In an alternative universe "I may be stopping an emergency vehicle from responding to a situation but at least this one cyclist doesn't have to slow down a tiny bit"
Yep, and that would mean the cyclist he was overtaking was also able to hear the siren and may be concentrating on that. Also, along with that, the sheer noise of the siren, would make it less likely that the person being overtaken was aware of the cyclist approaching from his rear. It's easy to accidentally startle others when you are on a bike anyway, let alone in a noisy, potentially stressful situation like that. As far as I can tell, the "absolute bell" didn't try to use his actual bell, or any other means, to alert the other cyclist to his presence. "Chap" didn't seem to take any of that into consideration.
@@Enjay001 Yep, bikeys close passing peds can startle them. I get it often on a 'shared' pathway, (formally a pedestrian path) bikeys now treat it as their own personal racetrack and 'close pass' peds at every opportunity. Then bikeys wonder why they are so hated by other road users. They all need mandatory testing, licencing, insurance and registration plates.
@@wibbley1 Zzzz.. The old 'testing, licencing, insurance and registration' nonsense. This would effectively ban all children from cycling, one of the last freedoms they have.
Typical bikey w****r comment. Happy to send a totally unprepared child onto the road and risk their death, due to their own misguided arrogant entitled attitude, rather than educate and instruct them as to how to ride safely on the road and interact with other road users. If a person, regardless of age, is not able to receive, comprehend and follow instruction as to how to ride safely on the road, then for their own safety, they should not be permitted to be on the road.
That first clip is actually shocking. When it comes to fires, seconds count, and the taxi didn't swerve or do any mad maneuvers. It simply put its indicator on and moved casually into the cycle lane to let the fire engine pass, and that was enough to trigger the cyclist, as though he is more important than a fire engine getting to its destination.
The taxi, equipped with rear view and wing mirrors, would have been aware of the speed at which the fire engine was approaching and sensibly got out of the way. Everyone should have slowed down and moved to the left to get out of the fire engine’s way, including Chap On A Bike.
Not for the first time, someone cycling with a camera, determined to make a mountain out of a molehill, with the added bonus of trying to cause a confrontation. After all said and done, the cyclist would have been better off pulling to the left as soon as he heard the sirens and waited for the emergency vehicle to pass.
There are thousands of channels filled with drivers posting their footage making a mountain out of a molehill too, but yes this particular cyclist is a cycling variant of them
Yes this is mountain bikes for you. It would have been ironic if the bikers actions had held the fire engine up and he got home only to find his house burned to the ground with his family inside. Statistically it is more likely someone else's house and family are the ones affected so no worries there then for him.
If I had been cycling I would have pulled to be left and stopped on the pavement to remove myself from the situation altogether and make it easier for drivers to move over and let the fire engine pass . People sometimes don't notice an emergency vehicle until it's right behind them and then panic. That wasn't the case in this clip, but I prefer not to take the risk of being in their way, just in case. I have a husband and child at home and nothing to prove.
@04:20 when you question the state of the cycle lane, i can tell you there is absolutely nothing wrong with the lane at all. i ride along it daily. a puddle can form when theres heavy rain but thats it, theres no pot holes or any lose stones or anything like that. the biggest problem with that cycle lane is further up at the lights, theres a left turn for cyclists to go over vauxhall bridge which often gets blocked by buses.
That guy is an odd one. Don't remember if I mentioned this before, but one time he arranged a get together for camera cyclists to meet each other and have a little social, then ride out and look for people using phones while driving. I DM'ed him saying I'd stop by to meet people and say hi etc but I'd head off before the "enforcement action" bit... he messaged back explaining the whole thing was a hoax to make drivers angry; no meetup at all was planned. Very very strange fellow.
It's. An. Emergency. Everyone should be doing everything within their power (short of endangering others) to assist the emergency vehicle to have the smoothest and fastest path through.
No you're wrong. He is on HIS bit of road and is more important than some other lesser being having a silly emergency. He shouldn't have to do anything. /s just in case it was required.
Totally agree with your analysis. First thing that stood out for me was the close pass, although this didn't carry the same degree of risk as a motor vehicle it was at best, inconsiderate. I have also experienced this when cycling on the road, unlike a car which one can normally hear, a bicycle is silent and such a close pass can be very startling. The response to the taxi was just stupid.
Simply appalling from Chaponabike. It's unfortunate that Mikey called it an ambulance, but nonetheless he is right. Personally, I'm unsure why Chaponabike wasn't in the cycle lane at the start of the clip but I won't judge on that because we don't know anything prior, and I agree with your point about the dark spot, Ashley. His anticipation was shocking in my opinion and totally agree about the overtake of the other cyclist - just no need and so close as well as you mentioned. It was pretty obvious the fire engine was behind and he would've seen it during his check over his shoulder. Then, if he was so arsed about the taxi not coming into the cycle lane, why didn't he do the right thing and hold back to allow the fire engine options. Then the audacity to be waving his hands around and shouting at the taxi when the taxi driver might've just saved somebody's life. I wonder what he'd do if it was his family the emergency services were responding to. An utter disgrace.
In my opinion being outside the cycle lane at the beginning was fine as he was passing another cyclist, unlike the second overtake which was very poor.
@@philipreid2542 I was just following the line of Ash mentioning that another person had corrected Chaponabike for calling it a police car when it was a fire engine, so a similar thing applies. I'm not desperate to criticise him as you can see from my comment I clearly say that I agree with him. Hope that now makes sense 🙂
I remember seeing this come up on Twitter and very few people agreeing with ChaponaBike. He even tried justifying his actions saying everything was safe and that the taxi driver should've waited until later on to use a suitable passing place, point blank refusing to accept that where the taxi driver pulled over and gently slowed down was a suitable passing place. Even if there was room on the left to use to pass the taxi using the cycle area for the driver of the fire engine, it appears that gap was being shut down anyway by ChaponaBike catching the taxi up. Poor cycling and road awareness here
Granted, twitter users will usually never agree with a cyclist, even if the cyclist is correct. Obviously Chap in the video is a knob and I agree with you
If I’m in my car or on a bike and I hear a siren, I’m immediately wondering if it’s heading my way so I know whether to pull in at some point. The cabbie didn’t want to have to pull in, but at least he indicated and didn’t just lurch in at the last minute.
Its quite fascinating, here in Holland cyclists barely react at all, continue crossing roads while literally not having an idea if there is an emergency vehicle on their road/lane
For me having a place I can easily stop out of the way is the ideal situation. It's means I can just remove myself completely out of the equation until the emergency vehicle has passed safe in the knowledge I'm not going to slow them at all or cause any problem. This guy has miles of room on the left for ages and does nothing. Other than create a situation with the taxi driver trying to get out the way. A situation that would have never happened if he'd removed himself from the situation in the first place by stopping in the acres of room on the left when he first heard the siren.
I think he anticipated the taxi pulling in the cycle lane and thought it would make good content for his page that’s why he wanted to overtake to other cyclist to get a front row seat for it. Common sense would say to just hold back until the emergency vehicle has cleared.
I’ve encountered situations like this, that cyclists was all me me me attitude. sometimes one needs to forget the rules and use common sense. Taxi driver indicated early and slowly and safely moved over.
Agreed, it seems in this and others of their videos, we're great as along as everyone else is respecting me, however when it comes to other road users, well - close pass on the cyclist, allowing the taxi to manoeuvre for the emergency vehicle - teddies out of the cot!
It was good to see Cycling Mikey on BBC Breakfast again this morning. He was talking sense as usual; correcting the presenter for calling him a 'vigilante', when he's the total opposite of that!
You could've used MrClifcam's latest video here, pretty much the same situation. In the comments, apparently I was wrong for suggesting it was obvious the vehicle in front was going to move left
Great analysis of the video here. I think given the spacing; ChaponaBike could see the that the emergency vehicle would pass and that the cabbie would have impeded. It's just a decent thing to slow-down and work with other road users safely and allow a timely, potentially life-saving arrival of a Fire Engine? I like ChaponaBike and I think he can do better here; We all think we're right until hind-sight.
I’m actually pretty shocked that he shared this clip as if he had been terribly wronged. The fire engine could be off to save someone’s life. Slowing down briefly is a small price to pay!
First impressions watching: -When you first hear the sirens there is a parking area on the left. Why on earth isn't the cyclist pulling into that area and stopping until the emergency vehicle has passed. Keeps you out of the way of the emergency vehicle, other road users that are trying to get out of the way of the emergency vehicle, and out of danger. Why is he not stopping ffs! -Are you serious, he just overtook while an emergency vehicle is approaching. What a tool. -Rides alongside the taxi while the emergency vehicle is getting closer. Even if the taxi hadn't pulled to the left to move out the way, he would then have put himself even more in the way of the emergency vehicle. I hate people like this, and there are more and more of them over the last few years. Creates a situation to ''prove' a point. Yeah maybe officially the taxi shouldn't cross into the cycle area (which is what I thought was the case with a solid cycle line but then I've no idea how that parking area is legally supposed to work), but that shouldn't be for the cyclist to enforce in this situation, the taxi moving to the left was actually the best outcome for the emergency vehicle. The taxi driver might have to worry about over zealous councils with camera enforcement, but the cyclist should have been ready to accommodate it. Or actually the cyclist should have long since stopped to remove himself from the situation. So eager he is to prove he is on 'his' bit of road and mistakenly thinks this means he shouldn't need to do anything that the only thing he proves is what a tool he is.
As for the road condition, that is literally outside Millbank Tower, just a couple of hundred metres from Parliament. The road is in excellent condition.
At the end of the day you will probably find that the Traffic Order that covers that cycle lane will have a bunch of exemptions for emergencies that are not covered in the Highway Code. Just because that part of the carriage way is marked as a cycle lane it does not mean other vehicles cannot enter it, as evidenced by the parking spaces behind it.
Legally, the taxi probably shouldn't drive into the cycle lane, but morally, he most certainly should have. Side note - if parking is permitted to the left of they cycle lane, should the lane be delimited with broken lines rather than solid?
I believe the dashed cycle lanes indicate that vehicles may occupy that space when necessary (when the road isn’t wide enough or for making turns). This isn’t the intention here. If it were necessary to dash every cycle lane when parking is permitted to the left it would also imply that drivers could use that space for maneuvers which is not the case. Excellent of course to let emergency vehicles pass if you’re not a twat.
You can drive across solid lines to reach a legitimate destination the other side of them. Examples would be to turn right over a solid white centre line, or as here to get to a clearly marked parking space, a driveway, or land adjacent to the road.
in my state, the cycle lane lines are broken where a motorist is expected to cross it, such as when a turning lane is placed outside the cycle lane, to allow the car to slow for a turn without conflicting with cyclists going straight through - however, the highway code, here, also says, lane restrictions do not apply to people making way for an emergency vehicle. which is to say, a motorist can pull into an active bus lane'; or a cycle lane if it is necessary to make way for an emergency vehicle.
That's Millbank just south of Lambeth Bridge on the Westminster/Pimlico side of the Thames. Millbank Tower, overlooking part of this route can be problematic as a lot of wind is deflected off it down to street level. A real nightmare if you're a cyclist on a windy day!
Frankly I think it is said that the highway code is even a part of that discussion. It should not be needed. The moment blue lights and the associated siren are approaching the only concern is to safely make as much space for them as possible as quickly as possible and in a way that will be clear and easy to understand for the driver of the emergency vehicle. I doesn't matter what vehicle I am in or on or if I am walking, this is the same for everyone. When an ambulance or a firefighter needs to get somewhere we all get out of their way and anything else, including painted lanes, curbs or grass is immaterial at that moment. Continuing to overtake another cyclist at that point is so stupid. If I slam on the brakes and go behind the slower cyclist and during or after that look at the emergency vehicle the driver will know I am making space for him and he can continue safely. If I continue with the overtake that driver has no idea what I will do next. He might have to slow down and that second of delay might be someone's life. I am not sure my English is good enough to express what I think about a person who is getting angry because they are being mildly inconvenienced by someone trying to make space for an emergency response vehicle. Would "unbelievably self-involved" be a good description of someone like that? I feel like that is not strong enough.
Careful with that. Pulling over on a hard shoulder to let an emergency vehicle past could see them give up their chase and just fine you instead. Been there.
@@lukeorlando4814 I never even heard about that happening to anyone here, might be different where you are. And with ambulances and firefighters that is not even possible.
@@hebijirik coming off a motorway on a slip road car came careering past me and not ma moment later the blues came up behind me. Assuming they were chasing the first car I pulled over onto the shoulder to let the police pass. To my surprise they tucked in behind me said they had it on camera and if they did not charge me would not be able to charge the person they were chasing. Ended up in a drivers education course where I learned it’s not my responsibility to move out of their way. It’s their responsibility to overtake safely.
I assume fast moving aggressive cyclists are not required to give slow cyclists moving 2m space when overtaking them? It's OK to give 20cm space if you are also a cyclist? Not rude at all?
I can have no disagreements with any of your comments made in the video. I agree, personally I'd have stayed behind the other cyclist, and if I had shown the poor judgement to not do this, I would have held back the moment the taxi started to move over. There were at least 2 opportunities to make this a complete non-event.
If we’re to go strictly by the law, both cyclists should’ve stopped to the left immediately and the taxi should’ve stayed far right allowing the fire engine to use the massive space in between. In the Netherlands many cycle lanes are also purpose-built for emergency services.
Absolutely 💯 with you. There were 3 critical points tomorrow that video. Overtake the other bike - how close was the emergency vehicle? The taxi driver didn’t have anywhere else to go & didn’t slam the brakes on. The cyclist after the taxi incident bypassed the cycle area and went into the road by the taxi - why? There could be people waiting to be rescued from a fire… Just ease back & work with others to help the emergency services go through 🤷♂️
Ashley you are spot on. Why did chap on a bike not slow for the emergency vehicle. Instead he overtakes ahead of an emergency vehicle. All for the sake of easing off. If the cycle lane was therefore 2 miles long would he expect the fire engine or ambulance to sit behind the taxi for the next 2 miles. It worries me that some people are so blinkered. As you say it helps when we all help each other out.
In my opinion, it's mountains from molehills. Sometimes, you do need to slow or even stop to give way to the emergency services, and sometimes, it might catch someone who isn't truly paying attention out. Had i been in chaponabikes position id have done things differently. The way i see it. highway code is a guide. Some of the rules are contradicting in some cases. I think Ash has a few vids up showing a couple of these contradicting rules. It's up to us to decide which rule takes precedent in relation to any situation we may face on the roads.
The cyclist should have the intelligence to give way to the emergency vehicle and expect others to do the same. In my opinion the cyclist is looking for misplaced attention.
I was waiting for this one to drop, and I'm glad that it has. My take is that actually the legality of the situation doesn't matter - where there's blue lights, human lives might be at stake. If that means crossing a stop line on red, busting a cycle lane or whatever it is to let the blue lights vehicle through, I'd absolutely do this and accept the legal consequences, because what is morally right isn't always what's legally right. At the moment I'm processing the death of a local MTB cyclist where I was running a nearby airfield, two helimeds turned up to the incident and used the airfield (#1 was initial response, #2 had an emergency doctor and blood kits), but road ambulances were severely delayed getting the casualty to the helimeds & doctor because they couldn't find the airfield road entrance, and I hadn't sent my people to the site entrance to direct the vehicles to the helimeds. Please everyone, collectively do everything you can to ensure emergency service vehicles get to where they need to be as quickly as possible. It's a lot to mentally pick through when somebody's died.
While I agree in general can see why it is the way it is, Rule one after all is don't create more patients trying to reach a a patient. Would just emphases the don't panic and FULLY asses the situation before you do anything, Know a few drivers that do panic in these situation and their decision making and observation skills aren't at their best during them... Any rate sorry to hear about your incident, must be tough but sounds like you done everything you could.
Whilst I appreciate you being prepared to take points crossing a stop line to get out of way it's not practical for those of us living in cities with frequent emergency vehicles and many junctions having cameras. If I took that approach I wouldn't have my licence for very long. And I doubt any emergency service is going to compensate me for the increased insurance premiums nor help me out when I can't drive any more. Most emergency drivers understand this and follow their training by turning off their sirens in a situation where there is nowhere legally for you to go, for the odd few others you just have to stand firm and not be intimidated. You can't be prosecuted for not moving out the way if there is nowhere legally for you go, you can and will be prosecuted for breaking the law to get out the way. The law is an ass, but I can't fix that.
It is illegal to drive across a pavement to access a driveway without a dropped kerb. A dropped kerb, also known as a vehicle crossing or crossover, is a crossing point that allows vehicles to cross the pavement to access a driveway.
A crossing across a public footpath or verge for your vehicle to get to your property from the road is known as a 'dropped kerb', ‘crossover’ or ‘vehicle crossing’. It is an offence under Section 184 of the Highways Act 1980, to cross a kerb, verge or footway in a motor vehicle except at a crossing point that has been approved by the Council.
It's amazing how so many issues and situations can be dealt with by simply slowing down and having patience. I just don't get how people can go through life always thinking they're in the right while driving/cycling. It's dangerous and exhausting.
The other thing as well. Every non-event like this that is reported to Operation SNAP is clogging up the system so that real incidents are being dropped because the time window available runs out.
He does it a lot and the complains on social media when there is no prosecution or he receives a critical response. I’ve blocked him as he inflames an already difficult relationship between different road users.
I would like to add that with 29 years experience of driving Fire Service Vehicles ( now retired ) I have been impeded many more times by belligerent cyclists than I have taxi drivers, when responding to an emergency. And before anyone jumps on board, no we don’t have any given rights over another road user, if they can’t safely move to allow us to pass. Come on people, engage your brains when using the roads
I think I would've tucked in before or after the parked car, depending how the timing changes, because I would definitely not overtake the other cyclist too in this situation. Moving into the cycle lane is very defendable, but the braking less so on first glance. He must've missed the pinch point and the taxi trying to avoid meeting at the pinch point at the lights.
Looking forward to you and Mikey hosting vids together. And I’m with you both on this - cyclist just had to show some awareness and slow down - just a tad - or use all that room on the left to keep out of harm’s way and let the fire engine get on with it. Seems like ‘wanting to make an incident’ where there wasn’t one. I’m a cyclist.
COAB was trying to make a "thing" out of this instead of being cooperative. Too many conflicting Rules in the HWC exist. It is time to put a stop to this silly bloody nonsense. Ashley and Mikey could - and should - be working together. Hopefully that comment will be the "Olive Branch" that is needed to kick start a decent rapport. I support you both.
Absolutely spot on. As a cyclist it's embarrassing seeing such an entitled attitude. Could have caused an accident straight away, simply by overtaking the bike in front. Such a bad attitude.😢
Yes, it was a fire engine but it could also have been an ambulance fighting his way through the traffic to save someone's life after an accident further up the road. Next time it could even be Chaponabike's life!
I think the speed he was doing considering the environment was excessive given that he was very aware of the fire engine coming up behind. Also, he had no intention of letting the taxi pull out of the way before he got in front if he could help it. A horrible, self-serving individual.
you could see and hear the situation was going to happen. that fire engine was getting closer and closer, why even think to overtake the cyclist in the first place and get closer to the pinch point and put himself at risk when he could just back off for 10 seconds, let the fire engine pass (showing that he is not going to be an issue to the driver of the fire engine) and then get back up to speed after? do we think the fire engine needed to slow down on approach when they saw chaponabike make the overtake? that just send out warning signals to the driver that the cyclist is not thinking about the fire engine and they have to make sure they dont run him over. emergency services have a tough enough job as it is, the more you can do to give them priority and show they clear to pass at speed, the better they feel.
Absolutely agree, Ash. Cyclist slowed in plenty of time behind cabbie who braked safely. It's like someone said, "some of us are willing to work with others". And that is the nuts and bolts of it. Some cyclists are so all about themselves and sod everyone else. 🤷♂️
Chaponabike is one of the worst for causing confrontation and putting it on social media. It can be frustrating cycling on British roads but when he edits the footage, surely any non-deluded individual would realise it made them look idiotic.
A small point Ashley, but at 3:47 you say that you don't think there would have been room for the fire engine to pass to the left of the taxi. I beg to differ. The space is the same size, regardless of whether you position taxi-fire engine, or fire engine-taxi. Strictly according to the rules, taxi should not enter the cycle lane, except to cross to the parking area, and the fire engine can use the cycle lane, if safe, but the taxi moving left seems the better option here. chaponabike just needed to cease pedalling for a moment, probably before his overtake of the other cyclist.
You've got CyclingMikey on you need to get Jeremy Vine agreeing with you too 🤪🤪 Have we really reached the point of peak selfishness where waylaying an emergency vehicle is to be encouraged just so another road user isn't held up for all of 2 seconds. Last time I checked, the majority of emergency vehicles don't put their sirens and lights on for shi7s and giggles. They tend to be going to an emergency. In this instance, for all CoaB knows, it could have been to a cyclist wedged under a truck, which you would think would elicit sympathy...kinda like most human beings. But no, it's far more important not to slow down 🤔
camera watch: a private car can get a ticket for using a bus/cycle lane - when ambulance, etc comes thru; tho this was a taxi; up to the discretion of the Council
It's rare enough for a taxi to make space for anyone, it should be applauded. I've no problem with cars crossing a cycle lane to park either. The problem is near me cars use the cycle lane as a car park, I and they assume this is legal.
Chump on a bike, more like. When you hear a siren everybody needs to be prepared to get out of the way and even stop, if necessary. Also cooperate with other road users and don't try to overtake until all is clear. The man needs to resit his cycling proficiency test before being allowed out on the roads again. From a cyclist with tens of thousands of road miles behind him.
When emergency services appear and are on lights + sirens, just work together even only for 30 seconds This to me is no different to someone that is walking on the path, wanting to cross the road - and then does cross the road in front of a fire engine…..because “it’s your right” to walk across the road and your going for a dentist appointment.
There's a certain type of person, usually male and aged between 30 and 45, who likes to cycle and / or jog and will not slow down or yield for anything. They like to come out onto the railway paths in Edinburgh, usually running but sometimes on expensive road bikes and they are insufferable.
As a cyclist and also a driver I would say taxi did nothing wrong and Chaponabike just looking for confrontation by posting this clip. If the taxi had stopped in cycle lane to let out or pick up a fare then maybe he'd have a point but to allow emergency vehicle through was absolutely right thing to do. Surely everyone involved heard siren and saw blue lights even from behind.
A poor time to over take the cyclist. I always make a point to pull in if I hear an emergency siren. Ideally get off the road and wait. Taxi did fine. One thing I will say which some may find odd - is most Taxi drivers are fine with me when I am cycling. I have had the odd one miss me in a city even though I had lights on. But they give enough room overtaking and I rarely fear for my safety because of one. Like here - that did not feel unsafe and was needed to make way for the fire engine.
In an alternative universe "I may be stopping an emergency vehicle from responding to a situation but at least this one cyclist doesn't have to slow down a tiny bit"
He went for the overtake on the cyclist when an emergency vehicle is clearly audible....absolute bell.
Yep, and that would mean the cyclist he was overtaking was also able to hear the siren and may be concentrating on that. Also, along with that, the sheer noise of the siren, would make it less likely that the person being overtaken was aware of the cyclist approaching from his rear. It's easy to accidentally startle others when you are on a bike anyway, let alone in a noisy, potentially stressful situation like that. As far as I can tell, the "absolute bell" didn't try to use his actual bell, or any other means, to alert the other cyclist to his presence.
"Chap" didn't seem to take any of that into consideration.
@@Enjay001 Yep, bikeys close passing peds can startle them. I get it often on a 'shared' pathway, (formally a pedestrian path) bikeys now treat it as their own personal racetrack and 'close pass' peds at every opportunity.
Then bikeys wonder why they are so hated by other road users.
They all need mandatory testing, licencing, insurance and registration plates.
@@wibbley1 Zzzz.. The old 'testing, licencing, insurance and registration' nonsense. This would effectively ban all children from cycling, one of the last freedoms they have.
Typical bikey w****r comment.
Happy to send a totally unprepared child onto the road and risk their death, due to their own misguided arrogant entitled attitude, rather than educate and instruct them as to how to ride safely on the road and interact with other road users.
If a person, regardless of age, is not able to receive, comprehend and follow instruction as to how to ride safely on the road, then for their own safety, they should not be permitted to be on the road.
That first clip is actually shocking. When it comes to fires, seconds count, and the taxi didn't swerve or do any mad maneuvers. It simply put its indicator on and moved casually into the cycle lane to let the fire engine pass, and that was enough to trigger the cyclist, as though he is more important than a fire engine getting to its destination.
Yeah well that's what happens when the police make cyclists feel like laws don't apply to them.... We have a whole new legislation to blame
The taxi, equipped with rear view and wing mirrors, would have been aware of the speed at which the fire engine was approaching and sensibly got out of the way. Everyone should have slowed down and moved to the left to get out of the fire engine’s way, including Chap On A Bike.
What the fuck did Chap expect the Taxi to do? Teleport?
@@powernab8457 Typical bikey comment, somehow trying to justify this tw@t because there are other tw@ts on the road.
@@powernab8457 but he did have room, and plenty of it
@@powernab8457 the cyclist, he couldve went to the left in the parking area to let the emergency vehicle pass
Not for the first time, someone cycling with a camera, determined to make a mountain out of a molehill, with the added bonus of trying to cause a confrontation. After all said and done, the cyclist would have been better off pulling to the left as soon as he heard the sirens and waited for the emergency vehicle to pass.
There are thousands of channels filled with drivers posting their footage making a mountain out of a molehill too, but yes this particular cyclist is a cycling variant of them
Yes this is mountain bikes for you. It would have been ironic if the bikers actions had held the fire engine up and he got home only to find his house burned to the ground with his family inside. Statistically it is more likely someone else's house and family are the ones affected so no worries there then for him.
If I had been cycling I would have pulled to be left and stopped on the pavement to remove myself from the situation altogether and make it easier for drivers to move over and let the fire engine pass .
People sometimes don't notice an emergency vehicle until it's right behind them and then panic. That wasn't the case in this clip, but I prefer not to take the risk of being in their way, just in case. I have a husband and child at home and nothing to prove.
Taxi driver even used indicators that's unusual 😊
@04:20 when you question the state of the cycle lane, i can tell you there is absolutely nothing wrong with the lane at all. i ride along it daily. a puddle can form when theres heavy rain but thats it, theres no pot holes or any lose stones or anything like that. the biggest problem with that cycle lane is further up at the lights, theres a left turn for cyclists to go over vauxhall bridge which often gets blocked by buses.
That guy is an odd one. Don't remember if I mentioned this before, but one time he arranged a get together for camera cyclists to meet each other and have a little social, then ride out and look for people using phones while driving. I DM'ed him saying I'd stop by to meet people and say hi etc but I'd head off before the "enforcement action" bit... he messaged back explaining the whole thing was a hoax to make drivers angry; no meetup at all was planned. Very very strange fellow.
Evening Travis 👋 That’s an interesting addition that unfortunately doesn’t surprise me.
To be fair, that's quite funny 🤣 a 'phoney meet up' if you will 😉
@@shm5547 He even posted an update afterwards, saying how many drivers they caught and reported during the non-existent meetup. 🙄
Decent trolling tbf
@@TravisandSigrid 😆 genius!
Maybe I've got a strange sense of humour, but that made me chuckle!
It's. An. Emergency. Everyone should be doing everything within their power (short of endangering others) to assist the emergency vehicle to have the smoothest and fastest path through.
No you're wrong. He is on HIS bit of road and is more important than some other lesser being having a silly emergency. He shouldn't have to do anything.
/s just in case it was required.
@@ryanmitcham5522 Strava records, bro! 🤪
What a cupid stunt.
He thinks it's all in the best possible taste.
Nice spelling.
He's an absolute aguette.🥖
Ashley Neal, the king of common sense as usual 👍
ChaponaBike needs to be ChaponaBus.
Somebody above commented ‘Chaponabike goes through life with a Chiponashoulder.’😂
I think he should be chapunderabus
ChapinaHearse ideally
If he's not careful, with the way he rides he'll be ChapunderaBus.
Staggering lack of self-awareness and entitlement from the cyclist. Good grief.
Totally agree with your analysis.
First thing that stood out for me was the close pass, although this didn't carry the same degree of risk as a motor vehicle it was at best, inconsiderate. I have also experienced this when cycling on the road, unlike a car which one can normally hear, a bicycle is silent and such a close pass can be very startling.
The response to the taxi was just stupid.
Simply appalling from Chaponabike. It's unfortunate that Mikey called it an ambulance, but nonetheless he is right. Personally, I'm unsure why Chaponabike wasn't in the cycle lane at the start of the clip but I won't judge on that because we don't know anything prior, and I agree with your point about the dark spot, Ashley. His anticipation was shocking in my opinion and totally agree about the overtake of the other cyclist - just no need and so close as well as you mentioned. It was pretty obvious the fire engine was behind and he would've seen it during his check over his shoulder. Then, if he was so arsed about the taxi not coming into the cycle lane, why didn't he do the right thing and hold back to allow the fire engine options. Then the audacity to be waving his hands around and shouting at the taxi when the taxi driver might've just saved somebody's life. I wonder what he'd do if it was his family the emergency services were responding to. An utter disgrace.
In my opinion being outside the cycle lane at the beginning was fine as he was passing another cyclist, unlike the second overtake which was very poor.
@@grahambonner508 Ah, didn't notice an initial overtake. Regardless, it wasn't that big of a deal seen as he moved over.
Why is it unfortunate that Mikey called it an ambulance? Sounds like you're pretty desperate to criticise him
@@philipreid2542 I was just following the line of Ash mentioning that another person had corrected Chaponabike for calling it a police car when it was a fire engine, so a similar thing applies. I'm not desperate to criticise him as you can see from my comment I clearly say that I agree with him. Hope that now makes sense 🙂
I remember seeing this come up on Twitter and very few people agreeing with ChaponaBike. He even tried justifying his actions saying everything was safe and that the taxi driver should've waited until later on to use a suitable passing place, point blank refusing to accept that where the taxi driver pulled over and gently slowed down was a suitable passing place.
Even if there was room on the left to use to pass the taxi using the cycle area for the driver of the fire engine, it appears that gap was being shut down anyway by ChaponaBike catching the taxi up. Poor cycling and road awareness here
I think it was less about awareness more like perceived entitlement.
Granted, twitter users will usually never agree with a cyclist, even if the cyclist is correct. Obviously Chap in the video is a knob and I agree with you
If I’m in my car or on a bike and I hear a siren, I’m immediately wondering if it’s heading my way so I know whether to pull in at some point. The cabbie didn’t want to have to pull in, but at least he indicated and didn’t just lurch in at the last minute.
Its quite fascinating, here in Holland cyclists barely react at all, continue crossing roads while literally not having an idea if there is an emergency vehicle on their road/lane
For me having a place I can easily stop out of the way is the ideal situation. It's means I can just remove myself completely out of the equation until the emergency vehicle has passed safe in the knowledge I'm not going to slow them at all or cause any problem.
This guy has miles of room on the left for ages and does nothing. Other than create a situation with the taxi driver trying to get out the way. A situation that would have never happened if he'd removed himself from the situation in the first place by stopping in the acres of room on the left when he first heard the siren.
There's no question Chap got this very wrong. 100% agree with you and Mikey.
I think he anticipated the taxi pulling in the cycle lane and thought it would make good content for his page that’s why he wanted to overtake to other cyclist to get a front row seat for it. Common sense would say to just hold back until the emergency vehicle has cleared.
Twatonabike should have anticipated the taxi moving over.
As the lady in the comments said, in an emergency situation we all cooperate
I’ve encountered situations like this, that cyclists was all me me me attitude. sometimes one needs to forget the rules and use common sense.
Taxi driver indicated early and slowly and safely moved over.
Yeah - shocking entitlement. It would be amusing if chaponabike got home to find it was his house on fire 🤪
Agreed, it seems in this and others of their videos, we're great as along as everyone else is respecting me, however when it comes to other road users, well - close pass on the cyclist, allowing the taxi to manoeuvre for the emergency vehicle - teddies out of the cot!
👍 , this cyclists needs to learn respet go’s both ways
he doesn't ride a cheap imported e-bike 😉
Now that would be justice, schadenfreude would definitely apply there!
It was good to see Cycling Mikey on BBC Breakfast again this morning. He was talking sense as usual; correcting the presenter for calling him a 'vigilante', when he's the total opposite of that!
Ask him what he would like of me for Christmas
@@AshleyNeal-JustCycling now come on, that's an easy one... a Techalogic camera to help him catch more drivers of course! 😁
anybody with forward thinking would anticipate what the taxi driver was going to do
You could've used MrClifcam's latest video here, pretty much the same situation. In the comments, apparently I was wrong for suggesting it was obvious the vehicle in front was going to move left
Great analysis of the video here. I think given the spacing; ChaponaBike could see the that the emergency vehicle would pass and that the cabbie would have impeded.
It's just a decent thing to slow-down and work with other road users safely and allow a timely, potentially life-saving arrival of a Fire Engine?
I like ChaponaBike and I think he can do better here; We all think we're right until hind-sight.
I’m actually pretty shocked that he shared this clip as if he had been terribly wronged.
The fire engine could be off to save someone’s life. Slowing down briefly is a small price to pay!
I'm a cyclist and i think the taxi driver reacted perfectly to that situation. Very selfish behaviour by Chaponabike.
First impressions watching:
-When you first hear the sirens there is a parking area on the left. Why on earth isn't the cyclist pulling into that area and stopping until the emergency vehicle has passed. Keeps you out of the way of the emergency vehicle, other road users that are trying to get out of the way of the emergency vehicle, and out of danger. Why is he not stopping ffs!
-Are you serious, he just overtook while an emergency vehicle is approaching. What a tool.
-Rides alongside the taxi while the emergency vehicle is getting closer. Even if the taxi hadn't pulled to the left to move out the way, he would then have put himself even more in the way of the emergency vehicle.
I hate people like this, and there are more and more of them over the last few years. Creates a situation to ''prove' a point. Yeah maybe officially the taxi shouldn't cross into the cycle area (which is what I thought was the case with a solid cycle line but then I've no idea how that parking area is legally supposed to work), but that shouldn't be for the cyclist to enforce in this situation, the taxi moving to the left was actually the best outcome for the emergency vehicle. The taxi driver might have to worry about over zealous councils with camera enforcement, but the cyclist should have been ready to accommodate it. Or actually the cyclist should have long since stopped to remove himself from the situation.
So eager he is to prove he is on 'his' bit of road and mistakenly thinks this means he shouldn't need to do anything that the only thing he proves is what a tool he is.
Something tells me that had the taxi driver not moved over and had held the fire engine up mr chaponabike would still have posted a video
Imagine having such a sad existence that you have to frustrate a potentially life-saving situation just to make some kind of point.
I call these people Engagement Farming Morons where they post things like this to get views.
As for the road condition, that is literally outside Millbank Tower, just a couple of hundred metres from Parliament. The road is in excellent condition.
At the end of the day you will probably find that the Traffic Order that covers that cycle lane will have a bunch of exemptions for emergencies that are not covered in the Highway Code. Just because that part of the carriage way is marked as a cycle lane it does not mean other vehicles cannot enter it, as evidenced by the parking spaces behind it.
Legally, the taxi probably shouldn't drive into the cycle lane, but morally, he most certainly should have. Side note - if parking is permitted to the left of they cycle lane, should the lane be delimited with broken lines rather than solid?
Perhaps but a solid line reminds drivers very clearly it is a cycle lane and cyclists have priority.
I believe the dashed cycle lanes indicate that vehicles may occupy that space when necessary (when the road isn’t wide enough or for making turns). This isn’t the intention here. If it were necessary to dash every cycle lane when parking is permitted to the left it would also imply that drivers could use that space for maneuvers which is not the case. Excellent of course to let emergency vehicles pass if you’re not a twat.
You can drive across solid lines to reach a legitimate destination the other side of them. Examples would be to turn right over a solid white centre line, or as here to get to a clearly marked parking space, a driveway, or land adjacent to the road.
in my state, the cycle lane lines are broken where a motorist is expected to cross it, such as when a turning lane is placed outside the cycle lane, to allow the car to slow for a turn without conflicting with cyclists going straight through - however, the highway code, here, also says, lane restrictions do not apply to people making way for an emergency vehicle. which is to say, a motorist can pull into an active bus lane'; or a cycle lane if it is necessary to make way for an emergency vehicle.
That's Millbank just south of Lambeth Bridge on the Westminster/Pimlico side of the Thames. Millbank Tower, overlooking part of this route can be problematic as a lot of wind is deflected off it down to street level. A real nightmare if you're a cyclist on a windy day!
'Chap' on a bike? I can think of a couple of other four-letter words starting with C.
"Runt on a bike"
@@ilikechickensausages2075 Pretty much ;)
Frankly I think it is said that the highway code is even a part of that discussion. It should not be needed.
The moment blue lights and the associated siren are approaching the only concern is to safely make as much space for them as possible as quickly as possible and in a way that will be clear and easy to understand for the driver of the emergency vehicle. I doesn't matter what vehicle I am in or on or if I am walking, this is the same for everyone. When an ambulance or a firefighter needs to get somewhere we all get out of their way and anything else, including painted lanes, curbs or grass is immaterial at that moment.
Continuing to overtake another cyclist at that point is so stupid. If I slam on the brakes and go behind the slower cyclist and during or after that look at the emergency vehicle the driver will know I am making space for him and he can continue safely. If I continue with the overtake that driver has no idea what I will do next. He might have to slow down and that second of delay might be someone's life.
I am not sure my English is good enough to express what I think about a person who is getting angry because they are being mildly inconvenienced by someone trying to make space for an emergency response vehicle. Would "unbelievably self-involved" be a good description of someone like that? I feel like that is not strong enough.
Careful with that. Pulling over on a hard shoulder to let an emergency vehicle past could see them give up their chase and just fine you instead. Been there.
@@lukeorlando4814 I never even heard about that happening to anyone here, might be different where you are. And with ambulances and firefighters that is not even possible.
@@lukeorlando4814 Why would you need to pull onto the hard shoulder? You'd just let the emergency vehicle used the hard shoulder.
@@hebijirik coming off a motorway on a slip road car came careering past me and not ma moment later the blues came up behind me. Assuming they were chasing the first car I pulled over onto the shoulder to let the police pass. To my surprise they tucked in behind me said they had it on camera and if they did not charge me would not be able to charge the person they were chasing. Ended up in a drivers education course where I learned it’s not my responsibility to move out of their way. It’s their responsibility to overtake safely.
@@lukeorlando4814 Wow, that seems just wrong, police making sure people do not get out of their way. Was this UK or elswhere?
I assume fast moving aggressive cyclists are not required to give slow cyclists moving 2m space when overtaking them? It's OK to give 20cm space if you are also a cyclist? Not rude at all?
I can have no disagreements with any of your comments made in the video. I agree, personally I'd have stayed behind the other cyclist, and if I had shown the poor judgement to not do this, I would have held back the moment the taxi started to move over. There were at least 2 opportunities to make this a complete non-event.
🙌Well done Ashley, see it can be done , good view point with out being negative about cyclists in general,👍
If we’re to go strictly by the law, both cyclists should’ve stopped to the left immediately and the taxi should’ve stayed far right allowing the fire engine to use the massive space in between.
In the Netherlands many cycle lanes are also purpose-built for emergency services.
Absolutely 💯 with you.
There were 3 critical points tomorrow that video.
Overtake the other bike - how close was the emergency vehicle?
The taxi driver didn’t have anywhere else to go & didn’t slam the brakes on.
The cyclist after the taxi incident bypassed the cycle area and went into the road by the taxi - why?
There could be people waiting to be rescued from a fire…
Just ease back & work with others to help the emergency services go through 🤷♂️
Ashley you are spot on. Why did chap on a bike not slow for the emergency vehicle. Instead he overtakes ahead of an emergency vehicle. All for the sake of easing off. If the cycle lane was therefore 2 miles long would he expect the fire engine or ambulance to sit behind the taxi for the next 2 miles. It worries me that some people are so blinkered. As you say it helps when we all help each other out.
In my opinion, it's mountains from molehills. Sometimes, you do need to slow or even stop to give way to the emergency services, and sometimes, it might catch someone who isn't truly paying attention out.
Had i been in chaponabikes position id have done things differently. The way i see it. highway code is a guide. Some of the rules are contradicting in some cases. I think Ash has a few vids up showing a couple of these contradicting rules. It's up to us to decide which rule takes precedent in relation to any situation we may face on the roads.
🔔End on a bike. Imagine what life is like living with a mentality like this chap, it must be excruciating.
The cyclist should have the intelligence to give way to the emergency vehicle and expect others to do the same. In my opinion the cyclist is looking for misplaced attention.
Target fixation, his focus was on the fire engine behind not the taxi ahead and that's why he got caught out by the taxi slowing down.
Your reply to Mikey was priceless 🤣
I was waiting for this one to drop, and I'm glad that it has.
My take is that actually the legality of the situation doesn't matter - where there's blue lights, human lives might be at stake. If that means crossing a stop line on red, busting a cycle lane or whatever it is to let the blue lights vehicle through, I'd absolutely do this and accept the legal consequences, because what is morally right isn't always what's legally right.
At the moment I'm processing the death of a local MTB cyclist where I was running a nearby airfield, two helimeds turned up to the incident and used the airfield (#1 was initial response, #2 had an emergency doctor and blood kits), but road ambulances were severely delayed getting the casualty to the helimeds & doctor because they couldn't find the airfield road entrance, and I hadn't sent my people to the site entrance to direct the vehicles to the helimeds.
Please everyone, collectively do everything you can to ensure emergency service vehicles get to where they need to be as quickly as possible. It's a lot to mentally pick through when somebody's died.
While I agree in general can see why it is the way it is, Rule one after all is don't create more patients trying to reach a a patient.
Would just emphases the don't panic and FULLY asses the situation before you do anything, Know a few drivers that do panic in these situation and their decision making and observation skills aren't at their best during them...
Any rate sorry to hear about your incident, must be tough but sounds like you done everything you could.
Whilst I appreciate you being prepared to take points crossing a stop line to get out of way it's not practical for those of us living in cities with frequent emergency vehicles and many junctions having cameras. If I took that approach I wouldn't have my licence for very long. And I doubt any emergency service is going to compensate me for the increased insurance premiums nor help me out when I can't drive any more.
Most emergency drivers understand this and follow their training by turning off their sirens in a situation where there is nowhere legally for you to go, for the odd few others you just have to stand firm and not be intimidated. You can't be prosecuted for not moving out the way if there is nowhere legally for you go, you can and will be prosecuted for breaking the law to get out the way. The law is an ass, but I can't fix that.
Hey, can anyone recommend me a good bicycle dashcam for winter and summer?
3:05 if a cycle lane or a bus lane is in operation, you’re allowed to cut ACROSS the lane, you just can’t PARK or DRIVE in it.
Same deal with a pavement if its for access i.e your driveway
It is illegal to drive across a pavement to access a driveway without a dropped kerb. A dropped kerb, also known as a vehicle crossing or crossover, is a crossing point that allows vehicles to cross the pavement to access a driveway.
I totally agree with your point
@@WayneTulip-zm9gw Was thinking footpath rather than footway from RTA oops
A crossing across a public footpath or verge for your vehicle to get to your property from the road is known as a 'dropped kerb', ‘crossover’ or ‘vehicle crossing’. It is an offence under Section 184 of the Highways Act 1980, to cross a kerb, verge or footway in a motor vehicle except at a crossing point that has been approved by the Council.
A new best mate and a new arch nemesis with Silvio 😂
People right to not burn to death trumps his right to not be slowed down a tiny bit.
Wow! Looks like you've got a new best mate hey Ashley?
It's amazing how so many issues and situations can be dealt with by simply slowing down and having patience.
I just don't get how people can go through life always thinking they're in the right while driving/cycling. It's dangerous and exhausting.
The other thing as well. Every non-event like this that is reported to Operation SNAP is clogging up the system so that real incidents are being dropped because the time window available runs out.
He does it a lot and the complains on social media when there is no prosecution or he receives a critical response. I’ve blocked him as he inflames an already difficult relationship between different road users.
FWIW, this is a 20mph zone - Millbank outside Tate Britain
I would like to add that with 29 years experience of driving Fire Service Vehicles ( now retired ) I have been impeded many more times by belligerent cyclists than I have taxi drivers, when responding to an emergency. And before anyone jumps on board, no we don’t have any given rights over another road user, if they can’t safely move to allow us to pass. Come on people, engage your brains when using the roads
I think I would've tucked in before or after the parked car, depending how the timing changes, because I would definitely not overtake the other cyclist too in this situation. Moving into the cycle lane is very defendable, but the braking less so on first glance. He must've missed the pinch point and the taxi trying to avoid meeting at the pinch point at the lights.
Looking forward to you and Mikey hosting vids together. And I’m with you both on this - cyclist just had to show some awareness and slow down - just a tad - or use all that room on the left to keep out of harm’s way and let the fire engine get on with it. Seems like ‘wanting to make an incident’ where there wasn’t one. I’m a cyclist.
COAB was trying to make a "thing" out of this instead of being cooperative.
Too many conflicting Rules in the HWC exist.
It is time to put a stop to this silly bloody nonsense.
Ashley and Mikey could - and should - be working together.
Hopefully that comment will be the "Olive Branch" that is needed to kick start a decent rapport. I support you both.
I'm confused; I actually agree with CyclingMikey, *and* with Ashley (and by implication the taxi driver)!
@ChaponaBike123 should be charged with breach of the peace.
Absolutely spot on. As a cyclist it's embarrassing seeing such an entitled
attitude. Could have caused an accident straight away, simply by overtaking the bike in front.
Such a bad attitude.😢
Yes, it was a fire engine but it could also have been an ambulance fighting his way through the traffic to save someone's life after an accident further up the road. Next time it could even be Chaponabike's life!
For me on my bike with a camera it's an interesting non event. Could even be nice driving/cycling as every works together.
1:26 does it say anything about NOT pulling into a cycle lane and slamming the brakes on?......
🤣this Reti cyclist makes waves again. Glad the cycling Mikey supported the common sense with Ashley👍
Chap on a bike when your house is burning down we’ll be sure to not let the fire engine pass ok
You need to go fast enough over the speedbumps there to jump the cycle lane to park
I think the speed he was doing considering the environment was excessive given that he was very aware of the fire engine coming up behind. Also, he had no intention of letting the taxi pull out of the way before he got in front if he could help it. A horrible, self-serving individual.
Ashley does the 1.5m gap apply for cyclist passing other cyclists? - or is dependent on speed differential
this is what happens when people need "content" week in, week out
also agree with mikey here too
you could see and hear the situation was going to happen. that fire engine was getting closer and closer, why even think to overtake the cyclist in the first place and get closer to the pinch point and put himself at risk when he could just back off for 10 seconds, let the fire engine pass (showing that he is not going to be an issue to the driver of the fire engine) and then get back up to speed after?
do we think the fire engine needed to slow down on approach when they saw chaponabike make the overtake? that just send out warning signals to the driver that the cyclist is not thinking about the fire engine and they have to make sure they dont run him over.
emergency services have a tough enough job as it is, the more you can do to give them priority and show they clear to pass at speed, the better they feel.
Absolutely agree, Ash. Cyclist slowed in plenty of time behind cabbie who braked safely. It's like someone said, "some of us are willing to work with others". And that is the nuts and bolts of it. Some cyclists are so all about themselves and sod everyone else. 🤷♂️
...and as for the cyclists overtaking the other cyclists, a little emoji springs to mind: 🤡
Chaponabike is one of the worst for causing confrontation and putting it on social media. It can be frustrating cycling on British roads but when he edits the footage, surely any non-deluded individual would realise it made them look idiotic.
Shocking to think he thinks his in the right here, also what a shock Asheley Neal and CyclingMikey agreeing on something
A small point Ashley, but at 3:47 you say that you don't think there would have been room for the fire engine to pass to the left of the taxi. I beg to differ. The space is the same size, regardless of whether you position taxi-fire engine, or fire engine-taxi. Strictly according to the rules, taxi should not enter the cycle lane, except to cross to the parking area, and the fire engine can use the cycle lane, if safe, but the taxi moving left seems the better option here. chaponabike just needed to cease pedalling for a moment, probably before his overtake of the other cyclist.
That cyclist will be complaining if firebrigade is late for HIS FIRE. 😅
Pratt on a bike - need I say more
I think you spelled Twat wrong
Guess someone's exchanging christmas cards later this year.
You've got CyclingMikey on you need to get Jeremy Vine agreeing with you too 🤪🤪
Have we really reached the point of peak selfishness where waylaying an emergency vehicle is to be encouraged just so another road user isn't held up for all of 2 seconds.
Last time I checked, the majority of emergency vehicles don't put their sirens and lights on for shi7s and giggles. They tend to be going to an emergency. In this instance, for all CoaB knows, it could have been to a cyclist wedged under a truck, which you would think would elicit sympathy...kinda like most human beings. But no, it's far more important not to slow down 🤔
I’m not sure many cyclists would agree with chap on a bike here…
Yes, I'm a cyclist and I strongly disagree with him
I thought this was satire
Talk about just seeking confrontation
camera watch: a private car can get a ticket for using a bus/cycle lane - when ambulance, etc comes thru; tho this was a taxi; up to the discretion of the Council
How dare that taxi driver let the blue lights through without incident, absolutely disgraceful behaviour. Chill out Chap😢😢
A brilliant thumbnail
Tw@onabike probably shouldn't be allowed out of the house unaccompanied.
A little bit of a bashing. All vehicles are obliged to give way to Emergency Vehicles.
It's rare enough for a taxi to make space for anyone, it should be applauded. I've no problem with cars crossing a cycle lane to park either. The problem is near me cars use the cycle lane as a car park, I and they assume this is legal.
Chump on a bike, more like. When you hear a siren everybody needs to be prepared to get out of the way and even stop, if necessary. Also cooperate with other road users and don't try to overtake until all is clear. The man needs to resit his cycling proficiency test before being allowed out on the roads again. From a cyclist with tens of thousands of road miles behind him.
Slow down, move left, reduce risk, let blue flashy light thing past, resume normal cycling.
How hard can it be?
Oh his statva time.
When emergency services appear and are on lights + sirens, just work together even only for 30 seconds
This to me is no different to someone that is walking on the path, wanting to cross the road - and then does cross the road in front of a fire engine…..because “it’s your right” to walk across the road and your going for a dentist appointment.
he is the kind of road user emergency drivers hate, because he makes their jobs much harder.
There's a certain type of person, usually male and aged between 30 and 45, who likes to cycle and / or jog and will not slow down or yield for anything. They like to come out onto the railway paths in Edinburgh, usually running but sometimes on expensive road bikes and they are insufferable.
As a cyclist and also a driver I would say taxi did nothing wrong and Chaponabike just looking for confrontation by posting this clip. If the taxi had stopped in cycle lane to let out or pick up a fare then maybe he'd have a point but to allow emergency vehicle through was absolutely right thing to do. Surely everyone involved heard siren and saw blue lights even from behind.
A poor time to over take the cyclist. I always make a point to pull in if I hear an emergency siren. Ideally get off the road and wait. Taxi did fine. One thing I will say which some may find odd - is most Taxi drivers are fine with me when I am cycling. I have had the odd one miss me in a city even though I had lights on. But they give enough room overtaking and I rarely fear for my safety because of one. Like here - that did not feel unsafe and was needed to make way for the fire engine.