Filamentous Bacteria 8.5 Billion colony-forming unit/gram Nitrosomonas & Nitrobacter 50 pcs unboxing

  • Опубліковано 23 вер 2024
  • Filamentous bacteria supplements order from glossofactory.... Filamentation is the anomalous growth of certain bacteria, such as Escherichia coli, in which cells continue to elongate but do not divide (no septa formation). The cells that result from elongation without division have multiple chromosomal copies. In the absence of antibiotics or other stressors, filamentation occurs at a low frequency in bacterial populations (4-8% short filaments and 0-5% long filaments in 1- to 8-hour cultures). The increased cell length can protect bacteria from protozoan predation and neutrophil phagocytosis by making ingestion of cells more difficult. Filamentation is also thought to protect bacteria from antibiotics, and is associated with other aspects of bacterial virulence such as biofilm formation. The number and length of filaments within a bacterial population increases when the bacteria are exposed to different physical, chemical & biological agents e.g. UV light, DNA synthesis-inhibiting antibiotics, bacteriophages. This is termed conditional filamentation. Some of the key genes involved in filamentation in E. coli include sulA, minCD and damX. Now the word of the Lord says in the book of revelation according to the apostle John Revelation 22:2 In the midst of the street of it, & on either side of the river, was there the tree of life, which bare twelve manner of fruits, & yielded her fruit every month: & the leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations amen so it is very important to supplement with filamentous bacteria in order to break the curse of death that God put on Adam and live as long as Adam who was 930 years old if any man wants to live to up to 930 years that man should take filamentous bacteria order from i take filamentous bacteria God Almighty made filamentous bacteria to heal the body Nitrosomonas organism oxidizes ammonia into nitrite as a metabolic process & Nitrite to Nitrate. Nitrosomonas and Nitrobacter are useful in bioremediation. They are important in the nitrogen cycle by increasing the availability of nitrogen to plants while limiting carbon dioxide fixation. The genus is found in soil, freshwater, and on building surfaces, especially in areas that contains high levels of nitrogen compounds. Filamentous bacteria are used in waste management to clean the water & breakdown pollutants “Let food be thy medicine, and let medicine be thy food.” Hippocrates 460BC Let supplements be thy medicine & let medicine be thy supplement take filamentous bacteria as a medical supplement so you can live as long as Adam and Eve i love you infinitely with the love of Jesus Christ amen Shot with Galaxy Ao4S edited with Davinci Resolve & Photoshop