тому +2

      she said: those who fail to learn from history are naive(pharaphrasing ofcourse) well she then is naive

    • @huangdingdong
      @huangdingdong 5 років тому +8

      She struck me as way out of her depth up there alongside some high calibre minds, yet she still sits on that platform. So much for being disadvantaged...

    • @h4rq
      @h4rq 5 років тому +3

      Can anybody point out at what time in the video that happened? I can't force myself to listen to her. I tried, I just can't.

    • @AlWashburn
      @AlWashburn 5 років тому

      @@h4rq try 107:35 during the Q&A

  • @yanikkunitsin1466
    @yanikkunitsin1466 2 роки тому +2

    That gentlemen on the left, Black history specialist, seems to forget what powers to change worldviews of a society debates in institutes of education can have. I'm talking about famous 1965s Oxford Union debate between William F Buckley and James Baldwin. And Baldwin wasn't afraid to stand before, literally in this case, wholly white and wholly privileged audience, state his position and win peoples hearts. Does he tried to find a "safe space" from uncomfortable opinion? Does he tried to shut Buckley's mouth physically or metaphorically? No. Because he knew that public demonstrations of like-minded individuals were not enough - all it does is antogonizes everyone around them - you should engage in public debate everyone, even those with diametrically opposite views. Only in that way you can bring the change.

    • @Hollis_has_questions
      @Hollis_has_questions 2 роки тому +1

      There is everything right in what you say. I think of Maria Skłowdowska aka Marie Curie, a woman in a sea of men. She struggled greatly to be a scientist and went on to win two Nobel prizes in two different scientific specialties: chemistry and physics. Go figure. I think of George Washington Carver, a former slave in an extremely prejudiced white society. There wasn’t anything that Mr. Carver wouldn’t do in pursuit of his education, prevailing sentiments be damned. These were my childhood idols, and they still are; I haven’t forgotten them, I’ve only added to them.

  • @mariomazzi7894
    @mariomazzi7894 Рік тому +1

    I think the two younger panelists are quintessential examples of adults who have not dealt with their personal issues and are constantly looking for excuses and scapegoats. She, more aggressively finger-pointing, as you can detect in her body language (overly coddled and falsely confident) whereas Mr. Andrew’s body language is depicted as insecure and it can be interpreted as “removed” or “bored” from the conversation as he slouches and looks down a great deal of the time. These two individuals obviously have many valid points but their own insecurities and idiosyncrasies surface to a point where their ideologies are either misconstrued or underdeveloped.