It’s been clear since the start of this project that Autosport has took a big wedge to promote this track. Journalists for hire clearly. Wait for the human rights issues to surface and Autosport has supported it
Humans rights issues is a funny thing when you look at the bigger picture. Most turn a blind eye to genocide or war crimes in one instance but jump on the band wagon in the next. The ignorance and hypocrisy stinks but a sad reflection of society on the whole.
F1 and blood money just go together, since the beginning. Tobacco sponsors, oil company sponsors, crypto sponsors, gambling sponsors, going ahead with events despite deaths, having Saudi Arabia as a sponsor now is just a natural progression until that gets banned.
@@aarongreen121 my point is more that journalists are supposed to be impartial. If they are taking payments in return for positive publicity and a blind eye to their issues, then who can the public turn to for honest news
Saudi: Promote this ego project Autosport: No, it looks ridiculous. Besides, what happened to The Line? Saudi: Would you like to leave our country after the race? Autosport: "We are pleased to present this inspiring race track. ".... can I see my family now?
Saudi Moey have been supporting F1 since the 80s.. Saudia Airlines/Al-Bilaad were the main sponsors for Williams when they first started... and Masnour Ojeh heped Ron Dennis build Mclaren... so Saudi money was instrumental in building 2 of F1 greatest teams.. furthermore US/UK have killed mroe ccivilians and commited more attrocities in teh past 50 years...
Oh so Killing 1 million Iraqis does not count.. what about the US imprisoning more Black people than apartheid South Africa... and let's not forget Police brutality or school shootings.. I guess all these are fine if it's done by a western country
@@eoincassin4265 I said Mansour Ojeh a Saudi entrepreneur who owned Tag Huer at that time ..and that's why the first F1 cars (under Ron Dennis) were called Mclaren-Tag... Also thanx for Reminding me that McLaren current majority (i think) owners are Mumtalakat (Bahrain Wealth Fund).. who also saved McLaren during covid with 600 million thanx to another Arab-Gulf countryy that Mclaren survived and have the windtunnel/new simulator.. cos i dont think those who gave the thumbs up for that comment would have paid for that its really sad to see those who take people's money .. get the benefit and then bite the hand the that fed them
In fairness to Tilke, he's just doing his job most of the time and working to standards the FIA sets for F1 circuits. If you wanna know what the man is really capable of, look up Bilster Berg or pay very close attention to how wild the elevation changes at COTA are. Tilke often acts as the fall guy, but he's just a good racetrack designer doing work for really shitty bosses. Doesn't excuse him completely, but it's worth remembering that he isn't making soulless tracks on purpose. It's kinda like the F1 chassis rules - the teams aren't TRYING to make whales, they're just following the FIA's formula. Pirelli aren't that bad at making tires, they're just following a directive. It seems simplistic to blame all of F1's biggest problems on its leadership, but it's usually the truth.
@@nestroit5010 - The track(s) is not the problem. The cars are. Too wide, too long and weigh 800kg. 2026 formula looks to change the cars length, width and weight.
Circuit layout looks very promising. 30% it actually gets built. 100% Saudi propaganda. Would rather have Kylami or a proper race is Finland or Sweden or the crazy ocean side track in Croatia Edit: was really hoping Tilke wasnt involved but what do you know he is here ruining more of F1
The crazy ocean side track in Croatia is called Dragon Trail, and has sadly not been built yet :( If they were to get it to F1 standards, they would most likely reprofile the famous 'Death Chicane', because even in racing sims it causes absolute carnage.
i bet you did not say anything wne they annouced those rcedsin teh US... so i guess ur in favor of school shhotings and police brutality of balck people.. or maybe u think that those brown people are always wrong and evil...
I have no idea how those elevated bridge-like sections would pass inspection. A unusual scenario, but if you had a break failure and went up and over barricades (it's happened) that would be absolute curtains for whatever lucky soul did.
I both agree with you, but also this weekend we'll watch drivers climb Beau Rivage that would be the same disaster if someone fell off that cliff down to Neuveaux Chicane.
Not to mention where’s the safety barriers on turn 1, and when a car inevitably crashes there do they have a 15 story tall crane to remove it from the track?
I'm not much worried about people driving off the side of the thing, nothing a shit ton of reinforcement can't fix, the problem I have is, how to are they going to remove any potential debris during a race
instead of building this city, they couldve used a quarter of that money and sponsor tracks such as Sepang and Kyalami to return again on the calendar.
Absolutely agree, but if track like Sepang, Kyalami, Portimão, Nürburgring GP, Hockenheimring, Istanbul, Yeongam, and Buddh can permanently return one day later, can you approved to used money and sponsor to building a city like this?
I don't understand why these companies use such absurd images to represent a projected city when it just makes it look more fake than if they just had a more basic 3d render of the project, especially when the area has a history of having doomed projects with too many promises (the line city for instance) I'm like just 50% confident this race will happen
They weren't many doomed and abandoned projects. First The Line city hasnt stopped construction nor scaled back by one centimeter as the ministry of economy in saudi arabia. Second, the jeddah is not owned by goverment, but its owned by some private sector companies, and it was stopped because of some corruption issues regarding to the owners. So all of what you hear from doomed and abandoned projects isn't true.
Just build a copy of Watkins Glen, Road America, Sepang etc. etc. Job done. No need for all the distractions around it, which let's be honest is only going to raise ticket prices.
"This provides a unique environment where culture, sports and entertainment collide" People in the pool at 2:00 fully clothed, that's the culture they're talking about?
Looks like a Mario Kart track.. the only track in the world where you can shoot red and green shells at other cars, also can you find all the short cuts!
Mmm, think of all the cryptocurrency ads you could superimpose over those beautiful natural cliffs I for one am completely sold by this soulless, rigidly corporate video and cannot wait to see Formula One cars in action at 'Speed Park Track™'
Not again... I rather want to see Portimao again, or the Nürburgring back in F1 than a new racetrack in the middle of the dessert with atrocious 3d rendering that doesn't look like will be built 100%
My only question if this happens is , is there going to be something over the track to keep people from thrown trash on the track. I can see someone trying to hit a driver
Not going to lie. You know those ads that come up before the video? For me it was Tequila in a can. Yeah, like that's going to happen in "The Kingdom".
Make the roller coaster following along the entire race course. On another note, the 6 flags in my neighborhood is quite ghetto. Is that really who they're teaming-up with?
Anything other than another parade lap/ drs train type circuit would be good. This track with its elevation in open air will no doubt suffer from wind and sunlight blinding issues.
I’m sure it will be just as boring as almost every track on the schedule right now. Tilke is known for making notoriously boring tracks. But what do I know, I’m sure more tracks In the desert will be great. “Imagine a track that goes under a pool” and who will be able to afford to experience that? They try to act like this is for everyone and not just the hyper rich.
You want to make a track interesting. Set aside a portion of the track where a driver can select between one of two subtracks in real time. To make it fair and to ensure the same race distance for everyone. Half the laps should be run on one subsection, half the laps on the other subsection.
Look, here's a beautiful, unspoiled natural area, what should we do with it? Lets build a bunch of crap that could likely be an abandoned mess in 20 years!
Andrew mallery at 10:14 is clearly speaking absolute rubbish that he’s memorised. what a joke! sportstwashing at its finest, another average track with an S section and some tight sections and then some crappy draw card ‘high elevation’ hairpin. impossible to get to and incredibly expensive. bring back south africa
This is never going to happen. This is another “The Line” or man made chain of islands. A lot of ambition in the Middle East, but with terrible execution (pun intended)
Wow, I did not expect that Autosport would sacrifice their integrity by presenting crass paid content as journalism. How did this happen? Did ABS threaten to cut off your fingers?
The track will probably have similar problems to COTA. But instead of unsteady soil, the surface will be bumpy as hell and constantly shifting due to all of buried workers underneath it.
The Track map looks similar to Okayama in Japan... that Star Ship Enterprise shape. I don't know what to say. Even if it built and the race happens, can we really expect any sort of fan atmosphere.. no grand stands just hospitality suites???!! What is liberty thinking? It is Motorsport...not a Theme Park ride! A Magazine called "Autosport" is ppromoting this crap!
the whole editing is uncanny on one hand i think the layout looks very promising,its not a street track witch is a thumbs up but this whole video sings to me chinese/north korean/saudi arabian srate propagnda...the people talking look so plastic
did he say they'll be racing 70m off the ground? i would love to see the FIA sign off on this, we should have an F1 race on the ocean floor after this one
A track without multiple overtaking opportunities is hopeless and boring for drivers and spectators. No one mentioned this aspect which is very troubling, it's not a race track but another procession track. 2 hours of boring procession racing.
With this kind of investment, they could have easily refurbished Dijon-Prenois and Kyalami, or sponsored Sepang and Hockenheim. Heck, ethics concerns aside, even the circuit in Jeddah works fine as is. Basically, I'm just wondering with the current track record on other Arabian projects like The Line... Why?
What country is this even in? Im 5 mins in and not one mention lol. Makes you think they dont want you to know where its really at and whos behind it lol. Ill laugh my ass off if its the emirates. Because everyone moans about usa having 3 races thousands of miles aparr but dont realize abu dhabi, qatar and bahrain are like 100 miles (maybe a lil more) apart. Just call it abu dhabi or bahrain and noone notices because geography is hard and noone knows what an emirate is lol
@@sagittated not counting jeddah its only 200 miles between the other 3. My state is bigger than that and im not even in a big one lol. I looked and qiddya is in saudi arabia (of course) and its only 200 miles west of bahrain, right between there and jeddah lol.
Can't believe I just watched a 12 min ad
the wurz part is okay even though hes still praising it at least you can see the track
You're still free to not watch it all, you know
Glad to see Autosport is moonlighting as Qiddiya's PR department
It’s been clear since the start of this project that Autosport has took a big wedge to promote this track. Journalists for hire clearly. Wait for the human rights issues to surface and Autosport has supported it
Humans rights issues is a funny thing when you look at the bigger picture. Most turn a blind eye to genocide or war crimes in one instance but jump on the band wagon in the next. The ignorance and hypocrisy stinks but a sad reflection of society on the whole.
F1 and blood money just go together, since the beginning. Tobacco sponsors, oil company sponsors, crypto sponsors, gambling sponsors, going ahead with events despite deaths, having Saudi Arabia as a sponsor now is just a natural progression until that gets banned.
You're holding a human rights issue in your hand whilst writing your message. Where do you think they get the batteries for your phone?
@@aarongreen121 my point is more that journalists are supposed to be impartial. If they are taking payments in return for positive publicity and a blind eye to their issues, then who can the public turn to for honest news
DEI at its finest.
Doesn't there have to be a disclosure when you do a paid promotion like this on UA-cam that you are being paid for this?
Yes (maybe thats solely for physical consumer products though..?)
Saudi: Promote this ego project
Autosport: No, it looks ridiculous. Besides, what happened to The Line?
Saudi: Would you like to leave our country after the race?
Autosport: "We are pleased to present this inspiring race track. ".... can I see my family now?
Yes and there’s a “paid promotion” notification in top left corner of the video..
Using a Roku to watch YT on my tv, pausing my video gives me a notification that this is a paid promotion.
Can you spell "Sportswashing"?
Saudi Moey have been supporting F1 since the 80s.. Saudia Airlines/Al-Bilaad were the main sponsors for Williams when they first started... and Masnour Ojeh heped Ron Dennis build Mclaren... so Saudi money was instrumental in building 2 of F1 greatest teams.. furthermore US/UK have killed mroe ccivilians and commited more attrocities in teh past 50 years...
Oh so Killing 1 million Iraqis does not count.. what about the US imprisoning more Black people than apartheid South Africa... and let's not forget Police brutality or school shootings.. I guess all these are fine if it's done by a western country
I know the problem Is not Saudy but how they treat women and workes (slaves) @@OG.Intellect
@eoincassin4265 Well, Mansour Ojjeh is from 🇸🇦 if I not wrong. But true McLaren have a investment from 🇧🇭.
@@eoincassin4265 I said Mansour Ojeh a Saudi entrepreneur who owned Tag Huer at that time ..and that's why the first F1 cars (under Ron Dennis) were called Mclaren-Tag...
Also thanx for Reminding me that McLaren current majority (i think) owners are Mumtalakat (Bahrain Wealth Fund).. who also saved McLaren during covid with 600 million thanx to another Arab-Gulf countryy that Mclaren survived and have the windtunnel/new simulator.. cos i dont think those who gave the thumbs up for that comment would have paid for that
its really sad to see those who take people's money .. get the benefit and then bite the hand the that fed them
Building a track in a city that doesn’t even exist yet 😮💨
Where have i heard that one before? Oh yea, korea 🤣 worked out great for them
@@plisskenationbackfromthede3657 Yeah, gotta admit I think I've seen this movie before
unlike Korea at least the Arabs are swimming in money, the Koreans were too optimistic thinking they can make money from F1 😂
Tilke has built some of the most universally panned tracks anywhere. How does this guy still get a gig?
I guess everyone else has principles and opted out
I was wondering the same thing if I’m honest 😂
He's "legendary" says Autosport, using one of the most useless words in car stuff.
In fairness to Tilke, he's just doing his job most of the time and working to standards the FIA sets for F1 circuits.
If you wanna know what the man is really capable of, look up Bilster Berg or pay very close attention to how wild the elevation changes at COTA are. Tilke often acts as the fall guy, but he's just a good racetrack designer doing work for really shitty bosses. Doesn't excuse him completely, but it's worth remembering that he isn't making soulless tracks on purpose.
It's kinda like the F1 chassis rules - the teams aren't TRYING to make whales, they're just following the FIA's formula. Pirelli aren't that bad at making tires, they're just following a directive. It seems simplistic to blame all of F1's biggest problems on its leadership, but it's usually the truth.
Give us Kyalami
Kyalami can't afford an F1 race and afford the fees to host an F1 race.
@@jgonzalesm6 and it wouldn't be a good track for racing, too slow and narrow. just like Imola. just 1 overtaking opportunity at best.
@@nestroit5010 - The track(s) is not the problem. The cars are. Too wide, too long and weigh 800kg. 2026 formula looks to change the cars length, width and weight.
@@nestroit5010IMOLA remains awesome even if narrow even Max said it
For me, the track should be comeback is Sepang, Kyalami, Portimão, Nürburgring GP, Hockenheimring, Istanbul, Yeongam, and Buddh.
Still prefer Brands Hatch on a wet Sunday 😂
Ok weirdo
Tbh brands on any day is better
Tbh any track on a wet Sunday is better
It looks like a whole lot of unicorn vomit with all the pink and purple hahaha
Nice earner for Autosport...
Circuit layout looks very promising.
30% it actually gets built.
100% Saudi propaganda.
Would rather have Kylami or a proper race is Finland or Sweden or the crazy ocean side track in Croatia
Edit: was really hoping Tilke wasnt involved but what do you know he is here ruining more of F1
The crazy ocean side track in Croatia is called Dragon Trail, and has sadly not been built yet :(
If they were to get it to F1 standards, they would most likely reprofile the famous 'Death Chicane', because even in racing sims it causes absolute carnage.
Dragon Trail is a fictional circuit from Gran Turismo. There where no intentions to ever build it. What are you guys talking about. 😂😂
Surprised comments were turned on for this tbh
That looks cool. looking forward to see it when it's done.
just your regular state propaganda...nothing to see here
Who cares. Motorsports isn't cheap.
i bet you did not say anything wne they annouced those rcedsin teh US... so i guess ur in favor of school shhotings and police brutality of balck people.. or maybe u think that those brown people are always wrong and evil...
Just your regular person using a word they don't understand, there was no propaganda here.
Spund up your screem😂😂😂
🤐 هذا عقلك🚽
نحن مملكة السماء القادمة من بدينا تاج الأرض وجوهرتها المملكة العربية السعودية
I have no idea how those elevated bridge-like sections would pass inspection. A unusual scenario, but if you had a break failure and went up and over barricades (it's happened) that would be absolute curtains for whatever lucky soul did.
Shit, yeah. I wonder if they've thought of that??????
@@glennveasey2111of course not lol theyll probably even add extra sausage kerbs there lol
I both agree with you, but also this weekend we'll watch drivers climb Beau Rivage that would be the same disaster if someone fell off that cliff down to Neuveaux Chicane.
Not to mention where’s the safety barriers on turn 1, and when a car inevitably crashes there do they have a 15 story tall crane to remove it from the track?
I'm not much worried about people driving off the side of the thing, nothing a shit ton of reinforcement can't fix, the problem I have is, how to are they going to remove any potential debris during a race
instead of building this city, they couldve used a quarter of that money and sponsor tracks such as Sepang and Kyalami to return again on the calendar.
I’d love Sepang back
That doesnt create tourism to Saudi though..? 🤨
Absolutely agree, but if track like Sepang, Kyalami, Portimão, Nürburgring GP, Hockenheimring, Istanbul, Yeongam, and Buddh can permanently return one day later, can you approved to used money and sponsor to building a city like this?
Why would they want to do that??
I don't understand why these companies use such absurd images to represent a projected city when it just makes it look more fake than if they just had a more basic 3d render of the project, especially when the area has a history of having doomed projects with too many promises (the line city for instance)
I'm like just 50% confident this race will happen
Jeddah did happen,why this wpuldnt happen?
They weren't many doomed and abandoned projects. First The Line city hasnt stopped construction nor scaled back by one centimeter as the ministry of economy in saudi arabia. Second, the jeddah is not owned by goverment, but its owned by some private sector companies, and it was stopped because of some corruption issues regarding to the owners.
So all of what you hear from doomed and abandoned projects isn't true.
Just build a copy of Watkins Glen, Road America, Sepang etc. etc. Job done. No need for all the distractions around it, which let's be honest is only going to raise ticket prices.
I cannot wait for this track to be built. Seems very exciting.
This looks amazing ❤❤❤
Congrats guys, this was so crass I cancelled my website subscription! Wooo!!
Trackmania vibes
wondering how much you were paid for this ?
"This provides a unique environment where culture, sports and entertainment collide" People in the pool at 2:00 fully clothed, that's the culture they're talking about?
Looks like a Mario Kart track.. the only track in the world where you can shoot red and green shells at other cars, also can you find all the short cuts!
If the Qiddiya planners were real ones, they would have given us MK64 Rainbow Road as an F1 track.
Mmm, think of all the cryptocurrency ads you could superimpose over those beautiful natural cliffs
I for one am completely sold by this soulless, rigidly corporate video and cannot wait to see Formula One cars in action at 'Speed Park Track™'
Too many teams but not enough tracks???
Not again... I rather want to see Portimao again, or the Nürburgring back in F1 than a new racetrack in the middle of the dessert with atrocious 3d rendering that doesn't look like will be built 100%
These corner dimensions are getting wild!
So are we watching the race from the rollercoaster or is that an extra charge?
Nice one guys, will this be connected to the Neom development? Saudi Arabia is totally sane and normal, and Herman Tilke circuits are brilliant.
yeah... 😆
That cliff is death bomb is rookie drifts of lockups
The absurdity of this track and city should give everyone pause as to what they are distracting us from.
looks like the pit exit is directly feeding into the racing line.
This reminds me of that futuristic bonus track on F1 97 on the original PlayStation.
My only question if this happens is , is there going to be something over the track to keep people from thrown trash on the track. I can see someone trying to hit a driver
KSA will be the world's inspiration♥️
sportwashing human rights atrocities... bravo...
Not going to lie. You know those ads that come up before the video? For me it was Tequila in a can. Yeah, like that's going to happen in "The Kingdom".
Make the roller coaster following along the entire race course. On another note, the 6 flags in my neighborhood is quite ghetto. Is that really who they're teaming-up with?
No 360 loop? If you are going 20 stories, do it right.
Nice 👌🏼
Anything other than another parade lap/ drs train type circuit would be good. This track with its elevation in open air will no doubt suffer from wind and sunlight blinding issues.
FIA & F1 "We need more races in the US and Middle East".
Fans: We don't need modernization.
So amazing Wadiya's getting an F1 track!
I’m sure it will be just as boring as almost every track on the schedule right now. Tilke is known for making notoriously boring tracks. But what do I know, I’m sure more tracks In the desert will be great. “Imagine a track that goes under a pool” and who will be able to afford to experience that? They try to act like this is for everyone and not just the hyper rich.
I will say for a tilke track, this one might actually provide good racing and be fun to watch!
You want to make a track interesting. Set aside a portion of the track where a driver can select between one of two subtracks in real time. To make it fair and to ensure the same race distance for everyone. Half the laps should be run on one subsection, half the laps on the other subsection.
Looking at the Simulator
The pit exit will interfere the first turn 😮🤔
Look, here's a beautiful, unspoiled natural area, what should we do with it?
Lets build a bunch of crap that could likely be an abandoned mess in 20 years!
I remind everyone that it has been established by history the decadence comes before the collapse of empires. It won't be long now.
Bro so rich they play cities skylines irl
I’m sorry, but this is just a 12 minute ad for the Saudi’s.
You missed the sponsored content warning.
Andrew mallery at 10:14 is clearly speaking absolute rubbish that he’s memorised. what a joke! sportstwashing at its finest, another average track with an S section and some tight sections and then some crappy draw card ‘high elevation’ hairpin. impossible to get to and incredibly expensive. bring back south africa
New race track: let’s do it
Basic human rights: absolutely fucking not
Saudi Arabia is the best country at Human Rights
Looks like it could be a good track, but there’s less than a 50% chance they finish the project.
where did you get this percentage? out of you a$$?
Countries are investing billions on new tracks, but F1 can't let Andretti have a team on the grid?
This track would not pass safety checks for MotoGP. There needs to be run off areas and gravel traps for obvious safety reasons
this track will be as good as their human rights record
Opinion of Wurz was pretty low before, far lower now.
You guys really need to grow some morals and stand up against this BS
Speed racer ah track
This is never going to happen. This is another “The Line” or man made chain of islands. A lot of ambition in the Middle East, but with terrible execution (pun intended)
The track does look good tho...
Just bring back Kyalami man
Wow, I did not expect that Autosport would sacrifice their integrity by presenting crass paid content as journalism.
How did this happen? Did ABS threaten to cut off your fingers?
The track will probably have similar problems to COTA. But instead of unsteady soil, the surface will be bumpy as hell and constantly shifting due to all of buried workers underneath it.
Cordell Light
All the bone saw fun your heart desires.
I’m not sure what I think about this. It kind of makes a mockery of the sport on a certain level.
The Track map looks similar to Okayama in Japan... that Star Ship Enterprise shape. I don't know what to say. Even if it built and the race happens, can we really expect any sort of fan atmosphere.. no grand stands just hospitality suites???!! What is liberty thinking? It is Motorsport...not a Theme Park ride! A Magazine called "Autosport" is ppromoting this crap!
That's what F1 needs, another concrete desert in the middle of the desert, why not move the entire F1 calendar to tracks on the arab peninsula?
Every single person on this video acts and talks like they are being held at gunpoint
ربما هذا في دولتك ليس في السعوديه
lovely bit of sportswashing there
the whole editing is uncanny
on one hand i think the layout looks very promising,its not a street track witch is a thumbs up
but this whole video sings to me chinese/north korean/saudi arabian srate propagnda...the people talking look so plastic
Hermann Tilke 🙄🙄🙄
This really is sportswashing at its finest.
did he say they'll be racing 70m off the ground? i would love to see the FIA sign off on this, we should have an F1 race on the ocean floor after this one
Shady shady stuff
This is the second time you post an ad disguised as a normal video since hat ai racing league thing. So annoying...
Oh look, another track in the middle east.
But this is set to replacing Jeddah.
How can this track homologate that stupid hairpin that is suspended in the air?
SAND parks not waterparks plz
Disgusting. Another Tilke track 😢
Autosport. Be better.
A track without multiple overtaking opportunities is hopeless and boring for drivers and spectators. No one mentioned this aspect which is very troubling, it's not a race track but another procession track. 2 hours of boring procession racing.
what a load of rubbish. money being buried in the sand, think of all the waste
All good and well but how many of the workers building this will get paid. As it’s so common all these contractors don’t get paid fairly 😢😢
With this kind of investment, they could have easily refurbished Dijon-Prenois and Kyalami, or sponsored Sepang and Hockenheim. Heck, ethics concerns aside, even the circuit in Jeddah works fine as is. Basically, I'm just wondering with the current track record on other Arabian projects like The Line... Why?
(I mean, I have a funny feeling why, but it's pretty clear good racing isn't exactly their absolute best interest here.)
Well i think we can all agree they dream big in their silk sheets 😂...and you never know but, I can see Latifi and Stroll doing donuts 🍩 there 😉
Oh my that was an embarresment to journalism. The track makes the Miami marina of plastic look good.
Looks fcking amazing. But Oh yeah, it's in goddamn SAUDI ARABIA! Screw that noise. It'll be a ghost town every single non grand prix day of the year.
Vietnam GP moment incoming
What country is this even in? Im 5 mins in and not one mention lol. Makes you think they dont want you to know where its really at and whos behind it lol. Ill laugh my ass off if its the emirates. Because everyone moans about usa having 3 races thousands of miles aparr but dont realize abu dhabi, qatar and bahrain are like 100 miles (maybe a lil more) apart. Just call it abu dhabi or bahrain and noone notices because geography is hard and noone knows what an emirate is lol
All four Middle East races would fit between Miami & Austin.
@@sagittated not counting jeddah its only 200 miles between the other 3. My state is bigger than that and im not even in a big one lol. I looked and qiddya is in saudi arabia (of course) and its only 200 miles west of bahrain, right between there and jeddah lol.
liberty has made f1 worse
there not done yet
Very ambitious, I’m so excited to visit.👍
Why is everyone so butthurt? Autosport does similar videos for all tracks.