Hey everyone. I am in the process of securing a really important interview with an authority in the anti-cheat community. Crossing my fingers this can go through.
you should interview someone who works on interest management middleware, for unity there's mirror-networking which also explains what it does. you should also do a video listing things bsg can do with their netcode, for example why does the server share pmc name, kd, level, health and inventory contents?
kinda hate to play devils advocate but they usually more often than not give the same treatment against any cheating posts and videos because it's kind of an overfilled dumpster of a topic but i do agree
The fact the battlelines were drawn immediately between Community and Content Creators with no conflict of interest vs Streamers and Reddit Mods should show everybody what they need to know.
I think theres some nuance in the sense that you can and I think, should condemn the stances of most content creators who seem to be concerned more about their bottomline than shedding light on the issue, BUT I also do believe all of them want the game to improve and become better for everyone, even if in the end its so they can grow more effectively. I also absolutely do not fault the people who choose to cut ties with most of these streamers and have overall soured on them.
@@xviconner lvndmark is pretty damn hated by bsg cause he shits on the game alot and says it how it is and anyone that watches him knows he aint cheating
Cheaters more often than not use hacked accounts that are sold at a lower price and usually in bulk, same happened with CS GO and now with CS2 where there are markets of people selling accounts in bulk for CS2 its just premier access, same for Dota, league whatever game you may think of even minecraft accounts. So it's not just ruining your day in gaming it's literally ruining someone elses account.
The losers who are mad at this guy for pointing out the obvious are the same type of losers to get angry at you for pointing out that their girlfriend is a HOOKER that cheats.
if i was a developer of a game and i had someone knock on my front door and basically say "hey i love your game, its infested with cheaters. im going to cheat to see how many there actually is because i care more than you do". i'd feel embarrassed.
Not if your house isn't complete. You: "hey i love this house, but its not keeping out rain, or rats. Im going to **try** to see if I can fix it because i care more than you do" Contractor: "I'm not done yet. If I try to seal cracks before I'm done with electrical and sheet rock it will fk up everything."
@@DarkGloComics That is a false equivalence, building a game isn't the same as building a house. I still see the point you're trying to make though and i'd allow this argument if they hadn't chased popularity on twitch all those years ago. For awhile tarkov was pretty niche but then they suckered in a huge amount of players through exposure and twitch drops and so many people have had to eat shit the hard way because of it, along with turning hacks into a booming business. Right now the entire game's experience is delegitimized and there' literally no point in adding more content, mechanics, maps, or improvements because the core experience will forever remain the same. Can't even play the isle anymore because I get hacker ptsd from tarkov.
@@DarkGloComics me: you started building this house ages ago and I've been living in it for years, why haven't you done all that already? Also as he pointed out in the video other games anti-cheat can already detect the issues, so they could literally just pay another studio to borrow their anti-cheat to run in the background which apparently doesn't interfere with legit copies of the game. Not a permanent fix but would give them time to find a better solution.
I don't play Tarkov at all and only learned about this from the WAN show, but The Video was an awesome piece of investigative journalism. It immediately sucked me in and made me care about the subject at hand. Your passion for not only this game, but journalism shows. I really hope that things get better.
Took me 20 minutes to realize I don't even play this game and never have. This is also a great documentation of a problem that plagues all games and people might just not be aware. I hope this scourge doesn't end up tainting VR games as well. I hate cheating so much.
The game can be really great, but in the end, it's always like taking a chisel to someone's nuts. What really threw me off more than anything was the dev response. For a game that can cost upwards of 100$, it's outrageous to respond to a community this way
Same. The callout on WAN gave it a kick, but the video stands on it's own; and if it wasn't a great video to begin with, it wouldn't have gotten nearly 2 million views in a week. Not that many people watch WAN, and even fewer would bother to go looking for it.
Ya, interesting to see the anti-cheat side, the only thing the cheat makers could bring to the table is if they are willing to fully show how they are exploiting the game, in that case I would say an interview could be interesting.
@@chadnoneo9769 Which they wont do because nobody is gonna show you how they bypassed the AC because a. it means they'd have to find a new method since that one will be instantly patched and b. it way too complicated, takes way too much time and theres way too much to go over.
I am not a programmer of anti-cheat tools but I am aware of some of the methods. 1. Map wall-hole hacks can be found by generating checksums such as MD5 from the gameplay files at the start of the match, which are reported to the server and compared with a checksum table of known valid game files. But bad checksums could also indicate viruses or filesystem corruption, so the player may only be kicked and not allowed to rejoin the current match, with warnings to check their system for problems or to reinstall the game, rather than them being issued an immediate and permanent ban. 2. Aimbots can be found by checking which players manage to accurately face each other over a period of time. Chance precision tracking of moving players is possible, but unlikely to occur for more than a few seconds. The random chance of precision tracking goes down the further apart the players are, or if there are walls / objects separating them. Aimbotting can also take the form of an exact offset skew from straight-on, or an exact linear drift from straight-on, if the aimbot is trying to obscure itself while tracking. Instant snapping and firing with perfect aim over huge distances should also be impossible. 3. The game client can check to see if a local administrator is logged on, or check for signs that it is running inside a virtual machine, and refuse to run, as this may indicate use of client memory probing and editing tools. 4. An anti-cheat engine can generate checksums of all running programs and make sure that any programs other than itself that are also running with elevated system privileges are normal system software, rather than hacking tools. Requires lots of work in the background, maintaining a database of trusted checksums and known file elevation permissions that stays current with Microsoft software updates, and software made by other legit companies that need to run elevated all the time, like Google's Chrome auto-update service. The checksum database can be external and the cheat engine only reports the checksums to an external monitoring and reporting service. The scan can be slow but continuous as the system is used normally and then also an active game progresses. 5. The game can establish an encrypted rolling data skew with the server at game start, such as based on elliptical curves similar to Diffie-Hellman encryption. The server sends low latency live but scrambled position data with a timecode, that only the client knows how to unscramble and display correctly, based on the predetermined skew correction. A hack tool trying to show these objects would have them randomly drifting or jumping around the world map with no apparent order. 6. If the game server can do 3D ray casting between all players and the game world, and find where hitboxes are occluded behind walls and objects, then the server can choose to not send positional data to each client that the client should not be able to see. In this situation a cheat tool showing the positions of objects in the world would only know the last position before the server stopped reporting on it. Many game servers run headless in text-only mode as they don't need to display 3D graphics with textures. Instead a server normally just tracks the positions of potentially hundreds of players and movable / destructible objects as a game progresses, working to keep their hitboxes within the game world boundaries, and not pushing into and occupying the same as walls, vehicles, etc.. A 3D card in the server that is dedicated to occlusion tracking, could do more advanced things like sun/light angle and shadow occlusion tracking around the hitbox, only sending a generic shadow object to the client if that is all they can see of whatever is approaching behind a wall. A hack tool showing what is hidden would only show the shadow object. The opposing player's weapon object then pops into the world without their body, just as it is about to emerge from behind the occluding object into view. The hack tool gives the cheater no advantage to know with seconds to minutes of lead time, who or what was coming along with the shadow from behind the occlusion or what direction it was facing as it approached. The hack tool could attempt to freeze and continue to show the last known position of seen players / objects, but this last-seen tracking is not very useful if the opposing player then doubles back and approaches from a different direction.
@@unearthlynarratives_ he doesn't need to go into technical details. Just tell if it was difficult or not, if he needed to use new methods or the AC is similar to other, etc
I would love to see an interview with an anti-cheat specialist where he goes over these concepts on a very high level; I would find it very interesting to see the concepts explained.
As interesting as it would be to hear, the creators of these hacks would love to see that video even more. Widespread information is a double edged sword it seems.
@@theoaketree4246 yup. exactly. whats even better is volunteered intel, like what just recently happen on a game thread on some game about planes, guess some ex military was giving real targeting and anti radar info....
So would a lot of cheat devs. That's why you'll never find it. Tbh, as much as you wanna see it, hope you don't. Unless you're doing IT schooling or some shit
Man we are 200% behind you. Fuck those cheaters and we needed you and this kind of video SO MUCH. (Nikita is still putting his head in the sand seeing his response on reddit)
I don’t see how anyone would be mad about this being brought to light unless they themselves are benefiting from cheating. I found your video from the WAN show and I’m glad I did because I was unaware this was happening to this extent.
I dont benefit from cheating nor do i play this money trap of a game. To be honest all this video does is showcases to bsg that cheaters arent going away and they view that as dollar signs. If the video gets 1m views and 1% of people watching see how EASY and AVAILABLE cheats are they will go buy them. Its not rocket science
@@LemonKushDeadside and how would that be a bad thing? It either puts pressure on the developers so that they actually fix the problem or speeds up the process, of something that is already a problem and will happen eventually, so everyone can just drop the garbage before it grows mold. The developers being absolutely greedy goblins that are willing to throw the integrity of their game out the window for some quick buck is not g0at's problem either.
@@TacticalDeux how would it be a bad thing that people buy cheats and knowingly ruin other peoples experience? You cant be serious mate.. the THING IS, if you had intelligence you would know that cheating has been a problem in tarkov for over two years. You dont need some dumbass highlighting it for the nieve morons that dont know this game is riddled with cheaters. All he did was show u how easy it is to cheat on this game and provided no actual statisical evidence besides doing 150 + raids and saying that 60% of raids u have obvious cheaters which everyone already knew. And 150 raids isnt even enough game time to make a claim like that.
@@LemonKushDeadside lmfao m8, those who cheat are already cheating. this isnt attracting "hackers." lmao you dont seem to understand how bad hacking is throughout ALL fps games. these hacking communities are well established. you cant "hide" how bad hacking REALLY is in hope of "not attracting new hackers." lmfao what, you think the majority of hackers are all 60+ years old and eventually will fade away? nah mate, most are in their 20's. thats just a blatantly naïve gaslight.
@@professorgoat1099 me personally, i started cheating exactly with something like this… saw a video got interested downloaded them and wanted to make other people not have fun lol.. all it takes is for someone with something missing in life to see a video like this and go download and purchase a sub. While your comment makes sense, you have to also understand somebody else’s perspective and if you dont thats totally fine. But dont sit here and act like we all havent KNOWN well before this video existed that cheating has been a major problem in ANY fps game..
Good stuff man, I'm happy to see how the majority of the playerbase is supporting you and glad to see your video held through the copyright issues. Thank you for bringing up true discussion around cheaters. You showed a lot of casual players what vets have known for a while.
I got banned the day of the last wipe despite never using cheats of any kind. So my$100 is gone because they just ignore my appeals. After you appeal then they just ban your forum account so now I can't even request another appeal. Still have not been able to recover my account, it's been months now.
Dude, you’re my hero no matter what other streamers say. Desperate times calls for desperate measures so you’ve brought a huge spotlight on a very serious issue, thank you so much.
1 there are no haters to his video, if you actually think there was you're actually insane and buying into this weird messianic complex victim mentality he has going on 2 the guy is comparing himself to journalists in a warzone and is literally talking like he's just drawn the mona lisa. I THINK we can safely admit he has a MASSIVE messianic complex. like NUTS level. like OFF THE CHARTS.
After the Tarkov hacking video was released, I reinstalled the game (because I quit duo to the hackers) and I just stated wiggeling randomly whenever I heard people around me. And boi the amount of people that would just talk to me, instead of kill me on sight was a night and day difference. It was almost unreal to see how well the wiggle worked eventhough I only knew people were there because I heard them reload/shoot/walk around etc But it also showed how many people were hacking and I uninstalled the same day.
Unbelievable that it's so prominent it's a legitimately viable tactic even for legit players. I knew it was a problem but that just kills the game in a heartbeat. So glad I switched to SPT after this.
Never played Tarkov before or watched any videos on it. I'm guessing I ended up seeing these two videos because the algorithm knew I like LTT. With that being said, its refreshing to see a creator who genuinely cares about the community they're apart of. Even if I don't watch another g0at video ever again, I'll stay subbed.
I watched it because a streamer I was watching got stream sniped (on a different game) by some hackers and they posted the link to the video on their chat. Anti cheat providers should understand that they have a great market but the issue is even they cannot be in business without cheaters.
@@dracomessup I think that's a big part of the reason you see some games not take cheating all that seriously. Legit players will usually buy one, maybe two accounts. Hackers that boost for money might go through 5 or more accounts in the span of a month. While hackers are a drain on the community, they're sometimes a well of money for the devs.
Same. I'm not very interested in Tarkov, but I'm interested in cheating being taken seriously in this industry. This guy's a legend for actually doing something about it
Just fyi if you are subbed but never watch any content youtube sees that as his subscribers are not engaged, which actually hurts the creator (i think, im not a youtube expert) Your best bet is to like and comment.
I don't even play EFT (I'm a console scrub) That being said, I fully support you & what you did here. I've never donated to anyone on here before. You fucking deserve this. If I had more to give, I would. You did the right thing homie 👍
@@g0atmoth I've been gaming for a long time. Cheaters & lag are the things I hate the absolute fucking most in the world of gaming. Although, shitty game devs are catching up at a rapid pace. You risked alot to shed light on this. Just wanted to show that I appreciate it.
I don't play this game, but it's fun when you stumble across something that's probably going to end up being a little bit of internet history in the making. Props to you g0at.
If anything, the cheating needs to stop. I mean God mode can be useful in a single player game if you spent many hours trying to get past something, or maybe a temp thing for online games, but it gets boring fast if there is no challenge. Maybe its a leader board thing, players want the fame.
@@thePrisoner1000 I never check leader boards. People who still go for top Leader Board are awlays assumed hacked. So there is zero clout to chase for being a dickhead. Jus gotta hope eventually it'll fade off but i doubt it. Been a problem from literally the beginning
It remains to be seen how it will age and be considered at a later date, though. I'm not at all persuaded by G0at or anyone else calling it "cheating" without actually proving why it is, and if the developers have reached an understanding with 3rd party developers which results in boosted sales for both sets of devs, it won't be considered cheating at all by the only parties who have the right to determine that. He should have called it what it is: Paying to Win. The "cheat" is visualizing data which the vanilla game is already sending to each and every player, anyway. It's not about information access being unfair; it's about how the data which everyone gets is being visualized differently for players with ESP/Radar.
I had a friend when I was younger that got very upset when people got caught cheating. He would defend them soooo much. We later found out that he himself was using a program called Slayer. It turns out he was just trying to cast doubt so he would not get caught and so that he could continue to hack. It destroyed a few friendships. We found he was hacking because one of use logged into the game under his gamertag (old school counter strike, you could do this) and his friends in the match started to ask us if we had our hacks on... I also used to work for an online enforcement team, hacking is everywhere, and it is prevalent. I think a lot of people suffer a delusion that someday, they will be as good as a hacker. So, in their minds they think if these people aren't hacking, I can be that good someday. I enjoyed your video. Sorry people are salty for being found out.
Respect for having the balls and being a good person to post the video and send the message even though you could have gotten banned,hated,copyrightsrikes and other bad things
Been happening in competitive games for years. Talk about cheaters and you get excuses, gaslighting, mass downvoted and shunned etc. there’s a lot of dipshits cheating in most competitive games
very late to the train, but its just incredibly obvious how genuine you are about this and how much time and effort you put into this. pillar of the community. very grateful to have you
its a clickbait for views, 30k to 1M, and this man think he wear a cape or something lmao i played like 220h on this last wipe in Tarkov, i saw 2 or 3 cheaters. I used to play DayZ 7 years ago, that was WAY WORST than Tarkov trust me. this mf try to make money over a game popularity and all the crybabies out here ... fkin hilarious
@@josht7886 bringing the attention of rampant cheaters that can ruin the integrity of multiplayer games. like we know there's cheaters, but knowing there's this much and how easy it is to get away with it.
I'm not invested in the Tarkov community, nor do I even play FPS games. I'm a fan of the WAN show and only came across this story from their conversation. I just want to say this dude seems like the most genuine, honest creator I've come across on YT. You can tell he just wants what's best for a game he loves. The gaming community needs more people like this.
Same story for me, though I have seen some of G0ats clips in my shorts feed throughout the last several months. I've heard Luke bring up the cheating in Tarkov on previous Wan shows but seeing the wiggle in the video was fuckin insane.
@@chadchallenge That's been the case since the beginning of civilization. But it's not gonna actually fall apart due to the amount of people willing to take control and lead. Not to mention the access that the public have to public office is a lot easier than people think.
Dude you did the community a great service and as a new play I appreciate you. Also since the biggest cheat developer got shut down I have actually been surviving a lot more!
I was really happy for this wipe and played an unhealthy amount in the first two weeks. And then a little after the honeymoon phase I started having more and more questionable deaths. Then a little after that I started dying every other raid to blatant cheats. And then after that we had invisible players and even more cheaters. I’ve played maybe 10 hours in the last 3 weeks because the game has just been plagued with some unfortunate events lately that just don’t make it fun. Thanks for being the one to use your platform to speak up for the rest of us who wouldn’t have been able to make a ripple in a pond. You truly are the GOAT
I fully agree with your experience. I just want to add that invisible players is a known bug of the current wipe and game state. Those people are unlikely to be cheating. I was playing with my friend, spawned in on Customs and we quickly realized I spawned in invisible to him. I made a commitment to not kill anyone and just run directly to extract. Also, I've seen many Tarkov content creators spawn in invisible as nobody seems to be noticing their existance.
it was last Saturday when I had enough of the game. A friend and I played a series of Interchange raids and went in with really good gear (class 5/6 armor, high end ammo) we collected over the previous couple of sessions in order to get his chumming quest done. In 5 out of 6 raids we both got one tapped in the most ridiculous situations like during a jump or behind cover or during sprinting in a zig zag line without even seeing the enemy (you couldn't even hear the shot so it must have been far away). I can't say I'm 100% sure about each of those frags being done by a cheater but the fact alone that I can't trust into those frags being legit I lost interest in the game for the near future. I won't play it this wipe and only the future will tell whether I'll start playing the game ever again. I didn't even bother to report the last guy because it's pretty much pointless to do that. You don't get feedback, you don't have a replay system. Why even bother. Now I have more space on my ssd again.
This is my third wipe and by far has been the worse one with the amount of sus deaths or blatant hackers. I love this game and first wipe I got to level 44, last wipe I got to level 60 and was 3 tasks away from kappa but started to do them to late so I just gave up this wipe I got to max traders with in two weeks which was by far the fastest but once I started to loot areas of high value and going to those areas I noticed way more sus deaths to the point that I pretty much gave up getting anything done other then what I have done already. It's sad but since getting Max traders I have only leveled up 1.5 more times so I got to 42 with in two weeks and another 3 weeks I only got to 44. Like it's so bad but I did pick this single server that seems to be better then what I was playing on. I even went to labs 40 times on this server and never ran into a cheater. But I miss the old server selection, if I ran into a bunch of sus deaths last wipe before they made the server change I could just pick a less pop server and be fine. But they took that away and now if I pick any east coast us servers I will run into a cheater about every other raid anymore. Which is fucking insane
Besides the fact that the wiggle video was important for the future of EFT needed to be made . After watching some of your other content it's clear you are a really good content creator in general, being both professional sounding and having high quality production values. So you definitely earned a sub from me. Keep up the good work g0at!
Same here, long time tarkov player and twitch viewer. "The video" brought me here and I'm gladly staying. Great form of delivery and very well done production.
@@thishandleistaken1011 alternative being let the cheaters keep doing what they do without the scale of the problem being exposed? The only other reason I can think of you saying that is that you are part of the problem lol
@@SirensLament The scale has long been exposed lmao. People have done their own cheater infiltrations years ago and published the results. The subreddit buried it, of course, and nobody else cared because they'd rather believe their own ignorance than accept the game is overrun with cheaters. Funny enough, they used the wiggle too, so the methodology was the same.
I love that this man cares so much about true journalism, i hope for the future of human kind more journalist see this, and take after you. Good on you man, hope your journey takes you far, and the truth continues to be told. Much love from me and mines.
As a semi serious/casual player, your video opened up to me exactly what we are up against. So many times I feel like I’m just tracked into a room where I make no sound and now I can understand why that might be some times. I’ve been called my gamertag in the middle of raids at least 10-15 times alone this wipe. Which never occurred in past wipes. You are doing gods work for the community.
cheaters have always been in high amounts but yeah this wipe seems extra ridiculous . i strongly do not recommend even playing the game in its broken state .
@@plutodestroyer12 i've playing a lot of wipes and never saw anything like this wipe, i played like around 6+ wipes and found 1 or 2 OBVIOUS cheaters, this wipe i feel like i found 30+ OBVIOUS ones, it's ridiculous, i've never stopped playing a wipe cause of cheaters except for this one. Labs hasn't been so unplayable since it came out
@@plutodestroyer12 so I agree that I recommend not playing right now but I have a sickness to the game lol still no better game for when you get into legit fire fights
@@Versace_sheets my name is illEatUrAss and I had one guy straight up say, “looks like I’m the one doing the ass eating today” lmao horrible experience
You made a lot of content creators uncomfortable with your last video and I think that speaks volumes to where their priorities are. A lot of streamers showed their immaturity, they were trying to sound intelligent and it back fired profusely. Great work, I think you are on the cusp of bringing massive change to the gaming scene
they are uncomfortable bcuz half of them use the same ESP but with minor cheats like who is with who in the premade and they have opacity of skeleton through walls turned to 20% so its barely visibile so you wont see it on OBS preview
@@ImotekhtheStormlord-tx2it cheats are essentially an overlay on your game, they could stream the game and cheat without being caught ever...unless they fuck up and show the actual program running.... The only way to know if anyone is legit is an over the shoulder cam watching ALL their monitors.
Your video shows exactly my journey around 2008(?) I was addicted to COD modern warfare 2 but it started getting worse and worse and I eventually got my own cheats and went to see. The wiggle existed back then already, it was sickening seeing how many people could track me through the walls. I stopped playing after that and it was one of my best decisions.
Keep this up G0at. You're doing a necessary good for the community right now. Your risk by exposing this is to all of our collective reward. I had to quit EFT a while ago due to this frustration and I'd love to come back after this is all settled. Thanks bud!
The game is dead dude. It's great that this information is out but it has also inversely created more cheaters than it will stop. Sadly so. I don't blame this guy, it's all on BSG for not sorting this out soon enough. Spectate mode or match reports would have fixed the problem a long time ago.
You're absolutely right too, none of them had the balls to stand up and do what you did. They'd get them (cheaters) on videos for interviews and stuff and then go out of their way to make the cheater feel bad sure but they wouldn't take that step to see it firsthand.
@@JamesCZFEA Trey24k, Erocktic, Axel to name a couple. Course any one of them might retract their initial very negative reactions to the Wiggle video and turn around and take the right position, so it isn't like they need to be witch hunted. But I did unsub all of them (for now).
your videos have influenced me to take a much needed break from a game i love until they do something to fix the problems i've been complaining about. Thank you for making waves man. we needed this.
i'm with you on this one. bust a bunch of these myths people throw about like gospel. Part of the problem which i'm glad he owned up to was pushing a solution to a problem without first understanding the problem. 99% of people will jump straight to solutions rather than jump to analysis and understanding of the problem to then see what solutions can be applied and how effective they can be, limitations of solutions etc etc. It's a complex problem. Having experts in this field giving an interview and explaining in layman terms about the problem etc would be invaluable even if they used a voice changer to keep their privacy. the knowledge is what matters not the identity.
Honestly, cheaters are one of the primary reasons I swapped over to SPT. I'd love if BSG went to the SPT creators and said "Hey, let's integrate an option to do single player sometimes and build ini a way to keep any modding/cheating stuck in single player." The casual playerbase is dying and part of it is because it's not fun to be a casual player who just gets wiped repeatedly by cheaters and chads. Maybe when someone gets better after single player, they can hop into online without being way over their head and confused, but the learning cliff that Tarkov has is a major turnoff and I think it would help the community to have a less intense option for new players to get the hang of things instead of being run off by a bunch of sweats who think that being new is a crime against Nikita.
I started playing SPT for similar reasons, though a big selling point for me was not losing my progress when i didnt play for a couple months, or the frustration in trying to join mid-wipe at level1. Funny thing is performance is also better from my experience, not to mention the lack of horrible disconnection issues or 1+ hour login queues whenever drops are on. Then there is the mod support which just gives it some extra polish with additional customisation. BSG already promised to deliver more PVE & eluded to single player but went back on their word. Since i started playing SPT 2 years ago i don't think i would ever go back to the regular. BSG have just done too little in too long to bring me back
@@tomglover98 I have never had performance issues with EFT. Im running a Ryzen 7 5800x3D/4080. Before that I have a Ryzen 9 5950x/3090. Tons of ppl try to play this game with low end hardware and expect high end results.
I don't play the game and found you via LTT & Luke but knew if he vouched for you the video was worth checking out. After that I checked out the subreddit and couldn't believe what followed there including the migration to /r/Tarkov. It'll be interesting to see if the mod team gets cleaned up or not. Anyways, kudos to you for having so much integrity. I will be sticking around to support you and what you are doing.
I think also these videos need to happen at least every 3-6 months if the devs don't fix it. EVERY streamer/ content creator creates content for views, PERIOD. I personally don't know how people watch streamers. I watch a few YT videos here and there or while porcelain depositing, but sitting on my PC and watching someone else play a game. No, I'll play the game myself. And to think most people who donate prob make close to minimum wage, it's just so cringe. This whole industry is getting cringe. Nowadays everyone is on a team. But this isn't a cheating problem, this is a human problem.
I do believe a replay system would kill a lot of cheaters too, so to integrate it imagine this: You die in a raid, you have a UI with the list of all your sessions in the last day. You'll be able to review said raid once it's over for everyone, meaning the timer ticked out for the last player and they either made it out or are MIA. So there will be no relaying info during the raid. You can fly around, pause, fast forward, see everyone who's playing in the lobby and the ability to clip sections of it. Not only can you catch cheaters this way by letting the community out cheaters themselves. It also has the added benefit of allowing you to get better at the game, as you can look at what you did wrong and improve, as you can get feedback. Overwatch pretty much already has such a system, and I think it'll be a great addition that'll help hunt down players with ease. Lemme know what you guys think.
Yea but then when it comes to things like being shot by people youre not exactly sure where they are, just a general direction and one of your mates goes down and watches the cam seeing exactly where they are. Maybe have it so it cant be viewed until raid end?
@@weandyrfc7 That's exactly what I said yes, it can only be viewed when the raid has ended for everyone. I'm not talking about a kill cam, I'm talking about a full-on free-floating spectator cam that replays the match except you're just looking at your PMC and others through said free-floating cam.
While I think its a fantastic idea to do that, the big issue that people seem to forget about is the logistics of implementing it. More specifically, they already have a major issue on their hands with their servers being on fire every other minute. Where do you house the vods at? On a server. Another issue, people just rage reporting cuz they got outdueled or picked off from sniper rock without a chance to fight or some other bullshit or just flaming someone outright from the vod for being a bad shot. Sure, it would clean the hacker out a bit, the toxicity and problems it could bring up might be worse. I'm not advocating for doing nothing or to cheat or anything like that but the grass ain't always greener.
I quit playing tarkov a while ago due to cheaters and I don’t plan on playing tarkov until this is perfectly fixed, but you get a sub from me all the same because these series of videos have been incredibly well done. And it isn’t just tarkov affected these days. I love PVP games but I can really only play coop these days due to how bad it has gotten.
@@TapiKoks Same as counter-strike scene bro, a ton of semi-pro teams with cheaters in it trying to qualify for big tournaments are actually getting through the system. This goes from audio clues to expensive hardware mods... Actually some big names of the scene already spoken about that. You don't hear about those shoddy teams because they always disband at some point or get to a plateau where they cannot cheat anymore, they loose everything and disappear. But players that are in the circuit are well aware of the problem.
The playerbase is happy with you. You did what was needed to show the casual/new players what tarkov really is. The ONLY people attacking you are content creators who are out of touch with their own community and reality that only care about their wallet. They all hold a "hear no evil see no evil" mentality. Doesn't matter to large content creators until it finally hurts their wallet from people losing interest in tarkov. Keep up the good work man. Don't let anybody try to hold you back from keeping this snowball going.
See this is also the reason why most of the veteran community is mad at him. He showed the casual audience the problem. Which with base thinking, is great! Hell I think it's one of the first things us veterans do when showing new people to Tarkov. Warn them. . BUT in doing so it created a MASSIVE adverse reactions that he didn't think of. AND is the reason why Veterans are mad at him. It showed the casual community the cheating problem. While also showing them that they can probably get away with it. AND gave them the excuse of "everyone else is doing it.". . . So the end product did nothing to change/slow/stop the cheating issue. But actually created a dramatic increase in cheaters which was already extremely high. The estimates are closing in on almost a 20% increase in purchased cheats since the video. 20% in a few days. That's a crazzzzzy amount. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I think that is where the casual community is misunderstanding. No one is mad at him for trying to inform people. We all want the issue to be fixed and known. They're mad because he naively thought it would just inform them that there are cheaters. When in reality it just informed them that they can get away with it. g0at had great intentions. That's not debatable. He 100% did this for a good reason. He was just naïve towards how shitty people would use the information.
@@simontometschek6218 Funny part is, this isn't new. Almost every looter/extraction based or even Rank based game has this same issue. It's just a lot less painful/noticeable than it is on Tarkov. . . Mega invasive anti-cheats like Valorants helps alot. But creates a new problem. . Lets say BSG makes a anti-cheat like Valorant. Very Invasive. I'd probably drop the amount of cheaters by 20% for awhile. Though, not forever. BUT it creates another issue. A dangerous issue that smaller companies, like BSG, are more vulnerable too. . . If BSG was to make an anti-cheat like Valorants and BSG got hacked. Guess what the Hacker now has a backdoor into? Every single persons computer that's using the anti-cheat. A full blown Trojan level backdoor(literally anit-cheats almost work exactly like Trojans). . So the issue isn't as clear cut as people think. . BSG is a small company when compared to the insanely profitable and large cheating world. . . . Don't get me wrong, they should do better. It's just not as clear cut as people think.
As a Tarkov player, I'm glad you put up that video. I personally felt like I was running into a cheater every raid. Your video kind of confirmed it. I haven't plaid Tarkov in about a month because I was getting annoyed by it.
Mate, I uninstalled the launcher at the end of 2020, when I thought cheating was getting bad. Periodically, I'll read up on the state of game, and install, try again. Since then, there's SCAV Karma (to obfuscate an already terrible leveling system) inertia (to destroy the movement system) and invisible player glitches, and a Streets map that's 3 years late. Loaded up Shoreline, spawned, heard the SKS popping off. Knew the headshot was incoming. Dead in 13 seconds. Uninstall. Noticed this is the worst its been in 3 years. Come to a reckoning that you had some great times, 1k hours of play, and that this is by definition what can happen when playing an ongoing, paid Beta. Things change. That's okay. Hope BSG can rectify this and get Tarkov popping again by the end of the year. RIP 2019 - Mid 2020 Tarkov. By far the best online shooter I had ever played in my life.
11:25 - ofcorse it's for the views, that's how UA-camrs innovate, that's why Mr Beast went on helping thousands of people with eye-sight problems. The views are the reward for the effort and hardwork put into it. While addressing a problem.
Tarkov is in its second civil war. The first was Rengawr vs. the Community. Now its Content Creators vs. the Community. I know what side I'm on. You're a hero, g0at.
As a casual player for a little over a year I'm so glad you put your neck out there for this as you've said the discussion needs to start and be heard. Thank you for starting the discussion and I really hope BSG listens and tries to fix it I would like to enjoy tarkov again.
i really wanted to buy tarkov but after your video i decided to give it more thought. Thank you so much for bringing this to the attention of the masses
as a player that used to play years ago, the game was solid fun, despite it being absolutely unforgiving most of the times last 4 wipes i tried regrinding the first 10 levels and failed twice, last 2 wipes totally gave up on it so in short the game is solid, but the devs have to get their shit together fast
0:51 i completely agree with this, never can block the sun you know, but i sitll think the video well put is the 90% of the fire 8:31 showing all the raids would've been still awesome as you just said in 3:03 11:30 I'll be honest, Dr.Lupo and pestily got me. i did upload cheater doing cheat interview video while ago cuz i thought it was damn funny and for the views. Not doing anymore. But cheater interaction vids? maybe. 11:35 BSG W take actually on that...
The importance of your efforts can not be understated. Thank you for your hard work and the risks you've taken for all of us. We all want Tarkov to succeed and in order to do so there needs to be change. Change that will lead to growth in the game we all love and a better experience for everyone. Thank you g0at!
@@sir.PabloTV6 your brain must be too smooth to even do a pmc raid bro. U sure you’re in the right community? Did someone at the group home forget to monitor what you’re doing?
Honestly hearing that so many of the lobbies contain cheaters, while horrible to hear, also gives me back a tiny bit of self confidence: I pretty much always err on the side of caution when it comes to accusation of cheats, and since I've never been very good at Tarkov I also often could not tell how "legit" a kill was, especially because so many people play this game like it's their job and are crazy good at it. When I hear that so many people were cheating it makes me feel better for dying so often to someone with insane reaction speeds
Рік тому+5
Yeah same here, I often felt like damn, I just suck at this game :)
Honestly I take pride in how stupidly good I am at spotting little flickers of motion or hearing little fidgets of sound, and I used to think "wow that guy is even better than me if he was able to notice me at X distance under Y lighting conditions while I was at speed and stance Z". Nah, he's not, he's probably just using ESP. Why try to emulate military-grade fieldcraft in a game where a non-negligible part of the lobby just automatically knows where you are? Makes me feel silly worrying about how well my gear camouflages in the environment.
Yeah I mean, I progress in the game. I get kills. I have fun. That's what counts to me. I do want the cheaters to be eliminated but at the same time it's not killing the game for me. Not yet at least, we'll see if it turns into a CSGO situation.
Love it. Ready for the next one. It has been so cool watching all the love and support from non 40 hour a week content creators finally feeling like maybe they weren't as dog water as we thought and how quick to make some small changes and announcements came out from BSG as that vid heads for 1000000 views. Personally I wish there was an open spread sheet just so the average of guys that were completely obvious as opposed to the folks that played it cool and it took some coaxing to show the hand but I also have no reason not to believe you. Either way excited for the next interview.
I dont even play Tarkov a ton so I cant confidently weigh in on the whole situation but the way you handled this is solid. Lot of respect for you doing what you did and how your handling the whole thing.
Yeah this video has me torn. I’m a Linux guy. I just keep windows around for games that don’t work on Linux and most of the time it’s because of anti cheat. And I don’t think the solution is to make anti cheat work with Linux. I view anti cheat like malware and think all code should be open source and viewable by everyone. BUT from these videos I see where it’s needed. I just don’t know the proper solution.
This test is extremely helpful with shutting down the typical "THERE ARE NO CHEATERS YOU ARE JUST BAD REEEE" crowd. Please do this in other games too to prove points.
You’re doing a great service to the community. It’s required to bring attention to issues like this when most of Tarkov is just complaining passively. Keep it up
I don't play Tarkov, but watch lots of people who do. And this issue has been discussed by all of those creators in raids, during their videos. And you have blown the whole thing out of the water, and shown exactly what everyone knew, just with a killer video and intelligent discussion. This follow up video further confirms your gOatness and gotten me to sub. Keep on doing the good work, and if haters are watching, all it does is boost the views.
its not just tarkov though. back when I used to play ET you'd see at least 2 on every server you'd join, and 1-2 in every 3v3 game you played. It was so bad and everyone as a community refused to talk about the obvious ones. "Weren't they bad a day ago? yep, yep they weree"
I've literally never played tarkov, have only seen limited content, and have limited knowledge on it. Heard about your video on WAN Show so I watched it fully. So well put together, informative, and fair. Was so engaging even for someone who's very removed from the community. This video shows your character and that you just want the game to succeed. Reminds me of when I criticize Warzone 2 for all of its faults. It's not from a place of hatred, it's from a place of love where you just want the game to be the best version it can be, because you can clearly see the potential. The parallels are crazy when you realize that they just have to enable the windows security features in the anti cheat; just like if Activision and IW would take a lot of community feedback the game would be so much better for such little effort. Sucks that game developers and publishers have gotten to this point where it almost feels like we're going back to a gaming dark age like the one in 1983.
You got yourself a sub. I don't play Tarkov but this is good coverage of an issue in this game. Every game could use a guy like you making vids exposing the issues in a calm, collected manner.
because Tarkov turned out to be the only enjoyable game in my mid 20s after I thought that I grew up and that I couldn't enjoy games anymore. likewise, the Tarkov community is full of adults
You are really GOAT man . Big respect for what you did. If this doesnt help fix tarkov I dont know what will. I think everyone is supporting you at this and we all hope that this is something we can fight of as community. Mad respect. You did something that no one else was up for, no one else had balls to do it and share with everyone.
Hey Goat, just recently started watching you but wanted to thank you for taking the risk to expose a huge problem in Tarkov. Screw the haters, what you did took a lot of guts and it's something nobody else was willing to do. You sacrificed your self for the community and I can safely say you have a new subscriber from me. Keep on doing what you're doing, you're an awesome content creator and don't let anyone else tell you otherwise. Looking forward to your next video! We are all behind you on this!
As someone who left a cult and lost all my friends and family (except two brothers, but hope to be able to talk to the others eventually some day), I feel the "I knew I was going to be ostracised by the entire community". Hit hard.
You arent alone my man. Cults are rampant through the world. Just gotta escape and find the friendlies that also escaped. I dont think wiggling will be a sign of that though 🤣
@@cybervand It's funny. Some do talk of the "tells" of those who escaped. I only know the tells of who is in (no swearing :P ). Oh, the "tells" for those stuck in who know it's a cult (family trapped them, jobs etc), is to whistle a tune a popular UA-camr uses. XD Thanks for the positivity!
i feel like "The video" is going to launch a cascading event. a shift in the community and something that will change the future of gaming for the better imo g0at you have no idea how amazing of a move this was!
Journalism is your calling my bro, gg, gg, gg, gg. I hope you sleep the best at night after this because you deserve a lot for your efforts. You gambled for a rose and you got it g0at. If you happen to lose some peers from this, yeah its fine, we can only hope they get out of their personal feels and eventually find themselves more objective with this priceless moment you've created. Gg again.
lmfao next time just use ur brain. Every single person could inform themselves by just searching for cheater videos on youtube or anywhere. Look at discussion/comments from cheaters all over social media. Go to cheater forums or discords. Or just talk to one lmfao.
And I'm sick of watching people justify cheating, it's fucking infuriating. If this shit continues, it's going to cause serious issues for the PC gaming landscape
I will admit, I thought the reception would be much worse than it has, and I'm super glad you made the video. It feels like it was the straw that broke the camels back, and it needed to be done the way it was, so we can have those Reddit discussions with Nikita. Kudos to you gOat, it'll probably be a big help in the end :)
Bro you take a very brave move who needs to be made. i give up tarkov because the impossibility of have some fun with this offhand problem who anyone do nothing to fix it. Nice work man.
I just wanted to say I've been playing Tarkov from 2017 up till late last year and I'm glad you've put in some work to try to help the project. I didn't know about your channel until the algorithm dropped your famous video into my feed. Best wishes mate!
As a seasoned game developer, I have observed that the implementation of effective code checks poses a significant challenge. Despite the best efforts of developers, some unscrupulous individuals can still bypass the security measures, largely due to a dearth of knowledge among game developers when it comes to implementing anti-cheat mechanisms.
@@gaydonaldtrump no you can stop 99% of the cheats if you know how to code .😉 Just add check sums for the camera changes reason u have aimbot in the game lmao.
this is the why an ai built into somewhere in the game acts like a normal game mechanic can change a lot and there is a hard way and smart way of coding an ai , if you exclude and include programs and dlls the cheaters can just change the name or try another thing and you gotta catch up to them but if you built a system that monitors anything inject a code or dll or something altering the game files , you are golden cuz now you don't need catch up with the new cheat methods cuz none of em will work but also you gotta make exceptions for some programs like recording and streaming tools maybe mouse or keyboard macro thats up to you and overlays like discord for example in gta 5 they include and exclude programs thus you can cheat with some of the cheat tools but some obvious ones don't work and get you banned and in warframe they have multiple bots built into text chat that are monitoring every suspicious activity such as account clonning , real money transactions , abusing game mechanics , injecting codes , accessing someones ip address cuz the sessions are peer to peer and it could be possible if that ai didn't exist
further more both games released in 2013 but in that time warframe was unpopular and it gained its popularity at 2015 and gta 5 online launched at the same time period so i think this is most fair example i could give cuz there are no excuse for technology and both games are still alive and bugstar games way richer than digital extremes so de has a handicap
To anyone wondering about Valorant/Vanguard: the reason why the Vanguard anti cheat can detect Tarkov cheats is likely because that anti cheat runs in your computer's kernel and turns on alongside with your computer on start up. The kernel is the core of your operating system and basically has unrestricted control over everything which in short means it's harder to bypass Vanguard's detection. This caused a bit of a controversy since nothing should compromise the security of the kernel and if there happens to be an exploit in the Vanguard anti cheat that someone finds they could get a skeleton key to your computer, so to say.
At no point should we be allowing any game maker to force us to install a ring 0 anti cheat simply because people want to cheat at video games. That is such a huge security vulnerability and ots installed on millions of systems with theoretically unfettered access to the entire memory space.
@@joshua7551 you are jot been force to anything, you are free to not play games with good anti cheating. Also if you are really concern with security, we both know there are ways to protect your info from the pc that you use to play.
BattlEye also uses a kernel driver. The reason why the vendor is telling people to uninstall it is because just like BattlEye, Vanguard can detect the cheat driver so they don't want to be responsible for you being flagged in Valorant while cheating in Tarkov. You can't stop cheaters.
@@grigorecosmin First, nice name. Knew a lad named Cosmin back in the day. Next, just so you know, Vanguard runs in a much lower ring than BattleEye. Vanguard is a ring0 kernel access and BattleEye is ring2 or ring3, cant quite remember which. The reason this is an issue is that windows can still nuke a ring3 driver but has very little control over a ring0 driver. This means that of Vanguard is ever compromised, your system cant do much to stop the threat without user intervention.
This whole saga is fascinating... I'd never heard of Tarkov until Luke talked about it on the WAN show, but now I'm absolutely hooked and want to know how it's all going to play out!! Love your investigative journalism and integrity throughout this thing, bullies suck 🙌
this battle has been going on for years!!!! as a newbie to tarkov you really have no idea how powerful this series of events is! as a 3 year takov player this is music to my ears!! welcome to the wild and crazy world of escape from tarkov!! you should try it out! will give you a better perspective as to how frustratingly good and bad this game can be!
Man does it feel good to see a human being being honest and open about a problem many of us are concernd about. Thank you very much for your time and effort. 👍
Hey everyone. I am in the process of securing a really important interview with an authority in the anti-cheat community. Crossing my fingers this can go through.
I hope you can secure that interview!! Good luck
you should interview someone who works on interest management middleware, for unity there's mirror-networking which also explains what it does.
you should also do a video listing things bsg can do with their netcode, for example why does the server share pmc name, kd, level, health and inventory contents?
you're awesome big dawg
We love you G0at!
Pests video came out 30 mins ago go watch it dude
The fact the subreddit mods actively tried to block it is very telling of them
kinda hate to play devils advocate but they usually more often than not give the same treatment against any cheating posts and videos because it's kind of an overfilled dumpster of a topic
but i do agree
Theyre paid shills
its reddit lol not surprising
Reddit mods are some of the most power hungry, basement dwelling trolls ever. Heaven forbid someone wants to talk about something with nuance.
@Aidan Eaglesfield I didn't read anything you wrote tbh.
The fact the battlelines were drawn immediately between Community and Content Creators with no conflict of interest vs Streamers and Reddit Mods should show everybody what they need to know.
I think theres some nuance in the sense that you can and I think, should condemn the stances of most content creators who seem to be concerned more about their bottomline than shedding light on the issue, BUT I also do believe all of them want the game to improve and become better for everyone, even if in the end its so they can grow more effectively.
I also absolutely do not fault the people who choose to cut ties with most of these streamers and have overall soured on them.
Streams won't admit this is a major problem because it will effect them with BSG.
@@SparkZ009 yea EXACTLY, streamers like LVNDMARK....
@@xviconner lvndmark is pretty damn hated by bsg cause he shits on the game alot and says it how it is and anyone that watches him knows he aint cheating
Every time BSG bans a cheater, that guy just buys a new account thus sending more money to BSG. There’s no incentive for BSG to fix the issue.
There are many online forums that have EFT accs for sale, usually stolen ones, so BSG doesn't gain anything from that.
@@CubeGoddbut someone eventually will buy a new acc even they are stolen…so yes they are earning money from it
Pokemon Go had the same feature, it's a money grab until people give up on the game
@@Adrian-q9xThis conspiracy theory is beyond insane stfu
Cheaters more often than not use hacked accounts that are sold at a lower price and usually in bulk, same happened with CS GO and now with CS2 where there are markets of people selling accounts in bulk for CS2 its just premier access, same for Dota, league whatever game you may think of even minecraft accounts.
So it's not just ruining your day in gaming it's literally ruining someone elses account.
finally someone with a voice has the balls to tell Nikita what he needs to hear
Alot of people had the balls, the difference is that his voice is now getting herd.
Or he didn't get DMCA'ed or anything like few others.
I really love how the music stops as he directly adresses Nikita.
The losers who are mad at this guy for pointing out the obvious are the same type of losers to get angry at you for pointing out that their girlfriend is a HOOKER that cheats.
@@James-bl7wb Those guys are the worst
if i was a developer of a game and i had someone knock on my front door and basically say "hey i love your game, its infested with cheaters. im going to cheat to see how many there actually is because i care more than you do". i'd feel embarrassed.
That's exactly why they're trying to silence him.
Not if your house isn't complete.
You: "hey i love this house, but its not keeping out rain, or rats. Im going to **try** to see if I can fix it because i care more than you do"
Contractor: "I'm not done yet. If I try to seal cracks before I'm done with electrical and sheet rock it will fk up everything."
@@DarkGloComics That is a false equivalence, building a game isn't the same as building a house. I still see the point you're trying to make though and i'd allow this argument if they hadn't chased popularity on twitch all those years ago. For awhile tarkov was pretty niche but then they suckered in a huge amount of players through exposure and twitch drops and so many people have had to eat shit the hard way because of it, along with turning hacks into a booming business. Right now the entire game's experience is delegitimized and there' literally no point in adding more content, mechanics, maps, or improvements because the core experience will forever remain the same.
Can't even play the isle anymore because I get hacker ptsd from tarkov.
@@DarkGloComics me: you started building this house ages ago and I've been living in it for years, why haven't you done all that already?
Also as he pointed out in the video other games anti-cheat can already detect the issues, so they could literally just pay another studio to borrow their anti-cheat to run in the background which apparently doesn't interfere with legit copies of the game. Not a permanent fix but would give them time to find a better solution.
He but the cheaters keep the cash flow to BSG's pocket. So screw the embarrassment
I don't play Tarkov at all and only learned about this from the WAN show, but The Video was an awesome piece of investigative journalism. It immediately sucked me in and made me care about the subject at hand. Your passion for not only this game, but journalism shows. I really hope that things get better.
Took me 20 minutes to realize I don't even play this game and never have. This is also a great documentation of a problem that plagues all games and people might just not be aware.
I hope this scourge doesn't end up tainting VR games as well. I hate cheating so much.
The game can be really great, but in the end, it's always like taking a chisel to someone's nuts. What really threw me off more than anything was the dev response. For a game that can cost upwards of 100$, it's outrageous to respond to a community this way
Same. The callout on WAN gave it a kick, but the video stands on it's own; and if it wasn't a great video to begin with, it wouldn't have gotten nearly 2 million views in a week. Not that many people watch WAN, and even fewer would bother to go looking for it.
@@millerhl08how does it feel to be brain dead?
@@millerhl08 Both of those comments are unprovable speculation.
I'd love to see an interview with a anti-cheat dev!
Ya, interesting to see the anti-cheat side, the only thing the cheat makers could bring to the table is if they are willing to fully show how they are exploiting the game, in that case I would say an interview could be interesting.
@@chadnoneo9769 Which they wont do because nobody is gonna show you how they bypassed the AC because a. it means they'd have to find a new method since that one will be instantly patched and b. it way too complicated, takes way too much time and theres way too much to go over.
I am not a programmer of anti-cheat tools but I am aware of some of the methods.
1. Map wall-hole hacks can be found by generating checksums such as MD5 from the gameplay files at the start of the match, which are reported to the server and compared with a checksum table of known valid game files.
But bad checksums could also indicate viruses or filesystem corruption, so the player may only be kicked and not allowed to rejoin the current match, with warnings to check their system for problems or to reinstall the game, rather than them being issued an immediate and permanent ban.
2. Aimbots can be found by checking which players manage to accurately face each other over a period of time. Chance precision tracking of moving players is possible, but unlikely to occur for more than a few seconds. The random chance of precision tracking goes down the further apart the players are, or if there are walls / objects separating them.
Aimbotting can also take the form of an exact offset skew from straight-on, or an exact linear drift from straight-on, if the aimbot is trying to obscure itself while tracking. Instant snapping and firing with perfect aim over huge distances should also be impossible.
3. The game client can check to see if a local administrator is logged on, or check for signs that it is running inside a virtual machine, and refuse to run, as this may indicate use of client memory probing and editing tools.
4. An anti-cheat engine can generate checksums of all running programs and make sure that any programs other than itself that are also running with elevated system privileges are normal system software, rather than hacking tools.
Requires lots of work in the background, maintaining a database of trusted checksums and known file elevation permissions that stays current with Microsoft software updates, and software made by other legit companies that need to run elevated all the time, like Google's Chrome auto-update service.
The checksum database can be external and the cheat engine only reports the checksums to an external monitoring and reporting service. The scan can be slow but continuous as the system is used normally and then also an active game progresses.
5. The game can establish an encrypted rolling data skew with the server at game start, such as based on elliptical curves similar to Diffie-Hellman encryption.
The server sends low latency live but scrambled position data with a timecode, that only the client knows how to unscramble and display correctly, based on the predetermined skew correction. A hack tool trying to show these objects would have them randomly drifting or jumping around the world map with no apparent order.
6. If the game server can do 3D ray casting between all players and the game world, and find where hitboxes are occluded behind walls and objects, then the server can choose to not send positional data to each client that the client should not be able to see. In this situation a cheat tool showing the positions of objects in the world would only know the last position before the server stopped reporting on it.
Many game servers run headless in text-only mode as they don't need to display 3D graphics with textures. Instead a server normally just tracks the positions of potentially hundreds of players and movable / destructible objects as a game progresses, working to keep their hitboxes within the game world boundaries, and not pushing into and occupying the same as walls, vehicles, etc..
A 3D card in the server that is dedicated to occlusion tracking, could do more advanced things like sun/light angle and shadow occlusion tracking around the hitbox, only sending a generic shadow object to the client if that is all they can see of whatever is approaching behind a wall.
A hack tool showing what is hidden would only show the shadow object. The opposing player's weapon object then pops into the world without their body, just as it is about to emerge from behind the occluding object into view. The hack tool gives the cheater no advantage to know with seconds to minutes of lead time, who or what was coming along with the shadow from behind the occlusion or what direction it was facing as it approached.
The hack tool could attempt to freeze and continue to show the last known position of seen players / objects, but this last-seen tracking is not very useful if the opposing player then doubles back and approaches from a different direction.
@@unearthlynarratives_ he doesn't need to go into technical details. Just tell if it was difficult or not, if he needed to use new methods or the AC is similar to other, etc
@@JR-mk6ow Seeing as there are so many cheaters in the game, I don't think its too difficult compared to a game like Rust for example.
I would love to see an interview with an anti-cheat specialist where he goes over these concepts on a very high level; I would find it very interesting to see the concepts explained.
As interesting as it would be to hear, the creators of these hacks would love to see that video even more. Widespread information is a double edged sword it seems.
@@theoaketree4246 yup. exactly. whats even better is volunteered intel, like what just recently happen on a game thread on some game about planes, guess some ex military was giving real targeting and anti radar info....
i'm just picturing the cheats illuminati sending an assassin like in Scarface to prevent an interview that will shed more light on the issue.
yes i too would like to know how to circumvent future anti-cheat
So would a lot of cheat devs. That's why you'll never find it.
Tbh, as much as you wanna see it, hope you don't. Unless you're doing IT schooling or some shit
Man we are 200% behind you. Fuck those cheaters and we needed you and this kind of video SO MUCH. (Nikita is still putting his head in the sand seeing his response on reddit)
Tbh it's not only the cheaters it's also the mods and streamers who will defend it to death but also in theire defence they earn money from saying it
Who is "we"?! You don't speak for "us"
can't blame him, the eft subreddit is a total shithole
@@celeroon89 Dude shut up my god
Lol you do not speak for us buddy, been playing this game from beta and it is people like him that will kill this game
I don’t see how anyone would be mad about this being brought to light unless they themselves are benefiting from cheating. I found your video from the WAN show and I’m glad I did because I was unaware this was happening to this extent.
I dont benefit from cheating nor do i play this money trap of a game. To be honest all this video does is showcases to bsg that cheaters arent going away and they view that as dollar signs. If the video gets 1m views and 1% of people watching see how EASY and AVAILABLE cheats are they will go buy them. Its not rocket science
@@LemonKushDeadside and how would that be a bad thing? It either puts pressure on the developers so that they actually fix the problem or speeds up the process, of something that is already a problem and will happen eventually, so everyone can just drop the garbage before it grows mold. The developers being absolutely greedy goblins that are willing to throw the integrity of their game out the window for some quick buck is not g0at's problem either.
@@TacticalDeux how would it be a bad thing that people buy cheats and knowingly ruin other peoples experience? You cant be serious mate.. the THING IS, if you had intelligence you would know that cheating has been a problem in tarkov for over two years. You dont need some dumbass highlighting it for the nieve morons that dont know this game is riddled with cheaters. All he did was show u how easy it is to cheat on this game and provided no actual statisical evidence besides doing 150 + raids and saying that 60% of raids u have obvious cheaters which everyone already knew. And 150 raids isnt even enough game time to make a claim like that.
@@LemonKushDeadside lmfao m8, those who cheat are already cheating. this isnt attracting "hackers." lmao you dont seem to understand how bad hacking is throughout ALL fps games. these hacking communities are well established.
you cant "hide" how bad hacking REALLY is in hope of "not attracting new hackers." lmfao what, you think the majority of hackers are all 60+ years old and eventually will fade away? nah mate, most are in their 20's.
thats just a blatantly naïve gaslight.
@@professorgoat1099 me personally, i started cheating exactly with something like this… saw a video got interested downloaded them and wanted to make other people not have fun lol.. all it takes is for someone with something missing in life to see a video like this and go download and purchase a sub. While your comment makes sense, you have to also understand somebody else’s perspective and if you dont thats totally fine. But dont sit here and act like we all havent KNOWN well before this video existed that cheating has been a major problem in ANY fps game..
The way you handled this situation was amazing. Thanks for your hard work my dude
Wiggling at cheaters is hardwork. Easy money tho with all the casuals in uproar.
onepeg and veritas punching the air right now because goat getting so much attention and making waves in the development of the game.
U play tarkov?
Good stuff man, I'm happy to see how the majority of the playerbase is supporting you and glad to see your video held through the copyright issues. Thank you for bringing up true discussion around cheaters. You showed a lot of casual players what vets have known for a while.
5k hours in tarky since 2018 and "I knew " but his vid confirmed what "I knew."
It’s Shouldaville!
We all new , Just WE didn't know how bad it really was , 60% of raids having cheaters in 125 raids is crazy !
I was about to share this with you sir Shouldaman, but you came faster than a lightning strike.
I got banned the day of the last wipe despite never using cheats of any kind. So my$100 is gone because they just ignore my appeals. After you appeal then they just ban your forum account so now I can't even request another appeal. Still have not been able to recover my account, it's been months now.
Dude, you’re my hero no matter what other streamers say. Desperate times calls for desperate measures so you’ve brought a huge spotlight on a very serious issue, thank you so much.
1 there are no haters to his video, if you actually think there was you're actually insane and buying into this weird messianic complex victim mentality he has going on
2 the guy is comparing himself to journalists in a warzone and is literally talking like he's just drawn the mona lisa.
I THINK we can safely admit he has a MASSIVE messianic complex. like NUTS level. like OFF THE CHARTS.
After the Tarkov hacking video was released, I reinstalled the game (because I quit duo to the hackers) and I just stated wiggeling randomly whenever I heard people around me. And boi the amount of people that would just talk to me, instead of kill me on sight was a night and day difference.
It was almost unreal to see how well the wiggle worked eventhough I only knew people were there because I heard them reload/shoot/walk around etc But it also showed how many people were hacking and I uninstalled the same day.
😂😂😂😂 that’s sad.
Unbelievable that it's so prominent it's a legitimately viable tactic even for legit players. I knew it was a problem but that just kills the game in a heartbeat. So glad I switched to SPT after this.
First time I've ever done a (very) little contribution, but this is legendary. Good fucking work!
Never played Tarkov before or watched any videos on it. I'm guessing I ended up seeing these two videos because the algorithm knew I like LTT. With that being said, its refreshing to see a creator who genuinely cares about the community they're apart of. Even if I don't watch another g0at video ever again, I'll stay subbed.
I watched it because a streamer I was watching got stream sniped (on a different game) by some hackers and they posted the link to the video on their chat. Anti cheat providers should understand that they have a great market but the issue is even they cannot be in business without cheaters.
@@dracomessup I think that's a big part of the reason you see some games not take cheating all that seriously. Legit players will usually buy one, maybe two accounts. Hackers that boost for money might go through 5 or more accounts in the span of a month. While hackers are a drain on the community, they're sometimes a well of money for the devs.
Same. I'm not very interested in Tarkov, but I'm interested in cheating being taken seriously in this industry. This guy's a legend for actually doing something about it
so true
Just fyi if you are subbed but never watch any content youtube sees that as his subscribers are not engaged, which actually hurts the creator (i think, im not a youtube expert) Your best bet is to like and comment.
I don't even play EFT (I'm a console scrub)
That being said, I fully support you & what you did here. I've never donated to anyone on here before. You fucking deserve this. If I had more to give, I would. You did the right thing homie 👍
Thanks my man! I feel like I didn't say it enough in the video: But you guys are fucking awesome.
@@g0atmoth I've been gaming for a long time. Cheaters & lag are the things I hate the absolute fucking most in the world of gaming. Although, shitty game devs are catching up at a rapid pace. You risked alot to shed light on this. Just wanted to show that I appreciate it.
I don't play this game, but it's fun when you stumble across something that's probably going to end up being a little bit of internet history in the making. Props to you g0at.
If anything, the cheating needs to stop. I mean God mode can be useful in a single player game if you spent many hours trying to get past something, or maybe a temp thing for online games, but it gets boring fast if there is no challenge. Maybe its a leader board thing, players want the fame.
@@thePrisoner1000 I never check leader boards. People who still go for top Leader Board are awlays assumed hacked. So there is zero clout to chase for being a dickhead. Jus gotta hope eventually it'll fade off but i doubt it. Been a problem from literally the beginning
@@thePrisoner1000 Anyone who cheats and ruins other peoples gameplay experience should jump on a noose. 🤷♂
It remains to be seen how it will age and be considered at a later date, though. I'm not at all persuaded by G0at or anyone else calling it "cheating" without actually proving why it is, and if the developers have reached an understanding with 3rd party developers which results in boosted sales for both sets of devs, it won't be considered cheating at all by the only parties who have the right to determine that.
He should have called it what it is: Paying to Win. The "cheat" is visualizing data which the vanilla game is already sending to each and every player, anyway. It's not about information access being unfair; it's about how the data which everyone gets is being visualized differently for players with ESP/Radar.
@@jamespfp damn u lame bro
I had a friend when I was younger that got very upset when people got caught cheating. He would defend them soooo much. We later found out that he himself was using a program called Slayer. It turns out he was just trying to cast doubt so he would not get caught and so that he could continue to hack. It destroyed a few friendships. We found he was hacking because one of use logged into the game under his gamertag (old school counter strike, you could do this) and his friends in the match started to ask us if we had our hacks on... I also used to work for an online enforcement team, hacking is everywhere, and it is prevalent. I think a lot of people suffer a delusion that someday, they will be as good as a hacker. So, in their minds they think if these people aren't hacking, I can be that good someday.
I enjoyed your video. Sorry people are salty for being found out.
Respect for having the balls and being a good person to post the video and send the message even though you could have gotten banned,hated,copyrightsrikes and other bad things
Bro the people getting hate are the streamers who don't like the resulting 10x uptick in cheats
The wildest thing about this is just how many people are angry that others even talk about the cheating issue
anyone who is angry at his cheating video is probably a cheater themselves and they don't want to see their "fun" ruined.
Those are usually heretics which use cheats themselves and shall be purged with a new great crusade.
@@sladnam7480 explains landmarks critique
Been happening in competitive games for years. Talk about cheaters and you get excuses, gaslighting, mass downvoted and shunned etc. there’s a lot of dipshits cheating in most competitive games
@@NomTheDom I believe lvndmark just doesen't want the game to die as he feeds on it
Mad respect to this guy, got some serious balls calling out a dev like that.
eh, calling out devs is easy af if you don't care about losing access to your account or access to the game.
Who gives a fuck what a dev thinks, it's a GAME PEOPLE, get a life
@@hwripper I mean.. Dev's are also people, however in situations like this. I completely agree.
very late to the train, but its just incredibly obvious how genuine you are about this and how much time and effort you put into this. pillar of the community. very grateful to have you
I don’t even play Tarkov or play on PC, but the work you’re doing is paramount for every game on the market. Don’t stop what you’re doing.
its a clickbait for views, 30k to 1M, and this man think he wear a cape or something lmao
i played like 220h on this last wipe in Tarkov, i saw 2 or 3 cheaters.
I used to play DayZ 7 years ago, that was WAY WORST than Tarkov trust me.
this mf try to make money over a game popularity and all the crybabies out here ... fkin hilarious
explain how its even close to paramount
@@josht7886 bringing the attention of rampant cheaters that can ruin the integrity of multiplayer games. like we know there's cheaters, but knowing there's this much and how easy it is to get away with it.
I'm not invested in the Tarkov community, nor do I even play FPS games. I'm a fan of the WAN show and only came across this story from their conversation. I just want to say this dude seems like the most genuine, honest creator I've come across on YT. You can tell he just wants what's best for a game he loves. The gaming community needs more people like this.
Same story for me, though I have seen some of G0ats clips in my shorts feed throughout the last several months. I've heard Luke bring up the cheating in Tarkov on previous Wan shows but seeing the wiggle in the video was fuckin insane.
calm down with the hyperboles jesus christ
It's so easy to fool people lol. No wonder the world is falling apart.
@@chadchallenge That's been the case since the beginning of civilization. But it's not gonna actually fall apart due to the amount of people willing to take control and lead. Not to mention the access that the public have to public office is a lot easier than people think.
Same here
Bruins gonna spank that booty tonight 😝
Dude you did the community a great service and as a new play I appreciate you. Also since the biggest cheat developer got shut down I have actually been surviving a lot more!
Same man, my quality of life and my fun as a whole have tripled since last wipe. Not even exaggerating
Who was the biggest cheat developer?
abs but they were back up a week later@@spitfireGamesVR
I was really happy for this wipe and played an unhealthy amount in the first two weeks. And then a little after the honeymoon phase I started having more and more questionable deaths. Then a little after that I started dying every other raid to blatant cheats. And then after that we had invisible players and even more cheaters. I’ve played maybe 10 hours in the last 3 weeks because the game has just been plagued with some unfortunate events lately that just don’t make it fun. Thanks for being the one to use your platform to speak up for the rest of us who wouldn’t have been able to make a ripple in a pond. You truly are the GOAT
I fully agree with your experience. I just want to add that invisible players is a known bug of the current wipe and game state. Those people are unlikely to be cheating. I was playing with my friend, spawned in on Customs and we quickly realized I spawned in invisible to him. I made a commitment to not kill anyone and just run directly to extract. Also, I've seen many Tarkov content creators spawn in invisible as nobody seems to be noticing their existance.
it was last Saturday when I had enough of the game. A friend and I played a series of Interchange raids and went in with really good gear (class 5/6 armor, high end ammo) we collected over the previous couple of sessions in order to get his chumming quest done.
In 5 out of 6 raids we both got one tapped in the most ridiculous situations like during a jump or behind cover or during sprinting in a zig zag line without even seeing the enemy (you couldn't even hear the shot so it must have been far away).
I can't say I'm 100% sure about each of those frags being done by a cheater but the fact alone that I can't trust into those frags being legit I lost interest in the game for the near future. I won't play it this wipe and only the future will tell whether I'll start playing the game ever again.
I didn't even bother to report the last guy because it's pretty much pointless to do that. You don't get feedback, you don't have a replay system. Why even bother. Now I have more space on my ssd again.
This is my third wipe and by far has been the worse one with the amount of sus deaths or blatant hackers. I love this game and first wipe I got to level 44, last wipe I got to level 60 and was 3 tasks away from kappa but started to do them to late so I just gave up this wipe I got to max traders with in two weeks which was by far the fastest but once I started to loot areas of high value and going to those areas I noticed way more sus deaths to the point that I pretty much gave up getting anything done other then what I have done already. It's sad but since getting Max traders I have only leveled up 1.5 more times so I got to 42 with in two weeks and another 3 weeks I only got to 44. Like it's so bad but I did pick this single server that seems to be better then what I was playing on. I even went to labs 40 times on this server and never ran into a cheater. But I miss the old server selection, if I ran into a bunch of sus deaths last wipe before they made the server change I could just pick a less pop server and be fine. But they took that away and now if I pick any east coast us servers I will run into a cheater about every other raid anymore. Which is fucking insane
Almost Like BSG doesnt care or something huh?
Besides the fact that the wiggle video was important for the future of EFT needed to be made . After watching some of your other content it's clear you are a really good content creator in general, being both professional sounding and having high quality production values. So you definitely earned a sub from me. Keep up the good work g0at!
Same here, long time tarkov player and twitch viewer. "The video" brought me here and I'm gladly staying. Great form of delivery and very well done production.
This is one of the healthiest events in many wipes for this community. Let’s hope something actually happens this time with BSG
It's the most unhealthy one yet lmfao. U can't be serious.
@@thishandleistaken1011 how??? Proving 100% what we all already knew??? U can't be serious
@@thishandleistaken1011 alternative being let the cheaters keep doing what they do without the scale of the problem being exposed? The only other reason I can think of you saying that is that you are part of the problem lol
@@SirensLament The scale has long been exposed lmao. People have done their own cheater infiltrations years ago and published the results. The subreddit buried it, of course, and nobody else cared because they'd rather believe their own ignorance than accept the game is overrun with cheaters.
Funny enough, they used the wiggle too, so the methodology was the same.
@@Jarekx2007 would you care to post links to the prior videos?
I love that this man cares so much about true journalism, i hope for the future of human kind more journalist see this, and take after you. Good on you man, hope your journey takes you far, and the truth continues to be told. Much love from me and mines.
As a semi serious/casual player, your video opened up to me exactly what we are up against. So many times I feel like I’m just tracked into a room where I make no sound and now I can understand why that might be some times. I’ve been called my gamertag in the middle of raids at least 10-15 times alone this wipe. Which never occurred in past wipes. You are doing gods work for the community.
cheaters have always been in high amounts but yeah this wipe seems extra ridiculous . i strongly do not recommend even playing the game in its broken state .
@@plutodestroyer12 i've playing a lot of wipes and never saw anything like this wipe, i played like around 6+ wipes and found 1 or 2 OBVIOUS cheaters, this wipe i feel like i found 30+ OBVIOUS ones, it's ridiculous, i've never stopped playing a wipe cause of cheaters except for this one. Labs hasn't been so unplayable since it came out
@@plutodestroyer12 so I agree that I recommend not playing right now but I have a sickness to the game lol still no better game for when you get into legit fire fights
Someone said my name to me and it was fucking terrifying lmao
@@Versace_sheets my name is illEatUrAss and I had one guy straight up say, “looks like I’m the one doing the ass eating today” lmao horrible experience
Not the content creator we deserved but the one we needed. Massive props for what you do for the EFT community brother!
You made a lot of content creators uncomfortable with your last video and I think that speaks volumes to where their priorities are. A lot of streamers showed their immaturity, they were trying to sound intelligent and it back fired profusely.
Great work, I think you are on the cusp of bringing massive change to the gaming scene
They should be uncomfortable, Cause this game is in a critical state, Its dying if BSG does not get some sense slapped into them.
they are uncomfortable bcuz half of them use the same ESP but with minor cheats like who is with who in the premade and they have opacity of skeleton through walls turned to 20% so its barely visibile so you wont see it on OBS preview
A lot of content creators are most likely using the same cheats, that's why. Anyone that cares about the game would not criticize what g0at did.
@@SevZG exactly
@@ImotekhtheStormlord-tx2it cheats are essentially an overlay on your game, they could stream the game and cheat without being caught ever...unless they fuck up and show the actual program running.... The only way to know if anyone is legit is an over the shoulder cam watching ALL their monitors.
Your video shows exactly my journey around 2008(?) I was addicted to COD modern warfare 2 but it started getting worse and worse and I eventually got my own cheats and went to see.
The wiggle existed back then already, it was sickening seeing how many people could track me through the walls. I stopped playing after that and it was one of my best decisions.
I dont play EFT but watched this and the 43 Minute main Video. The Incredible work you have done is insane .
Keep this up G0at. You're doing a necessary good for the community right now. Your risk by exposing this is to all of our collective reward. I had to quit EFT a while ago due to this frustration and I'd love to come back after this is all settled. Thanks bud!
The game is dead dude. It's great that this information is out but it has also inversely created more cheaters than it will stop. Sadly so. I don't blame this guy, it's all on BSG for not sorting this out soon enough. Spectate mode or match reports would have fixed the problem a long time ago.
Nessicary??? New word hahahahahaha
@@Sharpshooter50 Ha, I missed it since I'm just on my phone.
love the game but i hate bsg more . this company is the most ridiculous gaming company i have ever had to deal with .
the story behind this whole video is so gosh darn compelling, I salute you G0at for doing the right thing.
You're absolutely right too, none of them had the balls to stand up and do what you did. They'd get them (cheaters) on videos for interviews and stuff and then go out of their way to make the cheater feel bad sure but they wouldn't take that step to see it firsthand.
We need more people like you in all walks of life. Genuine
^ THIS !! ^
under rated comment
Under rated .
under rat
yes your results definitely coincide with our experiences. that's why we're all behind you brotha!
the vile attacks against you by big content creators opened my eyes as to who is worth my time watching. thank you so much g0at
What creators?
@@JamesCZFEA Trey24k, Erocktic, Axel to name a couple. Course any one of them might retract their initial very negative reactions to the Wiggle video and turn around and take the right position, so it isn't like they need to be witch hunted. But I did unsub all of them (for now).
@@dichebach maybe they are cheating as well
@Diche Bach axel did just that actually. I was going to unsub as well but his woopsie video was actually believable.
@@JamesCZFEAfew more who were butthurt about the video: airwingmarine, veritas, gingy.
Your investigative/journalism type videos are amazing. Please keep them coming.
your videos have influenced me to take a much needed break from a game i love until they do something to fix the problems i've been complaining about. Thank you for making waves man. we needed this.
I want to see more interviews. Anti-cheat devs are probably the best way to start getting to solving this problem.
i'm with you on this one. bust a bunch of these myths people throw about like gospel. Part of the problem which i'm glad he owned up to was pushing a solution to a problem without first understanding the problem. 99% of people will jump straight to solutions rather than jump to analysis and understanding of the problem to then see what solutions can be applied and how effective they can be, limitations of solutions etc etc. It's a complex problem. Having experts in this field giving an interview and explaining in layman terms about the problem etc would be invaluable even if they used a voice changer to keep their privacy. the knowledge is what matters not the identity.
it's not
Cheat devs are probably the best way to start solving this problem.
You can't stop cheaters.
Honestly, cheaters are one of the primary reasons I swapped over to SPT. I'd love if BSG went to the SPT creators and said "Hey, let's integrate an option to do single player sometimes and build ini a way to keep any modding/cheating stuck in single player." The casual playerbase is dying and part of it is because it's not fun to be a casual player who just gets wiped repeatedly by cheaters and chads. Maybe when someone gets better after single player, they can hop into online without being way over their head and confused, but the learning cliff that Tarkov has is a major turnoff and I think it would help the community to have a less intense option for new players to get the hang of things instead of being run off by a bunch of sweats who think that being new is a crime against Nikita.
Yeah no.
I started playing SPT for similar reasons, though a big selling point for me was not losing my progress when i didnt play for a couple months, or the frustration in trying to join mid-wipe at level1. Funny thing is performance is also better from my experience, not to mention the lack of horrible disconnection issues or 1+ hour login queues whenever drops are on. Then there is the mod support which just gives it some extra polish with additional customisation.
BSG already promised to deliver more PVE & eluded to single player but went back on their word. Since i started playing SPT 2 years ago i don't think i would ever go back to the regular. BSG have just done too little in too long to bring me back
@@tomglover98 I have never had performance issues with EFT. Im running a Ryzen 7 5800x3D/4080. Before that I have a Ryzen 9 5950x/3090. Tons of ppl try to play this game with low end hardware and expect high end results.
what does spt mean ? i'm not really familiar with this
@@lonelee5353 single player tarkov
Thanks for being so cool dude I've never seen you before but I'm glad to be a part of your channel. Cheaters are ruining gaming for everyone
I don't play the game and found you via LTT & Luke but knew if he vouched for you the video was worth checking out. After that I checked out the subreddit and couldn't believe what followed there including the migration to /r/Tarkov. It'll be interesting to see if the mod team gets cleaned up or not. Anyways, kudos to you for having so much integrity. I will be sticking around to support you and what you are doing.
I think also these videos need to happen at least every 3-6 months if the devs don't fix it. EVERY streamer/ content creator creates content for views, PERIOD. I personally don't know how people watch streamers. I watch a few YT videos here and there or while porcelain depositing, but sitting on my PC and watching someone else play a game. No, I'll play the game myself. And to think most people who donate prob make close to minimum wage, it's just so cringe. This whole industry is getting cringe. Nowadays everyone is on a team. But this isn't a cheating problem, this is a human problem.
I do believe a replay system would kill a lot of cheaters too, so to integrate it imagine this: You die in a raid, you have a UI with the list of all your sessions in the last day. You'll be able to review said raid once it's over for everyone, meaning the timer ticked out for the last player and they either made it out or are MIA.
So there will be no relaying info during the raid. You can fly around, pause, fast forward, see everyone who's playing in the lobby and the ability to clip sections of it.
Not only can you catch cheaters this way by letting the community out cheaters themselves. It also has the added benefit of allowing you to get better at the game, as you can look at what you did wrong and improve, as you can get feedback.
Overwatch pretty much already has such a system, and I think it'll be a great addition that'll help hunt down players with ease.
Lemme know what you guys think.
At the very least it would potentially give players peace of mind in many situations.
Yea but then when it comes to things like being shot by people youre not exactly sure where they are, just a general direction and one of your mates goes down and watches the cam seeing exactly where they are. Maybe have it so it cant be viewed until raid end?
@@weandyrfc7 That's exactly what I said yes, it can only be viewed when the raid has ended for everyone. I'm not talking about a kill cam, I'm talking about a full-on free-floating spectator cam that replays the match except you're just looking at your PMC and others through said free-floating cam.
While I think its a fantastic idea to do that, the big issue that people seem to forget about is the logistics of implementing it. More specifically, they already have a major issue on their hands with their servers being on fire every other minute. Where do you house the vods at? On a server. Another issue, people just rage reporting cuz they got outdueled or picked off from sniper rock without a chance to fight or some other bullshit or just flaming someone outright from the vod for being a bad shot. Sure, it would clean the hacker out a bit, the toxicity and problems it could bring up might be worse. I'm not advocating for doing nothing or to cheat or anything like that but the grass ain't always greener.
not really. even with video evidence, pubg doesnt necessarily ban people. besides, they just create a new account even if they do get caught
I quit playing tarkov a while ago due to cheaters and I don’t plan on playing tarkov until this is perfectly fixed, but you get a sub from me all the same because these series of videos have been incredibly well done. And it isn’t just tarkov affected these days. I love PVP games but I can really only play coop these days due to how bad it has gotten.
same goes for PUBG, Warzone, etc.
@@TapiKoks Then you will never play this or another online game again, there is no perfect fix and there never will be.
@@TapiKoks Same as counter-strike scene bro, a ton of semi-pro teams with cheaters in it trying to qualify for big tournaments are actually getting through the system. This goes from audio clues to expensive hardware mods... Actually some big names of the scene already spoken about that. You don't hear about those shoddy teams because they always disband at some point or get to a plateau where they cannot cheat anymore, they loose everything and disappear. But players that are in the circuit are well aware of the problem.
Try out SPT, way more fun than EFT
this is a huge cope. LMAO cheaters are not like in every lobby in every game bro
me just wigglying random ways to not get killed xD
G0at has now reached the peak. Mahatma Gandhi of Tarkov. "It's easy to stand in the crowd but it takes courage to stand alone".
The playerbase is happy with you. You did what was needed to show the casual/new players what tarkov really is. The ONLY people attacking you are content creators who are out of touch with their own community and reality that only care about their wallet. They all hold a "hear no evil see no evil" mentality. Doesn't matter to large content creators until it finally hurts their wallet from people losing interest in tarkov. Keep up the good work man. Don't let anybody try to hold you back from keeping this snowball going.
I can confirm
I suspect that some content creators are cheating also
@@Overcharge1 jupp and sadly this game will die prety soon like pupg if they dont fix it
See this is also the reason why most of the veteran community is mad at him. He showed the casual audience the problem. Which with base thinking, is great! Hell I think it's one of the first things us veterans do when showing new people to Tarkov. Warn them. . BUT in doing so it created a MASSIVE adverse reactions that he didn't think of. AND is the reason why Veterans are mad at him. It showed the casual community the cheating problem. While also showing them that they can probably get away with it. AND gave them the excuse of "everyone else is doing it.". . . So the end product did nothing to change/slow/stop the cheating issue. But actually created a dramatic increase in cheaters which was already extremely high. The estimates are closing in on almost a 20% increase in purchased cheats since the video. 20% in a few days. That's a crazzzzzy amount. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I think that is where the casual community is misunderstanding. No one is mad at him for trying to inform people. We all want the issue to be fixed and known. They're mad because he naively thought it would just inform them that there are cheaters. When in reality it just informed them that they can get away with it. g0at had great intentions. That's not debatable. He 100% did this for a good reason. He was just naïve towards how shitty people would use the information.
@@simontometschek6218 Funny part is, this isn't new. Almost every looter/extraction based or even Rank based game has this same issue. It's just a lot less painful/noticeable than it is on Tarkov. . . Mega invasive anti-cheats like Valorants helps alot. But creates a new problem. . Lets say BSG makes a anti-cheat like Valorant. Very Invasive. I'd probably drop the amount of cheaters by 20% for awhile. Though, not forever. BUT it creates another issue. A dangerous issue that smaller companies, like BSG, are more vulnerable too. . . If BSG was to make an anti-cheat like Valorants and BSG got hacked. Guess what the Hacker now has a backdoor into? Every single persons computer that's using the anti-cheat. A full blown Trojan level backdoor(literally anit-cheats almost work exactly like Trojans). . So the issue isn't as clear cut as people think. . BSG is a small company when compared to the insanely profitable and large cheating world. . . . Don't get me wrong, they should do better. It's just not as clear cut as people think.
As a Tarkov player, I'm glad you put up that video. I personally felt like I was running into a cheater every raid. Your video kind of confirmed it. I haven't plaid Tarkov in about a month because I was getting annoyed by it.
Mate, I uninstalled the launcher at the end of 2020, when I thought cheating was getting bad. Periodically, I'll read up on the state of game, and install, try again. Since then, there's SCAV Karma (to obfuscate an already terrible leveling system) inertia (to destroy the movement system) and invisible player glitches, and a Streets map that's 3 years late. Loaded up Shoreline, spawned, heard the SKS popping off. Knew the headshot was incoming. Dead in 13 seconds. Uninstall. Noticed this is the worst its been in 3 years. Come to a reckoning that you had some great times, 1k hours of play, and that this is by definition what can happen when playing an ongoing, paid Beta. Things change. That's okay. Hope BSG can rectify this and get Tarkov popping again by the end of the year.
RIP 2019 - Mid 2020 Tarkov. By far the best online shooter I had ever played in my life.
let's get this problem solved and get the game we all deserve.
11:25 - ofcorse it's for the views, that's how UA-camrs innovate, that's why Mr Beast went on helping thousands of people with eye-sight problems. The views are the reward for the effort and hardwork put into it. While addressing a problem.
Tarkov is in its second civil war. The first was Rengawr vs. the Community. Now its Content Creators vs. the Community. I know what side I'm on. You're a hero, g0at.
As a casual player for a little over a year I'm so glad you put your neck out there for this as you've said the discussion needs to start and be heard. Thank you for starting the discussion and I really hope BSG listens and tries to fix it I would like to enjoy tarkov again.
My randomly wiggling while I play Tarkov has to have confused a ton hackers in the past. haha
i really wanted to buy tarkov but after your video i decided to give it more thought. Thank you so much for bringing this to the attention of the masses
as a player that used to play years ago, the game was solid fun, despite it being absolutely unforgiving most of the times
last 4 wipes i tried regrinding the first 10 levels and failed twice, last 2 wipes totally gave up on it
so in short the game is solid, but the devs have to get their shit together fast
Play SPT
SPT-AKI, you get to play tarkov against bots, which is allot more fun then fighting cheaters.
Do but it it's a veeereeery good game. But play single player. Use SPTarkov mod
yep - exactly - I had enough of this S in RUST... nop thx.
0:51 i completely agree with this, never can block the sun you know, but i sitll think the video well put is the 90% of the fire
8:31 showing all the raids would've been still awesome as you just said in 3:03
11:30 I'll be honest, Dr.Lupo and pestily got me. i did upload cheater doing cheat interview video while ago cuz i thought it was damn funny and for the views. Not doing anymore. But cheater interaction vids? maybe.
11:35 BSG W take actually on that...
very good comment, i've liked it twice 👍
VeryBadScav is a cheater, he is exploiting all the AI scavs to do weird shit for him.
@@TheFaTheR85 no he’s just a scav man he can communicate with them
@@TheFaTheR85 At max Fence rep you can give orders to scavs , even give hugs to scav bosses.
@@TheFaTheR85 The amount of people that didn't understand your joke is mindblowing.
You had me till you brought in the war reporter comparisons lol
Thank you for doing something the community as a whole needs this
The importance of your efforts can not be understated. Thank you for your hard work and the risks you've taken for all of us. We all want Tarkov to succeed and in order to do so there needs to be change. Change that will lead to growth in the game we all love and a better experience for everyone. Thank you g0at!
@@sir.PabloTV6 your the kind of guy to think undercover policemen shouldnt exsist.
@@sir.PabloTV6 your brain must be too smooth to even do a pmc raid bro. U sure you’re in the right community? Did someone at the group home forget to monitor what you’re doing?
Honestly hearing that so many of the lobbies contain cheaters, while horrible to hear, also gives me back a tiny bit of self confidence: I pretty much always err on the side of caution when it comes to accusation of cheats, and since I've never been very good at Tarkov I also often could not tell how "legit" a kill was, especially because so many people play this game like it's their job and are crazy good at it. When I hear that so many people were cheating it makes me feel better for dying so often to someone with insane reaction speeds
Yeah same here, I often felt like damn, I just suck at this game :)
I saw the video as I was cooling my head off after a let's say bad factory raid. It made me feel bit better about myself at least.
@ we all suck man we all ❤
Honestly I take pride in how stupidly good I am at spotting little flickers of motion or hearing little fidgets of sound, and I used to think "wow that guy is even better than me if he was able to notice me at X distance under Y lighting conditions while I was at speed and stance Z".
Nah, he's not, he's probably just using ESP. Why try to emulate military-grade fieldcraft in a game where a non-negligible part of the lobby just automatically knows where you are? Makes me feel silly worrying about how well my gear camouflages in the environment.
Yeah I mean, I progress in the game. I get kills. I have fun. That's what counts to me. I do want the cheaters to be eliminated but at the same time it's not killing the game for me. Not yet at least, we'll see if it turns into a CSGO situation.
when you're doing the wiggle, it's like whispering "Hail Hydra" to them.
Love it. Ready for the next one. It has been so cool watching all the love and support from non 40 hour a week content creators finally feeling like maybe they weren't as dog water as we thought and how quick to make some small changes and announcements came out from BSG as that vid heads for 1000000 views. Personally I wish there was an open spread sheet just so the average of guys that were completely obvious as opposed to the folks that played it cool and it took some coaxing to show the hand but I also have no reason not to believe you. Either way excited for the next interview.
I dont even play Tarkov a ton so I cant confidently weigh in on the whole situation but the way you handled this is solid. Lot of respect for you doing what you did and how your handling the whole thing.
I want to see Luke debating/discussing with these anti-cheat devs, because he is a very strong believer of non-invasive community driven anti-cheat.
Me too, if possible!
Yeah this video has me torn. I’m a Linux guy. I just keep windows around for games that don’t work on Linux and most of the time it’s because of anti cheat. And I don’t think the solution is to make anti cheat work with Linux. I view anti cheat like malware and think all code should be open source and viewable by everyone. BUT from these videos I see where it’s needed. I just don’t know the proper solution.
@BulkybearOG well if anticheat is malware you should just play offline games
This test is extremely helpful with shutting down the typical "THERE ARE NO CHEATERS YOU ARE JUST BAD REEEE" crowd. Please do this in other games too to prove points.
You’re doing a great service to the community. It’s required to bring attention to issues like this when most of Tarkov is just complaining passively. Keep it up
I don't play Tarkov, but watch lots of people who do. And this issue has been discussed by all of those creators in raids, during their videos. And you have blown the whole thing out of the water, and shown exactly what everyone knew, just with a killer video and intelligent discussion. This follow up video further confirms your gOatness and gotten me to sub. Keep on doing the good work, and if haters are watching, all it does is boost the views.
its not just tarkov though. back when I used to play ET you'd see at least 2 on every server you'd join, and 1-2 in every 3v3 game you played. It was so bad and everyone as a community refused to talk about the obvious ones. "Weren't they bad a day ago? yep, yep they weree"
@@dfjab and then you get people "got 3k hours and never seen a cheater" lol
watching this unfold live is wild, thank you for putting your stuff on the line to get all of this out there!
This is going on in so many games. Cheaters are absolutely in almost every lobby of popular games
I've literally never played tarkov, have only seen limited content, and have limited knowledge on it. Heard about your video on WAN Show so I watched it fully. So well put together, informative, and fair. Was so engaging even for someone who's very removed from the community. This video shows your character and that you just want the game to succeed. Reminds me of when I criticize Warzone 2 for all of its faults. It's not from a place of hatred, it's from a place of love where you just want the game to be the best version it can be, because you can clearly see the potential. The parallels are crazy when you realize that they just have to enable the windows security features in the anti cheat; just like if Activision and IW would take a lot of community feedback the game would be so much better for such little effort. Sucks that game developers and publishers have gotten to this point where it almost feels like we're going back to a gaming dark age like the one in 1983.
You got yourself a sub. I don't play Tarkov but this is good coverage of an issue in this game.
Every game could use a guy like you making vids exposing the issues in a calm, collected manner.
my position exactly
The best part of this is that it is something the community is almost completely united on through a shared love for this game.
you’d be surprised a lot of people were against this video until a couple big streamers started backing it up
A couple big streamers were against it to
because Tarkov turned out to be the only enjoyable game in my mid 20s after I thought that I grew up and that I couldn't enjoy games anymore.
likewise, the Tarkov community is full of adults
Love lol
the irony is landmark got banned too for 3rd party cheating software LMFAO. no wonder he was critical
You are really GOAT man . Big respect for what you did. If this doesnt help fix tarkov I dont know what will. I think everyone is supporting you at this and we all hope that this is something we can fight of as community. Mad respect. You did something that no one else was up for, no one else had balls to do it and share with everyone.
Hey Goat, just recently started watching you but wanted to thank you for taking the risk to expose a huge problem in Tarkov. Screw the haters, what you did took a lot of guts and it's something nobody else was willing to do. You sacrificed your self for the community and I can safely say you have a new subscriber from me. Keep on doing what you're doing, you're an awesome content creator and don't let anyone else tell you otherwise. Looking forward to your next video! We are all behind you on this!
As someone who left a cult and lost all my friends and family (except two brothers, but hope to be able to talk to the others eventually some day), I feel the "I knew I was going to be ostracised by the entire community". Hit hard.
You arent alone my man. Cults are rampant through the world. Just gotta escape and find the friendlies that also escaped. I dont think wiggling will be a sign of that though 🤣
@@cybervand It's funny. Some do talk of the "tells" of those who escaped.
I only know the tells of who is in (no swearing :P ). Oh, the "tells" for those stuck in who know it's a cult (family trapped them, jobs etc), is to whistle a tune a popular UA-camr uses. XD
Thanks for the positivity!
@@TechyBen no worries im also a person that escaped a cult, def not yours but i do feel bonded to those that i know that escaped
@@cybervand what cult
haahaha not really the same but some similarities for sure.
i feel like "The video" is going to launch a cascading event. a shift in the community and something that will change the future of gaming for the better imo
g0at you have no idea how amazing of a move this was!
Honesty is a breathe of fresh air in this world that we are all yearning for,. That's why I think you're video resonated with so many. Thank you.
Journalism is your calling my bro, gg, gg, gg, gg. I hope you sleep the best at night after this because you deserve a lot for your efforts. You gambled for a rose and you got it g0at. If you happen to lose some peers from this, yeah its fine, we can only hope they get out of their personal feels and eventually find themselves more objective with this priceless moment you've created. Gg again.
I think your a legend for doing what you did. You did what no one else had the guts to do.
lol the subreddit trying to censor the situation
Keep the good fight, brother. We need more people to bring light to what is ruining a community and game.
lmfao next time just use ur brain. Every single person could inform themselves by just searching for cheater videos on youtube or anywhere. Look at discussion/comments from cheaters all over social media. Go to cheater forums or discords. Or just talk to one lmfao.
And I'm sick of watching people justify cheating, it's fucking infuriating. If this shit continues, it's going to cause serious issues for the PC gaming landscape
@@TheChocoboRacer cringe
@@randomname2914 Whats cringe bud
I will admit, I thought the reception would be much worse than it has, and I'm super glad you made the video. It feels like it was the straw that broke the camels back, and it needed to be done the way it was, so we can have those Reddit discussions with Nikita. Kudos to you gOat, it'll probably be a big help in the end :)
Props to the editors/editing, cutting the music when talking directly to Nikita was powerful!
Bro you take a very brave move who needs to be made. i give up tarkov because the impossibility of have some fun with this offhand problem who anyone do nothing to fix it. Nice work man.
I just wanted to say I've been playing Tarkov from 2017 up till late last year and I'm glad you've put in some work to try to help the project. I didn't know about your channel until the algorithm dropped your famous video into my feed. Best wishes mate!
absolute legend you're going to play a big part in saving the future of tarkov I applaud you sir thanks again.
Either the game gets saved or it dies. Either way I still see it as a good thing. I’ll play if it gets fixed. I’ll stop wasting my time if it doesnt
@@paulhan6087 perfectly said
As a seasoned game developer, I have observed that the implementation of effective code checks poses a significant challenge. Despite the best efforts of developers, some unscrupulous individuals can still bypass the security measures, largely due to a dearth of knowledge among game developers when it comes to implementing anti-cheat mechanisms.
@@gaydonaldtrump no you can stop 99% of the cheats if you know how to code .😉 Just add check sums for the camera changes reason u have aimbot in the game lmao.
Then every-time it detects an external change you get banned it's very quiet simple just dum developer's
this is the why an ai built into somewhere in the game acts like a normal game mechanic can change a lot
and there is a hard way and smart way of coding an ai , if you exclude and include programs and dlls the cheaters can just change the name or try another thing and you gotta catch up to them but if you built a system that monitors anything inject a code or dll or something altering the game files , you are golden cuz now you don't need catch up with the new cheat methods cuz none of em will work but also you gotta make exceptions for some programs like recording and streaming tools maybe mouse or keyboard macro thats up to you and overlays like discord
for example in gta 5 they include and exclude programs thus you can cheat with some of the cheat tools but some obvious ones don't work and get you banned
and in warframe they have multiple bots built into text chat that are monitoring every suspicious activity such as account clonning , real money transactions , abusing game mechanics , injecting codes , accessing someones ip address cuz the sessions are peer to peer and it could be possible if that ai didn't exist
@@bugycowboy7172 easy fix disallow external input. Dam someone should hire me to fix this game..
further more both games released in 2013 but in that time warframe was unpopular and it gained its popularity at 2015 and gta 5 online launched at the same time period so i think this is most fair example i could give cuz there are no excuse for technology and both games are still alive and bugstar games way richer than digital extremes so de has a handicap
Its one of the "if u know u know" things and u told everyone 😂😂😂
To anyone wondering about Valorant/Vanguard: the reason why the Vanguard anti cheat can detect Tarkov cheats is likely because that anti cheat runs in your computer's kernel and turns on alongside with your computer on start up. The kernel is the core of your operating system and basically has unrestricted control over everything which in short means it's harder to bypass Vanguard's detection.
This caused a bit of a controversy since nothing should compromise the security of the kernel and if there happens to be an exploit in the Vanguard anti cheat that someone finds they could get a skeleton key to your computer, so to say.
At no point should we be allowing any game maker to force us to install a ring 0 anti cheat simply because people want to cheat at video games. That is such a huge security vulnerability and ots installed on millions of systems with theoretically unfettered access to the entire memory space.
@@joshua7551 you are jot been force to anything, you are free to not play games with good anti cheating.
Also if you are really concern with security, we both know there are ways to protect your info from the pc that you use to play.
@@onepoh4680 yeah, let me just buy 2 $4000 PCs because I want to keep vanguard off of my drafting PC. That is so incredibly inane
BattlEye also uses a kernel driver. The reason why the vendor is telling people to uninstall it is because just like BattlEye, Vanguard can detect the cheat driver so they don't want to be responsible for you being flagged in Valorant while cheating in Tarkov. You can't stop cheaters.
@@grigorecosmin First, nice name. Knew a lad named Cosmin back in the day. Next, just so you know, Vanguard runs in a much lower ring than BattleEye. Vanguard is a ring0 kernel access and BattleEye is ring2 or ring3, cant quite remember which. The reason this is an issue is that windows can still nuke a ring3 driver but has very little control over a ring0 driver. This means that of Vanguard is ever compromised, your system cant do much to stop the threat without user intervention.
This whole saga is fascinating... I'd never heard of Tarkov until Luke talked about it on the WAN show, but now I'm absolutely hooked and want to know how it's all going to play out!! Love your investigative journalism and integrity throughout this thing, bullies suck 🙌
this battle has been going on for years!!!! as a newbie to tarkov you really have no idea how powerful this series of events is! as a 3 year takov player this is music to my ears!! welcome to the wild and crazy world of escape from tarkov!! you should try it out! will give you a better perspective as to how frustratingly good and bad this game can be!
Best years for my gameplay was 17-18 lol
@@hashy3, thanks, I may well give it a bash, maybe at the start of the next wipe so that I don't get absolutely demolished! 😅
Man does it feel good to see a human being being honest and open about a problem many of us are concernd about. Thank you very much for your time and effort. 👍
G0at out there jiggling for justice
This was a genius idea. I’m really glad you did this cause I’m sick of finding high end quest items and getting rage hacked on.