Ivan Shao That's what an amateur would think. If you watch his streams like I do you would know it's primordial glyph. It's a meteor ir cabalist's tome into meteor
"You can't play a game you hate, like, 12 hours a day. You can't do that because you'll just hate yourself". Kripp, 2014 Video :"Why I Gave Up On ArcheAge", 12:50
He hasn't been liking the direction of the game since naxx, and it's the same story every time. He get really hyped and excited for a month, and then shits on the game till the next expansion comes. That means the game is stale for him. And he complains PoE bores him at same time. Go figure.
The problem is Vicious fledgling aint so bad if you have an answer for it. If you let it survive for one turn, which in cases like arena can happen more often, it's just going to snowball into an unkillable monster if your opponent's rng is not terrible.
Stickupkids Aggro decks beat quest rogue most of the time but quest rogue almost always beats control. It was the same thing with jade druid where it cuts off an entire type of deck that is fairly balanced otherwise.
You see the issue with one deck zoning off another type of deck so fiercly is that it stagnates the meta. Control doesn't beat aggro 100% of the time, and vice versa Quest rogue loses to aggro 100% of the time, and beats control 100% of the time. It's not about the balance of winrates, it's about the shallow design philosophy of how a card like this is constructed and what it means for the other decks around it. Not every control deck is a greedy deck, if you just can't outpace a quest rogue you lose, through no fault of your own.
Just to reinforce your point, that means that there is absolutely no counter play in either match-up, and that's the problem with cards like that. That's the reason that I stopped playing shadowverse, a far superior game than hearthstone. You play d-shift and if you que up against aggro blood you loose. You win 50% of the time against tempo rune. Every other match up is pretty much auto win.
What makes Primordial Glyph stand out among card generation is that there's no loss of tempo. In fact, it lets you reserve tempo for one really unfair swing turn. Which, given the either controlling or burning nature of Mage, is enough to win the game very often.
Kripp makes a video about Un'goro Un'goro has cards Cards are flat Pancakes are also flat Pancake has pan in it Pan rhymes with man Kripp is a man Coincidence? I didn't think so.
"We have a pirate crab, we have an elemental crab, we have a mage card crab, alright, we need to just chill out with this..." i don't know why but that made me laugh
As I approached the Kripp with my bulging juiced up biceps, I heard a snicker. "Soda is healthier than milk, dude" says the Kripp. With one look at him I can already tell the only thing he lifts is card packs. Just as I'm about to punch him, he top decks Big Game Hunter and I am shot dead. "Who's juiced now?" smirks the Kripp.
Well, against hunter you wanna clear the board of any beasts. If you decide to race a hunter, you run the risk of getting RNG a windfury to face or them trading up with adapt or even hyena
Did you watch the rest of the video? It's: 8. Meteor 7. Topdecked Meteor 6. Meteor in a game where Kripp goes 2nd 5. Meteor in a game where Kripp goes 1st 4. Meteor from Shimmering Tempest 3. Meteor from Cabalist's Tome 2. Meteor from Glyph 1. Meteor from Tome into Glyph with 2 wyrms on board
Fixes to Krip's Bad card list: -8) Meteor: Change the adjacent damage to 2 instead of 3 so it's more on Flamestrike power level. -7) Shimmering Tempest: Add a random Mage spell that costs (3) or less for better predictability. -6) Golaka Crawler: Destroy a Pirate that costs (3) or less so you don't get severely punished for playing high cost Pirates. -5) Envenom Weapon: Can't be played your first three turns, so you can't play it on curve. Or it costs 4 instead. -4) Stonehill Defender: Discover a common or rare Tuant minion cuz I still want duplicate Direhorn Hatchings for N'zoth synnergy :) -3) Crackling Razormaw: Adapt a friendly Beast that costs (2) or more. -2) Vicious Fledgeling: Instead of face, after it attacks a minion and survives, adapt. -1) Primordial Glyph: Discover a Mage spell that costs (3) or less, reduce its cost to (0) for, again, less crazy RNG.
Vicious Fledgeling: After this minion attacks a hero for the first time this turn, Adapt Primordial Glyph: Discover a Spell, reduce its cost by (2) until the end of turn.
1fgchamp The card is bullshit. Too often people discover firelands portal, which is already broken in arena. It shouldn't discover, it should be a random spell.
Yeah meteor's pretty broken, but Freed From Amber is super frustrating just because "Oh, what huge legendary with a million health do I have to play around this time?"
I've recently played an insane game where I was playing Quest Warrior against Priest. His deck was based all around getting cards from the enemy deck, so he went Thoughtsteal into Stonehill Defender into Stonehill Defender into Primordial Drake. 2 times ... Alt + F4 instantly ....
I would have to say the biggest depressing factor when I play hearthstone is not being able to get or struggling so much to get to lower ranks with my own builds. one example of a deck of my own making uses n'zoth and ozruk in a deathrattle/elemental deck. I know it has weaknesses due to its use of lower power death rattles, but over all it's fun to play and more of a control deck. I would love to see you make a deck like the one mentioned Kripparian, and if you would like my deck list I will send via email. let me know.
Roque quest is my nr. 1 fun killer. It works so well it counters any slow/midrange deck I care to try. They're not everywhere I go, but facing just a few is too much.
The sad thing about Primordial Glyph is that even without the discount it's still at auto include quality for most Mage decks, if not all. Whenever I play it I forget about the discount until the new card is in my hand, and it makes me think about what it means for the game that the card still feels so powerful without a discount..
My opinion: 1: Meteor: -stupidly op, compared to other class cards (all classes), but still ok. 2: shimmering tempest: -okay card, not op when compared to babbling book or swashburglar 3: golakka crawler -good and needed as counter if Pirate was still good enough: Don't choose pirates in arena now, when this card exists. 4: envenom weapon -stupidly op, 5 mana double assasinate. Win more by having a bigger health total. Just depending on if your enemy Deals some initial damage to you or not you loose or not. 5: stonehill defender -good taunt card, but stupid in Paladin, when it says discover a Tirion(so op) or other paladin legendaries. 6: crackling razormaw: -better than shielded minibot, can give poisoness to small minions, 3 attack for upgrading Face damage and windfury to Highmane for 6 extra damage, But hunter needed it. 7: viscious fledgling -very good card, but not too big Of a problem, because without an answer you know you lost, that is better than slowly being taken out by cards that randomly give value or cards. I hate playing against rogue, when they play swashburglar and at the end of the game, they get a random mind control, pyroblast, archmage. You can't take that in account. 8: Primordial glyph: -one of the worst card designs I have ever seen in Hearthstone, just INSANE. -thought it was fake when announced. -discovering a card is very good, but the discover-effect is free with primordial glyph, when the card cost 2 or more mana. This means when playing it is a 3in1 class card. And it can be used like an innervate when playing it. -it needs a nerf to be on the powerlevel of other discover cards. It is similar to a light in the darkness(discover a minion+1/+1), but it discovers better cards(only class cards) and the bonus is double of a light in the darkness (-2 mana than +1/+1), should therefore only give -1mana to the discovered card. That would still leave it as a very strong card, but not one that has no downside. [3 mana(too much nerf), 1mana Reduce by 1 mana(too strong)] Thanks for reading!
I kinda like the idea of crabs being a sort of type countering cards, its a funny gimmick. but golakka actually makes pirate warrior better, because it gives a solid 2 drop that you can trade in you patches or first mate for a 3 4 that can be eaten by other golakka crawlers, it counters itself
For some weird reason i'm actually looking forward to more types of crabs that eat stuff. -Crab that eats dragons -crab that eats elementals -Crab that eats mechs -Crab that eats beasts (so even other crabs!!!)
Did an Arena run in a brand new account yesterday and 2 of my losses were to other Mages that both had Glyph, literally one was Glyph into Tome, first Tome created a 2nd and second Tome gave that fucker the Frostbolt lethal he needed, at the end of the day the RNG in this game for sure needs to be addressed by Blizzard, because it's completely out of control.
When Adapt first came out and we had a few cards with the ability to Adapt multiple times, I always thought they'd have something in place to where you couldn't Adapt the same ability. So with the Fledgling, you hit and Adapt Stealth. Well next time you hit, you only have 9 options. Then 8. So on, so forth. Probably still annoying, but a little more managed.
My 2c on ideas to adjust primordial glyph - reveal the chosen card (honestly this could be added to all discover draws without really effecting their use rate. Edit: this probably isn't true for hydrologist) - put the chosen card into your deck, or even on top if thats something they can do mechanically - rather than discovering a specific card you choose between { fire / frost / arcane } and then get a random spell from that theme
completed quest on turn 3 activated on 4 he have 6 5/5 minion on the board on 5 mana but still im trying to draw my brawl yeah there is such balance in quests
how to count your hearthstone arena wins at the moment( this doesnt take player skill into account): 1.pick mage, paladin or rogue 2.throw a dice (d6)and minus 3 from it. 3. count the amount of vicious fledlings in your deck. Add it to the dice roll result -3 4. if rogue, count your vilespine slayers and add the amount of them ^2. if paladin do it with spikeridged steed and if mage primodrial glyph. Lets say I rolled the dice and got 4. 4-3 is one. I have 2 vicious fledlings. 1+2=3. I am rogue and I have 2 vilespine slayers. 2^2 is 4. 3+4 equals 7. I get 7 wins.
Looking at hearthstone I believe that there are 3 types of cards too strong: 1: Ongoing effects. We saw / see it with cards like: knife jugler ship's cannon, ficious fledgling / flamewaker / cavern below and some other cards. All effects that can trigger multiple times while turning into effects that are way beyond their manacost worth. 2: Cards that draw card from the deck while playing them. Prime examples: patches, finja, mad scientist / Mysterious challenger and some others. Those cards have a huge mana worth compared to their cost and win games on their own if they are drawn; or in patches case not drawn early on in the game. Those cards have too much vallue compared to their cost. 3: Weird winning conditions that almost can't be played around. Cards like: ice block / inner fire. Ice block is like: give a mage antoher turn to kill you with all it's spells or reno into another one. Goal of the game is to win. Ice block is just preventing that while having almost 0 countercards... Then we have inner fire: also a card: you play on nothing and then at once your own minion is taken over and turned into a big minion and kills you. Almost no counterplay. Not to mention that those cards are quite strange for the class they are given to: making things big is palladins job (inner fire). Being granted immunity is something that belongs to demons and godlike beings. Or better said: priest / pally or warlock ( ice block).
i been sitting here for a hour, waiting for my friend to send his part of the paper sins we only got a hour left to finish it... do you guys thing he will make it?
VortFX fuck off... Im In a really bad mood... He made it but i dident haw time to read it true before sending it In... and now i see He made a crap ton of calculation errores
Kripp: Unstable portal really fucks up minion power. The cost reduction is too strong. BBrode: say no more fam, it's out next cycle Also BBrode: It's Unstable portal BUT FOR SPELLS!
I once got 2 meteors first 2 cards in my draft. Yeah those epics are happening way more often, primordial glyph is like innervate for mages if they have any turn where they have 2 mana to spend for another turn, they are insane.
Blizzard: Okay, Kripp released another video complaining about the RNG. What shall we do? *next expansion* Ragnaros, Mightlord: 8 mana 8/8, at the end of your turn give a random friendly minion +8/8. Can buff itself. Cracking Sharpmaw: 2 mana 3/2 Beast: Battlecry: Deal 2 damage to two random heroes. Angry Bird: 4 mana 4/5 Beast. When this card attacks an enemy Hero, gain Windfury and Stealth.
Why envenom weapon so bad? I thought it's pretty good balanced, it can kill 2 minions, but you lose so much health if you kill big minions with it. And if Gollakka Crawler so bad for you, maybe you should try to not pick pirates?
Greindes watch the video. The problem is when you have it on turn 3 in arena. You can kill any 3-4 drop, and play your own minions with the board clear. If your opponent doesn't have a good answer he's done.
Sometimes he as to pick pirates. If you've ever seen him draft when a pirate comes up he'll weigh it a lot lower than what it says because he KNOWS the possibility of gollakka weakens it. But that doesn't mean it's correct to pick a shit card over a 4 mana 5-4. Picking that 4-mana 5-4 will be a valuable asset, maybe even game winning in many games where it doesn't get gollakka'd, but there will be a few where it loses him the game. Sometimes there isn't really a choice. When you're 24 cards in and you only have one or two 4 drops and that 4 mana pirate comes up, you HAVE to pick it. And yes, you have to because it will get you a better win rate than not picking it. It's just that there is that uncontrollable, no-skill-involved RNG factor of whether or not the opponent has a gollaka crawler in their hand when you play it. Effectively in the case of Naga Corsair (said 4-mana pirate), Gollaka punishes his correct pick.
The fact that you should not pick an entire class of cards because the opponent may have a 2 drop that results in a massive tempo swing is kind of the problem though. The card was a lazy 'fix' to pirate warriors in constructed that hurt the rest of the game.
I don't think Blizzard will ever revisit the random tag and restrict it reasonably. I'm pretty sure they only have a single guy who's of that mindset. He made Giant Anaconda while the other loonies slapped together Jeweled Macaw and Shimmering Tempest in like a minute.
Clanking Clacker, 3 Mana 1/4 Beast w/ Taunt and Battlecry: Destroy a Mech and gain +2 Attack. Snapdragon Snapper, 5 Mana 1/2 Beast w/ Battlecry: Destroy a Dragon and gain its attack and health. Cannibal Crab: 4 Mana 3/3 Beast w/ Battlecry: Destroy a Beast and gain +2/+2. Shellshocked Scuttler, Shaman: 4 Mana 4/4 Beast w/ Battlecry: Destroy an Elemental and gain +3/+3 and Overload (2) Sacrifical Scallop, Warlock: 2 Mana 2/2 Beast w/ Effect: When you summon a Demon, give it +2/+2 and destroy this minion. Crabs for everyone! Crabs for you! Crabs for me!
I see a really easy solution for the randomness problem: always show the mana cost of generated cards. A shitty player can still be lucky and good players can have at least some form of control of the game.I dont understand why people are not more vocal about this issue...
Glyph should be add a random mage spell to your hand and reduce it's cost by 3. The discover part is what makes it OP. You're just tripling the chances of getting something good. That or just make it cost 1 mana and have no mana reduction. You'd have to make it a common after that though.
Did they nerf the 'Vicious Fledgling' to not get windfury anymore? I got one in an arena deck and on 7 different occasions where it got the chance to adapt, not once was windfury an option.
7:20 then remove Clerics as well since hunters can't play around her if they don't start first. Razormaw is great because it gives Hunter a chance to remove opponent's powerful 1 drops.
Poor Kripp... I understand his frustration, but most of his points here are relevant only for arena. In Standard and Wild Constructed these cards are godsend. Imagine the (continued) pirate infestation we'd all be ranting about without Golakka Crawler! Paladins and Shamans would cease to exist in Un'goro without Stonehill Defender. The same can be said for Hunters without their Crackling Razormaws. Everyone got tired of pirates, jades and renos. I think these new cards making all these new decks and classes viable in Un'goro is a great. Let's be honest, we were all happy to see Paladin and Hunter back again after a long absence. Plus, it's nice to see Shaman come back from the dead with a cool deck that isn't overpowered (nobody wants a repeat of Shamanstone). And all this only for Standard... don't even get me started on how great Un'goro has been for Wild. We're in the most diverse and healthy meta in the entire history of the game right now. But of course, arena players might think otherwise. I do agree with Kripp that mages did not need more overpowered removals though...
decks that make me sad: 1) freeze mage, it isn't like you could not win them but when you lose you feel so dissapointed because you had the lethal 2 turns ago but your opponent is immortal. 2) quest roque. you can win them but it's just pure luck if you had enough face damage before the 1 mana 5/5 charge bullshit 3) pirate warrior. I'm just gonna answer with a question. Have you ever seen them not having the n'zoths first mate at starting hand?
I think that the "get a random card" aspect i Heathstone would be better if the card was revealed to the opponent. I find that would be a really simple solution to the "random" problem.
what saddens me is that cards like lightwell and demolisher will never see play. I remember when I fist started playing hearthstone I had a lightwell/shadowboxer deck and it was really fun. Nowadays a deck like that would just be a meme.
I think the most broken Un'goro card right now is the Rogue quest... Crazy easy to complete and there is no way to counter it once it's done. I don't think there is any kind of tactic that counters it all the time, but tell me if I'm wrong, I'm really curious.
What REALLY enrages me about Crackling Razormaw is not its power, but the fact that hunters ALWAYS have it on turn 2. Its uncanny. 90% of the games, turn 2 or turn 3, there comes Crackling Razormaw. How can they have such lucky opening hands?
Im sad because i crafted the mage and the hunter quests at the start of the exp and those are really unplayable in constructed and now i struggle getting a good and fun deck xd
BTW, the glyph helps to adapt to the game? so if you're a hunter? expect AOEs and play the big lion, and if you see your opponent has low cards in hand, he'd probably pick a draw. Expect him having meteors, sheep, etc if you're a ramp druid. Magical adaption!
Don't play anymore. They said they where goin one way with how they would make the game forward, but doesn't hold true to that. We want interactive minion based play. Then proceeds to make for example the Wizard quest. No interaction, stall and one turn combo opponent. Excactly the opposite of what they said they where going to do. Game is not fun for me anymore, but still enjoys watching you sometimes Kripp. Not so much playing this game, but HOTS is fun to watch, and LOVE me some POE action.
Yep well said. Ever since the first expansion the skill gap to be good at the game has gone down considerably. The super tempo and super random effects make the games a lot less fun then they used to be. Remember when most games were at least 10 turns long and based upon small advantages you gained throughout the game? Cards could be tested for then played around. You also could design decks with cool effects and have expensive cool cards in them and still do well, not literally lose every game in constructed. Now most games are literally a dice roll and the only thing you have to do is be lucky and position around meteor. Yes the new mechanics are cool, but lets reduce the tempo and randomness of the game so the skill cap can be higher. Like even some "control" match ups are remarkably boring like the taunt warrior mirror is just a race to complete the quest first instead of a value off test of wit and patience like it used to be. Others are just determined on your stonehill defender dice roll for paladin or your combo for priest or how many goro packs you can generate. Bring back old hearthstone.
That batman sign on his forehead lol.
A.Z I Cannot unsee
Dude. That's more like a seagull.
when a forehead gets more attention than you during your whole life
Kripp: "The last one's gonna be the one I dislike the most"
Me: Well #1 is meteor for sure
Kripp: "#8 on the list is meteor!"
Me: Well shit
Kilan thought the same XDDD
literally my exact thought and reaction
i was like it's gotta be meteor too lol
and why Shimmering Tempest is at 7 post? Becouse he can add meteor
Ivan Shao That's what an amateur would think. If you watch his streams like I do you would know it's primordial glyph. It's a meteor ir cabalist's tome into meteor
"You can't play a game you hate, like, 12 hours a day. You can't do that because you'll just hate yourself".
Kripp, 2014
Video :"Why I Gave Up On ArcheAge", 12:50
Иван Елин Way too much money comming from Hearthstone, if Kripp quits he loses 80% of his audience (at least on youtube, not sure about twitch).
i don't think he hates the game he said he likes the game but doesnt like the direction it is going (RNG becoming more and more important)
He hasn't been liking the direction of the game since naxx, and it's the same story every time. He get really hyped and excited for a month, and then shits on the game till the next expansion comes. That means the game is stale for him. And he complains PoE bores him at same time. Go figure.
Ilias Lerias blizzard pays him well
@@daveyreetz6493 What a time capsule this comment is, Oct 2022 Kripp averages like 4-5k viewers for battlegrounds, 2-3k variety
Vicious Fledgling isn't so bad once you get used to how quick it can adapt to your ass.
Orgasmrino Kripperino It could use stealth and be useless to you
The problem is Vicious fledgling aint so bad if you have an answer for it. If you let it survive for one turn, which in cases like arena can happen more often, it's just going to snowball into an unkillable monster if your opponent's rng is not terrible.
But I thought it went for the face, not the ass.
xDDD well played skipperino, well played.......
that was fast
thank you sir, i did not even watch 1 second
I didn't want to watch the video anyways
i really hate the warrior quest, taunts are the worst!
but the hunter quest is the best because it synergizes with leper gnome!!!
Leperino Gnomerino Kripperino go back in your graveyard
Leperino Gnomerino Kripperino That was just not funny at all
that is mean, COME GIVE ME A BIG HUG!!!
but this is kripp, i would have to give him like on MILLION hugs per video
The Caverns Below!
oh wait... that's the wrong video ._.
definitely the worst
he needs to change to the cards i hate in ARENA
Stickupkids Aggro decks beat quest rogue most of the time but quest rogue almost always beats control. It was the same thing with jade druid where it cuts off an entire type of deck that is fairly balanced otherwise.
You see the issue with one deck zoning off another type of deck so fiercly is that it stagnates the meta.
Control doesn't beat aggro 100% of the time, and vice versa
Quest rogue loses to aggro 100% of the time, and beats control 100% of the time.
It's not about the balance of winrates, it's about the shallow design philosophy of how a card like this is constructed and what it means for the other decks around it. Not every control deck is a greedy deck, if you just can't outpace a quest rogue you lose, through no fault of your own.
Just to reinforce your point, that means that there is absolutely no counter play in either match-up, and that's the problem with cards like that. That's the reason that I stopped playing shadowverse, a far superior game than hearthstone. You play d-shift and if you que up against aggro blood you loose. You win 50% of the time against tempo rune. Every other match up is pretty much auto win.
magic crawler battlecry: eat all meteors in your opponents hand
*Deep inside Blizzard HQ*
Kripp: "What's next? An elemental crab? a dragon crab?"
BenB: "Burn it all"
What makes Primordial Glyph stand out among card generation is that there's no loss of tempo. In fact, it lets you reserve tempo for one really unfair swing turn. Which, given the either controlling or burning nature of Mage, is enough to win the game very often.
Kripp makes a video about Un'goro
Un'goro has cards
Cards are flat
Pancakes are also flat
Pancake has pan in it
Pan rhymes with man
Kripp is a man
I didn't think so.
Peladophobianerino Kripperino peladophobia is the fear of bald people
sheil grandhi Thanks, saved me a google search.
Man rhymes with pancake. Kripp's name backwards is pprik. Kripp is a prick! And also is a pancake. Lurminatri confirmded
Peladophobianerino Kripperino i
Cards are rectangles
Rectangles contain two triangles
Triangles look like Pyramids
Pyramids are the symbol of the Illuminati
Illuminati Confirmed.
Well, how about a game of Gwent?
Gwenterino Kripperino shill
Gwent has almost no RNG, I LOVE IT!
Gwenterino Kripperino gwent is ResidentSleeper
puga29 Gwent is super exciting for people that prefer tactic and skill over RNG :)
gwent has a tiiiiiiiiny bit of RNG with the discard effect of Skellige, but other than that really it's an amazing game
Luckily, none of the Un'Goro cards are required to make a true Kripperino-deck™
I remember when Kripp said that he loves Arena for the randomness aspect, as the Constructed is boring because you know your opponent's deck by heart.
"We have a pirate crab, we have an elemental crab, we have a mage card crab, alright, we need to just chill out with this..." i don't know why but that made me laugh
As I approached the Kripp with my bulging juiced up biceps, I heard a snicker. "Soda is healthier than milk, dude" says the Kripp. With one look at him I can already tell the only thing he lifts is card packs. Just as I'm about to punch him, he top decks Big Game Hunter and I am shot dead. "Who's juiced now?" smirks the Kripp.
HingleMcCringleBerry leave the perverted role playing to Mike hunt
I'm surprised he didn't mention the rogue destroy a minion card
Why don't make a "The cards I hate the most from the base set"?!?
I certainly know who I'd pick as n° 1
Elderino Longneckerino Kripperino Stonetusk Boar for sure.
Elderino Longneckerino Kripperino Is it the MIGHTY MORTAL COIL or Magma Rager ?
Green_dude_ 27 hint: magma rager is second.
Omg you dweebs, ofc it's Earth Shock
Let me correct the title for you guys [Hearthstone arena] Un'Goro cards I hate the most
For constructed, living mana could be up there. Quest Rogue card
and vilespine slayer... *shudder*
I'd keep the hunter 2 drop in the list, fuck that card.
Well, against hunter you wanna clear the board of any beasts. If you decide to race a hunter, you run the risk of getting RNG a windfury to face or them trading up with adapt or even hyena
And primorial glyph will still be one of those card at the top.
Awesome Kripp video for my B-Day. Ahead of time I'm gonna say meteor.
Meteor was number 8? Im confused
Did you watch the rest of the video? It's:
8. Meteor
7. Topdecked Meteor
6. Meteor in a game where Kripp goes 2nd
5. Meteor in a game where Kripp goes 1st
4. Meteor from Shimmering Tempest
3. Meteor from Cabalist's Tome
2. Meteor from Glyph
1. Meteor from Tome into Glyph with 2 wyrms on board
Bronzeager kripp in a nutshell
Fixes to Krip's Bad card list:
-8) Meteor: Change the adjacent damage to 2 instead of 3 so it's more on Flamestrike power level.
-7) Shimmering Tempest: Add a random Mage spell that costs (3) or less for better predictability.
-6) Golaka Crawler: Destroy a Pirate that costs (3) or less so you don't get severely punished for playing high cost Pirates.
-5) Envenom Weapon: Can't be played your first three turns, so you can't play it on curve. Or it costs 4 instead.
-4) Stonehill Defender: Discover a common or rare Tuant minion cuz I still want duplicate Direhorn Hatchings for N'zoth synnergy :)
-3) Crackling Razormaw: Adapt a friendly Beast that costs (2) or more.
-2) Vicious Fledgeling: Instead of face, after it attacks a minion and survives, adapt.
-1) Primordial Glyph: Discover a Mage spell that costs (3) or less, reduce its cost to (0) for, again, less crazy RNG.
Discover effect is really good. I would be ok keeping the card as it is without discount on the discovered spell
Vicious Fledgeling: After this minion attacks a hero for the first time this turn, Adapt
Primordial Glyph: Discover a Spell, reduce its cost by (2) until the end of turn.
1fgchamp The card is bullshit. Too often people discover firelands portal, which is already broken in arena. It shouldn't discover, it should be a random spell.
These are pretty good. Razormaw nerf would make Hunter unplayable in constructed though.
A worthy Sacrifice, lol.
Yeah meteor's pretty broken, but Freed From Amber is super frustrating just because "Oh, what huge legendary with a million health do I have to play around this time?"
I've recently played an insane game where I was playing Quest Warrior against Priest. His deck was based all around getting cards from the enemy deck, so he went Thoughtsteal into Stonehill Defender into Stonehill Defender into Primordial Drake. 2 times ... Alt + F4 instantly ....
3:45 "let's just make a card that kills pirates and it's crab"
A fix for Fledgling is to rewrite it to "After this minion attacks a hero, adapt at the start of your next turn."
when talking about the crab it sounded like you were about to cry
I would have to say the biggest depressing factor when I play hearthstone is not being able to get or struggling so much to get to lower ranks with my own builds. one example of a deck of my own making uses n'zoth and ozruk in a deathrattle/elemental deck. I know it has weaknesses due to its use of lower power death rattles, but over all it's fun to play and more of a control deck. I would love to see you make a deck like the one mentioned Kripparian, and if you would like my deck list I will send via email. let me know.
Roque quest is my nr. 1 fun killer. It works so well it counters any slow/midrange deck I care to try. They're not everywhere I go, but facing just a few is too much.
Primordial Glyph should be one mana and no discount so it is like "I Know a Guy", "Hallucination", "Journey Below", and "Finder's Keepers".
kripp the way to play around glyph is to concede when you play vs mage no matter what glyph actual text reads discover the exact spell you need to win
The sad thing about Primordial Glyph is that even without the discount it's still at auto include quality for most Mage decks, if not all. Whenever I play it I forget about the discount until the new card is in my hand, and it makes me think about what it means for the game that the card still feels so powerful without a discount..
That crab idea actually sounds amazing
Am I the only one who likes these talkstone videos more than actual Hearthstone videos?
I'm surprised Vilespine slayer didn't make the list. It seems like my enemy always has 1 of those for each Tyrone I discover off Stonehill defender.
My opinion:
1: Meteor:
-stupidly op, compared to other
class cards (all classes), but
still ok.
2: shimmering tempest:
-okay card, not op when compared to babbling book or swashburglar
3: golakka crawler
-good and needed as counter if
Pirate was still good enough:
Don't choose pirates in arena
now, when this card exists.
4: envenom weapon
-stupidly op, 5 mana double
assasinate. Win more by having
a bigger health total. Just
depending on if your enemy
Deals some initial damage to
you or not you loose or not.
5: stonehill defender
-good taunt card, but stupid in
Paladin, when it says discover a
Tirion(so op) or other paladin
6: crackling razormaw:
-better than shielded minibot,
can give poisoness to small
minions, 3 attack for upgrading
Face damage and windfury to
Highmane for 6 extra damage,
But hunter needed it.
7: viscious fledgling
-very good card, but not too big
Of a problem, because without
an answer you know you lost,
that is better than slowly being
taken out by cards that randomly give value or cards.
I hate playing against rogue, when they play swashburglar and at the end of the game, they get a random mind control, pyroblast, archmage. You can't take that in account.
8: Primordial glyph:
-one of the worst card designs I
have ever seen in Hearthstone,
just INSANE.
-thought it was fake when
-discovering a card is very good,
but the discover-effect is free
with primordial glyph, when the
card cost 2 or more mana. This
means when playing it is a 3in1
class card. And it can be used
like an innervate when playing
-it needs a nerf to be on the
powerlevel of other discover
cards. It is similar to a light in
the darkness(discover a
minion+1/+1), but it discovers
better cards(only class cards)
and the bonus is double of a
light in the darkness (-2 mana
than +1/+1), should therefore
only give -1mana to the
discovered card. That would
still leave it as a very strong
card, but not one that has no
[3 mana(too much nerf), 1mana
Reduce by 1 mana(too strong)]
Thanks for reading!
I kinda like the idea of crabs being a sort of type countering cards, its a funny gimmick. but golakka actually makes pirate warrior better, because it gives a solid 2 drop that you can trade in you patches or first mate for a 3 4 that can be eaten by other golakka crawlers, it counters itself
For some weird reason i'm actually looking forward to more types of crabs that eat stuff.
-Crab that eats dragons
-crab that eats elementals
-Crab that eats mechs
-Crab that eats beasts (so even other crabs!!!)
Did an Arena run in a brand new account yesterday and 2 of my losses were to other Mages that both had Glyph, literally one was Glyph into Tome, first Tome created a 2nd and second Tome gave that fucker the Frostbolt lethal he needed, at the end of the day the RNG in this game for sure needs to be addressed by Blizzard, because it's completely out of control.
When Adapt first came out and we had a few cards with the ability to Adapt multiple times, I always thought they'd have something in place to where you couldn't Adapt the same ability. So with the Fledgling, you hit and Adapt Stealth. Well next time you hit, you only have 9 options. Then 8. So on, so forth. Probably still annoying, but a little more managed.
My 2c on ideas to adjust primordial glyph
- reveal the chosen card (honestly this could be added to all discover draws without really effecting their use rate. Edit: this probably isn't true for hydrologist)
- put the chosen card into your deck, or even on top if thats something they can do mechanically
- rather than discovering a specific card you choose between { fire / frost / arcane } and then get a random spell from that theme
Simplier, Discover only shows cards with same cost.
I don't even play hearthstone but Kripp makes me laugh lol. Power to ya
completed quest on turn 3 activated on 4 he have 6 5/5 minion on the board on 5 mana but still im trying to draw my brawl yeah there is such balance in quests
how to count your hearthstone arena wins at the moment( this doesnt take player skill into account):
1.pick mage, paladin or rogue
2.throw a dice (d6)and minus 3 from it.
3. count the amount of vicious fledlings in your deck. Add it to the dice roll result -3
4. if rogue, count your vilespine slayers and add the amount of them ^2. if paladin do it with spikeridged steed and if mage primodrial glyph.
Lets say I rolled the dice and got 4. 4-3 is one. I have 2 vicious fledlings. 1+2=3. I am rogue and I have 2 vilespine slayers. 2^2 is 4. 3+4 equals 7. I get 7 wins.
meteor > primordial glyph
you are only picking glyph to get a chance for a meteor
The way I would change Primordial Glyph is to make text be like "This spell costs (2) less this turn only".
Looking at hearthstone I believe that there are 3 types of cards too strong:
1: Ongoing effects. We saw / see it with cards like: knife jugler ship's cannon, ficious fledgling / flamewaker / cavern below and some other cards. All effects that can trigger multiple times while turning into effects that are way beyond their manacost worth.
2: Cards that draw card from the deck while playing them. Prime examples: patches, finja, mad scientist / Mysterious challenger and some others. Those cards have a huge mana worth compared to their cost and win games on their own if they are drawn; or in patches case not drawn early on in the game. Those cards have too much vallue compared to their cost.
3: Weird winning conditions that almost can't be played around. Cards like: ice block / inner fire. Ice block is like: give a mage antoher turn to kill you with all it's spells or reno into another one. Goal of the game is to win. Ice block is just preventing that while having almost 0 countercards...
Then we have inner fire: also a card: you play on nothing and then at once your own minion is taken over and turned into a big minion and kills you. Almost no counterplay.
Not to mention that those cards are quite strange for the class they are given to: making things big is palladins job (inner fire). Being granted immunity is something that belongs to demons and godlike beings. Or better said: priest / pally or warlock ( ice block).
Possible fix for Vicious Fledgling:
After this minion attacks a hero, gain a random adaptation
What would you opinion be on being able to select 1 card from your deck to have in your opening hand, the rest are random, and there's no mulligan?
Listening to him discuss his experiences with these cards makes me think he has developed some sort of hearthstone related PTSD.
i been sitting here for a hour, waiting for my friend to send his part of the paper sins we only got a hour left to finish it... do you guys thing he will make it?
Lets Pretend i think he will sub to my channel cus it's so good 8)
VortFX fuck off... Im In a really bad mood... He made it but i dident haw time to read it true before sending it In... and now i see He made a crap ton of calculation errores
Lets Pretend shit dude, sry xd. I was just kidding lol.
lmao this discussion is going places
Great. Another 11 minutes of Kripp taking a fun, light card game super seriously.
at 4:30 the real problem is that you're playing druid
Kripp: Unstable portal really fucks up minion power. The cost reduction is too strong.
BBrode: say no more fam, it's out next cycle
Also BBrode: It's Unstable portal BUT FOR SPELLS!
I once got 2 meteors first 2 cards in my draft. Yeah those epics are happening way more often, primordial glyph is like innervate for mages if they have any turn where they have 2 mana to spend for another turn, they are insane.
Blizzard: Okay, Kripp released another video complaining about the RNG. What shall we do?
*next expansion*
Ragnaros, Mightlord: 8 mana 8/8, at the end of your turn give a random friendly minion +8/8. Can buff itself.
Cracking Sharpmaw: 2 mana 3/2 Beast: Battlecry: Deal 2 damage to two random heroes.
Angry Bird: 4 mana 4/5 Beast. When this card attacks an enemy Hero, gain Windfury and Stealth.
agree 100% are there any adjustments due for cards in the upcoming patch?
Why envenom weapon so bad? I thought it's pretty good balanced, it can kill 2 minions, but you lose so much health if you kill big minions with it.
And if Gollakka Crawler so bad for you, maybe you should try to not pick pirates?
Greindes watch the video.
The problem is when you have it on turn 3 in arena. You can kill any 3-4 drop, and play your own minions with the board clear. If your opponent doesn't have a good answer he's done.
Greindes envenom weapon is realy bad because it is printed in same set as vilespine slayer
Sometimes he as to pick pirates. If you've ever seen him draft when a pirate comes up he'll weigh it a lot lower than what it says because he KNOWS the possibility of gollakka weakens it. But that doesn't mean it's correct to pick a shit card over a 4 mana 5-4. Picking that 4-mana 5-4 will be a valuable asset, maybe even game winning in many games where it doesn't get gollakka'd, but there will be a few where it loses him the game. Sometimes there isn't really a choice. When you're 24 cards in and you only have one or two 4 drops and that 4 mana pirate comes up, you HAVE to pick it. And yes, you have to because it will get you a better win rate than not picking it. It's just that there is that uncontrollable, no-skill-involved RNG factor of whether or not the opponent has a gollaka crawler in their hand when you play it. Effectively in the case of Naga Corsair (said 4-mana pirate), Gollaka punishes his correct pick.
2 mana card that has so much tempo swing isn't a good design
The fact that you should not pick an entire class of cards because the opponent may have a 2 drop that results in a massive tempo swing is kind of the problem though. The card was a lazy 'fix' to pirate warriors in constructed that hurt the rest of the game.
kripp i wanna see you make your own expansion set. im genuinely curious.
Now I need to see that Dragon crab. Seriously.
3 out of the 8 are mage cards. Tells a lot about the class in Arena.
I like your idea for stone hill defender seems pretty balanced then even if it's just no legendary taunts. But whatever won't get changed.
It's worth making a video on how OP Stonehill Defender is with Paladin (3 legendary class taunt)
Kripp's favorite card "The salt shaker"
I don't think Blizzard will ever revisit the random tag and restrict it reasonably. I'm pretty sure they only have a single guy who's of that mindset. He made Giant Anaconda while the other loonies slapped together Jeweled Macaw and Shimmering Tempest in like a minute.
Arcane Crawler: Stealth. Destroy all Mage spells in your opponent's hand created by random effects. Gain +2/+2 for each spell destroyed.
Clanking Clacker, 3 Mana 1/4 Beast w/ Taunt and Battlecry: Destroy a Mech and gain +2 Attack.
Snapdragon Snapper, 5 Mana 1/2 Beast w/ Battlecry: Destroy a Dragon and gain its attack and health.
Cannibal Crab: 4 Mana 3/3 Beast w/ Battlecry: Destroy a Beast and gain +2/+2.
Shellshocked Scuttler, Shaman: 4 Mana 4/4 Beast w/ Battlecry: Destroy an Elemental and gain +3/+3 and Overload (2)
Sacrifical Scallop, Warlock: 2 Mana 2/2 Beast w/ Effect: When you summon a Demon, give it +2/+2 and destroy this minion.
Crabs for everyone! Crabs for you! Crabs for me!
A little shocked Meteor was so low. Really shocked Spikeridged Steed wasn't even on the list at all.
Was actually surprised to see stone hill
hello blizzard, i want to report my opponent, he's playing cards
I see a really easy solution for the randomness problem: always show the mana cost of generated cards. A shitty player can still be lucky and good players can have at least some form of control of the game.I dont understand why people are not more vocal about this issue...
Glyph should be add a random mage spell to your hand and reduce it's cost by 3. The discover part is what makes it OP. You're just tripling the chances of getting something good. That or just make it cost 1 mana and have no mana reduction. You'd have to make it a common after that though.
Did they nerf the 'Vicious Fledgling' to not get windfury anymore? I got one in an arena deck and on 7 different occasions where it got the chance to adapt, not once was windfury an option.
I'm surprised at the lack of spikeridged steed.
mage crab text: when your opponent played a meteor, summon this minion and two copies of it and take a hit
im very surprised for not seeing spikeridge steed on this list
it would be cool to see w/l ratio for vicious fledgling played on turn 3 going first
Primordial Glyph is basically a 0 MANA DISCOVER A SPELL but worst because it enables combo.
I had my bets with my friend on kripps most hated card.. I won ! Primordial glyph is just such a game breaker for me..
He almost sounded emotional talking about Golakka Crawler...
7:20 then remove Clerics as well since hunters can't play around her if they don't start first. Razormaw is great because it gives Hunter a chance to remove opponent's powerful 1 drops.
Might be nice if they put the same rarity on the discover as the discovering card has, think you said something similar and liked the idea.
I like meteor because it makes people think about positioning(or get punished for it), but it is sure as hell annoying in arena.
Poor Kripp... I understand his frustration, but most of his points here are relevant only for arena. In Standard and Wild Constructed these cards are godsend. Imagine the (continued) pirate infestation we'd all be ranting about without Golakka Crawler! Paladins and Shamans would cease to exist in Un'goro without Stonehill Defender. The same can be said for Hunters without their Crackling Razormaws. Everyone got tired of pirates, jades and renos. I think these new cards making all these new decks and classes viable in Un'goro is a great. Let's be honest, we were all happy to see Paladin and Hunter back again after a long absence. Plus, it's nice to see Shaman come back from the dead with a cool deck that isn't overpowered (nobody wants a repeat of Shamanstone). And all this only for Standard... don't even get me started on how great Un'goro has been for Wild. We're in the most diverse and healthy meta in the entire history of the game right now. But of course, arena players might think otherwise. I do agree with Kripp that mages did not need more overpowered removals though...
decks that make me sad: 1) freeze mage, it isn't like you could not win them but when you lose you feel so dissapointed because you had the lethal 2 turns ago but your opponent is immortal.
2) quest roque. you can win them but it's just pure luck if you had enough face damage before the 1 mana 5/5 charge bullshit
3) pirate warrior. I'm just gonna answer with a question. Have you ever seen them not having the n'zoths first mate at starting hand?
I think that the "get a random card" aspect i Heathstone would be better if the card was revealed to the opponent. I find that would be a really simple solution to the "random" problem.
what saddens me is that cards like lightwell and demolisher will never see play. I remember when I fist started playing hearthstone I had a lightwell/shadowboxer deck and it was really fun. Nowadays a deck like that would just be a meme.
I think the most broken Un'goro card right now is the Rogue quest... Crazy easy to complete and there is no way to counter it once it's done. I don't think there is any kind of tactic that counters it all the time, but tell me if I'm wrong, I'm really curious.
You can either be really fast against them (hunter, pirates) or be crazy control, priest with many dragonfires
"I'm not gonna give you the full lenght" Kripparian 2017
literally spent yesterday trying to reach rank 19 on ladder jade druid. But I couldn't because of the number of midrange hunters
What REALLY enrages me about Crackling Razormaw is not its power, but the fact that hunters ALWAYS have it on turn 2. Its uncanny. 90% of the games, turn 2 or turn 3, there comes Crackling Razormaw. How can they have such lucky opening hands?
Im sad because i crafted the mage and the hunter quests at the start of the exp and those are really unplayable in constructed and now i struggle getting a good and fun deck xd
BTW, the glyph helps to adapt to the game? so if you're a hunter? expect AOEs and play the big lion, and if you see your opponent has low cards in hand, he'd probably pick a draw. Expect him having meteors, sheep, etc if you're a ramp druid. Magical adaption!
Should stonehill be nerfed from discover to just give a random taunt?
I like how Kripp's most hated card is my favorite one
Someone please make a Kripp compilation of him saying "random mage spell" and "random spell" over and over again.
I'm surprised there's no mention of Spikeridged Steed.
Don't play anymore. They said they where goin one way with how they would make the game forward, but doesn't hold true to that. We want interactive minion based play. Then proceeds to make for example the Wizard quest. No interaction, stall and one turn combo opponent. Excactly the opposite of what they said they where going to do. Game is not fun for me anymore, but still enjoys watching you sometimes Kripp. Not so much playing this game, but HOTS is fun to watch, and LOVE me some POE action.
No Spikeridge Steed? Or Servant of Kalimos aka Servant of Discovering Ragnaros Lightlord
Yep well said. Ever since the first expansion the skill gap to be good at the game has gone down considerably. The super tempo and super random effects make the games a lot less fun then they used to be. Remember when most games were at least 10 turns long and based upon small advantages you gained throughout the game? Cards could be tested for then played around. You also could design decks with cool effects and have expensive cool cards in them and still do well, not literally lose every game in constructed. Now most games are literally a dice roll and the only thing you have to do is be lucky and position around meteor. Yes the new mechanics are cool, but lets reduce the tempo and randomness of the game so the skill cap can be higher. Like even some "control" match ups are remarkably boring like the taunt warrior mirror is just a race to complete the quest first instead of a value off test of wit and patience like it used to be. Others are just determined on your stonehill defender dice roll for paladin or your combo for priest or how many goro packs you can generate. Bring back old hearthstone.
what if PG was 3 mana? or added a random spell instead of discover?